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Razon, Vjan Christia M CONCEPT PAPER Eng 10-WFU2

Either We Blame Ourselves Or We Do Something About It.

Despite the fact that the country is one of the richest in natural resources, the Philippines

is still a developing country with poor and unsatisfied citizens. If youre going to ask the citizens

on Why is the Philippines poor? Majority would blame it all to the corrupt government which

really is a big contributory factor. But in this paper, I would be stressing out one of the

fundamental factors that shape up the Philippines status, the family. How do families in the

Philippines contribute to what we are now?

Philippines is one of the most populous countries in the world making up _______

families. Technically defined, a family is a small biologically related social group whose

members are the father, the mother, and the children. Family is the smallest unit in the Philippine

society and it serves as the basic foundation in molding the Filipino individuals. In the Philippine

culture, Filipinos family orientation is quite different. Families here are naturally sweet, caring,

tight and firm. _______ What I am about to discuss are the overlooked family values that at least

one in every family has which affect/s the individuals growth and morals as a factor in the

nations progress.

First of these Filipino values is the authoritarianism. Within a family, the parents are

perceived as always right. Their words are laws which the children have to obey and follow.

When the sons/daughters disobey or take a different path from the parents , they are considered

a shame to the family.

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