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Step 1: Creation of Vendor Account Groups

Path: SPRO Financial Accounting Accounts Receivable and Accounts Payable Vendor Accounts
Master data Preparations for creation of Master data Define A/c Groups with Screen Layout (Vendors)
T.code . OBD3

Click on New Entries

Account Group =
Name =

Double Click on Company Code data

Double Click on Account Management
Make Reconciliation Account as Required entry Click on Save.

Step 2: Creation of number ranges for Vendor accounts T.Code XKN1

Path: Same as above.

Click Change intervals button

Click Insert intervals button
No =
From Number =
To Number = Click Enter and Click on Save.

Step 3: Assign number ranges to Vendor Account Groups

Path: Same as above. T.Code. OBAS.

Click on Position button

Account Group = Click Enter
Number range = Click on Save

Step 4: Define tolerance groups for Vendors

Path: SPRO Financial Accounting Accounts Receivable & Accounts Payable Business
Transactions Outgoing Payments Manual outgoing payments Define tolerances (Vendors)
T.code. OBA3

Click on New Entries

Company Code =
Tolerance group =
Text = Click Save

SAP FI/CO Futurecareer solutions pvt ltd

Step 5: Creation of two GL Accounts T.Code FS00

Step: Creation of Inventory of Raw Material Account

Check up the list of Account Groups and identify Account Group under which we have
to create this GL Master and choose the GL Account Number T.Code - OBD4

Path: Accounting Financial Accounting General Ledger Master Records Individual Processing
Centrally T.Code - FS00

GL Account Number =
Company Code =
Go to Menu, G/L Account, Create

Account Group =
P&L Statement Account
Balance Sheet Account

Short Text =
Long Text =

Go to Control Data tab,

Account Currency =
Only balances in local Currency
Line item display
Sort Key =

Go to Create/Bank/Interest tab,

Field Status Group = Click on Save

Step: Creation of Sundry Creditors Account (As Reconciliation Account)

Check up the list of Account Groups and identify Account Group under which we have to create this GL
Master and choose the GL Account Number T.Code - OBD4

Path: Accounting Financial Accounting General Ledger Master Records Individual Processing
Centrally T.Code - FS00

GL Account Number =
Company Code =
Go to Menu, G/L Account, Create

Account Group =

SAP FI/CO Futurecareer solutions pvt ltd

P&L Statement Account

Balance Sheet Account

Short Text =
Long Text =

Go to Control Data tab,

Account Currency =

Note: Only balances in local currency should not be selected for Reconciliation A/cs

Reconciliation Account
for Account type =
Line item display
Sort Key =

Go to Create/Bank/Interest tab,

Field Status Group = Click on Save

Step 6: Creation of Vendor Master

Path: Accounting Financial Accounting Accounts Payable Master Records Maintain centrally
Create T.Code XK01

Company Code =
Account Group = Click Enter
Title =
Name =
Country =

Click Next Screen button thrice

Reconciliation Account =
Sort Key =
Cash Management Group =

Click Next Screen button

Payment terms =
Tolerance group = Blank
Select Check Double Invoice Click Save

Other relevant transaction codes for vendor master records.

Change Vendor Master Record - XK02

Display Vendor Master Record - XK03
Display change made to Vendor Master Record - XK04
Block and UN block Vendor Master Record - XK05

SAP FI/CO Futurecareer solutions pvt ltd

Flag Vendor Master Record for deletion - XK06

Step 7: Define document types and number ranges T.Code - OBA7

Vendor Document types:

KR - Vendor Invoice (Purchase Invoice) (Number range 19)
KZ - Vendor Payment (Number range 15)
KA - Vendor Document (Number range 17)

Click on Position, Document type = KR Enter,

Select KR-Vendor Invoice line and click on Details icon
And observe Number range = 19 in Properties (i.e. Serial Number of the number range)
Click on Number range information button,
Company Code =
Click on (Change) intervals button
Click on (Insert) intervals button

No. Year from Number to Number

Click on Insert and Save.

Click on Enter after observing the Message.

Click on Back button.

Click on Position, Document type = KZ Enter,

Select KZ-Vendor Payment line and click on Details icon
and observe Number range = 15 in Properties (i.e. Serial Number of the number range)

Click on Number range information button,

Company Code =
Click on (Change) intervals button
Click on (Insert) intervals button

No. Year from Number to Number

Click on Insert and Save.

Click on Enter after observing the Message.

Click on Back button.

Click on Position, Document type = KA Enter,
Select KA-Vendor Document line and click on Details icon

SAP FI/CO Futurecareer solutions pvt ltd

and observe Number range = 17 Properties (i.e. Serial Number of the number range)

Click on Number range information button,

Company Code =
Click on (Change) intervals button
Click on (Insert) intervals button

No. Year from Number to Number

Click on Insert and Save.

Click on Enter after observing the Message.

Step 8: Posting of Purchase invoice T.Code F-43

Document date = Type = Company Code =

Posting date = Period = Currency =

Posting key = Account = (Vendor Number) Enter

Amount =
Business Area =
Payment terms =
Bline date = (Baseline date)
Text =

Posting key = Account = Enter

Amount =
Business Area =
Text =

Click on Overview Icon and Save to post it.

Step 9: Check the Vendor Line item display T.Code FBL1N

Vendor Account =
Company Code =

Select O Open Items

Open at key date =

Layout = 1SAP (Standard)

Click on Execute Icon and observe the Document Status.

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Step 10: Display Vendor Account Balance T.Code - FK10N

Vendor Number =
Company code =
Fiscal year = click on execute
Double click on the month totals to see the details of transactions posted

Step 11: Display the balance in sundry creditors Reconciliation Account T.Code FS10N

GL account =
Company code =
Fiscal year =
Business area = click on execute
Double click on the month totals to see the details of the transactions posted. Observe the effect of sort key.

Step 12: Posting of outgoing payment T.Code - F-53

Document date = Type = Company Code =

Posting date = Period = Currency =

Bank Data:
Account = Business Area =
Amount =
Text =

Open Item Selection:

Account = (Vendor Account Number)

Click on Process Open items button

Observe Amount entered, Amount assigned and Not assigned fields.

Keep the cursor on Amount entered and double click on amount field of purchase invoice
Against which we want to post outgoing payment. Ensure Not Assigned field becomes zero. Click on
Save to post the document.

Step 13: Check the Vendor Line item display T.Code FBL1N

Vendor Account =
Company Code =

Select O Open Items

Open at key date =
Layout = 1SAP (Standard)

SAP FI/CO Futurecareer solutions pvt ltd

Click on Execute Icon and observe the Document Status.


There are two methods to deal with the part payments in SAP. They are
1. partial payment method
2. residual payment method

Partial payment method: under this method the system displays both the amount of the invoice and part
payments made as open items. When the total of the part payments made is equal to the amount of the
invoice, the part payments are cleared against the invoice amount.


Step1: posting of the purchase invoice T.code. F-43

Document date = Type = Company Code =

Posting date = Period = Currency =

Posting key = Account = (Vendor Number) Enter

Amount =
Business Area =
Payment terms =
Bline date = (Baseline date)
Text =

Posting key = Account = Enter

Amount =
Business Area =
Text =

Click on Overview Icon and Save to post it.

Step2: posting of part payment T.code F-53

Document date = Type = Company Code =

Posting date = Period = Currency =

Bank Data:
Account = Business Area =
Amount =
Text =

Futurecareer solutions pvt ltd

Open Item Selection:

Account = (Vendor Account Number)

Click on Process Open items button

Click on partial payment tab; double click on net amount column and payment amount column
Against the invoice document number. Click on save

Step3: display the line items of vendor T.Code FBL1N

Vendor Account =
Company Code =

Select O Open Items

Open at key date =
Layout = 1SAP (Standard)

Click on Execute Icon and observe the Document Status

Observe that both the amount of the invoice and part payments made are shown as open items

Step4: post the remaining outgoing part payment T.code F-53

Document date = Type = Company Code =

Posting date = Period = Currency =

Bank Data:
Account = Business Area =
Amount =
Text =

Open Item Selection:

Account = (Vendor Account Number)

Click on Process Open items button.

Click on partial payment tab; double click on net amount column and payment amount column
against the invoice document number. Click on save

Step5: display vendor line items T.Code FBL1N

Vendor Account =
Company Code =

Select O Open Items

Open at key date =
Layout = 1SAP (Standard)

Click on Execute Icon and observe the Document Status

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Observe that both the amount of the invoice and part payments made are shown as open items

STEP 6: clearing of part payments against the invoice. T.Code F-44

Account = Clearing date = period =

Company code = currency =
Click on process open items
Double click on all the line items.

Step7: vendor line item display. T.code FBL1N

Vendor Account =
Company Code =

Select O Open Items

Open at key date =
Layout = 1SAP (Standard)

Click on Execute Icon and observe the Document Status

Residual payment method:

Under this method only the remaining amount is shown as open item. For this, the system clears the total
amount of invoice (vendor is debited with the total amount of the invoice) and the system creates another
line item for the remaining amount (vendor is again credited with the remaining amount of the invoice).


Step1: post the purchase invoice in F-43

Document date = Type = Company Code =

Posting date = Period = Currency =

Posting key = Account = (Vendor Number) Enter

Amount =
Business Area =
Payment terms =
Bline date = (Baseline date)
Text =

Posting key = Account = Enter

Amount =
Futurecareer solutions pvt ltd

Business Area =
Text =

Click on Overview Icon and Save to post it.

Step2: post the part payment in F-53

Document date = Type = Company Code =
Posting date = Period = Currency =

Bank Data:
Account = Business Area =
Amount =
Text =

Open Item Selection:

Account = (Vendor Account Number)

Click on Process Open items button. Click on Residual items button

Double click on net amount column and residual items column
Click on save
Double click on the blue line item
Text =

Step3: Display vendor line items FBL1N

Vendor Account =
Company Code =

Select O Open Items

Open at key date =
Layout = 1SAP (Standard)

Click on Execute Icon and observe that only the remaining amount is shown as open items


Step 1: Creation of GL A/c Bank A/c T.Code FS00

GL A/c Number =
Click With template
GL A/c Number = 200100
Company Code =

Give Short Text / Long text =

Select Relevant to Cash flow Click Save
SAP FI/CO Futurecareer solutions pvt ltd

Step 2: Creation of House Bank and assignment of GL A/c Number in House Bank

Path: SPRO Financial Accounting Bank Accounting Bank accounts Define House Banks - T.Code
FI 12

Company Code = Enter,

Click New Entries,
House Bank =

Bank country = IN,

Bank key = Click Save

Bank name = Enter Click Save

Double Click Bank Accounts Folder.

Click New Entries
Account ID =
Description =

Bank A/c Number =

GL A/c Number =
Currency = INR Click Save

Step 3: Creation of Cheque lots

Path: Accounting Financial Accounting Accounts Receivable Periodic processing Payments

Go to Menu, Environment, Check information, Number ranges - T.Code FCHI

Paying Company Code =

House Bank =
Account ID =
Click Change Icon
Click Create Icon

Lot Number =
Check Number =
To =
Short Info =
Purchase = Click Save.

Step 4: Purchase invoice posting T.Code F-43

Document date = Type = Company Code -
Posting date = Period = Currency

Posting key = Account = (Vendor Number) "Enter"

Amount =
Business Area =
Futurecareer solutions pvt ltd

Payment terms =
Bline date = (Baseline date)
Text =

Posting key = Account = "Enter"

Amount =
Business Area =
Text =

Click on "Overview" Icon and "Save" to post it.

Step 5: Payment of invoice using Bank Account - T.Code F-53

Document date = Type = Company Code =

Posting date = Period = Currency =

Bank Data:
Account = Business Area =
Amount =
Text =

Open Item Selection:

Account = (Vendor Account Number)

Click on "Process Open items" button

Observe Amount entered, Amount assigned and not assigned fields.

Keep the cursor on Amount entered and double click on amount field of purchase invoice against which we
want to post outgoing payment. Ensure "Not Assigned" field becomes zero. Click on "Save" to post the

Step 6: Manual check updation T.Code FCH 5

Payment document Number =

Paying Company Code =
Fiscal Year =

House Bank =
Account ID =
Check Number = Click Save

Step 7: Display Check register T.Code FCHN

Paying Company Code =

House Bank =
Account ID = Click Execute
Futurecareer solutions pvt ltd

Step 8: Check encashment date updation T.Code FCH6

Paying Company Code =

House Bank =
Account ID =
Check Number = Click Enter
Check encashment = Click Save

Display Check Register FCHN and see the check encashment date in the Register.

Step 9: Unused checks cancellation T.Code FCH3

Paying Company Code =

House Bank =
Account ID =
Check Number =
Void reason code = Click Void button

Display Check Register FCHN and see the check cancellation details in the Register.

Step 10: Creation of Void reason T.Code FCHV

Click New Entries

Reason =
Void Reason Code =

Step 11: Issued checks cancellation T.Code FCH8

Paying Company Code =

House Bank =
Account ID =
Check Number =
Void reason code =
Reversal reason = Click Cancel payment

Display Check Register FCHN and see the check cancellation details in the Register.

Correspondence / Party Statement of Account

Step 1: Copy Program to Company Code: T.Code OB78

Select the line item SAP06 Account Statement

Click Copy as
Company Code = Click Save
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Step 2: Request for correspondence: T.Code FB12

Company Code = - Click Enter

Double Click SAP06 Account Statement
Vendor =
Postings from =
Postings to = Click Enter

Step 3: Maintain correspondence: T.Code F.64

Correspondence = SAP06
Company code = -- Execute
Double click on Line item,
Output device = LP01
Click continue and See the document.

Advance payments (Down payments)

Step 1: Creation of GL A/c 200150 - Advance to Vendors A/c as Special G/L-FS00

Check up the list of Account Groups and identify Account Group under which we have to create this GL
Master and choose the GL Account Number - T.Code - OBD4

Path: Accounting Financial Accounting General Ledger Master Records

Individual Processing Centrally - T.Code - FS00

GL Account Number =
Company Code =
Go to Menu, G/L Account, Create

Account Group =
O P&L Statement Account
O Balance Sheet Account

Short Text =
Long Text =

Go to Control Data tab,

Account Currency =

Recon. A/c for a/c type = Vendors

O Line item display

Sort Key =
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Go to Create/Bank/Interest tab,

Field Status Group = Click on "Save"

Step 2: Associate Sundry Creditors with Advance to Vendors A/c

Path: SPRO Financial Accounting A/cs Receivable & A/cs Payable Business Transactions Down
payment made Define alternative reconciliation A/c for down payments T.Code OBYR

Double Click Down payments on Current Assets

Chart of Accounts = Click Enter
Reconciliation Account = 100505 (Sundry Creditors)
Special GL A/c = 200150 (Advance to Vendors A/c) Click Save.

Step 5: Advance payment posting T.Code F-48

Document date = Type = Company Code =

Posting date = Period = Currency

Account = (Vendor Number)

Special GL Indicator =A "Enter"
Bank A/c =
Business Area =

Amount =
Text =

Amount =
Business Area =
Text =
Menu, Document, Simulate and Save.

Step 6: Check party A/c (Vendor line item balance display) T.Code FBL1N

Vendor Account =
Company Code =

Select O Open Items

Open at key date =

Layout = 1 SAP (Standard)

Click on "Execute" Icon and observe the Document Status.

Step 7: Purchase invoice posting T.Code F-43

Futurecareer solutions pvt ltd

Document date = Type = Company Code =

Posting date = Period = Currency =

Posting key = Account = (Vendor Number) "Enter"

Amount =
Business Area =
Text =

Posting key =
Account =
Business Area =
Text =
Menu, Document. Simulate and Save.

Step 8: Transfer Advance from Special GL to Normal by clearing Special GL A/c F-54

Document date = Type = Company Code =

Posting date = Period = Currency =

Account = (Vendor Number) "Enter"

Text =
Click "Process down payments" button.
Transfer posting = Click Save.

Step 7: Check party A/c T.Code FBL1N

Vendor Account =
Company Code =

Select O Open Items

Open at key date =

Layout = 1SAP (Standard)

Click on "Execute" Icon and observe the Document Status.

Step 8: Clearing of normal item T.Code F-44

Account = Vendor Account Number

Click Process open items
Double click both the line items. Click Save.

Step 9: Check party A/c T.Code FBL1N

Futurecareer solutions pvt ltd

Vendor Account =
Company Code =

Select O Open Items

Open at key date =

Layout = 1 SAP (Standard)

Click on "Execute" Icon and observe the Document Status.


Step 1: Set up payment method per country for payment transactions

Path: SPRO Financial Accounting Accounts Receivable & Accounts Payable Business Transactions
Outgoing payments Automatic outgoing payments Payment method / Bank selection for payment
program Set up payment methods per country for payment transactions

Click Position, give Country = IN. If country India is set up already, you dont have to make any
inclusions here. If you dont have IN country line item,

Click New entries,

Country = IN,
Payment method = C (for check payments)
Description = Payment method for India

Payment method for

Select Outgoing payment

Payment method classification

Select Check
Posting details
Document type for payment = KZ
Clearing document = KZ
Payment medium program = RFFOUS_C Click Save

Double Click, Currencies allowed Folder.

Click, Add New Entries
Type INR Click Save

Step 2: Set up payment methods per Company Code for payment transactions

Path: Same.
SAP FI/CO Futurecareer solutions pvt ltd

Paying Company Code =

Payment method =C

Minimum Amount = 100

Maximum Amount = 999999999

Grouping of items:
Select Payment for marked item
Select Payment per due day

Click Form data button

Form for the payment transfer medium = F110_PRENUM_CHCK

Drawer on the form

Company Code Click Save

Step 3: Set up all Company Codes for payment transactions

Path: Same.

Click New entries,

Company Code =

Control data:
Sending company code =
Paying Company Code =
Select Separate payment per Business area

Cash discount and tolerances:

Select Maximum Cash discount Click Save

Step 4: Set up paying company codes for payment transactions

Path: Same.

Click New entries

Paying Company Code =

Minimum amount for incoming payment = 100
Minimum amount for outgoing payment = 100

Click Forms button

Form for the payment advice = F110_D_AVIS

Click Sender details button

SAP FI/CO Futurecareer solutions pvt ltd

Text Id = ST (Standard Text)

Text elements:
Letter Header = F_0001_HEADER
Footer Text = F_0001_FOOTER
Signature text = (Leave it Blank)
Sender = F_0001_SENDER

Step 5: Creation of GL A/c Bank A/c T.Code FS00

GL A/c Number =
Click With template
GL A/c Number = 200100
Company Code =
Give Short Text / Long text =
Check up whether Relevant to cash flow is selected or not.

Step 6: Creation of House Bank and assign GL A/c Number in House Bank

Path: SPRO Financial Accounting Bank Accounting Bank accounts Define House Banks - T.Code
FI 12

Company Code = Click Enter

Click New Entries, House
Bank =
Bank country = IN,
Bank key =
Bank name = Enter Click Save

Double Click Bank Accounts Folder.

Click New Entries
Account ID =
Description =
Bank A/c Number =
GL A/c Number =
Currency = INR Click Save.

Step 7: Creation of Cheque lots

Path: Accounting Financial Accounting Accounts Receivable Periodic processing Payments

Go to Menu, Environment, Check information, Number ranges - T.Code FCHI

Paying Company Code =

House Bank =

Account ID =
Click Change Icon
Click Create Icon
SAP FI/CO Futurecareer solutions pvt ltd

Lot Number =
Check Number =
To =
Short Info =
Purchase date = Click Enter and Save

Step 8: Set up Bank determination for payment transactions

Path: SPRO Financial Accounting Accounts Receivable & Accounts Payable Business Transactions
Outgoing payments Automatic outgoing payments Payment method / Bank selection for payment
program Set up Bank determination for payment transactions
Click Position button,
Paying Company Code =
Select the line item ,
Double Click Ranking Order folder,
Click New entries,
Payment method =C
Currency = INR
Rank Order =1
House Bank = Click Save
Select the line item.

Double Click Bank Accounts,

Click New entries,
House Bank =
Payment method =C

Currency = INR
Account ID =
Bank Sub account = Click Save
Double Click Available amounts
Click New entries,
House Bank =
Account Id =
Days = 999 (For normal payments it should be given 999, For
Bills of Exchange actual duration)
Currency = INR
Available for outgoing payments =
Click Save.

Step 9: Assign payment method in Vendor Account

Path: Accounting Financial Accounting Accounts Payable Master records Maintain Centrally
Change - T.Code XK02
company code =
Vendor A/c Number = Give your Vendor A/c Number for whom you are processing
Payments (Repeat this process for all the vendors)

Select Payment transaction under Company Code Data group Click Enter
SAP FI/CO Futurecareer solutions pvt ltd

Payment terms = 0001

Select Check double invoice
Payment method =C Click Save

Step 10: Invoice posting T.Code F-43

Document date = Type = Company Code =

Posting date = Period = Currency =

Posting key = Account = (Vendor Number) "Enter"

Amount =
Business Area =
Payment terms =
Bline date = (Baseline date)
Text =

Posting key = Account = "Enter"

Amount =
Business Area =
Text =

Click on "Overview" Icon and "Save" to post it.

Post one purchase invoice. Dont process payment for this invoice manually. Check up whether this
document is shown as an open item using FBL1N.

Step 11: Execution of Automatic Payment Program - T.Code F110

Path: Accounting Financial Accounting Accounts Payable Periodic Processing Payments

Run date =
Identification =

Select Parameter tab Company

Code =
Payment method =C
Next Run date =
Vendor = Give your Vendor A/c Numbers

Select Additional Log tab

Select Due date check
Select Payment method Selection in all cases
Vendor = Give your Vendor A/c Numbers

Click Save

Go back,
SAP FI/CO Futurecareer solutions pvt ltd

Status shows Parameters have been entered.

Click Schedule proposal button

Start date =
Select Start immediately
Target Computer = Give your Server name (Press F4 key to find and insert the name)


Status shows Proposal scheduled

Status shows Proposal has been created

Select Edit proposal button

Double Click line item
Double Click again
Block payment, if you want.
Select Reallocate to change Bank A/c etc. Enter and Click Save.

Click Go back twice, come to Proposal screen.

Click Payment run button. Enter

Go to Print out/Data medium tab

RFFOUS_C = (the identification you have given in the first screen)
Click Maintain Variants button,
Click Continue, Enter
Program run date =
Identification feature = (the identification you have given in the first
Paying Company Code =
Business Area =
House Bank =
A/c Id =
Check Lot Number =1

Select Print Checks

Printer = LP01
Select Print immediately

Select Print payment advice notes

Printer = LP01
Select Print immediately

Select Print payment summary

Printer = LP01
Select Print immediately
SAP FI/CO Futurecareer solutions pvt ltd

Number of sample print outs = 0

Select Do not void any checks

Click Attributes button

Desc = (Give your Identification) Click Save

Click Back arrow Save again.

Click Back arrow

Select Print out button
Job Name = (Identification in the place of question mark)

Step 12: To see checks

Path: System Services Output control --------- Execute

Select Spool Number

Click Display contents

Last step: Display Check register

Paying company code =
House Bank = Execute
Verify whether the Invoice is paid (FBL1N) and Vendor A/c (FS00) is updated.

Terms of Pa yment - Cash Discount

Step 1: Maintenance of terms of payment

Path: SPRO - Financial Accounting - Accounts Receivable and Accounts Payable -Business Transactions -
Incoming Invoices/Credit Memos - Maintain terms of payment

Click "New entries"

Payment terms =
Sales Text = 20 days-3%; 30 days-2%; 45 days due

Account type:
Select "Vendor"
Select "Customer"

Default baseline date:

Select "No default"

Payment terms:
SAP FI/CO Futurecareer solutions pvt ltd

Term Percentage No. of days

1 3 20
2 2 30
3 45 Click Save

Step 2: Creation of G/L Account - "Cash discount" - T.Code FSOO

Check up the list of Account Groups and identify Account Group under which we have to create this GL
Master and choose the GL Account Number - T.Code - OBD4

Path: Accounting Financial Accounting General Ledger Master Records Individual Processing
Centrally - T.Code - FSOO

GL Account Number =
Company Code =
Go to Menu, G/L Account, Create

Account Group =
O P&L Statement Account
O . Balance Sheet Account

Short Text =
Long Text =

Go to Control Data tab,

Account Currency =
Select "Only balances in local Currency'
Select "Line item display"

Sort Key =

Go to Create/Bank/Interest tab,

Field Status Group = Click Save

Step 3: Assignment of Cash Discount A/c for automatic postings T.Code OBXU
Chart of Accounts = ---- Enter
Click on "Save"
Account Number =

Step 4: Purchase invoice posting - T.Code F-43

Document date = Type = Company Code =

Posting date = Period = Currency =
SAP FI/CO Futurecareer solutions pvt ltd

Posting key = Account = (Vendor Number) "Enter"

Amount =
Payment terms =
Text =
Posting key =
A/c Number =
Amount =
Business Area =
Text =
Menu, Document, Simulate and Save.

Step 5: Outgoing payment - T.Code F-53

Document date = Type = Company Code =

Posting date = Period = Currency=

Bank data: Account

Business Area =
Amount =
Text =
Open item selection:
Account =
Click "Process open items"
Menu, Document and Simulate
Double Click on Blue line item,
Text =
Click on save

Purchase Returns (Vendor Credit Memo)

Step 1: Define Number ranges for document type KG - T.Code OBA7

Path: SPRO - Financial Accounting - Financial Accounting Global Settings - Document - Document
Header - Define document types

Click "Position" button, give "KG", Select "KG-Vendor Credit Memo"

Select "details" button,

Note that the Number Range for KG document type is also "17" which has already been defined for KA
earlier. No need to create again.

Step 2: Posting of Purchase Returns document - T.Code F-41

SAP FI/CO Futurecareer solutions pvt ltd

Path: Accounting - Financial Accounting - Accounts Payable - Document entry

Credit Memo - General

Document date = Type = Company Code =

Posting date = Period = Currency =

Note the document type = KG, Posting key = 21.

Posting key = Account = (Vendor Number) "Enter"

Amount = Business Area =
Text = Purchase return document

Posting Key = 50. Account = Enter,

Amount = *, Business Area =
Text = +
Menu, Document, Simulate and Save.

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