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Amrita Vishwa Vidyapeetham
B.Tech. Degree Examinations June 2014
Fourth Semester
MAT212 Mathematical Statistics and Numerical Methods
(Common to all branches)
Time: Three hours Maximum: 100 Marks
Answer all questions
PART A (10 x 3 = 30 Marks)
1. Evaluate (30) to four decimal places by Newton Raphson method.
2. Use Gauss quadrature 2 point formula to evaluate f ( x) dx
1 x4
20 x y 2 z 17
3. Solve by Gauss Seidel iteration method the equations 3 x 20 y z 18 with initial
2 x 3 y 20 z 25
approximation x0 y0 z0 0 correct to two decimal places.

4. Determine the largest eigenvalue and the corresponding eigenvector of the matrix
5 4
A using power method with scaling for three decimal places considering the initial
1 2
approximation as X .
5. The velocity V of a particle at distance s from a point on its path is given by the table:
t(feet) 0 10 20 30 40 50 60

V(feet/sec) 47 58 64 65 61 52 38

Estimate the time taken to travel 60 feet by using Simpons three - eigth rule.

6. An electrical system consist of four components as illustrated in the figure. The system works
if components A and B work and either of the component C or D work. The reliability
(probability of working ) of each component is given. Find the probability that the entire
system work assuming four components work independently.

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7. Let X denote the diameter of a hole drilled in a sheet metal component. The target diameter is
12.5 mm. Most disturbances to the process result in larger diameter. Historical data show that
the distribution of X can be modelled by a PDF as :
20( x 12.5)
20e , x 12.5
f ( x) . If a part with a diameter larger than 12.6 mm is scraped, then
0, otherwise
what proportion of parts is not scraped?

8. Assuming that 20 , how large a random sample be taken to assert with probability 0.95 that
the sample mean will not differ from the true mean by more than 3 points?
9. Let X be a normal random variable with unknown mean and known variance . Then
obtain the maximum likelihood estimators for when is known based on a sample
x1 , x 2 , x3 ,..., x n of size n.

10. An important measure of the risk associated with a stock is the standard deviation, or variance
of the stocks price movements. A financial analyst wants to test the one-tailed hypothesis that
stock A has greater risk than stock B. A random sample of 25 daily prices of stock A gives
s A2 6.52 and a random sample of 22 daily prices of stock B gives a sample variance of
s B2 3.47 . Carry out the test at 0.01 .

PART B (10 x 7=70 Marks)

11. By using the bisection method, find an approximate root of the equation sin x , that lies
between x=1 and x=1.5 correct to two decimal places.

12. A rod is rotating a plane. The following table gives the angle (radians) through which the
rod has turned for various values of the time t seconds.

t 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0

0 0.12 0.49 1.12 2.02 3.20

Calculate the angular velocity and the angular acceleration of the rod when t=0.6 seconds.

13. a. Find the equation y f (x) of least degree passing through the points (-1,-21), (1,15),
(2,12), (3,3). Also find y at x=0.
b. Find the value of x when y=85 using Lagranges formula from the following table.
X 2 5 8 14

Y 94.8 87.9 81.3 68.7

14. Using Runge-Kutta method of fourth order, solve xy y 2 with y(0) 1 at x 0.1,0.2 .

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15. Given the values of u(x,y) on the boundary of the square mesh in the figure below, evaluate the
function u(x,y) satisfying the Laplace equation 2u 0 at the pivotal points of the figure.
Perform 5 iterations by taking u1 0 , u 2 0 u 3 0 , u 4 0 as the initial approximation.

16. Given P(A) 1 P(B) 13 and P(AUB)

2 ,evaluate P( A / B), P( B / A) ,
P( A B' ) and P( A / B' ) .

17. a. Suppose that the time in minutes that a person has to wait at a certain bus stop for bus is
found to have random phenomenon, with the probability function specified by the distribution
0, x 0
,0 x 2
F ( x)
,2 x 4
1, x 4
What is the probability that a person will have to wait a)more than 2 minutes given that it is
more than 1 minute b)less than 2 minutes given that it is more than 1 minute.
b. The weekly demand for a certain drink, in thousands of liters, at a chain of convenience
stores is a continuous random variable g ( X ) X 2 X 2 where X has the density function
2( x 1),1 x 2
f ( x)
0, otherwise . Find the expected value for the weekly demand of the drink.

18. a. If the probability of a bad reaction from a certain injection is 0.001, determine the chance
that out of 2,000 individuals more than two will get a bad reaction.
b. If a random variable X follows a normal distribution with mean 12 and standard deviation 4
then find the values of x 0 and x1 when P ( x0 x x1 ) 0.50 and P( X x1 )=0.25.

19. a.If a container of paint covers on the average 513.3 square feet with standard deviation 31.5,
using central limit theorem, find the probability that the mean area covered by a sample of
40 of these containers will be anywhere from 510 to 520 square feet.
b. A machine is producing metal pieces that are cylindrical in shape. A sample of pieces is
taken and the diameters are found to be 1.01, 0.97, 1.03, 1.04, 0.99, 0.98, 0.99, 1.01 and 1.03.
Find 99% of the confidence interval for the mean , assuming normal distribution.

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20. An experiment was performed to compare the abrasive wear of two different laminated
materials. Twelve pieces of material A were tested by exposing each piece to a machine
measuring wear. Ten pieces of material B were similarly tested. In each case , the depth of
wear was observed. The samples of material A gave a average wear of 85 units with a sample
standard deviation of 4 while the samples of material B gave an average of 81 and sample
standard deviation of 5. Can we conclude at the 0.05 level of significance that the abrasive
wear of material A exceeds that of material B by more than 2 units? Assume the populations to
be approximately normal with equal variances.


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