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Band objectives are the categories that students are measured in. Not all students will be measured in all categories.
It is expected that by the end of eighth grade, proficiency could be demonstrated in all objectives.


Measurement Topic: Music Composition and Performance

Perform 2- and 3- part songs
Play scales and intervals
Apply notation and composition skills (e.g., reorchestrate, revoice, or compose a short piece)
Improvise a short piece
Play a musical piece using expression
Identify I, IV, and V chord patterns

Measurement Topic: Music Theory

Read and notate music using a variety of notes and rests ( e.g.; whole, half, dotted
half, quarter, dotted quarter, eighth, and sixteenth notes)
Identify and apply 2/4, 3/4, 4/4, 6/8, and alla breve meters
Apply musical terms for dynamics, tempo, and articulation

Measurement Topic: Analysis of Music

Distinguish between major and minor keys
Establish criteria to be used in evaluating the quality of a performance
Use musical terms to describe various musical styles, genres, or time periods
Compare and contrast two musical pieces from the same style or genre using basic musical
Define characteristics of effective musical works


Measurement Topic: History, Culture, and Society

Listen to music of other cultures and explore the role of music and musicians related to the
Describe the historical background, composer, genre, and style of music pieces being
Analyze the roles that musicians play in the media
Evaluate contemporary uses of music to influence societal changes (e.g.; campaign songs,
songs of protest, etc.)
Identify the origins of American musical genres

Measurement Topic: Real World Connections

Respond to musical examples heard in class
Evaluate a live musical performance
Identify career opportunities in music

Measurement Topic: Integrated Studies

Identify the physical properties of sound including frequency, amplitude, and wavelength
Apply mathematical concepts to the rhythms encountered in music (e.g., fractions to meter,
patterns to form or rhythm)
Interpret a piece of music using art, poetry, writing, or dance
As well as measuring music objectives, students will be measured on how they manage their work in Band.

Work independently and cooperatively (e.g. work without disturbing others)

Follow classroom rules and routines (e.g. listen and follow directions)
Contribute relevant information or ideas when participating in class activities and discussions
Utilize time to manage assignments and deadlines (e.g. record and prioritize assignments using a planner)
Bring required materials to class (In band, this refers to Instrument, Pencil, Music)
Complete assignments on time
Produce work that reflects personal best (quality)

6-8th Grade Assignments

1. Planned Playing Tests
There will be trimester-scheduled planned playing tests given to each student.
Planned playing tests will be over specific scales and exercises from the band method
At some grade levels, certain scales or exercises will need to be memorized.
Planned playing tests will be digitally video-recorded and submitted via Google Classroom
These tests will be graded using a rubric based upon the Music Composition and
Performance and Music Theory Measurement Topics.
Playing tests rubrics are included in this handbook.

2. Pop Playing Tests

During each trimester, there may be occasional surprise tests given in class.
The date for the test will be given at least one week prior
The pop playing test will be over a pre-selected portion of the concert pieces.
The selection portion may not be announced until the day of the test
Pop playing tests will be done in class.
Playing tests rubrics are included in this handbook.

3. Homework Practicing
All 6-8th grade band students are required to submit practice logs
All practice logs will be submitted via Google Classroom (
Paper versions of our practice logs will be available by request.

5th Grade Curriculum

Students learn instrument fundamentals through a flipped curriculum
o Brief online videos (accessible through Google Classroom) will teach students
lessons specific to their instrument. Let Mr. Bays know if internet is unavailable.
o Application and practice of these online lessons will take place during class
Once fundamentals are mastered, students perform playing tests online or in person at
their own pace to advance through an Army rank promotion system

5th Grade Rehearsal 9:35-10:15 Tue & Fri

6th Grade Rehearsal 8:45-9:25 Every Day
7th/8th Grade Rehearsal 8:00-8:40 Every Day
Note: Mr. Bays is available most days at the beginning of dismissal Monday-Thursday for
anybody who would like some extra practice time, assistance, or wants to do a playing test


Discipline procedures will follow the School-Wide Behavior Management System. Phone calls
and/or emails to parents and detentions will then be assigned accordingly.
Level UP Purple Viking Horns
Level 1 Yellow Warning
Level 2 Blue Parent Notification (email/phone call), signature required
Level 3 Red Detention

To encourage responsibility and personal accountability, part of each students participation grade
will be tied to being prepared for class. This means having your instrument, music, and pencil!

Every band member will
try his or her hardest to succeed.
be prepared and on time.
listen to the given instructions.
encourage other band members.
have a positive attitude all class long.
play their instrument every day.
cooperate with other band members.
keep their music in a folder.
behave like young adults with self-control.
practice some more
participate and attend all performances (concerts, parade, etc.)
NOT chew gum in class.
just go practice already!!!

6-8th grade
Participation, concert attendance, being prepared with materials 33%
Assignments, practice logs, projects, etc. 33%
Performance proficiency (playing tests) 33%

5th grade
Participation, concert attendance, being prepared with materials 50%
Performance proficiency (flipped content via Google Classroom and playing tests) 50%


Solo & Ensemble is strongly recommended for all 6-8th grade band members. Mid-January,
students will determine if they would like to prepare by themselves or with a group to perform for a
judge in March. This is a unique opportunity to get individualized feedback by a specialist on your
instrument! There is a small cost involved with this event ($9). More information will be given as it
is available later in the year.

All students must attend all concerts. The purpose of learning to play instruments is to perform our
music for an audience. A musician exists to perform. This expression of our hard work is rewarding
for each individual student. Missing the performance takes everything away from the enjoyment of
band. For this reason, concerts are factored strongly into students participation grades.

A concert schedule for the full year is posted on our website at the beginning of the year. Write
these dates down on your calendar so that you will not schedule something else into a conflict.

Plan to come to the concert a half hour (30 minutes) to an hour before the concert begins to warm
up and to take attendance. You are required to stay for the entire performance! Any exception to
this must be brought to Mr. Bays no later than the day before the concert by the parents.

Concert Dress:
Concerts are formal experiences. We want to make an impression by our sound and our
appearance. Therefore the Concert Dress Code is ALL BLACK. This means:

Boys: a black collared shirt with black pants, black socks, and black shoes.
Girls: black top with a knee length or longer black skirt or black pants and black
socks/nylons/shoes. A black full-length dress is also acceptable. All skirts and dresses
must fall below the knee when sitting.

Concert attire must also meet the Vanguard Dress Code as stated in the Middle School Handbook.
During the course of the year, Vanguard Bands may go on various field trips to enrich and enhance
their musical learning. These trips may include the 5th grade Symphony trip, MSBOA Concert
Festival, performing in the community, Toronto, Chicago, Michigans Adventure, and others.
Students are expected to follow all school rules while on a school trip. We are representatives of
Vanguard Charter Academy to our community and we must set a good example. Parent
volunteers are vital to the success and effectiveness of these trips.


To facilitate these trips and other events, each band student has an account set up to hold funds
for use in band activities and other purchases.

Fundraisers are the primary source of building the band account from year to year. We will have
one or two fundraisers per year for students to save money for the big trips such as Chicago or
Toronto, and also for other events that the student chooses to participate in.
Deposits into this account are made through fundraisers and individual extra payments.
Withdrawals from this account will be made to pay for events that the student participates in such
as Solo & Ensemble or the Chicago or Toronto trips. Other band purchases, such as band books,
reeds, and other instruments supplies may also come from the band account if we have parent

If a student leaves band, either through choice or graduation, all money in their account will be
transferred to a younger sibling in band or choir. If there is no younger sibling in band or choir, the
money will be transferred to the bands general fund.

School-owned and student-owned instruments must be kept in good playing condition at all times.

General policies that are to be observed (more can be found at

1. Do not leave anything unattended where it might be stolen or damaged.

2. Keep a record of the serial number, model and make.
3. Be sure your name appears on the inside or outside of your case.
4. Keep your instrument in top condition. Cleaning materials, such as valve oil, slide grease,
and polishing clothes are your responsibility. Required equipment is listed on our website
5. Students will be expected to replace any part of a school instrument that is broken by
careless use or deliberately defaced.
6. Percussionists must provide their own drum sticks, mallets, and drum keys.
7. Instruments may not be left lying out. Please put everything away after class as you found
it. Take smaller instruments back to your locker or class and store them there. The music
room storage shelves are available for student instrument use, with priority for large
8. Do not store music or folders in your case. It may damage the instruments, the folder, and
the music.
9. Percussion instruments are not toys for the entire band to play with. If you do not play
percussion, do not play percussion! If you are fooling around on any percussion
instrument, this will automatically result being placed on Level 2 Blue for the day.

A limited number of instruments are available for rental on a need-based and then a first-come
first-served basis. Please contact Mr. Bays for more information.

Please use only pencil to mark your music. Pens, highlighters and gel pens make changing
markings impossible. Extra copies are available by making a note on the parking lot. A band
folder and storage rack is available for you to use so that music stays in playable condition.

If you would like an additional copy for at-home practice, please request it from Mr. Bays.

Private lessons are available to all students who desire to challenge themselves and excel to a
high level of achievement.

Lessons last a half hour with Mr. Bays and the cost is $15/lesson. Lessons will meet after school
on the scheduled day. For advanced students, Mr. Bays can also suggest additional teachers.
Please refer to the contact information below to set up lessons.

Mr. Kevin Bays School phone: 538-3630x220
Vanguard Bands
Price List 17-18

Valve Oil
Slide Grease
Clarinet Reeds 2 , 3 , 3 $2
Bass Clarinet/Bari Sax Reeds 3 $4
Alto Sax Reeds 2 , 3 $3
Reed Case $2

Note: it is often cheaper to purchase reeds in bulk from Marshall

Music. Method books must be purchased from Marshall Music.

CATEGORY 3 2.5 2 1
Pitch Accuracy Pitches are All elements of A few inaccurate Wrong pitches
consistently 2.0 and some of pitches are consistently
Does not apply to accurate. 3.0 with played, detracting detract from the
Percussion. assistance from from the overall performance.
the teacher or performance.

Rhythm The beat is All elements of The beat is The beat is

Accuracy steady and the 2.0 and some of occasionally unsteady and
rhythms are 3.0 with unsteady. Some rhythms are
accurate. assistance from rhythms are seldom accurate,
the teacher or accurate. significantly
repeated Frequent or detracting from
attempts. repeated errors. the overall
Rhythm problems performance.
detract from the

Expression Articulation 1.0 Dynamics 1.0 Tempo 1.0 Expression 1.0

Tonguing is clear Written terms and Written terms and Music is
Elements and used symbols are symbols are performed in a
correctly for each applied to the applied to the way that evokes
note. musical musical meaning or an
performance. performance. emotion.

Rudiments 1.0

Markings and
symbols are
played correctly.

Technique Posture 1.0 Tone Quality 1.0 Breathing 1.0 Preparation 1.0
Sitting up straight Producing a Breath is Evidence that the
Elements and using correct characteristic consistent and selection has
hand/arm tone across the used been practiced
positions on the range of the appropriately. beforehand
instrument. instrument.

Percussion: Percussion:
Stick Grip 1.0 Stick Height -1.0
Band Commitment Contract 2016-2017
I, ___________________________, understand the handbook and agree to obey all the
rules and guidelines in it. I agree to participate fully and contribute my best towards musical
excellence. I agree to cooperate with Mr. Bays and work with my classmates. I understand that a
violation of any of this will result in my parents being contacted and a discipline referral will be filled
out. Finally, I will perform to the best of my ability at all Vanguard performances.

Signature Date

I, ___________________________, understand the handbook and agree to support Mr. Bays by
ensuring that my son/daughter, _____________________________, will abide by it. I understand
that as a parent I am the critical factor to whether my child succeeds in music. I agree to encourage
my child to practice for the improvement of his/her instrumental skills. I understand that my child
cannot quit band without a conference with Mr. Bays and Mr. DeJong. I understand that all
concerts are vital to the development of my young musician and will make every effort to guarantee
that my child will be at each performance in its entirety. I understand that if my child violates any
part of this handbook that I may be contacted to discuss the situation.

Signature Date

Do you agree to have your childs photo shared on Vanguard Bands social media? Mr. Bays
appreciates the opportunity to give parents glimpses into the classroom!
Yes/no (circle one)

The Vanguard Music Department depends largely on parental support for our success. Not only
do we need your help in supporting your student at home, but we need your help at school, too.
Please put a check mark by any of the following activities that you could assist us with. Any help
you can offer is needed and appreciated!

________________________ ______________________ _____

Parent Name Student Name Grade

________________________ _______________________
Phone #(s) Email

___ I can sit in and listen to a small group rehearse (no musical experience necessary).
___ I have experience playing a band instrument (please specify) and could work with a
small group of students on this instrument: __________________________
___ I could chaperone band field trips during the week.
___ I could transport music equipment/instruments to band events.
___ I could volunteer for Solo & Ensemble, date TBD.
___ I could help set-up/tear-down band events.
- December: Holiday Concert @ Grand River Prep
- January: 5th Grade Band Concert @ Vanguard
- May: Spring Concert @ Grand River Prep
- June: 8th grade Graduation @ Kentwood Community Church
___ I could assist with fundraising (ordering, assembly, and pick-up).
Any other ideas?
___ I could _______________________________________________________

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