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GemcomGEMS 6.

4 Release Notes

GemcomGEMS 6.4 Release Notes

Last modified: March 2012

New features
l GEMS can now be installed to any folder and be used simultaneously with a previously
installed version of GEMS. The organisation of files and registry keys have been
updated, while existing installations remain unaffected by these changes. Existing instal-
lations will also not be overwritten.
l GGP Edit can be run regardless of where GEMSis installed.

Block Models
l The Interpolate and Report dialog box (Tools > Geostatistics > Interpolate >
Interpolate and Report...) has been updated. Users can now:
l choose multiple interpolation profiles at the same time.

l view the number of profiles they are referencing.

l resize the dialog box.

l Users can now use more than 100 interpolation profiles with Interpolate and Report.
l Users can now modify a block model workspace by using a distance value to extend or
shrink, i.e., change the dimensions of, a block model (Block > Edit > Workspace
l Block model saving capabilities have improved, and users can save many more inter-
polated values into block model destination workspaces.
l When users import pits from Whittle Mining Sequence (.msq) files, the following attrib-
utes are also imported and populated:
l mining and processing cost adjustment factors

l pushbacks

l tonnage of the block that is mined

l fraction and tonnage of the block that is mined for each pit

l element grade and product of the block for each, element, and mining

process combination
l The amount of time to import Whittle Mining Sequence (.msq) files has significantly
l Users can now use the Gemcom Block Model Converter to import block model projects
from external sources, including Surpac, Vulcan, and Datamine.

l The normalized variogram type is now the default used to calculate nugget, sill, and
range values.

Graphical User Interface

l The GEMS Settings dialog box (Help > GEMS Settings...) has been updated to show the
location of the application and configuration folders for GEMS. The date and time the
session of GEMS started also displays while information about the Windows graphics
settings has been removed.
l Two items about memory usage have been added to the log files: the current memory
usage in GEMS and the amount of memory allocated or released for a function.

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Copyright 2012 Gemcom Software International Inc.

GemcomGEMS 6.4 Release Notes

l By default, after users install GEMS, the option to use undo is selected (Options >Set
Options >Undo tab).

l Users can view the online help for GEMS 6.4 in Google Chrome.

Importing and Exporting

l When users use the classic method to import points (File > Classic Import > Point
from), a clipping boundary can be used to filter them. Users can choose to import
points inside or outside the boundary .
l When users use the classic method to import lines (File > Classic Import > Lines
from...), users can use a clipping boundary to import lines inside or outside the bound-
l Users can now directly import 3D rings (.xyz file) into GEMS (Tools >Optech CMS
>Import 3D Rings from XYZ). The file no longer needs to be manually converted to
another format first.
l After users import Optech 3D rings (.xyz files) into GEMS, the rings will be closed, and
users can choose to create tie lines. Previously, tie lines were created automatically to
join adjacent rings.
l Users can now import Surpac digital terrain model files as surfaces or solids.
l Users can now import Esri shapefiles as points, polylines, or polygons.
l Users can now import Leapfrog mesh files.
l Users can now import Surpac string files into point area, polyline, or polygon work-
l If there is insufficient memory available when importing large .dxf or .dwg files for
points, polylines, polygons, solids, surfaces, or tunnels, users can choose to save any of
them directly to the database or stop the import.
l Users can now export points to Surpac string files (File >Export > All Points >Surpac
String File or File >Export >Selected Points > Surpac String File).
l Users can now export lines to Surpac string files (File >Export > All Lines >Surpac
String File or File >Export >Selected Lines > Surpac String File).
l Users can now export surfaces and solids to Surpac (File >Export > Solids/Surfaces to
l Users can now export line-specific data from polygons to Surpac string files (File
>Export >All Polygons > Surpac String File).
l If users export status lines to an ASCII file (File > Export > All Lines > ASCII File >
Status Lines in ASCII format) and do not type the .asc file extension, GEMS appends
the .asc extension to the file name when the file is saved.

l Users can now see the number of available seats for a network licence and the list of
users using the licences.
l Users can request a GEMS licence through the secured GEMS User Web Licensing web-
site (
l When users update GEMS from the Windows Start menu (Start > All Programs >
Gemcom Software > GEMS Tools > GEMS Update), they are directed to the login page
of the Gemcom Support website. Once users log in, they can download the most recent
version of GEMS from the Downloads page.

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GemcomGEMS 6.4 Release Notes

l There is a new Acknowledgements tab in the About (Help > About GEMS) that lists
third-party libraries used in GEMS. The detailed copyright information about the third-
party libraries can be found in the ThirdPartyLicense folder.
l For roaming and standalone licence users only: Multiple tokens on a single seat are
now supported.
l To use a new licence (sent separately), users can now click the New Licence button in
the Switch Seat dialog box (File > Switch Seat)where they can browse to the licence
file. When the licence is activated, it is copied to the appropriate folder.
l For server licence users only: This version of GEMS requires an updated version of the
Gemcom Licence Manager.

l PlotMaker 3.1.1 is part of this release.

Production Scheduler
l When users are in the Scenario Properties or Add Scheduling Objects dialog box, they
can sort the table by the Name or Workspace column. They can also resize those dialog
l The communication between GEMS and Production Scheduler has improved when
users update schedules and add or change activity types. This improvement is a result
of updating GsiSTScheduler.dll and removing GsiJavaRunner.exe.

l When users set up a transformation profile, they have the option to define a trans-
formation based on two points in two coordinate systems.

l The security of the registry and Gemcom folder are no longer checked.
l The zipped crash logs are now stored in the configuration folder before they are sent to

Solids and Surfaces

l Users can use a coordinate transformation profile to transform the coordinates of sol-
ids and surfaces from one coordinate system to another.
l Users have the option to groom polylines before creating a surface from active data
(Surface > Create > Create Surface from Active Data).
l Memory management has improved by providing users the option to close source
workspaces that are open when creating surfaces (Surface > Create > Create Surface
from Active Data).
l When users thin triangles (Surface or Solid > Edit > Triangle Thinning), confirmation
to continue after selecting a triangulation is no longer required.

l When users create a solid from Optech 3D rings (.xyz file), the centroid coordinates are
automatically obtained from the file. Users no longer need to manually enter the coor-
dinates (Tools >Optech CMS >Create Solid from 3DRings).

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GemcomGEMS 6.4 Release Notes

l Notepad is now the default text editor associated with GEMS, and GsiEdit no longer
exists. If Notepad is not available, then users can choose a text editor. If users want to
use a different editor, they can update their user options (Options > Set Options >
l Users can now compact ACE database (.accdb) files (Tools > Database > Compact and
Repair Database). Note: Users must have Microsoft Access 2007 or later installed to
use this functionality.

l Instead of specifying whether the value is negative or positive for the spacing between
planes, users now choose the direction of the new planes when creating parallel planes
(View > Create Sections > Parallel Sections).

Menu command changes

Shortcut menu
A new Clear Clipping Boundary command becomes available after users create or open a clipping
This command has been moved within the File menu:

l File > Classic Import > Lines from Status Map (Polylines)> Polylines (was File >
Classic Import > Lines from ASCII File >Polylines)

These commands have been removed:

l File > Classic Import > Lines from Status Map (Polylines)> Polylines Outside
Clipping Boundary
l File >Classic Import > Lines from Status Map (Polylines)>Polylines Inside Clipping

These commands are new:

l Surface > Edit > Transform Selected Surface

l Surface > Edit > Transform All Surfaces

These commands are new:

l Solid > Edit > Transform Selected Solid

l Solid > Edit > Transform All Solids

This command has been renamed:

l Tools > Optech CMS > Convert XYZ to 3D Rings (was Tools > Optech CMS > Import
3D Rings from XYZ)

This command has been renamed:

l Help > Contents (was Help > Contents and Index)

This command has moved:

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GemcomGEMS 6.4 Release Notes

l Help > User Information (was Tools > Other Utilities > User Information)

Help (Data Editor)

This command has been removed:

l Help > Search

Issues and bugs fixed

l The text in the Filter Records dialog box has been updated to reflect that Quick Filters
can be used in the Data Editor on any type of table.
l When users right-click in the graphics window, they will no longer see the Data Editor
l After using the File > Import command to import points, polylines, or drillholes, the
Zoom to Extents command can be used to display the imported objects.
l When users open a project whose path is longer than 200 characters, they will be asked
to shorten it by renaming the folder or moving the project.

Block Models
l Block attributes are mapped correctly in the Block Editor (Block > Edit > Edit Block
Data) when users modify or delete grade names.
l Users can import multiple surface elevation grids (SEGs). When users import SEGs, a
new level is automatically created to contain each level in the import file. Existing SEG
levels will not be overwritten, and users no longer need to manually add levels before
l When users interpolate using one of the Multiple Indicator Kriging methods, the grade
usage methods are set correctly.
l When users create an SEG from a surface, they can select the surface from a list. To see
the list of available surfaces, press the space bar.
l GEMS no longer unexpectedly exits for new installations when the sessions folder is
missing from the installation folder. Specifically, GEMS will not unexpectedly exit upon
startup when a session loads and tries to open a block model if the Automatically open
the data from the previous session when GEMS starts option is on (Options > Set
Options > Preferences).
l When users delete a level from a surface elevation grid (SEG), it will no longer be visible,
and users will be able to use the Show command.
l GEMS is stable when users switch projects or close a triangulation workspace when
selecting blocks between two surfaces (Block > Select > Between Two Surfaces).
l GEMS correctly exports block models to Whittle when optional values are not mapped
to block attributes.
l When exporting block models to Whittle, the Whittle rotation values are now recorded
correctly in the .par files. The Whittle rotation value is 360 minus the GEMS rotation.
l Selected blocks display correctly for rotated block models when viewing a vertical sec-
tion looking north, south, east, or west (View > Vertical Section > Looking...).
l When users import pits from Whittle, the newly created block model uses the correct
geometry from the .par file.

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GemcomGEMS 6.4 Release Notes

l If the Merging Intervals from Two Tables method is used to create composite intervals
(Drillhole > Compositing > Prepare Composite Table), the size of the smallest interval
will be based on the number of decimal places in the FROM or TO fields of the des-
tination table. The field with the fewer decimal places will be chosen. For example, if the
number of decimal places defined in the FROM field is 3 and the number of decimal
places defined in the TO field is 2, GEMS will use 2. In this case, the smallest interval will
be 0.01.
l When drillholes are exported to MS Excel (File > Export > Drillholes > Excel), the sort
order of subtables matches the order of the header table.
l If distance markers are selected to be displayed for drillholes (Drillhole > Display >
Display Overrides), text that should be hidden will remain hidden.
l When users open a drillhole workspace in a new session of GEMS, the drillholes are dis-
played even if they were set to be hidden (Drillhole > Display > Display Overrides) in
the previous session of GEMS.
l If text is selected to be displayed for distance markings for drillholes, the text remains
displayed when users move through sections in section view.
l When drillholes with text labels are loaded in the graphic window, users can suc-
cessfully switch between 2D and 3D view modes.

l When exporting data to Microsoft Excel, the format of decimal characters is based on
the user's system locale in Microsoft Windows.

Graphical User Interface

l When users perform a paste on copied points, solids, or tunnels, the objects are visible
in the graphics window.
l The beeping sound when snapping to objects while digitizing has been re-enabled for
Windows 7 (Window > Set Display Area Options...> Snap tab). Note: The beep is
not supported by Windows Vista or Windows XP 64-bit.

l The GEMSonline help now opens from the Data Editor (Help > Contents).

l Users can successfully import Micromine data when the source file header has field
names defined but no data in its corresponding columns.
l After the File > Import command is used to import points, polylines, or drillholes, the
Zoom to Extents command can be used to display the imported objects.
l When users import a file into a point area workspace, save it, close it, and re-import the
same file, no records are lost.

l When the search ellipse or semi-variogram is changed in an interpolation profile, the
change will be applied to the interpolation profile.
l The version of GEMS no longer appears in the header of the interpolation report when
users do a kriging run (Tools > Geostastics > Interpolate > Interpolate and Report).

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GemcomGEMS 6.4 Release Notes

l For standalone licence users, when they roll back their system clock by more than 24
hours, their seat will be disabled instead of being removed. After users correctly update
their clock, they can restart GEMS.

Ore Control
l When selecting blocks inside a polygon for ore control, for a block to be selected, the
default is now 0.1% for the minimum percentage of a block inside a polygon.

Pit and Dump Design

l For performing a "copy to" with pits and dumps, if a pit design workspace does not
have an associated polyline workspace, users will be prompted to select a polyline work-

l When users view. svg or .ggp files in PlotMaker, markers (such as collars, points, and
line vertices) are sized correctly.
l Toe lines are perpendicular to trace lines in drillhole plots. They no longer look like

Point Areas
l Users can copy open points from a point workspace and paste them to a point area,
even if the point area display profile does not have an assigned point area workspace.
l The time required to save open point area workspaces after deleting points has

l When updating polygons from points (Polygon > Edit > Update Selected Polygon
From Points) or (Polygon > Edit > Update Active Polygon From Points) where some
of the points have special values, the polygons will be updated successfully.
l When updating polygons from points that have special values, below detection limits
(BDL) and above detection limits (ADL) will be taken into calculation. Other special
values, such as ERR, NC, NS, and NE, will be ignored.
l When users create polygons by interpolating planes (Polygon > Create > Plane
Interpolation) and a layer mapping attribute does not exist in the active polygon work-
space, a warning appears.
l When users export polygons to Modular Mining System (File > Export > All Polygons
> Modular Mining System), the number of exported polygons displays in decimal
instead of hexadecimal format.

l Users can paste a tie line from "scrap" (Polyline > Line > Paste from Scrap) and then
immediately use it.
l When users select polylines by sections, plan views, line type, or rock code, they are
selected as expected.

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GemcomGEMS 6.4 Release Notes

Solids and Surfaces

l When users delete a triangle where there are multiple overlapping solids or surfaces,
the highlighted triangle closest to the user gets deleted.
l If users transform a surface or solid that has been draped with a registered image, the
resulting surface or solid will not be associated with the previously draped image.
l When the colour of a solid and the background are the same, the colour of the solid will
automatically be adjusted so that the solid is visible in both wireframe and rendered

l A redundant dialog box that had to be closed when creating a solid from .xyz files
(Tools > Optech CMS > Create Solid from XYZ) no longer appears.
l For 3D variogram analyses, the definition Azimuth has been renamed to Dip Direction
(Tools > Geostatistics > Analysis > 3D Semi-variogram > Parameters tab).

l Users can now only close tunnels one at a time using the Polyline > Line > Close com-
mand. For tunnels, the command Polyline > Multiline > Close has been disabled.

Underground Blast Design

l Users can successfully switch projects while a underground blast design area is open.

l Parallel sections can now be created in dynamic view. If users are in dynamic view, a
new plane will be generated from the current view before creating the parallel section.
Users will then be able to create parallel planes from the current view or create a section
parallel to an existing view.

l A warning message is displayed when users update a destination solid that has spaces
in any of its names.

l The progress bar accurately shows the save progress when data is being saved to the
l For users running SQL 2005 or 2008 only: In the case where the system administrator
has not run the FixLockingOnSQLServer2005.sql script and users do not have per-
mission to view the server state, when users open a locking-enabled workspace, they
will see a message notifying them that they do not have permission to access the work-
space lock information. Users will then only be able to open the workspace in read-only

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