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Miss Lewis

9th Grade ELA

Class Expectations:

1. Respect yourself, your peers, your teacher and your classroom.

a. Please do not touch or write on anything that doesnt belong to you (especially the minions
they dont like it).
b. Please use appropriate language, were not making a music video.
c. The maid quit last year; please clean up after yourself.
d. Be kind, you never know what someone else is going through.
2. Be prepared for class every day.
You should have:
a. At least 2 pens or pencils
b. An organized WHITE binder
c. Loose-leaf paper
d. A highlighter
e. Your agenda
f. Your journal (composition notebook)
3. Help me keep our classroom a positive learning environment.
a. Student behavior that interferes with the teaching or learning in the classroom will NOT be
b. Use class time to learn. Please do not spend your time braiding your hair, napping, talking
about last nights episode of Walking Dead, writing notes, listening to music, or doing other
c. Minimize classroom interruptions by arriving to class on time and not leaving the classroom
during the period when possible.
4. Follow directions and take responsibility for your actions
a. When directions are given, do your best to follow them the first time. If you are confused or
have questions, ask!
b. If you are confronted about misbehavior or other rule infraction, own up to it. Dont deny it, lie
about it, or blame someone else.
5. Pay attention, participate and ask questions
a. Engage in what is going on in the classroom. If you have a question, ask it!
b. If you feel most comfortable waiting until after class, that is okay, too, but dont ever leave this
room without getting an answer.

Have Fun!
Classroom Procedures:

1. Entering the classroom

a. Arrive to school in uniform and enter the classroom quietly
b. Place any homework in the homework bin
c. Pick up the DIN (or copy it from the board into your journal)
d. Sit in your assigned seat
e. If late, do all of the above ninja style (bonus points if I dont notice you come in)

2. Asking/Answering questions
a. Raise your hand and wait to be acknowledged
b. Ask or answer your question politely and using a normal volume

3. Bathroom Use
a. If you need to use the bathroom, please try to wait until we are in small groups so you
dont miss any instructions
b. Fill out the hall pass and have me initial it
c. Return quickly and quietly
d. No passes the first or last 10 minutes of class
e. If you are caught fooling around in the halls, you will lose the ability to leave class

4. Exiting the classroom

a. Clean up your workspace
b. Put the desks back where they go (if necessary)
c. Wait to be dismissed
d. Exit in an orderly manner

5. Consequences
a. Verbal warning
b. Seat change
c. Phone call home
d. Lunch Detention
e. Office referral

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