Mapping Migration

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Migration Essay

Read the introduction and the two documents provided. In each document, identify the push and
pull factors given. Consider the overall issue. Are the causes economic, social, political, or
environmental (or more than one of these) in nature? Highlight each factor you identify and label
it as one of the four factors: economic, social, political, or environmental.

Write an essay in which you describe the issue presented. Identify the major push and pull
factors that advocate for migration, as well as the factors that can be used to argue against
migration. Explain the causes behind the factors. Cite specific passages and examples from the
documents to support your answers. Remember to consider the perspective of the author of
each document.

Finally, explain which argument you find more persuasive, based on the reasons given by the
authors. Explain your answer citing information from the documents or from additional research.

Your essay should be formatted like this:

What is the big issue the articles are explaining?
Summarize a few of the factors for people migrating (push and pull factors.)
Your thesis statement should state the three factors you think are most relevant to
Brazilian migration.
Example: Brazilian people are migrating from rural areas to urban areas due to
economic, social, and political factors.
Paragraphs 1, 2, and 3
Write about the factors you mentioned IN THE ORDER YOU WROTE THEM in your
thesis statement.
Explain two to three things that either push people from an area or pull people to an
Cite your information by putting the authors name and the document number in
parenthesis at the end of the sentence you used the information in. If the article does not
give a name, just use the document number.
Example: Indian Muslims were forced by the government to leave their homes
and migrate to Pakistan (Minhaj, 1.)
State here which argument you found more compelling and why.

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