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1. Draw a scheme about Present Simple and Continuous (Affirmative, Negative and Interrogative
forms) and their uses.

2. Complete these sentences. Uses:

Boil close cost cost like like meet open speak teach wash

A) Maria speaks four languages

B) The shops in the city centre usually ___________________ at 9 oclock in the morning.
C) The City Museum _________________ at 5 oclock in the evening.
D) Tina is teacher. She __________________ mathematics to young children.
E) My job is very interesting. I _________________ a lot of people.
F) Peters car is always dirty. He never__________________it.
G) Food is expensive. It_________________ a lot of money.
H) Shoes are expensive. They __________________ a lot of money.
I) Water______________ at 100 degrees Celsius.
J) Julia and I are good friends. I ___________________ her and she _______________ me.

3. Write sentences from these words. Use the right form of the verb.

A- (always/early/Sue/arrive) Sue always arrives early.

B- (to the cinema/never/ I/ go)
C- (work/Martina/ hard/always)
D- (like/ chocolate/ children/ usually)
E- (Julia/ parties/ enjoy/ always)
F- (often/ peoples names/ I/ forget)
G- (television/ Jim/ watch/ never)
H- (usually/ dinner/ we/ have/ at 7.30)
I- (Jenny/ always/ nice clothes/ wear)

4. Put the verb into the correct form, POSITIVE OR NEGATIVE

A. Margaret speaks four languages- English, French, German and Spanish. (speak)
B. I dont like my job. Its very boring. (like)
C. Wheres Martin? Im sorry. I ___________________(know)
D. Sue is very quiet person. She ___________________ very much (talk)
E. Andy_____________________ a lot of tea. Its his favourite drink (drink)
F. Its not true! I ________________________ it! (believe)
G. Thats a very beautiful picture. I ____________________ it very much (like)
H. Mark is a vegetarian. He _______________ meat. (eat)
Excuse me, do you speak (you/speak) English?
Wheres Tom? Hes having (he/have) a shower.
I dont watch (I/not/ watch) television very often.
Listen! Somebody___________________ (sing)
Sandra is tired. ________________________(she/want) to go home now.
How often ___________________ (you/read) a newspaper?
Excuse me, but ________________ (you/sit) in my place. Oh, Im sorry
Im sorry, _____________________( I/ not/ understand). Can you speak more slowly, please?
Its late. _______________________ (I/go) home now. ___________________ (you/come) with me?
What time ______________________ (your father/ finish) work every day?
You can turn off the radio. __________________________ (I/not/ listen) to it.
Wheres Paul? In the kitchen. ___________________ (he/ cook) something.
Martin ___________________________ (not/usually/drive) to work. He
Sue__________________________(not/like) coffee. ______________________(she/prefer) tea.

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