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Rewrite the passage and change the verbs into past tense.

Last weekend, the residents of Taman Seri Wijaya hold a gotong royong at the
park nearby. All of them gather there early in the morning. They bring all the tools
and wear the suitable outfit. Encik Borhan, as the headman give a short briefing to
them. The gotong royong that been hold is the conjunction with the cleanliness
campaign to destroy the mosquito breeding area.

All the people work cooperatively. They sweep the ground and clean the clog
drain around the park. They bring out all the debris that float in the pond. After that,
they plant some flower plants to beautify the park. All the rubbish is gather into the
plastic bags.

Soon, the garbage truck arrive. They throw all the plastic bags into the truck.
All of them are satisfy with their work. They rest under the shady tree and enjoy the
some refreshment that been prepare by the wives earlier.

It was the March school holidays. Firdaus slept in and only woke up when his
mother called him down for breakfast. Firdaus enjoyed his favourite breakfast, nasi

At 11.30 a.m., he left for the train station with his elder brother. They were
going to meet Uncle Kamal who were visiting from Terengganu. Firdaus was excited
as his cousins, Liza and Lokman, were coming too.

When they reached home, everyone settled down and had tea. After that,
Firdaus took them shopping at Sunway Pyramid. They ended the day with dinner at
Kerry Roberts, which was his cousins favourite restaurant.

Mr James and his family were on their way back from a weekend gateway at
Cameron Highlands. When they reached home, they were shock to find their gate was
open and their house in a mess.

Mr James immediately called the police. They arrived within fifteen minutes
and searched the house but could not find anybody. They declared the house safe and
allowed Mr James and his family to enter the house.

Mr James and his wife looked around their living room. They listed down the
missing items from the living room and gave the list to the police officers.
Rewrite the passage and change the verbs into past tense.

It is the March school holidays. Firdaus sleep in and only wake up when his
mother call him down for breakfast. Firdaus enjoy his favourite breakfast, nasi lemak.

At 11.30 a.m., he leave for the train station with his elder brother. They are
going to met Uncle Kamal who are visiting from Terengganu. Firdaus is excited as
his cousins, Liza and Lokman, are coming too.

When they reach home, everyone settle down and has tea. After that, Firdaus
take them shopping at Sunway Pyramid. They end the day with dinner at Kerry
Roberts, which is his cousins favourite restaurant.

Rewrite the passage and change the verbs into past tense.

Mr James and his family are on their way back from a weekend gateway at
Cameron Highlands. When they reach home, they are shock to find their gate is open
and their house in a mess.

Mr James immediately call the police. They arrive within fifteen minutes and
searched the house but could not find anybody. They declare the house safe and allow
Mr James and his family to entered the house.

Mr James and his wife look around their living room. They list down the
missing items from the living room and give the list to the police officers.

Rewrite the passage and change the verbs into past tense.

Aisyah is bright-eyed. Today she will start her monthly examinations. Though
she fell slightly nervous, she know she has study hard. So she fell confident that she
is well prepare.

At school, she patiently wait for her Mathematics test paper. The whole class
is quiet. Then the teacher instruct them to began writing.

Aisyah read each question carefully. She is happy because she has revise her
lessons. She write down the correct answers.

Aisyah check her answers again before the teacher collect the test papers.
Aisyah look forward to getting her results. She is sure she has do well.

Aisyah was bright-eyed. Today she would start her monthly examinations. Though
she felt slightly nervous, she knew she had studied hard. So she felt confident that she
was well prepared.

At school, she patiently waited for her Mathematics test paper. The whole
class was quiet. Then the teacher instructed them to begin writing.

Aisyah read each question carefully. She was happy because she had revised
her lessons. She wrote down the correct answers.

Aisyah checked her answers again before the teacher collected the test papers.
Aisyah looked forward to getting her results. She was sure she had done well.

Jenny and Sue were walking home last Monday when they saw two boys throwing
stones into a drain. The girls walked over to the drain to take a look.

Jenny and Sue were shocked to see a puppy whimpering in pain in the drain.
They were so angry that they scolded the boys. The boys ran away. The girls took pity
on the puppy and took it home.

They cleaned up the puppy and gave it some food and water. Jenny and Sue
asked their mother if they could keep the puppy and their mother agreed. The girls
were happy.

Kumar, Daniel and Shah decided to go camping. They packed their knapsacks with
camping gear. They each took along a torch, a compass, a sleeping bag, food and

The three boys hiked up Kenny Hills. It was slow and tiring as they had to
climb uphill with their heavy knapsacks. When they reached the campsite, they
pitched their tent.

They collected water from a nearby stream and boiled it in a container. They
used twigs as firewood. Then they heated up a can of baked beans and ate it with
some bread. It was an absolutely delicious meal.
Rewrite the passage and change the verbs into past tense.

Jenny and Sue are walking home last Monday when they see two boys
throwing stones into a drain. The girls walk over to the drain to took a look.

Jenny and Sue are shock to saw a puppy whimpering in pain in the drain.
They are so angry that they scold the boys. The boys run away. The girls take pity on
the puppy and take it home.

They clean up the puppy and give it some food and water. Jenny and Sue ask
their mother if they can keep the puppy and their mother agreed. The girls are happy.

Rewrite the passage and change the verbs into past tense.

Kumar, Daniel and Shah decide to went camping. They pack their knapsacks
with camping gear. They each take along a torch, a compass, a sleeping bag, food and

The three boys hike up Kenny Hills. It is slow and tiring as they has to climb
uphill with their heavy knapsacks. When they reach the campsite, they pitch their

They collect water from a nearby stream and boil it in a container. They use
twigs as firewood. Then they heat up a can of bake beans and eat it with some bread.
It is an absolutely delicious meal.

Rewrite the passage and change the verbs into past tense.

John and Jeeva wait patiently for their English results. Their English teacher,
Mr Tan, hand the boys their test papers. Jeeva has pass, but John has fail.

Jeeva notice that John is very sad. He offer to helped John to improved his
English. John accept Jeevas offer. Every day, Jeeva teach John in the library. He
even tutor him during recess.

Then it is time for the final examinations. John is worry, but he find out he
has pass his English paper. He thank Jeeva happily. Mr Tan tell Jeeva he is proud of
him for his selfless act in helping his friend.

John and Jeeva waited patiently for their English results. Their English teacher, Mr
Tan, handed the boys their test papers. Jeeva had passed, but John had failed.

Jeeva noticed that John was very sad. He offered to help John to improve his
English. John accepted Jeevas offer. Every day, Jeeva taught John in the library. He
even tutored him uring recess.

Then it was time for the final examinations. John was worried, but he found
out he had passed his English paper. He thanked Jeeva happily. Mr Tan told Jeeva he
was proud of him for his selfless act in helping his friend.

Sitis favourite subject in school is Kajian Tempatan. Her teacher, Puan Diane,
is very good at teaching the students life application skills. Last Monday, Siti learnt
how to cook fried rice and boil asparagus.

That afternoon, Sitis mother called to say that she would be home late from
work. She asked Siti to buy some lunch for her siblings and herself.

Siti remembered what Puan Diane taught her. She looked for all the
ingredients she needed in the fridge and cooked fried rice for lunch. When her mother
came home, she told Siti she was very proud of her.

One day, on the way to school, Aamar suddenly felt a sharp pain in her stomach. Her
mother, Mrs Jagdesh, immediately took her to the clinic.

At the clinic, Dr Jian examined Aamar. He found that Aamar had eaten some
food which had given her food poisoning. He then prescribed some medication for her
stomach pain. Mrs jagdesh and aamar thanked the doctor and Mrs Jagdesh paid for
the medicine and consultation fees.

On their way home, Mrs Jagdesh stopped at the market to buy some coconut
water and porridge for Aamar. Aamar was very grateful to her mother for being there
for her.
Rewrite the passage and change the verbs into past tense.

Sitis favourite subject in school was Kajian Tempatan. Her teacher, Puan
Diane, was very good at teaching the students life application skills. Last Monday,
Siti learn how to cooked fried rice and boil asparagus.

That afternoon, Sitis mother call to said that she will be home late from work.
She ask Siti to bought some lunch for her siblings and herself.

Siti remember what Puan Diane teach her. She look for all the ingredients
she need in the fridge and cook fried rice for lunch. When her mother come home,
she tell Siti she was very proud of her.

Rewrite the passage and change the verbs into past tense.

One day, on the way to school, Aamar suddenly fell a sharp pain in her
stomach. Her mother, Mrs Jagdesh, immediately take her to the clinic.

At the clinic, Dr Jian examine Aamar. He find that Aamar has eat some food
which has give her food poisoning. He then prescribe some medication for her
stomach pain. Mrs Jagdesh and Aamar thank the doctor and Mrs Jagdesh pay for the
medicine and consultation fees.

On their way home, Mrs Jagdesh stop at the market to bought some coconut
water and porridge for Aamar. Aamar is very grateful to her mother for being there for


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