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Continuous: varies with both location and time Discrete: defined at specific locations Casual: x(t)=0 for t<0

Noncasual: Starts before t=0 Anticasual: ends at or before t=0 Timeshift: y(t)=x(t-T) if T>0 shift right(x(t-10))
Timescale: y(t)=x(at) compress(smaller) Timereversal: y(t)=x(-t) Even symmetry: symmetrical w/ y-axis x(-t)
Odd symmetry: Flipped diagonally x(-t) even*even=even,even*odd=odd,odd*odd=even
x(t)=x(t+nT) period of T Fundamental period: smallest value of T x(t)=Ae^j(wt+)=Acos(wt+)+jAsin(wt+)
x(t)=Acos(wt+) A: ampl. : phase-angle shift f: w/2 T: 1/f unit-step: u(t)=0 t<0 u(t)=1 t>0 (singularity funct)
singularity: deriv. isnt finite everywhere r(t)=(- t)u()d= tu(t) rect((t-T)/) T: center : duration
rect(t)= u(t+1/2)-u(t-1/2) unit impulse/delta function: (t)=0 everywhere but t= and =1 u(t)*u(t)=r(t)
u(t)= (- t)()d x(t)(t-T)=x(T)(t-T) since (t-T)=0 everywhere else (- )x(t)(t-T)dt=x(T) (at)=(t)1/a
-Instantaneous power: p(t)= |x(t)|^2 Total Energy: (- )p(t) Average power: lim(T->)(1/T)(T/2T/2)p(t)
Power signal: Pav finite E-> Energy signal: Pav=0 E finite Nonphysical signal: Pav-> E->
Periodic Signal: Pav is same but replace T with period
-I(t)=Cdy/dt tao=RC noncasual=anticipatory e^(2t-2x)=(e^2t)(e^-2x) (t+1)^-1=ln(t+1) C=1/sc L=sL
-LTI: Linear time-invariant: can alter amplitude and phase but not frequency Linear if it has scaling andadditiv
Scalable: cx(t)->cy(t): if term is indep. of x and y, not scalable superposition: both scalable and additive
Additive: if have n inputs, response to the sum is sum of responses
LCCDEs only have 1 input and 1 output: can set all but one source to 0 and analyze, do for each, add
Time-invariant: delaying x(t) by T has same y(t) also delayed by T (if t is only part of x(t) or deriv. is prolly this
(sin(x(t)) is, tx(t) not) Static/memoryless when y(t) only depends on x(t) at t (only LTI is y=ax(t) (else dynamic)
Impulse response h(t)= ->LTI->h(t) step response y(t)= u(t)->LTI->y(t)
-Y(t)=(- )x(tao)h(t-tao)dtao=h(t)*x(t) usually limits are from 0-t but ensure that u(t-tao) !<0 and u(tao)!<0
(x(t)=f(t)u(t-T1) h(t)=f(t)u(t-T2) lims will be T2->t-T1) Parallel LTIs total LTI is added of the two
Graphical: flip h(t) and move right w/ t Series LTI/inpulse responses total LTI is h1(t)*h2(t)
LTI is casual if h(t)=0 t<0 BIBO: bounded by some constant C so |x(t)|<= C
Also only BIBO stable if (- ) |h(t)|dt is finite (absolutely integrable)
-If x(t)=Ae^(jwt), y(t)=H(w)Ae^(jwt), so y(t)=h(t)*e^jwt=H(w)e^jwt and H(w)= (- ) h(tao)e^(-jwtao)dtao
H(w): frequency domain equivalent of h(t) e^(-jwt)->H(-w)e^(-jwt)
If h(t) is real, H*(w)=(- ) h(tao)*(e^-jwt)*dtao = (- )h(tao)e^jwt)dtao=H(-w)
Finding H(w): substitute H(w)e^jwt for y(t), e^jwt for x(t) and jw for d/dt
coswt=1/2((e^jwt)+e^-jwt) and y(t)=|H(w)|cos(wt+) where =<H(w)
-Impulse response of 2nd order: set x(t)=0, y(t)=e^st to find char. Equ., solve for roots, h1=e^(p1t)u(t) h2=same,
Htotal=(1/(p1+p2))(e^(p1t)-e^p2t)u(t) BIBO stable if p1&p2 are neg.(a1>0,a2>0) s^2+a1s+a2=0
Alpha=a1/2, w0=sqrt(a2), damping coef.=alpha/w0 if damp coeff>1 over,=1 critically,<1 under
-X(s)=(0- ) x(t)e^-st
If laplace(x(t))=X(t), X(t)=N(s)/D(s) where zeros are values of s where N(s)=0 and poles where D(s)=0
Circuit Anlysis: take a kvl (vs(t)=Vou(t) where vs(t) are impedances, convert to s-domain, solve for I(s), inverse
Laplace, and that will be current
If degree of N(s)=m and degree of D(s)=n, if m<n: strictly proper, m=n: proper, m>n: improper
Proper: 2s^2+8s+6/(s^2+2s+1), factor out constant equal to ratio of coeff highest top and coeff highest bot 2/1
Do division relationship: (N/D=1+(N-D/D)) now strictly proper
Improper: factor out s and coeff: 6s^3+4s^2+8s+6/(s^2+2s=1)->6s[s^3+2/3s^2+8/6s+1/(s^3+2s^2+s)], do
Division relationship, now is proper, then do proper thing
Repeated Poles: s^2+3s+3/((s+2)(s+3)^3)=A/(s+2)+B/(s+3)+C/(s+3)^2+D/(s+3)^3
If have complex poles, solve w/ partial fractions, convert from polar to exponential, do inverse laplace
-H(s)=Transfer Function: is laplace(h(t)) y(t)=x(t)*h(t), Y(s)=X(s)H(s)
If H(s) has poles that are imaginary, not BIBO stable OLHP is part of s-domain, doesnt include imaginary axis
If pole >= 0, isnt in the OLHP If transfer function is improper, it cant be BIBO stable no matter what
To be inverse system H(s) has to have both poles and zeros in the OLHP H(s) can be Y(s)/X(s)
x(0+)=lims->(X(s)) x()=lims->0(X(s))

Complex Review:
Eulers: e^(jt) = cos(t)+jsin(t) Complex numbers: a+jb or Ae^(j) a=real pt. b=imaginary pt.
=tan(^-1)(b/a) A = sqrt((a^2)+(b^2)) a=Acos b=Asin
Complex Conjugate * : changing sign of imaginary part (a+jb)*=a-jb or (Ae^(j))* = Ae^(-j)
Magnitude/Absolute Value: |a+jb|=sqrt((a^2)+(b^2))=sqrt((a+jb)(a+jb)*)
Phase of x(t)=A(t)e^(j(t)) : is same as (angle)(x(t)) = tan(^-1)( = (t)

Math Shortcuts:
20logXY = 20logX+20logY 20logX/Y = 20logX-20logY

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