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Justo Maradiaga
Yerling Acua F.
Melisa Kassandra
Uriel melgara

Mara Elizabeth

Using realia to help English language learners to improve students vocabulary in
first year in University Christian Autonomous of Nicaragua a in the second trimester

General Objective:

To provide methodological strategies in order to motivate the English teacher

applies realia in the English classroom.

Specific Objectives:

To suggest ideas in order to create teaching resources.

To reach the positive influence of the use of English techniques by making use in
the classroom.
To analyze weakness and strength in the student learning.

Research Question:

How can be the English learning influenced by the use of realia in the classroom?
Which are the required resources that the teacher need for improving the English
language teaching?

Table of contents.
Summary .........
Table of contents .
Introduction of the Problems ..
Objective general
Objective specific
Relevance of problem ..
Problem statement ...
Background of the problem ..
Organization .
Types of media and didactic resource
Methodology used analysis ..
Research Question .
Definition of Vocabulary .

This work focuses on the teaching and learning of the English language as a
second foreign language, as a starting point for the showing of authors who have
determined that the students learning and the performance of the foreign language,
are affected in one way or another by individual factors or group this work is take
as a subject of analysis to INFLE secondary school students; who present low
academic performance of the English class with the purpose of identifying the
problems and difficulties that affect and write the relationship through them and
their learning has to have the finds that to master the English language is one of
the priorities that the world today requires to have greater accessibilities even new
economic income and development welfare for the person is indispensable the to
know student focuses on those who are not reaching the goal that are the that are
expected and receive specialized attention and develop strategies that allow
student to achieve what is expected.

Problem statement.
Vocabulary is a central to English language teaching because without sufficient
vocabulary student cannot understand others express their own ideas. According
to Alqahtan ( 2015), Vocabulary knowledge is often viewed as a critical tool for
second language learner because a limited vocabulary in a second language
impedes successful communication. p. (55)
There are many abilities that the students can be distingue between receptive
vocabulary and productive vocabulary. The receptive vocabulary is like recognize
and understand when there are used in context, but which they cannot produce
and receptive vocabulary is when the students understand and pronounce correctly
and use correctly in speaking and writing.
It is important to set the classroom to be fun and to be interesting. One of the effort
of making interesting teaching process is taking real objects to the classroom. The
use of realia in the classroom support learning in many way (orally and written).
Allowing the student to explore the objects hand_ on is a powerful way to connect
vocabulary to real life. Realia gives a context by itself owing to the fast that the
teacher uses real objects which make the experience be worth remember for the
students thereby easier to be recalled from their memories.
The learning is natural and not forced; by using realia a teacher can create an
environment that is rich enough to compete with the common this is boring
complaint. When we create a colorful environment with pictures, concreate or
virtual material student do not opportunity to sleep in class and to be different.
[CITATION Vel16 \l 19466 ].

Relevance of the problem.

The objective of our research is to help student increase their vocabulary and to
work with the material that are accessible in the classroom, providing good ideas to
teachers so that they can motivate students and arouse interest to the class.
It is necessary to emphasize that the teachers have a very important role in the
learning of the students since of them depend of as it is the process of teaching. In
our investigation we want to make reference of how we can make use of realia
Gomes & Marolin Estefani Gerrero ( 2012) says Realia is considered as a real
object used in a new language, as a way to present real words in a foreign
language, which are brought innumerable activities. Realia is a useful material to
provide learner with a better environment so that they can understand the target
vocabulary in a direct way. P. ( ) we want to show different types of activities
making use of the materials that are in the classroom and make the students
motivated to make their learning easier, in some institutes the biggest problem is
the lack of materials that make the class is bored by this cause is that many
students do not have a good learning. The is to be able to be able to interact with
the students, the teaching material are a good element for the union of students
and their teacher.

Background of the problem.

In Nicaragua, vocabulary learning has been a necessity in English language
teaching. Learning vocabulary is a very complex issue cording to[ CITATION Agu16
\l 19466 ], second language learners need to know very large number of words,
phrases, idioms, verbs as they may be useful for them in the long-term as learning
Realia is one of the most important tools a teacher can use in class in order to
make his or her teacher effective and motived to all students. In this paper we
discussed the way in what realia has contributed to the learning and motivation of
the English learners.
A number of studies point out the use of authentic material is regarded a useful
means to motivate student, arose their interest and expose them to real language
they will face in the real world. Other research confirmed the role of authentic
material in developing reading, writing, listening and speak skill though introducing
learning to new vocabulary and expression.
In addition, realia comes to be indispensable for the effectiveness of language
acquisition, because the implementation of these material create a more natural
and funny setting, learner can learn a second language in natural way and they
can feel confident, comfortable, and motivated their learning.[ CITATION Agu16 \l
19466 ]

Literature review.
The objective of this research is to investigate the effectiveness of using
vocabulary. Vocabulary is the essential in the development of learners of a second
language. According to


What is vocabulary?
All the existing language of this world have words the learning is reborn first with
words must be used carefully, because as we mentioned can contain different
meaning in the case of teaching. We use the word vocabulary must carefully
specific what we refer to make this distinction.

How can vocabulary be taught?

Which strategies can be applied for teaching vocabulary?
How realia can be connected or influence on teaching vocabulary?
Note: In this chapter, you have to check which other topics you can develop in your
research. The examples above can be a proposes.

Types of media and didactic resources

The didactic media and educational resources are usually classified in two group.
Convectional Materials.
1. Printed texts: books, photocopy newspaper, documents.
2. Didactic boards: Board.
3. Audio Visual Materials: Videos, Movies, TV programs, documentary.
4. Visual Materials: Images, mural, poster and photography.
News Technologies as: 1. Information programs: Videogame,
Authors, language activities of learning, multimedia presentations,
2. Telematics Services: Web page, weblogs, virtual tours e-mail, chats, forums,
online curses, cellphone.
3. Internet and Interactive videos: Apart from it s functionality, the following
should be considered.
Explain of form easy the adjectives.
Provide information and relevant content and illustrations without on,
colors, shapes unusual and just attractive.
Charges Present clear information and guide the attention.
Create environments for expressions and creation and imagination.
Classification of the Media: Audio Visual, visual, auditory and materials.
The Medias of teaching evolved over time and today are present more important in
the field of learning. The need to bring students to meaningful experiences and
knowledge significant their intellectual abilities and encourage the manifestation of
ideas, attitudes and feelings are some of the reason that have incorporated these
media in the teaching and learning process.
Various media of teaching have been designed to offer new and better resources
for active participation, student motivation, and retention of information,
concentration and self-learning.
Media Audio Visuals:
They are the social media that have to do directly with the image like photography
and audio.
The audiovisual media refers especially, to didactic might that with image and
recordings serve to communicate specific messages and contents.
The television and videos are very important medium, results retention of learning,
in less time and greater retention of the audio visual media in classroom offer many
advances to the teacher to develop his educational didactic process.
It allow interactivity in the classroom.
Keep students attention.
Provide a common point of view.
Integrate other teaching might
Visual Media

The textual or printed media.

At the moment these might continue being used in the majority, being considered
among them.
The textbooks, dictionaries, manuals, catalogs, workbooks, newspaper,
magazines, historical documents didactic guides, maps, posters, murals, etc.

Media Auditory

This sound is use Dan encoding modality of information to be allowed to develop

auditory kills for the management of the foreign language.
There are two groups of media that t used sound, there are.
Sounds in media natural environment.
It refers to all those sound that capture directly from the experience or from the
interaction with it also, some are the sound of birds, musical instruments, and heart
or breathing noises.
Sounds in midnight Technical:
In this groups all hose that allow to conserve the sound by their superior use, some
are. The magnetic tape, the radio, CD, record player, etc.
Material Resource
There are permanent work material informative, illustrative and experimental
materials, we call instructional material those medium or specific resources that aid
the work of instruction and serve to facility the understanding of concepts during
the process of teaching and learning. For example
The board

The Didactic Material Allow.

-Present the topic and concepts in an objective and clear way.
-Save time.
-Facilitate knowledge.
-Complement the didactic techniques.
The obtaining knowledge through the medium of teaching is given from what is
known as the beginnings of communication, where there is an emitted, the
massage and receiver of the information to be transmitted. The use of medium and
resources in the classroom is a demanding, rigorous, and systematic strategy
teacher are the actors in this process to transmit motivation to students.
The didactic resource are material elaborated with the intention to facilities to the
teacher its function and in turn the one of students, they are used in the educative

1_ provides information do the students.

2_ they are a learning guide to organize the information we want to convey.
3_Offers new knowledge to the student.
4_It helps to exercise the skills and also to develop them.
5_The didactic resource awaken motivation, promote and create an interest in the
6_Provides an environment for student expression.
Methodological strategies to develop vocabulary .

Knowing the level of English language proficiency at which your students are
functioning academically is vital in order to be able to classification them
appropriately. Not all strategies are appropriate for all levels of language learners.
Knowing which scaffolds are most appropriate takes time, but if the teacher use the
realia in the classroom this will make easier to maintain the attention of theirs

Already years ago the Strategies of Teaching are considered as procedures that
the educational agent uses in a reflective and flexible way to promote the
achievement of learnings in the students, but if the teacher need know how much
had learned the students them is necessary make activities as games in front of
the class for example translation between students and help them to finish the
activity, this way the teacher can see how much the student is advancing

According to (Rajadell, 1998), in his article The processes of learning in the

classroom A teaching strategy that demonstrates the amount of knowledge and
interest of the student is equivalent to the sequenced action potentially aware of
the professional of education, the process of teaching in its Triple dimension of
knowing, knowing and doing. So it is necessary that the teacher use the practical's
games because the students will feel more compromise about the topic and they
would like show that they can for themselves do and what are their Weaknesses.
Level of cognitive development, emotional factors, previous knowledge.
Type of domain of general knowledge and of the curricular content in
The intentionality of the goal to be achieved and the cognitive and
pedagogical activities that the student must achieve the interesting in class.
Constant monitoring of the teaching process and individually talk with the
students to know how are progressing the games between the students and, as
well as student progress and their learning.

Questions Research.
How can be the English learning influence by the use realia in the classroom?

Which are the necessary resources that the teacher need to improve the English
language teaching?

The universe of this research was 8 students of the morning session at the
university Christian autonomous of Nicaragua, department of Estel.
This research was applied to first year students at the university. These were 15 in
total in the morning.

Sampling Data collection

The sample was intentional, taking into account students, characteristic such as:
group discipline and age (because this is more disciplined group from all eight
grades and the range of them is between 18 and 25 year old among boys and

In depth interview
The sample for his research paper was formed of 15 student out of 20 students,
which is the full number of first year students of the morning session. In total, there
were eight first year classroom. The age of these students went between 18 and
25 years old. They were the youngest of those classroom and important
characteristic such a good discipline, responsibility, good coordination and the best
relationship with the teachers. They have showed love for English class, and their
teacher most of the time uses materials teach.
The student at the university Christian autonomous of Nicaragua come from
different neighborhoods of the urban area, and from nearby country site
communities such as: pueblo Nuevo, Condega, Santa Cruz, San Juan de Limay,

Direct Observation
The university is located barrio next to Marista School. The university
was funded on

Data Analysis
The result gotten from the applied instrumental were analyzed by data tabulation
by interpretation of each applied instrument. Finally, they were discussed and
supported by graphics.
From the result obtained through the applied instrument it can be inferred that
realia is a techniques that has been used by the teacher in the teaching and
learning process. However, this use has been limited to printed, visual material that
are authentic material, but not specifically realia. Audio and virtual realia are less
and not usable to teach English, due to the physical conditions and number of
resources that the institute has for all its education and besides, the class is accordance with our finding, we can state the teachers preference for
printed and visual materials.

University Christian autonomous of Nicaragua.

Dear student:
We are doing and interview on investigation about use of realia in the classroom to
improve the students motivation.
Thanks for helping us by answering some question.

General data.
Students name: ________________________________________
Grade____________________________ date_____________________

1. Do you like English class?

Yes: ________________ No: _________________ Why?

2. Do you participate in English class?

Always_______ something___________ rarely________

3. Circle the activities to use to increase students motivation in the English


A. Song.
B. Games.
C. Realia.
D. Movies.
E. Other.

4. Do you consider when you use realia increase your motivation to learn
English why?
5. How the teacher use resource to motivate the students to learn English

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