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Subject: Social Studies Type of Lesson: Internet use, discussion, group work

Grade: 10 CSEC OBJ: Students should be able to:

A 3 compare different family types
and unions in the Caribbean.

Term: 1 Unit Number 1 Family Types and Unions

and Title:

Duration: 235 minutes Week Number: 2

Lesson Number 5 Family Unions

and Title:

As a result of this lesson, the student will be able to:
1) define the term family union
2) identify family unions in the Caribbean.
3) outline the advantages and disadvantages of each family union.
4) suggest ways in which the disadvantages faced within unions can
be eliminated or reduced.
5) listen attentively to the views of group members.

Prerequisite Student Knowledge

The student should be familiar with:
1) family types present in the Caribbean.
2) advantages and disadvantages which are associated with family
types in the Caribbean.

Important Points
1) The family is defined as a group of persons related by blood,
marriage or adoption who live under the same roof and support
each other socially, economically and emotionally. There are
several family types and unions identified in the Caribbean;
2) The word union is used to describe the type of arrangement by
which a couple unites to form a family;
3) Three main types of unions in the Caribbean legal, common-
law/consensual and visiting.

Teacher Instructional Material 1

4) Legal unions occurs when two consenting adults sign a contract
such as in a marriage.
5) Common-law union occurs when partners by mutual agreement
live together without legal contract.
6) Visiting relationship occurs when partners do not live in the same
household ,visit each other and function as a family
7) Family unions like family types have its advantages and

Key Terms

common-law consensual legal

marriage union

Challenge Areas
a. Student will be asked to find out why West Indian males
sometimes choose to be polygamous. Tell them to use school
library, the internet or a history teacher. This could be done for
the next class.

b. Read the case study on pages 52-53 in Social Studies Essentials

for CSEC by Mervyn Sandy and answer the questions which

Equipment/Materials Needed
Computer, internet connectivity, multimedia equipment

Note to Teacher
Review with students family types in the Caribbean. Be familiar with
family unions and their advantages and disadvantages so you can
answer questions that students may ask. Check all equipment before
class to ensure that they are working properly.

Teacher Instructional Material 2

Teachers Lesson Notes

Teacher Instructional Material 3

1) Getting married Discussion of slide show

a. Ask students to look at the following slide show of

different weddings. (idea of a slide show of about ten
pictures of different wedding ceremonies from the link
below .end with the one on the ant)
Remember that hl=en&prmdo=1&prmd=imvns&source=lnms&tbm=isch&
a family consists ei=JZ9wT9LGHsmutwfcpYTDBg&sa=X&oi=mode_link&
of persons living
together under
the same roof
who are
intimately related i. Slide show should allow students time to observe
and who may be carefully enough details to participate in a
married or not

b. Ask students to give their views on marriage. Ask them:

i. Why do couples get married?

ii. Must couples marry before they live together?
iii. Why are so many couples choosing not to marry?
iv. What type of union would you use to describe
Expected responses:
i. They love each other; they want to share their
lives in a fulfilling relationship; they want to
provide a stable family environment for their
ii. No, but it is more desirable in our society.
iii. They fear that they will end up divorced; they
cannot afford it.
iv. Legal union

Explain to them the meaning of union as outlined in the

text. Answer any additional questions they may have.
c. Inform the students that in this lesson they will be looking
at family unions in the Caribbean and the advantages and
disadvantages of each as outlined in the lesson objectives.

Teacher Instructional Material 4

Body of Lesson
1) Family Unions in the Caribbean Internet use, interactive
game, discussion

a. Instruct students to connect to the link below then scroll

down to the heading Family Unions in the Caribbean and
begin reading

b. Next, ask them to play the matching game. (idea of an

interactive matching game where students match
statements with types of family unions)
1. Paul leaves home to frequently see his daughter and her
mother visiting
2. Mary and the father of her child live together
3. Sue and James live together but have no money to get
married common-law
4. David and Jenny have two children, they see each other
regularly but do not live together visiting
5. Joyce and John were married by a marriage officer
seven years ago legal marriage

2) Advantages and Disadvantages of Family Unions in the

Warning Caribbean group work, discussion
Remind students to
not confuse family
a. Assign students to small groups. Direct all groups to talk
type and family about the advantages and disadvantages of the family
unions. But to unions in the Caribbean. Tell them to come up with two
ensure that they can
identify each
advantages and two disadvantages for each type of union.
correctly Allow 10 minutes for this activity.

b. Next allow each group the opportunity to share with their


c. Tell students to complete the table below by filling in the

advantages and disadvantages of each family union.
Instruct them to identify TWO advantages and TWO
disadvantages of each family union.

Expected answers : given in colour.

Teacher Instructional Material 5

Table 5.1: Comparing family unions
1. Couples can separate without 1. Legal benefits can
Common-law/ going through a divorce. only be granted if
Consensual couples have lived
2. Enjoy the same rights as together for a
married couples such as child period of time.
and spousal support. 2. At death of one
partner their family
may oppose claims
of living spouse.
1. Spousal conflict is absent. 1. Child may be
Visiting affected
2. Partner is able to make emotionally if one
decisions in the home much parent visits only
easier occasionally.

2. Relationships are
unstable so partners
may have several of
these relationships.
1. Couples have the right to 1. Whatever is
Legal Marriage receive property and support acquired by either
in the event of a divorce or partner during the
death. marriage is shared,
sometime equally if
2. The legal commitment a divorce occurs.
involved can lead to personal
security and confidence. 2. Marriage cannot be
dissolved without a
divorce, which can
be costly.

In Class Assignment
1) Let students share with their classmates what they have learnt from
the lesson.

Out-of-Class Assignment
1) Encourage students to visit all the websites in this lesson and do
their own reading from assigned text on family unions in the

Teacher Instructional Material 6

Glossary of Terms

common-law man and woman who live together but are not
legally united

legal union man and woman who live together and are
legally united

union type of arrangement by which a two persons

unite to form a family

visiting union A man and woman who share a sexual

relationship but do not share residence. They
may have children in common and the man
usually visits the woman regularly.

CSEC Questions
a) Identify TWO family unions which are present in the Caribbean
2 mks
b) Outline TWO advantage and ONE disadvantages of any ONE of
the family unions named above 6 mks

c) (i) Suggest to members of a family THREE ways they can best

support the family. 6 mks

(ii) Explain why each of the ways suggested will be successful.

6 mks

Recommended Materials
Website to visit

Teacher Instructional Material 7


Brathwaite, S. & Reynolds, P. (2004). Social Studies for Self-Study

and Distance Learning. Caribbean Examination Council.

Sandy, M. (2012). Social Studies Essentials for CSEC. Kingston:

Carlong Publishers Caribbean Ltd.

__________ (2009). The Gleaners Youthlink CSEC Revision Guide

Social Studies. Kingston: Selectco Publications Ltd.


Teacher Instructional Material 8

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