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Box Loudspeaker Systems

Part I1: Large-Signal Analysis


School o/Electrical Engineering, The University of Sydney,

Sydney, N.S.W. 2006, Australia

The power capacity of a vented-box loudspeaker system is shown to be directly re-

lated to the system frequency response and to the volume of air that can be displaced
by the system driver. The vent area must be made large enough to prevent noise gen-
eration or excessive losses; the required area is shown to be quantitatively related to
enclosure tuning and to driver displacement volume. Mutual coupling between driver
and vent is found to be of negligible importance in most cases.
The basic performance characteristics of a vented-box system may be determined
from knowledge of a number of fundamental system parameters. These parameters can
be evaluated from relatively simple measurements. The vented-box system is shown to
possess two important performance advantages compared with the closed-box system.

Editor's Note: Part I of Vented-Box Loudspeaker Systems /B relative to the displacement at zero frequency, and
appeared in the June issue, that the principal effect of enclosure losses is to increase
the displacement near /B, i.e., reduce the sharpness of
Diaphragm Displacement
Acoustic Power Rating
The vented-box system displacement function given
by Eq. (14) isa low-pass filter function which has a Assuming linear large-signal diaphragm displacement,
notch at ]_ contributed by the numerator and an ultimate the 'steady-state displacement-limited acoustic power .rat-
Cutoff slope of 12 dB per octave at high frequencies, ing PAR of a loudspeaker system, from [12, eq. (42)], is
The 'behavior of this function is examined at the end
of Appendix 1; PaR = --4_rap fs4VI_2 (36)
The normalized diaphragm displacement magnitude c k_ 2 IX(]to) ]max 2

IX(jto)] is plotted in Fig. 17 for 'a few common align- where ]X(jto)lm_x is the maximum magnitude attained by
ments. For convenience, the frequency scale is normal- the displacement 'function and VD is the peak displace-
ized to/'B- Note that the effect of moving from the C4 ment volume of the driver diaphragm, given by
alignments toward the QB3 alignments (i.e;, increasing a)
.is to reduce the diaphragm displacement near and above VD = SD Xmax (37)


Xmax being the peak linear displacement of the driver
diaphragm, usually set by the amount of voice-coil 0

For the vented-box system, Eq. (15) gives k_ = 1. The m _---C4, k=0.5
displacement-limited acoustic power rating of the vented- 'o
boxsystemthenbecomes ....2'

overhang. 4=ap0 /a4V_ _ '_ - 10

PAn(VB)= -- . (38) _'

For SI units, the value of 4_rapo/CJXis(k0 Ima?
0.424. X QL =------_
B4 '
Power-Rating Constant QB3, B=4 _-
Eq. (38) may be written in the form .2 .3 .5 .7 I 2 3 5
PaN(VB) = kp fa4 VD2 (39) f/fB

where ke is a power-rating constant given by Fig. 17. Normalized diaphragm displacement of vented-box
system driver as a function of normalized frequency for sev-
47rap0 1
kp -- -- . (40) eral typical alignments (from simulator).
C (f3/f_) 4]X(J t-0) [max 2

The value of 1'8//s is already established for any align- ments, the passband and wideband values of kc, the ratio
ment in the C4-B4-QB3 range. But from Fig. 17, IX(jo0 [ of ,maximum displacements for passband- and wideband-
has two maxima. The first occurs outside the system drive conditions, and the degree to which the driving
passband; this has a value of unity and is located at signal spectrum may extend below system cutoff before
zero frequency for the QB3, B4, and moderate C4 align- the displacement exceeds the passband maximum (see
Tents but slightly exceeds unity and is located below J_ Fig. 17).
for the extreme C4 alignments. The second maximum With this value of kc, Eq. (39) becomes
occurs within the system passband, above f_, and is al-
ways smaller than the first. Pamw) = 3-0fa 4 Vo 2' (41)
There are thus two possible values for kp, one if the
This relationship is generally applicable to all vented-bo x
system driving signal is ,allowed to have large-amplitude
components at frequencies well below cutoff, and an- alignments for which the system passband includes the
other, which is substantially larger, if the signal is re- major components of the program signal spectrum.
stricted so that alt significant spectral components are Whenever the signal and 'alignment properties are ac-
curately known, a more exact relationship may be ob-
within the system passband.
Fig. 18 is a plot of the values of kp for each of the tained with the help of Fig. 18 or by using Eq. (38)
above driving conditions as a function of the alignment directly.
parameters k and B for systems with lossless enclosures.
The crosses in Fig. 18 indicate the values of ke for a Power Output, Cutoff Frequency, and
few selected alignments with QL ----5. The effect of this Displacement Volume
relatively severe amount of enclosure loss on kp is nag- Eq. (41) is illustrated in Fig. 19. Pa_ is expressed in
ligible for the QB3 alignments but gradually increases as both watts (left scale) and equivalent sound pressure
the extreme C4 alignments are approached. For these
alignments, kp is slightly reduced for the passband-drive

case but slightly increased for the wideband-drive case. .___+__, PASSBAND
Program Acoustic Power Rating 7 I
In most program applications, a portion of the driving 5 *l I I i I ",g_,
signal spectrum lies below the system passband. The [ IPROORAMI '_'_....L

conservative, while the higher value is comparatively 2

optimistic. A truly realistic value of ke for program kp
lower value
given by only
Fig. if18 the
is then
in spectral
general 3 _ I IN EB'F-I-AN
-r_T!l! D --'--
power distri'bution of the particular driving signal is 1 I I STEADY-STATE

power handling data for a number cfi system alignments .5

known. am plifier_assisted
for example alignments) basedcomparative
has obtained
ticular random-noise driving signal [20].
on a par- .7
i lXJl I
_ , , , ,
In most cases, provided that the program spectrum is .4 .6 .8 I 1 2 3 5 7
principally within the system passband, a satisfactory k 13
program rating is obtained by setting kp equal to 3.0,
regardless of the alignment used. This is indicated by the Fig. 18.
Speaker Power
system as rating constant
a function ke for shape.
of response vented-box
Solid loud-
broken line in Fig. 18. This compromise value for kp is are for lossless systems; crosses represent systems with
arrived at by considering, for the entire range of align- Q_ = 5.



10 * / //_- 120
_/ ,/f-- from the form obtained by dividing Eq. (39)by Eq. (26):
// / ,,. = (43)
g_ 1 _/y_/'_O/_O_
./ / // / / / / r 110 m.O. zX In practice, the values of P_t_ and m0are much more
/ / Et n important; these would normally be specified or cai(u-
/ _ ._3_/,, r / - 100 --' lated first. PE_ is then obtained directly from these
//_' ._ o bers as indicated by Eq. (42). P_ describes onlynUm'the
/ ,_ . x amount of nominal power which may be absorbed from
.01 : _,/ f _,/. _,_ _,,,. _ ea an amplifier if thermal design of the voice-coil permits.

!/5///''x._ ''_./[ _oj//_ 90 m?_ referenceIt

gives nOefficiencyindicatiOnis
acoustic performance unless
'001I. / / / '" [ /[ I- 80 Enclosure and driver losses reduce % without much
10 20 30 40 60 80 100 effect on P_ and thus lead to a higher value of PDR.
f3, HZ Driver displacement nonlinearity for large signals also
has the effect of reducing efficiency at high levels, i.e.,
Fig. 19. Relationship between cutoff frequency, driver dis- increasing the electrical input required to actually reach
loudspeaker volume,
system and rated acoustic
operated power
on program for a vented-box
material. the driver displacement limit. In both eases, the extra
input power is only dissipated as heat.

level (SPL) at 1 meter [3, p. 14] for 2_r-steradian free- 7. PARAMETER MEASUREMENT
field radiation conditions (right scale). This is plotted
as a function of ]a for various values of VD (note 1 The direct dependence of system performance char-
cm a = 10 -6 ma). The SPL at 1 meter given on the right- acteristics on system parameters provides a simple means
hand scale is a rough indication of the SPL produced in of assessing or predicting loudspeaker system performance
the reverberant field of an average listening room for a from a knowledge of these parameters. The important
radiated acoustic power given by the left-hand scale [3, small-signal parameters can be found with satisfactory
p. 318]. For particular listening environments such as accuracy from measurement of the voice-coil impedance
large halls, the reference just cited gives methods for of the system and its driver.
computing the acoustic power required to obtain a spe- The voice-coil impedance function of the vented-box
cifiedSPL. systemis givenby Eq. (16). A plot of the steady-state
Fig. 19 represents the approximate physical large-dig- magnitude [Zvc(jco) I of this function against frequency
nal limitation of vented-box system design. It may be has the shape illustrated in Fig. 20; the measured im-
used to determine the maximum performance tradeoffs pedance curve of a practical vented-box system has this
(Px_ versus ia) for a given voice-coil/suspensi0n design same characteristic shape.
or to find the minimum value of VD which is required The impedance magnitude plot of Fig. 20 has a mini-
to meet a given specification of fa and P_. mum at a frequency near fB (labeled/_) where the im-
Power ratings calculated from Eq. (41) or Fig. 19 pedance magnitude is somewhat greater than R_. The
apply only for "typical" program material which does additional resistance is contributed primarily by en-
not drive the system hard at frequencies below cutoff, closure losses and is designated RR_ on the plot axis.
For other circumstances the applicable rating may be There are two maxima in the impedance plot, located at
higher or lower. Even where the condition of passband frequencies below and above [_t. These are labeled /_
drive iS met with regard to the intended program mate- and [_r. At these frequencies, the magnitudes of the im-
rial, the vented-box system is clearly vulnerable to ex- pedance maxima depend on both driver losses and en-
traneous signals _such as turntable rumble and subsonic closure circuit losses and are seldom equal.
control tones. These normally inaudible signals may pro- Where only normal enclosure losses are present, the
duce audible harmonics or cause noticeable modulation basic system parameters and the total enclosures loss
distortion [21]. In cases where such signals are particu- QB may be found with satisfactory accuracy using the
larly troublesome and cannot otherwise be eliminated, method developed by Thiele in [10]. The indicated value
the use of a closed-box design or one of _hehigher order of QB may then be used to check the measurement ap-
amplifier:assisted vented-box alignments described by Proximations. Thiele's method is based on an initial as-
Thiele [10], [20] may provide relief, sumption of negligible enclosure losses and may be sum-
marized as follows. The relationships are derived in
Electrical: power Rating Appendix 2.
1) Measure the three frequencies f/_,/_, and IR where
The displacement-limited electrical power rating PDR the impedance magnitude is maximum or minimum. The
of the vented-box system is obtained by dividing the accurate identification of these frequencies may be aided
acoustic power rating Eq. (38) by the system reference by measuring the impedance phase; if this passes through
efficiency Eq. (25). Thus, zero at the appropriate maxim um or minimum, the fre-

PDmw) _. P._R(w_ _ _rpoC_ fsQ_a,

_ VD2 (42) quency of may
precision) zero be
as themay be located
center with high
of the maximum
mo Vas IX(/o0 [= 2' or minimum. However, if zero phase is not closely coin-
This rating is subject tO the same adjustments' for pro. cident with maximum or minimum magnitude, as may
gram material as used above. Itsdependence on the:per-: OCcur for moderate to high enclosure losses, the fre-
formance factors already discussed is easily observed quency of actual maximum or minimum impedance mag-

sary to correspond to the driver resonance frequency in

rH thc enclosure.This is done by multiplyingthe measured

'9o i _lm the resonance frequency for which Q_e and QBs have
_' rr been measured and [sB is the resonance frequency in
the enclosurefound from Eq. (44). Usuallyif the driver
parameters are measured on a test baffle of suitable size,
RE+RBM /__ _J the two resonance
valuesf frequencies
Q_sandQEsbythe are almost identical and
J rM the correctionis not required.
RE 1
6) Calculate Qrs from

Qas Q_te (31 )

fL fM fH QTs = -Q_s + Q_se '

Fig. 20. Voice-coil

system as aimpedance
function ofmagnitude
frequency. of vented-box 7) Measure the minimum system impedance magni-
tude R_ + R_t at f]_ rand calculate

R_ + Ra_
nitude must be located as carefully as possible. Exper- r_- (48)
ience with many systems and ex,periments with the analog R_
circuit simulator have shown that where the frequencies Then, using the corrected values of Q_s and Q_ts ob-
of zero phase and maximum or minimum magnitude do tained above, determine the total enclosure loss Qa from
not coincide, the latter always provide more accurate the relationship
values of the system parameters. Bypass any crossover h I 1

signal smallfor enough
this measurement,
so that both and keep and
voltage the current
sig- Qa=__[ _ QEs (r_--1 ) - Q_s ]. (49)
nals are undistorted sinusoids. For the following calcu-
The term I/Q_a can usually be neglected.
lations, assume that ]B = J_t-2 8) The accuracy of the approximation fa _--J_ on
2) Calculate feB, the reson'ance frequency of the which the above method is based may be checked by
driver for the air-load mass presented by the enclosure, calculating the approximate error introduced by the en-
from the relationship closure losses. Assuming that leakage losses are dominant
fL/ti in effect and that /_ is the measured frequency of zero
---- .. (44) phase, the error correction factor is
/sB lB
3) Calculate the compliance ratio a from the relation- Je
__= / aQB2 -- h2 (50)
ship f_t _ aQt_2 -- 1

-- (fii + fa) (/ii- lB) (f_ + fL) (fa- fL) (45) This factor is usually quite cl'ose to unity. If it is signifi-
f_fL 2 cantly different {rom unity, it may be used to correct
If the enclosure contains little or no lining material, the the value of fa used in the above calculations to obtain
driver compliance equivalent volume V_s may be calcu- better accuracy in the calculated parameter values.
lated in terms of the enclosure net volume V_. The re- The estimation or measurement of driver large-signal
lationship is, from Eqs. (9), (10), and (33), parameters is discussed in [22,forSee.all 6]. important
With values determined system
V_s = _ VB. (46) parameters, system performance may be .determined from
the relationships given in earlier sections. The system
4) Calculate the tuning ratio h from
frequency response may be calculated manually or using
h = lB/feB. (47) a digital computer but is most easily obtained by intro-

5) Remove the driver from-the enclosure, measure the ducing the design
lator. The system ofparameters
a simple to an 'analog
simulator circuitforsimu-
suitable this
driver parameters rs, Q_ts, and QBe by the method of purpose will be published in the future.
[12, Appendix], a and correct the driver Q values if neces-
2 In [32, Appendix 4] Benson shows that if a large voice-
coil inductance (or crossover inductance) is present, the The vent of a vented-box system must provide the
measured value of f_ is lower than the true value of f_, necessary small-signal enclosure resonance frequency fa;
while f,. and f_ are negligibly affected. A much better approx- it must also provide the maximum required large-signal
hnation to fe is obtained by carefully blocking the vent aper-
ture and measuring the resonance frequency fo of the result- volume velocity without excessive losses or generation
lng closed-box system [22]. Then, from [32, eq. (A4-6)], [e = of spurious noises.
(i_' + iR_ -- fo_)_. Because this relationship is true, fo can be The second requirement can be satisfied by adjusting
used directly in place of [B in Eq. (45) to determine the sys- the vent area to a value which prevents the vent air
tern complianceratio, velocity from exceeding a specified limit. An experimen-
tally determined limit which avoids excessive noise gen-
s Again, if the driver voice-coil inductance is large, Benson
[32, Appendix 2] shows that the accuracy of determination of eration is about 5% of the velocity of sound, provided
the Q values is improved if fs in [12, eq. (17)] is replaced by that the inside of the vent is smooth and that the edges
the expression hi_. are rounded off with a reasonable radius. This velocity



vB fB Lv/Sv LV, cm minimum duct diameter is 100 mm (4 inches), the re-

ama rt3 Hz 2.5 5 10 15 25 50 quired length is about 175 mm (7 inches). End correc-

500- ! _<'_/'I J J tions for one open end and one flanged end are included
300.. 10 10 _,,._-o.d._), // ? in the construction of the chart. For intermediate vent
"_ [,,_,_/1 //i _ areas the chart may be interpolated graphically.
200. :7 _" // / For some proposed systems a satisfactory vent design
:5 20 _ _1 '*;'_/// / / enclosures when a tow value of ]B is desired. Also, tubu-
100 '3 30 !_ ___ / cannot be found. This is particularly the case for small
70 _ _- _"-_>_ I J ''_ / lar vents for which the length is much greater than the
50 _2_ 50 _ 0[_,,
_ ,_ / ,_ diameter tend to act as half-wave resonant pipes, and

30 ' t 100 _' / In these cases it is better to use a drone cone or passive
20 :.7 70 _.._
**_2 ,il/._p / radiator
any noisein generated
place of at
[2],is [23]. Systemsamplified.
selectively of this
d2o_ // type will be discussed in a later paper.
:.5 200 _'oo_ .._
10 ..3 ----F'T_I 2 ... _ _ 9. DIAPHRAGM-VENT MUTUAL COUPLING
7 ,.2
5 SV_ Mutual Coupling Magnitude
2 3 4inches6 8 10
L v,
20 The acoustical analogous circuit of a lossless vented-
box system, modified to include mutual coupling [2], [6],
Fig. 21. Nomogram and chart for design of ducted vents. is presented in Fig. 22. The mutual coupling components
are inside the dashed lines. (The mutual coupling resist-
ance [2] is equal to the radiation load resistance and
limitation generally ensures acceptable losses as well, is thexeforeneglected [4], [12].)
provided that the vent is not unduly obstructed. The acoustic mutual coupling mass Mxu has a maxi-
The alignment, response, and power rating data of mum magnitude when the diaphragm-vent spacing is a
this paper combine to yield a relationship between vent minimum. A practical minimum spacing between the
area and maximum vent velocity for any given system, centers of diaphragm and vent is about 1.5a, where a is
For program power ratings this relationship reduces to the diaphragm radius. Using this value, and assuming
a simple approximate formula for vent area which limits radiation conditions of a 2,r-steradian free field, the maxi-
the peak vent velocity, at maximum rated power input mum value of M_a is about 0.13/a [2]. This value is
and at the frequency of maximum vent velocity, to 4_/5% reduced for a 4_r-steradian free-field load [6].
of the velocity of sound. This formula, which is accurate For a 12-inch driver with an effective diaphragm ra-
within _10% for the entire C4-B4-QB3 range of align- dius of 0.12 m, the mechanical equivalent M_]_ of the
ments, is acoustic mass MA_d has a maximum value of 2.2g. The
Sv_O.a/Bv_ (51) mechanical diaphragm mass M.uD for 12-inch drivers
or variesfromabout20g for oldertypesused in largeen-
dv _ (/BVD) % (52) closures to more than 100g for newer types designed for
use in compact enclosures. Thus the mutual coupling
v_here Sv is the area of the vent in m e or d v is the diam- mass may ,have a magnitude of from 2 to 8% of the
eter of a circular vent in meters; VD must be expressed total moving mass of the driver when all of the dia-
in ma and ]B in Hz. Because the noise generated depends phragm air-load mass is accounted for [3, pp. 216-217].
on factors other than velocity (e.g., edge roughness), The effect of these values of mutual coupling mass
and because the annoyance caused by vent noise is sub- was investigated using the analog circuit simulator. A
jective, this formula should be regarded as a general "lossless" system aligned for a B4 response was eom-
guide only, not as a rigid rule. pared to the same circuit with the driver and vent
Once the area of the vent is determined, the length masses reduced by the amount of the mutual coupling
must be adjusted to satisfy the first requirement, i.e., cor-
rect enclosure tuning. There are many popular formulas
and nomogramsfor doing this. Using Thiele's formulas I
[10, eqs. (60)-(65)], the nomogram and chart of Fig. 21 RAT CAS MAS I -MAM -MAM
were constructed to simplify the calculation process for _ I_-_'"'_

To use Fig. 21, lay a straight-edgethrough the en- IL ..... _1

closure volume on the VB line and the desired resonance
ducted vents.
frequency on the )'B line and find the intersection with I I _+MAM I

the Lv/Sv line. This is illustrated on the figure with _ Pg

40Hz. dashed
lightly Next, move
lines for
VB = 57 to dm$the(2 right
fta) from
and /Bthis
intersection point until a curve is reached on the chart
which corresponds to the required minimum size deter-
minedfrom Eqs. (51) or (52). Theintersectionof the
horizontal projection with this curve indicates on the
Fig. 22_ Acoustical analogous circuit of lossless vented-box
horizontal scale the required duct length L v for a vent loudspeaker system modified to include effects of diaphragm-
of the prescribed size. For the example illustrated, if the vent mutual coupling.
mass and the same amount of mass then introduced into the necessity for careful alignment of the vented-box
the enclosure branch in agreement with Fig. 22. system. The plurality of variables makes it very difficult
to obtain optimum adjustment by trial-and-error methods,
Effect on Response although simulators or computers may be used to speed
The effect of 2% mutual coupling mass on the fre- up the process.
quency response could not be observed. The effect of Comparison of Vented-Box and
4% mutual coupling mass could be observed but was Closed-Box Systems
hardly worth taking into account. With 8% mutual
coupling mass, the cutoff frequency was lowered by Most direct-radiator loudspeaker systems use or are
about 5% and the comer of the response curve became based on either the closed-box or vented-box principle.
sharper as described by Locanthi. Similar effects were It is therefore of interest to compare these two funda-
observed for other alignments, mental systems, and to observe the advantages and dis-
It would appear that in most cases the effect of mutual advantages of each.
coupling on system response is negligible. Only when a One obvious difference is that the vented-box system
driver with a light diaphragm is mounted very close to is more complex, i.e., has more variables requiring ad-
the vent is the effect on response significant. It then justment, than the closed-box system. This difference
amounts to a slight alignment shift with a very small means that satisfactory designs are relatively easier to
decrease in cutoff frequency, obtain with the closed-box system and probably ac-
counts for much of the popularity of this system.
Effect on Measurement The performance relationships derived in this paper
for the vented-box system and in [22] for the closed-box
Mutual coupling alters the location of the frequencies system make possible 'a number of interesting quantita-
fL and/H of Fig. 20 but does not affect the location of tire comparisons which follow.
[M [2]. The shift in /L and /H toward each other upsets
the calculation of the compliance ratio from Eq. (45), Response
giving a value lower than the true value.
This suggests that if it is desired to measure the true The response of the vented-box system can typically
compliance ratio of a system for which the magnitude be adjusted from fourth-order Chebyshev to quasi-third-
of mutual coupling is very high, the vent should be order maximally flat; that of the closed-box system can
blocked and the compliance ratio .measured by the closed- be adjusted 'from second-order Chebyshev to an over-
box method described in [22]. However, if the param- damped second-order condition approaching first-order
eters of a system are being measured only to evaluate behavior. This means the closed-box system is nominally
the response of the system, the presence of mutual capable of better transient response, but Thiele [10, Sec.
coupling may be ignored. Experiments on the analog 13] suggests the differences among correctly adjusted sys-
circuit simulator show that the response of a system tems of both types are likely to be inaudible.
having the false calculated value of a and no mutual
coupling is essentially identical to that of the actual sys- Efficiency
tem with its mutual coupling. A comparison of Fig. 16 or Eq. (35) with [22, Fig. 7
10. DISCUSSION or eq. (28)] reveals that the vented-box system tins a
maximum theoretical value of k_ which is 2.9 dB greater
Features of Vented-Box Loudspeaker Systems than that of the closed-box system. Both systems suffer
to a similar degree from the combined effects of driver
The vented-box loudspeaker system acts as a fourth- and enclosure losses, and both must sacrifice efficiency
order high-pass filter. This basic fact determines the to make use of alignments which have better transient
available range of amplitude, phase, and transient re- response than the maximum-efficiency alignment (see
sponse characteristics. By suitable choice of parameters, Fig. 15 and [22, Fig. 8]).
the response may be varied from that of an extreme C4 Typical values of k_ for practical designs still favor
alignment with pa.ssband ripple and very abrupt cutoff the vented-box system by about 3 dB. The larger eft-
to that of an extxeme QB3 alignment for which the
ciency constant may be used to obtain higher efficiency
response is effectively third order. The cost of the gentler for the same size and cutoff {requency, a smaller en-
cutoff slope and improved transient response of the QB3 closure size for the same efficiency and cutoff frequency,
alignment is a reduced value of the system efficiency a lower cutoff frequency for the same size and efficiency,
factor k,ro), although this _eduction is relatively small for or any proportional combination of these [22, Sec. 4].
real systems with typical enclosure losses. A further sac-
rifice in the value of this efficiency factor permits the
Power Capacity
use of SC4 alignments for which the transient response
may approach that of a second-order system. The reduced diaphragm excursion of the vented-box
Perhaps the most important feature of the vented-box system near the enclosure resonance frequency gives the
loudspeaker system is the very modest diaphragm ex- vented-box system a higher power rating constant ke
cursion required at frequencies near the enclosure reso- than a comparable closed-box system. Comparing Eq.
nance frequency fR- This feature is responsible for the (41) with [22, eq. (35)], the advantage in favor of the
relatively high displacement-limited power capacity of vented-box system ,for average program material is a
the system; it also helps to maintain low values of non- factor of 3.5, or 5 dB; for particular applications it
linear distortion and modulation distortion [21]. may be larger.
The "misalignment" curves of Figs. 7 and 8 indicate However, except for the extreme C4 alignments, this
6 443
advantage is limited to the passband; at frequencies well to control distortion [24], but this technique can be diffi-
below cutoff, the vented-box system has a higher relative cult to apply successfully [25].
displacement sensitivity and is therefore more vulnerable
to turntable rumble and other subsonic signals. Typical System Performance
A sampling of commercial vented-box loudspeaker
Driver Requirements systems was tested in late 1969 by measuring the system
For a given specification of enclosure size and system parameters as described in Section 7 and programming
cutoff frequency, the driver of a vented-box system re- these into the analog simulator to obtain the system re-
quires a lighter diaphragm and greater electromagnetic sponse. For a few systems, the response obtained in this
coupling in the magnet-voice-coil assembly compared to way was checked by indirect measurement [26].
the same size driver used in a closed-box system (cf. Most of the samples tested fitted into the same two
example of Section 12, Part III, with that of [22, Sec. categories previously described for closed-box systems
10]). These differences are physically consistent with the [22, Sec. 8]: systems with a volume of 40 dma (1.5 fta)
higher efficiency of the vented-box system. However, for or more, a cutoff frequency of 50 Hz or lower, and rela-
equivalent acoustic power rating, the peak displacement tively flat .response; and smaller systems with a cutoff
volume VD and therefore the peak diaphragm displace- frequency above 50 Hz and several decibels of peaking
ment Smax is substantially smaller for the vented-box in the response above cutoff. There was, however, a
driver. Because Xmasdetermines required voice-coil over- greater tendency for these two categories to overlap.
hang, total amount of magnetic material required for the While most of the systems were probably designed by
vented-box driver is not necessarily greater, traditional trial-and-error methods, the general objectives
The dosed-box system driver must have high corn- of system manufacturers appear remarkably consistent.
pliance relative to the enclosure if maximum efficiency The larger systems fulfill the traditional requirements for
is to be achieved. While high driver compliance may be high-fidelity reproduction, while the smaller systems suit
beneficial to the vented-box design in terms of transient the apparent requirements of the mass marketplace.
response, it is not necessary. In fact, a maximum effi-
ciency constant is obtained for the vented-box system with REFERENCES
a relatively low value of compliance ratio, and maximum
displacement-limited power capacity is obtained with [2] B. N. Locanthi, "Application of Electric Circuit
Analogies to Loudspeaker Design Problems," IRE Trans.
very low values. Audio, vol. PGA-6, p. 15 (Mar. 1952); republished in
J. Audio Eng. Soc., vol. 19, p. 778 (Oct. 1971).
Enclosure Size [3] L. L. Beranek, Acoustics (McGraw-Hill, New
York, 1954).
It is stated above that the larger value of k_ for the [4] F. J. van Leeuwen, "De Basreflexstraler in de Ak-
vented-box system may be used to obtain a size advan- oestiek," Ti]dschri/t Nederlands Radiogenootschap, vol.
rage, i.e., the enclosure may be smaller than that of a 21, p. 195 (Sept. 1956).
[6] R. H. Lyon, "On the Low-Frequency Radiation
closed-box system having the same efficiency and cutoff Load of a Bass-Reflex Speaker," J. Acoust. Soc. Amer.
frequency. Then, despite the smaller enclosure size, if (Letter), vol. 29, p. 654 (May 1957).
the drivers have equal peak displacement volume, the [10] A. N. Thiele, "Loudspeakers in Vented Boxes,"
larger value of kp for the vented-box system must give Proc. IREE (Australia), vol. 22, p. 487 (Aug. 1961); re-
published in J. Audio Eng. Soc., vol. 19, p. 382 (May
a higher acousticpower rating. 1971), and p. 471 (June 1971).
This is theoretically correct, but it is practically pos- [12] R. H. Small, "Direct-Radiator Loudspeaker Sys-
sible only so long as VB remains very much larger than rem Analysis," IEEE Trans. Audio Electroacoust., vol.
the maximum volume displacement required. The maxi- AU-19, p. 269 (Dec. 1971); republished in J. Audio
mum air-volume displacement from the enclosure of a Eng. Soc., vol. 20, p. 383 (June 1972).
[201 A. N. Thiele, "Equalisers for Loudspeakers," pre-
vented-box 'system is larger than VD because of the con- sented at the 12th National Convention of thc IREE
tribution of the vent; if this total volume displacement (Australia), (May 1969).
exceeds a small percentage of VB, the compression of air [21] P. W. Klipsch, "Modulation Distortion in Loud-
within the enclosure becomes nonlinear to such a degree speakers," J. Audio Eng. Soc., vol. 17, p. 194 (Apr.
that the system must produce distortion regardless of 1969), andH.vol.
[22] R. 18, p."Closed-Box
Small, 29 (Feb. 1970).
Loudspeaker Systems,"
the driver linearity [3, p. 274]. Y. Audio Eng. Soc., vol. 20, p. 798 (Dec. 1972), and vol.
In most practical loudspeaker system designs, VD is 21, p. 11 (Jan./Feb. 1973).
indeed very much smaller than VB, and power capacity [23] H. F. Olson, J. Preston, and E. G. May, "Recent
is not limited by enclosure size. However, if extreme Developments in Direct-Radiator High-Fidelity Loud-
speakers," J. Audio Eng. Soc., vol. 2, p. 219 (Oct. 1954).
miniaturization is attempted or if a driver is specifically [24] E. deBoer, "Theory of Motional Feedback," IRE
designed to obtain a very large value of VD, this limita- Trans. Audio, vol. AU-9, p. 15 (Jan./Feb. 1961).
tion may become relevant. [25] H. W. Holdaway, "Design of Velocity-Feedback
It is important to realize that two direct-radiator loud- Transducer Systems for Stable Low-Frequency Behavior,"
IEEE Trans. Audio, vol. AU-II, p. 155 (Sept./Oct.
speaker systems operated at the same frequency and 1963).
acoustic power level have the same total output volume [26] R. H. Small, "Simplified Loudspeaker Measure-
velocity and displacement regardless of the type of sys- ments at Low Frequencies," Proc. IREE (Australia), vol.
tern [12, eq. (2)]. Thus for both closed-box and vented- 32, p. 299 (Aug. 1971); republished in J. Audio Eng.
Soc., Vol. 20, p. 28 (Jan./Feb. 1972).
box systems, adequate enclosure volume is essential to [32] J. E. Benson, "Theory and Design of Loudspeaker
the production of ,high _acoustic output power with Iow Enclosures, Part 3--Introduction to Synthesis of Vented
distortion at Iow frequencies. Some size reduction is pos- Systems," A.W.A. Tech. Rev., vol. 14, p. 369 (Nov.
sible for closed-box systems if motional feedback is used 1972).


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