LPWDD4863 - Add New Luns

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LPWDD4863- Increase and Addition of Luns


Time: Outside of COW.

Conference Line:

Attendees: Heather Rafters, Mike Caranci

Application / Component: Eclipse

Pac2K Group for ApproversLND-Windows

Reboot Required: YES

Target server(s):

Game-plan for Release

IB2S Lending Windows Team:

o Mike Caranci gets SQL backup and stops all SQL Services.

o OSSM-San to issue a 1TB Lun as Disk7

o Login to LPWDD4863

Create new Drive on Disk 7 Called New E

Move all data on E drive (Disk 5) to Disk 7

Rename old E drive (Disk 5) to New F drive

Move current F Drive Data (Disk 6) to New F (disk5)

Rename Disk6 to Z-Delete Me

Rename Disk7 to E: Drive Data_Backup

Rename Disk5 to F: Drive Logs

Increase Disk0 size by 5 GB

Mike Caranci to restore SQL to E Drive (Disk7) and start all services

James Gapen to open ticket to ask OSSM-San to revoke Disks 2,3,4,6

Disks 0,1,5,7 to remain in place

Backout Plan: Reverse steps above

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