Evidence Personal Success

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Evidence: Personal success

What have you studied? / Qu ha estudiado?

I have studied English and technology in systems.

What are you studying now? / Qu est estudiando?

I am studying English and Analysis and Development

of Information Systems.
What have been your motivations to study? / Cules han sido sus
motivaciones para estudiar?
My greatest motivation to study has been a promise I made to my son
Jhoan before he died.

Do you plan to study anything else? Why or why not? /

Planea estudiar algo ms? Por qu? O Por qu no?
Yes, I plan to study another career, and it's Systems Engineering,
because I like technology.

What do you want to do professionally speaking in the next three

years? / Qu quiere hacer profesionalmente hablando en los
prximos tres aos?

I want in the next 3 years to set up my own company.

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