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2) Please add questions in relevant subsection s only - Quant/Logic/Verbal in the
3) Please enter QUESTIONS WITH OPTIONS (if any) in BLACK color
4) If you are aware of the CORRECT ANSWER, please use GREEN color.
5) If you have a QUERY/DOUBT for a particular question, please use RED color and
add your query/doubt etc below the question.
6) Please mention details about DATES (when the question appeared or was repeated)
for each question in BLUE color.

8. All are requested to add the ans as comment if u want the discussion on the same ,
please keep doc with true and precise answers with approach.
*Suggestions to improve the document-
1. Add page numbers - added
2. Please try to add the gist of RC and some LR questions as well.
3. Please highlight the word green which were actually present as option in
synonyms and Antonyms

1st day review

There were 4-5 Data Sufficiency questions. All were easy and doable.
Topic that had maximum coverage in quant -
TSD, Percentages, Profit and Loss, Geometry, P&C, Probability.
Less ratio and mixtures and alligation much.
There was one data sufficiency question on ages which had ratios but that was very


Verbal Questions: [Please add new words that you can recall]
Guys don't forget to write, synonym and antonym also
1. ENERVATE : weaken-, to sap energy from.
Synonym- debilitate,exhaust, tire, fatigue, weary, wear out, devitalize, drain, sap,
Antonym: beef up, fortify, strengthen, buttress)
(repeated 8th nov. first slot)

2. Voracious or Veracious not sure but one of these.

If Veracious-truthful (syn - authentic, faithful ,factual,scrupulous ,literal,
reputable, ethical) (atyn-mendacious,evasive,fallacious,dissimulating,prevaricating)
If Voracious-having great appetite (syn- insatiable, unquenchable, gluttonous,
3. Proletariat : working class people regarded collectively (often used with reference to
Synonyms: lower class, commoner, peasant, Plebeians.
Antonyms: Aristocracy, Nobility,bourgeoisie
4.circumspect : wary and unwilling to take risks
prudent, canny,cautious, cagey, wary, carefulness, chary, guarded, on one's guard;
ANTONYM- Venturesome,unguarded, incautious
Repeated on 7th,8th,10th
5. Opprobrium : harsh criticism or censure. Synonyms: abuse, condemnation,
criticism, defamation, slander, obloquy, bad press. Antonyms: praise , honour
( Repeated ON 7th,8th 10th)
6. ignominy : public shame or disgrace. Synonyms: shame, humiliation,

disgrace, dishonor, discredit, degradation, scandal. Antonyms: honor

7. Cantankerous : Synonyms: bad-tempered, grumpy, fractious, argumentative,
Antonyms: good natured, affable
8. Fractious: Causing trouble, hard to manage or control Synonym : Obstreperous
Antonym : Contented
9. Labyrinthine :(Syn: maze, complex)



(Repeated on 8th 9th too)

10. Tactile(Closest word)-tangible,material,physical,solid.

(Repeated on 8th Nov 9th)

11.Villanelle:Poetry:: villanelle is a type of poetry.

( repeated On 7th,8th)

012. Notorious - synonyms:infamous, of ill repute, with a bad reputation/name, famous

or well known, typically for some bad quality or deed.

13. Surreptitious - syn - secretive, clandestine, Antonym - Blatant, Conspicuous,

attention getter

(Repeated on 8th Nov 9th nov)

14. Whimsical - playfully quaint or fanciful, especially in an appealing and amusing

way. behaving in a capricious manner (sudden mood changes)

syn: volatile, temperamental, impulsive.

15. Chaste: Pure, simple or restrained, virgin

(Repeated on 7th and 8th@2PM)

16. Aberrant - departing from an accepted standard. - Repeated 7th Nov 9 am and on
8th Nov 11:30 am

Or Abhorrent

Plzz check

17. Parsimonious - synonyms:mean, miserly, niggardly, close-fisted, penny-pinching,

cheese-paring, ungenerous, penurious, illiberal.

18. Bohemia - A descriptive term for a stereotypical way of life for artists and
intellectuals. According to the stereotype, bohemians live in material poverty because
they prefer their art or their learning to lesser goods; they are also unconventional in
habits and dress, and sometimes in morals. (repeated on 9th 9A.M & 2 pm)

19. Senile- (of a person) having or showing the weaknesses or diseases of old age,
especially a loss of mental faculties

20. Diaphanous- (especially of fabric) light, delicate, and translucent

21. Venturesome-daring,bold,willing to take risks ANTONYM- Circumspect (Repeated

on 8th Nov 9th)


22. Parochial - synonyms:narrow-minded, small-minded, provincial, insular, narrow,

small-town, inward-looking, limited, restricted, localist, conservative (Repeated on 8th

23. Sauce - stewed fruit, often pured and served as an accompaniment to meat,
dessert, or other food: cranberry sauce

wrong word- word like sause is asked

.Plzz check

24. Pugilist - Wrestler(Nov-9th 9A.M)

25. Peremptory - Absolute, Final (repeated on 9th 2pm)(Nov-9th 9A.M)

26. Attest - Confirm, Grant, make accord (repeated on 9th 2pm)(Nov-9th 9A.M)

27. Pusillanimous - showing lack of courage, timid, weak. repeated on 7 th,10th

28. Clandestine - kept secret, done secretively.

29. Penurious - miserly, stingy

30. Doughty : brave and persistent

31. Amnesia - blackout, memory loss,( antonym - reminiscence, recall)

32. Specious - misleading in appearance, especially misleadingly attractive. plausible

but wrong, seemingly correct, misleading, deceptive, false, fallacious,unsound,
casuistic, sophistic

Antonym - accurate, genuine, real, credible

33. Dolorous - feeling or expressing great sorrow or distress.

Synonyms: aching, agonized, anguished, bemoaning, bewailing, bitter, deploring,

doleful, dolesome, mournful, funeral, grieving, heartbroken, lamentable, lugubrious,
plaintive, plangent, regretful, rueful, sorrowful, sorry, wailing, weeping

Antonym : Joyful

34. Captious - tending to find fault or raise petty objections.

critical, fault-finding, quibbling, niggling, cavilling, carping, criticizing,

disapproving,censorious, judgemental, overcritical, hypercritical, pedantic

Phrasal verb :look on:regard


35. SOUSE - Synonyms alcoholic,alcoholic, alkie (or alky) [slang], boozehound,

boozer, dipsomaniac, drinker, drunkard, inebriate, Antonym - teetotaller, non-drinker
(repeated on 10th)

36. Adumbrate - represent in outline.

37. Beguile - charm or enchant (someone), often in a deceptive way. charm, attract,
enchant, entrance, win over, woo, captivate, bewitch, spellbind,dazzle, blind, hypnotize
, mesmerize, seduce, tempt, lead on, lure, entice, ensnare,entrap

38. Maudlin - self-pityingly or tearfully sentimental. sentimental, over-sentimental,

emotional, overemotional, tearful, lachrymose

RC Details and Source-

1. About advantages of democracy over dictatorship(repeated 8th nov, slot 1)
2. Digital advertising - Modern advertising on website page
3. How environmentally friendly methods we use are not 100%
Environmental issues related (Nov-9th 9A.M)
Climate change
Eco Friendly and changes in uses of stuff. repeated on 7 th
4. How women stepped into industries and its impact
Women working in factory in 19th century (repeated on 9th 2pm)
5. Internet content and and readers spending time on them(repeated slot 1, 8th nov
9th) repeated on 7 th
6. Sovereignty in India
7. Post traumatic Stress and Posttraumatic growth. repeated on 7 th
8. Satellites and drones
9. Climate Change Misconceptions..Global warming is misinterpreted repeated 9th
10. A girl Rama was kidnapped
11. Scientific revolution and contribution of Thomas Kunh
Anyone got the RC links ?
Doubt:Anyone has the RC links, pls post??/ Thanks



1.Pedagogy: children - Repeated 7th & 8th Nov 9th Nov(Dont remember the options
except psychology:criminal)
2.Claustrophobia: space - Repeated 7th Nov & 8th Nov ANS =Acrophobia:height
3. Thermometer : temperature repeated today, 8 Nov
4. Steel:durable (9th nov) (10th nov)
Ans:numbers:countable(Doubt:is this the answer for Thermo,temperature?)
5. Acrophobia:height
6. Villanelle:Poetry::?? Asked to pick out similar relationship from options..repeated
on 8th mosaic:art (9th nov) (10th nov)
7. Poem:novella
8. Angry:choleric (I think hungry:ravenous was right . is it correct? I think so)(Nov-9th
9. Book:chapter(Nov-9th 9A.M)

Quant Questions-
Q1. The difference of CI and SI of a particular amount kept for 3 yrs is 310. Find the
principal amt. R=11% -
Repeated 7th Nov 9 am, repeated 8th nov 9am,2pm
310 = (PR^3)/100^3 + (3PR^2)/100^2
Substitute R=11

Q2.Plane schedule to depart at 9 am.delayed by 30 mins.Driver increased the speed by

250kmph and reached on time.At what time plane will reach the destination if distance
is 1500km. Is the ans .11. 30 am?(Nov-9th 9A.M)
Let the actual speed be x
So, A.T.Q:
(1500/x) - (1500/(x-250))=
On solving, we get:
2(1500x + 1500*250 - 1500x)=x(x-250)


Thus, time taken would be (1500/(750+250))=1.5 hours.
Hence, it would reach by 11 am.

Q3 train is 20 faster than car.train and car starts from a point and reaches at the
same time to a point 75km away.Train halted for 12.5 mins at stations in between.if
train is 25 faster then how much time will it take to reach the same point.
Ans 1 hour and 12.5mins
Answer should be 72.5 mins as train should halt.
So x=60
75/1.25x= 75
Time= 75/75 + 12.5 mins = 1 hr + 12.5 mins
Hence, answer= 1 hr 12.5 mins or 72.5 mins.

Q4.N is a three digit no. such that N = a + b^2 + c^3, where a,b,c are single digit no.s
and N<=500
Should this be 701? REPEATED ON 7th
Approch any1??? Whats the answer?
ANSWER ANYONE!! 135+1=136 (youre welcome ;) )
Approach please!!
What is asked no of such ways to write a no. ??
361 ways... no 136 conform
Please share your approach??

Q.5 How many ordered pairs (a,b,c) exist such that their LCM is 400 repeated 8th nov 9
Ans : 1220 is this the final answer?
LCM (a,b,c) = 400 = 2^45^2
Let us think from the perspective of each prime. First of all, a,b and c must be
factors of 2^4 and 5^2.
Let the 3 numbers be 2^x * 5^y, 2^a * 5^b and 2^p*5^q.
By making a table we will get (x,a,p) = 61 values and (y,b,q)=20 values. What table is
made? Couldnt get


So, we have a total of (61)(20)=1220 cases where LCM (a,b) = 400

These are the ordered solutions and unordered will be (5+4+3+2+1)*(3+2+1)=90
Shouldnt it be 3375
Maximum power of 2 in the Number can be 2^4 so, Each Number has 5 choices 2^0,
2^1,2^2, 2^3 and 2^4
Also the Number can have a Maximum Power of 5 as 2 , Each Number has 3 Choices
5^0, 5^1 and 5^2
So each Number can have 5*3 possibilities, Thus the 3 Numbers a, b , c have 15*15*15
So it makes it 3375
FORMULA: (power+1)^3 * (power)^3
400= 2^4 * 5^2
Apply formula: [(5^3 - 4^3) * (3^3 - 2^3)]
= (125-64) * (27-8) = 61 * 19 = 1159

Q6. 1. Out of 130 people, even number were below 20, multiples of 5 were something 1,
multiples of 7 were something 2. Number of people ABOVE 20, and NOT something 1
and NOT something 2
(THIS QUESTION WAS THERE IN WINDOW2 . Someone please write it completely if
you remember from window 2 exam)
Q7.. How many 6 distinct letter word can be formed from the set S having 3 subsets,
(Y,u,H), (T,a) and (I,c)
Ans: 7!

Q8. The 1st, 5th and 11th term of an arithmetic progression series are in geometric
progression. The sum of 6th and 9th term of that arithmetic progression series is 66.
What is the 21st term of that arithmetic series..?
Something is wrong in question it should be sum of 6th and 8th term for a natural no.
as answer otherwise i am getting 66*28/29

Q9. There are 3 drawers and 5 distinct books. In how many ways can you put the 5
books in the 3 drawers so that there is atleast 1 book in each drawer?
Ans 150


A,B,C pipes are used to fill the tank. A and C takes the same time as B alone takes to
fill the tank. C is 3 hours faster than A and 1 hr slower than B.How much time will A
alone take to fill the tank.(Nov-9th 9A.M)
Ans - 6
1/A - 1/C = 1/B
Take C = B+1, A = B+4
A1/B+4 + 1/B+1 = 1/B -> Solve this equation, you get B as 2. Therefore A = 6

Q11. On selling something, there is a profit of 12 %. If the CP is increased by 4% and

SP is increased by y% ( I dont remember the values, x and y were given), then the
profit percentage is 20. What is the CP? ANswer - 312.5
Q12. What are the co-ordinates of the incentre of the triangle formed by the co-
ordinates (3,1), (10,1) and (3,25) 9th nov
Ans 6,4

Q13. Find the TSA of a hemispherical bowl with external radius R and uniform width of
Ans: 241/64*pi*R^2
TSA = 2piR^2 + 2pir^2 + pi(R^2-r^2) = 3piR^2 + pir^2
= pi(3R^2+r^2) {r= 7/8R} Substitute the value of r.

Q14. What is the sum of the series till the first 21 terms, in which nth term is given by
3-5^n? repeated on 7 th
3+5 ; 3+5^2 ;3+5^3.....upto 21 terms
3+3+3....21 times and GP of 21 terms with a=5 and r=5
Final answer ?
How can we say r is 5 as it is the 2nd multiplication
Series will b 8 28 128 628.
And 1st difference i.e 28-8 =20, 128-28 = 100 and so on is in GP where 20* 5= 100 ie R how can we consider r = 5 in original series ..?


Q15. What is the value of (n-1)^3 + 3(n-1)^2 + 3(n-1) ? repeated on 7 th

Ans- n^3 - 1

Q17. A Cone is cut out from a Cube. Total surface area of cube is given. Find volume
of Cube left after cone is removed.(Nov-9th 9A.M)
Ans : Edge of cube needs to be given. Use Height = Edge and radius = edge/4 and
solve it accordingly.
a^3 - *pi*(a/24^2*a

Q18. Last digit of 1!+2!+3!.....100!

Ans: 3- Correct
5! onwards will have 0 as last digit. thus consider unit digits 4! only. You ll get 3 as ans

2 dices can be thrown in 6x6 ways

=36 ways
n(S)= 36
Let E denotes the event of getting the as a prime
number i.e. 2,3,5,7,11,
E={ (1,1), (2,1), (1,2), (4,1), (1,4 ),(3,2),( 2,3), (6,1), (1,6),
(5,2), (2,5), (4,3), (3,4 ), ( 6,5 ),( 5,6)}
n(E)= 15

Q20. A conference has to be attended by 10 ministers of different states, and only 7

seats available in how many ways can you arrange them on a circular table..9th nov
Answer 30240 (7!3!)

Q21. Number of ways you can represent 180 as a sum of consecutive numbers
method is 5(number of odd factors of 180). Since page number on each leaf is two
times so number of consecutive numbers has to be even start with 4 because we
know it cannot be 2. It should be 4
The statement of this question is vague can some tell what the question trying to
ask ???
180 = (22) (32)
look for odd factors Ignore factors of 2 . Thus (2+1)(1+1)- 1 = 5



Q22. -if a tks 35 hrs less than b and b takes 80hrs more than a and b together than how
much time they both tk together. 9th nov
Ans: 60
LCM method: PLEASE CONFIRM- correct
Time (x-35) (x) (x-80)
Rate (x)(x-80) (x-35)(x-80) (x)(x-35)
Work (x)(x-35)(x-80)
Equate rates of (A) + (B) = (A+B)
(x)(x-80) + (x-35)(x-80) = (x)(x-35)
After simplification, (x)^2 - 160x + 2800
From this equation, we get x = 140 , 20(not possible)
There time taken by both A+B = 140-80 = 60

Q23-Probability of getting sum of 7 or 10 , if 2 dice are thrown.(Nov-9th 9A.M)

Ans.? Repeated 7th Nov 9 am correct
sum as 7 Cases : (3,4) (4,3) (2,5) (5,2) (6,1)(1,6)
Sum as 10 cases: (4,6)(6,4)(5,5)
Favourable cases = 9
Sample space = 36
Prob = 9/36 = 1/4

Q24-abc(abc repeating decimal) (bc are repeating decimal), ishtene
repeating decimal), in what should be multiplied to get an integer
Ans = abc/999 , 0.abcbc.. = a +bc/99(wrong, this should be abc-a/990 ,
0.abcc = ab +c/99(this should be abc-ab/900 add them and multiply by 999 to get
integer.(repeated on 8th NOV) this answer is wrong ...anyone know how to do this ??


Q.25 two lines equation was given and equation of the line which passes thru
intersection of these two at 45 towards y=0 was asked. Repeated 7th Nov 9am
For this (y-y1)=m(x-x1)
Where m=tan45 ( slope is angle made by line with x axis here y=0 mean x axis)which
is slope
(X1,y1) are the intersecting points

Q26- If x can go downstream in 60 strokes and y can go in 90 strokes and If x

24strokes equal to y 12strokes. Then y speed was asked in still water.

Answer this question.???

Q27. a, b, c mixture of wine and water having 80%, 70%, 50% wine . In what ratio they
should be mixed to get a wine solution of 60%. 9th nov
Assuming equal volumes of 100 liters of each solution 1:1:3 should be the answer
80+70+3*50/500 = =60%
We should use alligation for this?.yes mostly mixture related sums are easily
solved by allegtn

Q29. Highest power of 12 which will divide 4000 factorial

ans. 28

Q30. Find angle of BDE(don't delete the image)

Answer = 44.
Yes, i too got 44
Ans : 1: 180 - 32 - 36 =112 (bdc)
2: 180- 112 = 68 (bda)
3: bda= bad given
4: 180- 68-68 = 44 (abd)
5: abd = bde


Q31 N is a no which is the smallest 4 digit no divisible by 88.Find the remainder when
n is divided by 13.
Ans = 9
smallest4 digit no = 1056
remainder is 9
If its largest 4 digit number Ans will be 12

Q32 find the units digit of an expression

55 power 625 +36 power 895 +23 power something
Ans = unit digit of number with last digit 5 power something will remain 5
+ unit digit of 6 power something will remain 6 + unit digit of 23 power something will
depend on 3s cyclicity

Q33. 1^300 + 2^300 + 3^300 + 4^300 + 5^300. Find the units digit. 9th nov
Ans. 9
Maximum Cyclicity for all numbers is 4
300 / 4 =0 (remainder)

Q35. U={1,2,3,4,5,6}. If A,B,C,D,E can take any value from the set and AxBxC=CxDxE.
Find the sum of all the numbers that C can take. 9th nov
Ans : 10
Approach :

As C can be cut from both sides, so AxB = DxE

Pairs possible from (1,2,3,4,5,6) are
1x6 = 2x3 -- Values C that can take are 5 & 4
3x4 = 6x2 -- C = 1 & 5
ANS = 1+5+4 = 10
Q36. A start at 2:00PM from P and reaches Q at 11:00PM. B start from Q at 5:00PM and
reaches P at 10:00PM. At what time will the meet ? repeated on 7 th
Approximately 7:10. (Yes, I am getting around 7pm 8min)
8.45(this is wrong ...7:08 is the correct ans)


Ques.37 Number of trailing zeroes in 60! When it's written in base 16? 9th nov(Nov-9th
It will be 14:confirmed.

(Whoever wrote this answer, Write the explanation.)

Ques38 . A shopkeeper sells a product with 12% profit and decreases the cost price
with 4%. (Either 12% or 20% , something like this and they asked for change in SP
upto I remember)
repeated on 7 th

Ques39). Sum of APs:

S1: n^2
S2: 2n or (2n + n^2)
What will be the sum of series formed by the elements of above series, such that these
must also form an AP.

Ques40). If circle is drawn inside another circle. What will be the area between these.
1. Two circles are concentric
2. If radius of (inner) circle, circumscribing the outer circle with radius R is R/8.
1. Only one is sufficient
2. Both are required
A confirm , yes with B we can answer the question

Q41) find the remainder when 21^476 - 18^48 is divided by 10.

Answer- 5
Answer is 5
As last digit of 21^476 is 1 so remainder is 1 and last digit of 18^48 is 6 so remainder
is 6
1-6 = -5 i.e. 5

Q42) 1,2,5,4,7,6,1- how many 7 digit nos, can be formed by arranging these such that
all odd nos. Occupy only odd places?
Answer- 72 (4!3!)/2!

Q43. What is the 100st digit of pi after the decimal point?


Answer is 9
Ans: final answer is 9(verified on google)
Q44. Length of rectangle increases by 20% and breadth decreases by 12%. Ratio of original
and new area?
Ans: 125:132

45) There was a question, something ratio should they be mixed to get a 60% concentration.

46) Trailing zeroes in 60! When expressed to the base 16. (9th nov)

47) How do you solve questions of the type Trailing zeroes in 100! When expressed to the
base 7.(9th nov ) ans 16.
HOW? As it is base 7.. divide 100 by 7.. like what we do in case of base find no. Of

48) two nos have product 36 and their hcf must be greater than 1 then how many such pairs of
nos are possible(pairs must be natural nos):(Nov-9th 9A.M)
ans is 5 pairs / answer should be 4 (2*18/3*12/4*9/6*6)


Approach let hcf be h so hx*hy=36

Hcf can be 2,3,6 according you will get product of xy find unordered solution.

49) On selling something, there is a profit of 12 %. If the CP is decreased by 4% and SP is 10

more than original SP,20% profit is achieved.What is the original CP? .
Ans: 312.5

50) An isosceles triangle abc...where ab=ac=8cm.. an angle bisector of 4cm from A is drawn to
side bc .. need to find the difference btw circumradius and inradius.(Ans for this question)
ANS: 2 - 2 root3
3^ - 12^ + 27^ - ..

51. How many terms required to get sum = 6075^

Answer -


correct answer is 9 terms.

Q 52 Difference between x and y X = all even numbers above 10,000 formed from the first 5
whole numbers without repetition Y = 4 digit number divisible by 4 formed from the first 5
natural numbers without repetition Options that I remember - 40, 60,45 ,50 (60 was the highest
0one) Ans. 40 ?
ANS : 36
10000 ke upar Matlab
Last digit __0
So 4*3*2*1=24
Last digit _ _ _ _2
So 3*3*2*1 ie 18
Same for 4
And for 0 it will be 3*3*2=18
ie 60
And for 1,2,3,4,5
If I take _ _ 12
That's 3*2 ie 6
If I take 24
Then 3*2 ie 6
If I take 32
Then again 6
If I take 52 then again 6
That's 24
So ans is 60-24 ie 36

Q 53 X of y + y of x = 2 xy What is x+y? Plz confirm the answer i m getting x=2y.

Someone post these questions in the doc guys
ANS: 2root xy Solution approach posted in images at the end of doc

54). Number of trailing zeroes in 60! when converted to base 12.


Ans :-2 if base is 3


56)A car started from A at 10 am and reached B at 8 pm. Another car started B at 10 am and
reached A at 10pm. When did they meet? (Ans??)
A completes his journey in 10 hrs and other guy in 12 hrs
Assume total distance as 120
To speed will be 12 and 10 respectively
Solve and 10 pm mein add karna
Ans 3:27pm

1st car takes 8 hour to complete journey <<<< It takes 10 hours nt 8 check the question
2nd car takes 10 hour to complete

Now let the distance be 80( assumed doing by piece work method )
So speed of 1 st car is 80/8 = 10
And similarly of 2nd car is 80/10 = 8
Now relative time as they are traveling in opp. Dirctn so 80/(10+8) = 80/18 = 4.44 hour
Hence 8 am + 4.44 hr = 12.44 pm

57) 20 people finish a job in 45 days, working 8 hrs a day. They start and work together for 3
days,then some of them leave. The job completes in 63 days. How many people left?
Approach:total unit=45*8*20=7200 units
For first 3 days:480 units are completed
Let no of new men remaining be x so : x*8*60=6720 this gives x=14
So men left=20-14=6

58) There are 3 casino tables A,B n C. The probability of winning a jackpot in each of them is
0.02,0.03 and 0.04 respectively. In a particular month,number of people playing in A,B n C are
25K,14K and 16K respectively. only one person wins jackpot that month. Find the probability
that he used machine A. (Ans-logic??/)
Ans: 0.025X25/(0.02X25)+(0.03X14)+(0.04X16)
=25/78 or 0.320


59) In a circle,there are two chords AB n CD intersecting at O. AO= 6, BO=2.5 . IF CO=7.5,find

CD. (

61) Find the probability of getting prime number sum when 6 dices are rolled?
I think: No. from 6 to 36 can appear on the dice, which is 31 numbers. And prime no. sum can
be only 7, 11, 13, 17, 19, 23, 29, 31. So, ans. should be 8/31. Please correct me if I am wrong?
APPROACH PLEASE! 1/4 repeated on 8th
What is the correct answer?
Whats the correct answer? Coz 7 can appear in 7! Ways (1111112)(1111121). So on..
We need a prime number sum from Identical dices
A+b+c+d+e+f = 7
A+b+c+d+e+f = 11
A+b+c+d+e+f = 13
A+b+c+d+e+f = 17.
A+b+c+d+e+f = 31
Now using n-1Cr-1
What is the correct answer?
ANs: 8/31

61 Number of ways you can represent 180 as a sum of consecutive numbers method is
5(number of odd factors of 180).
The no of consecutive terms will be 5-(3,5,9,15,45),because the no of odd factors of 180 is 6,
But 1 is not considered in this case,as we need consecutive terms sum).
For eg.
So Number of odd factors = (2+1) - 1 = 2 = Number of ways of writing 100 as sum of 2 or more
consecutive integers . They are
18, 19, 20, 21, 22
Similarly for 180=2^2*3^2*5^1
So , no of odd factors here are = (2+1)(1+1)-1=5 [consider factors for 3 and 5], which is the
required answer.

62)probability of winning a ballot of 3 states A,B,C was given. Total amount of votes in a,b,c
were given. Question asked was prob. That it is a win and belong to state a.(8th)

63)One ds question:-(8th)


Find the value of x,y if some equation was given

This equation was reducible to question equation itself.
Another equation was given.
So the answer was only 2nd is required.

64)find the remainder if 8533^859^361 divided by 19?(8th mrng) Ans 3?

Is the ans 16?
I am getting 8?anyone explanation?
ANS : 3

65)how many 7 digits distant number can be made with 1,2,3,4,5,2,1 if on odd places only odd
numbers can be used?(8th)
I guess yehi options the
Ans 36 nnooo
Ans is 24.if you are presenting with new ans...plz also explain how u reached to it

66. There are a group of 10 dancers, three of whom can only dance in the first row and two in
the second row. Both rows must have equal number of dancers.(9th nov evening 4.30 slot)
Sol: first row 3 dancers are fixed and second row 2 dancers are fixed
So in first row 5C2 *5! And second row 3C3*5!

67.There is a box with 16 balls labelled 0-15. A man takes out three balls randomly out of it.
What is the probability that the ball will add up to 16, without any of the balls being numbered
ANS : 18/560 = 9/280

68) 5^525 + 6^636 + 3^ 53 ? find the last digit

4.. Wrong, the ans is 2...stop messing with the answers!!!!!!
69) x is the smallest 4 digit no divisible by 88 find the remainder when same no is divided by
Answer is 9


smallest no divided by 88 is 1056 when it is divided by 13 remainder is 9

70) a firm acquired some employees so that the work can be completed in 90 days but at the
end of 30 days only 1/4th of the work was done. So the firm increased the total workforce by
15 so that the work is completed in time..THE QUESTION IS INCOMPLETE
SO FOR THAT THE ANS WOULD BE 120 ...Options( 60/90/120 ..)
71) a water has 70% pollutants and while treatment only 20% is treated and the rest on next
stage that also does 20%. Find the no of stages required so that the total pollutant in water is
14%? -- 7 stages


The ratio is incorrect!

The ratio is incorrect!

Data Missing?? We can only find the difference between the weights with the data written in

76) a mixture containing alcohol and water. If you add 1 ml of water then there would be 20%
alcohol in the resultant mixture and if you add 1 ml of alcohol then 33.33% alcohol in the
mixture, find quantity of alcohol in the mixture.
ANS 1.5


77)an equation 4x+3y is given such that x and y are positive integers for which of the following
values of y the equation will not be even? Options:4,5,8,12(9th nov 4.30 slot)

(Questions from 78 onwards are already present above with solutions)

78) Number of trailing zeroes in 60! when converted to base 16. -

24 is the ans

79) log(1+1/2)+log(1+1/3)+......log(1+1/9) (repeated on 9th 2pm)

Ans : 9/ if its log base 3 then ans = 2

80). A car started from A at 10 am and reached B at 8 pm. Another car started B at 10 am and
reached A at 10pm. When did they meet?
After 5hrs 26 mins or at 3.26 pm

81) 20 people finish a job in 45 days, working 8 hrs a day. They start and work together for 3
days,then some of them leave. The job completes in 63 days. How many people left?
6 people left

82). There are 3 casino tables A,B n C. The probability of winning a jackpot in each of them is
0.02,0.03 and 0.04 respectively. In a particular month,number of people playing in A,B n C are
25K,14K and 16K respectively. only one person wins jackpot that month. Find the probability
that he used machine A.
Ans :0.320 or 25/78 HOW?

83). In a circle,there are two chords AB n CD intersecting at O. AO= 6, BO=2.5 . IF CO=7.5,find

Ans : 9.5

84) A 7 digit word is formed by the digits 1,2,4,5,6,2,1 such that odd numbers remain in odd
places. Find the number of cases.
Ans : 4c3 3!/2 4!/2 (72 is the answer) Question present above

85) 4000! Divided by 12

ANs: 3994



3 drawers and 5 diff balls in how many ways can you put the 5 balls in the 3 drawers so tht
there is atleast 1 ball in each drawer ?
Ans : 150 Given Above

89)A boy has 4 different boxes and 5different marbles.

How many ways can he place the marbles in the boxes such that each boxes has atleast 1
ANS : 480 ( firstly select 4 marbles out of 5 and place them in 4 boxes 5c4 *4! .. Then select
one marble and put it in any of 4 box ie 5c4 *4! *4 )
90)A man walks covers half of the jogging track by jogging and then while returning bac he
was walking to the starting point. He took 1 hr 36 mins for this. If he could hav jus jogged for d
entire way..he could hav saved 36 mins. What will b d time he will take if he walks for both
Ans: 132

91)A tap p fills a tank in 40 hours,tap q fills in 25 hours and tap r empties it in 30 hours.If the
taps are used alternatively for 1 hour each.How much time does it take to fill the tank? (10th
ANS: 91 hrs

92)A,B and C are three people with speed 4km/h, 6km/h and 7km respectively. A,B and C start
from point P one by one with difference of one hour between them.A departs first and B
catches it at point Q and then B starts running back to point P.where will B and C meet from
point P?(10th Nov)
ANS : 9 9/13 km
PQ will be 12 km?

Logic Questions-
Plz post some LR questions
LR of 9th nov contains decision making so do it.
1 lr on games and tournaments avoid it (can do it if you can trade your precious 8-10 minutes)
(9th nov 4.30pm slot)


Guys post the logic only??


Input: Alphabets in pairs of 3. Ex: BCG(repeated 8th Nov
Step 1: 237
number of the alphabets
B=2, C=3, G=7
In the table 237 is given

Step 2: 6
Logic: 2+7-3=6

Step 3: 12
Logic: 2+3+7=12

Step 4: 24
Logic: Multiply step 3 digits with prime number
Next number in another column was multiplied with 3 and then with 5 and then with 7

Step 5: 22 (output)
Logic: Subtract that number which is multiplied in step 4Q
------>>> Four columns were there n 3-4 questions
And each asked for different steps
Like what will be the step 3 for input FAG
Input : FAG
S1: 617
S2: 12
S3:14 (Repeated 7th Nov 9 am slot)
Todays 11:30 slot

LR- 5-6 input output questions which were really difficult.

3 missing figure, 4 blood relation, 3-4 coding bases, 2-3 conclusions based, 2
questions what you will do in given situation (idk what to call these)decision making


Q There was series questions

32,34,37,41,47,46,58,56,? (repeated on 9th 2pm)
Answer 71
32+(3+2) = 37
34+ (3+4)=41
37+(3+7)= 47
58+(5+8)= 71
Hence answer 60.
As 56=(60-58)-(60-56)+58

Q. Management can be written as Manager, Mathematics can be written as Matheics

So how Manhattan be written what is the answer for dis??
Kindly explain this.
Question is incomplete
Doubt: Please explain this.

1) 2,6,12,20,?,42
Find ? ans :30

Q2 Arrangements (one consisted of 11 people, 6 Women 5 Men working in 4 Banks,

something on the lines on IDBI, AXIS, ICICI, HDFC. One of them had 2 women working
in them n one had no women at all.)
(the other arrangement consisted of 5 people- 4 Men 1 woman, working in different
cities - Kolkata(1), Mumbai(2), Bangalore (1), Indore(1), in 3 different departments -
Operations(2) (woman i.e. B not in Ops), Accounts (1) , Personnel (2), and at 3 different
designations - Manager(2), Assistant Manager(2), Supervisor (2). VERY Easy
set, do not miss)


Input Output was a bit strange there were numbers in numeric terms as well as
alphabets. I did not have time so didn't do it. (4 Questions)


ordinate geometry and find the sides of quadrilateral

8th September

Ques. Find the missing term of series:

83 65 49 _ 23?
( Difference+2 ka logic)
9^2+2 , 8^2+1 , 7^2 , 6^2-1 , 5^2-2
Therefore answer is 35.
Doubt: Pls explain the logic with example? What will be the answer?the diff between
two consecutive no.s is in descending order starting from 18, then 16, 14, 12 and so

Ques. On strong and weak argument- In accordance to save water authorities have to
decide a cost effective method.
Statement 1: start the training process for village people regarding check dams ( this
and one other statement was implicit, I don't remember that)

Suggestion- in Quants you might found

some questions after DI sets too, attempt these. And go through basic formula of
geometry, you might find questions on formula.?

on DI from official book is repeated.Green house effect DI.


1 DI set had a line graph with 2 indicators - Price and Qty sold of food items such as
Fries Burgers Ice Cream Sandwich Pastry Pizza etc. 2 of the questions were sitters
while 2 involved lengthy calculations.


i qus came frm graph in that pizza burger etc quantity was given and also price was
given then they ask like if 20% burger quantity increase or 10% pizza quantity increase
so.. price pe total effvt..
and 1 qus came frm pie chart in which bike quantity and in table there % breakup was
given so u have to ans those qus..

1 DI set was about 5 contestants who had received 1000 telephone votes. of votes
received, and ratio of men:women voters and ratio of voters above 35 and below 35
was given. 3 questions were really easy.

5 countries India China US Germany and one more - their population, of pop which
uses internet, and breakup of internet usage (average hours/month) in traditional
usage and sophisticated usage. This was an easy set.

1 set was about Raymond and Sons and it's revenue contribution from its different
products (monitors consumables systems softwares etc - bar graph ) and from
different subsidiaries (5 companies whose sum total of revenue was 3600 - pie chart).
this required some calculation but I guess if you are fast you shouldn't leave this one.

1 set had data of a company from 2001-2004 and percentage of employees in each of
the Departments (sales manufacturing etc) during each year ( terms) (bar chart) . 3
Questions were doable.

1 set was based on a bar graph stating the waste produced and recycled percentage
of 5 cities in total and a pie chart mentioning the percentage of what percentage of
products are recycled into










Bro Can u plz add question numbers? So nice that u are reducing the stress of all :).
I request to please follow order as well along with question number. Thanks in advance.


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