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Case We Googled You

1) What is the problem?

A luxury goods retailer, Hathaway Jones, is facing hard times and is seeking young, new,
and innovative talent to regain the companys prestigious positioning. The CEO, Fred Weston,
believes that they have a well-qualified applicant to resolve their issue, but her past is
questionable to the future of Hathaway Jones. . He is interested in hiring Mimi Brewster for the
new division he is planning to open in China. Mimi Brewster grew up in China, speaks Mandarin
and a local dialect.

Mimis education background includes an MBA from Stanford University and her
experience includes the re-launching of two brands from the largest clothing company in the
United States. While Fred was seriously considering Mimi for the position, the VP of Human
Resources, Virginia Flanders was conducting the usual background check with a twist. Virginia
was also doing an online background on the applicant. This is when she found a few articles in
Google on Mimis past; that on Virginias view, compromised Mimis candidacy for the position
in China.

The key problems in this case are:

1. The legality of using the internet for prescreening candidates as part of the hiring process

2. Mimis lack of professional international and managerial experience (expatriates)

3. Lack of a description of the position in China

4. Internet reputation

5. Lack of policy and procedure in recruitment

6. Lack of an effective communication between the HR and the CEO

7. Inside promotion or Outside new Manager

The assumptions are:

1. Mimi is willing to go for a second interview and explain the pictures

2. Mimi is willing to have a consultation with the CEO of reputation defender

3. Company has a budget for leadership development

4. Partnering with a local marketing agency

In conclusion, the internet has become a very powerful tool in every area of our society. It
is bringing information to people for different purposes and in many different industries.
Sometime, internet is beneficial to us, and sometime internet makes negative impact on us.

2. Who faced the problems?

This problem was faced by the CEO of Hathaway Jones, Fred Weston. Fred need to find
a project manager for his store based in China. However, Virginia Flanders, vice president of
human resource had found some information on Mimi Brewster that should be concern by Fred.
From here, Fred stated to have a problem in hiring Mimi.

3. Gives your solution to the problem.

Based on our opinions, Fred Weston should hire Mimi Brewster but Mimi should not
being hired in the China. Fred might offer Mimi similar or other position permanently inside
Hathaway Jones in their U.S market. Since Mimi has background in modern Chinese history,
able to speak in Mandarin and a local dialect; Fred might ask Mimi to be a liaison between the
U.S.A and China markets. Despite covering the integrity and image of Hathaway Jones in China
from Mimis online story, he is giving Hathaway Jones a quality, talented and creative employer.
Hathaway Jones also can keep the relationships with China market.
Mimi is a talented person who can contribute to Hathaway Jones. Referring to their letter
of recommendations from the former employer, she is been describe as aggressively creative,
original, opinionated, and a risk taker. In additions, she also can understand the Chinese culture
and their fashions trends. Fred might include her in discussion on developing Hathaway Jones
based in China. Mimi also had told Fred on her first meeting that she will use the ancient
Chinese archetype to bring the company brands alive. This helps Hathaway Jones to produce
product based on their consumer interest.

Besides that, Fred should inform Mimi that she needs to clean up her image from the
Chinese people if she is serious about a business career in China. Since the people in China are
also a computer friendly, they might easily Google Mimi like Virginia Flanders did. This can be
an advantage for a person who has negative usage towards Hathaway Jones and itself. Fred
might suggest to Mimi to joining an online discussion forum about China and World Trade
Organization. She can explain to them that when she was younger, she has many political and
social interested. Then, she can repudiate her earlier view by explaining on the Internet that the
world is more complex than she understood it to be when she was 21.

Due to Mimis attitudes during the first interview with Fred; calling Fred as boss before
being hire might not being accepted and considered as rude by other CEO. Here, maybe she has
known Fred as her farther friends and he know her family well. In additions, during the first
meeting, Fred asks Mimi to tell him about her mother. Maybe, those cause Mimi to act such
attitude towards Fred.

In conclusion, Mimi is qualified for the new position in China. However, her past action
displayed her to be disruptive to the companys image. Therefore, Fred may hire Mimi by putting
her in U.S market. Besides covering Hathaway Jones name, he is giving Hathaway Jones a
quality and talented employee. In addition, Fred still needs to find the project manager to put in




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