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Cambridge English

for Schools
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Answer Key 2 Practice
Audioscript 5
Teaching Tips 10 Tests Plus
Answer Sheets 14 Teaching not just testing


Answer Key
Part 5
Test 1: Reading and Writing (page 8)
26 C get is the only one that collocates with fed up.
Reading 27 D every refers to individual times.
28 A keep is the only one that collocates with fit.
Part 1 29 D Items B and C would need an article, A would imply a
1 C Students need to sign a list by Friday. comparison.
2 B Her mum asks Could you record Dads favourite car 30 B in is used with a country.
programme ? 31 D popular is the only adjective that is followed by with.
3 B Tilly is at the station early because her teacher allowed 32 C similar is the only word that is followed by to.
the students to leave after a test. 33 A This is a zero conditional, only can fits.
4 A The notice asks people if they want to join. 34 B across implies from one side to the other.
5 C She wants him to look on the table for her homework. 35 C good + for = healthy

Part 2 Writing
Part 1
6 B The book describes a world that is very possible.
7 A The description mentions his girlfriend and a story 1 a member a noun related to belonging to
including a chase. 2 the best superlative
8 G The book is about global warming, weather and 3 too easy negative to positive
volcanoes, etc. These are all environmental issues. 4 might win possibility in future
9 C The book is exciting and includes a nightmare journey 5 gave her passive to active
and travel through several US states that we dont
normally hear so much about. Parts 2 and 3
10 E This book is about a real life and how someone For model answers, see Exam Practice: Cambridge English
developed, into a good journalist. Preliminary for Schools, pages 6264.

Part 3
Test 1: Listening (page 23)
11 B It isnt a competition the offer is to the first people who
join. Part 1
12 A The trainer is described as a professional actor and star
of the TV series Chancellor. 1 C She doesn't have much homework and can record the TV
13 B It didnt win an international award, it just missed out on programme to watch later.
a top prize. 2 B He says that the discussion 'for me was probably the
14 A Anton was discovered in this way when he was just most fun part'.
eight years old. 3 C She isn't free on 4th or 5th and says that 8th 'would be
15 B There is no audience for the play readings and no great'.
mention of tickets. 4 A He doesn't like the idea of the shopping bag and there
16 A members choose a new play. isn't a bag with lots of pockets.
17 B They dont need to, but there are opportunities for those 5 A She says her house has a balcony, but the garage is
who want to. joined to the house.
18 A This will happen in the coming year. 6 B The boy used to like guitar, but now loves piano. (The
girl played the guitar and now plays the violin.)
19 A There is normal acting membership (referred to before)
7 B She is going to the dentist and playing hockey today.
and associate membership.
She is having a haircut tomorrow, but wants to go to the
20 B The audience doesnt take part in productions but can
cinema afterwards.
join discussion groups.
Part 2
Part 4
8 C Her grandmother didn't say anything and she made new
21 C This is a description of the event for a school magazine/
friends, but her mother took her to try something new.
website. It refers to our class and Miss Matthews and
9 C Her dad hoped she'd lose interest and take up something
describes what happened.
22 D They have just been developed.
10 B She felt scared because all the other dancers looked
23 B They could do several things: we were allowed to test it,
better than her.
she played with them.
11 A She says preparing for performances is her favourite thing.
24 A He says it gave us some good ideas.
12 B She says she doesn't see many of her old friends because
25 C He says, I was particularly impressed and machines like
they don't share the same interests.
these could replace the jobs of lots of people.
13 A She says 'I'm sure dancing is the right thing for me',
which is the 'correct choice'.

2 016 P e a rs on P h o t o co p i ab l e 2

Part 3 Part 5
14 500 26 D more is used for comparing followed by than.
15 2 27 B However starts a sentence that contrasts with the
16 thriller previous one.
17 countryside 28 A drop is followed by an object (their gum) and means to
18 The Lion let something fall.
19 laptop 29 A means is part of the phrase it/this means that....
30 C get + off = remove
Part 4 31 A cost = how much someone pays for something
32 C way means method in this context.
20 B Susie has not seen the film yet. 33 D bright is an adjective that implies it attracts attention.
21 A James says they were pretty good in this film. 34 B hope is only followed by will out of these choices.
22 A Susie says acting in films is not the same now. 35 B We say in + a city/town.
23 A James says Half the fun is seeing it on the big screen.
24 B James says he often disagrees with the critics, not Susie. Writing
25 A James says I don't think films will ever become only
DVDs or downloads' and Susie says 'I'm not so sure. Part 1
1 as big as/as large as to follow the negative verb
2 long way = not near
Test 2: Reading and Writing (page 32) 3 unless negative of if
4 twice = every two weeks is two times in a month
Reading 5 to live to + infinitive after prefer
Part 1
Part 2
1 C not Room 15
2 B she wants your ideas Model answer
3 C Call me if ... 6 
Use an informal style. Include all points. Use different tenses.
4 B found in classrooms, taken to the Heads office Use correct words for opening and closing.
5 B sandwiches to share with
Hi Mark,
Part 2
Last night I went to a concert and saw Sam Smith. Hes an
6 H reactions, who will win amazing singer and he sang lots of his best songs. Ive got
7 F exciting, starts tonight and finishes on Thursday all his albums. What music do you like? Do you often go to
8 A biggest names in the film business, real stories concerts?
9 D music, as it happens, famous names, new ones Bye,
10 E premier, Fantasy Prize
Part 3
11 B It helps 512-year olds. Part 3
12 A different areas and different sorts of homes
Model answers
13 B We know they dont have physical problems because
they do some work around the house. 7 Use informal style. Include all points. Use a range of
14 A it is often difficult for them to make friends structures and vocabulary. Use correct words for opening
15 A meet other children and make good friends and closing.
16 B They take part in leisure activities, swim, ride bikes and
play with animals. Hi Carl,
17 B It visits children in the community. Thats an interesting project! I think the most popular sports
18 A art, dance and music here are football and tennis. Lots of young people play
19 A birthday and Christmas cards football at school and at clubs. Its easy to play because you
20 A what they do isnt seen or recognised by others only need a ball and some grass. Theres a lot of football on
TV. There are matches every weekend and also in the evenings
Part 4 during the week.
21 B It describes Lauras problems and how she has coped. Some people play tennis at school, but its expensive to join
22 B They encouraged her to get the most out of life. a club. However, we have some famous tennis players in
23 D Laura is an expert at signing and lip-reading, too, our country. Thats why we like to watch them on TV. When
and its her main way of talking to people. theres an important international tennis competition, they
24 C Lucy gives a signal to Laura if ... show it on TV.
25 C Laura manages her life and has a wide circle of friends at I hope that helps.
school and at her gymnastics club. Tom

2 016 P e a rs on P h o t o co p i ab l e 3

8 Use the given starter sentence. Organise work into

paragraphs. Use linking words. Use narrative tenses. Use a Writing and Speaking Banks (page 57)
range of vocabulary.
The train stopped again and Beth looked at her watch. It was Part 2 (message):
8.30. School started at 8.45 and her first lesson was English.
Checking your work
She liked English and they were studying an interesting book.
She didnt want to be late. I really enjoyed spending a week at your home I had
the a great time. The best part is was going to that football
Suddenly a man shouted. Everybody must get off the train
match I've never saw seen such an amazing stadium! I'm
now! All the passengers got up and went to the doors.
looking forward to next year when you will visit my home.
People were worried and they were pushing each other.
As Beth got off the train she saw some smoke at the back Part 3 (letter or email):
of the train. It was a fire! She ran as fast as she could. She Doing everything in the task
completely forgot about her English lesson!
1 suggesting 2 apologising 3 thanking 4 describing
5 promising 6 accepting an invitation
7 making a decision 8 asking for information
Test 2: Listening (page 44)
Part 3 (story):
Part 1 Making a story easy to understand

1 A The mother doesn't have any salad and the boy prefers 1 rather 2 any 3 Suddenly 4 long 5 unexpectedly
banana to apple. 6 After that
2 B She doesn't say that taking photographs was the best Making a story interesting
part, and the weather wasn't good enough to sit on the
beach. 1 Completely unexpectedly 2 ran quickly 3 All at once
3 C His cousin doesn't wear glasses and is wearing a dress. 4 hurried 5 By now 6 absolutely 7 stared 8 strong
4 A She doesn't like the idea of football at first, but then agrees
because there is no sci-fi film and she doesn't like the music. Speaking
5 B Tomorrow is Saturday, which will still have some light Part 2 (discussing a situation):
showers with a few sunny periods.
Giving/asking for opinions
6 C The girl sees the book underneath the coat.
7 A The books and DVDs arrived the day before. 1 Do you have any ideas?
3 How about you?
Part 2 5 How do you feel about that?
7 What do you think?
8 A He sang on TV after he won the competition. 8 What would you say?
9 B 'I love to think people enjoy listening to me'. 10 Do you think the same as me?
10 C 'I always want to do everything perfectly, and that's
not possible. Responding to others
11 B He says it's better when his sisters travel with him. 1 D asking for more information
12 A He says it's not his choice to do it alone, and that he 2 F disagreeing
prefers to study with his friends. 3 J making a suggestion
13 A He says some of it is similar to his first one, but he's 4 C asking for an opinion
trying to include new songs so it won't be the same. 5 B agreeing
6 G explaining
Part 3 7 I making a decision
14 5 (p.m.) 8 E changing the topic
15 Mondays 9 A adding information
16 35 10 H giving an opinion
17 The Stars
Part 3 (describing a photograph):
18 computers
19 Strange Journey Talking about a photograph
1 1 themselves 2 outside 3 caf 4 cup 5 perhaps
Part 4 6 right 7 jacket 8 fair 9 long 10 because
20 A He says it was a shock to see how many people there 2 1 cushions 2 something 3 backs 4 other 5 left
were it was much busier than the year before. 6 striped 7 curly 8 vase 9 living room 10 after
21 A She says she didn't imagine she'd make so many friends.
Part 4 (having a discussion):
22 B He says he kept in touch with his family on the internet.
23 A She says 'what a shame you didn't do any activities like Responding to your partner
that. You missed out on something special!' 1 C 2 D 3 B 4 G 5 F 6 A 7 H 8 E 9 J 10 I
24 B Oliver is going to learn the guitar now he didn't learn it
at camp.
25 B She hasn't made up her mind yet.

2 016 P e a rs on P h o t o co p i ab l e 4
Audioscript: Cambridge English Preliminary for Schools
A udioscript: C ambridge English Preliminary for Schools

Test 1: Listening, Part 1 (pages 2325)
There are four parts to the test. You will hear each part twice. For Girl: That's fine actually, my mum wants to take me to the
each part of the test there will be time for you to look through cinema on the 4th anyway. I'm not free on 5th, though I
the questions and time for you to check your answers. have a dancing lesson then.
Write your answers on the question paper. You will have six Man: What about 8th? I'd like to make it a double lesson with
minutes at the end of the test to copy your answers onto the Jan we could start at 5 and finish at 7.
answer sheet. Girl: That would be great.
Now listen again.
Part 1
There are seven questions in this part. For each question there are Question four
three pictures and a short recording. For each question, choose Which bag does the boy decide to use?
the correct answer A, B or C. Boy: I can't decide which bag to take to the game I've got so
Before we start, here is an example. much stuff to carry.
What is the boy going to buy with his birthday money? Girl: What about this backpack? It'll take a lot.
Boy: It's very large, and uncomfortable to carry. Haven't you
Girl: What are you going to spend your birthday money on? got a smaller one with lots of pockets? Then it's easier to
Boy: I can't decide! My sister keeps suggesting things, and find things.
they all seem good ideas at first! Like, she said a DVD Girl: Not really there's this one, but it's got short handles.
but actually I like downloading films, not watching them Mum could give you a shopping bag at least that has
on TV. She also said a football shirt, and I do need a new long handles.
one, so that's probably what I'll get. Boy: That's silly! OK, I'll use the big one, thanks.
Girl: How about a computer game? Now listen again.
Boy: I love gaming, but I don't have enough money for one!
Picture C is correct so the letter C has been circled. Question five
Look at the three pictures for Question 1 now. Where does Sarah live?
Now we are ready to start. Listen carefully. You will hear each Boy: Where do you live now, Sarah?
recording twice. Girl: In North Street the house with the balcony. We've lived
there since last month. Our other house was too small. It's
Question one quite near the school, so I can walk there every morning.
What will the girl do in the evening? Boy: Is it the one with the separate garage, and the large
Boy: Hi Sue can you come to the tennis club this evening? garden? You're lucky to have so much space!
I need a partner for the game 'cos Jenny can't make it Girl: Actually, we have got a big garden, but the garage is
she's going to the cinema with some friends. joined to the house. You're thinking of the one on the
Girl: I haven't got a lot of homework tonight, but there's a corner. Why don't you come round with Carol after school?
programme on TV I want to watch. And it looks like its Now listen again.
going to rain!
Boy: No, it's going to be fine later on. You can watch the Question six
programme another time your mum could record it What musical instrument is the boy learning to play now?
for you. Boy: How are you getting on with your guitar lessons, Sally?
Girl: Then I guess I'll see you there! You were finding it hard, weren't you?
Now listen again. Girl: Yes, and actually I've given up my mum thought I
should learn the violin instead.
Question two Boy: My parents wanted me to play the violin, but I said the
What did the boy like best about the geography lesson? piano would be better. They were worried I wouldn't
enjoy it because I used to like the guitar, but I love it.
Girl: I really enjoyed that lesson! It was so interesting.
Girl: It's the same teacher who does the guitar lessons, isn't it?
Boy: Me too! It's good when the teacher uses films to show us
Boy: Yes, and I think she's great her lessons are fun!
real things, so it's easy to see exactly what she's talking
about. The photographs she passed round were good, Now listen again.
too, especially the ones of the lions they're magnificent!
Question seven
Some of my friends found the discussion afterwards less
What does the girl want to do tomorrow?
interesting, but for me that was probably the most fun
part of the whole thing. I'm looking forward to finding Girl: Oh, hello Sue it's Chloe. Sorry, but I can't come to the
out more on the internet for myself. cinema with you today. I've got an appointment for a
check-up with the dentist at 3 and then I have to play
Now listen again.
hockey for the school team one of the girls is ill. Could
Question three we make it tomorrow for the film that starts at 5? I can't
When is the girl's next singing lesson? come earlier because I have to go to the hairdresser
immediately after school. Give me a ring to let me know if
Man: Hi Sally I'm sorry but I have to change your next singing that's OK. Speak soon!
lesson because I'm going to a concert then. It's the lesson
Now listen again.
planned for June 4th I know we've already moved that
once, sorry. That is the end of Part 1.

2 016 P e a rs on P h o t o co p i ab l e 5
A udioscript: C ambridge English Preliminary for Schools

Test 1: Listening, Part 2 (page 26) Test 1: Listening, Part 3 (page 27)
You will hear an interview with a girl called Sophie Watson, who You will hear some information about a short-story competition.
has just joined a professional dancing school. For each question, For each question, fill in the missing information in the numbered
choose the correct answer A, B or C. space.
You now have 45 seconds to look at the questions for Part 2. You now have 20 seconds to look at Part 3.
Now we are ready to start. Listen carefully. You will hear the Now we are ready to start. Listen carefully. You will hear the
recording twice. recording twice.
Interviewer: Sophie is a thirteen-year-old dancer who has just Man: And now to move on to details of our competition this
joined a professional dancing school. Sophie, tell month. Most of us think we can write a story well,
us why you started to dance. here's your chance to show that you can!
Sophie: I've wanted to be a dancer since I was three If you're older than twelve, but under sixteen, you can
maybe because my grandmother used to dance enter our short-story writing competition. Your story should
when she was young. I think my mum took me be no longer than 500 words, although it can be as few as
to the local dance school because I kept talking 250. You can have as many characters in your story as you
about it, and she thought it would be something like, but there must be a least two main characters. Most
different for me to do. I made lots of new friends, people like to have between three and five.
but I took it more seriously than them they just So, what sort of story should you write? We've had sci-fi
thought it was fun. and crime stories in competitions before, but, this time,
Interviewer: Did anyone worry about you dancing so much? we want a thriller if you send in a comedy, I'm afraid it
Sophie: When I was eleven I had dancing classes after won't win.
school three days a week, and then a Saturday You may want to write about your own town or city,
morning class as well. I managed to do the but we're asking for stories set in the countryside we
schoolwork because I got up early every morning. think that gives everyone more chances to use their
It was difficult for my dad who worried I would imagination. You can choose the season yourself you
get into trouble I don't think he thought I might might like winter because it's dark and cold, or summer
get hurt, but secretly he hoped I'd lose interest because it's hot and sunny.
and take up something different! The judges are well-known writers themselves: Jack Harris
Interviewer: Then you had an interview for the professional wrote an award-winning novel, The Lion, and Carol
dance school. Were you nervous? Simmons is editor of the magazine Creative Writing, as
Sophie: I was! My ballet teacher said I should apply well as the author of many short stories.
because she thought I could be really good if You can email your stories directly to us. The email is:
I had special training. In my interview, I had to, and the closing date is July
dance in front of several of the teachers. I felt 15th. Any stories we receive after this date will not be
really scared, because there were lots of young judged. Remember to include your full name and address,
dancers there, and they all looked much better and, most importantly, your age. The winning story will
than me! I was lucky to be chosen. be put onto our website for everyone to read.
Interviewer: What's daily life like at the school? There are several prizes including books and DVDs, and
Sophie: I still have to do normal schoolwork in the the winner will be given a laptop. That should encourage
afternoons. In the mornings we all do dance everyone to try to write a good story!
exercises together. They're the same every day Now listen again.
and are hard the teachers expect us to improve
That is the end of Part 3.
all the time. We do performances every term, so
we have to practise special dances to do on stage
that's my favourite thing.
Interviewer: Has being at the school changed you?
Sophie: I hang out with the other students, do regular
things like listen to music, watch films. I don't
see many of my old friends because we don't
share the same interests any more. I make sure I
get enough sleep people probably think I dont
enjoy life, but it's not true.
Interviewer: Tell us how you feel about your future.
Sophie: There are lots of opportunities at the school. I
have music and singing classes, and I love them
though I'm not any good! I'm sure dancing is the
right thing for me even if I don't become a big
star. I don't regret coming to the school.
Now listen again.
That is the end of Part 2.

2 016 P e a rs on P h o t o co p i ab l e 6
A udioscript: C ambridge English Preliminary for Schools

Test 1: Listening, Part 4 (page 28) Test 2: Listening, Part 1 (pages 4445)
Look at the six sentences for this part. You will hear a There are four parts to the test. You will hear each part twice. For
conversation between a girl, Susie, and a boy, James, about a each part of the test there will be time for you to look through
new film called One Evening. the questions and time for you to check your answers.
Decide if each sentence is correct or incorrect. If it is correct, Write your answers on the question paper. You will have six
choose the letter A for YES. If it is not correct, choose the letter B minutes at the end of the test to copy your answers onto the
for NO. answer sheet.
You now have 20 seconds to look at Part 4.
Now we are ready to start. Listen carefully. You will hear the Part 1
recording twice There are seven questions in this part. For each question there are
three pictures and a short recording. For each question, choose
Boy: I was really looking forward to seeing One Evening. It was
the correct answer A, B or C.
great to go with loads of friends we all met up in the
Before we start, here is an example.
afternoon and went together.
What is the boy going to buy with his birthday money?
Girl: I had too much homework, so I'm going next week I
can't wait! I think it's going to be great so don't tell me Girl: What are you going to spend your birthday money on?
too much! Boy: I can't decide! My sister keeps suggesting things, and
Boy: OK. You just need to know you'll love it! Don't listen to they all seem good ideas at first! Like, she said a DVD
people talking about it at school, though especially the but actually I like downloading films, not watching them
special effects. on TV. She also said a football shirt, and I do need a new
Girl: Oh dear, I don't usually like films with loads of those one, so that's probably what I'll get.
there are often too many. Girl: How about a computer game?
Boy: I know what you mean, they can be too obvious. But they Boy: I love gaming, but I don't have enough money for one!
were pretty good in this film. Maybe that's because of Picture C is correct so C has been circled.
the director. Look at the three pictures for Question 1 now.
Girl: I prefer good acting like there used to be in older films. Now we are ready to start. Listen carefully. You will hear each
It's just not the same now. And it's different when you see recording twice.
an exciting film in the cinema there's more atmosphere
and you probably enjoy it more. Question one
Boy: I hate watching films at home. Half the fun is seeing it on What does the boy decide to take to school for lunch?
the big screen and talking about it afterwards especially
Woman: Pete, what do you want to take to school for lunch
when it's a blockbuster like One Evening.
today? I can make cheese sandwiches, and you could
Girl: One thing is, I never read reviews before I see a film, so
take an apple as well.
I can decide for myself what I think. Mind you, I usually
Boy: Oh Mum, I had cheese yesterday and I'm bored with
read them afterwards!
sandwiches. Can't I take a salad? I need to be healthy
Boy: I reckon critics are often wrong, anyway. There's always
for football!
something they criticise, and it's usually what I really liked.
Woman: I don't have salad but there's cold pasta. You could
Girl: Do you think people are going to the cinema as much
take that. What about the apple?
nowadays? I think it's too expensive. After all, there are
so many other ways to watch a film like on a laptop or a Boy: I'd prefer a banana, to be honest.
tablet. You can watch it whenever you want. Woman: Ahh ... There's one left you're lucky!
Boy: That's true, but, honestly, I don't think films will ever Boy: Thanks. And the pasta's fine.
become only DVDs or downloads the cinema experience Now listen again.
is too much fun!
Girl: I'm not so sure. Question two
What did the girl like best about her holiday?
Now listen again.
Boy: Did you have a good holiday?
That is the end of Part 4.
Girl: Yes, on the whole it was a bit cold, though. There
You now have six minutes to check and copy your answers onto were loads of things to see in the town I took so many
the answer sheet. photographs!
That is the end of the test. Boy: You must show me! How about the beach was that
Girl: It was beautiful it was just a pity the weather wasn't
better or we would have spent more time there. Actually,
what really made it for me were the sporting activities,
especially cycling in the countryside I did that every day,
and the weather didn't matter!
Boy: Sounds cool!
Now listen again.

2 016 P e a rs on P h o t o co p i ab l e 7
A udioscript: C ambridge English Preliminary for Schools

Question three Question seven

Which photograph is the boy's cousin? What is the girl waiting for?
Girl: I was looking at the photos of your family on your Boy: Why do you keep looking out of the window?
Facebook page which one is your cousin? Does she have Girl: The postman's so late today.
curly hair like you? Boy: But I thought the books you ordered online arrived
Boy: Yes, but it's very long. Actually, she's quite tall taller yesterday.
than me and very sporty. She usually wears sports Girl: Yes, they did the parcel arrived by special delivery, along
clothes although, now I think about it, she's wearing a with the DVDs for my friend's birthday. But I ordered
dress in the Facebook photo. some printer cartridges as well, and they haven't arrived. I
Girl: So she's not the one with glasses then that must be really need to print out my homework, otherwise I'll be in
your sister. trouble with the teacher.
Boy: That's right she's the younger one. Boy: Well, I can see him coming now, so let's hope you get
Now listen again. what you want!
Now listen again.
Question four
That is the end of Part 1.
Which TV programme does the girl agree to watch?
Boy: It's raining shall we watch television instead of going
out? There's a good documentary about football. Test 2: Listening, Part 2 (page 46)
Girl: Not exactly my favourite! You can watch that if you like,
but I'd rather watch something more exciting. Isn't there You will hear an interview with a boy called Jack Roberts, who
has become famous as a singer in his own country at the age of
a science fiction film or something?
twelve. For each question, choose the correct answer A, B or C.
Boy: I'll check the schedule Oh, that was last night you've
You now have 45 seconds to look at the questions for Part 2.
missed it. There's a live concert streamed from America
Now we are ready to start. Listen carefully. You will hear the
that could be good. recording twice.
Girl: I'm not into that kind of music. OK, let's give your sports
programme a try. It might be all right! Interviewer: Jack Roberts has become famous as a singer
Now listen again. in his own country, and is quickly getting an
international reputation but he's still only 12.
Question five Jack, how did all this happen?
What will the weather be like on Saturday? Jack: Ive got three older sisters and we've always
TV announcer: It's 6 p.m. on Friday and here's the forecast for loved singing and song-writing together. I started
the weekend. The weather this week has been singing at events and festivals in my town when I
disappointing with heavy rain and no sign of was nine. Then, Mum entered me in a local talent
the sun, but that will start to change tomorrow contest and I came first. That's how it all began!
when the rain should move slowly away to the Because of that, a television company heard
east. Temperatures have been lower than normal about me and put me in a programme.
for June, but that's because of the strong winds Interviewer: How do you feel when you're on stage?
across the whole country. They should drop Jack: I'm nervous, but that's not a bad thing I
tomorrow, and on Sunday everywhere will be probably sing better. I love to think people enjoy
sunny and warm. Unfortunately, tomorrow, most listening to me. It makes me feel special even
areas will still have some light showers with a few more so when I'm singing songs that I've written
sunny periods. myself.
Interviewer: Is it easy to watch yourself in television
Now listen again. programmes?
Jack: I feel embarrassed when I see recordings of my
Question six
shows because I see and hear things I think are
Where is the boy's homework book?
mistakes, even if they're actually not. I'd love
Boy: Has anyone seen my homework book? I thought I left it to go back and do it again. I always want to do
here. everything perfectly, and, of course, that's not
Girl: I haven't seen it did you put it in your rucksack? possible.
Boy: I've looked there, but there's no book in it just pens and Interviewer: How does it feel to be famous so young?
pencils. Have you picked it up by mistake? Jack: Very strange, but it's something I'm getting used
Girl: I've only got my own books. You probably left it in the to. I know I'm going to travel a lot more and
library when you were working there at lunchtime. sing in different places. My mum always travels
Boy: OK, I'll have to go back there and check. with me, but it's so much better when my sisters
Girl: Wait a minute isn't that it under your coat? You just come, too. I wish I could spend more time with
couldn't see it there! them that's really hard. It's strange when people
Now listen again. talk to me in the street. It's quite difficult to get
used to that but it's not horrible.
Interviewer: Do you still have to do schoolwork?

2 016 P e a rs on P h o t o co p i ab l e 8
A udioscript: C ambridge English Preliminary for Schools

Jack: I do have to study, but I do it online on my own.

It's not my choice it seems a waste of time Test 2: Listening, Part 4 (page 48)
but I know my singing career could come to an
end and I'll need to do something else. I prefer to Look at the six sentences for this part. You will hear a
study with my friends, though. conversation between a girl, Alice, and a boy, Oliver, about
Interviewer: You're writing a new music album. Tell us about spending a month at a summer camp during their school
Decide if each sentence is correct or incorrect. If it is correct,
Jack: It's a combination of different musical styles
choose the letter A for YES. If it is not correct, choose the letter
some of it's similar to my first one, because most
B for NO.
of my fans are my age and I know what they You now have 20 seconds to look at Part 4.
like. I'm going to try to include some new songs, Now we are ready to start. Listen carefully. You will hear the
though, so it won't be exactly the same. A lot recording twice.
of it's about my sister she writes most of the
words for me. Boy: So, what did you think of the summer camp?
Interviewer: Thanks, Jack. Girl: I hadn't been to anything like that before, so I didn't
know what to expect but everyone was so friendly. I
Now listen again.
did feel a bit strange at first because I couldn't believe
That is the end of Part 2. how many people there were and the camp was so big
it was easy to get lost.
Test 2: Listening, Part 3 (page 47) Boy: I went last year, so I knew what it would be like. But even
so, it seemed busier this year. That was a shock.
You will hear some information about visiting a space museum. Girl: I didn't imagine I'd be able to make so many friends I'm
For each question, fill in the missing information in the actually quite shy but I loved sharing a room with other
numbered space. girls. We sat up talking most nights! The tutors were very
You now have 20 seconds to look at Part 3. kind and made us feel completely at home.
Now we are ready to start. Listen carefully. You will hear the Boy: Yes, they did, but some people I was with missed their
recording twice. parents a bit they didn't like not being at home. I kept
Woman: You've reached the voicemail of the Space Museum. in touch with mine on the internet, though, so we had
We're closed right now. Our opening hours are 104 lots of contact.
Tuesday to Friday, and 105 at the weekends. We're Girl: I didn't have time to think about them there was so
not open on Mondays or bank holidays. much to do during the day. I hadn't played hockey or
Tickets can be bought in advance on our website: gone swimming in the river now I can do both. I never An adult ticket costs 13, and thought I was good at tennis before, but I got better
entry is 11 for children aged 516. There is a special because I played so much. What a shame you didn't do
family ticket for two adults and two children which any activities like that. You missed out on something
normally costs 40, but if you buy it in advance, it's special!
35. There are a small number of parking spaces Boy: It's not what I'm interested in. It was the musical
outside the museum which cost 10 a day, but the evenings that were great someone played the piano or
best way to visit us is by bus from the town centre. The guitar while we all sang. I'm going to have guitar lessons
number 6 leaves every ten minutes from outside the now so I can do the same! I don't think I'll go to camp
train station. next year, though.
We have some special exhibitions at the moment Girl: My parents think I should, and it was certainly good fun,
that are all included in the cost of the ticket. We are but I haven't made up my mind yet. I'm glad to be back
showing the film Beyond the Moon, where you can at school.
sit back and explore the secrets of the universe on our Boy: Me too. I'll do something different next year something
huge screen. For those interested in space travel, our connected with music.
film The Stars will answer all your questions. Both films Now listen again.
are showing every hour. That is the end of Part 4.
There are three floors of interactive activities for You now have six minutes to check and copy your answers onto
children of all ages. You can climb into a model the answer sheet.
spaceship, see some moon rocks and pretend to be
a spaceman. In the Blue Room you can search the That is the end of the test.
universe using the computers there. On every floor you
can enter competitions with prizes such as books and
DVDs. On Wednesday this week there will be short
lectures about life on other planets from local scientist
Mary Jones and Dan Richards, author of the science
fiction novel Strange Journey.
If you're planning to spend a whole day here, there is
a caf on the top floor, serving hot meals until 2 p.m.
After that you can get cakes and coffee until 4.
Now listen again.
That is the end of Part 3.

2 016 P e a rs on P h o t o co p i ab l e 9
Teaching tips
Teaching tips

Teaching Tips

1 Identifying situations (Part 1) 4 What's the answer? (Part 4)

Get students to bring in their own examples of Get students to cover the options and only look
signs and notices to share and discuss. The at the question. They should then try to find the
other students should guess where they were answer to the question in their own words. Get
seen. It doesn't matter if they are in their own them to look at the options and see which one
language identifying the context is important matches their own ideas most closely.
and will transfer to English. When doing this
task, students should always think about the 5 I can do this! (Part 5)
context of the sign or notice as this will help them
understand it. Get students to read the whole text through
without giving them the options, and discuss what
it is about. They should understand the whole text
2 Reading quickly (Part 2)
before they try to fill in any of the gaps. Talk about
Students need to understand and remember the subject together. Is it interesting? What have
the key information they are looking for in each they learned? Did they know about it before?
text. Develop this skill by giving students longer Then ask them to see how many answers they
texts and asking them to scan them to look for can guess. Finally, give them the options and get
something very specific, for example, How big is them to check their answers. This will give them
the building? confidence for the exam task.
When they're practising an exam task, get
students to use different coloured highlighter pens 5 I like reading! (All parts)
to mark the information in each text that matches Encourage students to read in English. Set them
the descriptions of people. tasks for homework to find short texts/blogs/
information on the internet that they think are
3 How much do I need to understand? (Part 3) interesting to read. They bring these to class and
tell other students why they liked the text. This
Help students gain confidence in guessing the
can link English to their own interests, and give
meaning of unfamiliar words from their context in
them a reason to read.
longer texts. When they have done a Part 3 task,
ask them to underline any words that they didnt
know. Then ask them to work in pairs and try to
work out the meaning of these words by using the
context. They may be able to do this more easily
than they think. After guessing, they can use a
dictionary to check their ideas. This will help them
deal with unknown words more confidently when
they come across them in a longer text.
Ask students to work in pairs and highlight the
information in the task that they did NOT need to
use to find the answer to a particular question.
This will show students that they don't need to
understand everything in the text, especially if it
seems very long.

2 016 P e a rs on P h o t o co p i ab l e 10
Teaching tips


1 What's wrong? (Part 1) 4 Correcting grammar mistakes (Parts 2 and 3)

Give students tasks with answers written in. Get students to work in pairs and discuss
Some answers should be correct and some mistakes they know they often make. Then ask
should be wrong, but for different reasons: them to exchange a piece of work with their
spelling, grammar or too many words. Students partner so they can check it, looking specifically
work in pairs to identify the incorrect answers, for the mistakes their partner mentioned. This
and say why they are incorrect. will help students to see mistakes they may miss
themselves, and help them check their own
2 What was the task? (Part 2) answers in the exam.

Give students a copy of a written answer without

5 What can I write about?
the task. Ask them to work in pairs and write
(Part 3: story and letter)
the task. Then give students the actual task to
compare with their ideas. This activity focuses Many students find it difficult to think of ideas for
students on the importance of reading the their writing. Spend five minutes in class regularly
question properly and answering it completely. brainstorming ideas using previous tasks.
Encourage them to keep these ideas and use
3 Create a checklist (Part 2) them in their homework tasks.

Make a template (see below) to provide students Give students short letters or emails to read to get
with a checklist to complete before they start to them used to the style, and tell them very short
write any task. This will help them focus on the stories regularly. This gets them used to the idea
requirements of the task, and get them into the of a story with a beginning, middle and end.
habit of always reading the question carefully.
6 Improving answers (Part 3: story)
Why are you Give students a copy of a short story which has
writing? no adjectives and is boring. Get them to work in
pairs and suggest ideas for improving it.
Who are you
writing to?
7 Using connectors (Part 3: story)
What must you do?
Give students a copy of a good answer, but take
What information away all the connectors. Students work in pairs
must you include? and add appropriate connectors into the script
where they think best.

2 016 P e a rs on P h o t o co p i ab l e 11
Teaching tips


1 Mark the answer (Part 1) 4 What does it really mean? (Part 4)

After completing a Part 1 listening task, give Get students to highlight key words in the
students a copy of the audio script. Ask them to statements, so that they really understand what
read the script for that task and highlight where they are listening for. Get them to think of how it
the answer is. Then ask them to mark where the might be phrased, for example, Sue thinks Andrew
other options are mentioned in the script, but are should study harder. She could say 'I think/
not the correct answer to the question. This will it seems to me/you ought to/why don't you/my
help them to understand how to eliminate incorrect advice is , etc.
options when they are doing Part 1 tasks.
After they have listened to the task, discuss
whether they heard any of their ideas before
2 Think about options (Part 2) checking their answers. Then let them look at the
Put students into pairs and ask them to look at an audio script to highlight where the answers were,
exam task. Ask them to think of any other ways and what was actually said.
of expressing the three options, as they may hear
the same idea expressed in different words. Then 5 I like listening (All parts)
do the task. When you check the answers, give
Students need to gain confidence in listening. Let
them a copy of the audio script and ask them to
them listen to as many very short things in English
highlight where the answer is. Were any of their
as possible, but do this regularly. One minute
ideas used in the script?
every lesson is effective. They should just listen
without any task.
3 Check your spelling (Part 3)
Choose words that have the same sound but
are spelled differently, for example, there/their.
Dictate a list of words and ask students to write
down what they think they hear. Students should
compare their words, then practise putting the
word they've written down in a sentence.

2 016 P e a rs on P h o t o co p i ab l e 12
Teaching tips


1 Find someone who (Part 1) 5 What do you want? (Part 4)

likes listening to music Write simple situations on cards. Students sit in
lives in a flat small groups each with a set of cards. They take it
played tennis last week in turns to turn the cards over and respond to the
question. Example card question: I'd like to go to
Write prompts on a sheet or on the board.
the cinema tonight. What about you?
Students have to ask each other the questions,
and write the name of the student who fits the
answer to each question. They then report back 6 Pronunciation game (All parts)
on what they said to the whole class. Think of two words with similar sounds, for
example, here/ear, where/air. Choose words your
2 Answer the question (Parts 1 and 4) students have difficulty saying. Write these words
on individual cards, one word on each card. Put
Write simple personal questions on cards.
students in groups, and place all the cards face
Students sit in small groups each with a set of
down on the table. Students take it in turns to
cards. They take it in turns to turn the cards over
turn over two cards at random and say the words
and answer the question. Example card question:
aloud. If they sound similar, they keep them. If not,
Do you like watching television? Why/Why not?
they replace them and the next student turns over
two cards. Students must say the words aloud to
3 Keeping a discussion going (Parts 2 and 4) justify their choice.
Do work in class on phrases for functions like
agreeing, disagreeing, suggesting, asking for 7 How do you say it? (All parts)
opinions and giving reasons. Then think of a
This works well in mono-lingual classes, but
series of statements on common topics. Example
can also be done in multi-lingual groups. First,
topic: Cities are horrible places to live.
identify common problems the students have
Put students into pairs. Ask each pair to think of with pronunciation, and isolate these sounds in
three points supporting the idea and three points individual words. Find minimal pairs based on
against it. Regroup the pairs into groups of four. these sounds or words, write them on cards and
Each pair takes it in turns to make a point and the give one card to each student. Each student reads
other pair agrees or disagrees, using phrases they their word aloud and the other students write it
have learned and giving reasons. down. After everyone has read their word, they
compare them with what other students have
4 What can you see? (Part 3) written, discuss any mistakes and think about
what aspect of pronunciation caused them.
Build students' confidence in describing pictures
by asking them find their own pictures for
homework. They should check they know the
vocabulary, and also think about what they would
say about their picture. Students bring their
pictures to class and give their picture to a partner
to describe. They then compare what their partner
says with their own ideas.

2 016 P e a rs on P h o t o co p i ab l e 13


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Reading and Writing Day XX MONTH 201X



Centre Candidate

Number Number

Answer Sheet for

Writing Part 3


Write your name, centre number and candidate number in the spaces above.

Write your answer to Writing Part 3 on the other side of this sheet.

You must write within the grey lines.

Use a pencil.

Do not write on the barcodes.

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You must write within the grey lines.

Answer only one of the two questions for Part 3.

Tick the box to show which question you have answered.
Write your answer below. Do not write on the barcodes.

Part 3 Question 7 Question 8


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