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Sony (
Convergence Procedure
Submitted by zapdbf on Wed, 10/31/2007 - 14:16

Sony Convergence Procedure

Document version 1.1

( I Will update as needed and if

errors are found, please let me
know and I will issue an update)

Changing values in the service mode

can cause your tv to malfunction, this
text will only explain how to adjust the factory convergence. Before changing any
other values make sure you know what you are doing.

To Enter Service mode With the tv off and the remote in tv mode, press the
following keys:[DISPLAY],[5],[VOL UP(+)],[POWER]

The tv will now display "3D-COMB" in the upper left hand corner.

Press the [2] or [5] keys to move up or down through the adjustment categories
until you see "PJE" in the upper left hand corner(note
Black/dp/B00N532FRU) that the letters will change to a different font).

Next press the [6] key twice, this will bring up a grid (crosshatch) without video
behind it. When I refer to the [CENTER] key, It is located in the middle of the
directional arrow keys on the remote.

When cursor is white, you can move it to an adjustment point using the arrow
keys. Once you press the [CENTER] button, the cursor will lock to that
adjustment point. It will now change to one of three colors ; Red, Green, or Blue.
The color of the cursor will be the color you are adjusting. To change the color
press the [3] key only when the cursor is locked to an adjustment point, pressing
the [3] key when you are in navigation mode will have no effect. By Pressing the
[CENTER] button again will switch you back to navigation mode.

To save your changes press the [MUTING] then [ENTER] keys on the remote.

Important notes

Not all Sony's will function in the exact same way that I outlined above.
Below I have made notes of the differences.

1. Some Models will only let you move in a spiral pattern out from the center.
2. Your tv may or may not have different convergence modes that you will have
to adjust, if your tv is a hi-def you will need to converge the hi-def mode as
well, With the cross hatch up you can press the [DISPLAY MODE] key to
switch between the different modes. Make sure you save your changes
before changing picture mode or your changes will be lost.
3. On tv's that have different screen modes, you can try to copy the
settings from the full mode once you have saved the setting by pressing
[MUTING] then [ENTER] . To do this select the "ALCP" mode then
change the data to "01" then press [MUTING] then [ENTER] again. the
data from the full mode is then copied to all other modes.
This procedure works for the "RA6" chassis, this procedure may be
different in different models

More Information

1. Save changes often. 6/11/2017
Sony Convergence Procedure | Techlore Page 2 of 13

2. The green crt is used to align the other two colors. If you need to get the
grid straight, straighten up the green completely before adjusting the other
colors. An overlay may be needed if the green is way off.
3. After adjusting a point, you may throw another point out of convergence,
Check for this.
4. Start converging in the center and go out, don't start on the outside you will
be fighting the convergence if you do.
5. Avoid the tendency to adjust the worst point first, most likely one of the other
smaller adjustments will get that badly converged point very close to where it
needs to be. By adjusting that badly converged point first, you can throw off
a well converged point somewhere else.
6. If you are at the edge of the screen adjusting a point there, look at the
opposite edge of the screen, you can throw a point off on the other side if
you over adjust.

Revision History

10/26/2007 Original document created (1.0)

11/05/2007 Added additonal informaton(1.1)

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My friend has a Sony but I am

Submitted by RevSly on Thu, 11/01/2007 - 17:13
My friend has a Sony
Console/dp/B00BGA9WK2) but I am not sure of
the model as soon as I find out I will let you know, but
anyways it has an auto convergence button. The problem is that when
you press it it appears to work properly then when it is done it goes
right back to the crappy off set colors. Any idea?
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I have a Philips 60PP920217F,

Submitted by adrian68 on Sat, 11/10/2007 - 17:10
s picture
I have a Philips 60PP920217F, If I may ask, Do you know
the correct convergence procedure for this model also? Any
help would be appreciated. I replaced the convergence chips
and it still will not adjust right. Someone gave me this tv
and I think they changed the factory values somehow! I read somewhere
there is a fuse for the convergence on the middle board somewhere, can
you give me a # on the circuit board to trouble shoot? It is a DPTV305F
chasis. Thanks,Rick

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I work on philips as well, On

Submitted by zapdbf on Sun, 11/11/2007 - 10:52
I work on philips as well, On the philips televisions, if it
is not the hitachi chassis, there is a procedure to get
into the convergence mode, but it varies by model, i
don't have the manual today i am at home, but it will be
one of the following key combinations, i can't remember which one for
which tv, there are two service modes one is for other settings, and one
is for convergence, If you get the right mode the menu will say
convergence immediately, if you have the wrong mode another menu
will show. Below are a list of different service modes that i have
memorized. one of these should get you in.

062597 status

062597 menu

062596 status

062596 menu

one of those will get you in to factory convergence.

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Sony Convergence Procedure | Techlore Page 3 of 13

Where can I down load a

Submitted by Brother Craig on Sun, 11/18/2007 - 16:43
picture Where can I down load a schematic or service manual on a
toshiba rear projection TV
Electronics-/293/i.html?_nkw=projection+tv) Model

43H71.the owners manual just doesn't cut it.

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my problems first started

Submitted by weese2002 on Thu, 12/13/2007 - 04:41
picture my problems first started when the screen would flash red
and then turn off. if it set for a bit it would come back on,
but it would happen again and again every few hours. now
the screen looks like it has ghosts, as if it has a bad
antenna reception. if any one has any info or comments on how to fix this i
would appreciate it. thanks

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can you send me the service

Submitted by shiju369 on Mon, 01/14/2008 - 22:18
s picture
can you send me the service manuel for SonyKP-51WS510


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Sony RPTV CRT Convergence

Submitted by Larry Dillon on Tue, 01/15/2008 - 09:23
picture Sony (
RPTV CRT Convergence
Instructions works with most Sony
( crt
displays.Warning: read all instructions prior to starting.
Warning: multiple hours of convergence work will lead to crt
burn in.

1. Put on a 480i or p signal in full mode

2. Turn the set off using the remote control
3. Hit display, 5, vol up, power on to enter the service mode
4. 2 and 5 keys cycle through the menu items, the 1 and 4 keys
cycle through the sub menu items. 3 and 6 keys change the value
of the selected item
5. Mute then enter will save any changes you have made, if you
have made an error, turn the set off and any settings you have
made will be lost and your set will be returned to its previous
6. Hit the 5 key to the CXA2150P-1 menu
7. Hit the 2 key to select the 2nd submenu item RGBS
8. RGBS, using the 4 and 6 keys will turn on and off various color
guns, thus allowing you to better see whatever colors you are
9. The green gun is used for template, do not adjust this gun unless
you want to adjust geometry. In most cases you want to only
adjust the red and the blue guns to be on top of the green. This
is called doing convergence.
10. Use the RGBS keys to select the green and red on combination,
the screen will look yellow.
11. Next, use the 5 key to cycle through the menu until PJE menu.
Again ensure your display is in full mode.
12. Use the 9 key to select fine convergence mode
13. use the 6 key to select the internal convergence pattern of choice 6/11/2017
Sony Convergence Procedure | Techlore Page 4 of 13

14. use the 3 key to change the color that you will be adjusting.
First put red on to green to make yellow.
15. The 1 and 4 keys will move the cursor position. When hit
repeatedly, this will move the cursor in s spiral pattern over the
entire screen. The joystick will then move the convergence at the
selected position.
16. Alternatively to using the 1 and 4 keys you can use the enter
function on the joystick to change the joystick function to
moving the cursor position on the screen. Hit the enter on the
joystick again to change the convergence at the newly chosen
17. When satisfied, hit Mute then enter to save data. If not satisfied,
simply turn the display off to return to original settings.
18. Hit the 9 key to exit fine convergence, then use the 2 key to
return to the CXA2150P-1 menu. Next use the 4 button to select
the RBGS control and then select the green / blue combination
which will show as cyan on the display.
19. Return to the PJE screen, see Step 11.
20. Convergence blue onto green to create cyan, using the above
21. Mute and enter to save changes.
22. Exit fine convergence by hitting the 9 key.
23. Select menu ALCP using the 4 key.
24. Set data to 1 using the joystick
25. press mute and then enter. This will copy the new convergence
settings to all other modes.
26. Return to the RGBS menu and return the value to 7 which will
turn all the guns back on.
27. Turn the set off.
28. Turn the set on and then check other modes for convergence
errors. Touch up any mode you wish to using the above
instructions. What ever mode you are in when you enter the
service mode, will be the mode you will be adjusting.
29. Do not use the ALCP function on any mode other than the 480i /
p full mode
30. If you would like to reteach the Flash Focus, select the 480i / p
mode and full and enter the service mode.
31. Go to the PJE menu and press Flash Focus on the display. FF
must be done in a darkened environment.
32. If you get an error, turn the set off. Your FF has a problem and
you will need to consult a service manual. The error will not
misalign your current convergence settings so dont worry about
the error.
33. It is always best to not use the flash focus and do to manual
convergence when ever possible.

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weese2002 said: my problems

Submitted by on Thu, 01/17/2008 - 10:05
picture weese2002 said: my problems first started when the
screen would flash red and then turn off. if it set for a
bit it would come back on, but it would happen again
and again every few hours. now the screen looks like it has
ghosts, as if it has a bad antenna reception. if any one has any
info or comments on how to fix this i would appreciate it.

I just picked up my projection TV

_nkw=projection+tv) from the repair guy. It had the same
symtoms that you describe. It is in perfect working order now.
The part was a "HV BLOCK"- cost= 110.00- labor=180.00 6/11/2017
Sony Convergence Procedure | Techlore Page 5 of 13

Becareful moving the set though... I was rough going up my

stairs with it and broke the mirror which cost another 50.00.

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Everything worked until I

Submitted by kl on Sun, 01/20/2008 - 11:36
Everything worked until I could not find a [CENTER] on my
remote. I have a KP-53HS30 and can get to the grid in
service mode but no center key any suggestions?

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I have tried this procedure

Submitted by Jumpinjack on Fri, 03/21/2008 - 11:11
Jumpinjack's picture
I have tried this procedure on my model KP-
51ws500. After aligning all the colors and I try to save the settings I turn off
the set as instructed with the mute and enter buttons. When I turn it back on
things are out of alignment again, kie it's not saving the settings. I just had
one of the convergence chips replaced and the set aligned by a technician.
But after moving it to another room it seems to be out of alignment again,
mostly the red color in the upper left area. Any help out there???

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I am having a Problem with My

Submitted by chubzy on Mon, 04/07/2008 - 20:00
I am having a Problem with My Sony
Console/dp/B00BGA9WK2) Kp-51WS510 Projection tv
when I push power buttion I get a Red light flashing 8 times.
What is this code or Problem..

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I have a 55" sony widescreen

Submitted by Mikeya11 on Fri, 05/02/2008 - 18:32
picture I have a 55" sony widescreen hd kp model. When the TV is
on the picture is CLEAR but then the Blue tube seems to go
on high and the whole screen turns blue,then the picture
comes back and its fine for about 15 minutes then it
happens again and again until eventually the TV shuts itself off.

Any Ideas on what this might be? someone told me the Blue CRT is going
out but I am not sure

Thanks Mike

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This is a common problem. you

Submitted by zapdbf on Fri, 05/02/2008 - 19:58
This is a common problem. you most likely have a shorted
blue tube. To verify this switch the neck modules around
with the red tube and see if it still flashes blue, if it does it
is the crt, if it flashes red then it is somthing in the circuit
like the focus block or the video driver on the neck module. But with my
experience with this tv it is mostlikely the blue tube.

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ZAPDPF, your Sony convergance

Submitted by joec852 on Fri, 09/19/2008 - 09:35

ZAPDPF, your Sony convergance repair string was closed so I figured I'd
post my question here as it somewhat relates to the thread. I replaced the 6/11/2017
Sony Convergence Procedure | Techlore Page 6 of 13

Convergence IC's based on another blog and still had

s picture problems. The recommendation on the other site was to look
for bad resistors which I did. Before replacing the resistors I
still had the convergance problem but also had a picture.
When I replaced the resistors I wasn't able to ensure the
watts on the resistors so I went with 3 since one of them
actually said 3. I replaced R557, R558, R559, R585 (all 39K ohms) with 3
watt resistors. I also replaced R510 (2.2), R511 (2.8) and R512 (1.8) all with
respective ohms and 3 watt resistors. When I reconnected everything there
was a pop, no picture, but there was sound and a continuous blinking red
light. When I checked, all of the 39K resistors were dead. I later found your
blog that said to check the Pico fuse. I did and found one (PS602) bad. SO
the question is... is 3 watts right, if not is it 1 watt or something else? Am
hoping the pop was the 4 resistors giving and not something new by using
resistors with to high wattage? I'm currently in Okinawa so getting parts
means a single Ham radio (
Electronics-/293/i.html?_nkw=ham+radio) store with no english speaking
staff. thanks for any help.

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ZAPDPF, your Sony convergance

Submitted by joec852 on Fri, 09/19/2008 - 09:50
s picture
ZAPDPF, your Sony convergance repair string was closed
so I figured I'd post my question here as it somewhat relates
to the thread. I replaced the Convergence IC's based on
another blog and still had problems. The recommendation on
the other site was to look for bad resistors which I did. Before replacing the
resistors I still had the convergance problem but also had a picture. When I
replaced the resistors I wasn't able to ensure the watts on the resistors so I
went with 3 since one of them actually said 3. I replaced R557, R558, R559,
R585 (all 39K ohms) with 3 watt resistors. I also replaced R510 (2.2), R511
(2.8) and R512 (1.8) all with respective ohms and 3 watt resistors. When I
reconnected everything there was a pop, no picture, but there was sound
and a continuous blinking red light. When I checked, all of the 39K resistors
were dead. I later found your blog that said to check the Pico fuse. I did and
found one (PS602) bad. SO the question is... is 3 watts right, if not is it 1
watt or something else? Am hoping the pop was the 4 resistors giving and
not something new by using resistors with to high wattage? I'm currently in
Okinawa so getting parts means a single Ham radio
_nkw=ham+radio) store with no english speaking staff. thanks for any help.

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My daughter left her Play

Submitted by ldw55567 on Wed, 10/15/2008 - 15:22
picture My daughter left her Play Station
connected to our widescreen tv. Now it has triple vision. Can I fix it?

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the play station had NOTHING

Submitted by Larry Dillon on Wed, 10/15/2008 - 16:10
picture the play station (
had NOTHING to do with the TV going bad, it sounds like you have bad
convrgence IC's

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Sony Convergence Procedure | Techlore Page 7 of 13

I have the sony kp-43t90. i

Submitted by podman on Mon, 10/20/2008 - 22:24
s picture
I have the sony kp-43t90. i replaced both stk392-150s from
reputable manufactor. didnt fix the problem of 3d affect. I
went to the manual convergence as described here but my
lines in the grid are still WAY off on the bottom left of the
screen. Top right of of grid shows nice white lines. So do I still have a pico
fuse blown?? I checked and keep chekcing different fuses all showing ok.

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I am a bit confused on that.

Submitted by podman on Tue, 10/21/2008 - 00:17
s picture
I am a bit confused on that. My boards have the leters A
and G. G is the board with the power and the ICs on it,
basically everything. The other board is just for the
connections, like the inputs, the cable, etc.. I only see the
yellow picos and fuses on the board with the Ic's I can take a pic just dont
know how to attatch it. I checked with the Ohm Meter and have connectivity
on every one I can see by the heat sinks, middle of the board, even where
the power comes in. You have a pic of the two picos I should be checking?
I can email the pic of my board to you.

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you need the G power board

Submitted by Larry Dillon on Tue, 10/21/2008 - 01:42
picture you need the G power board not the D board with the IC's
on it. what is the model your working on, I will have a
lookski and see where the confusion is(probably me as
since my brain surgery I have a terible short term memory.)

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Hope that surgery went well

Submitted by podman on Tue, 10/21/2008 - 10:38
s picture
Hope that surgery went well and you have a fast recovery.
Read about it in your other articles. Best wishes to you.
Anyway, model number of my Sony is KP-43T90.
Ill change my pic to the board if I can ;)

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Hi Larry.
Submitted by podman on Wed, 10/22/2008 - 00:12
s picture
Hi Larry.
you can see the schematic from that awesome link of
service manuals. There are so many fuses im not sure
where to stop looking, I have tried everything near the STK
IC's and heat sinks. just with an Ohm meter. Question when I do go to the
setup service menu to do the manual convergence. Like I said top right of
grid looks good, white lines, and bottom left it curver just a tiny but all colors
are way off, too much to know I cant manually adjust it that way. picture
looks same as it did before i replaced the IC's so I assume SOMETHING is
still wrong right??? a blown pico fuse somewhere? If the IC's were bad, I
would have seen some improvement I am assuming.

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Did yo check the two pico

Submitted by Larry Dillon on Wed, 10/22/2008 - 10:14
picture Did yo check the two pico fuses on the G board.

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Sony Convergence Procedure | Techlore Page 8 of 13

Well likeI said, I think the

Submitted by podman on Wed, 10/22/2008 - 11:39
s picture
Well likeI said, I think the G board on my system is really
the whole board in my pic. I check lots and lots of pico
fuses. all are good. So not sure if there is some kind of
schematic i can look at for exact fuses i may look at. which
two if you look at my pic would they be? I checked all by the heat sinks.

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Yes, some of them only have 2

Submitted by zapdbf on Wed, 10/22/2008 - 15:33
Yes, some of them only have 2 boards, the power supply is
on the deflection board on those. just look for the yellow
fuses weaving in and around the convergence ic's.

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correct mine only has 2

Submitted by podman on Wed, 10/22/2008 - 20:41
s picture
correct mine only has 2 boards. labeled A and G. The G
board with the IC's is in my profile pic. Model number is KP-
43T90. Iam just using the Ohm meter to check the fuses.
Good enough right?

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yes use a simple ohm metter

Submitted by Larry Dillon on Wed, 10/22/2008 - 21:26
picture yes use a simple ohm metter to check the continuity of the
fuses.Do you have a service manual for this set?

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yes I downloaded it. I am

Submitted by podman on Thu, 10/23/2008 - 16:21
s picture
yes I downloaded it. I am changing my pic, I checked these
two fuses??Diodes? and they did not register on the Ohm
meter. I am changing my pic to reflect what i am talkign
abuot they are brown. in position D601 D602.

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you need a diode/ transistor

Submitted by Larry Dillon on Fri, 10/24/2008 - 00:14
picture you need a diode/ transistor setting on your metter to check
diodes. that i not your problem.

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Frustrating. I checked all

Submitted by podman on Sun, 10/26/2008 - 12:38
s picture
Frustrating. I checked all yellow fuses again with the Ohm
Meter. Cant find any open. Is it possible the brand new IC's
that one was bad? I bought from the recommened sites and
was an orginal replacement. If I did mess up on the
soldering, which sure doesnt look like I did, would that cause the double
image still because of a connected solder. I mean when I turn tv on, doesnt
look any different than what it did before I started.

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Sony Convergence Procedure | Techlore Page 9 of 13

Make sure you have the minus

Submitted by Larry Dillon on Sun, 10/26/2008 - 14:24
picture Make sure you have the minus and the plus 22 volts on
both IC's maybe a resistor or coil is the problem.

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Submitted by slippers on Sun, 10/26/2008 - 14:48
s picture
Thanks for your help so far. I have a Sony KP 46 WT 500. I
have already replaced the ic's and the pico fuses on the G
board. I have been following your posting from January 15,
on Sony RPTV CRT Convergence Instructions. I get to step 14 and at step
15 my joystick doesn't adjust the convergence at the selected position. Is
this an indication that I did something wrong during installation or am I doing
something wrong during the convergence process. Can you offer any help
on what my next step should be?

Thanks in advance.

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Wooohooo!!! Got it working!

Submitted by podman on Sun, 11/02/2008 - 10:30
s picture
Wooohooo!!! Got it working! Thanks Larry.
I rechecked my soldering job on the IC's no solder was
touching, checked that 3 times but what I thought was a
good thing, not alot of solder, turned out to be too little
solder. I touched up each pin with a bit more solder where I could see too
much pin and whoalla!!!!


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I have a sony kp-51ws510 and

Submitted by BobaGanush06 on Thu, 11/06/2008 - 00:31
picture I have a sony kp-51ws510 and i am able to enter into the
factory convergence mode. My question is what do all the
different abbreviations mean, the left side green is convex
and i can't figure out how to match it with the right. Is there
any way to reset my screen to factory convergence and if not can anyone
find me what the setting should be.


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can you send me the service

Submitted by alexchow on Sun, 11/16/2008 - 11:29
picture can you send me the service manual for Sony KP-46WT500


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hello, thanks for all the

Submitted by jessil on Sun, 11/16/2008 - 19:28
hello, thanks for all the helpful info. I am having a
convergence problem too; could i also get the service
manual for Sony KP-46WT500?

thank you.

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Sony Convergence Procedure | Techlore Page 10 of 13

Hi Larry. I have a 57WS500

Submitted by Kaindia_1 on Sun, 11/16/2008 - 20:28
picture Hi Larry. I have a 57WS500 which I replaced both STKs
and one pico fuse on. After performing manual convergence
in the service menu, I save the settings using 'mute' +
'enter'. Everything looks fine until after I shut down the set
and power back on. My convergence goes back to what it was before. I tried
this 3 times and still no luck. I don't think the set is saving the information
although it says 'Write' when asked to save. Do you think the memery chip
is bad? I don't know what else to do. Please advise.

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HI, Larry i have i problem

Submitted by vinayak on Thu, 11/20/2008 - 04:09
HI, Larry i have i problem with mi TV's image, i think you
can say it's a little off center just a bit, i need to move it
slightly to the right, how can i do that?

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Submitted by wrwelect on Mon, 12/01/2008 - 23:31
s picture
I also have same convergence problem.
Could you please email the manual for KP-43HT20 to

Also a good vendor for fuses and chips.



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Can someone e-mail me the

Submitted by Drew on Tue, 12/02/2008 - 00:41
Can someone e-mail me the service manual for the KP-
57WS500? it would be much appreciated

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So I replaced (on my KP
Submitted by Clint Young on Thu, 12/04/2008 - 22:19
picture So I replaced (on my KP-46Wt510) both ICs, a 3.15a Pico
fuse, and a blown 5A pico fuse. Now the ICs have full
power (i am pretty sure!), and can adjust the convergence.
Flash focus moves them, but never comes into focus.
Unfortunately the manual convergence goes REALLY darn slow.. I've aligned
them all up the best I can, but the further you get from the inside, the
further out of convergence they all become. I can only adjust them so far.
Any ideas here? I just took the board back out and made sure my solder
joints were good, but still no dice. Does manual service mode allow you to
adjust the settings further than normal adjustment modes? I can't seem to
get into service mode since I don't have the original remote. Other sony
remotes don't work. Thank so much!

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If you can already adjust the

Submitted by Kaindia_1 on Thu, 12/04/2008 - 23:43
picture If you can already adjust the convergence manually, then
service mode might not be of much help. Sounds like you
have some burnt resistors in the circuit. Check for
discoloration on the resistors themselves or even on the
circuit board underneath the resistors. You can tell if the circuit board has 6/11/2017
Sony Convergence Procedure | Techlore Page 11 of 13

had some concentrated heat on it just by the diffence in color. If there is

any hint of heat stress, it is always a good idea to replace the resistors in
question. They are only a few cents apiece. Sometimes you can't tell if a
resistor is bad visually, you'll have to test it with an ohm meter. Almost
always the resistance starts getting higher as a resistor fails. You can find
the values via the color codes. Search for 'resistor color codes' on yahoo.

You will need a sony remote with arrow keys in the middle. I have used 3 or
four different sony remotes successfully on one tv. Even remotes that are
almost 10 years old work on a tv that is brand new. See if you can find one.
There is no point for you to get into service mode without a sony remote
with arrows. Service mode convergence is pretty tedious even with the
original remote. See if you can get a cheap used one from ebay. You can
find out the model remote for you tv on sony's website.

Flash focus adjusts the current convergencee to what the factory set the
original convergence ICs to. You have changed the ICs which have slight
variances within, therefore Flash Focus will need to be re-set to these ICs.
The only way is to get into service mode and do manual convergence. After
which you can "teach" the Flash focus the new settings.

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Thanks so much for the info.

Submitted by Clint Young on Fri, 12/05/2008 - 08:38
picture Thanks so much for the info. I will try to go through (best I
can) and check the resistors. Boy, I thought originally this
would be pretty easy by just replacing the ICs and a Pico.
Did that, with no luck. Then I found on the other board
those 5A's were dead. Replaced them and crossed my fingers. LOL... Now
that I have a couple of dollars invested, I just can't let this go until i fix
it!!! :) Thanks again, and I will likely report/post back later with updates and

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I should also ask. The 3

Submitted by Clint Young on Fri, 12/05/2008 - 10:16
picture I should also ask. The 3 remotes I tried to do this with are
all sony television
alias%3Delectronics&field-keywords=television) remotes.
They control everything just fine, I just can't boot get the TV to turn on into
service mode. When I press all four of those buttons they won't turn it on.
Each one by themself works great, but not concurrently. Thoughts on this?

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clint, check the picos on the

Submitted by Larry Dillon on Fri, 12/05/2008 - 10:31
picture clint, check the picos on the D board by the IC's as well as
on the G board.

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did you mess with the manual

Submitted by Larry Dillon on Fri, 12/05/2008 - 10:42
picture did you mess with the manual settingd before you replaced
the IC"s? and the bad pico fuse's? if you did , thst is most
likely your problem.

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I tried to perform flash

Submitted by Clint Young on Fri, 12/05/2008 - 10:53
picture I tried to perform flash focus to no avail, and couldn't adjust
the convergence settings manually either. (Prior to replacing
the ICs) I did have to replace one of the Pico (3.15a) fuses 6/11/2017
Sony Convergence Procedure | Techlore Page 12 of 13

on the D board. I then found things were exactly the same, and then found
the blown 5A fuse on the G board.

Additionally.. I wanted to check for the +/-22v on the IC. How can I check
that? It seems virtually impossible to get a multimeter on that when the
board is in the system due to the location of the pins. ??

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check the voltsge on both

Submitted by Larry Dillon on Fri, 12/05/2008 - 11:19
picture check the voltsge on both sides of the pico fuses on the G
board.then look at the schematic snd see What coils and
resistors the plus and minus voltage go though.

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I will check that tonight

Submitted by Clint Young on Fri, 12/05/2008 - 11:24
picture I will check that tonight Larry. Thanks so much for your
help. FWIW - I have read through every post I could find on
this board dating back a few years. I see you have always
been very quick and willing to help people get the job done!
So thanks for helping me, and thanks for helping everybody else as well! I
know there are probably hundreds of folks like myself who use the
information, but never end up posting. It was only after I got "stuck" that I
decided to post. Thanks again, and I"ll keep you posted.

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Clint, the remote I am using

Submitted by Kaindia_1 on Fri, 12/05/2008 - 18:46
picture Clint, the remote I am using is RM-Y135A. I don't know why
the other remotes are not working for you.

On another note (

Galaxy-Note-Charcoal-Black/dp/B00N532FRU) , Larry, I posted this
earlier, but I did not get a response. I have a Sony 57WS500 which I
replaced the convergence chips and a pico fuse on. When I adjust the
convergence in the service mode, eveything is fine and it "writes" when I
save the settings. After I turn the tv off, and then on again, the convergence
goes back! It seems like its not actually saving the convergence or somehow
it is re-setting itself after I power down, and power on. I don't know what
else to do. Please advise.

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