The Party Assessment

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Cabramatta High School

Aladore Ave,
Cabramatta 2166
Phone 9726 2424 Fax 9726 4282

The Party

Course PDHPE Year 10 Task Number 3

Due Date Tuesday 19th September Marks 30

Weighting 20% Teacher PDHPE Teachers

Outcomes to be assessed:

5.6 analyses attitudes, behaviours and consequences related to health issues affecting young people

5.7 analyses influence on health decision-making and develops strategies to promote health and safe

5.11- adapts and evaluates communication skills and strategies to justify opinions, ideas and feelings in
increasingly complex situations

5.12 - adapts and applies decision making process and justifies their choices in increasingly demanding contexts

5.16 - Predicts potential problems and develops, justifies and evaluates solutions

Further Instructions:
Attendance on the day is mandatory.
Work submitted after the due date will be penalized 20% per day. A zero (0) mark will be awarded after
5 days. The assessment task must still be handed in after this time.
I have acknowledged all materials and sources used in the preparation of this task appropriately

Signature / Date
(You are required to keep a soft or hard copy of this task)
The Party

Task: In groups of up to four (4) you are to create a website for P-Plate drivers highlighting the current
issues faced by these young drivers today. This website will be used to propose and present strategies
designed to promote safe road-use attitudes and behaviours

You must focus your website on the following areas:

factors influencing road-use behaviour, eg risk taking behaviours (physical social and emotional

major causal factors in road and traffic-related injuries, eg human (speeding, drug use, fatigue,
occupant restraint), environmental, vehicular

consequences of unsafe road-use behaviour, eg physical, social and emotional consequences -

Support main ideas with a range of accurate and specific practical examples.

responsible driver and passenger behaviour; skills and attiudes that support safe road behaviour, e.g.
minimising and removing driver distractions such as handheld and hands-free phones and other
electronic devices, loud music and number of passengers

Your multimedia presentation must be submitted using Your multimedia presentation may include
graphics, YouTube clips, graphs, music all of which promote the concepts you are trying to present.

Marking Guide:
Through the website, the following concepts need to be demonstrated:
Identify the major components and show the relationship between them and drawing out implication
Marking criteria:
Present essential components in summary form; present main points in a systematic way.
Relate cause and effect; make the relationships between things evident; provide why and/or how
Propose for consideration or action a point of view, idea, argument, suggestion
Marking Criteria
Factors influencing road-use behaviours;
Through the completion of this assessment task, the student has demonstrated ability to:
1 2 3 4 5
Elementary Satisfactory Substantial High Achievement Excellent
Achievement Achievement Achievement Achievement
Identify factors that Outline some factors Outline a range of Explain some factors Explain a range of
influence the risk that influence the risk factors that influence that influence the risk factors that influence
taking behaviours of taking behaviours of the risk taking taking behaviours of the risk taking
young drivers. young drivers. behaviours of young young drivers. behaviours of young
drivers. drivers.

Major causal factors in road and traffic related injuries

Through the completion of this assessment task, the student has demonstrated ability to:
1 2 3 4 5
Elementary Satisfactory Substantial High Achievement Excellent
Achievement Achievement Achievement Achievement
Identify some current Identify a range of Outline some current Outline most current Outline a range of
road statistics and/or current road statistics road statistics and/or road statistics and current road statistics
trends associated with and/or trends trends associated with trends associated with and trends associated
young drivers in NSW associated with young young drivers in young young drivers in NSW, with young drivers in
drivers in NSW drivers in NSW including gender NSW

Consequences of unsafe road-use behavior

Through the completion of this assessment task, the student has demonstrated ability to:
1 2 3 4 5
Elementary Satisfactory Substantial High Achievement Excellent
Achievement Achievement Achievement Achievement
List the consequences Identify the possible Outline the possible Explain the possible Explain the possible
of the risk-taking consequences of the consequences of the consequences of the consequences of the
behaviors associated risk-taking behaviors risk-taking behaviors risk-taking behaviors risk-taking behaviors
with road use. associated with road associated with road associated with road associated with road
use. Include: physical, use. Include: physical, use. Include: physical, use. Include: physical,
social or emotional social or emotional social or emotional social or emotional
consequences consequences consequences consequences with

Responsible driver and passenger behavior and the skills and attitudes that support safe road behavior
Through the completion of this assessment task, the student has demonstrated ability to:
1 2 3 4 5
Elementary Satisfactory Substantial High Achievement Excellent
Achievement Achievement Achievement Achievement
Identify one strategy Identifies some Outline a strategy that Outlines a number of Describes a number of
that could be strategies that have has been implemented strategies that have strategies that have
implemented to been implemented to to improve the been implemented to been implemented to
improve the improve the knowledge, skills and improve the improve the
knowledge, skills and knowledge, skills and attitudes of young knowledge, skills and knowledge, skills and
attitudes of young attitudes of young drivers. attitudes of young attitudes of young
drivers. drivers. drivers. drivers
Website Quality Element: Visual techniques (videos, colour, sound) and the balance of text and images
Through the completion of this assessment task, the student has demonstrated ability to:
1 2 3 4
Elementary Satisfactory Substantial High Achievement
Achievement Achievement Achievement
The photographs, A few of the Most of the All of the photographs,
graphics, sounds, photographs, graphics, photographs, graphics, graphics, sound and/or
and/or videos are sound and/or video are sound and/or video video enhance the
inappropriate for the inappropriate for the enhance the content content and create
content or are content and do not and create interest. interest.
distracting decorations create interest.
that create a busy
feeling and detract
from the content.

Website Quality Element: Layout and Text Elements

Through the completion of this assessment task, the student has demonstrated ability to:
1 2 3 4
Elementary Satisfactory Substantial High Achievement
Achievement Achievement Achievement
The background, The background, The background, The background,
colors and layout make colors and layout are colors and layout are colors and layout are
the site unattractive, distracting and make it consistent across the artful and consistent
and it is difficult to difficult to read the website and make it across the website and
read the information information presented easy to read the enhance the readability
presented. information presented. of the information

Website Quality Element: Internal and External Navigation:

Through the completion of this assessment task, the student has demonstrated ability to:
1 2
Elementary Substantial
Achievement Achievement
Some of the external All external links to
links to connecting connecting websites
websites are not active are active and
and functioning. functioning.

Teachers Comment

TOTAL MARK: ____________/30

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