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As per CSC-COA-DBM Joint Circular no. 1, s.

2017; Job Order Workers, as discussed

herein, refers to piece work or intermittent or emergency jobs as well as manual/trades and crafts
services such as carpentry, plumbing, electrical and the like. In line with this, Support services
may include janitorial, security, driving, data encoding, equipment and other ground
maintenance and other services that supports the day to day operations of the agency.

Sec. 6.3 of the said circular expressly provides that, Government agencies may hire job
order workers subject to the following conditions: (1) The services of job order workers is either
paid according to an agreed contract amount for the piece of work or on a daily wage basis; and
(2) Contracting the services of job order workers shall be subject to pertinent budgeting,
accounting and auditing rules and regulations. Such hiring is subject to the following limitations,
to wit:

(A) Contract of service and job order workers should not, in any case, be made to
perform functions which are part of the job description of the agencys existing
regular employees. (sec. 7.3)
(B) Contract of service and job order workers should not be designated to positions
exercising control or supervision over regular and career employees. (sec. 7.4)

Given the rationale, job order workers under the General Services Department as
apparent from their work, perform duties that are distinct and peculiar from the functions that are
being performed by regular employees. Such duties include ______________. The aforesaid
duties are germane to the agencys obligation to cater service to the public. It supports the day to
day operations of the agency as well as creating an effective and objective working environment.
Without such support, the agencys purpose will not meet ends.

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