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CE 312, Structural Analysis & Design Sc «ional -1,L-3, T-1 Plate G Reference (1) Design of Steel Structures ~ Edwin H. Gaylord, Jr, Charles N. Gaylord, James E. Stallmeyer, McGraw-Hill Intemational Edition, (2) Structural Stee! Design - Lambert Tall, John Wiley & Sons. (3) Design of Stee! Structures ~ Boris Bresler, T. Y. Lin, John B. Scalzi, John Wiley & Sons, (4) Steel Structures — Charles G. Salmon & John E. Johnson, Index. Educational Publishers. (5) Essentials of Structural design — Anthony Hoadley, John Wiley & Sons. (6 Basic Steel Design — Bruce G. Johntson, Fung-Jen Lin & T. V. Galambos, Prentice-Hall, Inc., Englewood Cliffs, New Jersey. (7) Design of Steel Structures ~ Ram Chandra, Standard Book House, 1705-A, Nai Sarak, Delhi-6, India, (8) Design of stee! Structures ~ B.S, Krishnamachar, D. Ajitha Simha, Tata McGraw-Hill Publishing Company Lid., New Delhi, India. (9) Structural Steelwork - Trefor. J. Reynolds, ‘The English Universities Press Limited, London. (10) Steel Structures and Timber Structures (Volume: ITT) ~ V. N. Vizarani & M. M. Ratwani, Khanna Publishers, India. (11) Design of Bridge Superstructures ~ Colin O'Connor, Wiley-InterScience. (12) Design of Bridge Structures - T. R. Jagadeesh & M. A. Jayaram, Prentice-Hall of India Private mited, New Delhi ~ 110001 , India, (13) Structural design in Metals ~ Clifford D. Williams & Emest C. Harris, The Ronald Press Company, New York. (14) Elementary Theory & Design of Flexural Members - Jamison Vawter & James G. Clark, John Wiley & Sons, New York & Chapman & Hall, London. (15) Steel Buildings (analysis & design) — Stanley W. Crawley, Robert M. Dillon & Winfred 0. Carter, Jobn Wiley & Sons. (16) pdf file (download from internet) ~ Dr. Hozzat Adeli, Professor, Ohio State University, USA. (17) Structural Design of Steelwork ~ L. H. Martin & J. A. Purkiss, Edward Amold (A division of Hodder & Stoughton). (18) Design of Steel Structures — Anand S. Arya & J. L. Ajmani, Nem Chand & Bros Roorke (19) Theory of Modern Steel Structures ~ Linton B. Grinter, MacMillan Publishing Company, New York. (20) Design in Structural Stee! —John E. Lothers, Prentice-Hall, ine., New York, 1953 11.CE 312 1/ Level -3, Term ~ 1 / Mé, Ruhl Amin !f Qt) Basies of Structural Steel Design 37 vel H. Marcus, Reston Publishing Company, Prentice-Hall Company), Reston, Virginia. (22) Structural Steel Design ~ Joseph E. Bowles ° ..Graw-Hill Book Company. (23) Structural Engineering for Architects ~ Kenneth R. Lauer, McGraw-Hill Book Company. (04) The Behaviour and Design of Steel Structures — N.S. Trahair, Chapman and Hall, London & Methuen of Australia, Sydney, A Halsted Press Book, John Wiley & Sons, New York. (25) Structural Steel Design ~ Jack C. McCormac, International Textbook Company, Scranton. Pennsylvania, (26) Stee! Design Structural Engineers ~ Bogdan O. Kuzmanovie & Nicholas Willems, Prentice-Hall Ine., Englewood Cliffs, New Jersey. (27) Structural Engineering — Joseph Husband & William Harby, Longmans. (08) Behaviour and Design of Plated Stee! Structures - Dubas, P. and Gehri, E. (eds), Publication No 44, ECCS, 1986. (05) Plated Structures; Stability and Strength - Narayanan, R. (ed), Applied Science Publishers London, 1983. (60) Structural Design ~ Carlton Thomas Bishop, John Wiley & Sons, New York & Chapman & Hall London. Lecture plan: Deign of a welded plate girder Day |: Introduction to plate girder, supply of design data, Preliminary design/Prelimit selection of web & flange plate Day 2: Check for moment & final selection of web & flange plates Day 3: Design of intermediate stiffener Day 4; Design of bearing stiffener. Day 5: Design of welded connections Day 6: Viva on plate girder design (all students will have to complete their file before v= voce) Quiz-2 on plate girder design (all students will have to submit their reports (file & trae papers) after the quiz) Copyright reserved. Any persen involved in teaching is not alloned to use this. Only students can ws 8 rake photocopy for convenience. - Md. Rubul Amin. MCE 312i! Level 3, Term—1 JF Md. Ruhul Amin if Notations & Symbols: L = span length of the plate girder = width of flange o “ t,. = thickness of flange “ef As = be xte= area of one flange hy = height of web t_ =thickness of web Ww A =h xt =areaofweb wow Ww A __A_ =effective flange area = {a “s] € ff 6 h= d= total heigh/depth of the girder = (h | +21,) Y | Compression flange |e— bg ——>| os ——4 7 Ap abe xte —> : ‘ tye h ' Woohed=h. +2, tesa x w Web Crane i Ap abe xty : Tension flange * i ¥ Figure 15: Components of a plate girder J/.CE 312 /! Level — 3, Term —1 /! Md. Ruhul Amin i) 31 SCALE ~3 Sur FT Bie seed , AN Sy HERP. Lepeae ‘BOALE 5M.» 32 Introduction When the requirements of a given span exceed the capacity -° ilable rolled steel beams, one of the four expedients becomes necessiy: (1) a built-up or cover plated rolled steel beam; (2) selection of two or more rolled stee! beams of equal depth, placed side by side, and connected or otherwise ..) design of 2 built-up beam of plates and shapes. commonly called a plate girder; or (4 design of a truss. A girder is a flexural member which is required to carry heavy loads os relatively long spans. In building construction, flexural members that suppor beams which frame into them are sometimes called girders regardless of magnitude of the loads. Such members may be W cross-sections or buil sections, depending on the magnitude of the loads and the span length. M commonly the term girder is used to describe a flexural cross-section made 1CE 312! Level — 3, Term ~ 1 // bd. Ruhl Armin of a number of elements, Th y considerably deeper than the deepest rolled sections and usually have webs which are relatively thinner than rolled sections. Plate Girder: When a member is required that is lager than is available in rolled beams, it is necessary to build up a section which, for the sake of economy, has a general shape of an I — beam. This built-up I - beam is called a plate girder. A plate girder is a flexural member fabricated from a collection of plates and employed to carry loads which cannot be carried economically by rolled beams (rolled steel beams usually referred to as I beams from their shape) Plate girders are built-up steel beams that require a section modulus greater than any available as a rolled beam. The most common form consists of two heavy flange plates between which is welded a relatively thin web plate. To increase moment resistance, flange plates may be added over the flange angles. Rolled beam (I-section): up to 30 feet of simple span. Rolled beam / plate girder: 30 feet — 70 feet. Plate girder: above 70 feet. Each plate girder is designed individually to resist the applied actions using proportions that ensure low self-weight and high load resistance. Plate girder may take several forms - Unstiffened - Transversely stiffened - Transversely and longitudinally stiffened It is possible to use different flange thicknesses (or breadths) to accommodate the variation in applied moment. The web thickness may also be varied to accommodate the variation in the applied shear. Differences Between Plate Girder (Built-up Beam) and Conventional Rolled Beam: The principal differences between the design of a rolled beam and the design of a plate girder are that the designer has greater freedom in proportioning the cross-section of a plate girder and the large depth of the plate girder often results in relatively thin webs which make web-buckling problems more important. Rolled beams are generally proportioned with relatively compact webs and flanges, so local buckling and shear buckling are not probable limits states. In plate girders the sizes of the flange and web are at the discretion of the designer, so buckling must be considered in establishing their dimensions. CE 312 / Level ~3, Term 1 Mai Runul Amin i! us Normally, the depth of plate girder sections are so large that simple beam theory which postulates that plane sections re-.ain plane after bending does not apply As a result, a different set of design oi formulas for plate girders are required. Table 1: Bridge spans and lengths i Member | _ Railroad Bridges Highway bridges _| |___ Rolled section Span<50' Span<80' __ Plate girder 50'roved torsional stiffness for long-s; bridges (in situations where tateral support of the compression fl cannot be provided & girder depth is limited, box girders are especis recommended because of their superior effectiveness against lat: torsional buckling and in resisting lateral loads. This results from greater strength and stiffhess in torsion and in bending about weak axis) The hybrid girder, providing variable material strength in accor with stresses. (for example, high strength steel for top and bottom flang and low strength steel for the web thus reduce the girder weight possibly achieve maximum economy (see figure 4(b) & 5). homogeneous/non-hybrid plate girder will he — steel plates of strength throughout. e The delta girder, providing improved lateral riziuity for long lengths lateral unsupport. High strongh flange ri Low strength web /» ] [ (a) Box girder (b) Hybrid girder (c) Delta girder Figure 4: Various form of plate girders / f. ks 7B Se > i 260 350! 260! > Ea 2 g 5 & = i qs Se E F z E < lA 89,000 Ib A242 451,960 Ib EB A514 —-764,000 Ib Total girder weight: 1,305,560 Ib Figure 5: Hybrid steel girder, Whiskey Creek Bridge, Shasta County, California, USA. MCE 312 Lever a, ren 1 a. urn avr 1 Proportioning the Section: The ross section of a girder must be selected such that it adequately performs its functions and requires minimum cost. The functions requirements may be summarized as: Strength to carry bending moment (adequate section modulus, 8). Vertical stiffness to satisfy any deflection limitations (adequate moment of inertia, 1) Lateral stiffness to prevent lateral-torsional buckling of compression flange (adequate lateral bracing or low L/). Strength to carry shear (adequate web area). Stiffness to improve buckling or post-buckling strength of the web (related to h/t and a/h ratios). To satisfy these functional requirements at minimum cost, it will be assumed that minimum cost is equivalent to minimum weight. Composite Plate Girder ICE 342 H! Level ~3, Term—1 fl Nk, Ruhul Amin i! 10 Multi-cell Concrete Box Girder ‘Tope Crank Haunch / Splicos not shown Camber not shown, Variation in flanges not show Variation in web not shown Veriation in material strength nat shown Notes Figure 6: Plate girder with haunches, tapers & cranks. Components of Plate Girder: (1) Flanges — one compression flange & one tension flange. A flange should be a perfectly single plate unless a plate of suitable thickness is not available. (2) Web: The web of a girder can be of constant height or of varying height. The girder with varying depth of web is called the haunched girder. (3) Vertical/transverse web stiffeners (i) Intermediate stiffener (ii) Bearing stiffener (iii) Torsional stiffener (4) Horizontal web stiffener / Longitwdinal web stiffener (5) Design of connections (welded or riveted) (6) Design end connections (to supports) (7) Design of web splices and flange splices (if any) ‘Advantages of Plate Girder: Plate girders have the following advantages ov= trusses & rolled beam sections: WCE 312 Level -3, Term— 1/1 Mé. Ruhul Amin I (1) Connections are less critical for plate girders than for trusses. particu statically indeterminate trusss. In a statically determinate truss, one poor connection may cause the ipse of the truss. (2) Fabrication cost of plate gitders i is less than that of trusses. (3) Plate girders can be erected more rapidly and more cheaply than trusses. (4) Depth of plate girder is less than the height of a comparable truss, Consequently, plate girders need less vertical clearance than trusses. This makes them very attractive for multilevel highway bridges. (5) Plate girders generally vibrate less than trusses under moving loads. (6) Painting of plate girders is casier than painting of trusses. This means less maintenance cost for plate girders. Disadvantages of Plate Girder: In contrast, plate girders in general are heavier than trusses, especially very long spans. Transportation, enai“‘on & fabrication cost is higher. Uses of Plate Girder: Auditoriums, large assembly hall, where large column free space is needed as on a lower floor of || geftioe cuilding). Plate girders are particularly suitable for highway bridges; they permit unlimited vision and minimize clearance problems in traffic interchanges and complex multilevel overpass (see figure 7). Concrete decking Figure 7(a): Plate girder in bridges NCE 3121 Level —3, Term 1 // Md, Ruhl Amin f1 12 c = aes Oe nea y ew Columns > TT) Beams Plate girder Za Wil, Wilh Figure 7(b): Plate girders in building HCE 312i Level-- 3, Term— 1 f/ Md, Ruhul Amin if | ST Supporting girder ZZ Figure 7(c): Use of supporting girders over an auditorium Yield Moment a ot The moment required to produce first yield stress at extreme fiber of a section is called yield moment. Plastic Moment (M }: The moment required to produce yield stress in plastic all fibers of a section is called plastic moment. CE 312 Level -3, Term - 1! Md Rubel Amin f 14 oo gee sj Neutral axis @ (©) 6. Go. YP. yp Figure 8: (a) an unsymmetrical I section; (b) yield moment (stress diagram) & (c) plastic moment (stress diagram) Table 2: | Shape factor M, Sections Meld Mastic plastic M. yield Circular section es 1.89 Rectangular section Ions 2.00 Compact W shape Hie 13 | Non-compact W shape | °-60F,S | FS 1.67 | Compact Section: Which is one that ean develop a fully plastic moment (M, ) before local buckling of any of its compression elements occurs. A beam which will not experience premature local and lateral-torsional buckling in the plastic range. Most rolled sections are compact. Allowable bending stress for compact section: F, =0.66P (for channels & 1 shaped members of hot-rolled steel (except A514) with RS 65 ksi). The basic allowable stress in tension or compression is DCO ‘The compact sections, for which a stress of Scr is permitted. Are required to have 1.CE 312 1! Level - 3, Term — 1 1 Md. Ruhul Arrin J! 15 relatively thicker flanges and vs than the non-compact and mus’ safeguards against local and !sicrai buckling. The resulting bonus of 10 percent in the allowable stress is ‘ions which will develop their plastic moment strength, which is, on the average, 14 percent greater than the yield moment strength. It is this difference between yield moment and plastic moment that establishes the logic of the stress increase. Requirements for compact section: > The flanges shall be continuously connected to the web. (a built-up section with intermittent welds would not qualify.) > The width-thickness ratio of compression flange shall not exceed (be/2) 52, be 52.2 ; or 5 < 252 (for untlfened projecting elements of f {Yas bee total flange width of plate segment b =o = half flange width of plate segment t . flange thickness of plate segment An unstiffened plate is one that is supported along one longitudinal edge and is free along the other, such as the half flange width of an I-shaped girder, or the outstanding width of a bearing stiffener. For the I-shaped girder, bis taken as b, equal to oe The flange of a box girder is a stiffened plate, supported along both edges, for which be (in the absence on longitudinal stiffeners) is to be taken as the distance between the nearest lines of fasteners or welds. The unstiffened projecting element refers to the usual situation in standard hot- rolled sections, such as W shape. Stiffened projecting elements include flanges with lipped edges, sometimes used in cold-formed shapes. The flange of a box beam flanked by two webs would also be considered a stiffened flange. > The depth-thickness ration of the web shall not exceed by 412 > The compression flange shall be supported laterally, at intervals L.,, not to exceed either of the following limits: IGE 312M Level -3, Term ~ 1 Md, Rubul Amin Jf 16 20000 («, vA +} [Where, bein inch, d in inch, A,in inch, i in ksi, Lin inch] Take smaller value of L from these two expressions. Non-compact Section: Which is one that can develop a moment equal to greater than yield moment (M.,), but less than plastic moment (M_), before local buckling of any of its compression elements occurs. A beam which will experience premature local and lateral-torsional buckling in the plastic range. Allowable bending stress for non-compact section: Ky = 0.60 Bie channels & I-shaped members of stecl with Ee 65 ksi). Width-Thickness Ratio: The ratio of the width of the outstanding portion of an clement to its thickness, an indication of local instability. Buckling: A mode of failure under compression in which there is a sudden deformation in a direction or plane normal to that of the loads or moments acting. A column may buckle either of two modes ~ the Euler (column) mode oz the local buckling mode. The local buckles will tend to form inward ané outward on adjacent sides. Loca! Buckling (a mode of failure which occurs locally (rather than generally) inathin» cwinout vs niciabery: Lhe buckling of a plate component which may precipitate the failure of the whole member (see figure 9(a)). Local buckling exhibits local deformation of an outstand, e.g. a flange of an ‘I’ beam, Local buckling occurs when the flange outstand (width or depth of panel) to thickness ratio is high, and is avoided by choosing plastic sections (low values of width or depth thickness ratio) [Pt o> octions a plastic hinge can be developed with sufficient rotation capacity to allow redistribution of mutivitis shin che structure} ICE 3121! Level -3, Term - 1 If Md. Ruhul Amin /1 Compression flange Local buckling Moment Figure 9(a): Local buckling of a flange ‘The most important shape~parameter in local buckling of plate clement is the width-thickness ratio (for cylindrical surfaces, it is the diameter-thickness ratio). Length can affect the results to some extent (in the form of length-width ratio), but in most structural applications the members are long enough so that length effects can be neglected. Figure 9(b): Strain & stress distribution in a member with local buckling of the deckplate in compression. IGE 312/1 Level ~3, Terr —1 Mid, Ruhl Amin 18 Figure 9(c): Stiffening of the web to avoid local buckling An element in compression is cither a rolled section or built-up section, as per Euler, column failure is buckling. Now in a rolled stect section or a built-up section, the failure can be either failure of the whole section or . silure of the flange element or web element, that is, the local buckling of individual elements which make up the section. Local buckling occurs in the form of waves in these elements which can be described as individual plates with different end restraints. Therefore, it can be treated as a problem in plates. The critical stress at which buckling is imminent in a plate depends on the elastic edge support (see figure 9(d)), as for example, single elastic support for flanecs and clastic supports at both ends for webs; it also depends on the rat’ of the panel dimensions of the plate called aspect ratio. ( y - Outstand of flange supported at one end ont Web supported at both end [Estee all Figure 9(d): Edge support for flange & web ICE 3121! Level ~ 3, Term = 1.) Md, Ruhul Amin / The column failure as a whole is equated to the failure of based on the two parameters cited above so as to arrive at dimensions of the element. ‘This means that the various elements of the cross- section should be so proportioned that the failure of the elements and the member as a whole is concurrent and the individual elements should not buckle locally at stresses less than the yield stress. The critical stress ec) for failure of plates in buckling due to different edge conditions and aspect ratio is 2 = k—*#t_, K =a constant which depends on the edge support & 12(1-p (bit) aspect ratio of the plate (L/b) [L is length of bonded edge & b is length of unbonded edge], it also depends on the nature of loading or a combination of both, 4 = Poisson’s ratio, t= thickness of plate. This is similar to column formula and b/t can be taken as the slenderness ratio of the plate. Equating of the column failure with plate failure, relationship between L/r & b/t can be established. FP cr ‘Web Crippling: In rolled steel beams/ built-up beams, the failure of the web may occur at concentrated loads, and at supports, where it has reaction. The failure of the web in direct crushing under concentrated loads is known as web crippling or web crimpling (the local elastic-plastic failure of the web plate in the intermediate vicinity of a concentrated load or reaction (see figure 10)). For safety against web crippling adequate bearing length along the beam may be provided so that the bearing stress may not exceed the allowable value. Concentrated load Reaction (a) at point of support (b) at point load Figure 10: Web crippling WCE 312 Level ~ 3, Term=1 IN, Rul Amin i) 20 Lateral Buckling/Lateral-Torsional ‘Suckling/Flexural-Torsional Buckling (a mode of buckling in which a membe deflects and twists): Buckling of a member involving lateral deflection and twist. (Shapes that are intended to be used primarily as beams are generally proportioned so that the moment of inertia about the major principal axis is considerably larger than that about the minor principal axis. This is done to produce shapes that make economical beams. As a result, they are relatively weak in resistance to torsion and to bending about the minor axis, and if not held in line by floor construction or by bracing, they may become unstable under Joad. The instability manifest itself as a sidewise bending accompanied by twist and is called lateral buckling or lateral-torsional buckling (see figure 11). The deeper and narrower the section, the more susceptible it is to buckling. Surrounding cor ‘ruction can prevent lateral buckling. Plan of top flange Section at midspan Figure 11: Lateral-torsional buckling In lateral buckling of compression flange, lateral bending of the flange occurs with twisting, Torsional restraint can be provided in the following ways: (1) By providing web or flange cleats in the end connections. (0) By providing bearing stiffeners acting in conjunction with the bearing “ the beam. 8) By providing external support to the ends of the compression flange. (4) By fixing the ends of the ‘beam into the walls. Laterally Supported Beams: Laterally supported beams are also call laterally restrained beams. When lateral deflection of the compression flange 11GB 3121/ Level -3, Term — 1 Mad. Ruhul Amin a beam is prevented by providing | support, the beam is said to be laterally supported. Concrete slab encasing the top flange (so that the bottom surface of the concrete slab is flush with the bottom of the top flange) is shown in figure 12(a). It provides a continuous lateral support to the top flange of the beam. When other beams frame at frequent intervals into the beam in question, as shown in figure 12(b), lateral support is provided at each point of connection ‘but main beam should still be checked between the two supports. In laterally supported beams, reduction in allowable bending compressive stress is not required. Bending compressive stress is taken equal to the allowable bending tensile stress. Concrete slab < > Rolled beam/Plate girder Figure 12(a): Continuous lateral support | Fa ° ° oo Cross-beam é 6 2a ° ° Rolled beam/Plate girder Figure 12(b): Local lateral support Laterally Unsupported Beams: Laterally unsupported beams are also termed as laterally unrestrained beams. Rolled steel beams, channels and other beams, which have moment of inertia about XX-axis considerably greater than moment of inertia about YY-axis (ic. Ww > Le) have less resistance to bending and torsion in the direction of YY-axis. In such beams, when the compression flange is not laterally supported, it acts as a column and bends in the lateral direction with twisting. Bending of compression flange with twisting is known as lateral- torsional buckling. Lateral buckling of the compression flange is large when the MCE 312! Level ~3, Term ~1 if Md. Ruhl Amin) 2 ratio is large. It is also large when ipported length of the compression I yy flange is large. Tension-field Action: The resistance of a plate girder to externally applied shear forces, in which diagonal tensile stresses develop in the web and compressive forces develop in the transverse stiffeners in a manner analogous to pratt truss (see figure 13). ‘A mode of shear transfer in the thin web of a stiffened ple” girder which occurs after elastic local buckling takes place. In this mode, the ‘ension diagonal of each stiffened panel behaves in the same way as the diagonai tension member of a parallel chord truss. | Tension field action Analogous to truss Figure 13 (b): Tension field action in plate girder web analogous to truss with tension diagonals (CE 312! Level 3, Termn~ 1! Md Ruhul Amini! z - Post-buckling Strength / Post-buckling Shear Strength (Tension-field Action): The addition of load or stress which can be carried by a plate or structural member after buckling (a reserve of strength after buckling which supports possessed by some thin plate elements). In recent years the economical maximum span of plate girders has greatly increased. This has been made possible in part by the reduction in required web thickness, which results from the use of the tension-field concept that permits utilization of the post-buckling strength of the girder web. eta ee Cer ae er ie heed Weight of Plate Girder: The cost of a plate girder is primarily dependant on its weight. The depth of a girder can be adjusted to give the minimum weight of the girder. The weight mainly consists of weight of flanges, web and other details like stiffeners, splices etc. The thickness of the web is almost kept constant. Unless the shear force is very high, it is economical to use the minimum thickness of the web specified by specifications. By increasing the depth of the web, the area of flanges decreases but the area of web and weight of stiffeners, splices etc. increases. The girder least weight will not necessarily be economical since the total cost depends on transportation and erection costs in addition to cost of fabrication and weight of girder. It is generally economical to use a depth less than that giving the minimum weight. ICE 312 Level -3, Term —1 if Md Ruhol Amin 24 In design of plate girders, we should design the plate girder with several different values of the web depth-to-span_.tios and find the total weight of the plate girder for each case. By drawing the total weight versus web depth-to-span ratio, we can obtain an economical (practical approximate optimum or minimum weight) solution for our design. Of course, repetitive manual design of plate girders is quite cumbersome and time consuming. However, with the aid of interactive program, the final design can be achieved quickly. Totally automated optimum design of stiffened plate girders is rafter complicated due to highly non-liner nature of the problem. Depth of Girder: The depth of a plate girder is influenced by many factors, and it is impossible to lay down workable rules to which no sention will occur, In many cases the determining factor is headroom, or in ue case of deck bridges, clearance for high water or for traffic passing beneath. Even when no such limitations exist, the range of depths for economical results is considerable. The depth of the girder should within the limits L/10 — L/15, where L is the span length of the girder. The depth of the girder may be less than the minimum given by the rule, provided that the deflection is calculated and proved to be not excessive, shallow girders lead to high web stress and riveting difficulties. Although the depth of the average girder is one-tenth to one-twelfth of its span, depths of as much as one-vighth to one-sixth of the span mav occasionally be necessary, particularly if there are heavy concentrated joaus suv. as occur for girders supporting columns in n buildings. On the other hand, lighter loads may’ be accommodated economically with depths as small as one-fourteenth or one- fifteenth of the span. The deeper the girder is made, the smaller are the flange plates required. However, the web plate must then be made thicker or additional stiffeners provided to meet particular design requirements. A meth J i obtain the optimum depth is given below. A shallow girder can be very much heavier than a deeper girder in carrying the same loads. Economical depth of plate girder: Economical depth of the plate girder is the depth which gives the minimum weight of plate girder. The least weight depth of plate girders generally met with in practice varies from about 1/14 to 1/8 of the length of the span. For building girders, an average value is about 1/12 of the span length, and about 1/10 for bridge girders. For heavy loads the economical depth is increased, and for long spans this ratio is decreases. An experienced designer is able to estimate the required depth for economy within very close limits, taking into consideration the various factors that enter into the proper choice. In Article 84 of Structural Design in Steel, Professor Shedd has derived several formulas for economical depth of plate girders under various considerations and has shown several diagrams for the value of his factor k. CE 3121 Level—3, Term 1 /! Md, Ruhul Artin i iM) ee He suggested two approximate formulas as M)3 () d= 34 [for girders with intermediate stiffeners] A\> (2) d= 44% 3 [for girders without intermediate stiffeners] ( Where, d= depth of girder in inches M = maximum bending moment in kip-inch f= allowable intensity of bending stress in ksi For minimum material in a built-up I-shaped section the sum of the areas of the flanges equals the area of the web. The corresponding required depth d is approximately - if two webs are used, the fraction 3/2 becomes 3/4. These equations ay be used in proportioning whenever the depth is not limited by other requirements. Width of Girder: The width of the girder should be within the limits L/40 — L/50, where L is the span length of the girder. The maximum width given by this rule may be exceeded ~ if necessary by a consideration of the unsupported length of flange plates — provided the flange plates are adequately stiffened. The breadth of flange plate is made about one-third of the depth. ‘The outstand of the flange plates, ie., their projection beyond the outer line of connection to flange angles, to channel or joist flanges, or, in the case of welded construction, their projection beyond the face of the web or tongue plate shall not exceed for plates with unstiffened edges 161, in compression and 201, in tension and for plates with continuously stiffened edges, 20t both in compression and tension. Provision of Camber: It is common practice to camber plate girders. [fa girder be made without camber, the deflection of the girder when fully loaded is marked, and in fact appears to the eye to be greater than actually in the case. ‘The camber is therefore made equal to the maximum calculated deflection, so that under full load the girder appears substantially horizontal. HCE 312! Level - 3, Term—1 // Med, Ruhul Amin i! 6 Deflection Criterion: Deflection is a serviceability limit state consideration, service (rather than factored) loads shoul. be used in deflection computations. Since most beams are fabricated with a camber which somewhat offsets the dead load deflection, consideration is often given to deflection due to live load only. For beams supporting plastered ceilings, the service load deflection preferably should nit exceed L/360 where L is the beam span. A larger deflection limit can be used if due considerations are given to ensure the proper functioning of the structure. Assumption for Design of Plate Girder: Following assumptions are made in the design of plate girder. (1) The web plate resists the shear force, and the shear stress is uniformly distributed over whole cross-sectional area of web (the web plate shoulé have sufficient buckling strength to prevent vertical buckling of the compression flange into the web). (2) The flanges resist the bending moment. Neutral axis ~~, (a) (b) © Figure 14: (a) Plate girder (b) bending stress (0) distribution & (c) shear stress («) distribution ‘The criteria for design of plate girders may be based on the following conditions: > Elastic bend-buckling strength > Elastic shear-buckling strength > Post-bend-buckling strength > Post-shear-buckling (tension-field) strength Some specifications are based on the limits corresponding to the elastic buckling strengths, while others permit the post-buckling strengths to be takes into account. In specifications which permit the post buckling strengths in both bending and shear to be taken into account, the designer has the choice of four combinations for the limits of behavior. (1) Elastic bend-buckling in combination with clastic shear buckline This is sometimes referred to as conventional flexural behavior. TICE 312 Level -3, Term — 1 Md, Ruhul Armin if (2) Elastic bend-buckling (tension-field) strength. (3) Post-bend-buc! jing strength in combination with elastic shear- buckling, (4) Post-bend-buckling strength in combination with post-shear-buckling (tension-field) strength. in combination with post-shear-buckling Two design approaches may be used: (i) Keep the plates stocky (thicker web) and base the design on yield strength with no stiffening — the penalty is a relatively high self weight. (ii) Use thin, stiffened plates to improve the load carrying load carrying sistance and minimize self-weight — the penalty is higher fabrication cost. In practice a balance between the two approaches is used and the various forms of potential buckling may need to be identified and minimized by using stiffeners strategically. . x Desiymdata Simply supported weld connected plate girder. Total span (L) = (Roll No. + .....-..-- = 101 ft 135 ft Mid-span (L!1) = (Roll No. ss. ) = 36 R53 ft Il G5 Side-span=L/ =1/ =" =325 8-41 ft u u Z Uniformly distributed load (UDL) over the girder (comes from slab) = 4 Kip per feet. (for odd roll no.) & 4.5 Kip per feet. (for even roll no.) Self weight of girder (initially assumed but it will be checked after final design) = 20% of uniformly distributed load (comes from slab) Total uniformly distributed load (from slab & self-weight) = 4 kip/ft + 20% of 4 kip/ft = 4.8 kip/ft (for odd roll no.) & 4.5 kip/ft + 20% of 4.5 kip/ft = 5.4 kip/ft (for even no.) Concentrated load (both P; & P2) = 120 Kip. (for odd roll no.) & 150 Kip. (for even roll no.) Design method: AISC/ASD (American Institute of Steel Construction / Allowable Stress Design) Steel to be used: ASTM A36 (Yield stress (Fy = 36 ksi)) for both flange plates & web plates Blectrode to be used: E60XX (electrode material tensile strength (Fexx) = 60 ksi. The compression flange of the girder will be supported laterally only at points of concentrated loads. IGE 312 if Level—3, Term ~ 1 J Md Ruhol Armin f 28 Submit calculations and sketches of the virder showing all the necessary information regarding girder web, flar elements. stiffeners and connection various Student Number Left side span Span (feet) | (feen) Mid-span (feet) Right side span (feet) 325: 36 39.5 | 1 CE 312J! Level -3, Term=1 1) Md. Ruhul Amin fl 29 wkip/ft (including | Pt Kip Po kip self-weight) ii it Gs a uv $$ }<_ 4 8) <—_——_——— Span,L ————_—_3 v! Plate girder loading o9) u v/ Te 5 u u Shear force diagram M f maximum ai Ww ! J¢—_—u_—sfe____4 _3|. “u_, J Span, L Bending moment diagram CE 312.1! Level 3, Term 4 1/ Md, Ruhul Amin /? 30 Te = moment of inertia about X -— axis. 5 1 toh b,t3 ht. [gotta hon (wot pong (112, Wit 2 I = moment of inertia of area of f sne-sixth of web on each side about Y — axis. h tot xt eet f 26 | 12 12. I, =minimum of [and I min XX yy yy ; = = minimum or effective radius of gyration of effective e compression flange (radius of gyration of a T section comprising the compression flange plus one-sixth of the compression web area, taken about an axis in the plane of the weh) ] 3 (6 bp +h 1) wow Ph Vinebt, tht (abet ht) F,, = yield stress of ste Ky = allowable bending stress Fle reduced allowable bending stress. L.,, = unbraced Tength / unsupported length (distance between cross-sections braced against twist or lateral displacement of the compression flange) L,, ~ eitical braced length / theoretical unsupported length Bye = yield strength of flange Fy = dield strength of web CE 3120 Level ~ 3, Term ~ 1 1) Md. Ruhul Arvin if 32 Rog & R, = reductior A36 For a homogeneous (non 'y brid) plate girder, F.= FL = steel) Preliminary Design ofWelyand flange Girder flanges are usually proportioned with width-thickness ratios small enough to preclude local buckling prior to attainment of the yield moment of the cross-section. But an efficient section may require a web with a depth-thickness ratio large enough to cause buckling by bending or shear, or both, before the bending moment is large enough to produce yield stress in the flanges. (we design the plate girder as a non-compact section) Selection of Girder Web Plate: The selection of girder web plate involves the following steps: (1) Choose a web depth in relation to span. (2) Choose the minimum thickness in terms of the permissible depth- thickness ratio. Plates are classified as “Universal Mill (UM) Plates” or “Sheared Plates”, according as they are rolled to the specified width, with rolled longitudinal edge, or are sheared (sometimes, at the option of the producer, flame cut) to the ordered width from wider plates. When universal plates are required, the mill order must so state. Universal Mill (UM) plates are used for cover plates of columns and girders, for web plates, and where the appearance or the specifications require a finished edge. Plates: ASTM A36, A242, A529, A572, A588. Plate widths: Various. The catalogues of individual mills should be consulted to determine the most economical widths. Plate widths should vary by even inches, though ; inch increments are obtainable. Plate thickness: N / => increments up to — 32 2 4 we, =~ increments over — to 1 16 2 MW increments over 1” to 3” 4 5 increments over 3” MCE 312 ifLevel ~3, Term 1 /f Wad. Rubul Amin I 33 Preliminary des of web Flexural Buckling/Diagonal Buckling/Bend Buckling: Diagonal buckling of the web occurs when the ratio of cca: depth to thickness of web —% w exceeds Tt oceus bec. -gonal compression which is caused by shear, In this phenomenon, diagonal compression and diagonal tension of equal intensities, and mutually at right angles are set up in the web at the neutral axis at an inclination of 45° with horizontal. At the neutral axis, the intensity of diagonal compression is equal to that of shear Inteneiw »rd inclination of diagonal compression and of diagonal tension a. wiaiz. by bending compressive stress above the neutral axis, and bending tensile stress below the neutral axis (see figure 16). aw Diagonal buckling val axis: it <+— Web plate Figure 16: Diagonal buckling of web Allowable bending stress, F, = 0.60F P No flange stress reduction (beam formula) 760 > Flange stress reduction (plate girder formula) h RY | 24000 w 760 ‘ sO a IF, { IF Ys) YY Pasi (2) Vertical Buckling or Pushing (Limiting Web Slenderness Ratio): There is a tendency for the web to buckle laterally due to heavy compressive stress. where concentrated loads are distributed by bearing plates. The buckling of the web will depend on the rstraint provided by the flanges. During the post-buckling behavior of the web plate, the bending curvature of the plate girder produces compressive forces in the web plate, as shown in figure HCE 312! Lovel ~ 3, Term = 1 // Md. Ruhul Amin f 3 17. This figure shows a portion of the plate located between two neighboring sections. Due to the deflected shape of the girder, the compressive force Ee acting on the top compression flange and the tension force F, acting in the ae tension flange create compressiv e i on the web plate. This web plate should have sufficient buckling strength # resist the compressive forces FE. To satisfy this requirement, the web depth-thickness ratio should not be greater than 4 14x10° wy — or s = Yi 1s +16500 lee +165 Kos “Mos “Y sh es when a>1.5h, (ise, when the spacing of transverse stiffeners is greater than 1.5 times the distance between flanges) ce stiffeners is not greater a 1.5 times we distance between flanges) h -(% to pe span = "cine to——— * Gnch) , in inches Ww oo 15, 10 15 ; when as1Sh. (ie, when the spacing of transverse oF =? inch (to prevent the undesirable consequences of corrosion, an absolute minimum web thickness is usually specified in practice. A minimum thickness of 2 inch is recommended for bridge plate girders. For plate girders used in buildings which are not exposed to harsh corrosive environment, a smaller absolute minimum web thickness of ; inch is suggested. A =hit woww z ie Plate width: section rounded to next = inch, W “yt le Plate thickness: —- increments up to — , — increments over — to 1", 32 2°16 " Vl 3 inerements over 1103", q_ increments over gt WCE 312 Ui Level—3, Term ~ 1 Md. Ruhl Amin d! 35 [for example, a plate of 34.41 inch x 0.5381 inch should be written as PL 34 9 ‘ f x 6 a plate of 32.61 inch x 0.4732 inch should be written as PL 33 x Z &so on; because it is the commercially available size (on the market)] Unbalanced resultant force in compression flange Girder web Unbalanced resultant force in tension flange Figure 17: Vertical web compression due to unbalanced force in flanges (squeezing of the web due to bending of the girder during tension field action) Selection of Girder Flanges: After the girder web is tentatively selected, the next step is to determine the sizes of the girder flanges. The steps in selecting the girder flanges are: (1) Preliminary selection (2) Check width-thickness rations (3) Determine reduced allowable bending stress in flanges. (4) Select reduced-sized flanges for use away from maximum moment, and determine location of flange transitions. Flange area: The flange area is assumed to be made up of: (1) Horizontal legs of angles only, plus the flange plates. (2) Whole angle area, plus the flange plates. (, Vhole angle area and plates, plus aj.” 1 of the web. Each flange should preferably consist of a single section rather than two or more sections superimposed, but the single section may comprise of a series of sections laid end to end and effectively welded at their junctions. Flange plates shall be jointed by butt welds. Theses butt welds shall develop the full strength of the plates. In practice, the gross area of the compression flange and tension CE 312: Level -3, Term ~1 lf Md. Ruhl Amin f 36 flange are kept equal. The number of flange plates shall be as few as possible. The thickest plate should be placed next to the angles. Preferably, plates of same thickness should be used. Flanges are designed by the following methods: (1) Flange area method: Trial section of plate girder is determined by flange area method (also termed as approximate method). (2) Moment of inertia method: A trial section of the plate girder, designed by flange area method is checked by moment of inertia method. Preliminary design of flange: (flange area method) (totaly ~ Meftangey * Meweby M_,___,,= total moment due to superimposed loads (total) M ( flange) moment resistance of flange M = moment resistance of web (web) The moment resistance of the web Mob) can be defined as follows M fh A =kKthA wow were tw 2 Where AY is the area of entire web and fy is extreme fiber bending stress for the web. From the above equation it can be seen that one-sixth of the total web area can be considered as effective in resisting moment Meee lever arm ite and bending stress fe ‘The value of k’ varies approximately from one- cighth (for riveted plate girder) to one-sixth (for welded plate girder), Assuming, k’ = one-sixth, the area required for each flange A ¢ Will be CE 3121! Level -3, Term — 1 I! Md, Ruhul Amin ff 37 M A Age a mlx sew fp Boe 6 Ap=? inch? The required section modulus for a beam is M S (required) = = and the resisting moment supplied is M =F, x8, (actual) The bending moment of a plate girder equals the sum of bending strengths of the girder web and flanges. An approximate evaluation of the girder’s bending strength can be obtained as follows: Torsional failure ——> Lateral-torsional failure ¥ Vertical failure Figure 18: Three Modes of Collapse of Compression Flange I Seas 3 d ()) 1, = Laveb) * Ixcflange) 3 3 / 2 h ath “hea (eet) I x 12 12 a) the ny T x» 42a.) x” 12 £| 2 Then the section modulus of the girder for Be becomes approximately 11 CE 312/! Level~3, Term —1 Md. Runul Amin i 38 The first term on the right side of the above equation represents the flange area that would be needed to resist the bending moment M.. , Without help from the toh A web. The next term, ae or Saat is the equivalent flange area contributed by the girder web. This equation provides a tentative trial selection that is subject to later verification by the moment-of-inertia method. M A —X__—W.: this gives a preliminary design for the maximum-moment Fy 6 section. Flanges for others sections will usually be smaller, but additional material will be required for web stiffeners and splices. The total weight of the girder of constant depth can be approximated by assuming the maximum- moment cross-section along the entire span. This weight may be reduced if the section can be varied along the span by reducing flange area or web thickness. However, if stiffeners are required they may add 5 to 10% of girder weight, and splices & other details may add another 5 to 10%.] [Ay A The portion of the web Coe) which acts as flange is termed as web equivalent. ko is the local buckling co-efficient. Check for adequacy against local buckling (see figure 9(a) & 9(b)). HCE 312 if Level ~3, Term ~ 1! Md.Ruhul Artin i! 39 Apab,xt =?i by ? inch fi Trial girder section: Web member (A. =b_ xt.) & flange member wow Ww (Ap =bp xty) Finvall Design of Mel ancl é The compression flange forms a strut which is held in vertical plane by the web plate. In the horizontal plane, unless a support is given by means of cross- beams, bracing or a slab cast-in-situ, there will be tendency for the compression flange to buckle (called lateral buckling or lateral-torsional buckling (see figure 11), and this will reduce the maximum allowable stress in compression. ‘Therefore, the compressive stress in the flange should be checked, FAIS) ¢oment of Inertia Method) A. =effectivearea =2) A, +—™ e Tan on, pe) Minimum t \ A e L.,= actual unsupported/imbraced length of compression flange (distance between cross-sections braced against twist or lateral displacement of the compression flange). For a cantilever free to twist (except at the support) Ly is the actual length. 1 CE 312! Level ~3, Term ~ 1 1! Md. Ruhul Amin /! 40 1 Ne theoretical / critical unsupported/unbraced length 6b, Ly ae (this formula is based on the lateral bending strength of the Vy compression flange) 20000 P : co and L|=7—~ (this formula is to be used when torsional twisting é vA ) , fe becomes critical) [Where, bin inch, din inch, A pin inch, By in ksi, Lin inch] Take smaller value of L from these two expressions. > If L, Ss Ly No chance of lateral-torsional buckling & no bracing required. Allowable bending stress F, = 0.68 (in laterally supported beams, reduction in allowable bending compressive stress is not required. Bending compressive stress is taken equal to the allowable bending tensile stress) > IFL,, >L lateral torsional buckling occurs & bracing required to prevent it, Allowable bending stress F, obtained from two sets of equations. Set (1): According to AISC, the susceptibility to buckling is related to the ratio L of buckling length to effective radius of gyration (F, value depends on ae 1 t ratio). These formulas are based on the lateral bending stiffness of the compression flange and a small part of the web. ‘They do not account for elastic torsional buckling strength and tend to be conservative. Ly - aS OF, ifo FER GR. A Ree ae 1-0.0005—™} is the plate girder stress reduction co-efficient. 1CE 3121 Level ~3, Term —11/ Md. Ruhl Amin! A 12+(™ Ba~a3 ( Ay )Ga- a") iene 1.0; R, is the hybrid beam co-efficient (hybrid 124+2(-¥ ( Ay ) girder factor). This equation is intended to account for the effect on the strength of a hybrid girder with a web of low yield strength and is applicable only when the area and grade of the steel in both flanges are the same. Otherwise, a more complicated analysis is required. The formula applies to single symmetric girders (cross-section is symmetrical about the axis of the web (y-axis), provided the compression flange is larger than the tension flange. 0.6F a=——™ <1.0, for non-hybrid / homogeneous girder a= 1.0 & R= 1.0 b z nf op Reduced allowable bending stress, K = FLRpgke Actual bending stress (maximum), o . = maximum XX .__ = maximum bending moment for the span considered. maximum (h, +2t,) c= extreme fibre distance = : ow 5 ate o F.; section is not OK; revise the section (increases the depth of maximum ~ b web or increase width of flange to increase the moment of inertia thus reducing the bending stress) Variation of Flange Thicknesses: The bending moment varies in the span; therefore, the flange thicknesses calculated for the maximum bending moment is not necessary to run throughout the span. Where the bending moment is less, flange thickness may be reduced. The moment resistance of the girder with reduced thickness of flange plate is calculated and the point at which the bending moment is equal to the calculated moment of resistance is worked out analytically or graphically and at the point the flange thickness may be reduced. The plates are butt welded at junction to form continuous flange (see figure 20). The flange plates in compression flange are curtailed at same positions, where flange plates are curtailed in tension flange. When plate girder is used in exposed situation at least one plate of top flange shall extend the full length of the girder. ACE 312 Level - 3, Term—1 #! Md, Ruhul Amin i) 45 Cover plate thickness changes Maximum bending moment (shaded region indicates moment capacity) Moment capacity, C segment ‘Moment capacity, B segment ‘Moment capacity, A segment Figure 20(a): Thickness change locations in plate girder flanges | i =) Qe > <)> (> {a} Loading diagram (b) Shear force diagram —_—_(¢) Bending momant diagram A=t010em | A=1320em Zone (1) : Low moment & high shear Zone (2): Low shear & high moment 00mm Wide x 40mm 9900 900mm x Orr Thick lange plates = ange plates © ITsSat 2420mm x ou te 1Ommtt 2380mm x a End |] 2500crs 7} 12mm web 10mm web 7 pest{{ throughout || plato plato dy Splice ‘Chanrfor at Tin S max. sk (6) Plate girder details pis Figure 20(b): Plate girder with splice & variable cross-section. HCE 312 i! Level ~3, Term— 1 /! Md.Ruhul Amin if 46 Wel) Stilfeners The web of a plate girder is so thin that there is always tendency for diagonal buckling and vertical buckling. Therefore, stiffeners are provided. In riveted plate girders, angle sections are used as stiffeners, and in welded plate girders, plates are used as stiffeners. Vertical/transverse stiffeners may be in pairs one on either side of the web or single. When single stiffeners are used, these should be placed alternately on the opposite sides of the web. A web plate is called unstiffened when the ratio of clear depth to thickness of 0 & - R =. It does not require stiffeners. A web plate is V Peksiy web ae is less than Ww h called stiffened when the ratio of clear depth to thickness of web © is greater t w — and stiffeners are provided to provide extra strength to web. \ Dicsiy Plate girders basically carry the loads by bending. The bending moment is mostly carried by flange plates. A web plate in needed to unify the two flange plates to carry the shear. Thin web plates are susceptible to unstable behavior. Thick web plates make the girder unnecessarily heavy. A relatively thin web plate strengthened by stiffeners often yields the lightest plate girder. If the plate girder has properly designed stiffeners, the instability of the web plate panels, bounded on all sides by the transverse stiffeners of flanges, will not result in failure. In fact, after the web panels buckle in shear, the plate girder behaves like a pratt truss shown in figure 21(a). It will then be carry to additional loads. A stiffened plate girder has considerable post-buckling strength. The pratt truss of figure 21(a) is subjected to a concentrated load applied at its midspan. In this truss, the vertical members are in compression and the diagonals are in tension. The post-buckling behavior of the plate girder is analogous to the behavior of this truss. As shown in figure 21(b), after the shear instability of the web takes place, a redistribution of stresses occurs; the stiffeners behave like axially compressed members, and shaded portion of the web behave like tension diagonals in the truss of figure 21(a). This truss like behavior is called tension-field action. The post-buckling strength of the web plate may be three or four times its initial buckling strength. Consequently, designs on the basis of tension-field action can yield better economy. HPCE 312! Level -3, Term 1/1 Md, Ruhul Amin / 47 P Vertical member under compression | i Diagonal member P/2 under tension (a) Bottom chord = pa B Intermediate Top flange Bier suiiener iN , { ‘b pl , Web plate Portion of web B ‘hord P2 under tension ) eo 2 Figure 21: Analogy between a truss and a stiffened plate girder (b) Pratt or N-truss ICE 342! Level ~ 3, Term = 4! Mad. Ruhul Amin ff 48 {a} "Web only” {b) Complete tension fiold action tension field action Figure 22; Inclination of tension fields Plastic Big { sai 4 ‘OL Le ceyig ees ko} involved in ate ponsiaes {a} Prior to buckling {b) Post buckling {c} Collepso Figure 23: Phases in behaviour upto collapse of a typical panel in shear. gat Bearing Stiffener Bearing stiffeners arc designed as columns. Bearing stiffeners are provided at end & intermediate bearing supports and at concentrated load locations producing compression in the web & serving to distribute the reaction or load to the whole depth of the web (supports provides reaction is one type of concentrated load). Bearing stiffeners serve three interrelated functions, which are illustrated in Figure 24, (1) They transfer local reactive forces to web shear, as illustrated in Figure 24(a) (2) They prevent local crippling in the web intermediately adjacent to concentrated reactions of loads. This type of failure is illustrated in Figure 24(b). If no bearing stiffeners are used, the local compressive stress in the web must be checked by AISCS Formula (1.10-8) for interior loads, or (1.10-9) for end loads or reactions. IGE 312 Level - 3, Term —1 #/ Md. Ruhul Amin) 49 (3) Finally, bearing stiffeners prevent a more general vertical buckling of the web, of the type illustrated in Figure 24(c). In the connection the allowable average vertical stress components are specified by AISCS Formulas (1.10-10) and (1.10-11), the choice being determined by whether or not the top flange is restrained against rotation. In these Formulas the vertical force is assumed to be distributed over length of web equal to girder depth or the length of stiffened panel in which the load is placed-whichever dimension is the lesser. Bearing stiffeners are used to avoid local bending failure of the flange, local crippling or buckling and crushing of web. ‘ t 7 ty ty My a My RERRR ERAS wvtvyevey (a) Shear transfer (b) Local cripp!i: (c) Local buckling Figure 24: Support conditions at end of girder Requirements: Bearing, stiffeners should always be provided in pairs (shall be symmetrical about the web) at the ends of the plate girders and, if required, at MCE 312! Level 3, Term—1 i Md, Ruhl Amin ff points of application of concentrated loads* (where shear is high). Bearing stiffener required when any of the following four conditions is failed to satisfy. *[when concentreted loads are appied normal tothe flanges in planes parallel to the webs of flexural members, the flange(s) and veb(s) mist be checked to ensure hat they may have suficient stengh to withstand the concentrated forces} > (1) Local Flange Buckling: If the concentrated force that acts on the beam flange is tensile, the beam flange may experience excessive bending, leading to failure by fracture. To preclude this type of failure, transverse stiffeners are to be provided opposite the tension flange unless the length of the load when measured across the beam flange is less than 0.15 times the flange width (ie, No check required if distance of loading form centerline, ie., eccentricity, e <0.15b¢ (see figure 25)) or if the flange thickness excceds, Figure 25: Point of load application Prem ; x Foree delivered by flange / moment connection plate (dead load + live load) PB, . ‘ x Force delivered by flange / moment connection plate (dead load + live load + wind load + earthquake load) In addition to shearing and bending stresses in the web of a beam, there are compressive stresses in the vertical direction because of bearing of the loads on the flanges. The failure that may result as a result of such localized compression CE 312) Level~3, Term 1 /IMd, Ruhl Amin! 51 is called by various names, such as direct compression, web crippling, and local yielding. > (2) Local Web Yielding R Compressive stress at web tow, f = —————~ me one owe on= (a) (N+5K) w R go ee 10) t. (N+2.5K) ®) w Use equation (a) when, force applied at a distance from member end > depth of member (= h) Use equation (b) when, force applied at or near the end of the member i.e., at 2 distance from member end < depth of member (= h) Where, R = Concentrated load or reactions in kips. ww = web thickness in inch = length of bearing availabie = 10 inch (see figure 26(a) & 26(b)) he st tt D = distance from outer face of flange to web toe of filet (see figure 27) t= flange thiekness in inch D = fillet weld size (between web & flange) in inch. Select a fillet weld size (D) in between Din and Dnax (from table 3 & 4). —_ =D+t Ye=p+t, | ty K wed |] V | N42.5K |, N25K 5 PK=D+t, : i mee sihpon Bearing plate Views“ ya): Beas Mnmorts at end uo hee) HCE 3121 Level~3, Term —11/ Md. Rubul Amin 2 columa - Tange iin et Sa N ie Nt5K web aS web “Hanae Ta Figure 26(b): Bearing supports at interior concentrated load 7 h = w rae d, =d-2K EN Eve 2S 4 CE 342 Level - 3, Term 1 {/ Md, Rul Arrin /! Figure 27: Definition of K and a. Table 3: Minimum size of fillet weld Onin) Minimum fillet weld size .. min (inch) ) Maximum thickness of part | = flange thickness (t,.) a _fineh) To Y inclusive ___ Over K to % ___ Over 4 to% Over % to 14 | Over Ato 2% Over 2% to6 Over 6 53 Table 4: Maximum size of fillet weld (D av __ max ze | Minimum thickness = web thickness cD part | inch) (inch) Thickness of material Less than % inch (Thickness of material — % 7 7 [ W/16 inch) Ys inch & over % inch Allowable compressive stress at web toe, FE = 0.66F y Nisin ER 3 no bearing stiffener required Iff> BR ; bearing stiffener required > (3) Web Crippling 1.5 ae. t t R=67502 |1 a ad F (‘x |, when concentrated load applied w d te \ wi, } at a distance > $ from the end of the member. sit 5 | nyt | th R pate It 6 Ts — |; when concentrated load applied at w Al owl d a distance < 5 from the end of the member. Where, R = critical value of concentrated load (in kip) oe web thickness in inch {= flange thiekness in inch h=d-=total height/depth of the girder in inch = (h | +2t,) F_ =yield strength of web steel in ksi yw If concentrated load or reaction < critical value of concentrated load (R); no bearing stiffener required If concentrated load or reaction > critical value of concentrated load (R): bearing stiffener required CE 312i! Level 3, Term —1 U1 Md. Ruhl Ain it 54. Buckling type illustration Shear buckling of web Lateral- torsional buckling of girder Local buckling of compression flange Compression buckling of web ————————— eeoeeos Flange induced buckling of the web Local buckling of web (due to vertical load} Bending I it aS Distributed Concentrated (au Figure 28: Buckling phenomena in plate girder. MCE 312 if Level - 3, Term —1/ Md. Ruhul Amin i {a) Unstiffened web (b} stiffened web Figure 29: Buckling of slender web under shear. D (4) Side-sway Web Buckling: Side-sway web buckling may occur on the web of a member if a compressive concentrated load is applied to a flange which ig not restrained against relative movement by stiffeners or lateral bracings. a Be if the loaded flange is not restrained against rotation about the longitudinal 6800t? , momber axis and x $1.7; R= (0.40% ) 4 CE 312. Level ~3, Term —1 J/ Md. Ruhl Amin f * If the loaded flange is restrained against rotation about the longitudinal member 680007 axis and x <2.3; R = x Ges 0.40x3 ) \ / When, x > 2.3; no check required Where, R = critical value of concentrated load (in kip) bee flange width in inch dk =d-—2K = web depth clearance of fillets in inch (see figure 27) @ Nag = largest laterally unbraced length in inch If concentrated load or reaction < critical value of concentrated load (R); no bearing stiffener required If concentrated load or reaction > critical value of concentrated load (R); bearing stiffener required Design of Bearing Stiffener: Bearing stiffeners should extend roughly to the edges of the flange plates, and their length should be close to the depth of the web plate in order to have close bearing with the flange plates. They are designed as columns with cross-sectional area which includes a centrally located strip of the web. Ose =F, —4!) inch t inch bs > hw h, =h_ inch bs ow Where, La width of one bearing stiffener (stiffeners should extend upto the end of flanges as far as practicable but it should not exceed the flange width because in that case stiffener portion outside the flange is not capable of resisting loads) t> thickness of bearing stiffener De height of bearing stiffener (sometimes the height of bearing stiffeners is chosen slightly, say /% inch less than the depth of the web plate. The bearing stiffener, however, should be in contact with the flange receiving the concentrated load. Avge = Pigg * tpg” ates of one beating stiffener [subscript ‘bs* indicates bearing stiffener] Check the trial section for local buckling & for compressive stress. Check for Local Buckling: check width-thickness ratio 1 CE 312i! Level ~3, Term—1 if Md, Ruhul Amin jf 57 3 OK for local buckling > Go i (ksi) (b,,) further because it will exceed the flange width(b,). So increase 3 not OK. You can not increase the width of bearing stiffener thickness ,) of bearing stiffener. Thickness (th) increments must be multiple of -~ inch. Check for Compressive Stress: 1f the bearing stiffener is subjected to a concentrated load (or reaction) of magnitude P, the compressive stress Coctuat)™ the bearing stiffener shall not exceed the allowable axial compressive stress @)- - EB; Actual compressive stress, f. Sg actual A , effective f = actual compressive stress actual P = reaction or concentrated load For end bearing stiffeners, the width of the central strip of the web is taken as 12 times the thickness of the web (figure 30(a)). Therefore, the effective area for checking the axial compressive stresses is = at os 2. ite th A csrective = 2°bs tpg tty “ty =2Aps t12t, 3 for end bearing stiffener (end reaction) For an interior bearing stiffener, the width of the central strip of the web is taken as 25 times the thickness of the web (figure 30(a)). Thus, the effective area for checking the axial compressive stresses becomes a 6. . . = =2b, * Hts psc 2 A csrective 2D tee 25t te 2Aus + Sts for interior bearing stiffener (concentrated load) 1 CE 312 Level -3, Term—1 /! Md, Ruhul Amin 58 End bearing Intermediate stiffener bearing stiffener 120, 25t je") : je lle ta alle te Figure 30(a): Equivalent cross-sectional areas for column design of bearing stiffeners (plan view) End bearing f Intermediate stiffener p_'t bearing stiffener t t a Bas Pw hah | sabe | a £ sl le ts al le Figure 30(b): Bearing stiffeners (side view) Buckling of the web will conceivably occur about a horizontal axis parallel to the plane of the web, So, it is customarily assumed that the hypothetical column consisting of the web and stiffeners will possibly buckle about the same axis; otherwise each stiffener will buckle about its own axis, which is perpendicular to the previously mentioned axis. As a result, the radius of gyration (1) is calculated about the horizontal axis on the plane of web. 3 3 (ty x, +t +b, P(t, )x(2b, +t)? Moment of inertia, [| =—0s——-bs_w bs’ _"bs-" bs" w" bs 12 12 oe P . ne eo aibs Radius of gyration (minimum), i = man effective Bearing stiffeners are connected to the web, the effective length factor K is taken as 0.75 (the effective length shall be taken as not less than three-fourths the length of the stiffeners in computing the slendcrness ratio). CE 3121! Level ~ 3, Term ~4 /! Md, Ruhul Amin i 59 a” ; 3 re 5 3/KLr)_ 1) Kit 3 sfc | alc c © 2. c p -12x7E__ 149000 ikeoc a A ae ¥ c ef (2) yf F_~ allowable stress in compression. iff Eo not OK. You have to increase the cross-sectional area of the further because it will exceed the flange width (b p: So increase thickness (hs) of bearing stiffener. Thickness (t,,.) increments must be multiple of inch. Selected size of bearing stiffener: 2PL, bs x us xh, Bearing stiffeners are pivsided straight, shall not be joggled or crimped and shall be solidly packed throughout. Local detail is important in the transfer of a load concentration into bearing stiffeners. For example, if a very heavy column introduces a load or acts as a support, two pair of stiffeners are desirable so as to introduce the column flange bearing stress directly into the stiffeners without local bending of the girder flanges, as shown in figure 31. 4 CE 342i! Level~3, Term—1// Md, Ruhl Amin If @ om load <— Bearing —> ao stiffeners Column support Figure 31: Bearing stiffeners Intenmediate Sut Intermediate Stiffeners / Transverse Web/Shear Stiffeners: When the shear stress in the web is kept below the allowable value by AISCS Eq. (1.10-1), intermediate stiffeners, if required, serve simply to improve the buckling resistance of the web plate and no tension field action takes place. For greater shear stress, limited only by AISCS Eq. (1.10-2), the shear strength is assumed to be the sum of the buckled web plate strength and the diagonal tension that is induced in the buckled web plate strength and diagonal tension that is induced in the buckled web. The intermediate stiffeners then play the dual role of improving buckling resistance and acting as compression struts as in truss action. They are analogous to the stirrups in a concrete beam. Since shear stress is greater at support points, intermediate stiffeners are at closer spacing towards the supports than in the middle of the span. Lenet or transverse/vertical web/shear stiffener The design of intermediate stiffeners, when such stiffeners are required, consists of (1) Plotting a maximum shear stress diagram. (2) Locating first stiffeners away from each end. (3) Locating the remaining intermediate stiffeners. (4) Selecting the size of intermediate stiffeners. (5) Checking the maximum tensile stress in the web. CE 312 Level -3, Term = 1 1/ Nd, Ruhl Amin /! 61 Intermediate stiffeners are used to avoid diagonal buckling of the web. > (1) Plotting a maximum shear stress diagram: Stiffener spacing is a function of shear stress in the particular panel under consideration. It is also a function of the web-thickness ratio. A plot of maximum shear stress along the girder permits rapid selection of intermediate stiffener spacing. Stiffened webs (web with stiffeners) can fail by any of the three mechanisms: yielding, buckling, or post-buckling tension field behavior (see figure 13 & 21). The allowable shear stresses depend on web slendemess ratio » stiffener spacing ratio or pane! aspect ratio A and yield strength of the w material(F ). y The allowable shearing stress in the plate girder web is limited by one of the following criteria: (a) factor of safety of 1.45 against yielding in pure shear. (b) factor of safety of 1.67 against elastic or inelastic buckling in pure shear. (c) factor of safety of 1.67 against web yielding in post-buckling range when shear is carried partly by developing “tension field” stresses. > Intermediate stiffeners are not needed if h —¥ <260 and f. Intermediate stiffeners are needed if h > 260 and/or f. >F t vov w f= the greatest unit shear in the panel in psi, under any condition of complete or partial loading = a Where, V_ =maximum shear force& A| =h xt =area of web max wow Ww RS allowable shearing stress 1CE 312: Level -3, Term — 1 /! Md. Ruhul Amin Jf 6 h * Oar if Wee y t V asi) =) F h F =-C )<04F if > v y v2.89 t 7 Wy “asi > (2) Locate first stiffeners away from each end: In girder design the spacing between stiffeners at end panels and panels adjacent to those containing large holes shall be such that the web shear stress at end panels does not exceed the allowable shear stress. 380 rE F =—X(C_)<04F v2.89 -v y Thus theses panels are designed without any benefit of tension-field action and are assumed to act as anchor panels for the adjacent tension fields neighboring panels. The first intermediate stiffener should be placed at a distance not more than 11000x(t_) = W_ or 84 inch (from each end) ae ‘max [f vee (psi) > (3) Locate the remaining intermediate stiffeners: Use table (see AISC manual of Steel Construction) or use the following formulas Spacing of intermediate stiffeners should be such that (1) The computed shear stress a) in the web does not exceed the allowable 2 260 as|—~—| fh.) foal Ae a (3) -"-<3.0 or a<3.0h h w w ‘The last two conditions are somewhat arbitrarily chosen limits on the panel shear stress (F). a " . aspect ratio (stiffener spacing ratio) =— to facilitate handling during w fabrication and erection. When the effect of tension-field action is taken into account, the allowable shear stress is given by 1.CE 312 Level -3, Term 4 (! Nel Ruhl Amin ff 64 — ——— |<0.40F ; note that the first term within valels y 1.15. bw) the bracket is the pre-buckling contribution & the second term within the brackets is the post-buckling tension-field contribution. 534. a K =44 55; if <10K, > 9,34) a w v C_ is the ratio of shear stress at buckling to the shear yield stress (shear v buckling co-efficient) (Salmon and Johnson, 1996) & K) is buckling co- efficient depends on the stiffener spacing ratio al ’ w b> (4) Select size of intermediate stiffeners: based on the following requirements (a) When the design of the plate girder is based on tension-field action, the gross area of each intermediate stiffener or the total area of a pair of stiffeners, when they are used in pairs, should be at least equal to MCE 312! Level 3, Term ~ 1 4! Ne. Ruhul Amin i? 65 The area requirement is for the additional purpose of supplying adequate compression strut capacity during tension-field action. A, Bross area ofa single or a pair of stiffeners, in square inches where, Fay > eld strength of web & F,. = yield strength of ys : intermediate stiffener. For homogeneous (non-hybrid) plate girder FL, Fy. s7= 10 D = 1.0 for stiffeners furnished in pairs, 1.8 for single angle stiffeners, 2.4 for single plate stiffeners. During tension-field action the intermediate stiffeners behave as short struts. ‘The required stiffener area (A;.)as given by the above equation ensures sufficient compression capacity of the stiffeners. Due to eccentric transfer of load with respect to the web, single-sided stiffeners are subjected to considerable bending moment in addition to axial load and consequently are substantially less efficient than double-sided stiffeners. This consideration is reflected in the above equation by the variable D. f Actual area required, (A. . Vx A, ual area required, (Ai) quired =F is v ‘ 1 i Try with plate, b. xt = asp required ° plates; each area b, x t.) (bh, )_. =h_ -6t_ —S; where, S = fillet weld size (weld between web & ismin wo Ww flange) It is noted that the intermediate stiffeners may be stopped short of the tension flange at a distance not to exceed four times the web thickness provided bearing is not needed to transmit a concentrated load or reaction. h, =h_ —(4t_ to6t_) Is Ww w w ‘Where, b= width of intermediate stiffener (stiffeners should extend upto the end of flanges as far as practicable but it should not exceed the flange width because in that case stiffener portion outside the flange is not capable of resisting loads) ICE 312! Level ~3, Term —1 /) Md. Ruhul Amin 6 fae thickness of intermediate stiffener hi = width of intermediate stiffener [subscript ‘is’ indicates intermediate stiffener] Stiffeners Web Bottom - 5 . F , flange Figure 33(a): Horizontal section of a plate girder with alternated stiffeners Stiffeners l I Vi ile LU a “I Bottom flange Figure 33(b): Horizontal section of a plate girder with stiffeners placed on one side Stiffener; | 4 Web / NY Bottom flange Figure 33(c): Horizontal section of a plate girder with stiffeners in pairs NCE 3121 Level 3, Term—1 /I Me Ruhul Amin // 67 [End bearing — hi. =h, - dt, to 6t) -—~ Intermediate stiffener beating stiffener) ‘f 4p Ce hl =h >| < os L Gi allt, Intermediate web silat, 7? ka stiffener a a | a 1 * a, = Location of first intermediate stiffener from end a= spacing of other remaining stiffeners Figure 33(d): Intermediate stiffencrs (side view) P(b) Stiffeners are free on one edge and consequently considered as unstiffened elements. Check width-thickness ratio (i.e. local buckling requirements) > (c) The moment of inertia of a single intermediate stiffener or a pair of intermediate stiffeners G,,) with respect to an axis in the plane of the web ané perpendicular to the plane of the stiffeners) (axis X-X in figure 34) should be a least equal to (n_ yt a * 30 is “| 50 3 fg) * Cig th ge is 12 3 )x(2b ne) HCE 312/! Level ~3, Term 4 f/ Nd, Ruhul Amit a UZ Flange Web Stiffeners | Figure 34: Plair of portion a plate girder with a pair of stiffeners This requirement is intended to provide adequate lateral support for the web plate and prevent it from deflecting out of its plane when web buckling takes place (i.e. prevent local bending of the web between buckled panels). Selected size of intermediate stiffener: 2PL b x te oa be Intermediate stiffeners may be joggled or crimped or straight. & (5) Check maximum bending tensile stress in the girder web (check combined shear and bending in the web): Plate girder webs, which depend upon tension- field action, shall be so designed that the bending tensile stress (see figure 14) shall meet the requirement i js Ee f£ BE ( 825 — = SU-OEF bx gE v we. {3) bee res 4.CE 312 Level ~3, Term ~ 1 1/ Md. Ruhul Amin i 6 : f f i ; b = 0.825 ~ 0.375 i 0.6F v Figure 35: The interaction between shear and bending in plate girders. according to AISC specification in shown in this figure. In any panel where the tensile bending stress f, <0.75F, . the allowable shearing stress is 0.4K & in any panel where t <0.6F the allowable bending stress (in the web) is % Loa otherwise the bending _ stress f, must satisfy f f, <| 0.825-0.375— |F. b EA, This requirement should be met only when the design of the web plate is based on tension-field action (the critical section where the bending moment has considerable value and the shear force is considerable). In this case, due to large shear stresses in the web, the maximum tensile stress which acts at an angle to the girder axis could be considerably larger than the maximum tensile stress " ‘+9 the girder axis. The critical section where the bending moment has sand the shear force is considerable. ‘The use of this formuss bypu..” the more complex calculation of maximum direct tensile siress, which acts at angle to J: girder axis. Where, M = moment at critical -~tion (critical section where appreciable sheas and bending moment is present) Ex = allowable bending tensile stress in webs (at the junction of woh = — flange) due to moment in the plane of the girder web. ho maximum bending tensile stress in webs (at the junction of web ané flange) due to moment in the plane of the girder web. HCE 312 Level -3, Term= 1 // Md, Ruhul Amin ~ cf computed average web shear siress (total shear divided by web area) F F_ =allowableshear stress = we 2.89 Note that if this condition fox Sax is not satisfied, the spacing of the intermediate stiffeners is normally reduced. The influence of combined shearing and bending stresses in the compression zone of the girder web may cause some premature buckling, but generally this is considered to have negligible effect on the ultimate capacity of thin web girders, However, consideration must be given to the combined effect of shearing and bending stresses in the tension zone where premature yielding may limit the capacity. Analytical and experimental studies have shown that interaction of shear and bending can be neglected if > (a) The shearing stress in the web is not greater than 0.60 the allowable value BS or D> (b) The bending stress in the web is not greater than 0.75 the maximum allowable value. Because in many cases high shear does not occur at the section of high moment, the interaction may not be critical. When a section is subjected to high shear and high moment, a linear interaction between conditions (a) and (b) is recommended. This effect may also be expressed by the following design conditions: £ f <| 1.375-0.625— |p b F v f or, f | >| >} IK gs ——_ Figure 38: Longitudinally stiffened plate subjected to pure bending Longitudinal stiffeners should be proportioned so that 2 I= 0 afi -0.13 ww h WW. CE 312M Level ~ 3, Term —1/! vd. Ruhul Amin i! B Where, | = minimum moment of inertia of he longitudinal stiffener about its edge in contact with the web plate. The thickness of the longitudinal stiffener, typ must satisfy the following: v! fe, tpl ab , stf 2250 Where, b’ = width of stiffeners and an is in psi Longitudinal stiffeners may be provided in pairs on each side of the web or single. The stiffeners shall extend between vertical/transverse stiffeners but need not be continuous over them (may be cut at their intersections with the transverse stiffeners). Transverse or longitudinal stability stiffeners prevent web buckling or to increase post-buckling strength. Wely Slices a.flange splices Web Splices: A joint in the web plate is known as web splice. Plates are manufactured upto a limited length. When maximum manufactured length of plate is insufficient for full length of plate girder, web splice becomes essential. Tt also becomes essential, when length of the plate girder is too long to handle conveniently during transportation and erection. Splices in the web shall be designed to resist shears and moments at the spliced section. As far as possible, web splices may be located at sections where excess flange areas are available. Excess flange areas are available at sections prior to curtailment of flange plates. Preferably, splices may be located under stiffeners. Splices should not be located at the sections, where maximum bending moments occur. In case, only one splice may suffice for full length of the girder, it may be located at such sections. In riveted construction, splice plates shall be provided in each side of the web. Generally rivets are provided in two rows. In welded construction, web splices shall preferably be made with penetration butt welds Three types of web splices are used (shear splice, moment splice & rational splice). Flange Splices: Flange splices should be avoided as far as possible. In general, flange angles and flange plates can be obtained for full length of the plate eirder. Inspite of availability of full lengths of flange angles and flange plates. sometimes it becomes necessary to make flange splices, for example, the transportation facilities may not permit transportation of the plate girder for the entire span as one piece. Flange splices should be located at the sections where some excess of flange area is available and not at the points where web splice is done. Only one element of the flange, viz, one flange angle or one plate shoulé MCE 312 0 Level~3, Term —1 (Md. Ruhut Amin I Br be spliced at one section. The strength of splice should be equal to or greater than 50% of the strength of spliced element. Figure 39(a): Combination bolted and welded flange splices Figure 39(b): Flange splices bolted both sides 1.GE 312! Level - 3, Term— 1/1 Md, Ruul Amin i/ 15 Figure 39(c): Welded Splice Flange joints should not be preferably located at points of maximum stress*. Where splice plates are used, their area shall be not less than 5% in excess of the flange element spliced and their centre of gravity shall coincide, as nearly as possible, with that of the clement spliced. There shall be enough rivets or welds on each side of the splice to develop the load in the element spliced plus 5 per cent, but in no case should the strength developed be less than 50 per cent of the effective strength of the material spliced. In welded construction, flange plates shall be joined by complete penetration butt welds, wherever possible. These butt welds shall develop the full strength of the plates. [girder flanges cary normal stresses due to bending moment and therefore whenever possible, for economy of material, flange splices should be located at sections other than those of maximum moments Q Desiymof Connections: fillet Weld Des (1) Flange-to-web connection: we provide intermittent weld. (2) Intermediate stiffener-to-web connection: we provide intermittent weld. (3) Bearing stiffener-to-web connection: we provide continuous weld. igi ee re Welding of the stiffeners to the compression flange keeps them normal to the web and consequently makes them more stable. Moreover, such welding causes the stiffeners to resist any uplift tendency due to torsion and thus provides restraint against torsional buckling of the compression flange. Welding of the stiffeners to the tension flange is not necessary. In fact, such welding increases the chance of fatigue or brittle failure. Intermediate stiffeners not transmitting a concentrated load or reaction can be stopped short of the tension flange. The distance between the point of termination of the stiffener-to-web weld and the 1.CE 312.1! Level - 3, Term—1 #] Md Ruhl Amin f! 6 near toe of the web-to-flange weld should be smaller than four times the web thickness or greater than six times the web thickness. Electrode designation E60XX, Allowable shear stress, F_ = 0. BOF KKK Table 5: Minimum size of fillet weld (S air) Minimum fillet weld size | Maximum thickness of part Syyin)> inch. (nay inch, iw | To “inclusive | eSC*dSS*~C~*é‘C er Kt _—*Y = eas _Over 4 t0% c _ 5/16 [| Over%tolz | 38 Over 1%, to 2% Over 2% to 6 Table 6: Maximum size of fillet weld (S___) max Maximum fillet weld size | Minimum thickness of part | Ss. i inch. Sjqy)? inch. yg) ine Thickness of material | __Less than 4 inch (Thickness of material — _16inch) Y% inch & over Ya inch (1) Weld between Web and Flange: Provide intermittent fillet weld. Figure 40 shows a disassembled portion of the plate girder between two neighboring sections. Flange-to-web fillet welds are designed to transmit horizontal shear force due to the variation of the bending moment over the girder and the direct pressure due to applied distributed load. MCE 312! Level -3, Term ~ 1 i/ Md. Ruhul Amin if 1 UDL Top flange 3 s Bottom flange Figure 40: Connection of flange to w eb VQ Determine horizontal (longitudinal) shear flow, q, =—~ [from elementary h beam theory] per unit length of fillet weld. V = maximum shear force = V max t 2) a h Q= fydA=Ay= Ap + = First moment of flange area about neutral axis. =I, 7 moment of ineitia about X-axis. ‘The direct pressure due to applied load creates vertical shear q,, per unit length of fillet weld, which in practice assumed to be roughly equal to the intensity of the uniformly distributed load Determine vertical shear flow, ay uniformly distributed load (UDL) on plate girder. WCE 3121! Level=3, Term —1 // Md, Ruhul Amin |} i aa Resultant (design) shear flow, = 14 +q° per unit length of weld (between web and flange). Step (1): Determine weld size a ; 2 (a) Required weld size, = inch; [as we provide weld on both (F, x costs | sides, shear flow will be halved]. (b) minimum weld size Gain 2 inch and maximum weld size (s__) =? inch ‘max [minimum & maximum weld size comes from table 5 & 6 by considering flange thickness (t,)& web thickness (t) respectively] Step (2): Check the allowable shear flow @,) of the selected weld size = OL a nae FL xt =F, xscos45” =0.707(8 )(s)kip per inch. q. If 4, < = : not OK, increase weld size (s). Step (3): Determine length of fillet weld ie 4xsor1.5 inch (take maximum value of Vain from these two) Step (4): Determine required spacing 4 q =I. x—8 =) x—4 inch @ cle min“ (q_/2) “min q T Step (5): Determine maximum allowable spacing a =24t_ or12inch@ c/c (take minimum value of a from these two) max w max Selected weld spacing a must not exceed a max The clear distance between welds should not be greater than 16 times the web thickness or greater than 10 inches: Provide s" fillet weld (intermittent) of I length @ a’ c/c (on each side). HCE 312 Level ~3, Term~ 11) Nd. Ruhul Amin ft 79 k- a | el Top flange Zi WE Cf, { il te Le Fillet weld Web Figure 41(a): Intermittent flange-to-web fillet weld (side view) Gs V! pemem, n Bottom flange le 1 | LO Fillet weld s ey . wen Bottom flange F a Figure 41(b): Intermittent flange-to-web fillet weld (plan view) Step (6): Draw a neat sketch (with appropriate welding symbol & designation) eed TTT aele / sPraade Figuic 12: Intermittent flange-to-web fillet weld designation Welded stiffeners are usually made of plates, whereas riveted stiffeners are of angles to facilitate connection. There is no standard practice for the amount oF rivets or welds connecting stability stiffeners to the web. Usually the smallest tivets suitable for the stiffener angle can be used with a spacing up to § diameters, Welds can be discontinuous minimum welds, with weld Jength about one-third of the total. In girders subjected to repeated loads, to minimize fatigue CE 312! Level-3, Term —1// Md, Rubul Amin I 80 effects, stiffeners should not be welded to the tension flange, and all load bearing welds must be continuous, (2) Weld between Web and Intermediate Stiffener: Provide intermittent fillet weld. The magnitude of the shear transfer between the web and stiffeners is in general very small. As a result, a minimum amount of welding is used. Step (1): Determine design (transferred) shear flow in weld between web & intermediate stiffener. h = depth of web in inch F, = yield strength of steel in ksi = 36 ksi (for A 36 steel) Ns = shear flow in kip per inch and f and Pare the maximum computed shear stress and the allowable shear stress in the adjacent panels, respectively. More conservatively, you can use the following formula for design (transferred) shear flow in weld between web & intermediate stiffener. 2 VS F fo =h xj) vs Ww 340 Step (2): Determine weld size ee (a) Required weld size, s= (r, xcos45? } inch; [as we provide weld on both sides of an intermediate stiffener & there are two intermediate stiffeners on each side (i.c., stiffener in pairs), shear flow will be quartered]. (b) minimum weld size (6. )= min and maximum weld size (8) = max {minimum & maximum weld size comes from table 5 & 6 by considering web thickness (t_ ) & intermediate stiffener thickness (1 w Step (3): Check the allowable shear flow (q_ ) of the selected weld size ep a : 0 : er: =F 45° = 0.) k W a =H, xt, =F, xseos4 7O7(E, )(8) kip per inch f Ifq, 28; 0K MCE 312! Lovel - 3, Term — 1 Jf Md, Ruhul Amin /! 81 leq, <8 Step (4): Determine length of fillet weld tae = 4xsor1.5 inch (take maximum value of | ain from these two) ; not OK, increase weld size (s). Step (5): Determine required spacing. q 4 1 x 4-4 x2 inch @ c/e min’ (f /4) min” f 7” vs vs Step (6): Determine maximum allowable spacing a =24t_ or12 inch @ c/c (take minimum value of a__ from these two) max Ww. max Selected weld spacing a must not exceed Cea ‘The clear distance between welds should not be greater than 16 times the web thickness or greater than 10 inches Provide s fillet weld (intermittent) of I" length @ a" c/c (on each side). nu Top flange 7 | a be tf 25 28 h fle ; eSap 2 ME 7 a5 e | ee ‘ z v ‘y Bottom flange Figure 43(a): Intermittent web-to-intermediate stiffener fillet weld (side view) Intermediate stiffeners ttt Figure 43(b): Horizontal section ofa plate girder with flange intermediate stiffeners in pairs 11CE 312. Level—3, Term—1 if Md, Ruhl Amin 2 Web Step (7): Draw a neat sketch (with appropriate welding symbol & designation) Top flange aa E I@acie '<— Between 4ty & 6ty Intermediate stiffener Web + 4e 4 potion ange Figure 44: Intermittent web-to-intermediate stiffener fillet weld designation (3) Weld between Web and Bearing Stiffener: Provide continuous fillet weld (direct load bearing welds must be continuous). Step (1): Determine weld size Minimum weld size (s_.)= min and maximum weld size (s = max [minimum & maximum weld size comes from table 5 & 6 by considering bearing stiffener thickness (t_,)& web thickness (1. )] Step (2): Check the allowable shear flow (q,) in the selected weld size (between web and bearing stiffener) ep 0 . + =F xt = =0) ki dy =F, Xt, =F, xscos45? = 0.707(F, )(s) kip per inch Step (3): Total length of weld = 4h. inch; [as we provide weld on both sides of a bearing stiffener & there are two bearing stiffeners on cach side (ic., stiffener in pairs), total 4 lines of welds]. Total weld strength= 4h xq. kip Maximum shear force = Vip If Total weld strength (4xh__ xq_) > Maximum shear force (V__); OK wola max. If Total weld strength (4xh_ xq_)

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