Oil Production From Sardine Sardinops Sagax Caerulea Producci N de Aceite A Partir de Sardina Sardinops Sagax Caerulea

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CyTA - Journal of Food

ISSN: 1947-6337 (Print) 1947-6345 (Online) Journal homepage: http://www.tandfonline.com/loi/tcyt20

Oil production from sardine (Sardinops sagax

caerulea) Produccin de aceite a partir de sardina
(Sardinops sagax caerulea

J. A. Noriega-Rodrguez , J. Ortega-Garca , O. Angulo-Guerrero , H. S. Garca ,

L. A. Medina-Jurez & N. Gmez-Meza

To cite this article: J. A. Noriega-Rodrguez , J. Ortega-Garca , O. Angulo-Guerrero , H. S.

Garca , L. A. Medina-Jurez & N. Gmez-Meza (2009) Oil production from sardine (Sardinops
sagax caerulea) Produccin de aceite a partir de sardina (Sardinops sagax caerulea , CyTA -
Journal of Food, 7:3, 173-179, DOI: 10.1080/19476330903010243

To link to this article: http://dx.doi.org/10.1080/19476330903010243

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CyTA Journal of Food
Vol. 7, No. 3, November 2009, 173179

Oil production from sardine (Sardinops sagax caerulea)

Produccion de aceite a partir de sardina (Sardinops sagax caerulea)
J.A. Noriega-Rodrgueza,b*, J. Ortega-Garcaa,b, O. Angulo-Guerrerob, H.S. Garcab, L.A. Medina-Juarezc and
N. Gamez-Mezac
Departamento de Ciencias Qumico Biologicas y Agropecuarias, Universidad de Sonora Unidad Regional Norte, H. Caborca,
Sonora, Mexico; bUnidad de Investigacion y Desarrollo de Alimentos, Instituto Tecnologico de Veracruz, Veracruz Ver, Mexico;
Departamento de Investigaciones Cientcas y Tecnologicas, Universidad de Sonora, Hermosillo, Sonora, Mexico
(Received 15 October 2008; nal version received 20 March 2009)

Sardine (Sardinops sagax caerulea) oil was rened and the fatty acid composition as well as the physical and the
chemical quality variables were monitored. The rening of crude sardine oil was carried out in three stages: alkali-
rening, clay-bleaching, and steam-deodorizing. Results show that the rening process signicantly improved
(p 5 0.05) the chemical quality of the oil, by decreasing its peroxide value (from 10.05 to 0.81 meq/kg), p-anisidine
value (from 3.67 to 1.63 mmol/kg), and free fatty acids content (from 0.21 to 0.052% as oleic acid). The oxidative
stability increased from 10.39 to 17.55 h (using Rancimat at 608C, and 7 L/h air ow). These values are within the
acceptable standards for edible sh oils. No signicant dierences (p 5 0.05) were observed in fatty acids
composition. The notable improvement in the physical properties of rened sardine oil produced high quality sh oil
in terms of color (golden yellow) and odor (odorless).
Keywords: fatty acid composition; sh oil processing; marine oil; n-3 PUFA; sardine

En este trabajo, el aceite de sardina (Sardinops sagax caerulea) fue renado y la composicion de acidos grasos, as
como las variables de calidad fsica y qumica fueron monitoreadas. La renacion del aceite crudo se llevo a cabo en
tres etapas: Neutralizacion con alcali, blanqueado con tierras y desodorizacion con vapor. Los resultados mostraron
que el proceso de renacion mejoro signicativamente (p 5 0,05) la calidad qumica del aceite, por la disminucion de
su valor de peroxido (de 10,05 a 0,81 meq/kg), valor de p-anisidina (de 3,67 a 1,63 mmol/kg) y el contenido de acidos
grasos libres (de 0,21 a 0,052% como acido oleico). La estabilidad oxidativa aumento de 10,39 a 17,55 h (utilizando
Rancimat a 60 8C, y 7 L/h ujo de aire). Estos valores estan dentro de las normas aceptables para los aceites
comestibles de pescado en terminos de color (amarillo dorado) y olor (inodoro).
Palabras clave: aceite marino; aceite de pescado renado; composicion de acidos grasos; n-3 PUFA; sardina

Introduction Inbaraj, & Chen, 2007; Shahidi, 2005). Ingestion of

The well-documented benecial eects of n-3 poly- these isomers causes damages on microsomal mem-
unsaturated fatty acids (PUFA) on the prevention of branes, inhibits the action of desaturases of essential
coronary, neuromuscular, immunological, allergic dis- fatty acids, contributes to increase low-density lipo-
eases, and cancer (Bougnoux, 1999; Cleland, Caughey, proteins levels, and decreases the high-density lipopro-
James, & Proudman, 2006; Hals, Bjerve, Nilsen, tein levels, leading to an enhanced risk of coronary
Svalastog, & Ek, 2000; Li, Bode, Drummond, & heart disease (Costa, Bressan, & Sabarense, 2006;
Sinclair, 2003; Mantzioris, Cleland, & Gibson, 2000) Dickson et al., 1995; Lemaitre, King, Mozaarian,
have promoted the fast growing nutraceutical and Sootodehnia, & Siscovick, 2006; Morgado, Sanhueza,
pharmaceutical markets which require high-quality sh Nieto, & Valenzuela, 2003). Consequently, direct
oils (Young, 2003). Commonly, sh oils are destined consumption of marine oils after a proper rening, or
for the manufacture of low-cost margarines after a through fortied foods like meats, mayonnaises,
chemical hydrogenation process. However, during dressings and canned products is preferred (Bimbo,
hydrogenation the sh oil loses its polyunsaturation, 1997; Kolanowski & Laufenberg, 2006).
and produces a variety of geometric and positional Sardine (Sardinops sagax Caerulea) is the main
isomers (Leth, Bysted, Hansen, & Ovesen, 2003; Liu, specie captured in the Gulf of California in Mexico,

*Corresponding author. Email: janoriega@guayacan.uson.mx

ISSN 1947-6337 print/ISSN 1947-6345 online

2009 Taylor & Francis
DOI: 10.1080/19476330903010243
174 J.A. Noriega-Rodrguez et al.

totaling 576,443 tons/year, which represents 37% of located in Yavaros Sonora, Mexico. The crude
the world sardine shery. About 70% of this sardine is sardine oil was transported to the laboratory in 4 L
processed by plants producing sh meal, which has amber glass sealed containers at 08C, and stored
commercial importance as raw material in animal feed until analyzed and processed at 7308C in custom-
that produce 10,000 tons/year sh oil as by-product made portions ushed with nitrogen. All reagents
with little or no commercial value (CONAPESCA, (analytical grade) and the solvents (chromatographic
2007, http://www.conapesca.sagarpa.gob.mx/wb/cona/ grade) were purchased from Sigma-Aldrich (St.
cona_anuario_estadistico_de_pesca). Louis, MO).
According to Gamez-Meza et al. (1999), the most
abundant fatty acids in crude sardine oil, caught o in
the Gulf of California are: palmitic (19%), palmitoleic Sardine oil rening
(8.5%), stearic (6%), oleic (14%), eicosapentaenoic Rening of crude sardine oil was carried out in three
acid (EPA, 20%), and docosahexaenoic acid (DHA, stages: alkali-rening, clay-bleaching, and steam-
13%). Therefore, sardine oil can be considered an deodorizing. These stages were conducted at labora-
important source of n-3 PUFA, because EPA and DHA tory scale in glass equipment following procedures
together represent one third of the total fatty acids and recommended by Bimbo (1998). The oil yield on
90% of total polyunsaturated fatty acids (PUFA). each stage was determined by weight during the
The chemical and physical properties of edible oils rening process. In the alkali-rening stage, 1 kg of
depend primarily on the composition of the raw crude oil and 16 g of a 4.2 M NaOH solution were
materials and processing temperatures. Normally, mixed at room temperature with continuous stirring
sardine processing is carried out by heating the sh in (300 rpm) for 15 min. Subsequently, the system was
large, continuous cookers at 951008C for 1530 min heated to 658C to break the emulsion and facilitate
(Bimbo, 2007). The crude oil obtained by traditional soap removal by ltration. Bleaching was carried out
heat processing tends to be dark in color and contains a at 908C using partial vacuum (15 mbar) and 3.0% of
large amount of impurities. Therefore, rening steps acid-activated diatomaceous earths (Tonsil optimum
including neutralization, bleaching, and deodorization 320 FF, Sud Chemie de Mexico). The spent earths
are necessary. However, the high temperatures and were separated by ltration after of 30 min of
chemical treatments utilized during these steps may agitation. Deodorizing was performed at 1408C for
cause isomerization of polyunsaturated fatty acids 5 h under a pressure of 1.5 mbar in a laboratory
(PUFAs) such as EPA and DHA, producing trans distillation unit that consisted of a 2000 mL round
isomers with a concomitant decrease in its nutritional bottom boiling ask with three outlets. A continuous
value (Berdeaux et al., 2007). It is generally recognized stream of water steam (5% w/w oil) was directly
that high temperatures inuence sh oil deterioration injected to the oil and the volatile compounds were
and can accelerate lipid oxidation. When sh oils condensed using double cold trap (748C). During
oxidize, they produce unstable intermediary com- cooling of the oil, 0.2 g of ter-butylhydroxyquinone
pounds, such as free radicals and hydroperoxides, (TBHQ) and 0.1 g of an aqueous citric acid solution
which are susceptible to further decomposition into (150 g/L) were added to 1 kg of oil as antioxidant
products such as aldehydes and ketones (Moriya et al., agents. A sample with no-antioxidant added was
2007). These decomposition products adversely aect previously withdrawn to evaluate its oxidative
avor, taste, nutritional value, and the overall quality stability.
of sh oils (Bimbo, 2007). The aims of oil processing are
to maximize yield while maintaining high quality and to
produce highly stable oils by eliminating undesirable Sardine oil quality
compounds. The high levels of PUFAs in sardine oil are The physical and chemical quality of the crude sardine
subjected to rapid and extensive oxidation by exposure oil during the dierent stages of the rening process
to high temperature, air, or light (Sang & Jin, 2004). was evaluated according to the ocial analytical
Consequently, it is necessary to control and monitor methods (AOCS, 1998).
this process in order to avoid these collateral eects.
For this reason, in this work crude sardine (S. sagax) oil
was rened and the physical, chemical quality, and the Physical quality
fatty acid composition during the alkali-rening, The crude sardine oil physical quality was monitored
bleaching, and deodorization stages were monitored. through the rening process by measuring its density,
refractive index, and color. The refractive index and
the color were measured using the Abbe refractometer
Materials and methods
and the Lovibond1 tintometer, respectively (Cc 725
Crude sardine oil and reagents and Cc 13e-92; AOCS, 1998). Specic gravity was
Fresh crude oil obtained from sardine was provided by determined at 258C using a picnometer, according to
Productos Pesqueros Industrializados S.A. de C.V., technique Cc 10a-25 (AOCS, 1998).
CyTA Journal of Food 175

Chemical quality corresponding standards (Sigma Chemical, St. Louis,

The crude sardine oil chemical quality was monitored MO). Quantication was done using C17:0 (Sigma
through the rening process by measuring free fatty Chemical, St. Louis, MO) as an internal standard.
acids (FFA), peroxide value (PV), p-anisidine value Menhaden sh oil was used as reference oil (Mossoba,
(AV), oxidative stability index (OSI), conjugated Kramer, Delmonte, Yurawecz, & Rader, 2003).
dienes (CD), soap, saponication index (SI), moisture
and volatile compounds, phosphorus, and trace metals.
FFA was calculated as percent of oleic acid by titration Statistical analysis
with a 0.01 M NaOH solution (AOCS, Ca 5a-40). The All analyses were run in triplicate, and the results were
PV was calculated as miliequivalents of peroxide/kg of presented as mean and standard deviation. Statistical
oil (AOCS, Cd 8-53). The AV was determined comparisons were made between treatments by analy-
spectrophotometrically and expressed in mmol of 2- sis of variance (ANOVA) and Tukeys test using
alquenal/kg of oil (AOCS, Cd 18-90). CD, were JMPin v. 4.0.1 software (SAS Institute). The results
measured by absorption spectrophotometry (AOCS, were presented in terms of p values (p 5 0.05).
Cd 7-58). The presence of soap was determined as ppm
of sodium oleate by titration with a 0.01 M HCl
solution (Cc 17-79). The SI was determined by titration Results and discussion
with a 0.8 M KOH alcoholic solution (AOCS, Cd 3b- The crude sardine oil met the specications of chemical
76). Moisture and volatile compounds were determined quality of edible sh oils (Ackman, 2005; Bimbo,
using vacuum stove (AOCS, Ca 2d-25). The evaluation 1998). The crude sardine oil had a dark and opaque red
of the OSI (AOCS, Cd 12b-92) was carried out in a color with the typical aroma of sh oils. The global
Rancimat equipment model 679 (Methrom, Herisau, yield of the rening process was 84.4%, and the alkali-
Switzerland) at 608C, with an air ow of 7 L/h rening stage was the step that produced the highest
(Mendez, Sanhuez, Speisky, & Valenzuela, 1996). oil losses (12.4%), as a great amount of fatty and
Phosphorus and trace metals (copper, iron, calcium, non-fatty components of the crude oil were removed
and magnesium) were determined diluting the oil by ltration. Furthermore, part of the oil is lost
samples in querosene and analyzed by optical emission during the elimination of emulsion formed with the
spectroscopy inductively coupled to plasma (ICP-OES, soap produced in this stage. This loss is typical in
Optima 3100 XL), with detection levels smaller than laboratory process, but it can be reduced at industrial
0.01 mg/L (Dijkstra & Meert, 1982). scale.

Fatty acid composition Crude sardine oil physical quality during the rening
Fatty acids of the sardine oil were converted into fatty The sardine oil density and refractive index were
acid methyl esters (FAME) according to AOCS method practically constants through the rening stages
(Ce 2-66; AOCS, 1998), and their composition was (Table 1). However, the physical aspect of the sardine
determined by GC/FID (Ce 1f-96; AOCS, 1998) in a oil was improved by a signicant reduction of the red
Varian 3400 gas chromatograph. A 100 m 6 0.25 mm coloration (p 5 0.05), mainly after the bleaching stage.
i.d. fused silica capillary column coated with a 0.25 mm The nal rened sardine oil showed a brilliant and trans-
thick lm SP 2560 (Supelco-Sigma, Mexico) was used. parent light yellow color (20A84.1R). This coloration is
Oven temperature was set at 1808C. Injector and within the standards for deodorized sh oils (Young,
detector temperatures were held at 2508C and nitrogen 1985). The color of oils is a determining factor in
was used as a carrier gas (20 cm/s). FAME peaks were quality because dark-colored oils require high-cost
identied by comparison with the retention time of the processing to achieve an acceptable light-colored product.

Table 1. Evaluation of the physical quality of crude sardine oil during the rening stages.
Tabla 1. Evaluacion de la calidad fsica de aceite crudo de sardina durante las etapas de la renacion.

Analysis Crude Neutralized Bleached Deodorized

Density, g/mL 0.920+0.001a 0.919+0.002a 0.9200+0.000a 0.9170+0.000a
Refractive index 1.4767+0.002a 1.4769+0.001a 1.4770+0.002a 1.4769+0.001a
Color* 9.8500+0.070a 9.5500+0.49b 3.7500+0.353c 4.1500+0.212c

Values (w/w %) are mean+standard deviation of triplicates. Values in each row with dierent superscript (ac) indicate signicant dierences
(p 5 0.05).
*Red Lovibond1 units measured with the 5.25 cm cell.
Los valores (w/w %) son la media+desviacion estandar de triplicados. Los valores en cada la con diferente superndice (ac) indican una
diferencia signicativa (p 5 0,05).
*Unidades Lovibond1 de rojo, medidas con celda de 5,25 cm.
176 J.A. Noriega-Rodrguez et al.

analysis of volatile compounds (p-anisidine method)

Crude sardine oil chemical quality during the rening produced by the oxidation of FFA to aldehydes and
The rening process removed the 75.3% of the FFA of ketones in addition to the OSI determination (De
the crude sardine oil. The most eective stage to remove Greyt & Kellens, 2005). Therefore, in this work, the
the FFA was the alkali-rening, where the initial signicant (p 5 0.05) reduction of AV (from 3.67 to
content of 0.21% was reduced to 0.08% (Table 2). In 1.63 mmol/kg), and increased OSI (from 10.39 to
contrast, the bleaching stage increased to 0.12% the 17.65 h) in the oil (Table 2), conrm that the rening
FFA content. This eect was probably because of process was suitable to prepare a stable oil. When
partial-hydrolysis of triacylglycerides caused by the TBHQ was added to the oil (0.02% w/w) as
diatomaceous earths activated with acid that were used antioxidant, stability of the oil was greater than 72 h
at relatively high temperature of 908C (Jung, Yoon, & (data non-reported). This means that it is possible to
Min, 1989). The FFA value can be used as indicator of produce highly polyunsaturated rened oils, as sardine,
the eciency of the deodorization process, as the with good oxidative stability through an adequate
impurities present in crude oils (aldehydes and ketones rening process and the use of antioxidants.
that confer to the oil a disagreeable odor) have vapor No signicant changes (p 5 0.05) were detected in
pressures similar to those of the FFA (De Greyt & the CD content (dienes, trienes, and pentaenes) during
Kellens, 2005). the rening stages (see Table 2). Nevertheless, con-
The rening process reduced the PV by 92% of the jugation of the tetraenoic fatty acids during deodoriza-
crude sardine oil. During the alkali-rening stage, the tion, was possibly caused by heating of the oil for a
PV decreased to 4.16 meq/kg, whereas in the bleaching long period (1408C for 5 h), which promotes the
stage this value increased to 5.98 meq/kg. This eect conjugation of the double bonds of PUFA (White,
might have occurred because of the type and amount 1994).
of earth used during this process (Zschau, 2000). In this The SI value of crude oil (186.85+2.07) was
work, the rening process diminished signicantly the practically equal to those reported for oils of other
FFA (0.052%) and PV (0.81 mEq/kg) content at levels sardine species (Bimbo, 1997). This index was not
below the quality standard for sh oils (Bimbo, 1998). altered (p 5 0.05) by the rening process (Table 2).
This reduction in acid and peroxide value imply that Moisture of the crude sardine oil was reduced
there was an improvement in oil quality, as it decreased during the rening process from 0.578 to 0.049%
the susceptibility of the rened oil to rancidity and thus (Table 2), which lies within quality standard values
improve its stability. (50.2%). Higher moisture values cause deterioration
To evaluate the oxidative stability of rening during the storage and heating of the oil, and should be
sardine oils, it is important to include the PV and avoided (Bimbo, 1998).

Table 2. Evaluation of the chemical quality of crude sardine oil during the rening stages.
Tabla 2. Evaluacion de la calidad qumica del aceite crudo de sardina durante las etapas de la renacion.

Analysis Crude Neutralized Bleached Deodorized

a b c
Free fatty acids (% as oleic acid) 0.21+0.009 0.08+0.000 0.12+0.003 0.05+0.001
Peroxide value (meq/kg) 10.05+0.110a 4.16+0.130b 5.98+0.150c 0.81+0.001d
p-anisidine value (mmol/kg) 3.67+0.290a 3.09+0.080b 2.19+0.070c 1.63+0.160d
Soap (mg/kg of sodium oleate) 0.00+0.000a 0.63+0.001b 0.35+0.007c 0.25+0.016d
Saponication index (mg KOH/g) 186.85+2.070a 187.61+1.130a 183.52+1.470a 187.50+0.219a
Moisture and volatiles (%) 0.57+0.039a 0.10+0.004b 0.07+0.000b 0.04+0.001b
Oxygen stability index (h)* 10.39+0.390a 9.65+0.035a 13.15+0.050b 17.65+0.050c
Phosphorous, P (mg/kg) 1.86+0.200 50.40
Trace metals (mg/kg)
Copper, Cu 0.05+0.001a 0.03+0.002b
Iron, Fe 0.77+0.018a 0.05+0.002b
Calcium, Ca 1.40+0.004a 0.29+0.001b
Magnesium, Mg 0.34+0.002a 0.05+0.001b
Conjugated acids, CA (%)
Dienes 0.606+0.091a 0.524+0.073a 0.465+0.064a 0.337+0.039a
Trienes 0.014+0.001a 0.012+0.002a 0.018+0.001a,b 0.007+0.000a,c
Tetraenes 0.010+0.001a 0.012+0.002a 0.017+0.001a 0.036+0.008b
Pentaenes 0.020+0.001a 0.016+0.001a 0.017+0.001a 0.024+0.009a
Total CA 0.652+0.097a 0.565+0.080a 0.518+0.059a 0.405+0.057a

Values (w/w %) are mean+standard deviation of triplicates. Values in each row with dierent superscripts (ad) indicate signicant dierences (p 5 0.05).
Using Rancimat at 608C; 7 L/h of air ow rate. , not determined.
Los valores (w/w %) son la media+desviacion estandar de triplicados. Los valores en cada la con diferente superndice (ad) indican una
diferencia signicativa (p 5 0,05).
Usando Rancimat a 608C; 7 L/h de ujo de aire. , no determinado.
CyTA Journal of Food 177

A low phosphorus level in the crude sardine oil was saturated fatty acids (SFA) represented the most
found (1.86 mg/kg). The level reported for this element abundant oil fraction, ranging from 24.98 to 26.62
in crude sh oils varies from 5 to 100 mg/kg (Bimbo, (w/w %) of oil, followed by PUFAs, which ranged
1998). The phosphorus determination is useful to know from 20.48 to 25.02 (w/w %) of oil. The analysis shows
the content of hydrated gums. Degumming is not high levels of n-3 PUFAs (17.99 to 22.51 w/w %) in
usually carried out with animal fats and sh oils oils extracted from sardines caught out in the coast of
because they are low in phosphatides. Crude oils with the Gulf of California. The major fatty acids in sardine
values greater than 100 mg/kg require a degumming oils were 16:0, 18:1 n-9c, 20:5 n-3c, and 22:6 n-3c,
process, before the alkali-rening (Erickson, 1995). being 20:5 and 22:6 the highest of the PUFAs, which is
For crude sh oils, the recommended values for consistent with another recent report (Okada &
copper and iron were smaller than 0.3 and 0.5 mg/L, Morrissey, 2007).
respectively; whereas for rened sh oils, these values In the CG/FID analysis of the sardine oil during
should be below 0.05 mg/kg for copper and 0.12 mg/L the rening stages, trans-FA was not detected. This
for iron (Young, 1985). In this work, the levels of could be due to the maximum temperature using
copper and iron (pro-oxidants) in the crude and rened during the rening in this work that was of 1408C.
sardine oil, were below these values reported for sh According to Dinamarca, Garrido, & Valenzuela
oils (Table 2). During the rening process, copper was (1990), the use of deodorization temperatures higher
reduced by 40% and iron by 93.5%. The calcium and than 1408C probably causes a reduction in the content
magnesium levels were 1.4 and 0.34 mg/L, respectively. of EPA and DHA in the sh oil by the formation of
Rened oils must have contents smaller than 1 mg/L of trans fatty acid by thermal degradation. Fairly recent
calcium and magnesium (Erickson, 1995). Normally, studies (Fournier et al., 2007; Shativel, Prinyawiwat-
these elements are present in oils forming non-hydrated kul, Negulescu, King, & Basnayake, 2003) have shown
gums with liposoluble phospholipids. These gums are that degradation (loss) of PUFA occurred readily at
considered pro-oxidant and can aect oil stability. temperatures above 1808C, cyclization of unsaturated
fatty acids takes place at higher temperatures
(42008C), whereas triacylglycerols polymers and
Fatty acid composition dimers were found in the polar fraction of deodorized
The composition of main fatty acids found in the sh oil at temperatures higher than 2208C. Therefore,
sardine oil during the rening stages is shown in the quality of the rened oil is strongly dependent on
Table 3. The fatty acid prole of the crude oil is similar the operation conditions used during rening and
to previously reported for sardine oils (Ackman, 2005; specially during deodorizing. In this work, fatty acids
Bandarra, Batista, Nunes, Empis, & Christie, 1997; analysis did not show signicant dierences (p 5 0.05)
Gamez-Meza et al., 1999). GC analysis showed that in the individual content of these compounds except

Table 3. Fatty acid composition of crude sardine oil during the rening stages.
Tabla 3. Composicion de acidos grasos del aceite crudo de sardina durante las etapas de la renacion.

Fatty acid prole (w/w oil percent)

Fatty acid Crude Neutralized Bleached Deodorized
C14:0 5.58+0.53a 5.14+0.54a 5.65+0.60a 5.65+0.08a
C16:0 17.07+0.29a 16.68+1.36a 17.76+1.22a 17.07+0.08a
C18:0 3.10+0.05a 3.16+0.32a 3.21+0.19a 3.19+0.23a
SFA 25.75+0.94a 24.98+1.95a 26.62+1.83a 25.91+0.13a
C16:1 n-7c 5.57+0.21a 5.50+0.43a 5.76+0.36a 5.71+0.15a
C18:1 n-9c 8.79+1.05a 9.29+1.00a 9.55+0.50a 9.15+0.47a
C20:1 n-9c 2.92+0.23a 2.90+0.15a 3.05+0.22a 2.97+0.13a
C22:1 n-9c 1.31+0.04a 1.29+0.02a 1.32+0.13a 1.18+0.08a
MUFA 18.59+0.99a 18.98+1.60a 19.68+1.21a 19.01+0.28a
C18:2 n-6c 1.24+0.33a 1.36+0.31a 1.45+0.19a 1.34+0.45a
C18:3 n-3c 0.21+0.01a 0.17+0.01a 0.18+0.02a 0.18+0.05a
C18:4 n-3c 1.46+0.14a 1.63+0.12a 1.65+0.04a 1.57+0.13a
C20:4 n-6c 1.25+0.08a 0.97+0.06a 1.06+0.10a 1.42+0.11a
C20:5 n-3c 8.04+1.15a 8.25+0.87a 8.97+0.48a 8.64+0.88a
C22:5 n-3c 1.39+0.09a 1.57+0.21a 1.75+0.12a 0.50+0.88b
C22:6 n-3c 6.89+0.17a 8.81+0.79b 9.96+0.47b 10.16+0.94b
PUFA 20.48+0.75a 22.76+2.17a 25.02+1.40a 23.81+1.52a
n-3 17.99+1.35a 20.43+1.93a,b 22.51+0.91b 21.05+1.95a,b

Values (w/w oil%) are mean+standard deviation of triplicates. Values in the same row with a dierent letter are signicantly dierent (p 5 0.05).
Los valores (w/w oil%) son la media+desviacion estandar de triplicados. Los valores en cada la con diferente letra indican una diferencia
signicativa (p 5 0,05).
178 J.A. Noriega-Rodrguez et al.

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