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What is Sekolah Bogor Raya?

Sekolah Bogor Raya is Bogors leading National Plus school. Founded in 1995, we provide both
locally and internationally accredited curricula in a green and pleasant environment in the picturesque Bogor
Lakeside residential complex, near the main Bogor Toll exit.

Sekolah Bogor Raya is a multi-faith school with students from many different nationalities and backgrounds.
Our school runs from Playgroup up to Senior High School and our students come mostly from the Bogor,
Sentul, and Cibubur areas. A bus service is available to and from most locations.

Central to our teaching and learning programs are a commitment to developing;

Sekolah Bogor Raya students use English as their main language of instruction
and develop fluency both inside and outside the classroom.

Sekolah Bogor Raya students start using laptops in Grade 1 and technology is
not just viewed as a stand alone subject, it is integral to all our curricular areas, from Art and Design to

Sekolah Bogor Raya programs stimulate students to pose their own questions
and use first hand resources to investigate their world.

Our national and international accreditation includes;

Indonesian Government Accredited at Every Level

ANPS (Association of National Plus School) Accredited - A Rating

IBO (International Baccalaureate Organization) PYP (Primary Years Program) Authorized

GAC (Global Assessment Certificate) Accredited

CIE (University of Cambridge International Examinations)

Vision and Mission

Vision : To be a leading international standard school providing high-quality education to
equip our students to excel in a rapidly-changing world.

Mission : Sekolah Bogor Raya exists to provide international standard education to our students.
Through a commitment to English Language fluency, technological expertise, and inquiry-based*
teaching and learning, we deliver an international program that integrates global concepts with respect
for national culture and identity. Our programs prioritize the spiritual, emotional, intellectual, and
physical development of our students and encourage them to build self-esteem and always strive to be
the very best.
Values : Sekolah Bogor Rayas values are core to every action we take and every program
we apply;

*Inquiry is an active learning approach to education where students are encouraged to ask questions
about their world and to investigate in order to explain their world. The teacher acts primarily as a
facilitator, guiding and helping the students in their investigation.

Educational Facilities

As well as providing computers in each classroom, we also provide laptops to be used from
Grades 1 until 4, so that every lesson can integrate technology.

We have a rich tradition of excellence in band, traditional instruments, and choir. Our 3 music
rooms provide space for students to develop their talents.
Physical Education Facilities

Two large international-standard fields are provided to ensure that students can exercise
during their lunch and recess times and learn sports during PE Lessons.

Our basketball court is covered so that our students can continue to play, despite Bogor's


A large (800m2) hall for indoor sports and major events, competitions, concerts, and theatre.


A great school is defined by the people inside. The students, educators and staff, and the
parents who make up the learning community. Great facilities help to support a learning
community and Sekolah Bogor Raya has developed spaces and resources to ensure that every
part of the school is learning focused.

Two large international-standard fields

Basketball Court

Sports Hall/Auditorium

Computer Labs

Three Music Rooms

Two Swimming Pools

Junior & Senior Library

Science Labs
Sekolah Bogor Raya (SBR) adalah sekolah Nasional Plus untuk siswa Pra-TK (Usia dari 3)
sampai dengan kelas 12 yang didirikan berdasarkan hukum Republik Indonesia sebagai
organisasi nirlaba. Terletak di kota Bogor, Jawa Barat. SBR didirikan pada tahun 1995 oleh
Yayasan Danasha untuk tujuan memberikan pendidikan bahasa Inggris untuk anak-anak
ekspatriat dan Indonesia. SBR berafiliasi dengan Asosiasi Sekolah Nasional Plus (ANPS).

Sekolah Bogor Raya menggunakan kurikulum Primer Tahun Program (PYP) di tingkat dasar
dari Organisasi International Baccalaureate (IBO) . Kurikulum ini mengarah ke program
IGCSE yang kemudian diikuti oleh program GAC di tingkat SMA untuk persiapan masuk

Fasilitas :

SBR menyediakan fasilitas satu laptop untuk setiap siswa. Siswa menggunakan laptop dan
teknologi sebagai media untuk belajar di seluruh kurikulum, ditambah dengan fasilitas free
Wi-Fi SBR memberikan siswa sebuah fasilitas olahraga multiguna dengan lapangan bermain
yang luas, lapangan basket, kolam renang dan taman bermain khusus untuk siswa sekolah

Menjadi sekolah berstandar international terbaik dengan memberikan pendidikan berkualitas
demi mempersiapkan peserta didik agar sukses dalam menghadapi era globalisasi.

Misi :
Sekolah Bogor Raya memberikan pendidikan berstandar internasional melalui komitmen
dalam bentuk kecakapan berbahasa Inggris, kemahiran tekhnologi, dan pembelajaran berbasis
inquiry yang berkualitas. Program internasional yang diberikan merupakan pengintegrasian
konsep global dengan menghargai budaya dan identitas nasional. Program sekolah
menjunjung tinggi pengembangan peserta didik dalam aspek spiritual, emosional, intelektual,
dan fisik serta mendorong peserta didik agar memiliki kepercayaan diri dan selalu menjadi
yang terbaik.

Nilai-nilai budaya Sekolah Bogor Raya adalah inti dari setiap tindakan yang dilakukan dan
setiap program yang diterapkan, yaitu:

Equality - Kesetaraan
Respect - Rasa Hormat
Discipline - Kedisiplinan
Integrity - Integritas
Resilience - Ketangguhan
Self awareness Kesadaran Diri
Empathy Empati

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