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Form :5

Stage : Production

Proficiency level : Intermediate

Mode : Individual

Time : 20 minutes

Teaching aids &

Materials : List of known characters

Description of activity:

The name of this activity is What Would You Do?. This is an engaging and also
and exciting lesson to be conducted all by itself, but it can also be very handy for
assisting the students to learn more fully on how to inhabit their characters if they are
in a theater production. It's incredibly simple on the surface, but it's not easy to do well.
This is the production stage of the activity, the students will do it one at a time while
the others which is the students can take turns "narrating." The students chooses a
character form a list of characters that the teacher will provide. The list contains
characters from literature or life for example Robinson Crusoe or Aaron Aziz. The
"narrator" begins to narrate in second person simple events in a person's daily life.
Start simple for example "You get up in the morning, and it's a rainy day. You make
tea." the students will follow the narrators instructions but reacts in character. The
student must react to whatever happens while in character.The student who is the
Narrator continues the story, adding more and more extreme details. For example
"You come upon a dead body. It's your friend." "It's on the side of the road. "The
activity stops when the the teacher feels it has gone as far as it can or should. This
activity is a good way of looking at the concept of "playwriting" while acting or
improvising. Obviously in many improvisation settings, such as improvise comedy,
this can be a good thing. Because improvised actings are fun, and it could help the
students to boost their confidence and self-esteem to be on stage and to promote
quality acting skills.

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