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Be at the cause not at the effect

Intent is when your words taughts and actions are aligned.

Most people have a division in intent

There are 2 different intents,there is moving toward and moving away from intent. For most
people there intent is divided which means the gas pedal and break are on at same time.

Your Intent must be aligned

Moving towards intent, which are pleasure intents are things such as

Sexual pleasure
Screening somebody
Enjoying the conversation
Expanding the party

Moving away from intent which is negative are things such as

I dont want to get embarrassed

I dont want to lose validation
I dont want to lose my state
I dont want to get another guy judging me or picking a fight with me
I want to just get through it
I just want to say that I did my approach

Most guys who approach want the girl to leave. Most guys think oh I dont know what the
fuck I would say if this girl were to stop. You dont know what you would do so your intent is
that your hoping to just get through it. If you get to a point where you want her to stop, you
want her to contribute to the conversation, you want her to laugh, you want her to go with
you, you want her to call back, when you actually want those things it often happens. The
key is to put the gas on completely and take off the brake. Its going for what you want not
what you dont want. When you talk to a girl with full intent you look like a champ. As your
game gets better your intent gets clearer.

Most people have a brake in communication they worry about

What will this person think will I be embarrassed

Is what im saying good enough
Theres layers of self-doubt
Theres Social conditioning
Oh I should Only express myself this much or ill be rude to society and things like

Even though everybody turns around and loves the leaders and worships them while you
feel pressured not to be a leader.
What your trying to do with intent is you have all these different intents that are influencing
you that you think are you when really its just some kind of mood thats being influenced
by external factors. People cant approach because they feel that external influence drawn
upon them and being put on the spot. You think its a big deal when it goes good or bad
when you approach a girl because youre at the effect not at the cause. You should have
intent and energy thats going outwards and be at the cause. Dont be effected by externals
that have energy going into you which makes you at the effect.

Note to self :Taking so much action shuts off the mind

You can enter someones mind just from the simple frame that youre here to share. Im just
here to share my ideas with you. As long as Im here to share with you, your minds not going
to filter it quite as much because your like this guys just here to share with me, hes here to
communicate something with me. Whereas if I have an agenda where Im in reaction to you
then the other person goes whoah hold on. if hes in reaction to me then maybe he wants
something from me, and if he wants something from me Ive got to filter what hes saying. If
someones speaking to you in a way where you continually have to filter them that person
lacks to some degree some charisma.

Clarity of intent is an alignment in your taughts, words and actions; it means that your intent
is geared towards promotion orientation of the outcome that you want rather than
prevention orientation. If you have the ability to look at someone and make them laugh by
wanting them to laugh then think about how easily you could make a girl who you open run
away from you because you want her to leave. Most guys are doing that, theyre going up
wanting the girl to give a quick acknowledgement and bounce out. So you have to dig
deeper as far as what you want, the issue here is for most guys they dont know what theyd
do if the girl stopped. Thats why this is happening, youd want her to stop if you knew what
the fuck to do, if you knew what the fuck to say. If you knew that when you stopped her and
youd be giving her a million dollars youd want to stop her.

Part of that comes from inner beliefs such as

Im an awesome guy
Or when I stop her shes going to be happy about it if shes got a brain in her head

Part of it is that, part of it is also knowing how to free associate and how to talk. To be able
to do that you must break out of the box. The box that youre in is you believe you have to
associate the emotion to the content, and thats why you cant think of what to say. So right
of the bat youre in a downward spiral when youre approaching which is why most
approaches arent working. First step is youre not clear in what you want, youre not clear
in your intent, so because of that the girls are inclined to leave because youre telegraphing
to her that you want her to leave and go away. But going even deeper than that the spiral
continues.If you want her to leave because you dont know what you would say... that right
there provokes rejections. And when youre regularly being rejected your mind shuts down
and then you cant think of what to say. And due to being rejected a lot youre seeing the
pattern and its making you unconfident about what you have to say and its shutting your
mind down. If you knew that you could just talk and talk youd be more likely to want them
to stay. Your intent would be nice and clear. Then theyd want to stay and then you talk and
talk and then they like it and then your like oh Ill talk to more girls and you go on an upward
spiral. The basic understanding is uncoupling the content from the emotion. Womens
attention span when going out and meeting a man is about that of an ant. They go where
the shiny energy is. When a girl is at the club shes at the effect of all these different
environments, shes just responding to her emotions, shes just going with what feels good.
You dont need to have linear conversation when youre talking to a girl. Now How do you
unfilter yourself? Well you detach the emotion from the words. In game you can uncouple
so youre not limited by the emotions matching the content. So what you can is generate
humour in the woman or attention because women are attracted to the clear intent and
emotions. If youre being chill with a girl, it should be a proactive decision rather than
compensation. You know how to talk but because you know how, you dont have to. You
should understand how to free associate, understand how to add energy, and its
wonderful, because you dont have to. You can go up to the girl chill and normal, but
knowing you can whip it out if you need to add stimulation. Its coming from a place of self-
certainty. You have to get in your own lane, not reacting so much to other peoples lane,
you can be responsive to other peoples lane, but you dont want to be reacting on their

First catalyst is instead of being at the effect you are at the cause, with high fidelity intent
communication. Next catalyst shift is uncoupling the words from the emotions and getting
into feeling.

Next idea is elevating while staying in your lane.

First principle is clarity in intent.

Second principle is entitlement. What entitlement means is whatever you think your
entitled to is what youll probably get. So if you imagine what quality of women you
deserve, when you see that quality of women youll be able to speak in a fluid way to her
but if shes too high youll be stuttering and if shes too low youll be disinterested.
Entitlement is essentially this: You walk up to a girl and how much can you walk up to her
and be free flowing, how much can you walk up to her and be okay to take up her time and
space. If I start speaking nonsense to a group of people who i think are above me what will
happen when I speak nonsense? Ill feel like Im wasting their time, and they will sense Im
wasting their time through a subtle dynamic in my behaviours; I will be self-questioning and
self-doubting. But if I feel like the people who Im speaking to would love to hear whatever I
have to say than even with nonsense I can hold that same confident pitch tone and flow. On
a beautiful woman who you think is too attractive for you what youll be inclined to do is
walk up and question every little thing you say about what sounds good enough. With a girl
you shouldnt care about getting precise information into her mind, you should care about
the dynamic. In a lot of ways if you go up and are just free flowing and fun the irony is if you
can do that in a way thats congruent and just flows and has that authority and coolness and
swagger behind it that shows even more that basically in an attractive way, your above her.
Do you think a beautiful woman wants a guy thats below her? She wants that guy whose
amazing. She wants to view the guy in an amazing light so the dynamics in the
communication, the subtleties in sub communication between you and the girl are more
important than the words themselves. So when youre entitled to that girl, youre able to go
up and free flow without thinking too much or reacting too much, your able to take up her
time and space without over thinking it. See when you walk up to a beautiful women who
feels too attractive to you, youll be hesitant to call her over and when you talk youll be
trying to think of the perfect thing to say. But when youre free flowing and you start talking
about whatever you want shes not feeling the words so much as the dynamic between the
two of you. And when you can free flow shes now seeing that youre comfortable, shes
seeing that youre at ease, the demonstration that your free flowing actually shows her that
your that dude. That same dynamic can also be conveyed with very chill non free flowing
conversation, you can just be like whats up and just stare, it comes in the conversational
vacuum. The conversational vacuum can create the same effect and dynamic as free
flowing. There are different things that show the dynamic between the two of you and
whatever way you get that dynamic it doesnt matter. You can get it by owning the
conversation, or by making her qualify herself to you. By making her sit there putting on the
song and dance to hold your attention, to get your approval. It can go either direction.
Either way you can convey entitlement. To free flow you must unhinge needing the
emotions to correspond with the words.

Next is strength of reality. Whoever has the strongest sense of reality, whoever pings less to
the other person wins as far as whats called frame control. Think of it this way, in your mind
you view yourself as an attractive guy and as the prize and any girl whos with you is lucky to
be with you. In the girls mind she views herself as an attractive girl and she is the prize and a
guy should be chasing her. Whoevers frame is stronger, both people are going to believe it.
So your frame should be as an attractive grounded masculine presence whos on his path in
life, who shares great energy, and any girl whos thinking straight would have a great time
with you. If a girls not having a great time, maybe youre not her cup of tea, fair enough,
youre happy to move on. The key is you want to be in your lane, your strength zone is your
natural mannerisms that you built. If you speak the way that you speak you will stay in your
strength zone but if you try to be somebody that youre not or to react to somebody else
you fall out of your strength zone.

Tweak your frame. When youre talking to a girl youre trying to frame control her and
youre trying to win. But if you actually view it as collaborative between you and the girl
your both co creating chemistry together, the frame youre going to come from is
completely fucking different. In this frame we are all on the same team, were collaborating,
we are part of a group, you are the group.

Now imagine youre in the club having fun and killing it and then youre like wait a minute
Im cool as fak and your ego kicks in. when that happens you start to fail. What happens is
you have a self-image that got inflated and as its inflated youll be walking up to girls trying
to get something from them which reaffirms your new super cool man identity. Its a dirty
energy. Problem is it gives you a competitive frame trying to beat people instead of a
collaborative frame of just going to the club and having fun with everyone. Look.. maybe
some girls have boyfriends maybe some girls dont want to go home with you that night, but
some will, and you can have fun with everybody, your all making this great energy together,
and in the girls head shes thinking oh this is a cool guy whos having fun and who knows a
lot of people. hey hes having fun with me, thats awesome, oh he invited me to go eat Ill
go with him sure. Oh were going to his place sure, oh were going to have sex?well we had so
much fun tonight why not. Thats the frame you should have... A Collaborative frame.
If you go out and a couple of girls reject you are you going to be destroyed? This actually
helps you. When you have a collaborative frame your mind set is Im here to share which is
an upward spiral. When youre not in competitive energy but when youre in collaborative
energy you go into an upward spiral. It also gets rid of heavy ego that guys have. Get out of
competitiveness and get into a place of offering. Your default state is happiness but youll
obscure it chasing these phantoms of if I just got these shoes, or if I just got this house or
whatever it is. You think its making you happy but its just giving you a dopamine spike, its
not real present energy. When you come from a present space and share, you go into this
law of abundance where youre sharing and because what your doing is so good you wind
up getting paid more. Your sharing your energy in the club you feel so good youre getting
laid more. So ironically even though youre doing it just to share you get laid more. Do you
want unlimited energy from your hustle or do you want sucking energy where if you get
something it feels good than if it goes bad your pissed and your head is being thrown
around. Any action works but whos going to be more effective, the guy who goes into the
club with perfect technique but coming from competitive frame and his energy is limited
and hes stifled down, hes executing techniques but the energy is off. Or a guy whos a bit
sloppier but the energy is great. You dont have to have perfect game but its the underlying

Collaboration gives you more energy to go through. There are three major fatigues that get
you, they are :

decision making fatigue ( thinking whether should I or shouldnt i )

persona fatigue ( where yourtrying to be someone your not and acting cool)
self-judgement fatigue ( where you judge your interactions,oh i got rejected how sad

When you go into interaction and come out, be smiling, its 1000/10 . It went well and you
can always find something funny about it. What that does is gets you in a good mood and
the next set you go into your all good. If you have 2 kids.. one is retarded ones not do you
love them both the same? One approach is retarded, ones not, you love them both the
same. Its your action that your focused on! And when its your action that you love youve
taken the force off of the girl, she doesnt have to acknowledge you or give you approval.
Your own action is where you get your joy. So no matter what happens in set your mood
always improve after it and the night is going up and up and up.

Now what are ways to beat the 3 fatigues?

For Decision making fatigue just do it ! go up and open ! regardless of what you think, dont
give your brain time to think, take action.

For Persona fatigue.. well.. be yourself.. be in your own lane and dont be ashamed of who
you are !

For Self-judgement well just have a minset of everything that happens is good. I mean for
reals.. who has the balls to do pickup.
The First principle is clarity in intent; the catalyst is to talk without a filter

The Second principle is entitlement;the catalyst is uncoupling emotions from words

The Third principle is strength of reality; the catalyst is being in collaboration

The Next principle is principle of presence. Youre not in the future youre not in the past
your right here, you embrace the present moment. It gets you to the core of who you are
and gets you to respond to situations seamlessly.

Let go, relax. It helps you free associate. Most guys think if you just talk and say enough
shes going to stay and then there is this frenetic angst energy. But ironically when you stay
within your own energy if you take a pause often times the girl will want to qualify herself
to you. Its a trigger of self-qualification. What happens is your effecting the dynamic
between you and the women. So even though theres less stimulus its tilting that dynamic
and showing that youre a high status man. So getting still in your mind is allowing yourself
to pause and just say what comes up as you please. When you pause your not losing,
paradoxically your gaining, you let go to gain even though you would feel that you would
lose. Its like when you compete, you let go of that and you think that your losing status but
when you let go you actually gain. Speaking quickly can come out of reactiveness and
desperation and franticness, other times speaking quickly can be to share something, and it
keeps everybody captivated and it spikes the energy in a positive and collaborative way. So
if someones speaking quickly are they raising energy for everybody or are they doing it
cause theyre trying to make a point and trying to get it out. Where is it coming from? There
are 2 ways to pause, one way is you do the pause and your angsty and you pause.Or you
do pause and youre in your own energy and your relaxing and your sharing that energy.
And thats why vacuum is beautiful, it triggers the girl to want approval because she loves
your energy. It depends where its coming from. Energy is emanating out.

Note to self :Walk through the world with ease.

Now when you have all the core principles you hit that Sweet spot, and when you hit it you
have :

the ability to communicate

the ability get into someones head
You are relaxed
You can free associate
You are leading
Your at the cause not at the effect
You dont concern yourself with social pressure

essentialy Youre a fucking alpha male !

The Last part now to finalize the transformation is to learn how to draw state from within
yourself, make yourself laugh, make yourself feel happy, and not worry about a thing.
Remove the power from people trying to influence you, from external forces really. Last
principle is the ability to entertain yourself. You can enjoy things, but have that be apart of
your life, rather than that being your whole life, and always being at the effect of different
forces coming at you. Anytime you want to do something to enjoy yourself come from a
standpoint where you enjoy it but dont need it because you fully have internal emotional

Note to self : to go from a logical headspace into a laughter type headspace get yourself
to laugh.

The human body has the ability to laugh and alleviate so much stress. The Problem is your
laughter and happiness and joy is dependent upon reaching external standards that you
spent your whole life trying to reach. You should go for things in a proactive way instead of
doing it because society programmed you to want it. You should be free. You have what it
takes to solve any problem. Getting yourself laughing is self-amusement and because youre
laughing you can get women to laugh.self amusement is done by letting go and changing
your pattern of taught. Your pattern of taught most the time is logical, you can change it to
playful and shift gears. Once your silly, its easy to keep being silly and having fun, when its
logical its easy to be logical, the hard part is shifting gears.

Now to end the core principles ill leave you with this. The Cool thing about game is you can
be broke,unemployed, have nothing going on in your life.. But.. you hit the club, and end up
fucking some chick which eases the stress. The one thing you can do when your life is a
mess is go get laid. Hahahaha. Note to self : that doesnt mean be a bum.. always get
better and seek better.

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