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CONTROL NEWS August 2017




Service Control Meeting

Service Control now has its own grade committee that will regularly meet

On Monday 24th July 2017, a mass meeting function of Council Reps involves members
of Service Control members took place and cases which take up a lot of hours.
was well attended (minutes are available).
At the SC Functional Council meeting on
The reason for the meeting was a 26th July 2017 your Reps emphasised the
culmination of issues affecting all staff, either previous minutes of meetings to release Reps
right now, or for the future of all Service to carry out their role.
PRP Time for a change
We are fighting the despised PRP system
Control staff.
We quoted the Machinery where it states we and want the introduction of a new fairer
are entitled to 2 Service operators (each) for pay system.
Reps in Service Control
BCV, JNP and SSR. We insisted that 6 Local
4LM Hamersmith SCC
Rep positions are re-installed!
Release of the Functional Council RMT is taking your thoughts and feedback
Representatives to effect positive trade We argued, because the grade of the staff to management on the 4LM project and
union engagement with the has changed the staff numbers are still there what the staff involved rightly deserve to
membership. and insisted on RMT Representation. help deliver this.
Management have agreed to respond.
This is a long-standing issue coming to a Secondee Contracts
head! In a nutshell, currently management- The Machinery also states that 2 Reps per Service Operators should be issued
side oppose the release of the Functional Service Delivery Area are nominated and permanent contract as per an agreement in
Council to undertake local level must meet with SCMs 4 times a year at 2012 which management are ignorning.
representation and negotiation, this least.
negatively impacts the ability of the union to
In the past Management have interpreted DRMs
represent members interests in the Clarification around the DRM role and what
this as SO1-3 Reps which we currently have.
workplace and is a deliberate ploy to prevent they should and shouldnt be used for.
These Reps only Represent S/O grades. The
local issues from being raised.
machinery is clear that these meeting must

The difficulty is just three Function take place (ideally by local Reps). We have The ball is firmly in Management court with
Representatives for RMT trying to deal with given Management notice that we will this one and we await to refer this issue to

issues across the whole of SC, with demand to meet each SCM 4 times a year Head office to take to ACAS and/or
management just providing five days per alongside the time to meet with members Employment Tribunal if need be. We will

year for this vital work. The unforeseen and to feedback. refer this to Company Council is September.


Supporting our

We spoke on the issue of Secondees in SC
and the failure of management to stick to the
agreement. We discussed the agreement
made in 2012 which assured the RMT that
those on secondment would be awarded
permanent contracts after 12 months. This in
the event that the Cabins they are working in
were likely to remain open and staff be
needed for a total of two years (backdated to
start of their secondment).

We pointed out that it is mismanagement

that has extended the period for the SSR
project to be completed. This is not this. The ACAS resolution agreement is very Reps saw this as a side issue!
something our members have caused and clear. As things stand today, all Cabin
therefore should not be disadvantaged or Secondees must be given permanent We asked at our Mass meeting that if anyone
have their career progression to SCL1 or contracts. becomes aware of such a misuse of DRMs
other SC roles limited by LU. It was resources to inform the Function Council
reiterated that this was an ACAS dispute Reps.
resolution agreement and cannot be
Clarification DRMs during the station dispute (and

for DRMs
overtime ban) were used to cover stations on
We have threatened to refer this break of overtime and this is a disgrace. Such DRMs
(ACAS) agreement back to ACAS. Unless should seriously rethink considering doing

management agree to give all Secondees this ever again. Gladly no RMT DRM was
Clarification was discussed around the roles
permanent contracts (possibly) within the reported as doing this!
of DRMs and how management have
next 4 weeks, we will be back at ACAS and
breached an agreement, whereby DRMs
back in dispute. Reps have also asked Management for
could be used for unforeseen emergencies,
clarification over their roles in general.
We also stated that ANY Secondment in SC whereby a station would temporarily fall
lasting 2 years should be given permanency. below numbers. We welcome all grades in Service Control to join us!

Management have decided to extend It was agreed that DRMs cannot be used for
secondments to Sept 2018. We insisted this foreseen events (such as annual leave). It
is not acceptable and there no basis for doing was stated by management that all relevant
staff could be used for special events but

Staff were advised not to engage with these

C4 Programme tactics and instead refer these managers to
engage with their TU reps.

The C4 programme continues in the

We can confirm that any engagement with
C4 is voluntary. If you feel obliged to attend,
background. It is operating with a small
please inform your Reps. We advise not to
management team working to bring engage! Our view is from previous head TU reps challenged the role of the Change
efficiencies to SC. This team are still going count exercises, is that simply by engaging, Champions, as they are being used to bypass
to SC at the moment and engaging staff in you are forming part of their process to begin the normal machinery of negotiation and
unofficial consultation and brainstorming. Fit for Future SC. Please think twice about consultation. We advise staff not to engage
Our opinion is, this is to glean ideas for attending or engaging. We believe you are a with these Change Champion programmes
streamlining SC and by engaging SC staff pawn in their process. Dont think anything as it could be used to harm the process of
prove that the ideas come from SC (much you say they are the slightest bit interested negotiating agreements and undermine
like they did for FFFS). in. All they need is attendance! Reps.

Change Champions Continued

Misinformation is another divisive tactic that

management use. Any information from HR
and management should be through elected
TU Reps.
The End of PRP
Change Champions have the potential to

Alongside pay parity, our claim against LUL am not in the PRP system,
give management a legal get out of
to dispel of PRP, is based on two key
speaking with the TUs. The introduction of
should I support the
Change Champions has marginalised the action?
Function Council Representatives. They have An Individual in Service Control cannot be
reduced the meetings regarding the SSR and assessed on Individual performance, in order PRP is coming your way if we do not kill it
PICU. Management admitted they made a now. There are other sectors in LU & TFL
to achieve extra reward. Which is not being
mistake not consulting with Reps regarding paid. where PRP is a huge problem. Staff are paid
Change Champions but they have not yet a basic plus PRP, which is nearly half of their
agreed to agree with Reps their function. PRP is a manipulation tool used by pay each year. This pay is not guaranteed
Management to dominate the individual and and can be removed at any time. It is also
Your TU Reps believe this is a tactic to undermine our collective powers, ultimately non-pensionable.
exclude the RMT from ongoing an attack on the RMT.
consultation/negotiation. Our For example; if you earn 60k you could only
recommendation is to not trust this set up. PRP is simply not suitable to our functions in really earn 30k + PRP. Your pensionable pay
Service Control, or any other role in TFL. is 30k. Also, your pay can be dropped to
30k at any point (with some clever wording
Many studies have concluded that PRP is not

from management). This is where TFL want
a reward system that fits every industry and to go. The target is our pension. They want
role. In Service Control, you simply cannot be rid of it and this is no secret. It is costing
measured as an Individual for performance in them a lot. They cant eradicate it
Yes. PRP. The hated and despised system relation to reward. immediately because there would be mass
attached to the hated and ridiculous P&D resignations from the over 50s, leaving LU
process we are forced to endure. It is currently being used to divide not
PRP payments should have been made
regularly (since 2006) and is clearly in the We looked at a legal challenge, with which Fit for Future SC is Coming!
budget and gift of SCMs, yet this money is the RMT made on the basis of equal pay. This
based around the equality act. This was a They are building towards it right now. The
being used for other costs. You think your time to act is now! *4LM & PICU is the key!
overtime is a cost of TFL, think again. The case which could have been won on the basis
of the individual case, but the outcome They cannot afford to be late on this
budgets set for PRP are being used to cover upgrade. The fines are immense!
costs such as overtime. This has not been would have been a personal increase of a
refuted! PRP payment and would not have been
The RMTs previous approach to LU HR
sufficient grounds to provide legal
Director on the matter of PRP being replaced
The ridiculous and unfair PRP system precedence for all affected members.
with the fairer system of pay progression
prevents people from attaining payments within your grade, was met with an outright
they are entitled to. Not only that, attaining Does it affect me? I dont get refusal to even discuss it. The Director
substantial payments, jot the 0.25% that is PRP, or I am already at the top stating that there was no intention to
the norm!
of the band. change the PRP process. This came on the
back of the RMTs previous request at the
What is PRP? Those who are currently signallers but will Service Control Review to have spot rates or
Pay for knowledge and Pay for
over the next few years find themselves, by
Firstly, LUL Human Resources personnel skill compensation systems.
default, migrated to SCL1 or SCL2 grades,
(HR) are typically qualified via the Chartered
due to the upgrades. SO1-3 will be at the
Institute of Professional Development We asked Jean Cockerill (ER Director) to
bottom of the banding.
(CIPD). place all staff on equal pay for their roles, this
SO4s will be at the top but will eventually be too was rejected out of hand by the company
According to the CIPD Performance-related in favour of maintaining the divisive PRP
SCL2 at the bottom of the band.
pay (PRP) is a common way of managing pay scheme. We proposed to members, a
by linking salary progression to an Even so, we are looking to possibly regrade payband progression, which sees affected
assessment of individual performance, therefore those at the top, may not be, members moving up the payband through
usually measured against pre-agreed unless we eradicate the system entirely three levels across a period of five years. This
objectives. But despite the wide use of PRP (bringing all staff to the top of the band and was a notional progression with no decision
schemes, questions still remain around the equality in pay within the grades. No more made as yet on how this will be presented to
effectiveness of PRP as a motivator. divisiveness. management during negotiations, so it is
subject to more detail.


Upgrades & Recruitment

On top of the salary guarantee for Picc staff, Your Reps lodged a complaint at the SC
PICU your RMT Reps also fought for additional
roles in the company if that is what staff
functional Council (SCFC) failure to consult
and that the JWG was no longer fit for
Piccadilly Interim Control Upgrade wanted. However, the salary guarantee purpose. This will need to go to Company
would not protect SO4s if they migrated out Council unless management decide to
of SC out of choice. SO4s are guaranteed consult with Reps again.
The PICU upgrade was initially tied in with
SCL1 positions anyway!
the Hammersmith Upgrade under the Training for Hammersmith should only be

Bombardier contract and Picc staff were CBTC training (learning the equipment), all
covered by the agreements made in 2012 roles remain the same. SCL1 is Signaller in
and during the Northern upgrade that
provided for a lifetime salary guarantee, 4LM the traditional sense. Controller is a
Controller only. We have not agreed to cover
priority return to SC in the event of Hammersmith SCC up/down at all. 3-tier was agreed and 3-tier is
displacement and the agreement to follow how it will work as things stand!
their work. These all apply equally today to 4 Tube lines are being migrated to
SO4s in light of the 4 Line Modernisation Hammersmith Control Centre. These lines We have asked for the Human Factors study
(4LM) and PICU upgrade project separation. are District, Metropolitan, Circle & for Hammersmith. We know full well that
Hammersmith and Hammersmith & City. even if this study is taking place it will not
The staff allocation agreements for the new take into account the differences as weve
roles/control rooms. SO4s on the Picc have All Signalling Cabins will soon cease to exist touched upon. It wont be worth a bean and
priority to follow their work to the Griffin along with Earls Court Control room and will study factors that we argue should be
Rooms through the agreed interim structure eventually Baker Street. sorted before the study takes place. Or miss
of 3-tier staffing. They have the option to the workloads that are yet to be identified
progress through training to the role of SCL1 A joint working Group was set up under the and need negotiation with the RMT!
and then to SCL2 through development in umbrella of the Company Council. This sub
role. There is a shortened process that does group was to work collaboratively with
not require SO4s to go through an management in order to smooth the process
assessment centre and interview type for our members. However, over the time we
selection process as a recruit external to SC have had many stand offs and arguments, Your Reps have demanded extra information
would have to. both with the infrastructure and staff needs on why the military and other external
and rights. recruits have been given the opportunity to
This process is already underway, although enter SC before SC staff LU staff TFL staff
the take up has not been great. Our big success was the agreement to keep in that order of various agreements
the 3-tier structure as opposed to the 2-tier (including the PSCA).
For those SO4s who do not want to go structure that now exists on the other lines.
through this process and follow their work in Common sense alone would suggest to We believe management have broken
to the Griffin Rooms for whatever reason still management that in order to open the agreements in order to fulfil City hall
have the option to go to Hammersmith once control room in time, the existing staff would directives to employ a gender equal
Earls Court closes, but they will be listed to need to migrate as they are now environment. Although we encourage this,
go after all SO1-3 from the SSR have been (Signaller/Controller/SM). We eventually won we must ensure fairness to our staff and
allocated positions. through after years of resistance and back up await explanation and asked for external
from members. recruitment drives to cease in the meantime.
Management are desperate for SO4s to Either that, or to advertise again to our staff
become SCL2 but only around 10% of staff Earlier this year management decided Reps and put those externals on hold!
have attempted the progression. Your TU were no longer any use to them. Training had
Reps got management to agree that if an started and there was no need to continue We have also demanded that SC Reps get
SO4 applies to be an SCL2 and withdraws or with the JWG as a consultation exercise. The permanent invitation to recruit at every SC
fails, they are guaranteed an SCL1 position. problem is there are many key issues that external or promotional school, as it is our
Since then (it seems management have managers have not consulted with us on. legal right to recruit to the RMT. This was
stopped pressurising SO4s and they have agreed!
been taking up SCL1 positions at Earls Court. To name a few: Migration payment,
Reps also insisted that the SO4s go to the Upskilling payment, 4 line cross working After many complaints about SC
top of the SCL1 band, arguing it was (in negotiations, training issues, form of words promotional campaigns, those who
essence) promotion. Another win! for the 3-tier agreement, threat of changes of requested feedback were told they have to
roles and responsibilities, changes to the get feedback from their manager.
Another win for RMT was to argue the only PSCA negotiations, cover up/down Management agreed to having feedback
sensible option of an interim 3-tier structure. agreements, JD of SCL1, rosters and the big from TFL recruitment is they insist. Or from a
We will be fighting to keep this structure with question of regrading. manager of their choice.
full support of members.


Service Control Grades Committee

We are very pleased to announce, the
Outstanding actions Your workplace reps are:

Service Control Grades Committee was
Provide all S/O Secondees permanent Met Cabins - Mario Panayi
formed on 27th July 2017.
contracts. Plus all over 2 years expected. District Cabins - Arif Patel
It has been set up to enable a place for SO4 - Simi Buluro
Service Control staff to come along and Clarify roles of DRMs SO4 - Martyn Wise
express their views, obtain information and
play an active part in the Trade Union Provide extra RMT local Reps and release Health and Safety Reps:
activities which affect their grade. We Council Reps sufficiently. District Cabins - Arif Patel
proposed this to the London Transport Met Cabins - Mario Panayi
Review PSCA H&C Cabins Kebba Jobe
Regional Council (LTRC). As we only have 3
Functional Reps (without release to visit and BCV - Ian Norris
Explain Recruitment process and drives. SSR - Michael Livingstone
engage), no local Control Centre Reps, no Review Movements within grade.
local DRM Reps and only 3 S/O local Reps, JNP - Paolo Neri
we are at a huge disadvantage to organise. SO4 - Chris Roberts
More transparency on movements with

On 27th July 2017, the LTRC voted Functional Reps:
unanimously to set up the Committee. Remove PRP or adopt RMT format. Ian Norris
Kebba Jobe
Dates to be confirmed. We will require Re-consult and negotiate 4LU in all areas Michael Livingstone
officers from our membership. Please inform including possible regrading.
your Reps if you are interested in becoming Health & Safety Tier Two and Upgrades
an officer. Officers will be elected at our first To consider flexible working and job share Kebba Jobe
meeting. You will be advised further through for SC staff
e-mail. Union Learning Rep:
Ian Norris

The RMT is the fastest growing union in Service Control being the majority union that represents
Signallers, Controllers, DRMs, LIS and Service Managers bringing them together to fight their corner
and provide the workplace protection they need in the demanding environment that is Service

If you havent joined yet please do so at

To get full workplace protection with a representative to support you and to be a part of an active
union that makes the case before its too late join the RMT!

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