Twelve Facts About Jesus of Nazareth

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TEACHER: ALLISSON SOUZA CLASS: ____________________________
NAME: _____________________________________________________________
DATE: ______________________________________________________________


GIFTED BOY - When Jesus was just 12
years old He went with his parents on a trip to
Jerusalem for Passover1. On that occasion He
spent a long time in the temple talking with
religious elders. They were impressed and
delighted by the wisdom and knowledge of
the Scriptures the boy displayed. Jesus be-
came a learned2 adult, who knew how to
read and write, even though he had been born
into a poor family. At that time only the rich-
est people had access to any kind of educa-
Nazareth Church Of Annunciation Jesus spent his childhood in Nazareth
FRIENDSHIP - The 12 Apostles closely
followed Jesus for three years. Jesus regard- SOCIAL LIFE - He was The first miracle performed by
ed3 them as great friends. Christ made great constantly invited to eat in the Jesus (turning water into wine)
friendships with a lot of people, including the houses of all kinds of people, happened during a wedding party
siblings4 Lazarus (whom Jesus raised from from the important Phari- in the town of Canaan, in Galilee.
the dead), Mary and Martha. sees5 to Publicans. The Publi-
cans were in charge6 of col-
Vocabulary lecting taxes from the Jews7. CREATIVITY AND WIS-
Society at that time consid- DOM - Jesus taught his disciples
1 Passover Pscoa ered the Publicans to be dis- and other people in parables,
2 learned culto / educado honest. Jesus accepted the which were short stories that were
3 to regard considerar / estimar invitation and ate and drank inspired by the everyday lives of
4 siblings irmos everything they offered him. people of that time. In total, there
5 Pharisees fariseus are more than 30 parables.
6 in charge encarregado
7 Jews Judeus

1) Answer the questions:

a) What do you know about Jesus of Nazareth?


b) Whats your opinion about him?


c) Whats this text can teach us about?


In ancient Judea there was a ruling1 elite made up of the Pharisees and Sadducees. They were people who had
more money than most people. Religious leaders and teachers of the law2 were also part of this elite

SHOWING OFF3 - The Pharisees were vain

people. They liked to show off their religion
in public, in order to be praised by people.
However, Jesus saw no generosity or affec-
tion in the way many of the Pharisees,
priests4 and scribes5 behaved. Christ used to Capernaum
be a harsh6 critic of the Pharisees and the synagogue,
scribes. near the sea
of Galilee.
CRITICS - Christ welcomed anyone who
came to him. The Pharisees criticized Jesus
for talking to prostitutes and having meals
with the Publicans.
INTELLIGENT QUESTION - Jesus had end- They asked Jesus difficult Jesus asked them to bring Him a
less discussions with the Pharisees and the questions. If He answered coin8 and asked whose image was
scribes. In one, on realizing the Pharisees yes, Christ would be de- on it The Pharisees answered, Cae-
intended to kill Him, Jesus asked them: I moralized in the face of hissars. Christ said, Then give to
have done many good works among the peo- own people. But if He an- Caesar what is Caesar's, and give
ple. For which of these good works do you swered no, he could be God what is Gods. On another
want to kill me? sentenced under Roman occasion the Pharisees brought a
law. A Pharisee asked Him: woman who was guilty9 of adultery
SMART ANSWER Christs opponents Master, is it right the Jews to Jesus. They said to Jesus, The
created various strategies in order to arrest pay taxes to Caesar7, or Law of Moses says that a woman
and kill Jesus, according to Roman law. not?" guilty of adultery should be
stoned10 to death. Jesus answered
Vocabulary 6 harsh duro in a surprising way: Let he who is
7 Caesar Csar without sin11 cast12 the first stone.
1 ruling dominante (imperador romano)
2 teachers of the law aqui = mestres da lei 8 coin moeda
3 showing off aqui = vivendo de aparncias 9 guilty culpada (o)
(to show off = exibir-se) 10 to be stoned ser
4 priest aqui = sacerdote apedrejada (o)
5 scribes escribas (intelectuais da poca / 11 sin pecado
doutores da lei 12 to cast - atirar

2) Answer the questions:

d) In your opinion, what lesson did Jesus want to teach to Pharisees?


e) What did Jesus represent for the teachers of the law back then?

f) Why did Christs opponents want to arrest and kill Jesus?


At the time of Jesus the law had already been drawn up. The Pharisees and the people tried to follow the com-
mandments2 of Moses. But for Jesus, that alone was not enough

IMPROVING HUMAN BEINGS Why do you look at the speck6

- Jesus believed that just following that is in your brother's eye, and
the law did not make people better. you do not notice the beam7 that is
He said, Do to others as you in your own eye? He also said:
would have others do to you. He The same measure that you use to
also said, Love one another as I judge other people will be used to
have loved you. Being kind to judge you.
friends and relatives is a simple
task. But for Jesus this was too HUMILITY - Many people do
little. He said it was necessary noteverything they can to gain status,
only to treat3 people who think power and great professional and
differently from us well, but even personal success. But Jesus said,
to love and forgive4 those who If someone wants to be important,
hurt us. they must serve others. Shortly
before his crucifixion, Christ
JUSTICE - Human beings have an washed the feet of his Disciples.
ability to see flaws5 in others and We can interpret this as follows:
not to notice their own faults. In instead of trying to be better than Jerusalem - Pilgrims on the Via Dolorosa
this, Jesus asked a question: others, do your best for other peo-

RECOGNITION - After the death In Brazil there are more than 2,000 Vocabulary
and resurrection of Christ, his cities with the names of saints,
Apostles spread around several including So Paulo, the largest 1 task tarefa
countries, continuing the work city in the country. The importance 2 commandments mandamentos
Jesus had begun. They were bit- of Jesus is recognized even in the 3 to treat well tratar bem
terly8 persecuted, but managed to Koran, the sacred book of the Is- 4 to forgive perdoar
plant seeds9 in the places they vis- lamic religion. Mahatma Gandhi, 5 flaws falhas / erros
ited. The number of Christians the most famous pacifist leader of 6 speck aqui = cisco
began to grow more and more. the 20th century, was a great ad- 7 beam viga
However, they continued to be mirer of Jesus, even though he was 8 bitterly aqui = duramente
persecuted for about three centu- raised as a Hindu. The world now 9 seed - semente
ries. Many of these martyrs be- has about 2.2 billion Christians in
came Saints, as did the Apostles of it.

Maganews - Life & Religion

So Jos dos Campos, So Paulo, n. 64 - Quarta, 01 de maro de 2017

3) Answer the questions:

g) In your opinion, what was the impact of Jesus in humanity?


h) g) In your opinion, what lessons did Jesus leave us?


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