Kolan Vamshi Kiran Reddy

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Kolan, Vamshi Kiran Reddy.

(484) 876-1435

Over all 6+ Years of professional IT experience in analysis, design, development, testing, and
production support of application software and Expertise in Industrial, Healthcare Domains.
Working Experience in SDLC by using Waterfall, Agile (Scrum) and Iterative development.
In-depth knowledge and experience in Java, J2EE, Servlets, JSP, JMS, JDBC, jQuery, SQL
Server, MVC, Struts, Spring MVC and Hibernate.
Experienced in various Java and J2EE Frameworks such as Spring MVC Framework, Struts,
Hibernate, and JSTL.
Experience working with JavaScript MVC frameworks like React, AngularJS.
Experienced in developing MVC framework based websites using Struts 1.0,2.0, Spring MVC.
Experience in building web applications using Spring Framework features like MVC (Model View
Controller), AOP (Aspect Oriented Programming), AspectJ, IOC (Inversion Of Control), DAO
(Data Access Object) and template classes.
Experience in web services and desktop applications to access and display data needed by
support teams using Ajax, JavaScript, AngularJS, Node.JS, REACT JSCSS and HTML.
Involved in the frontend with Angular JS, JSON and consume a RESTful Web Services, getting
JSON response and parsing them to get the required information
Expertise in Object-relational mapping (ORM) using Hibernate, Ibatis.
Experience in designing and developing Service Oriented Architecture (SOA) using SOAP and
REST Web Services.
Experience in Integrating Spring with in SOAP and RESTWeb Services using Jersey framework.
Familiar with web/application servers like WebSphere, WebLogic, JBoss, and Tomcat Server.
Experience in using ANT, Maven and Gradle for build automation.
Hands on experience with HTML, CSS, JavaScript, AJAX, jQuery, Polymer.
Configured and scheduled jobs for multiple projects on Jenkins.
Hands-on knowledge JUnit, JMETER, J-Web Unit, TestNG, Log4j, Swagger and Selenium
Good knowledge in Design Patterns like MVC, Singleton, Factory, Abstract Factory, Business
Delegate, DAO, Service Locator and Session Facade.
Experienced in developing UML diagrams like Use Case Diagrams and Class diagrams,
Sequence Diagrams and Behavior Diagrams.
Good Knowledge of using IDE Tools like Eclipse, IntelliJ, NetBeans6, MyEclipse 5.5, Rational
Application Developer (RAD) and Oracle JDeveloper for Java/J2EE application development.
Skillful in full life-cycle development using Object Oriented Methodologies/Programming (OOP's).
Experience in using version control and configuration management tools like Subversion,
GitHub, CVS and Clear Case.
Expertise in database modeling, administration and development using SQL and PL/SQL in
Oracle (8i, 9i and 10g) and SQL Server environments.
Ability to develop solutions based on both Relational and NoSQL database systems (Mongo
Strong Analytical, Problem Solving, Debugging and Interpersonal skills with excellent
understanding of system development metrics, techniques and tools. Adaptable to new
technologies in a short span of time and implementing them in real-time projects. Self-motivated
individual and fast paced learner.

Work Experience:

Java Developer
AT&T IT Services
San Mateo, CA August 2016 to Present

Description: The Measurement Operation Support System (MOSS) is an information and reports
repository that supports the tracking, analysis and reporting of Provisioning, Billing, and Remittance
& Credit/Collections measurements. MOSS facilitates the storage, access, and manipulation of large
amounts of complex data. It is a centralized client/server Java/J2EEapplication. The reports are
generated in excel and pdf format for analytical, statistical, and charting functionality.


Designed and integrated the full-scale Struts/Hibernate persistence solution with the application
Implemented object/relational persistence (Hibernate) for the domain model.
Generated statistical and analytical reports using iText, jXls.
Developed and implemented the MVC architectural pattern using Struts Framework including
JSP, Servlets, Multi-threading and Action classes.
Responsible for developing Use case diagrams, Class diagrams and Sequence diagrams for the
modules using UML and Rational Rose.
Effective usage of J2EE design patterns namely Session Facade, Factory Method, DAO and
Singleton to develop various base framework components in the application.
Involved in Units integration, bug fixing, and User acceptance testing with test cases.
Created database triggers, stored procedures and functions using SQL and Transact-SQL.
Developed the presentation layer using JSP, HTML, CSS and client validations using JavaScript.
Responsible as SVN administrator and for deploying web application in the Oracle WebLogic
11g App Server.
For messaging, used Message Driven Beans.
JUnit frameworks were used for performing unit and integration testing by writing test cases.
ANT was used as a build tool. Also worked in an Agile work environment.
Used Log4j for logging errors, messages and performance logs.
Environment: Windows XP, JDK 1.5, Servlets 3.0, JSP 2.2, HTML, JDBC, SQl Server 2008, SQL
Server 2005, Eclipse 3.2, Ant 1.6.5, Agile development process, Weblogic 11g, SVN, JUnit, and

Java Developer
New Century Health
Miramar FL September 2015 - June 2016

Description: Our objective of the work was to implement user interface for Beneficiary Update,
Fund Transfer and Submit Claim component. We have created services for claim processing.
Services were also consumed by internal clients for the customer service.


Design and develop Servlets, Session and Entity Beans to implement business logic and deploy
them on the Tomcat Application Server
Developed many JSP pages, used Java Script for client side validation.
Used Web Sphere Application server for deployment and eclipse 3.0 as Java IDE tool for
creating JSP's, Servlets.
Designed UI screens using JSP, Struts tags and HTML. Used JavaScript for client side
Used Struts Framework in the application which is based on MVC design pattern.
Used EJBs in the application and developed Session beans to house business logic at the
middle tier level.
Implemented action classes, form beans and JSP pages interaction with these components.
Performed action mapping in the struts-config.xml file.
Developed user interface using JSP, Struts Tag Libraries, JSTL to simplify the complexities of the
application and easy integration with Struts actions.
Used Hibernate Persistence Strategy to interact with database.
Actively involved in designing and implementing Session Faade, Service Locator and Data
Transfer Object design patterns.
Used Java Message Service (JMS API) for reliable and asynchronous exchange of important
Designed and developed Message driven beans that consumed the messages from the Java
message queue.
Used Custom Tags to simplify the JSP code.
Used DAO pattern to retrieve the data from database.
Used SAX and DOM XML parsers in the application.
Used Web services for sending and getting data from different applications using SOAP
Worked on Restful web services that process XML and JSON
Used JUnit framework for Unit testing of application.
Environment: core Java 1.5, J2EE, EJB, Struts, Hibernate 2.0, Spring, JSP, Servlets, JMS API,
Restful Web services, XML, JDBC, JavaScript, AJAX, UML, XML HTML, JNDI, CVS, Log4J, JUnit,
Tomcat, Web Logic 8.1, Eclipse 2.1.3, Oracle 9i, Unix, MySQL, SVN Version Control,Log4j.

Java Programmer
Info Tech
Hyderabad, ANDHRA PRADESH, IN July 2013 to June 2015

Description: Info Tech an ISO Certified Organization has been set up by the Regime of Goa to
promote overall magnification of the state's economy through the utilization of Information
Technology. Regime decided to entrust the work of development of infrastructure for IT Industry to
this Corporation.


Involved in understanding of business requirements, design and development of the project

Implemented Struts framework with MVC Architecture
Worked closely with developers to define and configure Application Servers, Web Resources,
JDBC as well as deployment of EJBs across multiple instances of WebSphere.
Involved in the deployment of components to run Java Beans, Servlets, and JSPs to be
deployed on the WebSphere Application Server.
Developed the presentation layer using JSP, HTML and client side validations using
Used different features of Struts like Validation framework and extensively used Struts Tag
Involved in creating and reviewing technical design documents
Parsed the insurance code details from XML document
Used XSLT to convert XML document into HTML Page.
Applied J2EE design patterns like Business Delegate and Singleton
Deployed the application using Web Sphere application server
Involved in coding and code reviews

Environments: J2EE, JDBC 3.0, SQL procedures, Hibernate, Spring, Struts Framework, SOAP,
JSP, JTA, Servlet, Web Service, IBM WebSphere, Oracle 9i, HTML, Java Script, Ajax Eclipse.

Java Programmer
New Zen Info
Hyderabad, ANDHRA PRADESH, IN August 2012 to March 2013
Description: This project involves developing an Order Processing System to automate the
handling of orders received from the customers. The processing system encompasses all the
activities starting from order confirmation to the shipment of ordered products. This project is an
internal project to handle the sales orders.


Analyzed the system, worked with the Business Analyst team for gathering the requirements of
the system.
Designed the Web application implementing the Model View Controller pattern to make it
extensible and flexible.
Implemented the User Login logic using Spring MVC framework encouraging application
architectures based on the Model View Controller design paradigm.
Used spring framework configuration files to manage objects and to achieve dependency
injection, IOC and transaction management.
Was involved in the development of the presentation and middle -tier components that provide
the new security features.
Used JMS API for communication between the components.
Involved in the design and development of the Data Access layer using Spring JDBC classes,
responsible for inserting data in the database.
Developed prototype based JavaScript on providing client side validations and provided an
interactive front end GUI using AJAX.
Developed the SQL map config files and the DAO layer for iBatis implementation.
Worked extensively on Core Java.
Implemented various XML technologies like DTD schemas, DOM parser, XSL style sheets and
Conducted bug reporting and tracking procedures: logging new defects using HP Quality Centre
and JIRA
Involved in the deployment process in development and testing environments
Involved in performance profiling using jProbe.
Used Clear case as version control

Environment: J2EE (Java, JNDI, Core Java Mail, JSP, Web services, Spring JDBC, Servlets and
JSP), JMS, Java Security, Linux, spring, JSTL, UML, HTML/CSS, JBOSS Application Server,
Eclipse, Oracle 10g.

Java Programmer
Nash Info Tech
Hyderabad, ANDHRA PRADESH, IN May 2011 to June 2012

Description: Nash info Tech has been the largest provider of technology staff augmentation &
solutions in the Indian sub-continent. The company with industry focused verticals, it provides
customers with a Comprehensive talent management solution specific to an industry, geography or
business purpose.


Gathered user requirements followed by analysis and design. Evaluated various technologies for
the Client.
Developed HTML and JSP to present Client side GUI.
Involved in development of JavaScript code for Client Side Validations.
Designed the HTML based web pages for displaying the reports.
Developed Java classes and JSP files.
Extensively used XML documents with XSLT and CSS to translate the content into HTML to
present to GUI.
Develop user-defined tags using XML.
Developed Java Mail for automatic emailing and JNDI to interact with the Knowledge Server.
Developed, Tested and Debugged the Java, JSP and EJB components using Eclipse RCP.
Developed Enterprise Java Beans like Entity Beans, Session Beans (both Stateless and State
full Session beans).
Developed JSP as the view, Servlets as Controller and EJB as model in the Struts Framework.
Worked on Web Logic application server to deploy JSP and EJB applications.
Created and implemented PL/SQL stored procedures, triggers.

Environment: Core Java, J2EE, EJB 2.1, JSP 2.0, Servlets 2.4, JNDI 1.2, JavaMail 1.2, JDBC 3.0,
Struts, HTML, XML, CORBA, XSLT, Java Script, Eclipse3.2, Eclipse RCP, Oracle9i, Weblogic8.1,
Windows 2003.

Education: Master in Computer Science, Silicon Valley University 2016 December.

Bachelors in Electrical and Electronics Engineering, JNTUH 2011 April

Additional Information:


Programming Languages: Java, J2EE, C, SQL, PL/SQL, , Shell Scripting.

Frameworks: Spring, Hibernate, Struts.
Operating Systems: Windows , UNIX, LINUX.
Application Server: JBoss, WebLogic , Tomcat, WebSphere.
Web technologies: JSP, Servlets, Java Beans, JavaScript, Angular JS, Web Services (JAX-WS),
Data Modeling: UML Class, Entity-Relationship and Use Case Diagrams.
Databases: Oracle, MySQL, Microsoft SQL Server, Sybase, Postgres.
Java IDE: Eclipse, NetBeans, JBoss Developer Studio
Version Control : SVN, Git
NoSQL: HBase, Cassandra, Elastic Search, Groonga, Constellio,

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