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Hush, my good nature, you havent a grain of sense,

And Ill no longer hear your arguments.

Its you, my anger, that Ill listen to.

Am I obliged forever to undo

the blunders of a clod? I should resign!

That fool has spoiled too many schemes of mine.


And yet, lets think about this matter cooly.

Were I to let my just impatience rules me,

Theyd say Id been quick to call it quits, and that Id lost the vigor of my wits;

And what then would become of my renown as the most glorious trickster in the town,

A reputation Ive earned by never failing to think of something wildly clever?


O, Mascarille, let honor be your guide!

Persist in those great works that are your pride,

/And though your master irks you, persevere not for his sake, but for your own career.

Yet what can you accomplish when the force of a demonic head wind blocks your course, and youre
compelled to tack and tack again?

What is the use of persevering, when His folly brings continually heavy weather, and sinks the best of
schemes you can put together?


Well, out of kindness, let us give it one

Final attempt, and see what can be done;

Then, if he wrecks our chances as before,

I swear that Ill not help him anymore.


We might, in fact, accomplish our desire

If we could get our rival to retire

If, backing off, Leandre would allow

Me one whole day for the plot Im hatching now.


Yes, Im now thinking out an artful plan

Which surely will succeed, if I but can

Remove the obstacle Ive spoken of.


Hes coming: Ill test the firmness of his love.

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