Pro Board Assessment Methodology Matrices For NFPA 1041: NFPA 1041 - Fire Service Instructor I - 2012 Edition

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Pro Board Assessment Methodology

Matrices for NFPA 1041

NFPA 1041 - Fire Service Instructor I - 2012 Edition

INSTRUCTIONS: In the column titled Cognitive/Written Test place the number of questions from the Test Bank that are used to evaluate the applicable
JPR, RK, RS, or objective. In the column titled Manipulative/Skill Station identify the skill sheets that are used to evaluate the applicable JPR, RS, or
objective. When the Portfolio or Project method is used to evaluate a particular JPR, RK, RS, or objective, identify the applicable section in the appropriate
column and provide the procedures to be used as outlined in the NBFSPQ Operational Procedures, COA-5. Evaluation methods that are not cognitive,
manipulative, portfolio, or project based should be identified in the Other column.
Objective / JPR, RK, RS Cognitive Manipulative
Section Abbreviated Text Written Test Skills Station Portfolio Projects Other
4.2.2 Assemble course materials Chapter 1 (p 6), Chapter 6 (pp 132,
134136, 138139)
4.2.2(A) RK: Components of a lesson Chapter 1 (p 6), Chapter 6
plan; policies and procedures (pp 127132, 134136)
for the procurement of
materials and equipment and
resource availability
4.2.3 Prepare request for resources Chapter 1 (p 6), Chapter 12
(pp 281282)
4.2.3(A) RK: Resource management, Chapter 1 (p 6), Chapter 12
sources of instructional (pp 281282)
4.2.3(B) RS: Oral and written Chapter 1 (pp 610), Chapter 12
communications (pp 281282)
4.2.4 Schedule single instructional Chapter 1 (p 6), Chapter 12
sessions (pp 280287)
4.2.4(A) RK: Departmental scheduling Chapter 12 (pp 280287)
4.2.4(B) RS: Training schedule Chapter 12 (pp 281282)
4.2.5 Complete training records and Chapter 1 (p 6), Chapter 2
report forms (pp 3031, 34, 3839), Chapter 12
(pp 281282, 287)
4.2.5(A) RK: Types of records and Chapter 2 (pp 30, 34, 3839)
reports required
4.2.5(B) RS: Basic report writing Chapter 12 (pp 281282, 287)
4.3.2 Review instructional materials Chapter 1 (p 6), Chapter 4
(pp 7981), Chapter 6 (pp 129132,
134136), Chapter 7 (pp 161,
163167, 169170)
4.3.2(A) RK: Recognition of student Chapter 4 (pp 7981), Chapter 6
limitations, methods of (pp 129132, 134136), Chapter 7
instruction, types of resource (pp 161, 163167, 169170)
materials; organizing the
learning environment; policies
and procedures
4.3.2(B) RS: Analysis of resources, Chapter 6 (pp 129132, 134136),
facilities, and materials Chapter 7 (pp 163167)
4.3.3 Adapt a prepared lesson plan Chapter 1 (p 6), Chapter 6
(pp 138139)

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Appendix C 417

Objective / JPR, RK, RS Cognitive Manipulative

Section Abbreviated Text Written Test Skills Station Portfolio Projects Other
4.3.3(A) RK: Elements of a lesson plan, Chapter 6 (pp 138139), Chapter 8
selection of instructional aids (pp 178199)
and methods, origination of
learning environment
4.3.3(B) RS: Instructor preparation and Chapter 6 (pp 138139), Chapter 8
organizational skills (pp 178199)
4.4.2 Organize the classroom, Chapter 1 (pp 6, 1011), Chapter 7
laboratory, or outdoor learning (pp 163167), Chapter 8
environment (pp 188191, 193198), Chapter 9
(pp 209213, 215216)
4.4.2(A) RK: Classroom management Chapter 1 (pp 1011), Chapter 7
and safety (pp 163167), Chapter 8 (pp 196,
198), Chapter 9 (pp 209213,
4.4.2(B) RS: Use of instructional media Chapter 1 (pp 1011), Chapter 8
and materials (pp 178199)
4.4.3 Present prepared lessons Chapter 1 (p 6), Chapter 3
(pp 6168), Chapter 4 (pp 7981),
Chapter 5 (pp 105107, 109110,
112114), Chapter 6 (pp 129132)
4.4.3(A) RK: Laws and principles of Chapter 3 (pp 6168), Chapter 4
learning (pp 7981),Chapter 5 (pp 104106,
4.4.3(B) RS: Oral communication Chapter 3 (pp 6168), Chapter 4
techniques, teaching methods (pp 7981), Chapter 5 (pp 105107,
and techniques 109110, 112114), Chapter 6
(pp 129132)
4.4.4 Adjust presentation Chapter 1 (p 6), Chapter 3 (pp 61,
65), Chapter 6 (pp 138139)
4.4.4(A) RK: Methods of dealing with Chapter 3 (pp 61, 65), Chapter 6
changing circumstances (pp 138139)
4.4.5 Adjust to differences in learning Chapter 1 (p 6), Chapter 3
styles, abilities, and behaviors (pp 5759, 61), Chapter 4
(pp 8993), Chapter 9 (pp 209210)
4.4.5(A) RK: Motivation techniques, Chapter 3 (pp 5254, 5759, 61,
learning styles, types of 6668), Chapter 4 (pp 8993),
learning disabilities and Chapter 9 (pp 209210)
methods for dealing with them
4.4.5(B) RS: Basic coaching and Chapter 3 (pp 5254, 6668),
motivational techniques, Chapter 4 (pp 9193)
adaptation of lesson plans
or materials to specific
instructional situations
4.4.6 Operate audiovisual equipment Chapter 1 (p 6), Chapter 8 (pp 185,
and demonstration devices 187189, 197)
4.4.6(A) RK: Components of audiovisual Chapter 8 (pp 189191, 193198)
4.4.6(B) RS: Use of audiovisual Chapter 8 (pp 189191, 193199)
equipment, cleaning, and field
level maintenance
4.4.7 Utilize audiovisual materials Chapter 1 (p 6), Chapter 8
(pp 197199)
4.4.7(A) RK: Media types, limitations, Chapter 8 (pp 197199)
and selection criteria
4.4.7(B) RS: Transition techniques within Chapter 8 (pp 187188)
and between media
4.5.2 Administer oral, written, and Chapter 1 (p 6), Chapter 10 (p 232)
performance tests

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418 Fire Service Instructor: Principles and Practice, Second Edition

Objective / JPR, RK, RS Cognitive Manipulative

Section Abbreviated Text Written Test Skills Station Portfolio Projects Other
4.5.2.(A) RK: Test administration, agency Chapter 10 (pp 230234)
policies, laws affecting records
and disclosure of training
4.5.2(B) RS: Use of skills checklists and Chapter 10 (pp 232234)
oral questioning techniques
4.5.3 Grade student oral, written, or Chapter 1 (p 6), Chapter 10 (p 234)
performance tests
4.5.3(A) RK: Grading and maintaining Chapter 10 (p 234)
confidentiality of scores
4.5.4 Report test results Chapter 1 (p 6), Chapter 10 (p 234)
4.5.4(A) RK: Reporting procedures, the Chapter 10 (p 234)
interpretation of test results
4.5.4(B) RS: Communication skills, basic Chapter 10 (p 234)
4.5.5 Provide evaluation feedback to Chapter 1 (p 6), Chapter 10
students (pp 234235)
4.5.5(A) RK: Reporting procedures, the Chapter 10 (pp 234235)
interpretation of test results
4.5.5(B) RS: Communication skills, basic Chapter 10 (pp 234235)

NFPA 1041 - Fire Service Instructor II - 2012 Edition

INSTRUCTIONS: In the column titled Cognitive/Written Test place the number of questions from the Test Bank that are used to evaluate the applicable
JPR, RK, RS, or objective. In the column titled Manipulative/Skill Station identify the skill sheets that are used to evaluate the applicable JPR, RS, or
objective. When the Portfolio or Project method is used to evaluate a particular JPR, RK, RS, or objective, identify the applicable section in the appropriate
column and provide the procedures to be used as outlined in the NBFSPQ Operational Procedures, COA-5. Evaluation methods that are not cognitive,
manipulative, portfolio, or project based should be identified in the Other column.
Objective / JPR, RK, RS Cognitive Manipulative
Section Abbreviated Text Written Test Skills Station Portfolio Projects Other
5.1 Fire Instructor I Chapter 1 (pp 67)
5.2.2 Schedule instructional sessions Chapter 1 (p 6), Chapter 12
(pp 280291)
5.2.2(A) RK: Departmental policy, Chapter 12 (pp 280291)
scheduling processes,
supervision techniques, and
resource management
5.2.3 Formulate budget needs Chapter 1 (p 7), Chapter 15
(pp 350353)
5.2.3(A) RK: Agency budget policy, Chapter 15 (pp 350353)
resource management,
needs analysis, sources of
instructional materials, and
5.2.3(B) RS: Resource analysis and Chapter 15 (pp 350353)
forms completion
5.2.4 Acquire training resources Chapter 1 (p 7), Chapter 12
(pp 281282), Chapter 15
(pp 353358)
5.2.4(A) RK: Agency policies, Chapter 15 (pp 350358)
purchasing procedures, budget
5.2.4(B) RS: Forms completion Chapter 15 (pp 356358)
5.2.5 Coordinate training record Chapter 1 (p 7), Chapter 2
keeping (pp 3031, 34, 3839)

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Appendix C 419

Objective / JPR, RK, RS Cognitive Manipulative

Section Abbreviated Text Written Test Skills Station Portfolio Projects Other
5.2.5(A) RK: Record keeping processes, Chapter 2 (pp 3031, 34, 3839)
departmental policies, laws
affecting records and disclosure
of training information,
professional standards
applicable to training records,
databases used for record
5.2.5(B) RS: Record auditing procedures Chapter 2 (pp 30, 3435, 38)
5.2.6 Evaluate instructors Chapter 1 (p 7), Chapter 11
(pp 264267, 269)
5.2.6(A) RK: Personnel evaluation Chapter 11 (pp 264267, 269)
methods, supervision
techniques, department policy,
effective instructional methods
and techniques
5.2.6(B) RS: Coaching, observation Chapter 11 (pp 264267, 269271)
techniques, completion of
evaluation forms
5.3.2 Create a lesson plan Chapter 1 (p 7), Chapter 6
(pp 140149), Chapter 8
(pp 186187)
5.3.2(A) RK: Elements of a lesson Chapter 6 (pp 140148), Chapter 8
plan, components of learning (pp 186187)
5.3.2(B) RS: Basic research, using job Chapter 6 (pp 144145)
performance requirements to
develop behavioral objectives
5.3.3 Modify an existing lesson plan Chapter 1 (p 7), Chapter 6 (p 149),
Chapter 8 (pp 197198), Chapter 12
(pp 281282)
5.3.3(A) RK: Elements of a lesson Chapter 6 (pp 140148)
plan, components of learning
5.3.3(B) RS: Basic research, using job Chapter 6 (pp 144145)
performance requirements to
develop behavioral objectives
5.4.2 Conduct a class using a lesson Chapter 1 (p 7), Chapter 3
plan (pp 6168), Chapter 7 (pp 161,
169170), Chapter 8 (pp 185,
5.4.2(A) RK: Use and limitations Chapter 3 (pp 6168), Chapter 7
of teaching methods and (pp 161, 163167, 169170),
techniques Chapter 8 (pp 185, 187189)
5.4.2(B) RS: Transition between different Chapter 3 (pp 6465, 68), Chapter 7
teaching methods (pp 161, 169170), Chapter 8
(pp 187188)
5.4.3 Supervise other instructors and Chapter 1 (p 7), Chapter 9
students during high hazard (pp 211213, 215216, 218221),
training Chapter 12 (pp 291, 293)
5.4.3(A) RK: Safety rules, regulations Chapter 9 (pp 211213, 215216,
and practices, the incident 218221), Chapter 12 (pp 291, 293)
command system used by
the agency, and leadership
5.4.3(B) RS: ICS implementation Chapter 9 (pp 211, 218, 221)
5.5.2 Develop student evaluation Chapter 1 (p 7), Chapter 10
instruments (pp 238240, 242247)
5.5.2(A) RK: Evaluation methods, Chapter 10 (pp 238240, 242247)
development of forms, effective
instructional methods, and

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420 Fire Service Instructor: Principles and Practice, Second Edition

Objective / JPR, RK, RS Cognitive Manipulative

Section Abbreviated Text Written Test Skills Station Portfolio Projects Other
5.5.2(B) RS: Evaluation item Chapter 10 (pp 238240, 242247)
construction and assembly of
evaluation instruments
5.5.3 Develop a class evaluation Chapter 1 (p 7), Chapter 11
instrument (pp 269271)
5.5.3(A) RK: Evaluation methods, test Chapter 11 (pp 269271)
5.5.3(B) RS: Development of evaluation Chapter 11 (pp 269271)

NFPA 1041 - Fire Service Instructor III - 2012 Edition

INSTRUCTIONS: In the column titled Cognitive/Written Test place the number of questions from the Test Bank that are used to evaluate the applicable
JPR, RK, RS, or objective. In the column titled Manipulative/Skill Station identify the skill sheets that are used to evaluate the applicable JPR, RS, or
objective. When the Portfolio or Project method is used to evaluate a particular JPR, RK, RS, or objective, identify the applicable section in the appropriate
column and provide the procedures to be used as outlined in the NBFSPQ Operational Procedures, COA-5. Evaluation methods that are not cognitive,
manipulative, portfolio, or project based should be identified in the Other column.
Objective / JPR, RK, RS Cognitive Manipulative
Section Abbreviated Text Written Test Skills Station Portfolio Projects Other
6.1 Fire Instructor II Chapter 1 (p 7)
6.2.2 Administer a training record Chapter 1 (p 7), Chapter 2
system (pp 3031, 34, 3839), Chapter 15
(pp 359369)
6.2.2(A) RK: Agency policy, record Chapter 2 (pp 3031, 34, 3839),
keeping systems, professional Chapter 15 (pp 359369)
standards addressing training
records, legal requirements
affecting record keeping, and
disclosure of information
6.2.2(B) RS: Development of forms, Chapter 15 (pp 361367)
report generation
6.2.3 Development of Chapter 1 (p 7), Chapter 15
recommendations for policies (pp 365367, 369)
6.2.3(A) RK: Agency procedures and Chapter 15 (pp 365367, 369)
training program goals, format
for agency policies
6.2.3(B) RS: Technical writing Chapter 15 (pp 365367, 369)
6.2.4 Select instructional staff Chapter 1 (p 7), Chapter 15 (pp 369,
6.2.4(A) RK: Agency polices regarding Chapter 15 (pp 369, 371373)
staff selection, instructional
requirements, selection
methods, the capabilities of
instructional staff and agency
6.2.4(B) RS: Evaluation techniques Chapter 15 (pp 369, 371373)
6.2.5 Construct a performance based Chapter 1 (p 7), Chapter 15
instructor evaluation plan (pp 365367)
6.2.5(A) RK: Evaluation methods, agency Chapter 15 (pp 365367)
policies, staff schedules, and
job requirements
6.2.5(B) RS: Evaluation techniques Chapter 15 (pp 365367)
6.2.6 Write equipment purchasing Chapter 1 (p 7), Chapter 15
specifications (pp 353358)
6.2.6(A) RK: Equipment purchasing Chapter 15 (pp 353358)
procedures, available
department resources, and
curriculum needs

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Appendix C 421

Objective / JPR, RK, RS Cognitive Manipulative

Section Abbreviated Text Written Test Skills Station Portfolio Projects Other
6.2.6(B) RS: Evaluation methods to Chapter 15 (pp 353358)
select the equipment that is
most effective and preparation
of procurement forms
6.2.7 Present evaluation Chapter 1 (p 7), Chapter 15 (p 369)
findings, conclusions, and
recommendations to agency
6.2.7(A) RK: Statistical evaluation Chapter 15 (p 369)
procedures and agency goals
6.2.7(B) RS: Presentation skills and Chapter 15 (p 369)
report preparation following
agency guidelines
6.3.2 Conduct an agency needs Chapter 1 (p 7), Chapter 13
analysis (pp 301, 303)
6.3.2(A) RK: Needs analysis, task Chapter 13 (pp 301, 303)
analysis, development of job
performance requirements
6.3.2(B) RS: Conducting research, Chapter 13 (pp 301, 303)
committee meetings, and needs
and task analysis
6.3.3 Design programs or curriculums Chapter 1 (p 7), Chapter 13
(pp 303307, 310312)
6.3.3(A) RK: Instructional design, adult Chapter 13 (p 313)
learning principles, principles of
performance based education
6.3.3(B) RS: Technical writing, selecting Chapter 13 (pp 314315)
course reference materials
6.3.4 Modify an existing curriculum Chapter 1 (p 7), Chapter 13 (pp 307,
6.3.4(A) RK: Instructional design, adult Chapter 13 (p 313)
learning principles, principles of
performance based education
6.3.4(B) RS: Technical writing, selecting Chapter 13 (pp 314315)
course reference material
6.3.5 Write program and course goals Chapter 1 (p 7), Chapter 13
(pp 306307)
6.3.5(A) RK: Components and Chapter 13 (pp 306307)
characteristics of goals, and
correlation of JPRs to program
and course goals
6.3.5(B) RS: Writing goal statements Chapter 13 (pp 306307)
6.3.6 Write course objectives Chapter 1 (p 7), Chapter 13
(pp 310312)
6.3.6(A) RK: Components of objectives Chapter 13 (pp 310312)
and correlation between JPRs
and objectives
6.3.6(B) RS: Writing course objectives Chapter 13 (pp 310312)
and correlating them to JPRs
6.3.7 Construct a course content Chapter 1 (p 7), Chapter 13
outline (pp 303305, 313)
6.3.7(A) RK: Correlation between Chapter 13 (pp 300315)
course goals, course outline,
objectives, JPRs, instructor
lesson plans, and instructional
6.5.2 Develop a system for the Chapter 1 (p 7), Chapter 14
acquisition, storage, and (pp 324325)
dissemination of evaluation

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422 Fire Service Instructor: Principles and Practice, Second Edition

Objective / JPR, RK, RS Cognitive Manipulative

Section Abbreviated Text Written Test Skills Station Portfolio Projects Other
6.5.2(A) RK: Record keeping systems, Chapter 14 (pp 324325)
agency goals, data acquisition
techniques, applicable laws,
and methods of providing
6.5.2(B) RS: Evaluation, development, Chapter 14 (pp 324325, 332,
and use of information systems 334339)
6.5.3 Develop course evaluation plan Chapter 1 (p 7), Chapter 14
(pp 328332)
6.5.3(A) RK: Evaluation techniques, Chapter 14 (pp 325, 327332)
agency constraints, and
6.5.3(B) RS: Decision-making Chapter 14 (pp 325, 327332)
6.5.4 Create a program evaluation Chapter 1 (p 7), Chapter 14 (pp 325,
plan 327328)
6.5.4(A) RK: Evaluation methods, agency Chapter 14 (pp 325, 327328)
6.5.4(B) RS: Construction of evaluation Chapter 14 (pp 325, 327328)
6.5.5 Analyze student evaluation Chapter 1 (p 7), Chapter 14 (pp 332,
instruments 334339)
6.5.5(A) RK: Test validity, reliability Chapter 14 (pp 332, 334339)
6.5.5(B) RS: Item analysis techniques Chapter 14 (pp 332, 334339)

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