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Table S2. Loadings on the first principal component (PC1) using all chrono-functional indicators.

Metrics with loadings 90% of the highest one are highlighted by gray shading. Bold: best metrics
in each Subgroup (see Table 2) used to calculate the Naturalness Score.

Metric PC1 (55.4%) Subgroup

MEAN 0.91 1
MEDIAN 0.85 1
AGE3 0.97 2
AGE5 0.97 2
AGE10 0.95 2
MAX 0.95 2
RANGE3 0.87 3
GINI 0.47 3
H 0.72 3
D 0.73 3
SKEW 0.15 3
KURT 0.11 3
TrajRANGE3 0.92 4
TrajSLOW3mean 0.93 4
TrajSLOW3median 0.94 4
TrajSLOW3 0.95 4
SupN.avg 0.72 5
SupN.5 0.95 5
SupL.avg 0.71 6
SupL.5 0.92 6
SupL.max 0.87 6
MaxSup.avg 0.65 6
MaxSup.5 0.89 6
MaxSup.max 0.87 6
Rel1Yr.H 0.91 7
Rel1Yr.D 0.95 7
Rel1Yr.Peak -0.89 7
Rel1Yr.SK -0.61 7
Rel1Yr.KU 0.35 7
Rel1Age.H 0.75 8
Rel1Age.D 0.76 8
Rel1Age.Peak -0.77 8
Rel1Age.SK 0.02 8
Rel1Age.KU 0.09 8
LastRelYr.H 0.11 9
LastRelYr.D 0.16 9
LastRelYr.Peak -0.23 9
LastRelYr.SK 0.71 9
LastRelYr.KU -0.07 9

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