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We Take A Stand OpinYon Digital Edition!

NOVEMBER 18-24, 2013 VOL.4 NO.13 Visit us at twitter.c om/opinyon2010

WHAT IF? A Doomsday Scenario

By Frederick A. Fabian
WHAT if a disaster of cataclysmic proportions
hits Metro Manila, home to more than 15
million Filipinosand the seat of the nations
capital? Are we ready to cope? Page 2
Page 2


Opinyon413.indd 1 11/15/13 8:18 PM

ing in Tacloban and surrounding towns, do not need to reiterate those facts to us, as
preferring to do a form of remote-control it is already evident in our history as a coun-
governance rather than be physically pres- try: tropical storms are regular occurences.
ent where the people are suffering, where The sad truth is that we as a society have
they are mourning the dead and where the not learned so much from past disasters. As
children are going hungry. philosopher George Santayana would put
That appears to be too much for his con- it, those who cannot remember the past are
stitution. condemned to repeat it.
It seems that it is not something a
privileged, upper-class-raised Noynoy can Lessons In Foresight
handle. How can a sheltered rich boy, the Pecier Decierdo, a physics teacher who
scion of Philippine political icons and haci- works for Mind Museum and science advo-
enda landlords, possibly bear the harrowing cacy director for civil organization Filipino
sight of devastation and desperation when Freethinkers, has provided pointers that the
its taking place in front of him? public should always keep in mind when
The crisis is far from the safety and com- it comes to handling disasters. He stated,
fort of his Malacanang office. We can just More storms make landfall on the Philip-
imagine that he will treat the residents of pines than on any other large country on
Metro Manila the same way. Humans are Earth. This one fact demands that the sci-
creatures of habit, and if anything, the ence curriculum in the country should be
President is one. tailored to produce basic education gradu-
He has a terrible habit of placing the ates who understand how tropical storms
blame on someone else, as if he lacks the roll. According to him, allowing an inad-
capability to own up responsibility. equately informed population to live in a
storm-prone country is a massive inhuman-
Incompetence Is Matter Of Fact ity.

As many rational and well-informed A public dialogue on disaster manage-
Filipinos would tell you, Malacaang has ment should be top priority, so that people
always been incompetent when it counts. will be more capable and well-informed in
Some may dismiss it as mere cynicism and handling the effects of natural disasters in
pessimism. But several counts of wrong de- our lives, rather than wait for government
cisions and late responses to a crisis is an to dictate disaster measures. Decierdo re-
indicator not just of incompetence, but of marked, We should talk about the weather
impotence. more. It is known that the country has an
We all know that this is not the fi rst time insufficient number of meteorologists, and

A Doomsday Scenario
that the Aquino administration has shown that the public does not regard due status
that it is incapable of delivering in crucial to meteorologists and weather scientists,
times. From the 2010 Manila Hostage Cri- which results to having underpaid and over-
sis, the growing unemployment rate despite paid PAGASA employees.
By Frederick Fabian his claims of economic growth, the 2011
vetoing of the budget provision for disas-
Underpaid weather specialists and un-
dermanned and ill-equipped weather sta-
ter management, to the mishandling of the tions result to inaccurate weather forecast-
WHAT if a disaster of cataclysmic proportions hits Metro pork barrel issue, the list just goes on. ing, which lead to deaths and losses that
Manila, home to more than 15 million Filipinosand the Reputable news analysts and weather
experts have predicted that the NCR can
could otherwise have been prevented.

seat of the nations capital? become the next ground zero based on past Economic Consequences
scientific data and environmental factors. Using 2009s Ondoy devastation as basis,
Thousands of lives will be lost and casu- The Marikina Valley Fault System ex- There is more than enough evidence to we can expect that a Haiyan-scale super
alties can run to millions. It will be a har- tends from San Mateo, Rizal and runs support the possibility that significant parts storm will bring in not just the strongest
rowing sight that will surely bring the na- through Makati, Marikina, Paraaque, of Metro Manila can and will be subjected to winds, but the force of floodwaters rush-
tion to its knees. That is, if we consider the Pasig and Taguig. It has been observed by massive damage that can equal that of Ta- ing in and submerging two-story buildings.
potential disasters on a grand scale, such as Phivolcs and other scientific experts as a po- cloban and nearby Leyte towns. According Business and commerce in the metropo-
the recent earthquake in Bohol and typhoon tential origin of large-scale earthquakes that to former Manila Chronicle newsman and lis will defi nitely be halted. Makatis main
Yolanda (Haiyan) that razed big parts of can reach a magnitude of 7 or higher within science/technology writer Alan C. Robles, thoroughfares would be clogged, and being
Leyte to the ground. Metro Manila. a storm like Haiyan could bring the Philip- a neighbouring city to flood-prone Pasay, it
What if, instead of the Visayas, Yolanda A possible death toll, as predicted by ex- pine capital to its knees. just makes it worse.
took a path straight through the heart of the perts, can reach 35,000, with an estimated In his interview with MMDA chairman Roxas Boulevard, site of Manilas signifi-
National Capital Region? 120,000 injuries. The earthquake will also Francis Tolentino, the official confi rmed cant commercial activities and facing Ma-
The resulting storm surge would drive require the evacuation of three million peo- similar concerns by saying that it will be nila Bay, would be one of the most damaged
the waters of the Laguna Lake inland and ple from the potential disaster areas. just like Tacloban, which was decimated to for obvious reasons. Metro Manila is located
inundate the lakeside barangays of Laguna In a research done by the Metro Ma- the ground when Yolanda struck. Tolentino in a catchbasin between Manila Bay and La-
and drown millions of people. The loss of nila Earthquake Impact Reduction Study confidently stated it will just be the same, guna Lake, which means that there is no exit
lives and damage to property would be tri- (MMEIRS), funded by Japan International if not worse, although he noted that some for excess water pouring in from both sides.
ple the Visayas count. Cooperation Agency (JICA) in 2004, it was structures in Manila are better built to with- According to urban planner and master ar-
revealed that a 7.2 magnitude earthquake stand typhoons. He significantly added, It chitect Paolo Alcazaren, most of the drains
Faultline can destroy 40% of residential buildings, will also cause societal disruption. constructed since the Spanish period have
What if the Marikina Valley Fault System fatalities numbering 114,000 and fi res that either been lost, covered up, or clogged with
shifted and triggered a massive earthquake? will result to 18,000 more casualties. Welcome To Floodland garbage.
Are we ready to deal with such a scenario? While the eastern side of Metro Manila Metro Manila is 638 square kilometers in A super typhoon hitting Metro Ma-
The Philippines, after all, is located in will suffer the brunt of the event, damage area, composed of 16 cities, one municipal- nila will defi nitely paralyze the countrys
the Pacific Ring of Fire, an area of the world and consequential damage can affect the ity, and has up to around 15 million people economy,because it will be more than the
that is susceptible to earthquakes and volca- rest of the NCR. Dr. Norman Tungol of Phi- living in it. It is surrounded by bodies of sum of the past typhoons of the last five
nic activity. The island republic is also con- volcs has advised that Metro residents, es- water and flood-prone areas such as Ba- years. Combine that with mounting govern-
sidered one of the worlds most dangerous pecially those living near the faultline, to be rangka in Marikina, Pasig areas near Rosa- ment negligence, festering corruption, and
places, because we are a constant recipient prepared for the worst, because earthquake rio, central parts of the city of Manila (Blu- lack of public preparedness. It is a tragedy
of typhoon landfalls more than any large prediction is not an exact science. mentritt, Maceda, Espaa, etc.), and parts of waiting to happen, and we cannot just stand
country in the world. Aside from structural damage, another Roxas Boulevard in Pasay. by and ignore it. It is time to learn by fore-
As grim as it may sound, an inconvenient risk looming over the people of Metro Ma- The NCR is practically sandwiched be- sight rather than hindsight.
truth is better than a comfortable lie. nila would be the possibility that reservoirs tween Manila Bay, facing the China Sea
such as the Angat Dam would be damaged on the west side and Laguna Lake on the Disaster Preparation
and cause flooding. Building collapse can southeast. Another factor to consider is the This doesnt mean that we should just be
cause electrical short circuits, petroleum northeastern part bordering the province of fatalistic and embrace the apocalyptic end
and LPG leakages from storage tanks, Rizal. times, because something can actually be
among others, that would trigger fi res, ac- In recent years, the mountainsides done.
cording to a report by online news site Bu- there have practically been denuded and This is where disaster experts come in. In Places susceptible to fi res are Va- logged to the ground, and residents in an interview with Rapplers Marites Vitug,
lenzuela, Caloocan, and the southern parts the lower parts of Antipolo City near Kathryn Hawley of Asia Foundation advises
of Quezon City. Marikina have experienced damag- that its best to prepare for a worst-case sce-
ing floods due to the accumulated rain- nario and hope that it doesnt happen. Mea-
What Government? water from Rizal flowing into the river. sures such as stockpiling of water and food,
Newsfeeds in Facebook were fi lled with The Angat Dam and the Pampanga river ba- strategic assigning of resources, land use
complaints and angry callouts about the in- sins are also hazards to Metro Manila if a regulations, low-cost housing programs,
competence of President Benigno Aquino super typhoon of the same scale as Yolanda public awareness campaigns and poverty
III and his lack of political will in dealing hits. In 2012, disaster management official reduction strategies can help absorb the
with the recent typhoon. The complaints are Edgardo Ollet admitted that the dam has shocking blow of an imminent catastrophe.
well-placed and unquestionably valid: at the cracks and needs major repairs. A super typhoon hitting Metro Ma-
same space of the few hours when CNN cor- One can imagine that the combined nila will defi nitely paralyze the countrys
TIRED of plundering politicians respondent Anderson Cooper was reporting force of incessant raining and a highly pos- economy,because it will be more than the
who have ruined our country on the lack of organized government efforts sible super typhoon is all it would take, and sum of the past typhoons of the last five
and its economy? in Tacloban City, even as President Aqui- a deluge of epic proportions is just waiting years. If not a super typhoon, the threat of
Its time to take a stand and let no was on the air with CNNs Christiane to happen. the Marikina Fault System is imminent.
Amanpour that everything is under control Meanwhile Dr. Mahar Lagmay of Combine that with mounting government
your voice be heard. DOSTs Project Noah was also asked by Ro-
despite contrary evidence. negligence, festering corruption, and lack
Join us in the crusade to eect It wouldnt be too far-fetched to say that bles, and he was positive that another super of public preparedness. It is a tragedy wait-
change in government and put the President is being cold to the plight of typhoon can happen in the near future. Dr. ing to happen, and we cannot just stand by
an end to ALL corruption. the people of Leyte, if his actions in the past Lagmay even put it this way: Its Russian and ignore it. It is time to learn by foresight
Sign up now. week after the storm is to be gauged. roulette. It may not hit now, or any time this rather than hindsight.
www.facebook/opinyon After all, PNoy has been distant and week, or the next, but the chances are very Disaster readiness is the only way to re-
detached from the real-life drama happen- high that it can and will happen. Scientists duce the what ifs?.

2 NOVEMBER 18-24, 2013 OpinYon WE TAKE A STAND

Opinyon413.indd 2 11/15/13 8:18 PM

News from
Where You Stand


Korina Sanchez vs Anderson Cooper

SOMEBODY slap Korina Sanchez. Be- temerity to hit Cooper for his erroneous re- Cooper 360 also tweeted Everywhere you seriously nowadaysespecially since she
cause of her reaction, Anderson had to ex- ports. go you fi nd people searching for their lost hasnt even been to the disaster zone, read
plain himself for those tweets. He (Cooper) Korina, wife of Interior and Local Secre- loved ones and Philippine military per- another online commentary.
only reported what he saw! tary Mar Roxas II and ex-flame of President sonnel are cleaning up the area around the Apparently caving in to the online com-
This is just one of the many tweets now Noynoy Aquino, was quick to give her re- airport.. fi rst time were seeing this. And ments, Korina got on a plane Thursday
flooding social media over the recent ex- buttal in defense of Mar and the PNoy ad- because of Korinas reactions, Cooper was to report live for ABS-CBN from Ormoc,
change between CNNs Anderson Cooper ministration. forced to clarify and explain his statements Leyte. She could have gone to Tacloban to
and local newshen Korina Sanchez concern- In her morning radio show Rated Ko- The Anderson-Sanchez tiff stirred dif- get a full reality check.
ing the handling of news reports in the wake rina aired over AM radio dzMM, ferent reactions from the netizens, but most
of super-typhoon Yolanda (Haiyan). Wednesday morning, were irked by the reac- Battle for Truth
Cooper was in town as part of CNNs Nov 13, she had a blind item tions of Korina and her The Korina Sanchez vs Anderson Cooper
coverage of typhoon Yolanda. Reporting for her listeners describing a ill-treatment of a fellow affair is just the tip of the ongoing battle for
from Tacloban City on the difficulties and blonde reporter ng CNN journalist. Many who the truth about the real scenario in typhoon
shortcomings of local relief efforts Cooper whom she claims are giving took Coopers side said ravaged areas. On one side are international
said: You would expect perhaps to see a reports that are mali-mali,. Korina had no right to journalists reporting on site and on the other
feeding center that had been set up five days Mukhang hindi niya alam question Cooper who are people from Malacanangincluding
after the storm. We havent seen that not ang sinasabi niya (It seems was reporting on site President Aquinowho are giving much
in this area. Some food is being brought to he does not know what he is while she was dishing rosier updates from a comfortable distance.
people here at the airport, some water being saying), Korina added. out commentary from While Cooper was reporting from Ta-
distributed, but these are very, very difficult While Anderson Coo- the comforts of a televi- cloban City, President Aquino was giving
conditions for the people here on the ground per is defi nitely not blonde- sion studio. a reassuring report in an interview with
and its not clear how much longer it can hairedit was clear that Whether a knee-jerk Christiane Amapour, aired that very same
continue like this. Somethings got to give. Korina was referring to the CNN newsman, reaction or acting under instructions from day also over CNN. Receiving some ambig-
A lot of things did break from ground but she did not have the balls to name Coo- Mar, Korinas reactions served only to mag- uous responses from PNoy, Amapour kept
zero: reports of a rising death toll and the per outright. nify the incompetence of the government in his composure and did not press further for
tales of frustration and desperation of sur- The exchange did not end there. handling the crisis. And, to a greater extent, proof of progress in the rescue and recovery
vivors who have resorted to looting and Aside from his report in CNN, Copper she has made herself a target of the anger efforts.
everything else for the sake of survival and also posted several tweets via his account @ of over half a million Filipinos affected by While the President reported that a sense
self-preservation. AC360 describing what he sees in Tacloban, typhoon Yolanda. of normalcy has returned to the typhoon-hit
There is death and destruction every- which is one of the most affected areas in To the typhoon-ravaged, Korina is the areas, Coopers live report showing actual
where and Cooper, like other foreign jour- the Visayas by typhoon Yolanda. liara puppet of this government and its footage from the ruins of Tacloban airport
nalists, were simply reporting events as they Cooper said that theres no real evidence ploy of dishing out candy-coated lies. painted a far grimmer picture.
saw it unfolding from ground zero. of organized recovery in the area and that Sanchez probably thought that her It is quite depressing to hear Cooper say
the people in Tacloban deserve better than husbands directing traffic on the streets of that it is not really clear to him who is in
Quick Defense what they have gotten. Tacloban could be considered a rescue op- charge of the Philippine side of operations
But here comes Koring Sanchez with the Anderson, host of CNNs Anderson eration. Thank goodness no one takes her Turn to page 8

PNoys Strange Twist

HOSE who have that he be willing to make the what has to be faced squarely the contingency budget of line
watched PNoy careful- decisions of his office in the and act decisively on matters departments and that these de-
ly in the last three years best interests of the nation or that really count. Well, that is partments must report to him
have observed that region, and not based on po- really not the strong suit of any on the use thereof.
PNoy personally is not litical considerations and so in politician, and he has shown I would rather have him say
a thief and this is why this sense his integrity is being that he is unable or at least that Ps, 600 Billion is too much
I am really wondering questioned, i.e., he is not really RAY seems to be unable to rise above but he does need some and so he
why he came blasting
out defending his personal in-
committed to the matuwid na
daan. And that slogan encom- OF HOPE the confl icted values they go by.
This is a cause for much sadness
is voluntarily reducing it to say
Ps.150 billion. This kind of mes-
tegrity at least as it relates to the
question of whether he person-
passes all of his decisions. That
is in short the leadership that
Ramon Orosa for the people.
Indeed, if he just saw this
sage would have been received
very positively by the people es-
ally pocketed any money from the people are looking for and whole issue as an opportunity pecially if it included his decla-
PDAF in the past or his actua- it is terribly inconvenient po- but so what? They dont care to make great new strides for ration that individual lawmakers
tions regarding the presidential litically. That is at the heart of a about this nation, they just want the nation, to redeem her tat- may no longer initiate projects or
pork. I can only assume that one term office of the President. to hold on to power for genera- tered image, then indeed the interfere in it its implementation
that was the doing of a shrewd Because he is no longer running tions and keep the people under nation may be headed for great- because the line departments
perception manager to divert for re-election, he ought to de- their thumbs. They certainly er glory. But this issue, which will indeed undertake whatever
the peoples anger against pork, cide rightly while in office. Pur- dont care about the people that he seems to be mishandling, has been budgeted. Because if
legislative or executive. suing the matuwid na daan is why they employ an army of may well break him for the rest the lawmakers have to reform,
I have not heard anyone ought not to depend on its ef- perception managers, skilled in of his term. so does the executive branch
from the protest groups accus- fect on his popularity or ensur- fooling the people about what I would have wanted PNoy to which has been complicit to say
ing him of the same thievery ing the liberal party candidate is really going on and they are speak to the nation and declare the least about the PDAF expen-
that the legislators have com- wins in 2016. In fact, to pursue willing to do so at all cost, con- that he realizes that legislative ditures, even in the use of His
mitted. What the protesting this slogan is to ensure that sidering the returns that they pork indeed is a source of cor- pork as President.
public have sought, might be many people will not like him receive from their office: Dou- ruption and that his adminis- In other words, the presiden-
called an over- reaction to the and there are far too many such ble compensation, excessive tration will pursue all of those tial pork should not be a politi-
glaring corruption practiced minded thieves in our society. salaries and bonuses, per diems who are involved because it is cal tool as it continues to be and
by lawmakers, but in simpler But that is the cause should re- here and there not to talk about high time to reform some of our has been used and certainly not
terms, they just want to get rid ally pursue relentlessly. After all all the kick backs from pork and encrusted structures. He could of that magnitude. The message
of PDAF wherever it might be he voluntarily chose the slogan from other segments of the na- have said that to do so entailed bottom line has to be that the
located and PNoy has not re- and promised to do just that not tional budget, perks and prac- some risk to him but that he was rules have changed and it is no
sponded to this issue at all. And some of the time, but all of the tices that are as old as the hills. willing to face such risks with a longer business as usual. But as
what has taken place in the new time. He cannot blame anyone All prior congresses have so be- mailed fist because the cause of they say, Draw your own con-
budget just puts a different col- for such a high minded joust haved except that they have re- the nation is greater than their clusions from his speaking to
lar on the same pork. It is not with the windmill, just like Don fi ned it now to a fi ne art, having interests and support. Maybe he the public which most people
a personal protest against him Quixote de la Mancha and his mastered all the intricacies and could have added that just like were disappointed about if they
in the sense that he is a thief Impossible Dream. how to protect themselves or his father, Ninoy, he believes would dare to speak!
that pockets the funds. But it It is in this area that the peo- shall we say by hiding the truth, that the Filipino is worth dying Oh well, hope springs eter-
is a protest to use presidential ples dissatisfaction at him is pretend that their asses are for, excluding of course the nal and only God knows how
pork as a political tool to reward focused. Because he has shown clean. But oh how they stink? thieves, unprincipled hypocriti- this annus horibilis will even-
or punish legislators or to make that he is just another tradi- This is what PNoy does not cal legislators and their allies in tually turn out for PNoy and the
decisions in its use for political tional politician, maybe just a get, or if he does get it, he or the pork scam. Unfortunately nation. PNoy is still our greatest
reasons. notch higher. This is not to say his handlers are clever enough they are quite a number! Whew! hope to move rapidly into new
This is the crux of the prob- that he has done nothing in of- to divert issues and prevent his I would have preferred for directions, and he must also
lem, though personally seem- fice. There are some things that being pushed to the wall. The him to justify presidential pork consider that those against all
ing honest, PNoy is just play- he has initiated, but now is not long and short of it is that being at a much lower level because kinds of pork are not against
ing politics with the peoples the time for him to falter and measured by the recent events, he realizes that those funds do him unless he shows that he
money. He cannot seem to slow down in this critical issue. he has shown that he may be not for the most part require does not really give a damn
understand that his slogan of The entrenched interests might personally brave but he does his personal discretion and the about the peoples sentiments
matuwid na daan demands hate him for what he is doing, not have the character to face funds could very well be part of except for show!

WE TAKE A STAND OpinYon NOVEMBER 18-24, 2013 3

Opinyon413.indd 3 11/15/13 8:18 PM


From the
Chairman By Raymund L. Junia

I GREW up in the biggest barangay of this small Another interesting fact is, until this writing,
town, Tolosa, Leyte. This barangay, and the people in most Yolanda-ravaged areas are still
town proper, face the Pacific Ocean. asking, where is government?
In our side of the country, a typhoon is no The dead littered the streets of Tacloban and
stranger. Were used to typhoons. But this does nearby towns until the sixth day after the ty-
not mean, we neglect any typhoons fury. phoon. Relief has not reached barangays and
I fi nd the debate on storm surge interesting, towns just 20 kilometers from Tacloban City.
the term not being understood. One journalist Relief was active only in media but zero at the
described it as a new phenomenon. Ted Failon, ground.
E D I T O R I A L who comes from Leyte, admits he does not un- Media was well managed but not the relief
derstand the meaning of storm surge. That really operations. Media was managed not to tell the
surprised me. truth. Malacaangs problem was that it could

Death and Survival In my elementary days in the barrio, I remem-

ber every time there was a typhoon, we had our
own coast guards. They took turns in watch-
not manage foreign media like CNN, ABC news
and others. They could not control social media
TYPHOON Yolanda (international name: Haiyan) has ing the sea level and ready to issue a bandillo How media was managed could be seen from
left the Philippines totally devastated. (public warning) on the rising of the sea level the reaction of ABSCBN channel 2 over reports
With an official death toll of 2,357 and 600,000 people and imminent flooding of the barangay. by CNN of absence of government at ground
displacedtales of death, destruction and survival have There being no satellite warning on TV then, Zero. Korina Sanchez embarrassed herself in her
this was the method of early warning to prevent refuting reports by CNNs Anderson Cooper.
come to light recently as normalcy slowly returns to the deaths from big waves and rising sea levelsa She was swarmed in social media by accusations
provinces which suffered the brunt of the tropical cyclone. storm surge. of her impartiality in defense of Pres. Aquinos
Perhaps a side-effect of the Janet Lim-Napoles pork That many lives were spared and saved leadership and for lying bare faced on the true
barrel scandal, but the Department of Foreign Affairs from Yolandas fury in my town, I think this situation in Leyte.
(DFA) has confirmed that most of the donations will not be primitive early warning system did it. Al- Easily, Korina Sanchez stood out as a disgrace
handed over to government agencies, but instead sentas though folks way back home say San Miguel to Philippine journalism.
directly as possibleto the affected communities. saved lives in the middle of Yolandas strike. CNN is the new shining example if not the
Worse, there are also reports that US Marines escort- On San Miguel saving the town, I very much hero in true journalism and Channel 2 lost much
ing cargoes of relief goods from the United Nations have agree. Our patron saint had always come to of its credibility.
been instructed not to let Philippine government officials the rescue of this town. Enough lies please.
and politicians get their hands on relief goods that are
scheduled to arrive in Samar aboard five C130 planes.
Has the image of the Filipino government official gone
In the Midst of Tragedy

so crookedly low that he cant be trusted even during this
time of great crisis?
You fi ll in the answer to this one, reader. N the midst of the tragedy of Warsaw is fasting in protest of
Survivors became increasingly frustrated with the the 6th category mediocrity the earths climate.
governments slow response to distribute badly needed and incompetence that is BS Swanson also headlines, How
food and water. Tacloban City officials have reported that Aquino and his government the US can dress up war as disas-
team, the volunteerism of ter relief to the Philippines. The
only 20 percent of the typhoon victims have received aid.
There have been reports and video footage of near anar-
many Filipinos gave hope.
Taipan Millan, a young PEOPLES U.S. is puffing up its aircraft car-
riers and military relief role to: 1)
chy as some people resorted to looting warehouses and
shops to fi nd food, water and supplies. The images are
citizen with a group of his STRUGGLE justify to Americans massive US
peers mobilized members of military spending and, 2) its pivot
enough to make anyone cringe. civic and business groups like Mentong Laurel to Asia. Deprecating BS Aquino
The storm has passed but the death toll continues to the Rotary Club of Caloocan and and RP government highlights in-
rise. Eight people were crushed to death when alleged companies like Frabelle Fish- competence to justify U.S. inser-
looters decided to raid a government stockpile of rice in ing Corporation to ship food of Malampaya raises the ques- tion. Meanwhile jet setting Pinoy
the town of Alangalang, Leyte. In another incident, a and relief goods to various parts tion: Doesnt the DoE have an anthropogenic global warming
homeowner shot and killed a number of persons outside of Leyte and Samar that were obligation to keep power rates alarmist Yeb Sano waxes melo-
not being reached by the main- steady and at continuously af- dramatic using the Leyte tragedy
his home thinking they were out to rob him of his food
stream foreign and government fordable rates anymore to help to fast and reinforce false man-
and supplies. relief operations getting clogged people and enterprises maintain made global warming (GW) the-
Looters, officials said, should not be treated as crimi- up on the roads and airports. predictable overhead cost? The ory. Go to Center for Research on
nals since they are just desperate for food and water. Its Fishing vessels Chrysanthe- authorities used to ensure such Globalizations list of funding for
all a matter of survival and self-preservation. But what mum and Brilliant Star leaves steady supply to make home the fraud.
about those who break into ATM machines, steal tele- Sangley for Tacloban while Wood- and business planning possible
vision sets, chest freezers and small appliances essential rose from Navotas goes to Ormoc, by maintaining a balance in the The Next Disaster
for survival? It has also become a field day for common Sogod, Tacloban, Biliran, Tanauan power supply mix. Its not if but when the
thieves. and Guian, and Verbena leaves In the midst of the continu- next natural disaster will strike
President Benigno is embattled as ever, this time fend- Navotas for Sogod only. ing struggle heroes often go un- the Philippines and our fami-
One of our OpinYon writ- sung, but this week we will sing lies in the line of another super
ing off supposed false reports on the number of deaths,
ers, Liza Gaspar sought help to our hymns of praise to Mang typhoon or an Intensity 9 earth-
which was initially pegged at above 10,000. At ground locate her Aunt Noemi and fam- Naro (Genaro) Lualhati, one of quake. Government should lead
zero, aid workers and survivors are increasingly becom- ily in Brgy. San Isideo, Sta. Fe, the leaders of LAMP (Lawyers in getting every barangay to fab-
ing skeptical of the Presidents comments. Leyte. Well ask Frabelle Fishing Against Monopoly and Poverty) ricate heavy equipment at the
They expect PNoy to give it to them straight like the to radio their ship captains to who in 2003 won the P30-billion lowest costsee Open Source
promises of his Daang Matuwid. help in the search when arriving refund of the income tax Meralco Ecology for free plans on how or-
in the different disaster towns. had been charging to consumers dinary people can make hydraulic
Others who have need to search (which it is still doing). cranes, forklifts, bulldozers to free
for anyone there can text us at Mang Naro passed away last people from heavy debris; instead
our numbers below which we week at the age of 92 leaving of PhP60 billion CCT going to
HERMAN TIU-LAUREL will relay to the ships. behind his message through his waste. Learn from Cuba which
Publisher son Antonio, that the struggle buses threatened communities
TONYPET J. ROSALES The Spirit of Struggle for peoples justice against the by the hundreds of thousands to
Managing Editor As the nation struggles with power plunder of Meralco and its safe grounds, as in Katrina with
DAVE DIWA the crisis in the Visayas other cohorts in the ERC and Congress only two deaths compared to U.S.
OpinYon is daily struggles continue. The should be sustained. 1,800 deaths.
Opinion Editor
published by Digitek rise in Meralco power rates in I am not leaving the fate of
Publishing House, FREDERICK FABIAN
November-December due to ill- Beware of Gift Trojan Horses my children and grandchildren
Inc., with editorial Social Media Director
timed maintenance operations While Filipinos have to ac- to mediocrities in government or
and business oices CARLOS RAJAMIRA cept any and all offers of aid and the NGOs. I am buying used car
at No. 10 Pacita Creative Director support now, they should also jacks, crowbars ad steel cables
Avenue, Pacita be wise and wary. An Internet for every room my houses my
Complex I, San Layout Artist blogger reminds us citing, Claro childrens homes. I constantly
Pedro, Laguna. M. Recto walang libre sa kano monitor seismic news and ty-
Editorial Consultants
DIEGO CAGAHASTIAN U.S. writer, David Swanson in phoon news. Dusan Zupka of
TELEPHONE NUMBER LINGGOY ALCUAZ Lets Take Advantage of Suf- the U.N. International Secre-
San Pedro: 214-0766 ERICK SAN JUAN fering Filipinos! sarcastically tariat for Disaster Reduction
RODRIGO CORNEJO headlines a report on a USA opined, I would dare to say
Email: opinyon.2010@ Today columnist proposal to that Cuba is a good example for Scan this QR Code with
RAY L. JUNIA use the U.S. military to aid those other countries in terms of pre-
Board Chairman & President your mobile device to suffering in the Philippinesas paredness and prevention. The
website: ATTY. SALVADOR S. PANELO read OpinYon Digital a backdoor means of getting the peoples welfare is top prior-
ATTY. RICKY RIBO, Legal counsel Edition on the go. US military back into a larger ity for the revolutionary Cuban
JOACHIM JOSHUA P. MEDROSO occupation of the Philippines. government, in the Philippine
ISSN 2094-7372 V.P. Business Development While the Philippines repre- the people is last in priorities.
sentative at the climate talks in Turn to page 11

4 NOVEMBER 18-24, 2013 OpinYon WE TAKE A STAND

Opinyon413.indd 4 11/15/13 8:18 PM

The Viewpoints
and outlook of
the well-informed

Chinas Mad

OTHING in China eight uninhabited small islands nica (Chinese Peace) that had against Russia and India. But the
happens overnight, and islets have that is making maintained Chinese hegemony Chinese submarine fleet will still
Stephanie Kleine- China go gaga over them? Could in Asia during the reign of the need to access the open waters
Ahlbrandt, the di- it be that there is something else Ming dynasty. The great re- beyond the fi rst island chain to
rector of Asia-Pacific that China wants that is of far vival of the Chinese nation is maintain a sea-based deterrent
programs at the Unit-
ed States Institute
greater value than these desolate
specks of land in the middle of WHISTLE the greatest Chinese Dream, Xi
said before taking office in No-
against Western Europe and the
United States. Until China builds
of Peace, said. Any
move you see was planned and
East China Sea?
If China gained control of the
BLOWER vember 2012.
Surmise it to say, Chinas
a nuclear submarine fleet (with
well-trained crew and support)
prepared for years, if not more. Senkaku group of islands, which Erick San Juan carefully orchestrated actions in stealthy enough to routinely at-
So obviously this maritime issue is 114 nautical miles west of Mi- the past two years are leading tempt access into the Philippine
is very important to China. yako Island, she would be in a to war against Japan and ulti- Sea, or submarine-launched bal-
The maritime issue referred position to control or block the Luzon Strait Key to China Nuke mately against the United States, listic missiles with enough range
here is the contested area in the Miyako Strait, which connects Ambitions, Stratfor, re-pub- with the goal of ending Ameri- to target the continental United
South China Sea and there is an- the East China Sea to the Philip- lished @manila times online) can hegemony Pax Americana States, it will have to rely on its
other one with Japan in the East pine Sea and the Pacific Ocean The geostrategic plan of in the Pacific. (Perry Diaz) land-based strategic nuclear
China Sea. These two areas in beyond. China through its Peoples Lib- Basically all these prepara- forces as the primary nuclear
the region, believed to be likened Like in the case of the Luzon eration Army Navy, is to become tions by China lead to its goal deterrent against the United
to a ticking bomb just waiting for Strait the most likely route a naval power in the very near of countering the move by the States. (Stratfor)
a trigger to ignite it and explode for Chinese submarines into the future is being manifested today United States in its pivot to Asia- There seems to be no stop-
into a world war in the process. wider Pacific Ocean is through with Beijings relationship with Pacific. ping Chinas PLA Navy with its
It is quite obvious by now that the Luzon Strait, which is situ- its neighbors and most recently Although there are other orchestrated moves in the East
one of the reasons why China ated between Taiwan and the with Japan. plans like Operating from the and South China Sea. It is really
and the other claimants are res- Philippines. It provides direct Last October 31, 2013, Chi- East China Sea, South China a full-speed ahead scenario and
tive in the disputed area in the access into the Philippine Sea. nas state-run Global Times pub- Sea or Yellow Sea, Chinese sub- anyone caught in the way, might
South China Sea is about oil (and The Luzon Strait is a safer access lished an article, saying that es- marines will soon have a cred- lead to a mutually assured de-
natural gas). And maybe the so- point than those that lie north calating tensions between China ible sea-based nuclear deterrent struction.
called freedom of navigation that between Taiwan and Japan be- and Japan over territorial claims
Washington has been insisting cause the Philippines does not to the Senkaku Islands could
that China has to abide with, by have an anti-submarine warfare ignite a war. It said that Beijing
not bullying its neighbors. capability and Taiwans anti- was preparing for a worst-case
But what about the maritime submarine capability is relatively scenario of military confl ict over Chinas carefully orchestrated
issue of China with Japan? In an limited, especially when com- the disputed islands.
article by Perry Diaz of Global pared to Japans. Furthermore, It seems that Chinas worst- actions in the past two years are
Balita - Xi Jinpings Pax Sinica, U.S. conventional forces are not case scenario is a deliberate leading to war against Japan and
he wrote : With no economic stationed in Taiwan or the Phil- attempt to fulfi ll Xis Chinese
value thats worth fighting for, it ippines like they are in South Dream, which is the revival ultimately against the United States.
makes one wonder what do these Korea and Japan. (PH Sea, of imperial China or Pax Si-


F English dramatist Wil- Jaime Napoles, there is no rea- I am certain that if the fore- change combine to make the
liam Congreve (1670-1729) son to expect any enlightenment going imaginary scenario had Philippines the nation most
were alive today, he prob- coming therefrom, as he will happened, the general pub- vulnerable to killer typhoons,
ably would apply to Sen. be at least as clever a witness lic would have appreciated a according to several scientific
Miriam Defensor-Santiago as his wife, if his being a PMA clearer picture of the pork scam. studies, xxx and Supertyphoon
(MDS), alleged PDAF scam co-graduate and RAM buddy More importantly, it would have Yolanda (international name:
mastermind Janet Lim-Na- of Sen. Gringo Honasan is any quickened the pace of impris- Haiyan) was one mighty storm.
poles (JLN) and Superty-
phoon Yolanda his most famous
indication. But the scheduled
hearing will proceed just the
MUSINGS oning guilty parties. Inciden-
tally, some people suggest the What P-Noy says
quote (The Mourning Bride):
Heaven has no rage like love to
same, the utter waste of peoples
money and the investigations
Ronald Roy PDAF and DAP scandals will
continue to wreak havoc on us
Tacloban City was ruled by
anarchists after Yolanda bat-
hatred turned, nor hell to fury like futility notwithstanding. for karmic reasons. tered it. Vandals and looters
a woman scorned. What I would have wanted Everyone is screaming and tak- Hmmm...I wonder if the smashed open stores and the
The much-awaited appear- to see and hear was a no-holds- ing cover, Chair TG fi res a 45 fury of Yolanda, the Category San Miguel Brewery plant to
ance of JLN before the Senate barred SBRC session involving cal. pistol in the air, and order 5 Supertyphoon, is karmic.(In take everything they could get
Blue Ribbon Committee (SBRC) a furiously questioning MDS, is gradually restored. Session is Hindu and Buddhist theory, their hands on. Clearly, there
last November 7 turned out to be a furiously answering JLN, and suspended for 15 minutes, after karma is the sum of a persons was a breakdown of law and
a big disappointment for viewers other senators furiously de- which he yields the interroga- actions in this and previous order -- a lawless violence
and listeners nationwide. For fending their integrity, such as tion to a lady colleague (LC). states of existence, viewed as condition that justified martial
hours they held their breath -- in the following scenario. LC: Can you tell us if any- deciding the fate in future exis- law under his mothers Consti-
from the moment she stepped After JLN has taken her one here has in any way divert- tences). How then can Yolanda tution.
into the senate session hall es- oath to tell the truth, the whole ed his pork barrel allocation to be explained? Well, P-Noy is reported to
corted by a horde of policemen truth and nothing but the truth, his pocket? JLN: Yes, maam, have said to a local city leader,
garbed in full battle gear, until Chair TG allows MDS to fi re the you. I personally gave you your What foreign experts say who proposed the imposition of
adjournment -- expecting holo- fi rst salvo. MDS: Do you know kickback in your bedroom. LC: Courtesy of the Inquirer, martial law, Ha?! Bakit, buhay
caustic entertainment, but noth- who I am? JLN: Yes, you are What?! Let me remind you WASHINGTON --- Nature and ka pa naman, e! , thereby be-
ing like that happened. Sen. Miriam Defensor...Defen- youre under oath!! JLN: Pre- man together cooked up the traying a childish bias against
I was amused for the fi rst sor...whats your surname na cisely, thats why I am telling the disaster in the Philippines. Ge- anything reminiscent of Ferdi-
hour or so, then I got bored. ba? MDS: Dont play games truth, maam. LC: $&@%#!!! ography, meteorology, poverty, nand E. Marcos.
Sure, I admit I was out for en- with me! JLN: Im sorry that JLN: $&@%# also!!! Etcetera, shoddy construction, a boom-
tertainment, but heck, I thought I cannot remember your name. etcetera, etcetera. ing population and xxx climate What a reader says
that a bloody confrontation be- But why do you ask me, maam, Expressing the sentiments of
tween JLN and all of them was dont you know your own many citizens, a reader texted:
what we needed to be set free by name? MDS: Hoy, buang Im ashamed to be a Filipino.
the truth. ka, ha?! JLN: Buang ka rin!! A CNN team reached Leyte
Its baloney that the SBRC MDS: Gaga ka! I can have you ahead of our national officials by
Chairman, Sen. Teofisto TG cited for contempt, and that Tacloban City was ruled by anarchists coming one day before Yolanda
Guingona, Jr., purposefully
convened the investigation in
means we can jail you!! JLN:
E, kung hindi ka naman mas
after Yolanda battered it. Vandals and struck! Then something extraor-
dinary happened: The President
aid of legislation. But I do not gaga, sa kulungan na nga ako looters smashed open stores and the San disputed CNNs estimate of
blame him for having done so.
Otherwise, he would have been
nakatira!! MDS: Hoy, if you
do not stop your kabastusan, I
Miguel Brewery plant to take everything 10,000 people dead with a more
accurate count of around 2000
criticized for having lent refuge will shoot you!! JLN (taking they could get their hands on. Clearly, dead. 10,000 fatalities would
to his confreres undergoing trial,
including himself. For him it was
off her bullet-proof jacket):Go
ahead, shoot me!!
there was a breakdown of law and order have drawn a lot of assistance,
but he chose to be honest!!
a damned-if-you-do-damned- Instantly, security details -- a lawless violence condition that
if-you-dont dilemma which
would give him flack either way.
have completely surrounded
JLN with fi rearms aimed at
justified martial law under his mothers On balance, youre okay, Sir!
As for the forthcoming SBRC MDS, the senators and the gal- Constitution. com | 09186449517 | @ronal-
investigation of JLNs husband, lery. Pandemonium ensues. d8roy | #musingsbyroy)

WE TAKE A STAND OpinYon NOVEMBER 18-24, 2013 5

Opinyon413.indd 5 11/15/13 8:18 PM


What Should We Do
After Haiyan?

AYS before typhoon
Haiyan (Yolanda in
local news) made
landfall, the entire
Philippines was al-
ready alerted by local SO THE
and international PEOPLE
weather stations. We
knew ahead of time that Hai-
yan will take many lives, ruin Atty. Sara Jane A. Suguitan
many buildings, flood many
roads, uproot many trees and
place many of our kababayans under our building codes).
on square one. Square one is Local shelters are merely big
where everything and every- basketball courts turned refu-
one has to start from scratch. gee camps. Imagine yourself
Square one is the land be- and your family fleeing to
fore airports, houses, and cell these basketball courts with
sites were built. Square one only your clothes on while

Surviving Yolanda
is where all you have is the waiting for the storm to sub-
landscape and thousands of side. Theres no potable water
survivors. Square one where and comfort rooms to relieve
Haiyan left many of us. The yourself. You eat in doled-
question is, how do we re- out paper plates on the floor.
build? Whats the plan? You are given uncooked rice
MILLIONS of Filipinos suf- back of the compound. There, passed through gutters and scaf- I asked this question to our (bigas), canned sardines and
fered the wrath of super typhoon she saw stairs that led to a door. folds. authorities, and once again, noodles in their plastic wrap-
Yolanda (international name She immediately paddled her They all made it safely to the the central government has per. (Apparently, victims are
Haiyan). There are countless way towards it, and tried to open house, even if she slipped a few stonewalled on its answer. expected to flee with their gas
tales of death, loss and survival it but it was locked. times. A few scratches here and Silence. Hesitation. Unpre- tanks and stoves.) How are
especially from Tacloban City, She quickly stopped and no- there but nothing she was wor- paredness. What authorities you supposed to cook these
Leyte, which bore the brunt of ticed her bag was becoming too ried about it. are proud of are the relief op- food given by the social wel-
the tropical cyclone. heavy, so she did away with erations. I do not mean to triv- fare office? If you cant imag-
Via a post on her Facebook some of its contents. Theyre not Riding the Storm Out ialize relief operations, but, ine yourself in such a situa-
account, Sheena Junia, 26, a important now. They stayed there, watching when they are not coupled by tion, neither can the victims.
close relative of OpinYon Chair- If the water continued to people drown to death outside. any rehabilitation efforts, re- So instead of those raw junk
man and President Ray Junia re- rise, she might get trapped, she They could not do anything. lief operations transform vic- food, we should construct or
counted how she had to surf the thought. This went on until around 10:30 tims into beggars. If all the install portable kitchens, mess
typhoons huge waves to save She knew she could not stay am when the wind died down a authorities plan on doing is halls and toilets in evacua-
herself. there, so she rode her surfboard bit. They started to help whoever to conduct relief operations, tion centers. Whats the use
Heres Sheenas story: again and paddled as hard as she they can. we will soon have squatters of raw food if you have no
could against the strong current Around 11 am, the water all over the affected islands of means to cook? Whats the
Loud Bang to reach the front of the com- started subsiding, slowly un- Bohol, Cebu and Leyte. use of cooked food if you have
She woke up around 5 a.m. of pound again. She saw a steel bar folding the devastation caused Since the central govern- to eat it with your bare hands
Friday, because of a loud bang on protruding from one of the bro- by the strongest typhoon ever ment is low on vision and while sitting on the floor? And
her door. It was the wind, much ken walls nearby. She reached recorded in recent times. planning, lets light the path whats the use of eating if you
powerful than she was used to for it and held on to it tightly. Her Sheena remembers seeing for them (and pray that they have no place to pee or poop?
hearing. surfboard kept her afloat. a lot of dead bodies. Almost all may have the humility to lis- Conditions are dire in these
She could hear window glass- Every time the waves would houses in her neighborhood ten instead of walking out). evacuation centers. Lets make
es breaking from her neighbors hit her, she would fall off. But she were destroyed. She had to stay Simultaneous with relief them livable, not the sub-
houses. It sounded like the burst was holding onto the steel bar so at a friends house for three days. operations, lets restore power, standard things that are like
of automatic gunfi re. tight that she always managed to For the next few days, Sheena water and phone lines by cre- the DPWH-made roads and
Bad weather, she thought. recover. She fell into the water went out with her friends to look ative means. We can fly in al- bridges. I mean, livable!
She knew a strong typhoon was about 4 times. for food. Her friends have always ternative energy sources and Foreign aid as well as local
hitting the province. She saw it What felt like forever stand- treated her as one of the boys, so place call centers (as in, an donations must be trackable.
yesterday in the news. What she ing there-falling off-standing she went out to loot with them. area with functioning phones It must be assumed that do-
did not know was that it was there-and falling off again was She remembers going to Rob- offering free calls). All com- nating to local government
going to be that strong. just really about 10 minutes. insons or Gaisanomalls that munication lines must be re- units do not trickle down to
Sheena tried to go back to The water kept rising, and had supermarkets. Literal na stored and kept open not only the end-users (victims) and
sleep. She wanted to because she brought with it more wood and hanap buhay, she said. (We liter- for the victims, but also for instead, end up in our leaders
was too scared to listen to the other debris every time she ally looked for anything that can those conducting rehabilita- private bank accounts.
howling wind. Maybe if she slept opened her eyes. help keep us alive.) tion missions. In the medium term (if
for a few more hours, it would go Sheena saw a woman float- Shes not proud of itthe Employ thousands of un- not, ASAP), we will need to
away. ing. The womanin her late 20s looting. employed nurses, utility men rebuild. With tens of thou-
After two more hours of sleep, or early 30swas alive. She ap- We had to do it to survive, and underemployed profes- sands whose lives are on hold,
another huge bang on the door peared calm. The woman looked she said. sionals from all over the coun- low-cost housing, temporary
woke her up. This time, the wind at her. She looked back. They try and deploy them to the schools, stores and bank-
was too strong that it knocked both knew none of them would Hunger and Thirst disaster-hit areas to conduct ing systems will be naturally
the door off, and then floodwater be able to do anything. She had She remembers being thirsty, search-and-rescue missions. formed. If the government
rushed in. She got up in a hurry. to let the woman float away. and trying to buy a small bottle Lets not ask for volunteers. continues to fail in provid-
Her bed was submerged in water of tea for PhP200. But they would Lets employ the unemployed ing basic services, the private
in seconds. It was now knee- Call for Help not sell it to her. who can devote their full time, sector will take over. Unfortu-
deep inside her room. Sheena was just about to lose She remembers trying to ride attention and expertise to nately for the poor, they will
She hurried to get dressed but all her strength when she saw a a pedicab offering to pay a thou- searching for and rescuing all not be able to afford that, and
just after two minutes, the water group of people. In that group sand pesos, but the driver did the living and the dead. that is the consequence of vot-
has reached her waistline. was a pregnant woman and a not want money. Construct shelters that are ing poorly.
It took her another two min- childbreaking a door open from They wanted water as pay- livable. Existing structures
utes to get her backpack and a balcony nearby. ment. She had none. are suspect (and may have Follow the author on twitter @
reach her new surfboard. It just She called for help. Most of Sheena arrived in Manila circumvented the standards coffeeright.
arrived the day before. them did not hear her, or maybe Tuesday, Nov. 13, night via a
By then, the water was now tried to ignore her. After a few commercial fl ight.
neck-deep. more calls, one of the strang- She now has fever. She feels
ers looked at her direction. That weak. She said whatever hap- Korina Sanchez... The United Nations and
Surng the Waves gave her some comfort. pened to her is just starting to From page 3 other countries are sending re-
Sheena mounted her surf- There was nowhere she could sink in. lief through the United Nations
board and paddled her way out plant her feet. She held on a win- She said she does not want to as it shows the lack of leader- Food Programme. Reports say
of the house. She couldnt see dow grill to start her way. She go back to Tacloban, but she has ship in a time of crisis. As an- that US Marines escorting the
anything. It was foggy, the water moved from one window to an- not heard from her mother and other reporter from ABC News UN relief have been instructed
was black, and the wind was too other until she reached the spot grandfather who lived in Tolosa claims: the Philippine govern- to keep government officials
strong that it was hard to keep near where the other people were. town. ment has become paralized in and politicians from touching
her eyes open. She was holding on to the grill, If she does not hear from the face of disaster. the relief goods.
But she kept paddling. She and her surfboard. She had to let them in the next few days, she And for a local news an- How low can our image as a
paddled against the strong cur- one go so she can reach out for the will come back to Tacloban and chor like Sanchez to go on the people get?
rent until she reached the en- hand of one of the strangers. look for them. defensive makes matters even Exposing, yet again, the
trance of their compound in She took a leap of faith, and Sheena used to operate air- stranger for outsiders like Coo- incompetence of the PNoy ad-
Barangay Sagkahan Mangga, ditched her surfboard. port vans in Tacloban for a liv- per and other foreign observers. ministration, the people want
Tacloban City. She was hoping to I almost fell and barely made ing. She does not know how The US Marines have swung somebody to turn to in this
fi nd someone, but she could not it, she said. shell start again. into action, as expected. But hour of great need.
see anyone or anything. The water was continuing to I wont be able to make plans there are only hundreds of If PNoy fails to meet this lat-
Sheena said she decided to rise when she got to the balcony. until I know my family is safe. them right now and they must est challenge, it may take more
swim along the current which They needed to move to the next Sheenas fight for survival fi rst coordinate with the Philip- than a Korina Sanchez to save
she knew would lead her to the house which was bigger. They goes on. pine government. his administration.

8 NOVEMBER 18-24, 2013 OpinYon WE TAKE A STAND

Opinyon413.indd 8 11/15/13 8:18 PM

Govt Told: Give
Hot Rice to
Typhoon Victims
UN: 1M Pinoy Farmers
THE leader of a farmers and irrigators
coalition called on government to donate
Aected by Yolanda
all smuggled rice to the Yolanda survivors
amid reports that some 200,000 sacks of
hot rice have again reached the Davao port.
Rosendo So, chair of the Abono partyl-
ist and president of the group Samahang
Industriya ng Agrikultura (Sinag), said
government should directly donate and
distribute the seized hot rice to Yolanda
survivors instead of auctioning it.
If they auction it, these smugglers
might just buy the rice back, he said in a
statement sent to newspapers on Friday.
These should be given instead to the
survivors of the typhoon, he added as he
urged the government to step up its cam-
paign against the entry of smuggled rice.
He said some 200,000 cavans of hot
rice have reached the Davao port. This
is alarming, So said. Smuggled rice con-
tinues to enter the country. He did not
provide more details. OVER one million Filipino farmers have That area is the major rice produc- they get restored irrigation infrastruc-
Earlier, the lawyer of two rice import- been impacted by typhoon Yolanda (in- ing area for the Philippines, FAOs Jeff ture. That has been severely damaged in
ing companies questioned the govern- ternational name: Haiyan), according to Tschirley told BBC News. most cases, said Tschirley.
ment for the seizure of the companies rice a United Nations report. Theyve just fi nished their harvest As well as rice and sugar cane, the
shipment when the government could no The Food and Agriculture Organisa- and because it is not modernized pro- FAO is most concerned about coconut
longer impose import permits after their tion (FAO) says that hundreds of thou- duction, they are still drying it but we plantations.
Quantitative Restriction (QR) under the sands of hectares of rice plantations have suspect there is a lot of rice that is vul- Coconuts account for nearly half the
World Trade Organization (WTO) rules been destroyed. nerable to having been impacted by the Philippines agricultural exports and the
lapsed in June 2012. Coconut plantations which are a big storms. country is the worlds biggest producer of
So said the Department of Agriculture earner of foreign currency were also Self sufficient coconut oil. A smaller typhoon last year
(DA) and the Bureau of Customs seized reported to have been completely flat- The farmers are also facing into the destroyed 500,000 tons.
403 container vans of smuggled rice in tened. next planting season with much of their The sugar cane fields can be recov-
Davao last month. Fishing communities have also be se- infrastructure such as irrigation equip- ered relatively well even if the harvest is
So said he saw no reason for rice pric- verely affected with the storm destroying ment affected by the typhoon. lost, said Jeff Tschirley.
es to rise since the P2.5 million worth of boats and gear. The Philippines has been importing But numerous coconut plantations
damage that Yolanda wrought in the Vi- The FAO says they have arrived at the less rice over the past five years, but the have been completely flattened, and with
sayas ricefields was only minimal. figure of farmers affected by looking at storm will have dramatically changed coconuts you are looking at multiple
He said PhP2.5 billion worth of dam- the pathway the storm took as it passed that. years to recover the productivity.
aged ricefields only covered four days of across the country and from an analysis It will set them back on their goal of The FAO is is calling for US$24m for
consumption of the countrys total rice of data provided by the Philippine gov- self sufficiency but more key is that those immediate interventions in fisheries and
produce. ernment. livelihoods will be pushed way back until agriculture as part of the UN appeal.

The Spark

AIN, sorrow, help- seas, who responded to the New Zealand provides P30 being provided for urgent water,
lessness equals des- crises, sent their respective do- million assistance to PHL sanitation, and hygiene facili-
peration. This was nations directly either to their New Zealand Minister of ties for the confl ict-displaced
what majority of the church organizations, or to Foreign Affairs Murray McCully population living in Zamboan-
recent super typhoon trustworthy international agen- announced today that New Zea- ga City, where recent flooding
Yolanda wrought to cies like the Red Cross where land is providing $NZ 850,000 has placed significant pressure
thousands of its vic- they believe would be in safe (approximately 30 million pesos) on emergency shelters and cre-
tims in the Visayan
region, hitting areas like Ta-
hands and delivered straight
to its intended beneficiaries
EQUILIBRIUM in humanitarian assistance to the
Philippines following the recent
ated serious health risks.
The New Zealand Aid Pro-
cloban, Leyte, Iloilo, Cebu and (Yolandas victims). disasters that have hit Central Vi- gramme already supports di-
Palawan, like a giant whirlwind
Francis De Guzman sayas and Mindanao. saster risk management and
swapping across islands in its Truth Sets Free We are deeply sympathetic preparedness in the Philip-
path of destruction. For even in times of trials to the plight of people affected by pines, including the develop-
Most shameful of all amidst and tribulations, the principles pork barrel funds into her pri- these crises, said New Zealand ment of early warning systems
the suffering people of the Vi- of truth and justice are to be vate accounts by using fake Ambassador Reuben Levermore. and hazard risk mapping.
sayas, was the fact that it drew taken at the fore. non-government organizations, We hope that the assistance an-
the best and the worse in men The recent calamities even emphasizing the ques- nounced today by Minister Mc- Early Holiday Promo
(the reports of the ram sack- (earthquakes & typhoons) that tion who put that iron in that Cully will aid in the rapid recov- Pioneering the now famous
ing and unconfi rmed stories of have shaken the nation on the spine? ery of the communities affected logo low-low prices Cherry
of killings for foods sake), ground, is a timely awakening Citing a report of the De- by the Bohol Earthquake and Foodarama, considered the
as well as the lack of immedi- call from the Almighty God for partment of Justice (DoJ), it flooding in Zamboanga. first retail store in the country,
ate relief operations from both all to repent of our stark iniqui- was revealed that Napoles JLN New Zealands assis- launched its early holiday promo
national and local government ties. This is the time to ponder Corp. owns 30 vehicles, with tance package will contribute with big discounted rates for both
units. upon 2 Chronicles 7:14 If my another report stating that she $500,000 through UNICEF as local and imported items.
The panic caused many to people, which are called by my has 415 accounts in 17 various one of the key implementing Its Sarap MamiliSarap
flee (the lucky ones with enough name, shall humble themselves, banks in the country. Santiago partners of the United Nations Pumili promo was launched
money at hand) via planes that and pray, and seek my face, and was completely amazed at how appeal following the Bohol in conjunction with its 61st Year
flew them out of harms way turn from their wicked ways; a non-college degree holder, earthquake. Another $100,000 Anniversary that entitles Filipi-
as well as secured their health then will I hear from heaven, was able to turn her life around has been allocated to draw on no consumers to get the chance
from possible diseases caused and will forgive their sin, and and become a so rich in such a New Zealand technical ex- of joining the said promotions
by the stench of hundreds of will heal their land. (The Holy short period of time. pertise to help the Philippine which will give-away 2-brand
decaying human bodies spread Bible, King James Version) She also warned Napoles a government further assess the new 6-seater Toyota Avanza,
out in roads and elsewhere It can be considered her fi n- number of times on the great earthquake damage and pre- with period ending February
(hundreds are still an account- est defi ning hour. danger in her life, of not reveal- pare for reconstruction work. 13, 2013 during the fi nal grand
ed for as of press time) Sen. Miriam Defensor-San- ing all she knew before the sen- Ambassador Levermore said draw at its Marcos Highway,
The question here is this tiagos direct interrogations of ate and the world, while she still that New Zealands contribu- Antipolo City branch.
--- what has happened to the alleged pork barrel mastermind had the chance, stressing that tion responds to the interna-
billion dollar assistance given Janet Lim-Napoles during that she needed to issue an affidavit tional appeal launched by the WORD OF TRUTH: I press
by foreign countries and other fateful Thursday noon (7th No- that would detail all she knows, United Nations after a new as- toward the goal for the prize of
relief agencies? In whose hands vember) is one for the books. and implicate other senators in sessment revealed that an esti- the upward call of God in Christ
has it fallen again? When will The feisty senator, believed the scam. She is totally distant mated 370,000 people had been Jesus. (Philippians 3:14)
we ever learn lessons in life that that Napoles could not have of the entire proceedingsbut left living in temporary shelters QUOTABLE QUOTE: Plow
stare us naked straight at our possibly conceived the orga- her answer is to be expected, after the 7.2 earthquake struck with your eye on the fence post.-
faces? nized scheme of the century Santiago reiterated. two weeks ago. Plowing Straight Lines (Our
Filipino organizations over- alone, and then, siphon the In addition, $250,000 is Daily Bread Publications, USA)

WE TAKE A STAND OpinYon NOVEMBER 18-24, 2013 9

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From Sidewalk...
From page 12
Customers would flock to Lydias Lechon to sample the
good food sold there. A big break for the couples business came
along when one day when executives from the Hyatt Regency
Hotel came along to buy some Lydias Lechon specialties. From
that simple visit came daily lechon orders from the hotel.
Maski nga di ko kinakaya kinakaya ko eh. Hindi pwedeng
mahina ang loob mo. Sasabihin mo, ay ano kaya ang gagawin
ko? Tatanggapin ko kaya? Mahirap kaya ito? Kaya ko kaya ito?
Ako palaging yes, she said.
e fame and praise for Lydias Lechon spread by word of
mouth to many prospective clients, including other hotels and LPHS Class 71 2014-2016 o icers: Gary Florido, Tersie Escaro-Labrador, Rita Maqueda-Ricarte, Flor
restaurants, and food caterers. Datario, Nestor de la Rosa, Loida Barretto-Deray, Lumie Villapando, Willie Mascardo and Boy Villas-
In the 1970s, the Lydias Lechon boneless with paella recipe anta (Thanks to Melinda Mascardo-Pabello, also an o icer, who shot the photo).
got the fi rst prize in a competition for local chefs and it soon

A Pressure of Sorts on Ariella

became one of the specialties of restaurant. It was a boost for
the de Roca couples business.

One-Table Restaurant
After selling lechon from the market for 22 years, de Roca Arida in the 2013 Miss U

fi nally opened a restaurant--with a single table--along Roxas
Boulevard in 1986.
Talagang restaurant ang target ko. Kaya lang wala akong HE Philippine participa- celebrated her 60th birthday...
kapital pa eh. Hindi ko rin magagawang restaurant. Pero try- tion in the recent Miss Kringkring Gonzales as a coun-
ing hard ako na maging restaurant, kaya naglagay ako ng isang Universe contest held at selor and wife to Mayor Alfred
lamesa at isang silya, she recounted. the Crucos Hall in Mos- Romualdez has been criticized for
Soon customers started coming to her restaurant and one cow, Russia was a fi lial holding a presscon on a variety
of her frequent customers was mall tycoon Henry Sy, Sr., who
always had lunch there on Sundays.
and a community event.
And it was a pressure of THE NET of food in her restaurant in Intra-
muros, Manila while their con-
Nagkakwentuhan kami tapos meron daw siyang SM Food sorts on its rep as well. [National Entertainment Today] stituents in Tacloban, Leyte have
Court baka raw gusto kong magtayo ng ano... Sabi ko, oho Everyonefrom kids to been suffering with the onslaught
gusto ko, she said. grownupswas involved in the Boy Villasanta of calamities which brought death
In April of 1989 the first branch of Lydias Lechon outside of fight of the 2013 Binibining Pilipi- and destruction in the area...Both
the southern part of Metro Manila , in Timog Avenue, Quezon City nas-Universe Ariella Arida to the Thy Womb and Transit are
was established. is was followed by other stores on the eastern world beauty wrestling arena. because the whole Alaminos and nominated to the Best Foreign
part of the Metro. From there, fast food outlets of Lydias Lechon Days before the competition, the rest of the Philippines seemed Film category of the Golden Globe
mushroomed within the popular malls of the metropolis. elementary graders, high school to vote for her online. Awards, an annual event orga-
Although originally intended to be a close family corporation, students, their teachers and other nized and hosted by the Holly-
the fi rst franchise of Lydias Lechon was sold in 2005 for a fast professionals and residents of her wood Foreign Press Association...
food and retail outlet at SM Megamall in Mandaluyong City. town were drumbeating, literally In the course of the Miss U pro- Cristine Reyes and Derek Ramsay
Today, they are known as the biggest chain of lechon out- and figuratively, for their mate. ceedings, Zulueta revealed she had arent lovers again but theyre back
lets in the country. Presently, there are 21 branches of Lydias Various school bugle corps in received quite a number of images to work in Viva Entertainments
Lechon located in the Greater Manila area and Cavite. its rural auditorium pounded on of Ariella on cam but most espe- Trophy Wife with box-office di-
their drums and their majorettes cially backstage exclusive scenes rector Elwood Perez...Many stars
Hands On swung their hips and swirled direct from Russia from the Aridas. are mounting relief drive and
Now, Lydias Lechon has some 15 branches in SM Food their wands while the elders and My nieces are very close to operations for the victims of the
Courts, which account for some Php30,000 in daily sales. superiors commanded frenzy in Ariella, qualified Fe whose sis- floods in the Visayas like Vilma,
e couple is now the proud owner of a 1,500 square-meter celebration of her baptism in the in-law was murdered in San Pablo Charice, Marian Rivera, Ding-
property in Baclaran, with a mansion and several luxury cars. international battle of beauties. some years back. dong Dantes, Ogie Alcasid, Pops
It also houses the restaurants commissary and roasting area. It was like a fiesta in bacchana- During the duration of this Fernandez, Angel Locsin, Bianca
e De Roca couple also have their own piggery in an lian spirit. years Miss U contest, said Zulueta, King etc...Meryll Soriano has de-
8-hectare property in Malvar, Batangas where they raise 800- Ariellas sister plus their mom and nied she was gifted a building by
1,000 pigs. dad were with her. Meanwhile, the his dad Willie Revillame but Pinoy
In 2011, De Roca was awarded by Go Negosyo as one of the Prior to this, right after Ariella rest of the clan were monitoring on Radio UKs fi xture and one of my
most outstanding women entrepreneurs of the Philippines. had clinched the Binibining Pili- TV in Alaminos and other places. co-hosts (the others being Claire
Despite her success, De Roca remains humble and thankful pinas-Universe crown last April in Some of them were billeted at So- and Maxie Guapito) in the radio
that her four childrenwho have all graduated from college Smart Araneta Coliseum, the whole laire Resort and Casino keeping show Chika Chika Time with Boy
are not spoiled and have helped the business flourish. of Alaminos, Laguna was agog, for watch on the event. Villasanta Fe B. Zulueta, whos
Seven years old pa lang sila dinadala ko sila sa bangketa, the first time, in her victory. It was a familial force to reckon also a licensed real estate broker,
kaya ang pangaral ko sa kanila eh sinusunod naman nila ngay- Tarps of all shapes and sizes with since, as Fe has concurred with said it was a house and lot that
on, she said. with her photos in her winning the rest of many beauty contest the father gave to her daughter...
Up to now, De Roca still wields a knife and deftly chops up a form and printed with congratu- observers, it was a big challenge SFX Productions honcho Perry
lechon at the restaurant. latory messages were hang in the for the Philippine rep to the world Pimentel and lady producer Joyce
Dito nag-simula ang swerte ko sa buhay. Kung sa tingin mo streets of the idyllic town. beauty search. It was deemed a Cruz went to Cebu City last week
di ako marunong mag-tadtad ng lechon, umasenso kaya ako, Doubly honoured, though, her pressure on Ariella to bring home to distribute relief goods to victims
she said. bastion again printed banners the title because two preceding of super typhoon Yolanda...Lopez
e smallest lechon sells for PhP6,500, and the capital for with her photos and inscribed Philippine representatives, Megan Provincial High School Class 71
each one is in the neighborhood of PhP3,000. with the most gracious texts and Young and Johanna Datul had won in Quezon donated relief goods
Lydias Lechon is also famous for its signature sauce made hung them all over the place, im- the titles of Miss World and Miss to the Department of Social Wel-
using a special recipe, de Roca said, noting this is still some- mediately after she sealed the 2013 Suprainternational, respectively. fare and Development in Pasay
thing none of her employees know about. Miss Universe 3rd runner-up post. Ariella, of course, did her best City through social worker Virgie
Lydia has kept her lechon naturally simple but with no short Alaminos, being the birthplace but perhaps her best wasnt good Capistrano-Rada, a classmate, for
cuts. Its slowly cooked for two hours over charcoal and fla- of Ara, Ariellas pet name, is proud enough shes still our pride, none- victims of Haiyan. Meanwhile,
vored only with tanglad, pandan, and murang sibuyas. of their bet. As a matter of course, theless. elected officers of the organization
celebrations are still going on for 2014-2016 are: President, yours
around the municipality. Her kith ShortsFormer member of truly; Auditor, Tersie Escaro-Lab-
and kin are pulling their resources the prestigious Manunuri ng Peli- rador; Vice President, Secretary,
In the Midst.... together to proclaim their love and
adulation for her.
kulang Pilipino and founder of
the respected Young Critics Circle
Treasurer and PRO are Flor Da-
tario, Gary Florido, Rita Maqueda-
From page 4
Ariellas dad, Arlesito Arida, is Mike Ferias Filipino-American Ricarte and Loida Barretto-Deray,
Final Words a native of the town and so with Cine Festival (FACINE) reels off respectively, for Manila chapter
Its from Peque Gallaga: We cry desperately for demonstrable her mom, Estella Hernandez. in Bindlestiff Studio in San Fran- and Nestor de la Rosa, Lumie Villa-
government responsewe get almost next to nothing. It is increas- cisco, California on December pando, Melinda Mascardo-Pabello
ingly apparent that local media goes hand in hand with self-servicing 9, 2013 at 9 pm with an opening and Willie Mascardo, respectively,
Malacaang press releasesWhat our leaders tell us is contradicted Both the Aridas and the Her- kick-off reception at Club OMG in for Lopez-based...GMA Networks
by by the victims in these areas who are slowly able to give us the nandezes were active in the beauty 436th Street at Market Street at entertainment reporter Lhar San-
true picture of the realities of the situation.I read Marvin Xanth search competition of their loved 6 pm. Opening fi lm is Prophecy tiago has a very vivid dream of his
Geronimo who was there when Yolanda struck: that TV personalities one since day one. of Eve, written and directed by former mentor, starbuilder, pub-
and politicians like Mar Roxas and Ted Failon going to Tacloban for According to Fe B. Zulueta, Ron C. Santiano. FACINE is on licist and TV host Boy C. de Guia
the photo op. They never helped; Korina Sanchez calling Anderson whose brother was married to its 20th year with a consistent vi- being already dead...Channel 7s
Cooper misinformed. Cooper was in Tacloban. Korina was not a sister of Ariellas mother, the sion of bringing to the world the Bubble Gang mainstay Babajee
All those people who charge us for criticizing, for being nega- beauty queens family is clannish cinema harvests of Filipino fi lm- and entertainment reporter Ar-
tive, for Aquino bashing I am done with these people. In a very or in Filipino culture and context, makers in the Philippines and thur Quinto have been in constant
Yellow Army way, they try to hide behind an illogical argument is closely knitted. in diaspora. Peque Gallaga and company with Yvonne Benavidez,
that we cannot help if we criticize.. This man (Aquino) who is Aside from Ariellas town folks, Lore Reyes Sonata which stars also known as Tita Mega C, as her
totally unprepared for the most difficult job in the country. friends and relatives, her buddies, Cherie Gil closes the fi lm fest on co-hosts in DWBLs Kagandahan,
So my friends, as far as Im concerned, you choose him or you classmates and schoolmates at the December 14, 2013...Vilma San- Showbiz, Kalusugan Atbp. every
choose the people. But if you instruct me again to stop bashing this University of the Philippines in tos and husband Ralph Recto Wednesday at 2 to 3 pm...Bruce Lee
man I will unfriend you in Facebook, on Twitter, on Instagram, Los Baoswhere she fi nished are still grieving on the sudden fanatic, action star and psychology
and out in our leaderless streets. As bad is a business newspapers her Chemistry courserooted death of the senators mom, Car- and filmmaking teacher Vic Tiro
headline lately, 7% growth rate still possible says rating agencies for her in the earlier local beauty men Gonzales-Recto, whos sister of the International Peace Leader-
when Yolanda proves their growth are meaningless to the people. searches such as Binibining La- to former Sampaguita Pictures ship College in Sampaloc, Tanay,
guna and Miss Philippines Earth. matinee idol Jose Mari Gonzales. Rizal has just fi nished a fi lm titled
(Catch Herman Tiu Laurels weekly show at GNN Destiny Cable During her Miss U pre-pageant Actresses Cristina Gonzales and Schizo, a take on a series of mur-
Channel 8, Skycable Channel 213, Sat., 8 p.m. challenges, she was on top of the Anna Margarita make Vilmas fi rst ders in a school with students ac-
and replay Sun., 8 a.m.; tune to 1098AM, Tues. to Fri. 5pm; ; visith- ranking in the online voting. cousins...Luis Manzano was with tors as lead stars. Schizo is short
ttp://; and text reactions to 0923-4095739) It wasnt a surprise, though, her mom in Japan when the actress for schizophrenia.

WE TAKE A STAND OpinYon NOVEMBER 18-24, 2013 11

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Visit us at NOVEMBER 18-24, 2013 VOL.4 NO.13
POLITICS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2
OPINION . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4
BUSINESS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6
AGRICULTURE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9
FOREIGN . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . P1
LIFESTYLE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . P4


From Sidewalk Peddler

to Millionaire

YDIAS Lechon is a household name
here in the Philippines, But not many
people know that its entrepreneur
Lydia de Roca started her business by
selling lechon in a small stall in Ba-
claran market.
In the late 60s, the family-
owned lechon storeknown as
Mang Turing and Aling Inggas Na-
tive Lechon, was doing good busi-
ness with a modest store located at
the Our Lady of Sorrows Church in
Baclaran. Lydia, helped out in the said store.
In 1969, after some courtship, Benigno de Roca (a son
of another lechon business owner) and Lydia got married.
e happy couple had a joyous occasion after their wedding
and with PhP500 started their own lechon busiess--Lydias
In a television interview, Lydia related how she used to
go with her father, who was a butcher, and how she started
selling lechon in Baclaran at the age of 12.
Ito ang naituro sa akin ng tatay ko noong araw, hang-
gang sa nagtinda ako ng lechon. Twelve years old ako sa
bangketa ng Baclaran, she said.
Yung P500 na yon binibigay ko na sa tatay ko. Pinambili
ko na ng baboy niya... Marami yun, P20 lang nun ang baboy
eh, she said. Aside from pigs, she used the money to buy
charcoal and sauce for the lechon.

Hard Work
At that time, Benigno was a jeepney and bus driver, so
Lydia has kept her lechon naturally simple but with no
they had to work hard to support their children.
Mahirap ang buhay namin. Pero nagtiyaga kami talaga.
Pinagsumikapan namin... Naranasan ko pa yung bahay na
nakatuntong sa ilog... Yun ang unang-unang inupahan ko,
short cuts. Its slowly cooked for two hours over charcoal and
diyan sa may Tambo sa Paranaque, P35 ang upa sa isang flavored only with tanglad, pandan, and murang sibuyas.
buwan, she said.
Turn to page 11

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