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- Edilia a doua revizuitd -
Consultant: Jim Moore, Liverpool Hope University College, UK
Project Manager: Ruxandra Popovici, British Council, Romania
The authors would like to thank:
. Jim Moore, Liverpool University UK, for invaluable support and professional
guidance throughout the Project
. ilt tne teachers and students who piloted their materials and sent very useful
comments and suggestions

Coperta:Torok Emese

Descrierea CIP a Bibliotecii Nalionale a Rom6niei

Geoprofiles / Rodica Maria Rogoz, I1dik6 Krisztina Dobolyi,
Florina P[unescu, Doina Miloq - E d. a 2-a -
SfdntuGheorghe; Charta,2005
rsBN 973-8326-17-6

I. Rogoz, Rodica Maria

IL Dobolyi Ildik6 Krisztina
III. P5unescu, Florina
IV. Milog, Doina

et3(420)(07 s.3s)
9 1 3(73(075.35)

The following diagrams, graphs, maps and photographs are reproduced or adapted from the
sources mentioned below:

Fig.1.2, 1.3-FocusonBritainToday,ClareLavery,Macmillan, 1993, f19.1.6, 11.4-ExploringSeasideTowns,

WaylandPubllshers,Ltd.lggT; fig.3.'1-AGeographyofBritain,byA.R.TolsonandM.G.Johnstone,Oxford,l9T0;
', I fig.3.4,4,7,5.1,5.4, 8.1,8.2 - Geographyfor GCSE, Vincent Bunce, Longman;fig.3.7 -Aspects of Britain and the USA,
I Ch.Garwood, G,Gardani, E.Peris,Oxford,2001;fi9.7.5, fig.10.2 -The British lsles by David
Waugh; fig.10.7 - Key Geography - Foundations, David Waugh, Tony Bushell, 1991, Nelson Thornes fig.1 -
i; fig.12.3 -; fig.'12.6 -; 1i9.12.7 -; fig.13.1 -; fi9.13.4 -; fig.13.11 - Geog 1-
i\ R. Gallagher, R. Parish, J. Williamson, Oxford, 2001 ; fi9.14.7 - World Geography, Glencoe,
'1989; fig,15.8,16.1- The

United States by R. Crickner; fig.19.6 - Portrait of the USA, United States lnformation Agency, 1997; fi1.19.2 -;fig.; fi9.19.9'19.10
www.grandcanyonexcursions.comJig. 20,2 -; fig. 20.3 -; fi1.20.4'; fig.20,7 - 1999, fig.20,9 -; fig.20.11 -; fig.
19.3, '19.4, 20.12,21.3,21.4, - Michelin Travel Publication, USAEast,2000;f]g.21.9 ;21.10 -
www.usahosts,com;!ig.22.2 - Classroom Atlas - Rand McNally, '1990; fig.22.3 -, fig. 22.4 - An
American Portfolio USIA;;fi9.22.6 -; fi9.22.7

The publisher and authors would like to express their thanks for the kind permission to adapt and
use the above mentioned copyright material.

Every effort has been made to trace all the owners of copyright and to settle permission to
reproduce text and illustration, but the publishers will be glad to put right any omissions at the first

CopyrightO 2005 by Charta

Copyright@ 2005 by British Council

Tipdrit la S.C. Charta S.R.L.

520008 Sf. Gheorghe; Str. G6bor Aron 14
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Lesson/ Topic and Geographical and Cognitive Skills Main Language Aspects
l. Here are the Name and location of the Identifying places Vocabulary related to location,
British Isles British Isles Using maps types of coastline, physical
Coasts of Britain - types and Drawing maps processes
processes Interpreting geographical Ways of expressing location
Environment- Global relationships Defining geographical terms
warming Analysing geographical Speaking
phenomena Reading for specific information
Linking and developing ideas
Summarizing information

Page I
2. The Relief of the Forms of relief Identiffing physical geography Vocabulary related to physical
British Isles Physical features features on the map features
Rock structure Drawing maps Reading for gist
Environment- Tourism Organizing information in a chart Translating
form Writing descriptive paragraphs
Drawing diagrams Cross-curricular transfer from
Completing information gaps literature
Ordering in logical sequence
Analysing and comparing
Identifying causes of phenomena

Page 12
3. Weather and Difference between weather Interpreting maps Vocabulary related to weather and
climate and climate Interpreting isotherms climate
Factors affecting climate Interpreting graphs Speaking - Describing graphs
Temperature Drawing graphs Reading for gist
Precipitation Organizing information Reading for specific information
Case study: London's Identiffing causes and effects of Ways of expressing information
microclimate phenomena on types ofweather
Environment: Fog/smog Giving reasons

Page {6
4. The Waters of Rivers Interpreting maps Vocabulary related to rivers and
the British Isles Lakes Completing information gap Iakes
Water problems Interpreting diagrams Speaking - Describing shapes
Case study: The Lake Interpreting pictures Reading for specific information
District Applying generalizations to solve Writing a newspaper article
Environment: pollution of geographical problems
the river Thames Applying information to chart
Transferring graphic information
into text
Synthesising information

Page 2O

f''\' /

Lesson/ Topic and Geographical and Cognitive Skills Main Language Aspects
5. Population of Population distribution Interpreting maps and graphs Vocabulary related to
Britain Density and conurbations Processing information population, population
Population change Transferring figures to charl changes and population
Migration Creating a flow-chart structure
Population structure Making logical connections Speaking
Environment: The impacl Transfering graphic Ways of drawing conclusions
of migration information into text and making generalizations
Identifying cause and effect Reading

Page 24
6. Settlements Classification Interpreting diagrams Vocabulary related to types
Pattems and land use lransferring infomation to of settlements
Spatial pattems of graphs Speaking Explaining
economic and social Analysing the intelrelationship phenomena
well-being between communities and Reading for gist
Urban settlements settlements Reading for specific
The rural-urban fringe Comparing spatial patterns information
Case study: London Creating diagrams
Environment: Greenwich Analysing points of view

Page 28
7. Energy Types ofenergy Interpreting graphs Vocabulary related to types of
Resources Traditional and altemative Creating pie charls energy resources
energy resources Transferring graphic Speaking: Expressing opinions
Environment: Sustaining information into text Reading for gist
our future Analysing information Reading for specific
energy resources information

I Page 32
8. lndustry Classifi cation of industry Analysing industrial factors Vocabulary related to industry
\\ Location ofindustry Interpreting maps Speaking -defining terms
Industriai change Inferring causes and effects Ways of organizing ideas,
expressing personal opinion
\ Case study: South Wales
Environment: pollution
of economic phenomena
Linking a categorv to its both in oral and wrinen form
feafures Reading for gist
Classifuing Reading for specific
Identifying reasons information
Cornparing and contrasting Summarizing information
Problem solving Writing paragraphs

Page 36
9. Farming Factors influencing Interpreting maps Vocabulary related to farming
farming Analysing factors influencing Speaking - Explaining
Types of faming faming phenomena
Recent changes in Transferring information to Reading for gist
farming table Writing letters
Farming systems Creating a flowchart
Case study: The removal Dehning activities
Environment: Effects of

Page 4O


Lesson/.Topic and Geographical and Cognitive Skills Main LanguageAspects
lO.Transport Features of transport in Identiffing advantages and Vocabulary related to transport
theUK disadvantages of transport Reading for gist
Types oftransport modes Reading for specific
Traffic aspects Interpreting maps and charts information
Case study: The Channel Applyrng information to solve Summarizing information
Tunnel problems Writing - complex sentences
Environment: Effects of Giving reasons
transport Explaining phenomena

Page 44
11. Recreation and Types ofrecreational Interpreting charts Vocabulary related to tourism
Tourism in the activities Classiffing information and recreation
T]K Changing pattems in the Defining goreral terms Speaking - Describing
British tourist industry Applying information to tables traditions
National Parks in the UK Comparing features of national Reading for specific
Case study: Snowdonia parks information
Environment: Ecotourism Reading for gist
Summarizing information

Page 48
Revision -UK

Page 52
Project work -
Tiavelling in the
Page 54
Country Fact
Page 55

12. Welcome to Location of the USA Reading maps Vocabulary related to location,'
the USA Time zones in the USA Locating borders time zorie and administrative
USA administrative Establishing geo graphical divisions
structure coordinates Antonyms
\ American Celebrations Identifuing time zones on the Ways of speaking about
map location
Transferring infonnation to Reading for specific
table information
Applying information to solve Summarizing information
geographical problems

Page 56
13. The Face of Types of r_elief in the USA Reading maps Vocabulary related to relief,
the l,.and Fonnation oflandscape Transferring information fr om landscape origin, types of
Features ofmountain map to text relief, natural hazards
ranges Completing charts Ways of describing landscape
Case study: Deserts and natural phenomena
Environment: Mt. Reading for specific
St.Helens information
Summarising information

Page 60
l* -- -',/-

Lesson/ Topic and Geographical and Cognitive Skills Main Language AsPects
Climate types in the USA Reading maps Vocabulary related to climate and
14. Climate and
The weather Completing maps weather, climate hazards
Severe weather conditions Decision-making by applying Reading for specific information
Climate hazards information on climate and Writing paragraphs
Case study: El Niflo weather Writing weather forecasts
Environment: Drought Drawing parallels Ways of presenting geograPhical
Problem-solving information in written form

Page 64
The rivers Reading maps Vocabulary related to rivers, lakes.
15. The waters
The lakes Deciding on different sources of floods
of the USA
Geysers information Reading for gist
Case study: The Colorado Organising information Reading for specific information
River Classifying lakes and rivers Rearranging information logically
Environment: The Analysing the uses ofnatural Ways of summarizing and
Everglades resources presenting information orallY
Natural environment Identifying the causes and
in the USA consequences of natural disasters

Page 68
16. The regions Features of a region Reading maps Vocabulary related to tyPes of
Types of geography and Defining a geographical region geography and their area of
of the USA
I their areas ofinterest Analysing geographical features interest
Synthesising geographical aspects Speaking
Rearranging information logically Reading for specific information

Page 73
,i Vocabulary related to physical
l: 17. The Northeast ''Boswash" Megalopolis: Reading maps
physical features, economy, Interpreting maps features, economy, population,
population Applying information to table urban development,
\ New England: physical Applying information to maP Speaking -Interviewing
features, economy, Summarizing information to Reading for gist
population present New York Reading for specific information
New York Summarizing
Washington D.C. Presenting information in written
Environment: NewYork form

18. The Interior The Central Plain lnterpreting maps Vocabulary related to physical
Plains The Great Plains Finding evidence to support features,
Physical features opinions agriculture, economy, mineral
Agriculture Applying information to table resources, urban develoPment
Industry Identifuing reasons for farming Speaking - giving reasons
Urban areas and population location Reading for gist
Fact file on Chicago Identifying reasons for industry Reading for specific information
Case study : Boom and Bust location Summarizing
in the Great Lakes States Thinking critically

Page 7A

--=*- _.,--
Lesson/ Topic and Geographical and Cognitive Skills Main Language Aspects
19. The Rocky Introduction to the region Reading maps Vocabulary related to physical
Mountains The Rocky Mountains Interpreting pictures features, human
Region The Intermontane Plateaus IdentiSing the effects of natural and economic factors, tourism,
Basin phenomena geological structure
Physical features Identifying relationship between Speaking
Human and economic factors location and settlements Reading for gist
Culture and tourism Reading for specific information
National Parks
Case study: The Grand

Page 82
20. The Pacific Introduction to the region Reading maps Vocabulary related to physical
Coast Area Physical features Discriminating between related features, economy, region
Human aspects notions development
Economic aspects Creating time lines Speaking -describing illustrations
California Interpreting illustrations Reading for gist
Case study : The Central Synthesising information Reading for specific information

Page 86
21. The South Introduction to the region Reading maps Vocabulary related to physical
Physical features: The Organising information features, economy, coastal
Atlantic Coastal Plain, Analysing geographical features ecological management
the Gulf Plain, The of a region Speaking -expressing personal
Appalachian Highlands Identifying relationship between opinion
Human and Economic physical features and economic Reading for gist
Aspects development Reading for specific information
The Southern Coastline Finding reasons for ecological
Case study: Wetland management
Protection in Louisiana
Environment: Coastal
Resources Texas
Page 9O
22.The Newest Alaska - Introduction Reading maps Vocabulary related to physical
States Physical features Giving reasons features, human aspects and
Hawaii - Introduction Connecting related ideas economy
Physical features Synthesising information Speaking -making oral
Alaska -Human Aspects Applying information to compare presentations
Economic aspects and contrast Reading for gist
Hawaii - Human aspects Reading for specific information
Economic Aspects Superlatives

Page 94
Revision - UK

Page 98
Project work -
Travelling in
the USA
Page lOO
State Flags
of the USA

Page lol
"Y /=

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A, Discussion points
Why do you think the key terms and ideas mentioned
above are important to the topic of the lesson? What
other things come to your mind when you think of
Britain ?

B. The British Isles. Name and Location

1. Read the text below and identify the places

mentioned on the map.

The British /s/es are situated off the north west coast of
Europe. They are represented by a large island called
Great Britain and a smaller island called /reland (whose
Southern part is politically independent).The British lsles
also include a few hundred small islands, lying at varying Fig. 1.1. Britain's location in Europe
distances from the coasts in the surrounding waters.

2" a. Work in pairs to fill in the table on the right with the
latitude and the longitude of the two main islands
mentioned above.

Notice the O0 longitude (Zero Meridian or Prime Meridian) which passes through the lnternational Time Measure of Greenwich,
east of London.The local time is the standard time for Britain, from which most other world times are calculated.

i b. Give the boundaries of the British lsles. Fill in the table below.

North South East West

Great Britain is the name of the island, padt of the British lsles, which is made up of
\ and

\ 3. Match the description of the two

maps with their appropriate names
Take into consideration the

The term "Britain" is normally used to

ddscribe the whole country.

Britain's full title for constitutional and

international affairs is
(the UK).

It is part of the British lsles.

The countries belong to the same
kingdom and the people's nationality
is British
Fig 1.2 The United Kingdom Fig.1.3 Great Britain

C. The Coasts of Britain - Types and processes

4. Read the following text to find out the main types of coasfline in ,$
Britain's coastline is very irregular. There are many indentations around
the British coastline.
The most typical types of coasUines are:

Es.tya.ry = a funnel-shaped river mouth which results from flooding
tidal areas. Some of them contain ports such as London, Liverpool and
Firth fiord) = a drowned glaciated valley formed mosfly in Scofland after
the lce Age.
Ria = a river valley drowned by the postglacial rise in sea-level.
Peninsula = a tract of land, large or small, projecting into a body of
water, having water on three sides. They are common in Cornwall,
Devon and Wales,
Sfraifs and Channels = narrow stretches of water, which separate
two bodies of land (e.9. the Strait of Dover, the English Channel).

The seas around the coasts are quite shallow because Britain lies on the
Continental Shelf.

5. What processes affect the coasts of the UK?

Fig.1'4. Types of coastlines in the UK

The coastline is constantly changing because of the work of the sea.
Some parts are eroding to form cliffs while others are building up to form
beaches. Consequently, most places in Britain are less than 75
miles (120 km) from the sea,

The sea-level around the coast is always changing for another reason.
The rise and fall of the sea produces the tides. There are hightides and lowtides
every twelve and half hours. This is due to the
attraction of the Moon on the Earth.

6. Using an atlas map of Britain:

a) ldentify and name the types of coast located at the letters from A to F
on the map from fig. 1.4.
b) Name the islands numbered from 1 to 5 on the outline map above
using the information from fig. 1.1.

7. Match the names of the places mentioned below with their respective
'r The wash is an inret situated on the western coast of scoiland
Strait of is an island situated in the lrish Sea
o St. George's Channel is a bay in the North-East of Wales
. Liverpool Bay is a stretch of water separating Britain from France
. lsle of Man is a channel that separates Wales from lreland
o Firth of Clyde .
is a bay situated on the east Coast of Britain
. Cornwall Devon is a peninsula situated in the South-West of England

Fill in the gaps in the passage below to summarise the lesson.

The British lsles is the geographical name of the .

" called Great Britain, lreland and a multitude of other smaller islands
(the lsle of Man, the Orkneys etc.). The passes through ihe eastern part of London. Britain,s
indented, varied and under constant change due to its geogiaphical


fF. '*-/"


1. Work in pairs to make a list of the things you have learned about Britain. Start by filling in the gapped text below

The British /s/es are .......coasl of Europe.
The .............. ................
or Meridianpasses through .........
which is now one of London's suburbs.
Great Britain includes ............... and
The whole name of the country is:

Britain'scoxtlineisveryirregularwithmany .................... like:

2. Read the following statements. Some of them contain errors. Rewrite them to make correct statements.
1. The British lsles are situated off the north-west coast of mainland Europe.
2. Great Britain also includes Northern lreland.
3. The North Sea and the lrish Sea are very deep along Britain's coast.
4. The English Channel borders England to the South.
5. The Scottish firths are narrow channels of the sea.

3. Define the following terms: rndenta tion, ctiff , shatlow . Use the terms in sentences to describe types of coasts found
- ;
4. a. Write the word family of 'coast'and include each of the words in sentences of your own.
b Using the glossary tell the difference between 'bay', 'firth', 'estuary,.
c. Choose the correct form in the context (check with the glossary):
1. The British lsles (lay/lie) off the coast of Europe.
2. St. George's (Channel/canal) separates Wales from lreland.
3. The (lsland/lsle) of Man is a member of the Commonwealth.
4. The (StraiUStraight) of Dover is only 30 km wide.
. d. Replace the underlined words with. a suitable synonym,
1. Northern lreland is situated North of the Republic of lreland.
2. The border between England and Wales is very regular.
3. The Greenwich Meridian is the Prime Meridian of the Earth,
5. .Work on the World map (in your Atlas). Find which major cities
mentioned below are close to the same line of latitude as
i London: Buchare'st, Paris, Warsaw, Prague, Bertin, New York,
\ Calcutta, Vancouver.

Knowing that Great Britain is 500 km wide and nearly 1,000 km
long how long would it take a plane, travelling at 750 kilometres
per hour, to fly over Great Britain from the far north (John O,Groats)
to the south coast (Land's End) ?

7. Fill in the chart with the missing information to find out information
on the UK.

Fi9.1.5. Land's End - Cornwall

Country Area ( Capital
The UK 243,610 58,837
England 130,433 49,1 81
Scotland 78,822 Edinburgh
Wales 2.903 Cardiff
Northern lreland 13,576 1,689
Source: Office for National Statistics, 2002


[* EL-j:*--i4

' The term Great Britain is used to differentiate Britain from Brittany ( French for Bretagne). The word Great
helps to distinguish between the two: Grande Bretagne = Great Britain, Bretagne = Brittany.

' lslands like the lsle of Man in the lrish Sea and the Channel lslands off the French Coast are not part of the UK
although theyaremembersofihe Commonwealth.Theyareself-governingCrowndependenc1eswithacommon
historical relationship but with different legal, legislative and adminisirative systems. HoweverQhe British
G.overnment is responsible for their defence and international relations.

' The lce Age - already mentioned when presenting the formation of firths in Scotland - was a prolonged period of
. colder climatic conditions, during which snow and ice covered large areas of the Earth, including Briiain. There
have been several ice ages in the past, the most recent began about 2 million years ago, often referred to as the
lce Age.

DID\@U [s[@Mf?
> The UK's coastline is 12,430 km long. The British
people can own land along the coasi but not
under the sea.

is 5,530 km.

belonging to the UK.

Scientists predict that sea levels will rise as the burning of

fossil fuels (wood, coal, oil) warms up the atmosphere. The
process is known under the name of global warming. This
could lead to the melting of the polar ice caps and a gradual
rise in the sea level - a rise of up to one metre in the next
100 years is predicted. As a result, many coastal beaches
and estuaries around the world would be drowned.

a. Describe the effects of global warming on British coasts.

b. Describe the effects of global warming on the Romanian
Black sea coast.Dlt
I Fig.1.6. Fighting Erosion


2.T[GrclffiFffimmEffisN Hs
i highland eroded mountains lowland I
: glacaers rock type I

A. Discussion points:

d what terms denoting forms of relief do you know? complete the mind map opposite mountain
b which colours are used in maps and atlases to depict the various forms of relief?

B. Physicalfeatures:

1. Read the text below and identify the places mentioned on the map.

ln Britain the traditional terms used for describing landscapes are highland and lowland. Great Britain can be divrded into twr
main areas, each with very different geography, climate and economic activities. By drawing an imaginary oblique lrne from the
southwest (point A on the map) to the northeast(point B), you can divide Britain into the two types oilandicape.

2. Study the map below and the accompanying texts. Link the texts with the corresponding areas on the map in
fig. 2.1 by drawing lines.

The Scottish Highlands comprise

the Nofth-West Highlands and the
Grampians, which display some of the
most dramatic mountain scenery in Highlands
Britain, This is due to a combination of ri;iliiriiir Lowlands
high mountains and glacial valleys. Faults
-r+u Escarpments
The Central Lowland is a large rift E High coasts
valley lying between the Highlands and Southern limit
the Southern Uplands. of glaciation

The Southern Uplands are lower,

more rounded and eroded than the

A typical feature of Scotland's relief is Crcs FelPff:\

the presence of fault lines. ^oe3 qfi\
rian{ -*l'i
3i " i;,i
", ,'+,#

Northern lreland is a predominantly

low area with a depression at its centre M,*
containing Lough Neagh and the Bann
Valley. This depression is surrounded
by higher areas formed of old, eroded
mountains and plateaux. The North
Coast is made up of spectacular basalt
cliffs, the Giant's Causeway.

- - tttl
5a5 /

The Cambrian Mountains or the

Welsh Massif occupy most of the
Welsh Peninsula and form an area of
high peaks and moorlands. The only
Iowland area is found along ihe coasts. Fig.2.1 Forms of relief in the United Kingdom.


The Pennines are called the 3 a) Using the chart below, organise the information presented on the previous page
"Backbone of England" and extend into a classification of forms of relief in Britain:
down the middle of the country
Form of relief Attttude
from the Cheviot Hills to the Name Location
(hiqhest or lowest)
Midlands. On the flanks of the
mountains Pennines England Cross Fell 893 m
Pennines there are areas of fertile

The Cumbrian Mountains in

north-west England are a dome of
ancient rocks deeply eroded by
glaciers. They are also called the
Lake District, an area famous for
its lakes and scenic beauty.

East Anglia is a low almost

completely flat area where only a
few areas rise above the general
level of the plain. The western part
is called The Fens and contains
land reclaimed from marshes. This
is'composed of peat in the south
and silt in the north.

The Scarplands are alternating

hills and vales, which extend from
Yorkshire in the north to Devon in
the south. The hills are also called C. The rock structure of Britain
escarpments. They form the
landscape of most of south and 4. Read the text below and put the paragraphs into a logical order.
east England.
a) The sedimentary rocks are also hard and resistant and include sandstones,
limestonesand coal measures. They were formed about 250 million years ago and
are found in the Pennines, South Wales and Central Scotland. They include extensive
plateaux and hilly land above 300m.
The South.West comprises a
b) The land which makes up the uK is the result of a long geological history and it
series of low granite plateaux,
contains a great variety oflrocks, which were formed ai oitrerent geologiial times.
fringed by lowlands of sedimentary
rock. They end abruptly in cliffs
c) Much of eastern and southern Britain is made of "newe/, sedime-ntaryiocks formed
about 100 million years ago. These are softer and form low hills (lower than
along the coast. The granite 300 m)
and vales.
moorlands rise to over 600m in
Dartmoor and become lower
d) The hardest rocks are the igneous rocks and are found in the north and west. They
were formed more than 400 million years ago. They are now mosfly upland
towards Land's End. areas

5. Fill in the text below with the appropriate words from the box to show how
glaciation affected Britain,s relief. Summary
Britain's landscape is divided
i Wales f,ords ribbon lakes , ice- sheet surface iae i into highland and lowland.
i kilometre spectacular northern \laciers landmaSs i
-------: '
The mountains are old and
There have been (1) aijes, during which thick ice sheets covered one third eroded. The plains are flat
of the earth's ------
(2). During the last lce Age an
--.. (3) more than one and they are interrupted by
hilly regions.
(6) scenery of
scotland, (7) and northern England owe their existence
- - to tre wo* Liic".
-__ __ (8) are powerful moving machines that dramatically change the (9) There are many signs of
forming: (10), U shapedvaileys, 1ti;, tarns.
-- glaciation.


1. The map infig.2.2 shows Britain's mountains.

Using appropriate crayons, draw on the other main forms
of relief and label all of them.

2. The paragraphs below contain short descriptions

of five different areas of Britain. Using the clues from the
lesson, match the names of each area with a suitable
description and write the correct name in each gap:

, Northern lreland
, The Pennines
. East Anglia

, The Downs
, Cornwall

...............,.,.are a series of horseshoeshaped chalk hills

located south of London. Their southern side reaches the sea
in many places and forms the famous white cliffs of the South
Coast. They were the reason why the Romans named the
country Albion.
Fig.2.2 The Outline of Britain's Mountains
..........., a flat, wind-blown area in the east of England,
criss-crossed by large slow rivers and canals. lts soil is very
fertile, suitable for cereals, flowers and vegetables.
Language check

The .................. peninsr,la, with its rocky coast, numerous

Draw the diagram of a mountain and write around
small bays and wild moorlands such as Dartmoor and Exmoor,
it allthe words you know that are connected with
is one of the most popular holiday destinations in Britain.
a mountain.

. .. . stretch for some 240km from north to south

and form the backbone of the country. They are made up of

b. State the difference between lowland, plain and fielc
flat plateaux with average altitudes of 600-800m.

...... displays an interior plain scattered with

isolated hills and lakes, the largest lake being found in its
c. ldentify equivalent terms for valley, plain and hfl as
they appeared in the lesson.
centre and is surrounded by a ring of low mountains

Using the Venn diagram below, compare the relief of Britain (i.e, forms of relief and their characteristics) with that oi
your country. The common features are to be written in the middle.>g I

5, Describe the relief of your country by using some of the words from this lesson, as well as words like:
harmonious, concentric, balanced combination, etc.FKl I
14 z>-
A unique form of relief on the northern coast of Northern lreland b. Although Scotland is made up of 3 distinct regions, each
is Ihe Granf's Causeway. (Fig. 2.3) lt is made up of some blessed with its special beauty; the Highlands are the most
40,000 basalt columns and it resembles a group of stepping- impressive region of all. Read the following lines by Robert
stones leading to the sea. The symmetrical columns have 6-8 Burns, the national poet. List the main features of the
sides and the tallest is 12 m in height. The legend explaining Highlands' landscape that appear in the poem:
the formation of the stones says that the giant Finn McCool fell
in love with a lady giant from the Scottish coast and to bring her " My heart's inthe Highlands, my heart is not here;
to lreland he built the Giant's Causeway. My heart's in the Highlands a-chasing the deer;
Chasing the wild deer, and following the roe,
My heart's in the Highlands wherever I g0...
Farewell to the mountains, high covered with snow;
Farewell to the straths and green valleys bellow;
Farewell to the forests and wide-hanging woods;
Farewell to the torrents and loud-pouring floods."

c. Read the paragraph below, which contains a prose

description of the Highlands. Translate it into Romanian
using a dictionary if necessary.

"lt is an area of scenic grandeur, consisting of parallel chains

of mountains, rugged and barren, broken by deep valleys. lts
Fig. 2.3 The Giant's Causeway, lreland beauty comes from ihe combination of precipitous cliffs,
moorland plateaus covered in heather, swift-flowing streams
and glistening lochs with crystal-clear waters"

a. The Fens is the lowest area in the country (4m below sea
level) and also the most fertile. d. Which of the elements in the paragraph above do you
To discover some of the activities carried out here and the find in the picture below?
products obtained or typical of this area, search horizontally
and vertically in the word square below. You should find
10 words (some compound ones). Circle them like in the
model and then compare your findings with your
L C E L E R E C a X
o A D C T F A R M I N G
E o W E R T P A T U
R D F G H J o L K o L L
S A S z C X T S U B N
B R Dr W A T c H. I N G
o W E R A iT o U e o
S Z X C s S B N o P

Due to its natural and cultural wealth, Scotland is a major tourist destination. Tourism can be both
beneficial as well as destructive
for an area. ln time, several environmental organisations focused their activities on this area, trying to protect
Column A lists the tourist attractions of the area, while column B lists the harmful impact of tourlsm

Scenic beauty
Unspoilt nature Wildlife destruction
Rare birds/plants Littering
Walking TOURISM Pollution of rivers/lakes/land
Canoeing, Fishing Footpath erosion
Playing golf Building tourist facilities

Study the flow chart above and write down some solutions meant to reduce the damaging impact of tourism on
Highlands' environment.




i climate variable equable precipitation weather I

t---------__ I

---4u,.., .. A. Discussion points:

,ra. Why
is the weather a favourite topic of discussion in Britain?
Unjumble the words on the right in order to find out which are f 'h"i',d_l tp..t.r**l
' the elements of weather..
I *61"*re--l t "p.'-, I
B. Climate and weather
1. Read the two definitions below and decide which refers to
f--;ml t dh,,iltyl
climate and which lo weather. fTr..d.-l lprt".ip"til, I
A. B.
The average state of the meteorological elements for a The average state of the meteorological elements for a
small area (e.9. town/city) over a short period of time large area (e.9. counhies, continents) over a number of
i (e.9. a couple of days, weeks) years.

C. Factors affecting climate
2 . a. The following factors affect the climate of an area. Match the terms with their definition.

I Places further away from the Equator receive Warm ocean currents like the North Aflantic Drift
i less energy from the sun. Therefore the higher warm up coastal locations, even in high latitudes
the latitude (the nearer the North or South Pole)
il the colder it is likely to be. The greater the altitude, the colder, windier and
sea takes longer to heat up in summer so wetter it is likely to be. (The temperature usually
the sea is colder than the land. ln winter it takes' falls by about 1"C for every 200
longer for the sea to cool down, so the sea is masses are
warmer than the land. Consequently coastal bring the weather of the place from which they come
I areas are often warmer in winter but cooler in to Britain. Some winds like the westerly winds in the
I summer than places inland. northern are called winds"

I 2. b. Which of the factors mentioned

above apply to Britain?
Britain is affected by the following air

D> masses:
- polar maritime (mP)
z - polar continental (cP)
i lll lt-wel - tropical maritime(mT)
0 l- cold - tropical continental (cT)
o ll
- prevailing westerly winds (wW)

0 -rlt>
3. 0n the map in fig.3.1 write the initiats
z mB cE mB cT and wW beside each

arrow. Discuss their effects on the
->- weather in Britain.

4. Based on all the factors studied so far

choose the best alternative in order
to define the climate type found in
Britain. Give reasons for your choice.

Britain's climate is.

Fig. 3.1 Air streais r"lri"f, affect Britain. The width of the arrows a) temperate continental
indicates approximately how frequently the different air streams b) subtropical
c)temperate maritime


D. Temperature
Temperature shows how warm the air is. lt can be measured in degrees celsius or Fahrenheit. The conversion formulae
'C = 5/9 x ("F-32) or
lsotherms are lines joining places with equat
whole country.
t.rp.rrtr'r5. #'rL fl.li3 show average temperature conditions over the

Or,s 6"C
4"C-r'C OYe 10.
3'C - 4'C ,5' - 15- C
!.lry 3lc t{'- 15. C
13L 14'C
EGlow 13'C

Fig. 3.2 lsotherms for January Fig. 3.3 lsotherms for July
5. Study the maps above and answer the following questions:
Which are the coldest and warmest areas in summer and winter?
the table below
warmest area coldest area
b) Why are the southwest anO
c) What are the factors which determine the location of the lowest
temperature in Scoland in winter?
d) Why is the southeast warmer than the southwest in summer?
e) Using fi9. 3.3, explain why the southeast coast is cooler than the
area around London?
E. Precipitation
The term precipitation refers to rain, snow, hail and sleet and is
measured in mm/year.
6' The map below shows the annual distribution of precipitation
for the United Kingdom. study it carefully and
entences to expresi your conclusion.

N a) The wettest parts in Britain are


t - of the proximity of big bodies of water

b) The driest part of Britain is

- it is in the rain shadot
lover2000 mm

!rsoo.zooo mm

650.1500 mm Summary
under 650
The climate in Britain is variable i.e. it changes from day to
? 150,km
9rV. tlis also equable i.e. there are no extremes of heit, cold,
drought or prolonged rainfall. The wettest part is northwest
. 3.4 UK-average annual rainfall Scotland. The driest is southeast England'


ln the climate graph for London below, the line shc,
PRACTICE AND CONSOLI DATION the average temperatures and the bars the averag
precipitation for each month.
li Choose words from the box to complete the following text
q-,' describing the climate of the UK. Describe orally what you see in the graph

h!gher changeable (ftaritime equable west


"Britain's climate is more or less similar to that of the north-western

parts of Europe, llowever, due to its being an island, Britain
suffers (1 )................,,..infl uences, which vary with location.: the
further west you go, the (2) gets.
Winters are(3)....,.,.,..,..,....., somehow colder in the east than in
the (a)....................and snow is a regularfeature ofthe
(5)....................areas only (eg. the Grampians in the Scottish
All in allthis climate is (6) it displays a lack of
extremes but at the same time it can be very(7)..................,
which gave it its bad reputation.
2. Complete the following sentences with information from
the lesson:

1. The general effect of the westerly winds on Britain is that they Fig. 3.5 The Climate of London
2. The North Atlantic Drift is........... .and its effect b. Draw a similar graph for lnverness using the
is. ..... ;. ... ... ... following data (the given values are for
3. The south of the UK is warmer than the north because

4. The east of the UK is drier than the west because

.lllatch the climate descriptions below with areas B, C and D

from the map in fig. 3.6 and write the key words in the correct
sector. Area A has already been done for you.

l.cold winters, cool summers, quite dry

I cold winters, warm summers, dry

O mild winters, warm summers, quite wet

\coolsummers, mild winters, wet

! +. of the two weather forecasts A or B below matches Fig.3.6 Weather Regions
the weather map fig. 3.7 below?

Q//ost of the country will be B. The forecast predicts a bright,

aff-ected bploud altemating with chilly but showery day across mar
sunnyspells. There will be littlg rain parts otthe British lsles. The shou.
in the south-east but heavyTffi-arq will be heaviest and niost persiste:
will extend from the north-west in the N and W, with sleet and
through western areas of Scotland perhaps snow overthe Scottish hi ,
and Northern lreland.
Northern Scotland may expect
Temperatures here will be of arour:
5-6oC and a N-W fresh wind will bl:
temperatures of minimum 7 degrees intermittently.
Celsius, quite mild for January, while The eastern and southern areas w
south-eaStEngland may enjoy a be brighter, with only isolated
maximum of 11 degees Celsius. showers and temperature of goC.
Another feature of the weather will Low cloud and fog could linger ove'
be the strong westerly wind with the N-E in the morning, but will
gales ii'-the ftrlouih-west. disperse later.
Fig. Weather forecast
) The British say they don't have climate but weather. Due to the low pressure air fronts which constantly sweep the
country from west io east, you can sometimes experience four seasons in a day.
) Although the British climate is generally equable, temperature extremes do occasionally occur. The highest temperature
recorded in recent decades was 38oC (August 2003, London) and the lowest was -270C (January '1982, the Grampians)

ln general the climate patterns of a country tend to be Fog is a climate element typical of Britain, lt represents the
affected by local factors such as altitude, sheltered position, condensation of water particles at ground level.
pollution, or how bullt up a place is. Thus, microclimates appear. Fog tends to be thicker in built up areas. The combination
ln the case of big cities, like London, this microcfimate is called of fog and smoke is smog, Smog appears when warm air
an urban climate. lts main feature is the urban heat island loaded with fumes from cars and factories rises rapidly until
effect, which means that its temperature is a few degrees it reaches a ceiling of warm air. There, it cannot rise
higher than that of the surrounding area. (Fig. 3.8) anymore and it spreads, forming a blanket of smoke and dirt
over the city.
Although British cities and particularly London, suffered
because of smog in the past and many people even died
because of it, it is no longer a problem.
1. Try to think why smog is a thing of the past for Britain,
2. ls smog a problem in the area where you live?


According to a 2002 government report, there are four

future climate scenarios for the UK. They take into
account possible changes in technology and lifestyle
over the next 100 years. They are called:
"Low Emissions",
0 10 km "Medium-Low Emissions"
oPes "o$s "High Emissions"
Fig. 3.8 London's microclimate (the emissions are, of course, the pollutants released into
the atmosphere both privately and industrially). The
predictions are:
Here are a few factors, which affect the London weather: Temperature
1. The great number of buildings acts as a wind-break. 1. an expected rise by 2-3.5 ofthe annual average
However, very tall buildings, like the skyscrapers, may values by the year 2080
have the opposite effect as they create true "canyons" 2. the highest rise (5 will affect the S and E
along which the wind funnels. 3. most of the warming will affect the summers and
2. Green areas have been built over with impermeable autumns
surfaces such as asphalt or concrete. Precipitation
3. There are more water vapour and dust particles in the f . increased values with at least 10Yo-200/o for winter
atmosphere due to the domestic heating and the 2. drier summers with a precipitation decrease of up
burning of fossil fuels by cars and industry. to 50%
Task: After you have read the characteristics listed above, 3. largest changes in the S and E of England, smallest
suggesf their effects on London's microclimate. Add them in Scotland
to the list started below: 4. snow will fall with 60-90% less than at present
a. London receives less snow and it melts faster (e.9. the Wind
average snow days per year for London - 5 days, for 1. will have higher speed, especially in summer when
Scotland - 30 days) severe gales and sea surges may be expected

Calm wind Moderate gale

11-20 kmlhr 50-60 km/hr
Fig. 3.9 Wind types and the Beaufort wind scale

4. w wumts @ ffiiB Emmils[fl mgs
watershed confluence drainage basin reservolr

A. Discussion points:
What types of water do You know?
B. The Rivers
1. Read the text below to find out information about
parts of the river. Use the underlined words to
complete fig. 4. 1.
Rivers are natural drains. Most of the rain that falls on the
land drains into a river. The origin of a river is called the
source. As the river flows, other smaller rivers or streams
may join it. These are called tributaries and the point
where they meet is their confluence. Further on the point
where the main river flows into a sea or ocean is called the
The area drained by a river is known as a drainage basin'
Mountains and hills often form a watershed, which
separates two drainage basins. A typical drainage pattern Fig. 4.1 A river drainage basin
looks like a tree, with the river as the tree trunk and the
hibutaries as its branches.
parts of a river. Use the map fig 4.2 on th
2, Fill in the blanks with the missing information referring to the different
left below to help you.
a. The mouth (A) of the river Severn is

the Bristol Channel.

b, The---(F)oftheTren:
covers most of the Midlands.
c. The drainage basins of the rivers Trer
and Mersey are seParated bY a
d. The Clyde has its'.":...-: (B) in the

Southern Uplands.
e. The point where the Severn and its
(C), the Avon meet is call:-
_ (D)

3. Study the map of UK fig. 4.2. What i:

the main characteristic of rivers in
Britain? Read the text below to chec
your answers.
Britain has a great number of rivers w-
although short, have a steady high let.
of flow because they are fed by abunc,-
rainfall. They remain ice free in winter
{, " \*^ which means that those, which are
navigable, can be used all year round
Almost all of them end in estuaries, wr
provide good sheltered locations for p:
such as Liverpool (Mersey) and Glasg:
(Clyde). Canals built in the past conne:
most of the British rivers, Their role is .-
facilitate transPort bY water.
The Pennines is the main watershed f---
which the rivers flow west to the lrish ;-
or east to the North Sea. Rivers and
streams flowing westward down from:
highlands tend to be short, swift and
turbulent. Those flowing
longer with slowlY
Fig.4.2 Rivers and lakes in the U. K'

4' Why are the rivers flowing to the west swift and turbulent and those flowing to the east long and genge?

5. the map in fig. 4.2 and an atlas, complete the table below to organise information about the most ifiportant rive
in Britain.

River Location Source Length Mouth Cities on river

Th England Cotswold Hills 330 km North Sea London

Severn Wales/England 336 km lrish Sea
Mersey 110 km lrish Sea
Humber 60 km
Tyne 48 km l'
", { t

C Scotland 171kn lrish Sea

Forth 188 km
B Northern lreland 77 kn

C. Lakes

Most of the natural lakes in the United Kingdom are located

in the upland areas of Scotland, Wales and Northern
and are of glacial origin.
ln Scotland lakes are called "lochs". The largest of them is
Loch Lomond on the south-western side of the Grampian
Mountains. Loch Ness lies in a long, faulted valley called
the Great Glen (or Glen More) and is of tectonic origin.
ln north-west England the Lake District contains many tarns
and ribbon lakes famous for their clean water such as
Windermere, Ullswater, Grasmere etc.
The same types of lakes are also found in Wales, the largest
ofthem being Lake Bala. Many ofthem have been turned '{
into multi-purpose reseruoirs al
The largest lake in the UK is Lough Neagh (396 sq,km), in
Northern lreland.

6. Using figure 4.3 describe the shape of Loch Schiel.

D. Water Problems

ln Britain the amount of precipitation is higher than the

amount of water needed but it does not always fall where
and when it is needed. ln order to balance supply and
demand, reservoirs had to be created to store water in
areas with surplus water and to transfer it to those places
which need it. Most reseryoirs are artificial lakes created on
rivers by the building of dams, which hold back water, which
is then released at a steady rate and transferred through
the river channel.

7' a) Name those parts of Britain which have a surplus of water and those with deficit.
b) why is the demand for water greater than the supply in south.east England?

Reservoirs are multi-purpose schemes, which serve

different uses: Summary
. to store water,
Britain has a great number of rivers with a steady flow.
'. to prevent flooding, Its lakes are either natural (glacial and tectonic) or artificial
to encourage fisheries, (reservoirs).
. to provide recreational facilities.


1. Towns and villages are often located in the vicinity of rivers because rivers are beneficial to human settlements. Besides their
numerous uses, rivers can also be misused.
Study the diagram below and list the uses and misuses of rivers under the following headings:



,\ \., \
.\ -- '\1-


-.6i t
il ;:;=:-::-T.


ffistic sewage
1&' J
Fig. 4.5 The uses and misuses of rivers


Rivers are not just life givers; sometimes they can be

life destroyers. One way in which they do that is by flooding.
Combine the information from column A with that in
column B and write a short newspaper article on the
Thames Barrier called "Ihe Eighth Wonder of theWorld".
- built in 1982 by British and Dutch specialists
- cost t500 million
- world's largest movable flood barrier
- spans 520m across the river Thames
- consists of 10 separate movable steel gates
- each of the 4 main gates is as high as a S-storey building
when raised and weighs 3,700 tonnes
- rises whenever there is a risk of flooding, i.e a few times each year
- in the last decades the global climatic changes have led to a steady rise in sea level
- England's south-eastern area has been sinking steadily for a long time.
- of London, including some central pa(s, which are the location of many important headquarters of banks and firms,
as well as the homes of over 750,000 Londoners, lie below high tide level.


Having been used for centuries, the Thames

considered biologically dead' Ai present,
becalg so badly polluted by the 1g60s that it was
trowever, it is consioLieo to oe dne or ilrl
J"rn".t metroporitan
of the sarmon, ,li.rii",o,s oecuus" iin?"0,
[:H ll,Siflij,";:Jij B:",.,"T fJ,tr *ll; cr"an w"tei
a. arrange the events presented in
them in chronotogical order:
factors (-_-1 J._J _! _!_t
rrom"trre mel"rreG taren to crean _t _t _t _t _
ij"-t*Sollutihg up the Thames-

a. '1989- building of tfre vessetTfre

Thames Bubbler designed to injecl
into the water at critical times

f. 1950- combined effect of sew-ge and-

b. Before the First World War industrial discharge, plus thermal
new sewers were built but were from power stations and gas works
partly destroyed in the war. produced a river that was virtually

c. People whose latrines empGffi

9.1844- By taw ail new buitdingihad toG
the River had to pay 2 shillings for its connected to the common sewer from which
cleaning (Parliament actl 383). all domestic waste went untreated into the
Thames. Factories built along the banks

d. 1535- Partiamenl
it illegal to h. 1990- launching ot a GconOlesG]Er
the river with rubbish. oxygen injection (constant monitoring of
parameters indicated when need

Famous for its attractive scenery combining

lakes, mountains, woodland, farms and
prime tourist destination However, just unspoilt countryside, the Lake District is
likjin scoirano a
newspaper excerpts and rist the negative
effects of tourism on irri.
i, noin'n.n.t.ialand
- detrtme.trr. ri.riii. fo,owing
a. "l dipped my oars into the silent lake.
I rose upon the stroke, my boat
What heaving through the water like a swan:
When from behind that craggy steep...a
huje cliff
As if with voluntary power initinct,
Upreared its head...
lf Wordsworth, who wrote the lines above,
had had his way,
the sightseeing hordes from the indushiar
north wourd have
been denied access to his beloved
Lake Distril. He even
opposed the buirding of a rairway rine.
The rine was buirt, but
closed in the early 1g70s, a victim of
the new age of
car-based tourism. At present, about j2 "people
million visit
the Lake Diskict every year, 90% of whom
.o16 Oy .rr.,,
b. "Plt off by stories of fells and dales
being flooded by crowds
of summer visitors, I decided to exptore
ine ia[e country on
horseback." Fig.4.7 The Lake District

c. "l opted for a cruise on board

of The Tarn, said to have been
itl':1r'l$1|1 ::i1lt1, ', :l.*
sailing the waters of Windermere Lake
seagulls were screaming piercingly above
since iA'90. Wnlte ) rlre most famous tn. UK is Loch Ness. Located in
our heads, I was Scotland, it is said to be inhabited Uy, ,onrt.r.rlt.O
surprised to see water_skiers, smajt hovercraft
and hundreds Nessie. Whether it is a rotting tree tiunk,
of Japanese tourists, mosfly women, a f<ifier. wnafe
cris._crossing the lake in
somehow got into the lake befoie iiwas
hired paddte-boats, narrowiy avoided
Oy oriin,p. f Ut., l!1lT:
rrom the sea, a relic plesiosaurus, a giant
discovered that there are alio some tZ,OOO eel or iust a
boais registered to floatng mat of vegetation, it is a constant
use Lake Wlndermere.,' source of interest
and a huge attraction for tourists.

population density growth rate population pyramid migration conurbation i


A. Discussion Points
a. There are about 59 million people in the UK. How is Britain's population
B. ln pairs, share ideas on the word population in order to complete the spider
diagram (check the key-words and ideas above)

B. Population distribution and density

1. Read the text below, which describes the difference

between population distribution and population density.

Distribution describes the way in which people are spread out KEY
Peopl pcr sq. km
across Britain.tThis distribution is uneven and changes over time " '.. : ov6r 150 (high
It is usually shown on a map by means of areas or dots. Thus 11 - 150 (irtennediai
4 den6ity)
there are more or less crowded areas. 0 - 10 {low dnsily)

Density describes the number of people living in a given area, Edinburgh

GlasSo,ulO I
usually a square kilometre. lt is worked out by dividing the total
population by the total area. According to the Census in 2001, Newcastle
Beltast .B
the population density in Britain is 244 inhabitants per sq. km
as compared with 94 for Romania and 29 for the USA.
Places that are crowded are said to be dense/y p opulated and Manchester
to have a high population density. Places wfth few people are ' .E Leeds
said to be sparsely populated and to have a low population
density. 2
2, Study the map on the right (Fi9.5.1). ldentify and name London
the areas with high and low density.
. gistot
a) Use the factors previously discussed in physical
geography to explain the reasons why the areas marked
1,2,3,4 are densely or sparsely populated. e.g. Central
Scotland ('l) sparsely populated because of relief (high,
steep slopes) and climate (wet and cold). Fig.S.1 UK Population Density

b) Based on your knowledge of geography, what human and

economic factors might have influenced the population
density in the four countries in the U.K.?
Use as reference Fig.5.2 below
Letter Name of conurbation Cities Population
on the (thousands)
Country Population Density map 2000
Enqland (conurb
383 ationl
Wales 142 Clvdeside Glasqow 579
Scotland 65 Tvneside Newcastle 300
Northern lreland 125 c West Yorkshire Leeds 720
Greater Manchester Manchester 191
Fi9.5.2. Population Density in the UK (UK yearbook2o02) Mersevside Liveroool 439
West Midlands Birminoham 977
High-density areas are usually associated with cities. Wh_el_ -. -Ereater
G London London 7,000
merged, they form a large continuous buillup-area, which is
Bristol 376
called a Conurbation.
Edinburqh 449
There are seven such areas in Britain. ) Cardiff 305
3. a) ldentify the conurbations on the map (Fig.S.1) by frlli4:-" Belfast 277
the missing letters in the table on the right. (Fig.5.3).
b) Compare London with the other cities.
<E[SJ.3 Conurbations and cities of the UK


C. Population change

4. Read the following texts on the processes undergone by the population in Britain.
Population change may mean an increase or a decrease in tne number of people living
in an area. lt is normally assumed to
mean population groMh, but it is not always the case.

5' Fill in the blanks in the passage below using the g words, which follow to explain population
change in Britain.
ln general, population increases (the number of live births plr tOfio peopte peiyear) is greater than
between these demographic indicators) is positive. ln Britain, thls diiference is so smalithat
the population rs inanging very
slowly or is stagnant. lt means there is a slow
person)rnd ,. (thepercentage of the totalpoputation tiving in citiesl. tn Aritain both are quitb
especially in the urban poputation (92%).

of an area) and
is another very important factor, which contributes through its double route
(moving into a new area) to the population change.
:_(moving out

l------l -dp;;nr;i'.ilh --
2;;ir-';fi-r.*-'.i.tiiiiilii---- -------e ffih;;r;-----a 6i-,t-h;i;-------l
i______!_it!3!!_oly9li9, 6. migration expectancy 8. emigration g. immigration
il;; il

ilffi;- ; il ;;;ffi :; ;;;il;; ;; ; ffi;,;;;;;;;; ;;;;; ;;;# ;; ;;;; ;; ;; ; ;; ;;

place within
one country @ternal) or from one country to another (internationat).
There are three main types of migration within the UK: 1. Rural to urban 2. Re'gional 3.Counturbanisation
(movement away from

frUT:tiJ':?Jl to things that attract peotpte(pul tacrors) and things peopte ,.n. ,.00,. want to teave where they tive
(push factors)

6. Read the reasons for internal migration within the UK and divide them into push and pullfactors. Discuss your choice.

Reasons for internal migration within the UK

Rural depopulation lmproved living conditions

Work needed in ports Family links
Growing industrialtowns Decliie of older industries
Peace and quiet More cultural and social
More job opportunities amenities

D. Population Structure 3gE

lnformation about the characteristics of a population such as $roilI}
age and sex is also recorded in a census. This is known as the 85+
population structure, which is shown in a graphic form as a 80*85
population pyramid; the graph shows the population divided 75-79
into five-year age groups and also into males and females.
The pyramid is typical for a developed country such as the UK sM4
with low birth rate, low death rate, longer life expectancy (q_Eo
and also high dependency ratio namely, the ratio between 5S*54
people of working age (1 6-64) and those of non-working age 4H9
(children under 16 and adults over 65). According to thii, an 4$--44
important problem in the UK nowadays is the ageing population,
which leads to an increase in the demands of the elderly people 25*?$
and a decrease in the economically active age group who 2$*24
support them. 15*19
7. ldentify in the graph (Fi9.5.4) the elements of the 5*S
population pyramid mentioned above H
8 6 .4 2 0 , $,. 2 4 0 fi 1CI
percent of total population

Population density is a measure of how crowded an area is.

Fig.5.4 Population pyramid of the UK
ln Bitain there are densely and sparsely populated areas
because of physical and human factors affecting its
distibution. The UK has a slow growth rate and an ageing
population. Migration ls sf/ an active process.
LICEUL reotcTtC,GHEot'Gl{E


1...What is meant by the following terms?

. Density. Natural increase . Population growth rate.
Use them to describe the demographic situation in
2. Look at the map. (Fig.5.5)
a) Name the areas labeled A, B, C.
b) Describe the factors that explain why they are densely
or sparsely populated.
c) Follow the migration arrows and give two reasons for the
push and pull factors of internal migration.

3. Bearing in mind what a population pyramid is:

a) Study the table below and say which groups make up the
dependent population and why?
b) Make your own pyramid using the data presented in the
table below and compare it with the one in your country. Fig.5.5 Migration map

o* x
3g o
at) 0-14 15 64 65 and over

o s sc!
o O)
O) o)
c! $
cr) s.if o)
s <-
s(o O)
(o +
f-- +
o Lr) o o O I
lr)I rr)
of La)
c\ cf)
-d- LO LO
(o Lr)
(o o
f.- F-

/0 M, 6.4 6.1 5.8 5.2 4.9 3.9 3.6 2.4 2.2 2 1.8 1.6 1.5 0.8 04 0.2
F 6.9 6.3 61 5.8 4.8 4.0 3.9 3.6 2.8 2.2 2.0 1.9 1.7 1.3 1.0 0.9
4. WhaI is meant by the term conurbation? Name three British conurbations. Explain why high densities of population
are found inside these conurbations?

5. Read the information on international migration presented below:

lmagine you are an immigrant into the United Kingdom. Choose your own nationality and explain
why you decided to live in the
United Kingdom. state the push and pull factors that influenced your decision.
Although the great maiorfi of the people in the British /s/es are descended from early Cettic and lberian people
and later
invaders, since 1950 the ethnic diversity of Britain's main clfres has been increased 6y the immigration
of peopte from South Asia,
Africa and the Caribbean. Many other ethnic groups have settted in the country, including Chine-se,
Eastern and Southern
Europeans and Vietnamese. ln 2000 an estimated 183,000 more people migiatted to thi tLKthan'emigrated
from the rJK,
almost double the figure for 1977.
6. Using the clues given below, complete the crossword,
1. agroup of people of a different race, nationality, 6. the spread of population over a territory
language and religion from the main group in a country 7. increase or decrease in population
2. the rate at which population changes 8. movement of people from one area to another.
3. a demographic indicator showing how many people 9. a demographic indicator showing the number of live births per
live on a square kilometre 1000 people in a year v
4. a graph showing the age/sex composition 10. the biggest city in the UK
5. a region where very few people live. 11. the population living in towns or cities

26 NZ
'((The British commonwealth is a collection of 54 independent countries, allequalin
status. since the second world war,
independence has been granted to almost all British overseas territories. lt has
been called the most peaceful break-up of an
empire known in history. This voluntary association of sovereign nations, relations with Britain tnrough the Foreign
and commonwealth office in London and the secretariat established
in 1g65 to provide information of common concern to
member countries and to encourage trade. The Commonwealth has
no official policy makinj nooy nritn. member
governments have consultations during periodic meetings
of their Prime Ministers. The eueen is the Head of the

(( Population censuses have

been held in the UK every decade since 1801. The 1gg1 census
was the first to include a
question on ethnic origin, The 2001 census showed ihat more than g2%
of the population belonged to the ,,white group,,.
Of the 7 5% who described themselves as another ethnic group;
2.1% were black, 1.7%were lndian, 1.2%
Pakistani and 0,3% chinese. The rest were of otherAsian orAfrican
<< Members of the minority ethnic groups live mainly in the urban industrial
areas of Britain. ln 2oo1lo2,g7% of people
from minority ethnic groups in the UK lived in England, with relatively small
numbers in Scofland, Wales and Northern lreland.
38% of the total minority ethnic population lived in Greater London, where
they comprised za'2, ortne population. However,
the extent to which individual ethnic groups were concentrated in London
of Black African origin lived in the capital compared with 20% of people
varied considerably,
r for example -
r 76% of people
of pakistani origin.

Bearing in mind the impact of ethnic minorities on the population of British

origin, complete the following flow-chart. Offer at least
two solutions to the consequences mentioned.


A study made by the Commis]lion.on.Global Ageing in

200'l (Ageing poputace is killing economy, says Jonathan watts in
Tokvo' 30August, 2001, The Guardian) warned igain; flre
oeveropei *olJ *iiiJ
woutd tead the stobat
economy towards the edge of a demographic abyis, ttris process "pil
ii ado associateo witt tarrinj bfi;ri.;;;d *rglif;"""'
Bv 2010 there will be reweivoung peopte to woii anJ
tXi,e'artln anc pension insurance

' one of the solutions offered by the commission was that of.imrnigration. lt
seems that the UK population will increase mainly
*rr due to immigration, accoroinoio nd;tt
rise, staff and agencies, November 15,2g01,Ure
i;*j *- -
ny tne orice toririnnrr rtrtistics.
- (tmmigianisio r-oorr uK poputation

Out of a population of 59.2 million in the UK :

. 11 million are under the age of 25

'. 0n average over half the population of Great Britain aged 16

and over is married
there are four times as many widows as widowers
o there are approximately 16,000 cases of Aids
o there are approximately 33,g00 cases of HIV
. on average 450 children (under 16s) take up smoking each day

source: A snapshot of the worrd today, pubtished in The Guardian on

the January 1, 2000:


i settlement
rural/ urban hierarchy function patterns

A. Discussion points
easy to defend
a. What is a settlement?
b. Complete the spider diagram on the right to show the
factors you may consider when choosing a site for a
near water?
B. Classification of settlements
A settlement is a place where people live and work.
Settlements which are small and located in the countryside
are rural. (

Large settlements, which provide services for the areas a

them, are urban.
We can rank settlements in order of size. A ranking like this is
called a hierarchy.
The function of a settlement is the main employment activity
that goes on there such as:
- commerce
- recreation
- industry
- residence
- administration

1. Fig. 6.1 shows the classification of settlements in order

of size. Complete the boxes beside the pyramid by
adding a suitable word from below. Check your answers
against the table fig. 6.2

town town

Settlement Function Area serued

capital city government, headquarters of companies, big shops, finance, tourists whole country
city industrv, offices, shops larqe area around it
reoional centre headquarters of local companies, shops, offices, industry its own reqion
industrial town industry, shops local area around it
small market town shops and local services small local area
village basic services: church, shoo. oub onlv the farms outside the villaoe
hamlet no servtces
isolated farm n0 serytces

Fig. 6.2 Table to show the functions of settlements

C. Patterns and land use

By a settlement pattern we mean the shape of the settlement.

The shape of early villages and towns was usually influenced
by the surrounding area.
Rural settlements htVe devetopedlhee_[q! patterns
depending on the landscape they are situated in:--:-
a) dispersed (often found in upland areas, with large
areas of farmland separating the houses)
b) nucleated (in flatter, lowland parts of Britain, all the
houses are grouped together)
c) linear (because of steep hillsides, houses are built
in a line along the gentler slopes of the valley)

2. Fig. 6.3 presents different rural settlements. Mark them

as a, b, or c according to their pattern.


ll. Urban settlements

Urban land use includes shops, offices, factories,

recreation and wasteland. However, the land
use, which covers
the largest area of land in a setflement is housing.
Various urban models have been devised to
shoiv the general
arrangement of land use zones. The most well
known are:
- the Burgess model (fig. 6.aA) which shows a circular pattern
of land
- the Hoyt model (fig. 6.48) which uses the circles
of the Burgess
moder as its base but then adds sectors to show
that simirar rand
uses are concentrated in certain parts of urban area.
For example
factories are concentrated in the industriar zone
whereas there
may be a high-class residential area along a main road.
- the multiple nuclei modet (fig. 6,aC) wh'ich shows
that beside
the CBD (Cenhal Business Oistricg there are other points
that act
as secondary centres which are surrounded by
some of the same
sectors as the CBD
ln most British cities it is possible to recognize three
urban zones
oased upon location and land uses. These are:
- the CBD
- the lnner city (atso cailed Twitilht zone)
-the Residential suburbs

3 lake fig. 6.4A into consideration. Fill in the missing

information in the table below.

- tall buildings
including old buildings (cathedral, casfle)
skyscrapers with offices - many shops of different types including
- high building density with department stores
little open space - company offices, banks and building societies
- places of entertainment
- unattractive, run-down old factories and warehouses
appearance (old buildings - residential (terraced houses and high_rise.flats)
made worse by vandalism - universities and hospitals
and graffiti) - inner ring roads
- generally smarter - residential (pleasant, Oig comfoEble houseg
appearance - small shopping centres selling everyday
- some areas ofopen space

Fig' 6'5 Table to show the urban zones of the

Burgess urban model

.D. The rural.urban fringe

The area around the edge of a city is known Summary
as the rurar-urban fringe. rt is where the green
fields and open spaces of the- couhtryside meet Settlements can be rural or
the continuousry buirt-up areas of the city.
More recently.large groups of (marnry wearthy) p.opie urban.
nare moreo ouiirom tne citv into the
surrounding villages. This has led to a crrange
in the characte, of ,r.r, ,.ttt.r.nt..
All settlements have functions
4. ln the boxes betow rist the factors that cause
the peopring of the rurar. urban fringe.
which represent the main
activity carried on in the

City - push factors The most important urban

Rural-urban fringe - pull factors
zones are: the CBD, the inner
city and the residential suburbs.

More recently people move out

from the city centres into the
rural-urban fringe.
f. close to the CBD, so suitable for pensioners, youths
PRACTIGE AND GONSOLI DATION g. usually far from the CBD and work place
h. high accessibility due to good kansport links
1. Urbanisation means the increase in the number of people
i. no space for gardens or garages due to tightly packed hou\es
living in towns or cities. The pie charts below show the levels
j. low rent
of urbanisation for Britain at different times.
k. not enough shopping and entertainment facilities
(Key: blue = urban population, red = rural populaiion)
l. low quality environment with high crime rates

e ffi ffi
m. crowding and pollution
4. ln many British cities, inner city locations may have older
areas with decaying houses and an unsafe urban

Fill in the gaps in the text below with the words given in
order to find out how inner city centres may be changed:
1801 1901 2001
Fig.6.6 Growth in Urbanisation environment derelict criminality gentrification
redeveloped residents demolition
Study the charts above and say whether the following
"Trying to improve the quality of life in many inner city areas,
statements are true (T) or false (F). Make the false
statements true by interpreting the pie charts:
areas in several.British cities..This process, also known as
The most rapid urbanisation was experienced after '1901. (2), cohsists in either renovation of
Urbanisation slowed down after 1901. 01d,.............. ......(3)housesortheir
ln the 1900's Britain's population was mainly rural ,.....'..'....,,..,..,....-..,-...........(4)followedbythebuildingof
Today most British people live in towns or cities. new ones, The purpose is to create a safe, pleasant and
civilised living ..........., (5). This, in turn, attracts
2. ln the last 50 years British towns have experienced two richer .....................,........(6) who can afford to maintain their
contradictory tendencies: houses and who do not contribute 10..............................(7).'
A. growth - 4-
B. limitation of growth *[_ 5. ln the'1960s, British town planners tried to solve the
housing problem by demolishing existing slums and moving
Which of the phenomena described below best represent people into high-rise blocks of flats.
tendency A and which tendency B? Write the corresponding
number next to A or B respectively: Working in groups, discuss and suggest what each of the
following people might have said about the construction
1 . Urban sprawl = the spreading of a iown into the neighbouring of high-rise blocks of flats:
countryside a. BUILDER
2. Green belt= area around town where building is forbidden b. ENVIRONMENTALIST
by law, the greenspace being left for recreation c. RESIDENT
3. New towns (or satellite towns) = towns built on to relieve
overcrowding in large cities
4. Conurbation = very large urban area formed when two
neighbouring towns merge together.

3. All towns tend to contain areas called:

. lnner City
. Residential Suburbs

From the list below, choose the correct features for each
area and include them in the following table:

CBD lnner citv Suburbs

Advantaqes e
Disadvantaoes d
6. Draw a diagram of the town in which you live using the
most suitable of the 3 urban models presented in the
a. buildings here are often in a state of disrepair lesson. Give named examples for each of the land use
b. a quiet area with little traffic or pollution
c. large space for gardens, garages etc.
d. high cost of land
7. Say which and differences between
e. a high density of shops, banks, offices, leisure facilities
towns in Romania and
30 zaN
London has been a setflement since Celtic times. The reasons
Towns nowadays are far from being perfect living
for this choice of location are:
. the river Thames (source of water, navigation) and the
environments. One reason for this is the high leriel of pollution
and waste.
presence of a ford across the Thames in this area
. while the area around was marshy (because of river flooding),
ln London, Greenwich is an example of area redeveloped
2000 in a way that allowed susfainable /ivrng, i.e. living

the island on which London was located was dry and easy t6'
without harming the environment or wasting t[e resources.
, abundant underground water existed and could be reached
Here are some of the solutions adopted:
/ Savlng water by collecting the rain water falling on the
through wells
, forests (for building material) along the Thames valley
roof of The Millennium Dome or of the supermirket in the
ln time, London has grown (see fig. 6.7) and its funcfrons
have developed: / Saving energy

' ll-Wtng.olar
the supermarket with banks of earth on the sides
to prevent heat loss
. insulating the houses well
. providing glass roofs to let more light in
/ Reducing traffic
o good bus service and a tube station in the area
. many cycle lanes
o internet
/ Green
trees planted here
. large areas of park and lakes that attract wildlife
/ lJse of non-polluting technotogy
. all household have computers
. recycling schemes

How can the area you live in be changed to allow a more

s.ustainable way of living? What can you personatty do
1. administrative
live in such a way?
2, political
3. industrial HYPERSTORES
4. commercial
5. touristic One of the town's main functions is a commerciat or retaiting
6. recreational one. A relatively new tendency is the increase of out-of-towi
7. educational
8. transport f?iling Not only are more and more shopping centres being
built out of town, but their size and complexiiy ii also growing.
Read the features of London described below as
These out of town slE:lrnO centres frequently contain
developed over the centuries and write next to
s upers to4por -ltf -er s to r e s.
the number of the function(s) Iisted above it illustra f,
The laigest out-of-town retail centre in Britain and Europe
tr The large estuary allowed the building of a port.
is Bluewater (in Kent), which cost t350 million to
can sail up the Thames. build. lts
features are:
D The port allowed easy import of the raw materials for the
industries that were created here. Also, the industrial lover 320 high-quality shops under one roof
products could be exported easily.
_ of shoppers arrives every minute
E Surrounded by areas good forfaiming, London became a
market town. and a 13-screen cinema
E Ever since Roman times it has been the country's capital,
tr lt is the seat of the British monarchy, parliameni and
fl lts museums, art galleries, parks and historic buildings
become tourist attractions.
D London has a good network of transportand ls itself a hub
of transport routes.
D Various places of ente(ainment exist in London (theatres,
cinemas, concert halls, pubs, restaurants, etc.)
t _
tr Many educational institutions are located here (schools,
universities, libraries)

it-----------oo*"r station fossil fuels (non-)renewable sources of energy sustainability I

A.Discussion Points
An energy resource can make a country wealthy but at the same time it can create many problems. Britain is such an example.
Name some of the resources that can be used to produce energy. Complete the spider web below. Look at the key words above
and say what they mean. \ + ,/
B.Typesof Energy \ # --/
1. Read the following texts to find out about the different types of energy used in Britain. "-.l- lf- \
The UK is rich in eiergy ,esorrces both on land and in the sea. lt is able to supply its own lcoat
energy needs and even export energy. Nevertheless, concern over Britain's energy supplies is constant with arguments about
the uses of various power sources and the amount of energy needed.
Britain relies heavily upon four main types of energy: oil, coal, gas and nuclear power.
Except for the hydro-electricity, which accounts for less lhan 20/o of the production of Britain's electricity, most electricity is
produced as a secondary source of energy in thermal and nuclear power stations.

2 a. Study figures 7.1 and 7.2 below and answer the following quqqtions'
alwfiatwisarilainis main source of energy in fi;i960;t iUI'- ; i)
nj Wnicfr source of energy increased rapidly between 1955 and 1 975? d W
c) What percentage of Britain's energy comes from nuclear power? L0'(
d) Which form of energy has not changed in importance since 1965?

2 b. The latest changes that have affected the UK's electricity industry
include privatisation, less dependency on electricity generated in E Coal
conventional power stations and more use of alternative sources. roit
Fi1.7.2. presents the pie chart for 2000. Construct a pie chart using the
statistics for year 2010 presented in the table below Discuss the
changes in energy consumption visible in the two charts.

1 950 19.60 1970 1 980 1 990 2000 2010 %

Coal 90,4 76.4 50.6 34.2 32.8 32.0 25
oit 9.2 22.7 43.0 43.3 33.9 31.0 19
Natural Gas 0 0.1 2.8 22.9 24.1 26.1 17
Nuclear 0 +0.2 AA 5.8 7.5 9.2 20
Hydroelectric 0.4 0.6 0.6 0.5 0.8 1.0 1.5
consumption \ r\
Fig.7.1 UK energy Fig.7.2 Energy consumption in the UK
-\ for 2000
C. Traditional and alternative energy resources 1iqt '
fossil fuels such as coal, oil and gas have been exploited in'gritlin for many years. They are classified as non.renewable
resources. Once used up they cannot be replaced.
Renewable resources of energy are newer and can be used over and over again. They include the use of the water, wind and
the sun as well as geothermal energy and biogas. They represent an alternative to haditional fuels, as they are cleaner and
abundant. They are often sustainable (used in such a manner that they do not destroy the environment) and they are likely to
play an increasingly more important role in the future. Still, there are specific locational requirements concerning their conditions
of exploitation and use.

3. Read the information on nuclear energy and express your opinion on nuclear energy by
answering the following questions:
To which category of energy resources does nuclear energy belong?
Are the advantages of using nuclear energy more important than the disadvantages?
Few energy resources have created such heated debates as the nuclear power. The power producers as wel/ as the ordinary
consumers want to know more about it, asking questions such as:
1. ls nuclear energy necessary?
2. How safe is it?




I the high cost of building nuclear stations, the resultant power is quite cheap and ptentifut.
Only yerylilti.tgd raw materials are needed, e.g. i}tons of l)raiium/year are needed
,o,iprrri *in 540t coat/hour needed in
iI coal-fired statlons.
Nuclear uvaste rs limited in amount and can be stored underground but it remains
I '-""'"t '
radioactive for many years.
are health isks when accidents occur; e.g. the high icidence or uuieiii
4' Study the map below (Fig.7'3), which shows various types of energy resources and their characteristics.
Fill in the
ll blank rubrics with information taken from the map.
,l O Coallleld gaslield
t .Aoiltield ^ Hydro-electric power
,l hrdro-etecrric Electricity very clean,
f A water supply abundant,
solar energy
geothermal provide water in time of
lenergy shortage,
nuqlear energy located in remote areas,
risk of flooding,
1-, ri.r,rs'N #i'a $ lakes silt up

Electricity very clean,
q aa Oil and gas
electricity, heating, fuel, oils,

no air pollution fertilisers,
wind speed over good quality and efficient,
60km/h, danger of spills,
unpredictable, noisy, quite easy to transport by pipeline
visual pollution risk of explosion

Electricity clean,
very expensive,
affects coastal
"-l electricity, heating,
widely available,

ecosystems, _.1 uses waste products,

can be expensive to
few suitable sites,
set up,
barrage can protect
I some pollution

coasts from erosion
el, :ctricity, heating.coke\
uses solar panels,
direct heating, hir ;h mechanisation lffiodern mines,
dit ficult and dangerous to exploit,
up to 2,000 hrs
quite expensive
xRr dg Nuclear
V ry polluting,
br lky to transport

but clean heat for electricity, materials are radioactive, very efficient
and relatively clean, epensive to construct, danger of
radiation leaks and accidents, problems over long term
Elechicity, direct heating, expensive,
disposalof waste
maintenance problenis, few potential siter

Fig.7.3 Distribution of energy resources in the UK

Enerqv resource Location Conditions Use Advantaqes Disadvantaqes

coal , i.i"..,1 Heating Bulky to transport
Tidal enerov MerseyEstuary c-',.,,.\;, Relativelv clean

The electricity industry in the.UK is changing. lt is based on conventional power statrons fired
by non-renewable sources of
energy. Fossil fuels and nuclear energy still play an important role but concern over environmental issues
is more important.
Renewable energy is seen as the way forward.
1. What is the difference between a renewable resource, a non-renewable resource and fossilfuel? Provide examples.
a) List two disadvantages of burning fossil fuel.
b) Give two advantages of using hydro-electricity and nuclear energy.
2. Circle i, ii, or iii in the sentences below to correctly complete the information
a) Britain's most recent discovery is:
i) coal in Northern England .ii) oil in the North Sea
iii) nuclear energy
b) The cleanest resource of energy is:
i) wind ii) oil iii) biogas
c) Which fuel makes the biggest contribution to Britain's energy consumption?
i)Coal ii)Gas iii)Water
d) The cheapest form of energy is:
i) wind ii) natural gas' iii) wave.
3. Describe the photograph below by completing the text with the missing words.

How Solar Heating Works?

The sun gives us more e _ than we need. Although
s_ p_is exploited in many parts of Britain,
it doesn't cover much of the country's n_. One method
p--ing s-
of e-- is with the help of solar
These are g_covered panels, which allow
s_l__ to pass through the glass and to be
trapped inside the box-like apparatus.

4. lmagine the following situation. ln a month's time, theAnnual Environmental Conference will be taking place in your
town.Theoccasionwillbe"EarthDay"on April22'o.YourschoolEco-Clubhasinitiatedanexhibitionof posterstopromotethe
use of renewable energy resources. Prepare and present your own poster to the class.
Hg I
5. Read the text and the comments below:
a) ln the following table, place each letter corresponding to a comment under the appropriate column heading. Some comments
may go under several column headings .

b) Compare your choices with your colleagues. Present them to the whole class, supported by arguments.

Economic profit Economic Environmental Environmental Social benefit Social damage

disadvantaoe benefit Damaqe

Coal was Britain's main source of energy until mid G

Oil is a non-renewable resource. lt will never be New airports have
1960's when oil and natural gas were discovered in
replaced. We should not have sold it to been built on the
the North Sea.
foreigners but saved it for ourselves. East coast of
These fuels proved to be clean, efficient and of high
Scotland which now
quality and their exploitation and use grew rapidly.
link up remote areas
The financial cost of exploitation was huge and so
were the proflts.
There have been human costs in the form of deaths
Many sea birds
and injuries among oil workers.
The following comments reflect the view of people have died from
involved in the development of North Sea oil and gas.
oil pollution
around the
Shetland and
Orkney lslands.
0ur traditional New shops, schools
Scottish industries Fig.7.5 Oil terminal at Brent We no longer
and health clinics
such as fishing have have been built in depend on
declined as people parts of Scotland with imports as we
have left for better- the money from oil have now our
paid jobs in the oil and gas. It was ok until recently, when they stopped building new rigs. So, me own supplies in
industry. and my mates are threatened.


<< Wind power has a significant role to play in helping the UK to reduce its carbon dioxide emissions
and to combat climate
change. Total UK wind generating capacity now stands at 500 MW, and wind power provides 0.37 per cent of the UK's
electricity demand. lt has vast potential.

<( Tidal power in Britain has great potential, being able to provide '115 of its electricity needs. Wales is a good example as its
tidal range is about 6 metres and there are two electric plants .

(( Britain's coastal waters offer the potential of an abundant

supply of wind power, if it can be harnessed effectively and
efficiently, The UK's first offshore wind farm, off the
Northumberland coast at Blyth, consists of two 2 MW
turbines and began generating power in 2000. A major step
has been the announcement of 18 potential sites for leases
from the Crown Estates, which could result in a maximum
of 540 turbines if all were to go ahead.

(,( The world's first commercial wave power station unit has
been commissioned on the coast of lslay, Scotland. This is
the Land lnstalled Marine Powered Energy Transformer
(LIMPEI), which has been developed by Wavegen and
Queen's University Belfast with EU support. lt harnesses an
oscillating water column technology to provide 500 kW for
the national grid.

,(( Geothermal energy Britain has limited potential but

geothermal energy has been developed at Marchwood, near
Southampton. There is a reservoir of hot water at 5,500 feet.

<< Britain's largest gas.from-garbage project was given the

approval at the end of the 1980's.The site chosen was in the
West Midlands at Meriden, where 4,000 Uday of domestic
and industrial waste is disposed of in a 152ha controlled
land fill site. lt produces methane and other gases from
natural microbial processes. The methane is collected,
cleaned and used directly for energy production.

2002 marks the tenth anniversary of the UN Conference on Environment and Development, held in Rio de Janeiro. The
conference, known as the "Earth Summit" focused on the links between environmental problems, economic
conditions and
socialjustice. From it emerged a commitment to the concept widely known as "sustainable development',. The Earth
Summit brought together policy-makers, diplomats, scientists and media and non-governmental representatives
179 countries to discuss how environmental protection and the management of naiural resources
could be integrated
with socio-economic issues of poverty and under-development. These goals can be achieved by:
E encouraging economic development, including the technology thit is appropriate to the sftills, wealth and needs of local

_ tr using fewer and long-lasting natural resources without spoiling the environment.
Sustainable development needs careful planning and co-operation to encourage conservation. (protection from
destructive infl uences).
\n2002, the second Earth Summit, organised in Johannesburg, South Africa reinforced the global importance of sustainable

Theamountof energyused perperson inthe UKis5,100 Kwh/yascomparedto 120Kwh/yin Kenyaand 11,600kwh/y

in the USA!
The UK pumps more than 160 million tonnes of COr,2 million tonnes SO, and 300 tonnes of soot into the air each year
by burning fossil fuels.
ZN 35
i employment structure transnational companies assisted areas
it--------___ footloose industries science parks I

A. Discussion points
a. Give examples of industries. Primary industries: the extraction of raw
b. What are the raw materials used by some of them? materials directly from the earth or seas
Secondary industries: the processing and
manufacture using these primary products
3 Tertiary industries: the provision of services
B. Glassification of industry
4 Quaternary industries: the provision of research,
The word 'industry' covers a number of activities which involve
information and expertise
the making, supplying or delivering of goods and services to
the population of a country.
These activities can be grouped into three main categories
according to the types ofjobs people do. They include: education, health, office work, local and national
government, etc.
secondary micro-chip, microelectronics, research, design
tertiary engineering and biotechnology, high technology
industries. This is called the employment structure of a country. steelworks, shipbuilding, furniture-making and
More recently a fourth category quaternary has appeared due car manufacture
to the changes in technology. fishing, farming, forestry, mining and quarrying

1. The four groups of activities mentioned above are listed above and are numbered 1-4. Match them with the types of
activities marked a.d in the second box and write them into your copybook.

1 2 3 4

G. Location of lndustry
lndustry is not evenly spread around the United Kingdom.
Some areas have a high concentration of industry and
others have few industries. Their location is determined
by various locational factors.

2. Brainstorm and list the factors which you;um[

think might influence the location of a factory? rFrf,oilcl
Different industries have very specific needs, which mmttst
influence their locations. ln order to establish location we fi*reSS
have to differentiate between: cl*nrld
. heavy industries are usually old established industries *lph**ts s c*dE
that rely on bulky raw materials and tend to be found
close to raw materials sources. Why do you think this is the MTNOU
SrFbuHng c,.lmrEc
Today there has been a decline in heavy industries in
Britain, such as shipbuilding and iron-and-steel, c?lenrb*
so{,lil Htl.ts
. light industries are less tied to a particular location
as they use small lightweight raw materials and GFCmnOo.nli

components to produce small, mostly high value goods.

atxh um
3. Fig. 8.1 shows the industrial areas in Hgh lait*Elo0f ee.#o.ric. sptr tffi
chsftatr rc.aeSe
the UK. Draw lines to link the industrial names with
a suitable location on the map. Fig. 8.1 lndustrial areas in the UK

4' The table below shows the factors which influence the location
of heavy industry and light industries.
Give reasons why the different industries are located in the places
strown in fig. g.1.
Location factors Heavy industries inelr rclriao
Raw materials bulky, heavy small, light oftenrepresent@
of other indushies.
Transport mainly by rail, ship or canal. Distance affects
Power supply coal or water in the past, now electricity oil erecrnctry whtch is easy to hansport
and gas
Markets closeness to customers reduces transport
costs but closeness to raw materials more products or sensitive to fashion changes
Labour supply large numbers of mostly unskilled manual
labour needed due to mechanisation or automation
Site extensive area of flat land situated near a city greenfietdsitesonthffi
or on the coast

D. lndustrial Change

5' Read the following text to see what changes have taken place in
the industrial structure of the U.K.
Large sections of heavy industry in the North oiBritain have deilined
since the second world war.

6. What do you think were the causes and effects of

industrial decline in the UK? List them in your
ln regions which have lost industries or where
unemployment is high, governments have provided money
or other forms of help to attract new investment. These are the
so-called assisted areas where help comes in the form of:
. rent-free periods, grants and loans
. an improved infrastructure such as roads, water supplies
and eleckicity
. retraining schemes to provide skilled labour force
. enterprise zones which make it easier for firms to set up in
ihner city areas.
This assistance has attracted a lot of foreign firms or
transnational companies, These are companies which
operate in many different countries. The headquarters of
transnational companies are usually located in developed
countries and the 'branch'factories are in developing
countries. A good example is the investment by foreign
transnational companies in'Silicon Glen' in Central Siofland.
This was a former traditional industrial area, but with the
exhaustion of coal, heavy manufacturing induskies have
declined. The establishment of the microelectronics industry
(Philips, Siemens, lBM, Motorola, Hewlett packard, Nippon
etc.) here has gone some way to solving one of the greatest
problems of the region: unemployment.
With the development of transport, industry does not have
Fig. 8.2 Assisted areas in the UK
to be tied to a certain location,
Many products are not tied to a certain location so many
products are made on new industrial estates built
on former
greenfield sites on the edges of towns and cities, where
price of land is cheaper or along major motonvays. These
industries are called foofloose industries. They have a Summary
relatrvely free choice of location. Many of them provide The employment structure of a country consists of '
services for people and are therefore market oriented. primary secondary and tertiary industries.
The most recently developed foofloose industry is information Heavy indushies tend to be found close to the raw
technology (lT), which is a rapidty growing new high{ech materials whereas light indushies are closer to the markets.
industry. Firms which make or use lT equipment (computers, To stop decline and growing unemployment development
processors, fax-machines, etc.) often group together schemes were launched to attract modern firms to regions
pleasanl, newly developed science parks. Science parks that have lost industries.
usually have direct links with a university.

zlN! 37
7. Name three industries found in your home area. For
Eg I
A. has been there a long time or not
B, is located near to raw materials or near to a large market
't. a) ln order to show the changes in manufacturing
industry group the ideas below under the headings: 8. Some traditional industries have been modernised.
A)19'h century industry Match the name of the industry with the products
B)Late 20* century industry

1. Situated mainly in old inner city areas. Products lndustry

2. End product often small and easy to transport. . computer-controlled tractors Ceramics
3. Employing often a female and small labour force. . combined grass mower/drier and glass
4. Often created air and noise pollution. . high-speed computerized knitting
5. Built near to main roads for more flexible transport. machines
6. Needed large tonnage of raw materials. . specialized alloys for hi-tech Chemical
7. Located on or near coalfields or at ports. requirements industrv
B. End product often bulky, difficult to move, . industrial ceramics withstanding ultra- lron-and-
9. Market orientated as it supplies goods and services. high temperatures steel
10. Found near to early canals and railways for bulk transport . enerqv-savinq window qlass
11. Little air or noise pollution. . biodegradable detergents Mechanical
12. Employed mainly a male and large labour force. . biodegradable plastic engineering
13. Raw materials often from other factories. . qeneticallv-enqineered oesticides
B 9, Although the textile industry a traditional British
industry is very well developed, cotton production
Write two paragraphs, one presenting 19'n century has been in decline for a long time, Can you think why?
industry and another presenting late 20'n century
industry. 10. Look at the map fig. 8.3 below and explain why there
has been a migration of jobs towards the southeast?
Which sectors of economy do the following belong to?
A. Alpha OilRig
B. lmperialTobacco
C. Coats Viyella
D. British Aerospace o
E. British Ainrvays
F. British Gas Distribution
G. British Telecom
H. Barclays Bank
l. Safeway Supermarket
J. London Stock Exchange

Define the terms:

. footloose industry
. transnationalcompany
. science park
. assisted area

a. What is information technology?

b. Name three ways in which you might use lT in a

Name two ways in which a government, local authority

or development agency can encourage a footloose
industry to set up in a particular location.

Why is an attractive countryside location an important

factor in the location of modern industry?

Fig.8.3 Migration of jobs in the UK


; The British pharmaceutical

industry is the world's third
biggest exporter of medicines,
accounting for around 10 per
cent of the world market. British
firms discovered and developed
five of the world's 20 beslselling
) Britain's aerospace industry, the
biggest aerospace industry in
Europe, is one of only three in Fig. 8.4 Pollution of the Environment
the world with complete capability
across the whole spectrum of
aerospace. The leading
companies are: ' lndustry creates waste and damages the environment. Look at the cartoon above
and name the 5 types of pollution shown on it.
British Aerospace (BAe),
lmagine that you lived or worked in this area. which two types of pollution would you
dislike the most. Give reasons for your answer.
How can industrial pollution be reduced?

At the turn of the century South Wales was an important Agency(WDA) was set up to help attract investment to Wales,
industrial area with a quarter of a million coal miners, Coal was which means that new companies locating in the area do not
a major source of fuel and South Wales also had the raw have to pay local taxes.
materials needed to make steel: limestone, iron ore and coal. As a result many large industrial estates have been set up
At that time Britain still had an empire, which was a ready and this, combined with a pool of skilled workers, acted as a
market for coal and steel. magnet for foreign firms like Sony, Bosch and Toyota.
ln the past few years most coalmines have closed for several ln Newport in South Wales a science park named lmperial
reas0ns: Park was opened in 1994 offering:
. competition from other countries (Poland and South Africa) A - excellent road and rail-links
. Britain lost some of its export markets for coal B - a spacious parkland setting
. Most ofthe easily worked coal seams have been exhausted C - more than 9000m, office space available
. the development of alternative sources of fuel(oil and gas) D - close ties with the lmperial College of Science and
This has led to a high rate of unemployment, which is well Technology
above the national average. E - purpose built accommodation
The problem has been partly solved. The Welsh development F - support from Newport Borough council and the WDA
(Adapted from "Geography for GCSE")

arable pastoral pesticide fertiliser agribusiness organic farming/food i
A. Discussion points:

a. Farming is one of the most important human activities.

Can you say why?
b. Although half of the world's population is involved in
farming, in Britain only 1 . 1 % of the workforce is employed
in this field of activity. Despite this, British farming is one of
the most developed in the world. Can you explain why British
farmers are so productive?

B. Factors influencing farming

Farming decisions are affected by a variety of factors ranging

from the physical features of the area in which the farm is
situated to the farmers' skill, financial resources and even
1. List all the factors influencing farming given below
under two headings: Physical and Human Factors.
- rainfall, wind, temperature
- capital
- availability of transport and markets
- soil type
- technology (machinery) and expertise
- relief
- farm ownership and size
Fig. 9.1 Types of farming
C. Types of farming
a. rearing of sheep
The factors listed above have created a variety of farming types b. a combination of field crops and animal rearing
or patterns, which include: c. growing of grain crops or cereals (wheat, barley, oats) and
E Pastoral or hill tarmins root or field crops (potatoes, turnips, sugar beet, hops,
oilseed rape, etc.) in ploughed up land
E Arable farmins d. intensive cultivation of salad vegetables, fruit and flowers
BMffi Dairyfarming e. rearing dairy cattle mainly in the vicinity of urban areas
E Market sardenine

Match each of the farming types mentioned above with

its correct definition from the riEht and write them in your

Using the map Fig, 9.1 and your previous knowledge of farming types, relief and climate, fill in the table below:
Farminq type Products Area Whv there?
Arable farming - east of the UK (mainly East deep, fertile soil

sheep mountain areas

beef cattle
oios. ooultrv oood orass (oastures)
Mixed farming - between the drier east and - fairly good soil
wetter west - climate neither too dry nor too wet
- dairy cattle - western paft of the UK
- in the vicinitv of towns
Market gardening - south and east of England fertile soil
- near big towns good climate and relief
near urban markets

Fig. 9.2 Table showing different types of farming

D. Recent changes

ln the last few decades, British farming has suffered a continuous process of modernisation, mainly due to the discoveries in
science and technology. Some other changes include:
1. Political inteference
2. Changes triggered by changing eating habits
3. Diversification of farming activities
4. Change in farm size and tenure (ownership)

4. Match each ofthe changes listed above with the right paragraph describing the change: 1_ 2_ 3_ 4_
a. As the expense of running a modern farm grows, many owners of small farms sell them to wealthier ones. Sometimes farms
are bought by food processing companies, which usually remove the hedges separating the smaller fields in order to practice
an intensive farming..They run and manage these farms like factories and this is called agribusrness,

b. ln the past, British farmers were encouraged by the government to produce more food and the government gave them grants,
subsidies and guaranteed prices. ln more recent times they have sometimes been paid for not producing (policy called
"set-aside" land) or for producing certain crops (e.9. oilseed rape). This is to control the overproduction of beef, butter and
grain within the European Union (of which Britain is a member). The Common Agricultural Policy sets the price,
type and amount of output as well as the quotas and subsidies. As a result of this policy, many British farmers have been
forced out of business.

c, The political pressure often led to changes like: many of the fields set aside were turned into golf courses, many farms now
offer Bed and Breakfast (B&B) facilities or opportunities for pony trekking and rural tourism. However, the farmers who coulc
not diversify or manage the changes, usually gave up farming, fact which led to the depopulation of British villages.

d. lt is the public demand which dictates what and how much food is to be produced. Recent changes include an increased
demand for frozen, tinned and convenience foods, a desire for fresh fruit and vegetables throughout the year and concern
with a healthy eating style. Also, many young people are vegetarians.

Organic farming is another recent change which appeared when people started to worry less about the quantity of food
produced for their consumption as about its quality. The food thus produced is called organic food.

5. Read the following text and in each case, circle the correct word or phrase:

"Concern about conventional farming methods has led people to demand food that is safe to eat, This can be obtained through
organic farming which is an alternative/modern way of producing food. lt uses chemical/natural fertilizers and
monoculture/crop rotation. lt is often more/less intensive and usually causes less/more damage to the environment. Organic
farms are more/less likely to be mixed/arable farms since animals are used to provide manure for fertilising the soil. Another
aspect of it is animal welfare: animals are usually kept indoors/outdoors where they move freely.
However, crop and animal yields are higher/lower and normally look more/less attractive than those produced by using
chemicals. The smaller/higher yield and greater/smaller amount of work involved, plus the consumers' willingness to pay
more/less, make organic food more/less expensive,"

6. List the advantages and disadvantages of conventional and organic farming in the table below:
Conventional Farmino Oroanic Farmino



British farming is efficient due to the application of science and technology. Due to the diversity of soil, relief and favourable
climate, plus the numerous human factors that affect it farming is also very varied. ln recent years, it has undergone a number
of changes due to changes in society, politics and discoveries in the field of science and technology.

1. 0n a simple level, the east, centre and west of Britain are each dominated by one type of farming. Draw the
simplified map of farming from Fig. 9.3 in your notebook. Then decide what type of farming is practised in
areas A, B and C.

Less sunshine does not allow crops to grow.

Lower temperatures do not allow grass to ripen.
High rainfall allow(s)
Thin soil
Land is cheap away from urban markets.
exnensive close to
High value crops can be grown on a small atea.
Low-value orass laroe
Flat land allows machinery to be used.
Steeo animals to oraze it.
Crops need more inputs and machinery.
Animals fewer
More sunshine helps to grow.
High temperatures help crops to ripen.
Deeo soil

For area A and C choose suitable statements from the substitution table given above and list them under the headings:

Physical Faetors Human Factors

Area B shares features of A and C, so it will combine the factors influencing the other two.

2. One of the most important changes experienced by the British farming in the last 40 years has been its conversion
into an industry, Can you say in what respects farming is an industry? (Clues: buildings, technology, and management).
Like any industry, farming has inputs, processes and outputs. The diagram below presents the farming system based on a
mixed farm:


PHYSICAL r ploughing o CrOPS

FACTORS r planting o straw

. relief . fertilising . silage
. soil . spraying pesticides . calves
. climate . harvesting . bulls
. feeding/grazing . lambs M

. grass cultivation/silage . manure A

. animal caring . milk
FACTORS . calving/lambing K
. labour o milking

. machinery T
o buildings
. land
o seeds, livestock
. fertilisers . flooding or drought
o pesticides . hail
o government policies
. diseases
. market demand
. kansport cost
. new technologies

Fig 9.4 Diagram of the farming system: a mixed farm

3. Now it is your turn to draw a diagram of the farming system based on a farm which specialises in market gardening
Use the words in the box to help you:

fertilising, flowers, seeds, sunshine, market, crop spraying, Iabour, rain, celery,
harvesting, Iand, pesticides, greenhouses, planting, cucumber, bulbs, hail, frost


The most widespread single crop in Britain is grass, out of the 150 varieties
of grass growing, about 20 have commercial agricultural
importance' They are turned into hay or silage (fermented grass, pickled
in theibsence of air by wrapping it in plastic sheets), used
as animal feed in winter, the rest being used for rough grazi-ng. (Siudy
the pnotoi ln fig 9.5).

Farming can have beneficial as weli

as harmful effects on the
Name the ways in which farming may
affect the environment and suggest a
suitable solution for each.
Now read the following texts
and check your predictions.
While reading, underline the
environmental damage
produced by some farming methods.

"Chemicalfertilisers are used to help crops to grow and pesficides

are used to kill off insects and other pests. These chemicals
are usually washed into lakes and rivers poisoning them. ln addition, fertilisers
encourage the growth of water plants (tike algae), ;hich
use up allthe oxygen in the water, thus leading to the death of fish and
other organisms. Smallamounts of these chemicals can also
build up in the crops themselves and thus enter the consumers, bodies,,

"Cutting down forests, also called deforestation. Trees

are cut for the timber or to make space for agriculture or urban
development. Trees, however,.provide shelter for many forms of wildlife
and produce much oxygen. When trees are removed, the
soil is easily eroded and landslides may occur, or the area can be turned j
into a desert or into marsh, if it is wet.,,

The hedges or hedgerows are fences of bushes and low lrees planted by British farmers hundreds years
of ago to mark field
boundaries and stop livestock from wandering. After the 1950s, howevei
tn. h.og., started to be in the way of mechanised farming
and in order to increase the size of their fields, farmers started to remove
them. Thousands of kilometres trive oeen dug up so far
and this worries the conservationists a lot.
Study the arguments brought by farmers and conservationists in the
debate about the hedgerow removal. Which of the points below
might be put fonrvard by each of the two sides?

Hedge trimming takes Hedges can't be

Hedges provide shelter from rain
up a lot of time moved easily but and wind for cattle and sheep
fences can
Hedge cutting machinery is
Hedges provide
shelter for small
animals and birds

They take up land Hedges act as wind barriers

that could be farmed and prevent soil erosion

Hedges make the lnsects and animals in the

corners and edges of hedgerows may damage the
fields difficult to farm Fig. 9.6 Hedge Trimming crops and weeds from hedge
may spread into field

Write two short lefters to a farming magazine. ln one explain the point
of view of the farmer who wants to dig up some of
his hedges, while in the other you are a conseruationisi trying to persuade
farmers not to remove more hedges.

motorway tidalflow scheme

A. Discussion points Passenger Transport in Great Britain by Mode

Using a word web, brainstorm the word transport:

o 740
-E ooo


B. General Features of British transport


Over the last fifty years, British transport has changed a lot, .9 200 ]954 ,,*****

as shown in fig.'10.1 on the right.

6 roo r#,#dsf,4itll

1. To understand why the pattern oftransport has 0

changed in Britain, compare the main advantages Car rfil Bus and coach Rail IAir
and disadvantages of each mode of transport by
filling in the gaps in the table below. Some answers Fig. 10.1 Passenger transport in Britain
have been completed for you.


Speed fast (over short fast (over long J\r!
distances) distances) tl^'l ]A-,'?.-\ t\rs$J
Cost cheap ouite exoensive -:I nl.n.Si:'o +\",o Ur"^.:.i.
Safetv \ i.-i- .-..\. Crir ira- '\,:t]\.( verv hiqh the hiqhest
Convenience doorto-dooI .,\l- r-.r- :l-\-Y i'or rr'."*c..\ -tl+ * 0.,< poor
Number of not too flexible a few airports only
routes oo,rrlccLtb.t' (decreasing) \alo q3+'.
Gomfort not very high qrr.'\g good (except for
(especially for $U \O9(tr { {1rr-\;r
airsickness) 1r"r,- (rrii,,.,.1i,':. ,
driver) (3i
Pollution cv',orbt limited (noise) L virtually none
Congestion little track very little
Weather virtually little affected (ice g'is.o\' r \,r.\ro,r
unaffected and foo) '\A i1.rQ.\='
Passenoers 4-5 Mainlv ferries
Freight smalltonnage light goods of high
Fig. 10.2: Types of transport Advantages and Disadvantages

2. Analysing fig. 10.1 and fig. 10.2, decide which are

the most important modes of transport in Britain and
suggest reasons why ? f
C. Road Transport

Apart from the evidence suggested in fig. 1 0.1 , the importance

of road kansport in the UK is shown by the following statistical
- 69% ofall households have the use ofone car and 24
per cent have two or more cars.
- lorries carry over 80% of the freight (or goods)
- there are 400,000 km of trunk roads (A roads) in Britain
and 3000 km ofmotoruuays (M roads). 1
- although motoruvays represent only 1% of the total Fi9.10.3: Motorway in Britain
length of roads, they carry some 20% of the traffic.

!; (,:pr.
UtL }\q e\.r:r{yr,yfii..!irt.-:,*)
3. Examine fig. 10.3 and describe the advantages of
motorways over other types of roads.
- What is the purpose of the hard sho ulder\l)?
- How many /anes (2) are there in each direction of driving?
- What is the role of the separafln g barrier (3)?

4. Considerthe advantages described above and compare

them against the disadvantages listed below:
. take up large areas of land
. congestion at peak hours
. serious pile-ups (large scale accidents)
. monotonous
. restrictions of building too close to urban or highland

5. ln your notebooks, list all the above.mentioned

advantages and disadvantages of motonuays, plus
others you can think of.

6. Why is the motorway network in fig. 10.4 concentrated

in southern and central Britain?

7. Which are the main areas in Romania that would i

Fig. 10.4 - The motorway network in the UK .\
benefit from the building of motorways? Why is the
building of M-ways so slow in Romania as compared l,r+)
I This is due to measures like:
a. re-privatisation of railways in 1997 (t
b. modernisation of trains, tracks and signalling systems
D. RailTransport c. creation of specialised trains (Freightliners for goods
Railways were pioneered in Britain, the first line being opened equipped with specialist wagons, lnter-City trains for ,l
in 1825, towards the end of the lndustrial Revolution. A vast passengers, combining speed with increased comfort)
network developed during the 19'n century and the railways were d. attractive prices for off-peak hours and off-season
nationalised in 1948. After 1965, a serious decline began. periods, plus advanced bookings

8. Can you explain why rail transport developed so rapidly 9. Study the measures taken to improve rail transport
in the 19'h century and declined after 1965? and say which problem each improvement has tried to
At present, after years of decline, rail transport is on the solve.
verge of a renaissance. lt has increasedby 20k since 2000.

E. Water transport ,t ,_
. . iv, cargo loading and unloading is done now by new bulk
I ntern al Water Tran sport handling methods replacing the costly traditional methods,
which needed a very large labour force.
After a peak period of canal building and use in the 18'n and 19'n 11.Which of the following examples of modernisation
centuries, inland water transport in the UK has declined. At (a-d)can be linked to the problems experienced by
present very few of the canals and watenruays in the UK are water transport in the UK (i.iv) and could represent a
used for transport, e.g. the Thames carries 50% of all water solution for them?
traffic. The Forth, Humber and Mersey are also important. a. After having been the world's leading shipping nation,
I Britain's fleet is now much smaller.
10.Why has inland water transport generally declined so b. Deeper water ports, which handle special goods have
much and why did canals developed (e.9. Felixstowe-containers, Milford Haven-oil,
the 19" century? Port Talbot-iron ore, etc.)
c. Development of ro-ro (roll-on roll-off) facilities, which
allow lorries with containers to drive straight into ships
Offsh ore W{6i tr a nsport and drive off at the end of the voyage. (e.9. Dover -
This continues to carry some g5% of all the goods transported Calais, Holyhead Dublin)
overseas, yet it has also experienced a general decrease. The d. Most of the docks in Liverpool, once the main port in
changes experienced by the British offshore water transport are Britain, have closed and have been replaced by a large
due to: container dock, which handles the same volume of
i. world recession and a decline in trade cargo but with a very small labour force. lts pr6sperity
ii. increase in ship size which needed deeper and wider depended on trade with America but now much of
harbours Britain's trade is with Europe, which favours east coast
iii. changing of overseas markets and trade routes ports like Felixstowe.
F. Air Transport

Air Transport has not developed on a large scale within Britain because of the country's relatively small size; however, British
overseas air transport is on the increase (see fig. 10.5). For example, London alone is served by four airports.

12. Study fi9.10,5 and fig. 10.6 which shows the volume of
passenger traffic at the United Kingdom's main airports.
Which of these airports serve London?
(Clue: they are located closest to the capital),

1990 1995 1998 1999 2000

Heathrow 42.6 54.1 60.4 62.0 64.6
Gatwick 21.0 22.4 29.0 30.4 32.0
Manchester 10.1 14.5 17.2 17.4 18.5
Stansted 1.2 3.9 6.8 9.4 11 .B
Sirminoham 3.5 5.2 6.6 6.9 7.5
Glasqow 4.3 5.4 6.5 6.8 6.9
Luton 2.7 1.8 4.1 5.3 6.1

Fig. 10.5 United Kingdom's main airports

(millions of passengers per year)


Traffic problems such as: pollution, congestion, speed,

parking have increased and will probably continue to do so,
especially in towns.

Study the measures listed below which are used to

Fig 10.6 lnternational and
Regional Airports in Britain
reduce traffic problems in Britain. What problem does
each of the measures a-j try to solve?

a. Bus lanes aimed at separating cars from buses and give

priority to buses. f. Sleeping policemen are humps in the road meant to slow
traffic down in residential areas
b. Cycle lanes meant to encourage cycling in towns
g. Wheel clamping is applied for illegal parking; the motorist
c. Multi-storey or underground car parks has to pay a large fee for his car to be freed.

d. Park and ride schemes which try to limit the number of h.. One-way streets
cars entering the town centre by providing relatively cheap
parking space at ihe edge of town and then running low i. Ecological cars/engines and other forms of "green
cost buses from there into the town centre transport'encouraged by the government. Most car engines
now run on leadJree petrol. The biogas driven and electric
e. Tidal flow schemes in which a S-lane urban motonray is car may be the vehicles of the future.
provided with traffic lights at shorl distances along its length.
ln the morning 3 lanes are open to traffic going into town and j. Diversion of heavy traffic oul of town (using ring roads
in the evening the traffic leaving town has more space. and by-passes)

Road safety in Britain is said to be one of the highest in the European Union. Road safety measures involve the cooperation of
many organisations and groups such as: vehicle drivers, motorcycle riders, pedestrians, vehicle manufacturers, local authori
road builders, police forces, law makers and schools.
ln pairs, make a list of measures that each of the above groups can take to increase road safety. You might need words like:
improve, enhance, enforce, increase, decrease, introduce.
e.g. police - introduced automatic speed cameras
law makers - made seaf be/fs compulsory for all the car seafs.

British transport is diversified. The most widely used mode of transp'ort is the road. The ones in
greatest decline are rail and water.

r I0
"t +,
Transport affects the environment in various ways. Column A lists the detrimental effects of transport
on the environment, while
column B lists some ways of protecting the environment.
a. Match the items in the two columns, bearing in mind that one protection measure may have
beneficial etfects on
more than one item in column A.
b' Write in your notebooks full sentences connectinE the two items, as in the model: ,,The use of electric
cars means a
smaller consumption of fossil fuels. lt will lead both to the conservation of the resources and to a reduced pollution.',

Column A - Problems Column B - Solutions

pollution (visual, noise, air, water) electric cars
fuel consumption unleaded petrol cheaper than leaded petrol
dangerous for pedestrians development of public transport (bus lanes
destruction of old buildings (through in towns, subsidies for some bus services)
vibrations from vehicles, fumes) a cycle lanes


car parks and motonivays take up a lot a pedestrian areas

of land

The Channel Tunnel was begun in 1987 by an Anglo-French

Fig. 10.7 Diagram of company and is also known as Eurotunnel, the Chunnel or
the Channel Tunnel the Trans.Manche link. lt was finished in 1994.
It is made up of three tunnels, two for passenger and freight
trains, including special shuttle trains transporting cars and
lorries, and a smaller service tunnel (see fig. 10.7).
Eurotunnel is 50 km long, 37km of this under the water.
It connects terminals near Folkstone and Calais (fig. 10.S).
The journey of the Eurostar train through the tunnel takes
only about 20 minutes, but there are also trains that start from
London and go to Paris or Brussels. These journeys last for
about 3 hours.

ln pairs, draw up a list of advantages and

disadvantages of the Eurotunnel, Use information
from fig. 10.8 and from the text box next to it, plus your
own knowledge.
Add the following points to your list:
road and rail networks of Britain and Europe have been
joined trade and industry has been helped
job losses in ports and ferry companies
animals may get through tunnel and bring such diseases as
rabies (non-existent in the UK)


) Britain's 200-year old canal system has been proposed as a

UNESCO Heritage Site to rank alongside the Great Wall of
China, the Acropolis and the Taj Mahal. Being the first netvyork
of transport in the rlorld's first industrial revolution. it is
considered suitable to meet the UNESCO requirements of
"masterpiece of human creative genius". lt was started in
the 17'n century. Canal building reached its peak at the climax
of the lndustrialRevolution, in the 18'n-i9'n centuries.3000
miles of canals were built. They were particularly suitable
for the transport of heavy, bulky goods such as coal and stone.
They also solved the problem of making Britain's short and
Fig. 10.9 A canal lock
shallow rivers navigable. However, the network linking
England's main rivers fell into decline with the ascent of the
railway. Nowadays they are experiencing a revival. Using figure 10.9, suggest what canals are used for today.

e[ \/

rlrl.rcremrnffire[! ANE Ro[mrcM ms ffiG [trs
i---------- -----i
I l-eisure tourism industry holidays/ honey pots national parks ecotourism i
r----------- -----.:
A. Discussion Points
a. How important is free time to you?
b. How much free time do you have?
c. Makealistofthings/activitiesyouassociatewithyourfreetime.e.g.dancing,watchingtelevision,hikingetc.
d. What is tourism? Brainstorm the word tourism

.&Types of recreational activities in the United Kingdom

1. a) Study the tree map below, which shows some of the leisure activities in Britain. Give suitable examples of the
activities in the boxes in the tree map below.

b.) Read the text below and mark in the margin different kinds of information using the following code:
/information that you already know + new information ? confusing information or something you would like to
know more about
ln recent years, Britain has been described as "a leisure society". This is because there is a great variety of leisure pursuits and
people have more time and money to spend on relaxation. Some recreational activities refer to indoor activities, others to
outdoor sporting activities such as water sports, golf, etc.
This latter category is not always beneficial to the natural environment and even puts places located near lakes and the coast at risk.
Tourism has recently become an important business and the fastest growing industry in the world. This tertiary activity is
concerned with providing services to people who wish to spend more time away from home, usually on holidays (defined as
spending four or more nights away from home, as opposed to day outings).
ln Britain there has been an increase in "active" holidays and in self-catering, as well as a greater awareness of providing
sustainable tourism.

G. Changing patterns in the British tourist industry

ln the last hundred years, the annual period of holiday has become a defining part of the British way of life with increasing
numbers of families travelling abroad or taking more than one holiday per year. Such countries as Spain ( 28%), France
(220/o\ but also the USA (7.5%) are holiday
Factors influencing Specific examples Examples of areas
destinations for the British residents in 2000. Most
of them take more than one holiday per year
Scenery Sandv coasts Blackpool
practising different forms of tourism: day trips,
cultural, historic, educational and recreational.
Weather Sunshine
Recent trends in tourism and the changing
demands made especially in the kinds of holidays
Snow Aviemore
people now take and where they take them, have Transport Water transport Margate
sprung from a wide range of factors such as: Car and couch
scenery, weather, hansport, more leisure time, Plane Channel lslands
amenities, a.s.o. Some of the factors influence Accommodation Hotels and B&B
the location of the holiday industry. (Fig.11.1) resorts
Other factors such as greater affluence, greater Caravan parks and NationalParks
mobility, and more leisure time reflect the new campsites
trends that have changed the face of British Amenities Cultural and York
tourism historical olace
Active amenities Kielder (reservoir)
2. Complete the blanks in the table (Fig. 11.1) Advertising and TV Package tours
with appropriate information 0r00rammes

Fig. 11.1 Tourism in the UK

4A ZCr-N
LD. National Parks in the UK

National parks are defined by Act of Parliament (1949) as "areas of great natural beauty giving opportunity to open air recreation,
established so that natural beauty can be preserved and enhanced, and so that the enjoyment of the scenery by the public can
be promoted."
According to the definition above, national parks in the UK are of great importance. The facts listed below show evidence of this:
o supportive to local population who are dependent on
o Britain's first national parks set up in the 1950s; primary and tertiary forms of employment, although
o 11 national parks in England ano Wales today; sometimes conflicts may arise;
o some of the most spectacular upland scenery; o many of the nation's "honeypots" areas of attractive
o only one coastal national park Wales , Pembrokeshire; scenery or of historic/cultural interest;
o mainly in private ownership (farmers) - BlYo - although o many opportunities for outdoor activities
bodies such as the National Trust, the Forestry (riding, walking, fishing) and specialist
Commission, the WaterAuthorities are important attractions (caving, gorge walking. etc.)

3. ldentify the national parks according to the number on the map (Fig. 11.2). Name the region in which the national park
is situated.

Key to the map Name of National Park Established

f a Day Trip Resort 1, Northumberland 1 956

2. North York Moors 1952
I Long Stay Resorts
3. Lake District 1 951
f CulturavHistoric 4, Yorkshire Dales 1 954
5. Peak District 1 951

6. Snowdonia 1 951

7 The Broads 1 989

B. Pembrokeshire Coast 1952
9. Brecon Beacons 1 957
10.Exmoor 1 954
11. Dartmoor 1 951

12 New Forest 2004

Planned park for the South Downs, not yet decided

Wales A

Fi9.11.2 Location of holiday resorts and

national parks in the UK


Britain is considered nowadays a'leisure society'as people have more time, money and oppoftunities to relax. There are
many indoor and outdoor recreafional activities connected with holidays.
Tourism is a fast-growing industry and an important factor in Britain's economy. New frends have appeared recently according
to changing lifestyles.
National Parks are important tourist aftractions although conflicts over their use lead to the susfainable tourism debate.


Geoprofilos 4.

1. a. Thefollowingdefinitionsrefertorecreation,leisure,holidaysandtourism.Saywhichsentencebelowdefineseach
term mentioned:
1. time when you are not working or studying and you do things you enjoy
2. the business of providing things for people to do and places to stay in their free time
3. activiiies you do for pleasure or amusement as a pastime or hobby
4. spending at least 4 nights away from home to relax

b. Give 5 reasons why Britain is considered nowadays a "leisure society". Here are some tips of what the term refers
to: computer games / indoor pools / Friday nights go out to disco or pub / Sundays a day to rest

c. According to statistics, in 2001, British Ainrvays London

Eye was at the top of UK tourist attractions charging admission.
Other attractions in the list were Madame Tussaud's in London, Canterbury Cathedral and Windsor Castle. On the
other hand, Blackpool Pleasure Beach was at the top of UK free tourist attractions, followed by the British Museum, the
National Gallery and the Tate Gallery in London. Classify each tourist attraction as belonging to one of the types of
tourism: cultural tourism (CT); recreation tourism (RT)

2. Using the description of Hogmanay in Scotland, choose one specific Romanian holiday to describe.
)Nfl I
OHogmanay is the celebration of the NewYear in Scotland. lts official date is the 31'' December, which lasts through the night
until the morning of the 1 st. The most widespread national custom is the praciice of
first footing, which starts after midnight.
This involves being the first person to cross the threshold of a friend or neighbour and often involves the giving of symbolic
such as coal, money or shortbread, intended to bring different kinds of luck to the householder.

3. Read the information below. Discuss the possible differences that exist between theme parks and country parks.
As traditional holiday patterns have been changing, the demands placed on the countryside have also changed.
More people are seeking outdoor recreation, some of the most popular being: visits to theme parks, visits to a zoo,
picnics, walks in a country park, swimming, angling, horse riding, observing wildlife.

Theme parks
> very popularfor day-outings
> provide activities for the whole family
> not usually found within towns

Country parks
> created in the 1970's to avoid
environmental damage and erosion
> Vary in size and attractions
> problems arising from overcrowding
on lakes
> disturbance to wildlife reseryes
> few parking areas

C Each year, the Queen and other members of the Royal Family attend the Trooping of
the Colour ceremony on Horse
t^l,lo: jl L-ylon The Queen attends the ceremonyio take the salutefro; thousands ot guaiJsmen who parade the
Queen's colour (or flag).
O British bank holidays have been recognized since 1871. The name Bank Holiday comes from the time when Banks
shut and so no trading could take place.
O one type- of activity holiday much appreciated by the British is the so-called "murder weekend"-
during which you can find
yourself living out the plot of a detective story.
C The father of modern mass tourism was Thomas Co-ok who, on July 5,1841,organised the
firsi package tour in history.
He took a group of teetotalers from Leicester to a rally in Loughborough, some twenty miles
away. Cook immediately siw the
potential for business development in the sector, and became the world's first tour

As tourism has now become the world's greatest industry, ecotourism represents a very powerful means
to ddvelop
biodiversity. The principal objective of ecological tourism is to benefit from nature, landscapes or specific species
promoting environmental responsible travel to relatively undisturbed areas in order to
enjoy and appreciate nature and
accompanying culturalfeatures and become aware of the need for preserving natural capital and cultural
capital. There is
a strong relationship between ecotourism and conservation, sustainability and biodiversity, a relationship
which meets the
interests of many international organisations.
(Ad a pted fro m wi ki pedi

a' R9a.{ the case study on Snowdonia. Compare this national park with a national park in Romania
and identify two
similarities and two differences between them. Make up the profile of the Romanian park according to the model
K f

' Snowdonia is a region of North Wales and a National Park, the second largest in England and Wales. The
area is renowned
for its spectacular mountainous and coastal scenery, containing glaciated eltuaries aid valleys, broad-leaved
rugged mountains with alpine flora, sandy bays and large sand dune systems.
' The area is named after Snowdon (in Welsh Yr Wyddfa) also containi an unusual variety of wildlife
habitats. Therefore it is
very popular with tourists.
' The park is governed by the Snowdonia National Park Authority, which is made up of local government
and Welsh national
representatives. Snowdonia is made up of both public and private lands under a central pla-nning
' The 6 million annual visitors are bound to cause problems, both to the environment and io the pirk's
residents. These
problems include, among others, traffic pollution, footpath erosion, conflicts
between farmers and tourists as well as between
park residents and holiday house owners.
' Snowdonia's culture is intertwined with the Welsh langrage, which is spoken by much of the population
as Gwynedd was the
stronghold of the Welsh princes whose people were of Celtic origin.
' The park is renowned for its wealth of archaeological remains sliowing how people have inhabited
the area over the last
6,000 years. There are many buildings of archaelogical and historical importance including
casfles built by Welsh princes and
Edward l's fortress at Harlech.
' There are other special attractions as well, such as Greenwood Centre a forest park
, that provides opportunities for family
adventure or the Labyrinth where Welsh tales of King Arthur are retold in dramatic undergiound
(lnformation adapted from the Snowdonia National park site)


Designated: 1951 , as the 3'o National park In

England and Wales
Area: 2, (213,200 ha)
Highest Point: Mt Snowdon, 1,085 m
Land use: unenclosed mountain/moorland,
deciduous woodlands, water and
buillup areas, agricultural land, forest
Scenery 37 km ofcoasfline
1 5 peaks over 1 ,000 m

over 100 lakes

Population: living withln the park: 26,250
Welsh speakers (1999): 70%
Age (18-64) 15,400
Visitor days per year: 6.6 million

zllN! 5{
r.+ z1N
CC\P \. Complete the following map of the UK by writing in the names of islands, seas. Show the boundaries between the
countries belonging to the UK. -

itr tr



*r\ .^,

z-- ..---S
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2. Make a short description of the relief in Britain by filling in the gaps in the below.
lntermsof landscapetherearetwomain areasinBritain: .......:.--:-.................. and.....ll) . ............. whose
boundary can be roughly defined by an imaginary oblique line.
Mostofthecountry@bout750/o)ishighlandregionmadeupbyolderoded......,..)>-'.,.. .Thehighestpeakis
.... ..ri>*,, ... .ir (
... .. .. . m)situated in the .............:'.::":::.......... .. .. . Mts in ScotlanMhe lowland area is mainly situated
inthe .....*..-..........1:;.. partof the country and aroundthe . .....**..1.:.... Except forthe areascalled

of .......i,.,.......(also called escarpmp(s), valleys and plains.

3. Enumerate the elements of weathe[g).Give the definitions of the weather and of the climate .

b) Which are the factors affecting climate? How do they act?

4. Characterize the rivers in Britain Which are the most important rivers flowing into the Norlh Sea and which are those that
flow into the lrish Sea_and the Atlantic Ocean respectively?
5. What is a)density (b)migration c)green belt d)urban sprawl
6. Which are the energy resources? How can you group them? .,
7. Give the classification of industry: a) \.b)
c) dI
8, What physical factors and what human factors influence farming? How many types of farming do you know?
Which are they?
52 Zar\s
Choose the correct answer. There may be 2 possible solutions.

1. Which sea separates Britain from lreland? 6. The wettest part of Britain is:
a) North Sea b) lrish Sea c) Celtic Sea a) south-est b) north-east c) south-west

2. Which is the narrow channel between Great Britain and 7. Where are most of Britain's oil rigs?
mainland Europe? a) English Channel b)Atlantic Ocean c) North Sea
a) British Channel b) Pentland Firlh c) Strait of Dover
8.The most eitensive farming type in Britain is?:
3. Mt. Snowdon is the highest peak in: a).[ill farming b) market gardening c) crofting
a) Wales b) England and Wales c) Scotland
is the most developed economic section:
4. ln which country is Loch Ness? a) primary b)secondary c)tertiary
a) Scotland b) Republic of lreland c). Wales
1O.The first N'ational Park established in the UK was:
S.What is the climate in Britain like? a)Peak District b) Snowdonia c) Lake District
a) subtropical b). changeable c)temperate-maritime


Here are some superlatives of UK. Write the correct ideas, places, names, and figures

01. Official name of the country 1. The United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern
02. Type of country
2. lnsular country

03. Largest country (in area ) 3

04. Largest city


05. Highest peak


06. Longest river


07. Largest lake


08. Lowest area


09. Wettest areas

10. Warmest areas

11. Highest temperature recorded


12. Lowest temperature recorded


13. Largest group of islands


14. Most densely populated country 14.

15. Most sparsely populated 't5.

,N^* w{ cilA jrrr"t:l

Now it is time to travel around the UK. Choose a region from
the map (Fig.1). ln your groups make a poster to present
the region. Focus on the notions already covered in the book'
The following guidelines might help you organize your

1. LOCATION : Which part of ihe country?

2. RELIEF : forms of relief (best solution a map of the region)

3. CLIMATE : - average temperature for summer (July) and

winter (January) (Fig, 3.2 and 3,3)
- amounts of precipitation (Fig.3.a)

4. WATERS : - rivers and lakes in the region


4 -". .,
5, P0PULATI0N : - population distribution (Fi9.5.1), migration rj

6. SETTLEMENTS : - is the region mainly rural or urban

- most important cities

7. ENERGY RESOURCES : What energy resources can

be found in the region?

Fig. 1 Regions of the UK

B. INDUSTRY :What is produced in the region? (Fi9.8.1)

9. AGRICULTURE : What type of farming is to be found in DON'T FORGET ABOUT:

the region? (Fig.9.1)
. nationalflag (England, Scotland, Wales, Northern
10. TRANSPORT : - density of motonruay network lreland)
- airports (Fig.10.2) . national symbols
(- don't forget the tunnel) . pictures and other info: httpl/ and
other related sites on the internet
11 . TOURISM : famous sights (preferably pictures)

To make your proiect more interesting you can add a cultural side to it by including in it element such as:

personalities short descriptions

of famous sights
connected to it hrstorical information

recipes/dishes typical for area

animals, plants, typical for area

traditional customs
music, dances, sports, maps, diagrams, icons
literary works
products (if any)
connected to it

Length and width of the less than '1,000 km from the south coast (Lizard Point, cornwall, England) to the extreme
(Duinet Head, north-east Scotland) and under 500 km across at the widest poinis.

Name of country Enqland Wales

Area 130.433 20.778
Pooulation 50 million 3 million
Caoital citv London Cardiff
Hiqhest peak Scafell Pike (978 m) Snowdon (10E5 m
Lonqest/main river The Severn (322km) The Severn (5zzKm
Lanouaqe spoken Enolish 3 i'- Welsh (Enqlish
Pooulation densitY 377 inhabitants/sq km 140 inhabitants/sq Km

Name of country Scotland Northern lreland

Area 78.822 13,576
Pooulation 5 million 2 million
Capital citv Edinburqh Belfast
Hiohest oeak Ben Nevis (1343 m) Slieve Donard (853m; ''
Lonqest/main river The Tav (193km) The Bann (a4km)
Lanquaqe spoken Scottish Gaelic (English) lrish (Enqlish)
Pooulation densitv 64 inhabitants/sq krtl 124 inhabitants/sq km

i'.rr:,:l.iir'1. 5r'r:1i;i;:t i
llit tit+;;tti r,, l

Symbols of the four countries

The Union Jack

zzlrN 55

tl2.utril@trtrmomle areA
extreme points time-zones outlying areas contiguous dependent territories i

A. Discussion points:
a. Do you know the difference between the following terms: USA FACT FILE
North America, Anglo-America and the Americas?
b. Can you say to which of the above-mentioned groups
does the USA belong? How does the USA differ from the US area (total) 9,629,091 km'
other countries in the region from the geographical point Land 9,158,960 km'
of view? Water 470,131 km'
Coastline 19,924km'
B. Location of the United States of America Alaska -(largest state) 1,717,854km'
Rhode lsland - (smallest state) 4,002 km'
1. Read the following texts to find out about the location
of the US.

The United States of America, the fourth largest country in

the world covers an area of 9,629,091km'z. Most of the country
is in the central part of North America. lt is bordered by
Canada in the North and Mexico and the Gulf of Mexico in
the South. The Pacific and the Atlantic Oceans wash its
western and eastern shores. There is a great deal of
physical variety within the USA. lt is also one of the most
populous countries in the Western Hemisphere -
275,562,673 million inhabitants - (2000 census)

Find the approximate latitude and longitude of the

American territory the mainland of which includes the Fig.12.1 Extreme points of the USA
contiguous 48 states. Take into consideration the
extreme points (Fig.1 2.1 ).

3. ldentify and locate on the map

(Fig.12.2) the peninsulas, islands and
gulfs which are part of the USA.
They reflect the complexity of the coastli
with varying characteristics: deep,
meandering estuaries on the eastern
coast and high and rocky cliffs on the
western coast, The Gulf of Mexico is low,
sandy, with a delta.

Fi9.12.2 Location of the USA

C. Time Zones in the USA

4. Read the text and find the states which are located in
each time zone.
Because of its large extension from Norlh to South and from
East to West, there are four time zones in the USA:
Eastern, Central, Mountain and Pacific.
When midnight comes to New York, it is 11 p.m. in Chicago,
10 p.m. in Denver and only 9 p.m. in Los Angeles. This
means that if you travel from the East to the West, you must
set your watch back one hour when entering a new zone. lf
you travel from the West to the East, you set your watch
ahead one hour at each time zone.
Fr.ific l.loun!ffi

D. Administrative Structure of the United States Fig. 12.3 Time zones in the USA
of America

The United States of America has a complex administrative structure with 50 states, one Federal District and several
dependent territories.

5. Study the map below and fill in the blank spaces with suitable words. Choose the words from the box below.
The U.S. is one of the few-(1)countries in the world." :- ,x (2)qf the slates are enclosed
within one common inrl^^^.- i3[he othertwo no*
*,+$+ui[+)S-tesg'..,,=$+\4-(5111 !h.
far NW part of North America and li(6) lying in the Pacific Ocean. There is also onelirderal District (District
of Columbia)wherethecapital \jl:) D?-,.
z-(7) }-^^cr,(O\
is situated. The Northern bo[der with {]r (8)isthe
(8) is tl
longest continuous frontier in the world. four
6,000 km long and passes through tour lA,_IZJ*---
lA,_l/-i) (9). The USA
possesses some (10) territoriei in Central Americian'd O;lE .uch as Puerto'Rico and the Virgin
lslands. t
boundary fragme-r-rted, jL .onrltgrors, Alaska, washington D.c., cqnada,
-lr!!g!, Hawaii, dependent

The USA is a huge country in North America consisting of 50 states and one Federal District. The long coastline shapes the
inland territory and its economic activities. Alaska and Hawaii were the last states admitted in the Union. They are separated
from the mainland just like the other dependent territories.

1. Let's play the game "free association"
starting with the words "The USA".
ln turns, each student makes
associations to the previous word.
e.g. the USA New York East Coast
Washington D.C.- the capital etc.

2 . Use the map of the USA to locate the

following cities on the map, according
to their latitude and longitude.
. Atlanta, Georgia, 340N., 84oW
. Boston, Massachusetts, 430N.,710W
. Seattle, Washington, 480N.,1 22oW
. Las Vegas, Nevada,36oN.,11sow.
. Norfolk, Virginia, 360N., 760W.,

3. Explain what a time zone is. Give

some examples of the problems that
can result from the existence of a
time zone. Fig. 12.5 Location of the USA

4. Give the antonyms of: contiguous,

easternmost, meandering. Use the
words in sentences to iescribe your country. >|fl I
5. Choose the correct form in the context:
a) The USA is/are part of North America.
b) The largest gulf along the Pacific Ocean is Alaska's
Gulf/ the Gulf of Alaska.
c) The Hawaiian islands/archipelago has/have a subtropical
d) There is much/many physical variety in America.

6. a) Unscramble the following anagrams to give the name

of three types of gulfs along the American coastline:
tadel djorf ratusey
b) Link by arrows the names on the left with the
description on the right
San Francisco deep, meanderrng , elongated
Mexico Gulf low, with lagoons, sandY
Chesapeake Bay long, narrow steep-sided inlet
Gulf of Alaska tectonic, deep-water gulf

7. The table below is an extract from a US train timetable

showing time of arrival (hour, day) in various places on
the route from New York to Los Angeles passing through
Chicago, route that is passing through the four time
a) Locate the places on a map.
b) Why is the journey from New York to Los Angeles shorter than that from Los Angeles to New York?

From New York-Penn Station, NEW Y0RK to Los Angeles Union Station, CALIFORNIA

From To Departs Arrives

New York Chicago,lllinois 2:50 pm 9:20am
o3t29l04 03t30t04
Chicago,lllinois Los Angeles 3:15 pm 8:15 am
03t30t04 04to1t04
Los Angeles Chicago, lllinois 6:45 pm 3:20 pm
04to2l04 04t04lo4
Chicago, lllinois New York 7:00 pm 1:50 pm
04l04lo4 04lo5lo4
wav of writing the date is month/day/year
Remember : The American way !


The geographical centre of the 48 contiguous states is
located at Lebanon in Kansas,
the geographical centre of the United States (including
Alaska and Hawaii) is in Butte County, South Dakota at
44"58' N, 103"46',W.
the geographical centre of North America is in North
Dakota, a few miles west of Devils Lake, at 48"10'N,
a car trip from the Pacific Coast to the Atlantic Coast
typically takes a minimum of five days with almost no
stops to look around.
the gap between the warmest and coldest high
temperatures on a given day in the United States could
reach 70 'Fahrenheit (about 40 'Celsius)
the north-south distance, from Canada in the north to
Mexico in the south is over 1,500 miles (2,500 kilometres)
the full width of North America, from the Atlantic Ocean
on the east to the Pacific Ocean on the west is over
2,800 miles (over 4, 500 kilometres).

American Celebrations

Flag Day on June 14 is among the national celebrations celebrated in the USA. ln the 20'n century this has become
an important issue. lncluded in the code of ethics are such rules, as the national flag cannot be used for advertising.
It cannot cover a monument or any ceilings. lt must not be folded while being displayed. No one should write on an
American flag. Ships can lower their flags slightly in greeting each other, but othenivise should not be dipped for any
other object or person.
The first flag, called the Grand Union, was first flown at the headquarters of the Continental Army on January 1,1776.

Thanksgiving Day is the fourth Thursday in November. The holiday dates back lo 1621, the year after the Puritans
arrived in Massachusetts. After a hard winter, in which about half of them died, their neighbours, the lndians taught
them how to plant corn and other crops. The next fall the rich harvest inspired the Pilgrims to give thanks by holding a
feast. To this day, fhanksgiving dinner almost always includes some of the food served at the first feast: roast turkey,
cranberry sauce, potatoes, and pumpkin pie.

The Fourth of July or lndependence Day honours the nation's birthday the signing of the Declaration of lndependence
on July 4,1776.

Martin Luther King Day is the third Monday in January. The Rev. Martin Luther King Jr., an African-American
clergyman, is considered a great American as he fought to secure civil rights for all people through non-violent means.
Since his assassination in 1968, memorial services have marked his birthday.

Memorial Day - the last Monday in May. lt commemorates the national heroes buried in Arlington. Arlington National
Cemetery in Virginia is the nation's largest national cemetery. Not only are members of the armed forces buried here,
astronauts, explorers and other distinguished Americans have all been honoured with a special place. President
John Kennedy is buried in a spot overlooking Washington D.C. On Memorial Day, the President or Vice President
of the United States gives a speech and lays a wreath on the tombs. Members of the armed forces shoot a rifle salute
in the air.

Veterans'Day -Novemberll.lnlglB,ontheeleventhhourof theeleventhdayintheeleventhmonth,theworld

rejoiced and celebrated. After four years of bitter war, an armistice was signed. The "war to end all wars" was over.
Nowadays, Americans give thanks for peace on Veterans' Day. There are ceremonies and speeches aRd at 11 :00 in
the morning, most Americans observe a moment of silence, remembering those who fought for peace.

E 59


I varied rolling foothills canyons volcanic peaks fault lines i

A. Discussion points
Look at the physical map of the US fig. 13.2. Do you find any
similarities in terms of relief between Britain and the US?

B. The types of relief

1. Read the following passages to find out about the types
of relief found in the USA. Using mapfig.13.2 fill inthe gaps.

According to age the mountains in the USA are grouped into

two categories:

Old:- Mountains. They are like a

long wall, almost parallel with the eastern coastline. The
highest peak is Mt. Mitchell 2037m.
- where the Coastal Plains and the
Central Plains meet.
Iheflateaus of the USA are high and situated west of the
tVew; the west-coast mountains, which are part of the Rockies. They are also known as lntermontane Basins and
Cordilleras and form two disiinct ranges: consist of three subdivisions:
- the the norih
a) , the eastern range, bordered bY - the in the middle
the Great Plains in the east and by the intermontane - the in the south
Basins in the West. They are characterised by a complex
system oftroughs and ridges. -+bePlatmare again of two tyPes:
b) The Pacific Coastal mountain ranges consist of two - the along the eastern and
parallel chains: southern coasts and gradually widen from north to south.
it- in the north with Mt Rainier - the situated south of the Great
(4392 m) as its highest peak. Lakes region, stretch from the western slopes of the
, which contains the highest Appalachians to the Great Plains. The land is mostly level
peak of the contiguous USA: Mt. Whitney 4418 m with some gently rolling hills.
. '- and west of it
lies the Central Valley a long and
b'road trough that separates the Si6rra Nevada b) High plains:
from the Coast Ranges - the -run a vast area that stretches
ii) - which run along the west from Canada in the north to Mexico in the South. The
cobst from the Canadian border to Mexico. -
Rocky Mountains are the western boundary of thts region.



ffi nsoir*"tunder$o(lml
: y: tlh ploins ond Plsteaus
(undcf zs{x, m}
sddfllfliE e+rcW
r lxlfffff,r.c'fr'r
Fig. 13.2 The relief and drainage of the United States


C. How was the landscape created?

The major forces that were responsible for shaping and moulding the landscape both in the past and at present are volcanoes,
earth movements, ice, rivers, wind, temperature etc.

2. Here is a brief presentation of some of these forces and the way they have altered the relief of the USA. Match the
paragraphs labeld a-e with the headings labeld 1-5. Gomplete the answer grid at the bottom of the page as shown:

a. Volcanoes have played an important part in shaping the land. d. Relief is also shaped by wind action. ln arid lands there is
Many of the largest mountains within the Western Cordillera little binding action by grass or tree roots and loose particles
(Mt Rainier, Mt Shasta) are volcanoes, but for many years of soil are blown around by the wind. Sand-laden winds
they have remained inactive and may have become extinct. erode the rocks into strange shapes. Less resistant layers
ln some cases their cones blew apart or collapsed making are worn away, leaving the more resistant rocks clearly
calderas, which later filled with water to form lakes or in etched. Wind action is strongest near the ground, where the
others lava poured over the land in great floods to build the heaviest particles are blown or rolled along, cutting the
Columbia Plateau. cliffs in odd shapes. Under certain conditions, sand worn
away from rocks is deposited in the forms of dunes, which
b. The lce affected the highland and lowland regions in are then further shaped by the wind.
different ways. ln the highlands, ice ground down and
eroded the mountains and valleys, producing steep-side, e. Once, both the Rockies and theAppalachians were low flat
flatbottomed trenches. Lowland areas were covered by a lands covered by ancient seas, which, disappeared when
thick coat of a mixture of sand, gravel and clay called till or forces from below the earth's crust uplifted the land into
drift. These deposits were carried by glacial ice, which chains of mountains. The Appalachians were created much
scraped the surface over which it advanced. When the ice earlier than the Rockies; consequently their altitude is
melted the material was dumped forming a mass of hills lower due to longer exposure to erosion. The Rockies are
and hollows. The Central Plains offers good examples of relatively "young", with many peaks over 4000m.
glacial deposition.
1 When the earth moves
c. Rivers are the most constant and powerful of all thd forces 2 Volcanoes create a new landscape
that wear down the land. Given time, the highest mountain 3 Land shaped by ice
can be worn down until its peaks turn into lonely stumps 4 Wind-erodedlandscape
sticking up out of a plain. The Rockies, which are young 5 Rivers
mountains, contain many fast-flowing rivers, which have
cut deep, narrow gorges along their courses. The
Mississippi (Old Man Rlver), on the other hand, flows slowly
1 2 3 4 5
over its flood plain carrying large amounts of silt. e {r

Variety is the main feature of the relief in the USA. lce, volcanic activity and rivers have altered the
The mountains are either old and eroded or young face of the land in many ways resulting
and rugged. There are large areas of high or low plains. spectacular landscapes

E i'
'1r I''ijv .-r-l
a) '
t/1/- ,_---<.)
l\W 1. Comptete the missing names on the cross-section of relief below using the information from the lesson:



Fig. 13.5 Cross-section through the Rocky Cordillera

2. Using words from the list given below, fill in the gaps in the following text that offers a general description of the
relief in the USA: (

volcanic I decrease east . sandy"' Central ' canyons wide {ses , rrocky , plain
, 1 massive ,ldisplays ,,West, height ...,coastal

320km inland.lts shores are mostly marshy o(2)..................,, with some good beaches south of NewYork. North of NewYork,
however, the relief is mountainous and the coastline (3).,... ....,...........
lnland from the eastern coastal (4)................and parallelto it is the Fall Line, where rivers flowing to theAtlantic drop over
waterfalls. To the (5)....................its elevation increases to about 2000m in theAppalachian Mountains.
Tothewestof theApplachians,theheights(6)..............,...againintoaplateau.Furtherwest,theyextendasfaras1600km.
These are the (7).........,.........p|ains and the Great Plains. They stretch from Canada in the north to the Gulf Coast in the
south, but to the west the land (8)....................a9ain, reaching elevations of around 2000m.
Parallelto the Great Plains are the Rocky Mountains, the most impressive and (9).,.....,..........0f the mountain ranges in the
contiguous USA. They are made up of some 39 named mountains. Their (10) only surpassed by the Sierra
Nevada mountains which, together with the (11).....................Cascade Mountains enclose within their "stone walls" high
plateaux broken by deep (12).....................cut by rivers.
On the western side of the Sierras, a (13)......................basin contains the CentralValley of California witch continues
northwards to the Willamette Valley.
The Pacific coast (14).......................the Coast Ranges (2000m average height). There is no inland (15) .... plain like
in the east and south but mostly rocky cliffs ending abruptly in the ocean.

3. The Rockies and the Appalachians, depicted in figures 1 3.6 and 13.7 , are the main mountain ranges in the USA. Which of
the features given in the text box below describe the Rocky Mts. in fig. 13.6? Underline the correct word(s)from each
given pair, as in the model. lf you solve the task correctly, you will obtain a set of features, which also describe the
Appalachian Mts.

The Rockies are:. young / old rugged / eroded forested / !gr9 high / medium height
rich in coal and iron Eteh iAcopper and other non-ferr{us-mietals



) Technically speaking, Hawaii's Mauna Kea is the world's largest mountain. lt begins on the sea floor and rises for 10,044m
. to sea level. lts peak reaches 4,205m above sea level giving a total height of j4,24gm.
) Many forms of relief in the USA have names that include coiours in them, but the Appalachians seem to lead with the White
Mts., the Green Mts, and the Blue Ridge Mts.- allof them being included in nationalparks. The mostvisited National park is
the Great Smokey Mts. National Park. Covered by a dense blanket of forest, which gives off moisture, this mountain is
permanently enveloped by a bluish-grey haze that gives its name.
) Many features of USA relief are considered to be natural wonders. President Theodore Roosevelt appreciated their special
character and promoted the first laws for the creation of national parks in the early 1900s, in an attempt to save the country's
natural resources and areas of outstanding beauty from destruction,

\he interior southwestern part of the USA is an extremely arid area. Here are
o located s6me of the world's well-known deserts:
Death Valleyis located some 160 km east of Mt. Whitney and is the lowest
point in the entire western hemisphere (86m below sea level). lt 225km long
and 6-26km wide and is the hottest place in the USAwith a highest recorded
temperature of 56.70 Celsius. The desert got its name from the numerous gold
seekerswho losttheirlives here in the Gold Rush of 1849. Nowadays, mostof
the gold has been mined, but Death Valley still has large quantities of borax.
The Mojave Deserf is in southern California and covers 38, and has
large deposits of iron ore and borax.
The Arizona Desert is located in the Colorado Plateau and was brought to life
by the Colorado River CentralArizona Canal, which is a system of dams,
canals and tunnels that store and take water to the Arizona area. Opened in
l992,theprojectturnedthedesertintoahighlyproductivefarmland. Themaincropshereareirrigatedcotton,wheatandalfalfa.
lmperial Valleyis a former desert in SE California, on the border with Mexico. Ever since the Colorado River wa{e; qas brought
here-to irrigate crops inJ940, this area has become one of the richestfarming areas. Besides truckfarming and dairying, the
chief crops include melons, lgtlUge, citps fruit and cotton.

Although most of the mouptains in the USA are fold mountains, the Cascade Mts. in norlhwestern USA are
'uolcanic. Despite this well-known fact, everyone was surprised when in 1980 Mt. St. Helens erupted.
The following events were experienced: volcanic ash darkened the sky, hot ash destroyed forests and over
7-0 pgople were killed. Can you name other environmental effects of the eruption? Study the photos of
Sl. Helens above for clues

The Pacific coast of the USA is prone to earthquakes because of the
location of the St. Andreas fault line in California, fig. 13.11). Naturally, the
places at greatest risk are the largest urban settlements such as San
Francisco (SF) and Los Angeles (LA). Over the course of time, both
cities have suffered earthquake destruction. The most devastating
earthquake to strike the contiguous USAwas the one in 1906 in San
Francisco. lt lasted less than a minute and measured 7.8 on the Richter
scale. lt caused damage of $524 million. The human death toll alone was
in excess of 3000 people.
ln an eadhquake people die as much from collapsed buildings as from
fires started by broken gas pipes and electrical systems. Broken water
mains and tsunami waves cause floodings. - Fig.1 3.11 American Plates

63 \r
i climatic variation tornadoes hurricanes Ghinook i
t----------- -----.:

A. Discussion points
a. What do you think the key terms in the above box refer to?
b. Which are the factors that influence the climate of a region?

B. Climate types in the USA.

1. Read the information below and identify the climate types on the map and put the appropriate numbers
into the boxes in fig. 14.1.

Glimate type Glimate subtvpe Location Characteristics

SUBTROPICAL 1. Deserts and semi - Western part of high day-time (50"C) and low nighltime (OoC)
deserts Texas temperatures caused by the absence of clouds
- South-west USA less than 25 cm of rain per year
(interior) hiqh rate of evaporation
2. Wet subtropical South-eastern USA temperatures very warm throughout the year
(also called lrade- trade-winds give heavy rainfall
wrnd coasts) hurricanes
3. Mediterranean California (between 300 hot, dry summers
and 400 lat. N) warm, wet winters
cooL 4. Temperate North-west USA mild winters
TEMPERATE maritime (0regon, Washington) cool summers
annualfange of temperatures small
variations in temperature due to altitude
abundant orecipitation
5. Temperate Central areas of the high annual range of temperature(35-400C):
continental USA (Great Plains) dry and hot summers
very cold winters
light amounts of precipitation (50cm a year)
which decreases towards the west
there are oeriods of lonq drouqhts
ARCTIC CLIMATE 6. Arctic climate ln Alaska winters are extremely long and cold
(beyond 600 lat. N) temperatures fall to -400C
annuallprecipitation 10 - 20 cm
the long, continuous frost causes the ground to
be permanentlv frozen up to 300m in depth

i-r. 1t/*,,,*, I M*ntains over 2ooo m in

I climate I altitude have a climate of
I I their own. The difference
I I in altitude causes rapid
I I modification of
I I temperature, precipitation,
I I Pressure and wind.
I I Temperatures decrease by

I I 10 C for every 200 metres

I I of height butihe amount o
I I precipltation increases witl
the altitude. The windward
side receives much more
I I precipitation than the
I I leeward side, which is in
Fi1.14.2 Climate types in the USA
| | tne rain-snauow


C, The weather
There are 5 air masses responsible for the weather in the USA.
a) Continentalpolar (cP) centred in Canada, this air mass brings cool, clear weather in summer and cold, frosty weather in
b) Maritime polar (mP) - forms over the Norlhern Atlantic and the Northern Pacific and affects the Norlheast and the Northwest.
They are cool and moist, usually bring cloudy, damp weather. They are not as cold as continental polar air masses,
c) Maritime tropical (mT) - most common across eastern USA. lt formsaver the warm waters of Southern Atlantic Ocean and the
Gulf of Mexico. lt is most prevalent in summer bringing hot, humid weather.
d) Continentaltropical(cT) usuallyforms overthe Deserl Southwest and Northern Mexico during summer. lt brings record heat
to the Plains and the Mississippi Valley during summer.
e) Arctic (A) - a cold dry air mass from Arctic Canada

2. lnsert cB mB mT or cT in the boxes next to the ariows representing air masses in lig. 14.2


\\ rE
D. Severe weather


Read the following

paragraphs and fill

in the gaps with one o,

of the words given

below. ATLANTI(
Hurricanes lCI$a \1 t]
Floods' Fig. 14.2 Air masses affecting the USA

a) !are strong tropical cyclones

which bring high winds and tonential rain.
They occur in late summer and early autumn.
These storms develop over the warm tropical
seas and move rapidly onshore on
unpredictable courses. They affect the
Southeast and the East coasts of the USA.
b) .- also called'twisters'result
from the mixing of cold Arctic air and warm
Gulf air sweeping into the interior of the
continent. The wind can reach speeds of
300 km/hour. They may travel only a shorl
distance and last only a couple of hours, but
in that time destroy anything in their path,
c) ' are snow storms resulting
Fig. 14.3 The formation of the Chinook
from high winds and low temperatures. They
occur usually in the mountainous regions.

d) cis a warm, dry wind which blows

down the easiern side of the Rockies. lt usually occurs
suddenly, accompanied by a rapid rise in temperature. lts Summary
drying effect can cause avalanches and forest fires.
ln the USA there are seven types of climates with big
varlations from region to region.
e) are common in the lntermontane Basins
High mountains parallel to the West coast prevent the
and the western side of the Great Plains.
penetration of moist air from the Pacific, hence less
precipitation falls on the Great Plains.
are associated with hurricanes,
The air masses with a strong influence on the weather
(Southeast) periods of prolonged rain (Noflheast) and with
are: the continental polar and maritime koprcal.
the sudden melting of snow in the mountains (norlhwest USA).

E- 65
Geoproliles 5.


1. Where in the USA would you like to

spend your summer and winter holiday
Make your choice by taking into account
the relief and climate for each area. The
map from ti1.14.4 can help you decide as
it gives the average temperatures in
degrees Celsius for winter (W) and
summer (S) as well as the precipitation
(P) in cm/year. The average precipitation
value is S0cm/year.
p F;Ftr,I
lttirolt: I

Fig14.4 Climate map

2. As you can see in the lesson, the

USA experiences a great variety of
weather conditions, some of which
are extreme. The text boxes below
give you clues about the climatic
hazards from various parts of the USA.
ln groups, write weather forecasts for rLO0DI,'I6 OCCASI{)N{I.
each ofthe affected areas, including
in them hazard warnings for the DrST SToRtu
population. DROTTS}IT
The climatic hazard map from fig.
14.5 will help you locate the hazard.

Fig 14.5 Climate hazards map

are accompanied by sustained winds with frequent gusts of over 55 km/h. Visibility will frequently be reduced to less than
500m and temperatures will remain extremely low. There is also heavy snow, which exceeds 1Scm in 12 hours.
Occasionally ice accumulation may be experienced too.

forms on cool mornings when the vapour condenses near the eadh's surface. lt also forms over the sea or in the vicinity of
the sea in conditions of high pressure when the damp sea air cools during the night and then condenses.
Fog is a common occurrence off the coast of New England and along the North-eastern coast as far south as Boston,
where the cold Labrador current meets the warm Gulf Stream.

generally occur in the central and southern areas of the USA, usually in spring and summer but odd tornadoes can form as
early as February. They are produced over land when warm air masses rise quickly to be replaced by cold air. The fact
that conditions are suitable for a tornado can be predicted a short while in advance, but ihe tornado path is difficult to
predict. Even if the destruction it causes is limited to a narrow path, the damage can be enormous.

strike the South-eastern coast of the USA, and especially the areas near the Gulf of Mexico. The winds and rains of a
hurricane combine with the forces of the sea to produce huge sea waves (sea surges). When they strike the land, they are
very destructive. Besides the raging winds and heavy rains, floods are also likely to appear.

,i*'&'{" .
ln the last few decades, strange weather changes have occurred in the USA and
ermce J
around the world. The blame for these is laid on El Nino .

The term was originally used to describe the warm southward current that appears
off the western coasts of Peru and Ecuador every year around Christmas time \-*..
(hence the name - e/nino means chrid in Spanish and refers to Jesus Christ).
Every three to seven years, however, the current becomes exceptionally intense
and can last up to 1B-24 months, affecting the global climate in various ways. For
the USAthese changes involve: PAC'FJS
- iryr*qq!-Jemp.eratures in winter in the North Central States and lower tem
in the SE and SW OCnl'.r
wetter seasons and flooding in the western and south-eastern pafis of the USA,
leading to landslides and erosion
droughts in the south-west
tornadoes (in Florida) and wild storms (in Gulf Coast states)
an increase in ocean level that also causes flooding
Fig.14.7 El Nifio
the changed water temperature leads to the fall in the quantity of plankton,
which in turn affects sea-bird and fish numbers.


- ongtn - over the Atlantic ocean, when the water - dry, light air crosses the Rocky Mts. and
temperature surpasses 27 oC, in latitudes reaches the Great Plains where it clashes with
between 50-200 North. They then travel north- wet, warm air coming from the south
east towards 300 North
- USA area affected - the Gulf of Mexico and the east coast (they - particularly central and southern Oklahoma (an
advance inland until thev run out of enerqv) area called Tornado Allev)
- shape - doughnut (100-2000 km rn diameter, with a - funnel (with a diameter of 5-35 m)
centralarea of calm, called an "eye",12-100
km in diameter)
- speed - '120km/h - 200km/h or more - 120km/h - 510km/h (in the vortex)
- 16-B0km/h in straiqht line
- duration - up to a couple of davs (on land) - from a few minutes to 2 hours
- associated with - heavy rainfall and flooding heavy rainfall, thunder and lightening
- intense winds, thunderstorms high wind speed
- sea surges of 12m in height that cause dense, dark clouds
flooding an intensely low pressure system
- verv low air oressure
- destructive power destroy much in their path - rip up road surfaces
uproot trees, break power lines - lift any sort of debris in the air (cars, house
drown people and animals parts, cows, horses, etc.) and by whirling these
leave behind huge deposits of silt and sand have the effect of a huge circular saw that cuts
everything in its path
- make breathing difficult (due to the debris and
low air oressure)

Persistent drought, caused by prolonged

lack of rain often leads to forest fires.
) El Nino has a cold counterpart called La Nina (or La Villeja). lt appears in
the years following an El Nino and has opposite effects.
These may be started deliberately or by F Tornadoes may appear anywhere in the world, but 3 out of 4 hit the USA
accident. ln either case, the long-term The USAexperiences about 1000 tornadoes a year.
moisture shortage in areas such as the ) On May 3, 1999, Oklahoma was hit by one of the worst tornadoes ever,
Rockies or the southern and western parts an F5 one (510 km/h in the vortex). Only 22 people died, but 0ver.40,000
of the Great Lakes is increased by several cars and 8,000 houses were destroyed.
weeks without precipitation.
> 35% of the world population is exposed to hurricanes. ln the USA
What measures can be taken to avoid many thousands of people are at risk.
or diminish the environmental etfects
of forest fires?
) The worst hunicane to strike the USA so far was called Katrina(2005) and
it caused damage worth more than $100 billion plus the death of more
than 1000 people.

delta volcanic/trough lakes

A. Discussion points
Look at the map in fig. '15.1. What is the main characterrstic of rivers in the USA? How do they differ from British rivers?

B. The rivers
1, Read the text below and fill in the gaps with a suitable phrase from the column on the right.

The crest of the Rocky Mountains acts as a watershed, known as the

which separates two major drainage areas: the eastern and the which then flow into the
Western USA, Pacific Ocean
The rivers from the eastern slopes of the Rockies are collected
by the Mississippi through its western tributary or they flow flows 6,400 km
directly into the Gulf of Mexico e.g. the Rio Grande.
Those that flow from the western slopes of the Rockies are collecied by the Columbia or that spring
its tributary the Snake River or the Colorado
gathers its waters from
Many of the rivers that originate from the Appalachians flow directly into the Atlantic two- thirds
ThemostimportantriveristheMississippiwhich the lighter pafiicles of silt
of the United States and
from its northern sources to its mouth. Where the river reaches the sea it Continental Divide
slows down and dumps its load. The heavier coarse particles are dropped first while
are carried farther out. This forces the river to divide into a one of the youngest
number of smaller streams called distributaries forming a delta, which has the appearance
of a bird's foot. The Mississippi delta is pads of the Missouri
the continent. New delta land is being created by the river at a rate of 300 feet each year.

2. Fig. 15.1 below shows the rivers and lakes of the USA. Consult your atlases and
write in the names of the rivers and lakes.


Gulf of
Fig. 15.1 The rivers and lakes in the USA

68 EE
C. The lakes
The lakes in the USA have various origins. Some of them are glacial, others volcanic whilst
others are tectonic lakes.
Some lakes are man-made.
3. Read the captions below and match them with the appropriate figure.
A) The Great Lakes - Superior, Michigan, Huron,
Erie and Ontario and their connecting channels form
the largest fresh surface water system on Earth. A B D
Covering more than 243,460square km and draining
more than twice as much land. The water from the
Great Lakes flows through the St Lawrence River to
the Atlantic Ocean, about 1,600km away. These lakes D) Reservoirs can be found
were formed when the ice sheets from the last on rivers like Tennessee,
glaciation flowed across the land towards the ocean
Colorado and Columbia. T
in the north. Where they encountered more resistant are multi-purpose schemes
rock they stopped and later on they melted. serving a variety of uses:
. irrigation,
. storing water,
. hydroelectric power,
. flood control B) Crater Lake was formed
. leisure. after the collapse of an
ancient volcano named Mount
c)'Itr,Gralt Sdt Lal(e, a remnant Mazama about 7,700 years
a prehistoric freshwater lake, is ago, lt measures more than
the largest lake west of the five miles (B km) in diameter.
Mlssissippi River. lt covers an area Crater Lake at 1,958 feet
of 4,403 square km and is situated (597m) deep is the seventh
on a shallow playa. lts water is 3 to deepest lake in the world and
5 times saltier than the ocean. the deepest in ihe USA.

4. Complete the chart below to construct a classification

of lakes in the USA according to origin.
Give examples for each type.

lrisconsin lrf & h]*Ii,,,'

Fig.15.4 The Great Lakes

D. Geysers
Geysers are hoi springs from which jets
The important rivers in the
of hot water and steam erupt into the air
USA are long. They either
at regular or irregulaq intervals.
flow into the Pacific or into
Yellowstone National Park in Wyoming
the Atlantic Ocean. The
contains 60% of the world's geysers.
Mississippi, the fourth
Hot magma heats the overlying rock
longest river in the world
and the reservoirs of water lying 3-4 km
(6,400km), flows into the
below the surface. This heated water
Gulf of Mexico.
is forced upwards through fissures
The lakes are either natural
in the surface rocks. The most
lakes (glacial, volcanic or
famous,gf Jhe American geysers is
tectonic) or reservoirs built
the 0lOFdithful, which erupts on
on rivers.
average every 88 minutes. The eruption
There are a great number of
lasts from 1.5 to 5 minutes, reaching
a height of up to 60 metres.


1. Fill in the gaps of the chart below with information about the main rivers in the USA. You may need an atlas for this
River Lenqth Source Mouth lmportant cities passed
Mississippi 3779 km Lake ltasca Gulf of Mexico St.Louis, ..
Missouri 3969 km
Rio Grande 3034 km
Colorado 2334 km
Columbia 2005 km
Hudson 507 km
Potomac 460 km

2, Match the sentence halves givel below in order to find out what the main ways are, in which the Americans use the
Great Lakes: 1c ; 2_; 3_; a {, ; 5_
1. The presence of the Great Lakes in this area made possible...
2. The Great Lakes, which are connected to the Atlantic Ocean by the St. Lawrence Seaway...
3. West and south of the lakes lie the most important grain-producing area of the USA...
4. With rich iron ores found west of Lake Superior and coal deposits in the Appalachians...
5. The lakes act as the nation's largesi and most popular recreation area...

a. . ..the lakes acted as transport link and made possible the development around their shores of several industries,
particularly that of steel and automobiles,
b. ..-form the world's greatest watenruay, carrying a volume of commerce about equal to the entire US foreign kade.
c. 7.the development of great cities like Chicago, Toledo, Buffalo, Cleveland, Milwaukee.
d. . .. but without the cheap transportation from the lakes the farmers here could not face the foreign competition.
e. ...tvhere tourists find places of outstanding natural beauty and opportunities for sailing, fishing, camping, sunbathing and
nbird watching.
{- , lr,,Lt C,l' qr'r'a
3. Ldoking back on the completed sentences above
a. decide which of the lakes' uses are mentioned in each and list them.
b. which oroblems might affect the lakes. Make a separate list:
e.g. uses: - water and electricity supply for induskial and domestic uses
problems: - shore erosion and flooding caused by waves and rising lake level

4. Read the paragraphs below, which describe the worst flooding of the Mississippi so far. Sort the information into:

a' The Mississippi floods of 1993 are considered to be the second costliest hazard ever recorded in the history of the USA.
When the river burst its banks in June, it covered an area the size of England, killed 50 people, drove 26,000 people from
their homes and caused damage worth more than $10-12 billion. lndirect losses from lost wages lost production, disrupted
transport and especially emotional damage cannot even be calculated.
b. The Mississippi is the most engineered river system in the USA, having along its course dams, which hold back the water at
times of peak flow and embankments, which raise the riverbanks artificially. ln addition, the river and its tributaries have been '.*--
altered over time by the draining of riverine wetlands, which became farmland or were used fo; ur[an settlements. The cgUrS,v
hasalsobeenartificiallystraightened. \.' t'-*- .,, '' ,, 'r, . ' cr, (.r\. .".<g.**-
fi it,'j
These measures, however, proved insufficient when in the first half of J!93\the rainfall was 11 times that of a normal year-
while the ground was already saturated with water because of the cooler than normal temperature conditions o!ffi,.

When do floods occur in Romania

and with what consequences? Complete
the mind map on the right with the (Z-----\.-.-
rlooo )
flood causes in Romania.
cutting down trees

Called Niagara by the local lndians, Niagara means "thunder of waters", this
cataract represents one of America's most attractive naturalwonders. Situated
on the Niagara River which connects Lakes Erie and Ontario, Niagara Falls is
made up of two parts: the Ary:rican Falls (55m high/328m wide) and the Horsesho,
Falls, belonging to Canada (54m high/640m wide anplcarrying g times morq water)
-l-.,. r
divided by @t lsland. - qn VX ,-^, ,- ;:+f iQ n'U
They were formed about 12,00d yiiars a jb when the glaciers reYreated northwards.
The waterfall has since then been slowly eroded back about 11 km upstream.
Despite consolidation work carried out in 1969 when the American Falls were shut
off for several months, the erosion process continues at a rate of 1.5 cm/year.
Hydroef,ectric power stations have been built on both sides of the waterfalls.

Fig.15.6 Niagara Falls

Occupying the southern end of the Florida Peninsula, the Everglades is a vast
complex of swamps, saw grass and water. ln fact, over a third of the Everglades
is neither land nor water, but something in between. There are a few higher areas
which are dry all year round. The average height of the area is not more than 2.5 m
above sea level. Because these dry spots have rich fertile soil, men have tried to
drain the Everglades or to clear it by burning the vegetation.

J ".
ln order to protect this unique area, considered to be the one of the largest swamps
in the world, some 1.5 million acres have been turned into a Nationalparkwhere
there are numerous species of birds, some very rare, fish, small aquatic mammals
and lots of alligators. The flora includes various water plants and mangrove forests.

However, because of man's intervention here, dramatic changes have taken place,
putting the environment at risk.
a. Can you suggest what environmental damage has been caused?
b. Why is it necessary to protect an ecosystem like the Everglades?
Fig. 15.7 The Everglades

Once wild and powerful enough to carve the Grand Canyon, the Colorado River has been harnessed by man. Starting in the
1930s, several dams were built on this river, the largest being the Hoover Dam.
- control over the river especially at flood time
- cheap electricity
- water supply to fast growing cities (Phoenix, Las Vegas) and their industries (aerospace, computers, engineering)
- irrigation water that allows 2 or 3 crops of vegetables per year and fruit in the hot desert climate
- leisure facilities along the river, which also created thousands of jobs
' only '1% of the Colorado's water reaches the Gulf of California as too much of it is abstracted upstream. Because of this,
Mexico has very little water left for irrigation
- growing cities demand more waterthus leading to the fall of the watertable in the area,
since the Colorado has no more
water to spare
- water is wasted through evaporation from reservoirs and canals

state's total area. Alaska, however, has more than 3 million lakes.

accelerated the development of both the Midwest and New York. Nowadays it is still a significant means of transport in
the New York State Barge Canal System.

ru&Yffiffi&$- ffiffiWH*q#F*ffiffift$"fl HF# TFHffi [J]Lf'lixt,
1. Looking at the vegetation map present on this page, say which are the five largest areas of natural vegetation?
2. Compare the natural vegetation map with the map of climate regions and say in what way climate affeits the vegetation
a region.
3. At the beginning of European settlement in 1607, half of the USA territory was covered in forests. Today, only some 32% of
the country's land is still forest covered. A similar decrease happened to grassland and other natural vegetatron. Can you
say why?
4. Although not all the plants listed below are typical of the USA only, they do live here too. What regions of the USA can you
associate with the following groups?
a, magnolia, pecan, mangrove, cypress, saw grass
b. tall prairie grass
c. spruce, Douglas fir-tree, redwood, sequoia
d. sagebrush, juniper, yucca, cactus "foresis"


ffi tundrq
l-- l*l Mixed f,orest

I *l coniferous tcrart
I SubtropicotForest
f_ $Bppo
I Mountoin Vegetotion
nm oroselond
f l Sond ond Rock
remperole Deciduous Mr Desart
I l-l
Forest W Medilerronaon
Fig. 15.8 USA - Map of natural vegetation

5.From the list of North American animals below, tick those that live only in the USA and not in Europe:

r caribou r fox r alligator

o elk o raccoon o rattlesnake
o m00se o skunk t water moccasin
r black bear r squirrel r bison
r grizzly bear r pelican r coyote
I deer o flamingo o prairie dog
o pronghorn o bald eagle r wolf
o mountain goat o otter a opossum

6. Match the animals from activity 5 with the vegetation region they live in. Make use of the map from fig. 15.8 .


What is a region?

A region is an area which has certain features in common. There can be

all kinds of regions depending on the point of view from
which the particular areas are analysed,

1. Make logical sentences from the table below.

Physical geography deals with areas where people earn their living in similar ways, where
certain types of industries are located. For
example: the Copper Belt where copper is mined
and processed, the Cotton Belt, or the Wheat Belt
where most of the farmers grow cotton or wheat.

Cultural geography governments are similar. (A political map of the

USA is a map, which shows the states.)

Economic geography the land features are alike i.e, a mountainous

region or a plateau region.

Political geography the people are alike or similar, share a common

language or a common religion.

The map below shows the regions chosen by the authors of this book to present
the USA. They include a mixture of physical,
cultural, political and economic aspects. The units that follow will discuss'them separately.

!. Sludy the map and name the regions which are determined by the physical aspect of the area.
3. What is missing?


Fig. 16.1 The Regions of the USA

"Boswash" Megalopolis New York City Washington DC table crop borough

A. Discussion point
a. Look at the map on the right and describe the location
of this region.
b. Describe the physical features (relief, waters, climate) of
the Northeast.

B. Subdivision
The Northeast consists of two sub-regions very different in
landscape and economic activities.
These are: -The "Boswash"' Megalopolis
-New England Fig. 17.1 The North East USA

1. Work in pairs. Student A reads text a, The 'Boswash' Megalopolis, and Student B reads text b, New England.
Complete the appropriate column in the table on the next page with essential information. An example is given for
each of you.

a) The "Boswash" Megalopolis

The region known as the "Boswash" Megalopolis is a heavily populated

area extending more than 800km along a northeast-
* i"li: r _tal
southwest axis from Boston in Massachusetts to Washington DC. lts
population adds up to more than 45 million (17% of the total US
population). lt contains the world's greatest concentration of urban i,..::; . i::i_, :::t: r+
areas, which have merged to form this "megalopolis", which besides the iii?'-!,1 *'!"'" ii.1'"'
two cities mentioned also includes: New York, Philadelphia and s-$
r+i{::r:::1! * #}*fiiun t
i!1,..;*,:i &
This region has three characteristics:
- high population density {jit!i.,.{*[lFtilr"l
- major urban centres growing towards each other
* a.*

- a large demand for primary goods that are brought here from other ftAi ?lr!,{fl**
S &l-r.::r*,
regions. ,*
',jt'A$Hll{#T*n* ffiC
Physical background
Megalopolis rests on a coastal plain flattened by glaciers. The rivers in
the area are fairly shortand therefore only navigable on iertain sections
Good transport. and accessibility is offered by canals such as the Erie
Canal, which links the Hudson River in New York to Lake Erie. The
Fig. 17 .2 The Boswash Megalopolis
natural vegetation-tends to be a mixture of trees and low bush and the
soils tend to be thin and infertile.

The presence of the sea has always played an important role irt the region's economy. Today service industries are the main
economic activity such as retailing, publishing, etc. lndustry is still important and one of the world's largest steel plants is located
at Sparrow's Point near Baltimore. Chemicals and petrochemicals are located around Delaware Bay. Agriculture_is important
and meets the demand for food from this large urban area. Farmers on the coastal plain specialise in "tiuck farming,;;Ihat is
market gardening. Truck farming products are high-priced and perishable therefore transport is a key factor. Dairy products,
lettuce, tomatoes, apples and a variety of other intensively produced "table crops" dominate farm production. Most truck farms
aresmall. Commercialfishinghasdeclined,thoughtheregionstillaccountsforaboutone-quarteroftheU.S.catch. Tourismis
also very important, New York City being the top tourist atkaction for international tourists. The almost continuous lorig sandy
beaches attract summer visitors.

Megalopolis was the first region of the country to be settled by immigrants and provided a gateway for thousands of people who
came here to live. As a result, the populatign has a remarkable ethnic and racial mix. This region is highly urbanised and more
than 90% of the population lives in urban areas. Sevenal very large metropolitan areas dominate the region: New York City
(8-6 million), Philadelphia (4.9 million), Washington D.C. (4.6 million), Boston (5.8 million). The population density is more than
350 per sq. km, and the population growth rate is also high.

74 E
b) New England

New England is mainly rural in characier and includes the less-populated and
less-developed areas north of Megalopolis.
Physical features
It is a land of low mountain ridges, rolling hills, bare ropk, thin soils, rugged coasflines
and swift streams.
The climate is harsh, seldom hot, often cold, and usually damp.
( ?
The landscape is covered with a relatively dense mixed forest of coniferous and
\ l o'$
deciduous irees of secondary growih as the original trees were cut down fotilumber, o
shipbuilding and fuel.

New England is a region with limited resources, poor soils and a location distant from
Megalopolis, the main centre of the U.s. commercial activity. The only worthwhile
resources are those of building stone especially marble from Vermont, the leading
marble-producing state in the USA. Fig. 17.3 New England
The induskial activities of the region are: machine tools, electronic equipment,
shoes, plastics, paper and newsprint. The timber industry is a shadow of what it used to be.
Commercial fishing has declined in recent years due to overfishing. Cod and lobster are the most important
ln recent decades, new industries such as light and high tec. induskies have come to this region. This is
due firsfly to the
"brainpower" centres like the universities of Harvard, Yale and MIT (Massachusetts lnstitutiof Technology)
located in the region
and secondly because they find the smalltown and rural environment a good place to live.
Agriculture is influenced by the harsh climaie and thin soils and consists of growing potatoes, vegetables
and fruit, products that
can be rushed fresh to the city nearby. The main rural economy depends on Oairy iarmlng and pduftry.
A traditionai activity is
tapping the maple trees to make maple syrup and sugar.
Tourism has become very important with areas of true wilderness in the northern part Maine.

Except for Boston, which historically belongs to this region and Worcester (700,000) there
are no large cities in the region.
Almost 2/3 of the populaiion lives in a few moderately sized towns, such as Burlingion and Lewiston"each
with anout IO,0OO
residents. The typical settlements are the villages and small hamlets. New England has one of the
slowest population growths
in the nation. The overall population density was less than 4 persons/sq. km (tbgz).

2.ln pairs interview each other to complete the missing information in the table below

Megalopotis New Enqland

Relief Coastal plain flattened by glaciers Low mountain ridges, rolling hills, rugged coasf/rnes









The Northeast includes two v9ry different regions: Megalopolis, a highly indushialised urban region
and New England,
a mainly rural region with agriculture as the main activity.


3. The Northeast includes 11 states plus the District of Columbia.
a. Write the names of the states on the map on the right. (Fig. 17.a)
Use a map of the USA and the table below to help you.
b. The table also contains the capitals but they are not in their
right places. Put them in the correct order.

State Canital
1 Connecticut a. Washinqton
2. Delaware b. Albanv
District of Columbia Auqusta
4. Mdine (_, d Boston
Maryland e, Providence
h Massachusetts f, Hartford
7. New Hamoshire Harrisburo
8. New Jersev \ h. Annapolis
9. New York ) t. Trenton
10. Pennsvlvania Concord
11 Rhode lsland k. Dover
Fig- 17.4 Northeast USA
12. Vermont l. Montoelier

New York, New York

4. Here are some facts about New York City. Read them
and expand them into a two-paragraph presentation
entitled: New York, Past and Present

Brief history:
a) 1626 - Dutch settlers bought Manhattan
lsland from the lndians for $24 worth of cloth and kinkets
and named it New Amsterdam
b) 1664 the British captured the settlement, which had only
100 settlers and renamed it New York.
c) 1789-1790 first capital ofthe lndependent USA
d) 1825 the building of the Erie Canal made the city the
leading port on the Atlantic coast,
e) After 1840 - New York (Ellis lsland) served as a gateway
for millions of emigrants.

5, Fill in the gaps in the sentences and tables below.

a) New York hasfboroughs most of which are situated on
islands with the exception of the Bronx.

i i"- Population
us census

to.t'. New York g,oog,27g

BBEN} 1,332,650
BBsx*LYt! 2,268,297
M- 1 ,537,195
- -'r.:-10N
Q ___ 2,229,379
il{e! l>raUl 443,728

tf$refr c) Population in central areas 22,660

oersons/so. km
d)Ihe .:lji-UL-of New York is 800.17 sq. km.
e) Commerce and tourism are the main . E-- activities as
industry has been pushed to the hinterland.
. ',.1i :,,i-
f) New York is the cultural of the U.S, but the
-i \r: ,. financial and commercial centre of the world.
Fig. 17.6 The map of New York City g) The most recent are the fashion and the
\ r r-*1 "ready-made" clothes' industryr

Washington DC

6. Read the following text. Some of the lines have been omitted.
Choose from the lines below the text the ones that best fit the
blank spaces.

Founded in '179Q, Washington was the first American city

,) . .
. .. to be a beautiful city with wide
streets and many trees. lt is situaied between ..)a............
.on the Potomac River. The city is named
after George Washington the first president of the United States and DC
after Christopher Columbus.
Washington DC is unique in that it functions as a state, county and city
all in one. lt is governed by a Mayor and 8
Council members,....,.....,9i,...........
The population numbers 563,384 of which 32.8 % are European
Americans, 60.0 % African Americans and7.20k other races, according
to the 2000 US Census. The city's business is centred around the
government, ....................4
Many unions, business, professional and non-profit making
organisations have their headquarters there,

a) who are elected by the citizens of Washington DC

c) tourism is the other most important branch of economy
b) Virginia and Maryland, (bofh states donated land)
d) planned for a specific purpose

Rhode lsland is the smallest state rn the USA

Basketball was invented in Massachusetts
in 1891.
New York is the USA's largest po(, trade
centre and the financial centre of the world.
, F New York's Wall Street is named after the
protective wall built by Dutch colonists in '1653
There are more than 102,576km of streets in
G. New York City and over 931km of waterfront.
G*)r lvy League is ihe name of a group of old and
( respected universities, which include Harvard,
Yale, Brown, Columbia, Cornell, Princeton
and MlT.

NewYork has always had problems with refuse collection and disposal. ln the '1840s, thousands of piqs roamed Wall Street to
consume garbage as an early sanitation system. Garbage was then dumped into the ocean until '1935 when a successful federal
lawsuit forced the city to end ocean dumping. By the 1960s, the city was burning almost a third of its trash in its municipal
incinerators. Eventually these were closed down to reduce air pollution. The only alternative remained Fresh Kills Landfill
situated on the western shore of Staten lsland, where garbage arrives after a long trip by truck and barge. Fresh Kills Landfill
wasfirstopenedasa"temporary"facilityinl94T.Todayitisthelargestlandfillintheworld. ltcanbeseenwithnakedeyefrom
space. The problem of refuse is still not solved as the landfill leaches toxic chemicals and heavy metals not to mention that it is
predicted to fill up by 2005.
The 1'1 ,000 tons of garbage produced each day in New York is the consequence of the evolution of global "throwaway

economy". For cities like New York, the challenge is not so much what to do with the garbage, as it is how to avoid producing
it in the first place.

Breadbasket of the USA Chipitts alfalfa Manufacturing Belt

A. Discussion points
a. Another name for this area is the Heartland of the USA Can
you say whY? I,
U. Wnat are the main physical features of thrs area? {

Fig. 18.1 The location of the lnterior Plains

B. Subdivisions

As you can see on the map, there are two areas that make up D. Agriculture
the plains in the interior USA:
- the Central Plain (also known as the Midwest) The lnterior Plains are often referred to as the Breadhasket
- the GreatPlains (called also the High Plains) of the nation, the most important cereal and livestock
A third area having slightly higher relief and a distinct economic producing area in the country.
profile is that immediately south of the Great Lakes, sometimes
called the Water Belt. Although very fertile, because of the nature of the clrmate, the
Great Plains could not be cultivated in the traditional ways
brought from Europe by the first settlers of this area. Gradually
C. Physicalfeatures theyiearned to apply new techniques, better suited to the land'

1. Read the tist of features below and explain which 3. Read about the farming methods typical of the Great
economic activity is most suited to the lnterior Plains Plains below. Match the terms with their correct
area, definitions:

. the relief here is mostly

flat or gently rolling lowland in the 1_ 2-; 3-', 4-
Central Plain area, gradually rising to about 1500m - 1800m to
meet the Rockies (area called the Great Plains) 1. dry farming
2. contour Ploughing
. the region has a temperate continental climate, with over 3. inigation
750mm precipitation per year (more in thesouth, less towards 4. feedlots
the west) and average temperatures of - 4'C in winter and
24oC in summer a. . .. additional supply of water to fields in areas of unreliable
rainfall (brought by canal or sprinklers),
. occasional summer thunderstorms, damaging hail and high
winds (often turning into tornadoes). There are more dramatic b. .. .a piece of land growing animal feed meant to support the
variations of climate, which include violent storms in summer, livestock in areas of poor pastures'
blizzards in winter and constant winds in the Great Plains.
c. ... a method of farming in which water is kept in the soil by
. the soils are good and fertile in the Central Plain but ploughing large, rough furrows, by cultivating plants that
much more fertile in the Great Plains need less water (sorghum, alfalfa, wheat) and by leaving
each field uncultivated for 2-3 years so that the soil
. the lnterior Plains are drained by the Upper Mississippi River moisture is built up, Weed control is also very important for
and its tributaries (Ohio, Arkansas and Missouri). These rivers, diminishing water losses.
together with a variety of canals, locks and dams, built to
im-prove navigation and generate electricity, form an extensive
d. .. .a method of ploughing in which the land is ploughed in
waterway system. winding furrows that follow the contours of the slopes
rather than forming square or rectangular fields that allow

2. Find arguments in the texts above to support your soil erosion and water flow from the soil in case of heavy
answerfrom Point 1.


4. Read the information in the boxes surrounding the map on fi9.18.2. Explain the reasons for the location of each
farming product in the areas shown on the map.

Wheat - good alternative to corn
- winter wheat planted in
in crop rotation
autumn and germinates - needs enough water
before snow sets - acts as soil reconditioner
- spring wheat: planted in (nitrogen)
spring, ripens later in summer - good for human
than winter variety consumption (protein),
- needs much sunshine
animal feed and industrial
and less water than corn t *,i:" uses (oil)
- flat land for mechanised work

Alfalfa, Sorghum
- varieties of grass thal
have low water
- fedile, humid soils
- long, hot summers
- good alternatives to
- abundant rainfall in s$s
wheat in crop rotation
growing season
- used as animal feed
- suitable for human
consumption, animal Gulf of Mexico
feed and industrial uses

, ,, Dry fanning Mixed -*--l Irrigation

Wheat Dairy l';t'i Soybean
, '-
Corr*livestock iiry Market S Sorghum
Cotton belt gardening T Tobacco

Fig. 18.2 Farming in the lnterior Plains

The great agricultural output of this area is due not only to E. lndustry
favourablerphysical conditions but also to human factors as
well. Although all the cities scattered in the lnterior Plains have
industries, the main Manufacturing Belf is located south of
5. Read the paragraphs below and say which factor is the Great Lakes. With the exception of footloose industries
presented in each. such as the manufacturing of computers, spacecraft and
surgical instruments in Minnesota or airplanes in Kansas, the
a. Through accidental genetic mutations, nature has created a location of most of the other industries in this area is linked to
great variety of plants and animals. Learning from nature, specific resources or is triggered by specific needs.
American scientists developed a variety of hybrid corn f\\
better adapted to the soil and climate of the lnterior Plains. \ 6.'Jh the chart below, complete the right hand column
the resources needed
by each of the industries.
b. ln cereal growing, machines are used for every operation
Use the information acquired on this area so far and
along the farming process. Livestock rearing is highly the resources shown in the map fig. 18.3:
automated in its turn.
lndust Resources / Reasons
c. Due to specific historical conditions, the first settlers did not
create villages after the European pattern. Each family was oil and nalu{Alggg
trying to work independently clearing the land first, then extracticin
cultivating it. This resulted in scattered farms each with the oil refininq
farmer's house on it. Nowadays, because of the need for chemical oroducts - coal bil. Ml1
high yields, the size of farms has increased (agribusrness). energy production
food orocessino
d. For a long time, the farmers of the lnterior Plains practiced aoricultural machinerv
monoculture. Distinct areas were dominated by one plant iron and steel - coal, iron ores/ car ind.
or animal only (e.9. corn belt, wheat belt, dar4r belf). In time cars
they learned that the land benefited from crop rotation and rubber
the introduction of a greater variety of plants or the use of servtces - urban areas
a combination of plant growing and livestock rearing.

re 1.\'


'ffio !r


Fig. 18.3 Location of mineral resources in the USA

F. Urban areas and population

CHICAGO Fact fita.,-,12 *qu+
7. Read the following texts and answer the questions
. 3'o city in the USA (2,896,000 people in2000WO
referring to them: . a great vanety of ethnic mix (a mifqr:-of American
The population in this area benefited from the contribution of . '160km long urban continuum on the shores of Lake
foreign-born migrant's,. most of whom came from northwestern
Europe in late '19'n century. ln recent times there has been a . the greatest density of banks, shops, offices, institutions in
population declinelor at best stagnation.
the area called The toop I k-7uo/ )
. hometown of the skyscraper, it h5s the tbllest building in the
What might have caused this decline /stagnation? USA: Sears Tower
. city of culture and education
At the time of the arrival of the white colonists, the Great Plains . 35 railway routes focus on Chicago
were dominated by the Sioux lndians and other related . O'Hare ailport (2" largest in the USA) serves Chicago.
Native-American tribes. They used to have a nomadic life, . extremely varied and vital economy dominated by machinery
migrating in search of food, especially the buffalo herds. manufacturing (agricultural tools, Pullman carriages),
meaipacking, plastic production, rubber goods, printing,
From your knowledge, what happened to the Native paper products and services.
Americans living here and why?

The Central Plains area is small-town and rural, but there are
a few cities scattered across the plains and a greater
concentration of urban settlements on or near the shores of the
Great Lakes, such as: Milwaukee, Detroit, Cleveland,
Fillin the gaps with the wgrds below;
Cincinnafi , lndianapolis.
ln the Great Plains affigJqrgp, pities are peripheral: Kansas ,, ,olput agricultural rqlal degdity a
City, Mi nneapolrs-ShQu/ Dlilhs-f ort Worth, S an Antonio.
I a-sthe targest proouctive/cuS$r\N$hno tne
However, the metropolis'of the Plains is Chicago. ln fact,
second taigesi industriat aieEtltne usAjhe Hearttand
contains the,larges(population of any region of the nation.
entire urban area
ries from less than
,rgt areas to more
than 4,600 in downtowrl Chicago. The area also has the
For most of these cities, the reasons for the location of the
settlement can be found in the physical features of the area.
largest economic t\:\.\r,rY of any USA region.

Study the location of each and explain it.

Mount Rushmore Monument

The Great Lakes area became an imporlant centre of steel

making, coal mining and engineering in the '19'n century,
forming together with the industrial northeast fhe
Manufacturing Be/f. ln the 20'n century, the car and steel
industries developed here, bringing prosperity to the area,
However, in the 1970s and 1980s factories started to close,
people lost their jobs and the area was called lhe Rust Be/t,
from the numerous derelict factory buildings,
Some of the reasons for decline were:
. outdated equipment in the car and steel plants
. rising land costs and an expensive labour force made
new firms look elsewhere for their location
. competition from cheap foreign cars and steel.
ln the 1990s the region started to recover. The US car industry
has revived. Hitech firms producing computers and medical
instruments came in, Banking and insurance firms were Located in the centre of the Black Hills area is Mount
attracted to this area and even foreign companies like the Rushmore (1,860m), Between 1927-1941 the Congress
Japanese car firm Honda has built assembly plants here. allocated $250,000 and hired the sculptor Gutzon Borglum
to carve into the side of the granite mountain the faces of four
presidents: Washington, Jefferson, Lincoln and Theodore
Roosevelt. Their size is so big that a man could sit
The Badlands comfortably in Lincoln's eye, for example. The monument is
known as the Shrine of Democracy.
Located near the Black Hills of South Dakota, The Badlands Another huge sculpture found in the same area is the Crazy
represents an area of 610 square km which includes some of Horse Monument. Started in 1947, it shows the famous
Sioux lndian leader on horseback. Symbolically, the two
monuments are tributes to heroes representing the two
cultures that clashed on the North American continent.

covered by a continuous tall-grass prairie 30cm to lm in

height, very difficult to plough because of a tangl0d root

continent in average annual hail frequency.

Fig. 18.6 Badlands National Park

between 1867-1885 when cowboys used to lead catfle
the most spectacular examples of the erosion effects of weather
herds north across the prairie to towns where the animals
to be found anywhere: remarkable saw{oothed ridges,
were either slaughtered or shipped by rail to other more
pinnacles, steep-walled canyons, gullies, pyramids and knobs.
distant markets. Cattle ranching is still widespread in the
The range of colour is varied and includes iinted rocks or
western Great Plains area,
layers of grey or white. Several tens of millions of years ago this
was a marshy plain, a home for many mammals now extinct
that have left their bones here.
in this area. lt was the famous Dust Bowl of the 1g30s.
As time passed, streams deposited layer after layer of sediment
A succession of drought years turned some of the rich
and volcanic dust was blown here from the west. The climate
wheat areas of the Great Plains into deserts, driving away
also changed becoming drier and grassland replaced the
hundreds of thousands of farmers from Oklahoma after
marshes. Water, wind, heat and frost carved this land and
thick layers of dust covered the land and killed all plants.
continue to do so. The whole area has now become a national
This"natural" hazard taught the inhabitants that new
farming techniques had to be used here.

8t \r1
-res 6,
{ 9. mG reGmz roNmams mEsre[r
Four Corners region lntermontane area National parks

A.Discussion Points
a. What do you know about the Rocky Mountains? What is
this region famous for?
b. Study the physical map of the USA and identify the
'intermontane' region. Between which mountains does it

B. lntroduction to the Rocky Mountains Region

The greater part of this region came under the sovereignty of the
USA in the 1840's when, for the first trme, the new republic
stretched from the Atlantic to the Pacific Coast. Much of the
initial impetus for settlement came from the notion that the
Rocky Mountains and the plateaus contained great mineral Fig.19.1 The Rocky Mountains Region
wealth. Pioneers interested in farming soon followed the mining
prospectors. This is the most extensive region of the country
with 8 states occupying a large sparsely populated area.
The',ftocky Mountains region comprises two physical regions:
. 'The Rocky Vountains
The lnterhontane Plateaus Basins.

General lnformation
The States: Montana, ldaho, Wyoming, Colorado, New Mexico, Arizona, Utah, Nevada
Total Population: 3% of the US population
Total Area : 18% of the USA area.
Highest elevation: Mt. Elbeft - 4400 m
Largest city: Denver - 2.3 million inhabitants

C. Physical Features

1. Read the texts below about the two physical regions and fill in the gaps with the suitable key words listed in the

The Rockies form an abrupt _1_with the basins The term intermontane refers to an area of plateaux and
Great Plains to the east and the Pacific Coastal northward - basins that lies between the Rockies and the mountain
region to the west. diviCed ranges along the Pacific Coast. This area is long and
This huge region is approximately 1,000 miles long bou'rday .
_11 ', stretching from Washington State to the border
and is variable in width from 200-600 km, lt is bro:d ' with Mexico.
z_into 3 parts, North, Central and rugced '' This intermontane area comprises three smaller regions:
South, the first named extending _3_from ariri I 'r a) the Great Basin, an _l2-plateau covering
Wyoming to include the Canadian Rockies, rain-shadowr Utah, has a hostile environment;
They are much more _4____,-and higner b) the Colorado Plateau - a series of plateaus deeply
much_S than the Appalachians tundra r
_13_into canyons by the river Colorado.
with many peaks over 3,600 m high. broaci!eaf c)the Columbia Plateau - a vast plateau with wide
These towering snow-covered peaks separate di;sected I i. valleys.
upland_6_and plateau areas and form needleleaf Most of the area lies in the 14_of the
the continental divide between the two draihage drainage i Pacific Mountains.
systems flowing into the Atlantic or into the Pacific Cry 2 Except for the Colorado and Columbia rivers and their
0ceans. landscqpes tributaries, the region has interior
The temperate, _7 _climate characteriseS 1s_flowing into land-locked lakes. Some
this area with hot summers and cold winters. continue then to the Pacific Ocean or the Gulf of
deciduous trees are found at lower California. Some of the most beautiful
elevations with_9_conifers higher up. the country are found in the region: the Grand Canyon,
Mountaintops not covered by snow are capped by -16_in
the Mojave Desert, the Great Salt Lake, the Death
10 and mosses.

2. What is the rain.shadow effect?
Which are the climatic results?
3. ldentify on the map the tributaries of the
Columbia and the Colorado Rivers.

D. Human and Economic Factors

4. Read the texts and underline the main economic

activities of the area:
The most striking feature of this region is its small popplation
compared with other regions of the USA. Large parts of the
region have few or no people. The major cities are Denver and
Phoenix with approximately 2 million people in the metropolitan
They have grown with the shift of population towards the warmer
climates of southern USA. lt has been shown that within the
mountain, basin and plateau region, there is great variety within
the rural economy. Farms in the dry areas of the region are
along watenruays or where irrigation is available. Major crops .
grown are cotton, potatoes, hay, barley and sugar beet. Due to
the scarcity of water, many people find ii more profitable to raise livestock, many of the ranches being as large as 900ha. On the
otherhand,thelandoftheRockyMountainsisrichinmineralandenergyresources. Gold,silver,copper,mercury,aswellas
coal,ironoreandoilareexploitedinArizona,ColoradoandUtah.ltisbelievedthatundermuchofWyoming andColoradothere
are large deposits of oil shale, petroleum bearing rocks from which oil can be distilled while the Powder River Basin of Wyoming
is rich in coal. The city economies are based on federal government services. They are also imporlant producers of electronic
products, aluminum, chemicals, food products and transportation equipment.

5, Why is the population of the region so sparse?

E. Culture and tourism

. penver the gateway to the Rockies is also called the 'The
Mile High City' as its elevation is exactly 1 mile (1,609Km)
above sea level.
. the Rocky Mountain States and Colorado in particulai, are
home to the country's most popular downhill skiing and
snowboarding destinations with such well-known resorts
asAspen, Vail, Jackson Hole and Big Sl0. Lake Tahoe is
the major ski deslination in the Sierra Nevada, doubling as
a summertime water-sports playground.
. There has been growing interest in Cultural Geography as
geographers are also interested in the distribution of various
groups of people and their distinctive cultural traits such as
their customs, attitudes and beliefs that make them unique.
One example of cultural geography is the interest in the way
of life of the Mormons. This was a religious organisation
formed in 1830 in the USA by Joseph Smith who settled in
Northern Utah and founded Salt Lake City in the Great
Basin. lt became their centre and 400k of the Mormons
in the USA live there. They were avoiding religious
persecution and looking for a place where they could
practice their faith in peace as they have strict moral rules
and do not drink alcohol or coffee.
. Many people associate polygamy with the Mormons
although most of them no longer practise this.
. The Basins and River Valleys in the region have been
transformed as a result of irrigation projects. The lmperial
and Hoover Dams on the River Colorado and Grand Coulee
Dam on the River Columbia built more than 50 years ago
have been the key to the irrigation of these basins and
valleys. They also remove flood risk and produce electricity
forSouthernCaliforniaandthestatesof Washington,Oregonandldaho.Manyoftheselandscapeareoutstanding for
their scenic beauty. This has made the region a focal point for tourism. To preserve these areas of outstanding natural
beauty, a system of National Parks has been established most of which are located in the western states. They include areas
and glaciated scenery.
of volcanic, desefi, semi-desert



O There is a region in the USA called 'The Four Corners Region'where four states meet: Utah, Colorado, Arizona and New
Mexico. lt is called that because it is the only place in the USAwhere a person can stand in four states at ihe same time. Much of
the land in this region, which has high mountains and wide-open spaces, belongs to the Federal Government (66% of Utah,
44% of Arizona, 36% of Colorado and 33% of New Mexico). Some of the United States of America's most beautiful national
parks are locaied in these four states, such as the Grand Canyon NP, the Rocky Mountains NP, the Carlsbad Caverns NB
the Zion NP and Bryce Canyon NP, which are visited by millions of tourists every year.
C There are also many Native American lndian reservations in the Four Corners Region. The Navajo Reservation covers
an area of about three-quarters of the size of the New England states. Here many families live as their ancestors did, raising
sheep, weaving rugs and making beautiful silver jewelry.

Snake River Valley-lava

plain with deep canyons - (1872); in an ancient collapsed volcanic
Hells Canyon, the deepest caldera; the largest free-roaming
in North America wildlife population in the world; greatest
concentration of thermal features -10,000
lLrii [: t-:

first NP(1906)to
preserve the works
of, with five major
wYf-1t1t cliff dwellings
Craters of the Moon displaying primitive
N.P (1924)- a volcanic construction
landscape, Astronauts methods used by
were trained here for
lunar landings. between 750 -
1 300 AD
Bryce Canyon NP - an
enchanting array of
rock spires, pinnacles
that reflect 60 million
years of the effects of
wind and water on the The Four Santa Fe
layers of limestone. Corners - home to
colorful concentration lndians for
more than
of petrified wood and
fossils more than
225 million vears old

Fig. 19.5 The Rocky Mountain States

UNESCO World Heritage Sites

The following locations in the western United States have
been designated by the UNESCO as "World Heritage
Sites" for their outstanding natural or cultural significance:

Carlsbad Caverns National Park - New Mexico

Grand Cinyon National Park -Arizona
Mesa Verde Nalional Park - Colorado
Pueblo de Taos - New Mexico
Yel lowstone ltational Park - Wyoming/Montana/l daho

Geoprofile of the Grand Canyon
Location: North Arizona
Nature's greatest example of sculpture, the Grand Canyon is Depth: 1,609 km
the most spectacular canyon in the world. This enormous
Length:446 km
gorge was formed over millions of years by the eroding action
Width: varying between 8- 29 km
of the Colorado River which cut through the high, arid plateau
Age: approx. 2 billion years
and which still flows in the bottom of the canyon. Other factors
have also played a part: the Kaibab Plateau which forms the Grand Canyon National Park (1919):493,000 ha
northern rim of the canyon is about 365feet higher than the Average Temp: (July)460 Celsius ( 115 0.F.)
Coconino Plateau, which forms the southern rim. Water from
the Nofthern side flows into the canyon forming tributary The layers of the rock in the canyon walls tell a story of
valleys while the streams of the southern plateau flow away environmental change going back 2 billion years and no other
in a southerly direction without carving valleys in the canyon place on Earth can compare with,this. The climate of the
walls. plateau region is severe with extremes of heat and cold. lt is
mostly forested with willow trees and cottonwoods at the
The Canyon follows a winding course from the mouth of the bottom and evergreen trees on the north rim where the soil
Paria River, near the northern border of Arizona, to Grand is moist and deep. There are also drought-resistant plants
Wash Cliffs, near the Nevada line. Within the walls of the such as cacti and many squirrels, coyotes, foxes, bobcats
Canyon stand imposing peaks, buttes and ravines. and kangaroo rats.

Fi9.19.8 Geological Layers

of the Grand Canyon

)> The first Europeans to see the canyon were a group of

soldiers led by Garcia Lopez de Cordenas in 1540. They
were members of a party led by the Spanish explorer
Vasquez de Coronado.

) As access to the canyon was difficult, it was not fully

explored until 300 years later.

) ln 1869 geologist John Wesley Powell and ten

companions made the journey through the length of the
gorge in 4 rowing boats.

) The Grand Canyon has been inhabited for at least 4,000

years, as evidenced by small hunting fetishes of the Desert
Fig. 19.10 Tourists in
Archaic culture, found hidden in niches in the canyon walls,
the Grand Canyon
F Hualapai lndian Reservation the Hualapai controla
portion of the South Rim. The tribe operates bus tours
and one or two-day rafting trips on the Colorado River.

Coastal range GentralValley California Dream Silicon Valley I

A. Discussion Points
a. Refer to Fig. 20.1 to discoverthe location of the Pacific Coast
Area. What are the states that make up this sub-region? rs
What are the main physical features of the area? (see the E
physical map of the USA)
b. List 5 things you know about the Pacific States. **

B. lntroduction

f . Read the following text on the Pacific Coast Area and

check your predictions from A.
The most westerly of the physical regions of the United States is
made up of the Pacific Coast Mountain Ranges, lt is an extensive
area about 322km wide from the east to the west. lt has some of
Fig. 20.1 The Pacific Coast
the highest mountains as well as some of the richest farmland in
the US. This area also coJrtains some of the largest cifles in the
Facts and Figures
country with a very developed economic and cultural life. This
States: Washington, Oregon, California
whole area can be divided into North and South Pacific Cordilleia
Total Area: aprox.22% of the USA area
Regions. The most amazing thing about the West Coast is the
Total Population: aprox.40% of the USA population
speed with which it has developed. lt was not until mid 19'" century
that the key historical events took place, which gave the USA
Highestelevation: Mt Whitney 4,418 n
possession of the Pacific Coast and this removed the British and Lo.ivest elevation: Death Valley 86 m below sea level
Mexican influence from the area. Another important event was the Largest city: Los Angeles 14 million inhabitants
Gold Rush of 1849 that stimulated immigration and growth.

C. Physical Features

The Pacific Cordilleran Region of the United Sta{es is a southward extension of a similar Canadian region to the north.
It contains a variety of relief with hrgh mountains, flat plains, deep valleys, arid deserts and long sandy coastal beaches.

2. Read the following notes about the lanclscape of the area and make the correct choices from the alternatives
suggested. The physical map might help you.
The interior ranges include the Cascade Mountains in Wxhiagton an!
Oregon/California and the Sierra Nevada in Washington and OregonlCalifornig
with two important peaks, Mt. Rainier and Mt, Whitney, both over 4,000m high.
Also in the Cascades there are active/dormanf volcanic peaks. Mt St Helens has
erupted several times in recent yilars. Closer to the Pacific Coast is a second range
of mountains, stretching from Washington to California, ln general there are few good
natural lartificral harbours along the west coast, among which Puget Sound, San
Francisco and San Diego Bay are the most important. Bltween the Pacific mountain
ranges are hills, lower mountains and valleys. The Puget Trough runs northlsoqtfi-
from Puget Sound to Oregon.
The Willamette River Valley is part of the trough. ln Central California, another trough
known as the Central Valley extends south into PeninsulalMexigp. All of these valleys
have fertile soils and are important farm areas. The Pacific Coast experiences mostly
moist, mild climates of two kinds:
. Oceanic marine climate with warm winds in lhe northlsouth
. Mediterranean climate in the norfhlse(S*
Abundant rainfall and warm winds allow a growing season of about 6-7 months in the northern area, while the southern part
of the CoastalArea has a major tourist season.

3 a). What is a trough?

b). ldentify the regions in the north and south climatic areas
c). Why does the Mediterranean climate favour tourism?

D. Human Aspects
The States in the Pacific region share a common historical and cultural background as well as economic
However, the distinction between Norlh and south region is still maintained.

4' Read the following text and underline the key-words and dates connected with the historical development
of the
Northwest Pacific. Draw the time line of the events mentioned in the text.
' When the Americans began to move to the Far West, before any gold discoveries in the region, the entire pacific
was attractive for its space, free life and perhaps you could make a fortune. Long before the first setlers reached the Far
West, New England sea captains and merchants had explored the Pacific Coasiand built trading posts. lt was a long
voyage from the rest of the nation but those who risked the journey grew rich and with their weaitfr, tf,ey brought baci
tales of fertile soil, giant forests and more fish than anyone had ever ,seen.
' Two such explorers, Lewis and Clark made their famous journey up the Missouri River and across the mountains in

' Later in 1826, a hunter led the first party through "South Path", the only gap in the Rockies where wagons, catle and
people could cross. But there was no great movement westward overland until 1843 when the great migration
along the Oregon Trail, which had been followed by traders and missionaries. The trail began on the luissouri River.
' By 1 850 there were about 10,000 people living in Oregon when in 1 846, under ihe Oregon Treaty Great Britain and USA
agreed on the 49* parallel as the boundary between Canada and the United States.
' The 19'n century development of the Pacific NorthWest was fairly rapid. Oregon became a state in 1859 and within a year,
mail communication was established with California. The first mining claims were staked in 1860 and then gold and oiher
precious minerals such as silver, copper and zinc drew thousands of people from the east.
' Mining also stimulated the development of transportation, agriculture and settlement.
' Between 1BB0-l9l0arailwayboomstimulatedrapidgrowthinpopulation,improvedcommunicationandaraillinkto
San Francisco was built. As a result, the region's greatest resource, timber was developed and by 1910 Washington
$tate was already the leading US producer of sawn lumber. Other economic activities included farming, salmoniishing and
irrigated farming,

v' filf in the table below with the required information:
Fact File
State Washinqton Oreqon California
Capital Olympia Sacramento
Population 5,894,121 3,421,399 33,871.648
Main cities Seattle
Tourist attractions Mt. St. Helens Hells Canvon
E. Economic Aspects

6. The Pacific Region is the USA's second most important economic region and makes a major contribution to the


California ll
uarlornta is tne
the ltrst
first tn
in terms olof cash value. The
T most importayt
anchovy, +r
annhnrrrr (i
lr ,t tut (l (t,,rl
Ct;utcl *hr.trl- otl ,
2. California also leads the Pacific States in
r\a-utl,t'*, , mosfly done in the
Central Valley. lt is the country's leading gldwer of_ iK,-:_--".*.1:1.
? rrr Oregonrorlu
ln vrsUvr and Washington,
vvdJlllrlVlull, the
tllu udsuaue
Cascade lvloutllalns
Mountains alvl0e
divide Ine states'into
the SIaIeS Int0 .r \1./

different farminn znnac Tha
farming zones. rlnr eastern
The dry nao+a.^ zone
=a^r i^ suitable {^-
is ^,,i+^Ll^ 'l,., ri\ J"ru
for :..f._-,,;t-r-\ Ji\\) --is'
West of the mountains, in Oregon's Willamette Valley, regular rainfall and \-
maritime temperate climate allow good yields of crop like fglt____..:-, l. ,'
Both states are among the most important sources of_
in the USA.

. Clues: they influence the southern part of the state; some of them belong to other states.

in the Sierra Nevada. Here you can find the largest living thing on earth, the General Shermaniree with a circumference
of 102.6ft (30.6m)and a height of 275ft(82,50m)


California - here we come!
7. choose from the list below the adjectives you would use to describe california:
Exciting - colourful - dangerous - fast -growing - peaceful - relaxing

8. Look at the pictures below showing different features in California Can you make any associations between the words
you chose and the pictures you see?

Fig. 20.6 Death Valley

California is a state of many contrasts. Physically speaking, there are four natural regions with distinct characteristics varying
the coastal uplands to lower California.

It has both the highest and the lowest elevation of the 48

contiguous states and of course, various climatic conditions, ffieanlq1"rl+ ,t* ,'.,";r

which include Death Valley with a highest, recorded - ti-l:tir*9

temperature of 56.7'C, which is close to the world record. 8**''
The main rivers that drain the Great Central Valley and the *9.q:r
\L quF
lakes in California represent another contrasting factor as . iir!! 1.. .i,r $fll.l!
't. r Saq{dnot{o.
well as the huge diversity of vegetation. Approximately 40% i;-tiii@r+
{":{::{liti1 LI .,.
of species found naturaily in the US are indigenous to 'cALlfOItilt.[
California. There are also the droughtresistant species in the '': iq*a,
desert.. \".,r* &:'.-.-
*:il: .11?! ;,F,:Cry.a.ill
str Ete
9. From what you have studied so far, what are the most
ffii .:r3
important contrasts in California with respect to relief,
, climate, vegetation and land use?
sJ ,
il,* :1M&
tsrdsdE . -..*"..t""-7
California's population of more than 30 million inhabitants '. .,,i{licn---"
makes it the most populous American state. lt is also very Fig.20.7 The State of California
diverse ethnically and groups include European, African
American and Hispanic mainly Mexican.
Economically, California is frequently compared with nations rather than states. California is dominant in aerospace,
agriculture, winemaking and the film industry. lts main cash prodLrcts are cattle, milk, cotton and grapes. lt also produces
third of the nation's canned and frozen vegetables and fruits. Petroleum and natural gas are the ieading minerai resources.
Construction and autornobile industries are also very important.

'10' Some of the main attractions of California can be seen in the following pictures. Match them to the
corresponding descriptions

a. The Santa Clara Valley, south of San Francisco, was famous

for its acres of prunes (dried plums). ln '1939, two young
engineers Bill Hewlett and David Packard went to work in a
garage in the Santa Clara Valley. Their first product was a
precision audio oscillator used by Disney, for generating sound
effects in the movie Faniasia,
Today the Santa Clara Valley is the most important centre in
America for the computer and electronics industry and
Hewlett-Packard is one of irc major firms. rhis valley is referred
to know to by its i:ickname Silicon Valley

88 rc
b. lt was once farmland. By 1g10 however, film makers
began moving here. The Southern California cfimaie
was perfect for shooting movies all year round.
The area
had mountains, deserts and the ocean. Soon,
came to mean "the American film industry,'.
Today, of the major studios, only paramount
is still in
Hollywood. ln Hollywood you can see two greattheatres
where many films premiered, pantages Theatre and
Mann's Chinese. The latter is famoui for its cement
courtyard with footprints and handprints of many

c. California earns more from grapes than from any

crop. Many, of tl9 gf1p.!_ grown are for wine. The vineyards
extend the length of California down to San Diego. But
traditional and most importarit area for wines lijs to
north of San Francisco in Napa and Sonoma
The.area with its genfle hills covered with vineyards
remind people of Mediterranean Europe. Many
and fine small restaurants are in the old stone buildings.
Most wineries give tourists tours and free tasting.

It seldom rains in southern california but it is

still one of the most productive areas
of the USA. How can a desert turn into a fertile
agricultural region?
Much of california has a Mediterranean crimate ,ini.r,
, is a rong
sy.TT., drouglrt during which ritfle can grow. Farmers in the
with two specific problems:
region .#lrLo
1 .
the rivers Sacramento and San Joaquin did not
suppry enough water to
irrigate the land
2. most of the rain feil in the northern part of the vailey, whire
the most fertire
land is in the South.
The solution: The centrar Vailey project was deveroped
to herp distribute water
ln California more effectively.


) Golden Gate National Recreation Area, embracing

114 square miles on both sides of the
Gate Bridge, is the rargest urban park in tire worto,
9o-ld:l and the mosifoputar in tne
U.S. National park system.
- The state motto "Eureka" is a Greek word meaning ,'r have found it?,,
) 420 public beaches lie along California's coasfline. .

> Yosemite Nationar park has more than 700 mires

of hiking hairs.

California Firsts
) The world's first raser was successfuily operated by its inventor, Theodore
Hughes Research Laboratories
i- Y.'iqg'at
The Frisbee was invented in California.
in Maribu in the spring .i 1960.

) The first television was invented by philo T. Farnsworth, and transmitted lts first
successful electronic image in San Francisco on
September 7, 1927.
), California was the site of the first radio broadcast.
> Fashion Fair Mail, in Fresno, was the nation's first
encrosed shopping mail.
) The first node of the tnternet (then known as ARpANET)
i* *r, ,iin.
University of carifornia, Los Angeres (ucLA) in september
1g6g. The firsi
host'to'host message was sen[one month rater from
UCLA to stanford Fig. 20.12 Californian Beach
Research lnstitute.



Gulf Coastal Plain Appalachia The Everglades Colonial Heritage Subtropical environment i

A. Discussion Points
Look at the map fig.21.1on the right. You can identify the South as
a large and complex region extending on all sides.

a. Write down all the words you can think of related to ihe South
b. Briefly describe the geographical features of the region and
identify the sub-divisions according to the physical
economic-cultural aspects.
c. What is the most famous place you know about in the South?

B. lntroduction
1. Read the text and check your answers from A (predictions).
The terrain of the region is very complex, ranging from rugged
Fi1.21.1 The South
mountains to plateaux, lowland valleys and marshy coastal plains.
No other region of the USA has such heavy rainfall and such a long Fact File
growing season over its whole extent. The States: South East: North and South
South is also known for having some of the most severe natural Carolina, Georgia, Florida, Alabama,
hazards in America. Traditionally, the Southeast has been considered Tennessee, Mississippi
mainly as a rural area, its economy being associated with plantation South Central: Arkansas, Oklahoma, Louisiana,
crops such as cotton and tobacco. Recently there has been an Texas
upsurge of industrial development with big resources discovered both Area: approx. 3 million km'(28%)
on land and offshore. lt is also a major tourist area as recreation and Population: 50 million people (1/6)
retirement are major industries. Largest city:Atlanta
The region still maintains a Colonial heritage from the earliest European Highest point: Mt. Mitchell (2,037m)
colonisation, which developed a unique culture after the War of Lowest point: The Gulf Coast 100m
lndependence. The Southeast was once the cenke of the Confederate
States of America that fought the Civil War.
2. The following pictures show some representative physical, economic and cultural features of the region. Group
them according to these aspects.


C. Physical Features
From the physical perspecr
s--rievrr/' the southern regl'
urE euur'rrelrl
:omprises tWO
COmpfiSeS t\rvo sr hron i^^. -l.les.e
are the Coastal plains of
Atlantic .hd n,,rr
A,aniin and i^^-^r
Gutf Coa-st and .- t[ril,#i.
, th"e

3, Read the two texts,,which

refer to
-- the
"'Y vvv'iE!
mentioned and mark
. the ideas already known
to you with 7 /
. rne ones that are new with *
. a
the ones that need clarification
with a ?
a. The Aflantic Coastat plain
follows the coasfline from
Cape Cod in Massachusetts
in the North to the Florida
Peninsula in the South *f,er.
it OroaO"enrio oi., SOOk,
in width.
There are few natural harbours,
many sandy beaches and
offshore ista nds (from vi,gin
il io itoi,i,jri r.i,rrrto u.,
the maintand by marshesl pamfico-is
a |au[*jnr., of ,n.
sea, which iles .along the coast c. TheAppalachian Hiohlands
.f frf .rtf] is a physical regionwhich
Mixed forests of coniferous
and broadleaf deciduous
are l?l:".^
i?i: fi.
rl,[. m ta s wh ich exte d from
o un i n n
the natural vesetation of the
mainly coniferous.
il,thffi;;;dil. south is
Maine toAtabama They
hr;; ; N;;_lr.ill.l,iil*.r,
direction varying in attitude 'n,tit.i.jf
fr., fr,fi iz,Oifrf
towards the eastern eooe
Marshes are common and
there are slow-flowing rivers wlicrr ;liil;;r[."il.oront.
rhe Southern ptains. tts .rt
.ouii, incruo.. tne
This is a tow ptateau ZS"O_SOOm
The.mountains are made
rb;;; ;;;;;t ' '

up of many irrO.Jp.rf,,
ctustered into ranqes inctuding
b. The.Gulf plain is a much wider which extends from pennsyivinta
th; dtJ#;;;
band of flat land and to Ceoigi;:
gen,y ro,ing hi,s. It varies,in Other parts of the mountain,r.1l.tT
and extends inland where
*loin rro, iib
the Ohio iir., n.vv,
t, Mountains in the Centre
are tfrE Rttegheny
,no ti.r" Ci*is'",ri.Jiln,r,
Mississippi. The Mississippi
"'g,i, tn. ,i. along the border between
flo*. inio tn.- 6rji.i'n).ri* r.rn.r.u.-uro iuirnn EI.,,r,
in.Southern Louisiana through --" v' ', ln between the different
mountain ranges there is
a delta. an, area
With the exception of southe"rn
ff oi,Oa
sometimes caled the Great
Vailey, "
k;;;';; #
moist ctimate with over zo,c lwf,icn has a tropical Shenandoah in Virginia
in winieia';l ,*.n, ,no crrl,.iirrj'in i*n...u..
s9a9on), most of the South_east *.t There is a moist coid winter
of ile Ui; [rr', crimate in ihe ;r.r,"iirr,rr.n
winter climate with hot and """ " h0,., of the hrghrand remains covered
humid sum;;. '
by trees, coniferous as
well as broadleaf trees.

4' Now read the text again

and complete the table berow
with the missing information,
work in pairs.


D. Human and Economic

Tiere are shong differences b. The Cenrrat Sourh is
il.,gl?, yill
witnin tne,iouth. The tow poputarion density
states in this region can be grouped and urban concentrations,include
accordinq to the tn"polifi.. oi rorro,t,
comm0n economic and cutturat Charleston, Savannah or"
irrr".t.iirti.i ii.,,nr".
. tf,. f.,.rO.'offi;igaiiil, *.
The three subregions
tat<en conslOere;;;;;;;,", nu:" e.g. Richmond and Augusta.
Kurat-urban migration increased rjpiOty
wlth the economic
a. Appalachia is rural with
a high population density
based on lgleJooment rhere are es townslnl
50,000 peopte.
iiil; ;fi;;.,
[[?',ffil # [ ff[.lT iff [,.tr];tH ilitrtrfl
cdahj*o and zinc in rilislouri
;il'offi;;:'Bi.,. rr.n or
J; :f Agriculture is diversified
' crops of tobacco, sugarcane
and mechanized with important
,nO ,i.. Cotio, i, ,[i, ,,
Appalachia, farmino,s chret partner rmportant cash crop in
is coal (anthracite and this region Uri frr.'O..iir.l'
bituminous) esp.cillty in relatively.
the Ailegheny ptaieau, *hi.h
tarse reserves tt is mined h., The traditional induskies
and surface or strip mining. ;il;;;,;;;j,
Jn.iir,n,ng dominant in the reqion as
of steel and textiles are
now less
rrre oir su,[pr[;l; tffih other f,irO..irrnrf*iriirg
Pennsytvania discovered activity have growi such
i, r asg, ;;'i;n qrr,l,rl',..t rp,, as synthetic textires, cnemicar
another important eneror industries, wood processing piants,
or the Appa etc.
it ti, L ['g ;!ffi; ;." ill'J,.j|"te la ch ia n s' Atla n ta

c. Southern Coastlines: the subtropical environment of
this region has had a major impact on human activity.
The most important benefit of this climate is the
production of specialty crops such as citrus fruits,
especially oranges and grapefruit with over 10 million
tons/year harvested. Sugarcane requires warmth and
humidity and is grown in Louisiana and Florida. Rice
and vegetable production are important for urban
The Gulf Coast's oil and natural gas deposits were
brought into production at the beginning of the 20''
century, generating urban and induskial growth. The city
of Houston has grown to nearly 2 million people in
80 years has a major port nearby at Galveston. The
process of oil exploration and drilling requires
specialised and expensive equipment. Two additional
minerals of economic value derived from the oil bearing
structures of the Texas and Louisiana coasflands are
sulphur and rock salt.
Tourism is also a major industry with Miami as the main centre.

5. Based on the natural resources listed below, complete the table using the information from the above text.

Natural resources What? (economic activity) Where? (location.state) How? (processing)






6' Sort out the following "heads and tails" to make true statements about the following urban centres.

1. Miami a. tourist function

2. Houston b. trading centre, accessible to ocean-going ships
3. Atlanta c. a major oil centre in Texas
4. New Orleans d. the largest city in the Appalachian and the Gate City of the rEbn

A world famous atkaction west of Miami is the Everglades
National Park, a swamp area that is home to a fantastic variety
of semitropical plant and animal life. lt was founded in jg47
and it covers over 600,000ha from Everglades City to the
Florida Keys, and includes Cape Sable, the southernmost point
of USA mainland.
The forest contains over 120 species of palm trees as well as
mangroves and cypresses. Wildflowers like orchids, water lilies
and giant ferns together with numerous species of birds add to
the beauty of the region.
ln 1947 a federal flood-control project drained parts ofthe area
to create farmland and provide water for neighbouring
communities. The action intenupted the flow of the natural water
system and adversely affected the ecosystem. ln 1976, the US
government declared the Everglades a National Reserve and in
2000, Congress passed the Everglades Restoration Act,
This aims to restore the natural flow of water through the
marshes. UNESCO designatedthe Everglades an lnternational
Biosphere Reserve as well as a World Heritage Site.

Coastal Resources and the Need for Management
Managing coastal resources wisely means making use of coastal
lands and waters in a way that protects resources for future
generations while allowing coastal communities and economies
to thrive. Developed barriei islands and their surrounding
waters and wetlands are the focus of coastal management schemes
in the United States.
Coastal areas require management because of the richness, diversity
and sometimes scarcity of resources. Environments
include wetlands, beaches, sand dunes, barrier islands, estuaries
and coastal waters, coral reefs, ,rngrr. forests and other
living marine resources, They are also of great economic importance
to the nation.
The coast is home to over half the nation'Jpopulation (Culliton,
l!os) is u poprrur vacation destination, provides key
transportation routes for over 90% of U.S. international trade (NoAA,'i9g5j,
and provides over 956 billion in commercial and
recreational fishing each year (NOAA, 1994a).
Major uses subjectto management include:
. residential, commercial, recreational and industrial development;
' harbour development and maintenance, such as channel dredging and
the disposal of dredged maierial;
. mineral extraction for oil, natural gas and hard minerals;
erection of structures to "control" shoreline erosion; and commercial and recreational

The Problem. Large oil and gas resources lie beneath Louisiana's
coastalweflands. Historically, the oil and gas industry has
dredged lengthy access canals and slips through vegetated wetlands for well
drilling platforms to reach these resources. These
actions have caused a significant loss of wetland and altered the natural hydrotogylnd
salinity of these sites.

The Solution' Louisiana instituted a geological review process to evaluate industrial proposals
for less damaging alternatives
to the traditional access canals and slips. By using such alternatives
as drilling new wells from existing sites, laying removable
wooden board roads for access, moving well siteito less damaging locations"and
drilling wells at an angle from less damaging
locations, the industry has reduced the average area of vegetatJd
iletlands affected per well from 5.2 acres in 19g2 to
2.9 acres in '1989.
Reference: National oceanic and AtmosphericAdministration (NOAA). 'lg9B
(on-line)."Managing Coastal Resources,, by
John McDonough, John Paul rolson and David stad.. iioAA', state
oi tn-e coast Report. sitver Spring,

Texas - Fact file

Area Ranked 2no

- Total 696,241km'
- Land 678,907 km,
- Water 17,333 km'
- % water 2.5Y0'

F.Texas is probably the most self-conscious of all the Arnerican states. lt is the only state that
had a separate existence
between 1836-1845 under its own flag before joining the Union. lt gained
ceriain privileges such as ownership of its public
lands, which were not extended to other westein parts of the nationl
The state motto is both "The Lone Star State" and the "Friendship
State". The people of Texas are debating which motto
best represents them but "The Lone Star State" seems to be the
most commonly used today. Texas is the second largest
state in size afterAlaska and has historically been porlrayed as largerthan
life, especially in cowboy films andthe oil industry.

F Florida is considered to have the oldest European settlement in North

America, north of the Rio Grande. ln .1565 the
Spaniards established St. Augustine as a military and mission post.


non'contiguous state Arctic landscape Last Frontier northern/ southern most place volcanic island i
A. Discussion Points
a. Study the map on the opposite page and identify the non-contiguous --N----- -S------
states of the USA. Locate these states according to the major
geographic lines and the proximity of the US. volcanic E------- ----T---
b. These states are called the newest because they were the last to HAWAII ALASKA
join the Union in1959. Do you know anything about the historical
context of their discovery and annexation? -E----- --T--
c. The game on the right gives you key ideas about the newest states
-- s---- ---E--
(physical and human). lf you cannot work it out now, come back after
you have covered the information in the lesson,
T------ oil----S ---
B. ALASKA - lntroduction
Alaska is the largest state of the USA in area. lt is also the northernmost state and much of its territory lies north of the Arctic
Circle. About 800 km of Canadian territory separates it from the state of Washington. The Alaskan mainland's most westerly
point is only 82 km from Russia. No oiher parl of North America is closer to Asia. Today Alaska is often called "The Last
Frontier" because much of the state is not fully settled.

1 . a. Note the area of Alaska. How large is it in proportion to the area of the mainland US?
b' Comment on the proximity of Alaska to Russia. Which narrow strait separates them? Which large bodies of water does this
strait connect? Note the location of each of these features of Alaska: Gulf of Alaska, Seward peniniula, Beauforl Sea and
Kodiak lsland.


C. ALASKA - Physical Features
Both Alaska and Hawaii have a great physical variety. The text below
Statehood: Jan.3,1959, the 49'n state
presents the most striking features that make up Alaska's landscape.
State Motto: North to the future
Nickname: "The Last Frontief'
2 a. Read the text below and fill in the gaps with the key.words in the box. Area: 1.5'
The Central Uplands and _make up the largest land region in
Coastline: 10,600 km long
Alaska. This region lies between the Alaska Range to the south and the
Highest elevation: Mt. McKinley-6,194 m
Range to the north. lt extends westwards from the Canadian
Population: 560,000 inhabitants
border and it includes the seward the Kuskowim River area of
Density: 0.36
southwestern Alaska. The Brooks Range and its foothills'Effiart of the Rocky
Capital: Juneau
Mountain System with steep _peaks that rise 2,700m in the east.
The Alaska Range contains Mt. McKinley, the highest peak in
the USA. Stretching to the southwest are the
About one-third of Alaska's area is covered with ice. There
are overl50 glaciers among which the Malaspina glacier is
the third largest in the world. Volcanic activity is also an
important phenomenon.
The Arctic Coastal Plain is the most _region. lt .
rises gradually from the Arctic Ocean to a height of 180m in
the south.
Alaska's extreme no(hern location makes the
hours very short in winter and very long in the summer. ln
some places the sun never completely sets for a few days
during the summer. The Yukon River, Alaska's chief
flows 3,185km through Alaska and parls of
Canada. From June to October the river is _.
Forests cover a third of Alaska and there are many wild
flowers on the

b. Answer the questions:

1) What are the climatic conditions like in Alaska? Explain them.
2) Where else (otherAmerican regions) did you meet similar conditions of climate, vegetation and soil ?

Hawaii is the only state in the
USA that does not lie on the
which extend over2'450km.nearthe mainland of North America.,, rt is
made up of over 100 vorcanic
ttnt.. oiir,r-rtrorft,.rn pu.iri.b;.;;.;ith. isrands.
main islands' among which.Hr*uii, southeastern end of the chain,
rvuri, orrr, ,ni r<rrri ,r;ir&;fi;; there rie the 8
ti'. l.rrining 4, Honoruru, the state capitar
.r ir,. Ls ,, ,i,.0 a..h* [.i;;i# iltest state joinins the Union in re5e,
and the
Hawaii is


Statehood: Aug.21,1 959, the " the text that follows oresents
50 state the most skiking features of
State Motto: Ua man ke ea the Hawaiian landscape.
aina I ka pono
(The life of the land is oerpetuated
in righteousness) 3 a. Read the text and
Nickname: "The Aloha State" fill in the gaps with the key-words
from the box.
Area: 16,800 km,
The eight main Hawaiian lslands
Coastline: 1,200 km lono are the tips of one or more
Higtest.elevation: 4,205 m (Mauna
Kea) 11. ___________. _istand, H.awaii,
Population: 1,115,000 inhabitants
votcanoes: Mauna Kea. rrlauna't_oa,
th;ii;is"tl'; ffi,red from five
Density: 65 irZrrriri,iJ',rta and Kitauea.
The first two as well ,. rcrrr.u
u-r."____ ''-'io
Capital: Honolulu very nign,
over 4,200m above sea tevel.
American states to the votcanoes
_-con,e rtm
Nationar tn. vorcanic
Honolulu, on the island of Oahu
southeastern end. Kauai lslanO
lies on a _ olain at the
has spectrJrlr-.
its norrhwest coast, the famoui _o,
rrrrii,l[Jiprrii.asr, as wetJ as a
number of inland
Molokai .omprireiipatea,
o, the west and
mountains on the east. Lanai.conlains
ptantation. Kahoo is tre
ir*uii,s f*g;t p,r,.appf.
smarrest iJ;r; lij;;ffiJJut.o ,no
used for military purposes.
Hawaii's climate is trooical and
throughout the year, which.allows _with small variations

millions of tourists every year
a growing season of ,12 months.
qrglant .rlmrt; il'#tnifiN"g' utt,uct

Fi1.22.3 Mauna Loa erupting

b. What makes Hawaii different from the
other 49 states?

- 95

Alaska has a complex human geography with regard to population distribution, ethnicity and religion. Read the following Us
statements about the population of Alaska. Using the information in the table (Fig.22.5) Continue these ideas to form a short
presentation of various aspects of population in Alaska.

Alaska is a land of contrasts. Most of the state is still P
wilderness and sparsely inhabited, while part of the d
country, along "the Panhandle" has high density. L
About a third of Alaska's people were born in Alaska
among whom there are about 75,000 Native Americans
Rank (American States'l 49
Population lncrease in a
decade (1990-2000)
Largest cities Anchorage - 228,000 (
Fairbanks - 33.000 Fi1.22.4 Eskimo or lnuit people
Urban/Rural oooulation ratio 65%
Native Americans Eskimos (Aleuts and lnuits) - 50,000
lndian (Athabaskan in the South
central part and Tlingit and Haida in
the Southeast) - 25,000
Europeans 77Yo

0ther ethnic qroups Various

Fi1.22.5 Alaska population data

G.. ALASKA Economic Geography

4. Read the following text in order to find out about the main
economic activities in Alaska. Underline the key.words, which
show the chief products and activities.

Oil from Prudhoe Bay, which is transported via the Trans-Alaska pipeline, opened in 1977 and natural gas are by farAlaska's
most important mineral resources. 0thers include copper, gold, coal, sand, gravel, stone and clay. Forestry and fishing are also
important to the economy but Alaska is no longer dependent on them or on gold as it was once. Sitka spruce, cedar and western
hemlock are used for timber and paper-making. Salmon also accounts for a malor share of the value of annual fish catch.
Farming accounts for less lhan 1.10/o of the GDP (mainly dairy products, potatoes, and cattle). The leadlng manufacturing
industries are food (fish) processing, timber products, printing, and publishing.

5. Alaska is a land of contrasts and superlatives at the same time. Can you identify the superlatives ?
The following key aspects may be of help: location, size, coastline, relief, distribution resources.

. the Panhandle: a complicated network of land and water
stretching north 400km from Misty Fiords National
Monument to the Malaspina Glacier. The Panhandle
extends like an appendage from the main body of Alaska
towards the lower 48 states, separating Canada from the
Gulf of Alaska. The largest US national forest, the Tongass
covers more than 75 percent of the Panhandle 's land area.

. Dogsled Racing: a team of huskies "mushing" across

frozen tundra is a quintessentialimage of Alaska. For
millennia, working sled dogs provided travel and
communication in the far north.

. Arctic Wildlife: among large mammals, the semi-aquatic

polar bear is one of the most elusive. Unlike polar bears,
grizzly bears will eat food other than meat, often grazing
on blueberries. Re-introduced to the Arctic, musk oxen are
ly adapted to extreme cold. (Michelin



Continue these two ideas about Hawaii to make a short presentation about the various aspects of population in Hawaii.
Use the information in the table below and the general information on the previous page.
a. The state of Hawaii has many nationalities and ethnic groups.
b. More than four-fifths of the people in Hawaii live in urban areas.

Rank (American States ) 50

Population lncrease in a 17Yo
decade (1990-2000)
Largest cities Honolulu - 371,657
Hilo -
Kailua - 38,000
Urban/Rural 88%
Natives (thousands) Polvnesian descent 15 %
European 34(the smallest proportion of
anv state)
Other ethnic groups Chinese, Philippines, Japanese,

I. HAWAII Economic Geography

6. Read the following text in order to find out about the main economic activities in Hawaii. Underline the key-words,
which detail the chief products and activities.
Stone is Hawaii's principal mineral deposit although cement, gravel, sand and pumice are also produced.
Farming and fishing are minor industries. Tuna represents a major proportion of the fishing catch. Leading crops include
sugarcane, pineapple, coffee, and papaya.
The principal manufacturing industries include: food processing (raw sugar, canned fruit and juice); the manufacture of
clothing, textile products; printing and publishing.
The main industry and source of income is tourism, which produces more than $10 billion for the state economy.

7. COMPARE AND CONTRAST ALASKAAND HAWA|l. Refer to physical, human and economic features. Use the two
following maps to present your conclusions to your classmates.


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)There are only 2 highways from the US mainland and within Alaska. Roads and railways are relatively limited although
nearly every town has its own aidield. Planes fly passengers, mail and freight to the most distant "villages".
)The Eskimos call themselves "lnuit" (the people) but the Cree lndians of Canada call them "Eskimos" (eaters of raw meat).
Eskimo is now an outdated term.
)The Hawaiian alphabet has only 12 letters: a, e, h, l, k, l, m, n, o, p, u and w. Every Hawaiian word ends in a vowel.
E.g. ae = yes / aole= no/ aloha= welcome, love / kokua = help / mahalo= thank you/ huhu= angry/ wikiwiki = quickl!
Every Hawaiian island has a nickname: Lanai = the lsle of Pines Kauai = the Garden lsle Hawaii = the Big lsland
Molokai = An lsland few people know Maui =The Valley lsle Kahoolawe = the Empty lsle

3:oprofrles 7

A. For each of the questions below, circle the correct

'1. The Appalachians are lower than the
Rockies because
11 . Salt Lake rs an example of : --
a. tectonic lake b. volcanic lake
c. glacial lake
they are
12, ln its middle course the Colorado River is
a. older b. younger c. shorter
a. fast, dangerous, carries a lot of water
2. The Grand Canyon has been carved by the action of
a. water b. wind and temperature c. all
b. slow, majestic, carries a lot of water
c. fast, navigable, carries little water
3. The rivers rising west of the Continental Divide flow into
13. The Mississippigathers its waters from
a, the Atlantic 0cean b. the Pacific Ocean c. both
4, The Mississippi River a..112 b.314 c.213 of the USAtenitory.
14. The highest mountain peak of the contiguous USA is found in:
a. is the longest river in the USA
a. The Rocky Mountains
b. has the largest drainage basin in the USA
b. The Sierra Nevada Mountains
c. both
c, The Cascade Range
5. The Mississippi has about 250 tributaries and actuaily
15. Niagara falls are found between lakes:
drains waters fron2l3 of the USA. Which one of the
a. Erie-Ontario b. Erie-Michigan c. 0ntario-Superior
following rivers is NOT a tributary of the Mississippi?
16. Which of the forms of relief from below is not really a plateau:
a, the Arkansas b. the Potomac c. the Tennessee
a. Colorado Plateau
6. The Columbra Plateau appeared as a result of the action
b. Great Basin
of the
c. Ozark Plateau
a. glaciers b. volcanoes c. rivers
17. The highest American mountain peak is of over
7. Which is the highest mountain peak east of the Mississippi?
a.2000m b.4000m c.6000m
a. Mithchell b. Whitney c. McKintey
18. The Pacific Coast is affected by
8. Which are the only volcanic mountains in the USA?
a. volcanism c. earthquakes c. both
a.Ozark b. Cascade Range c. Coast Range
19. The area which has hot and dry summers and warm,
9. Which pa( of the USA has no coastal plain?
wet winters is:
a. west b. south c. east
a, the northern half of the Pacific coast
10. The area of the USAwhich has hot, dry summers, very
b. the southern half of the Pacific coast
cold winters with occasional blizzards and a light to
c. the southern half of the Atlantic coast
average amount of precipitation is:
20. The Great Lakes contain
a. The lntermontane Basins
b. the Great Plains
c. the South-east
c. 1/3 of all the freshwater in the world

B' ln the table below, match each of the USA region from the middle column with the climate type (left column) and
hazard (right column) corresponding to it. Remember that several hazards may manifest themselves in
one single area
and several areas may display the same hazard.

Climate tvoe Region Climate hazard

semidesert Gulf Coast Plain (occasional) drouoht
Mediterranean Colorado Plateau chinook
dry temperate continental the Rocky Mountains flooding
subtropical Great Valley of California tornadoes
temperate maritime Central Plains hurricanes
temperate continental Northern Half of Pacific Coast blizzards
mountain climate the Great Plarns dust storms

c. on the USA map given below label each of the following landforms by number:
'1. The Atlantic Coastal Plains 8. The Sierra Nevada Mountains
2. The Great Plains 9. The Rocky Mountains
3. The Appalachian Mountains 10. The Cascade Range
'11.The Ozark Plateau (Mountains)
4. The Central Plains (Lowlands)
5. The Columbia Plateau 12. Ihe Colorado Plateau
6. The Great Valley 13. The Coast Ranges
7. The Great Basin 14. The Gulf Coastal Plain

Draw and label the rivers that you have learnt.



aa /-
ta f-J



att \

D.USA SUPERLATIVES. Give short answers to the following questions:

l.Which is the word's largest marsh located in the USA?

2.What canal located south of Chicago joins one of the tributaries of the Mississippi River to the Great Lakes, making it one of
the world's largest inland water transportation routes?
3.Name the river that connects the Great Lakes to the Atlantic Ocean, thus creating a 3,861km long inland waterway?
4.Many geographical names from the USA have Native American names? How are called the oneJwhose translation is
"thunder of wate/' and "father of waters" respectively?
S.Which is the highest point in the entire USA?
6.Which is the lowest point in the USA and in the entire western hemisphere?
How far away are from each other the highest and lowest points in the contiguous USA?
S.Which is the world's largest mountain located in the USA?
9,Which are the only volcanic mountains in the contiguous USA?
10.What mountain from the above mentioned range erupted in jgB0?
1'1.Which was the biggest earthquake experienced so far in the contiguous USA and where was it felt?
12.Which is the largest fresh water lake in the USA and in the world?
'!! Wnlcn is the only lake of the five Great Lakes which is located entirely
on the USA territory?
14.Which is the largest state in the USA?
1S.Which is the largest state in the contiguous USA?
16.Which is the smallest state in the USA?
17.Which is the most populous state of the entire USA?
18.Which is the sparsest populated state in the USA?
l9.which state is nicknamed the state with 10,000 lakes? How many does it have in fact?
20.Which state has the greatest number of lakes?
21.Which 3 states have the shortest names?
22.Which of the 50 states was the last to jcrn the union?
23.How many islands does Hawaii include and which are the biggest of these?
24.Whal was "Seward's Fol ly"?
25.Which state borders only one other state?
26.Which state borders most of the others?
27.Which state has the longest coastline?
28.What is Mount Rushmore famous for?
29.Why are the graves in Louisiana above the ground?
30.Where is the Midwest and how did it get its name?
31.The first crop that brought cash to the first white settlers in North America was tobacco. Where is it still grown?

ffi I
-- r

Read the information on Amtrak and some of the routes that cross the United States of America.
- y0
choose one route. For your route create a poster highlighting the following aspects: U!
. states crossed
. physical features of the area Cc
. main attractions
. cities
For your project you can research in groups and bring any sort of information available (books, magazines, internet).
Don't forget to mention the sources.
Amtrak facts ir:.
The name Amtrak is the combination of the words "American" and "Track", The railroad's official name is the National Railroad
Passenger Corporation. Amtrak began service on May 1 , 1 97'1 when Clocker No. 235 departed from New York Penn Station at
12:05 a.m. bound for Philadelphia. ln 1971, Amtrak announced a schedule of 184 trains, serving 314 destinations. When service
began on May 1,1971, Amtrak had 25 employees. Today, the company employs 22,000 people. Since the beginning,
even-numbered trains have traveled north and east. Odd-numbered trains travel south and west.


The American Rail Network

Train travel is easy, but nothing compares with traveling on board the Amtrak. lt is the experience of a lifetime. A list of travel tips
might contribute to the enjoyment of the journey.

Arrive early. lt's a good idea to arrive at the station at least 30 minutes before your train is due to depart.

Pack wisely. Remember that once you check in your large bags, you won't have access to them until your trip is over. Be sure
to pack all medication and special snacks in one of your carry-on bags.

Be prepared. There's nothing like watching the countryside roll by outside your window. Bring a camera with high-speed film
to record some of the views. We keep our lounge cars cool to provide maximum comfort for all our passengers, so you may
want to bring an extra sweater. Our coach cars offer comfortable reclining seats. For maximum comfort, dress in layers and
bring a pillow with you on board or stuff a small duffel bag with sweaters or sweatshirts

{oo E I
Empire Builder
It takes you on an exciting adventure through majestic wilderness, following in the footsteps of Lewis and Clark. From
you'll have magnificent views of the Mississippi and see the glowing night skyline of Minneapolis and St. Paul. --
Awake the next
morntng as you cross the vast North Dakota plains and cross over the spectacular Gassman Coulee Trestle. As you skirt
upper Missouri, you'll cross into the wide open spaces of the "Big Sky Country" in Montana. Nature continues heiperformance
in Glacier National Park. From Spokane, you can coniinue on to Seattle or pick up the Lewis and Clark trail again, heading
down the mighty Columbia River to Portland for spectacular views of Mt. Hood and Beacon Rock. On the Empire Builder,
you'llfeel like a pampered explorer.

Texas Eagle
Ready for a real adventure? Spend some time on the route that runs between the skyscrapers of Chicago and the historical
echoes of the Alamo. The Texas Eagle, now offering daily service between Chicago and San Antonio, can take you to 40 cities
from the Midwest to the South Travel through the "Land of Lincoln," cross the Mississippi, wind through the bzarks to
Little Rock, Arkansas and through the Piney Woods of East Texas to colorJul, cosmopolitan Dallas while watching the plains
turn to pine forests then to cattle country.

Southwest Chief
Amtrak's Southwest Chief takes you through the heart of cowboy country. We'll take you across the mighty Mississippi and
whisk you through eight states, past wheat fields, ranches, missions, pueblos, mountains and deserts. Zlpping along tiriough
canyons that are sometimes only a few feet wider than the train or through ihe sun-drenched landscape, you'll feel the
presence of the ancient tribes who found splritual meaning in the rocky cliffs and canyons. You'll remember the
conquistadors whose mission was to conquer the land and the people. This is a journey to be savoured from moment to
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Travelthrough the Berkshires and stop in Pittsfield to take a tour of the house where Herman Melville wrote Moby Dick. Visit
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going on yourAmtrak adveniure, you won't want to stop.
Silver Service / The Palmetto routes travel between the big cities of the Northeast and the tropical playgrounds of Florida,
passing through historic Virginia, the pine forests of the Carolinas and the elegance of old
Savannah. ltb an easygoing ride,
with lots of lively company and friendly service.

J l-\



@ama Alaska Arizona Arkansas California

Montgomery Juneau Phoenix Little Rock Sacramento

Colorado Connecticut Delaware Florida Georgia

E@ H
Denver Hartford Dover Tallahassee Atlanta


Hawaii ldaho lllinois lndiana lowa

Honolulu Boise Springfield lndianapolis Des Mornes

Baton Rouge

Massachusetts Michigan Minnesota Mississippi Missouri

Bosfon Lansing St. Paul Jackson Jefferson City

1o2 F


Carson City
NewHampshire NewJersey
Concord Trenton

New Mexico New York North Carolina North Dakota Ohio

Sanfa Fe Albany Raleigh Bismarck Columbus


Oklahoma Oregon Pennsylvania Rhode lsland South Carolina

Oklahoma City Sa/em Harrisburg Providence Columbia

@ rcUE@@
South Dakota
Texas Utah Vermont
Austin Salt Lake City Montpelier

Virginia Washington West Virginia Wisconsin Wyoming
Richmond Olympia Charleston Madison Cheyenne

Ageing population = a population with an increasing proportion of people over 65
Alloy = metal that consists of two or more metals mixed together (Rom: aliaj)
B&B (bed and breakfast) = s type of holiday accommodation usually found in a private house,
offering a bed for the night and breakfast in the morning (Rom: pensiune)
Badlands = area of over 600 located near the Black Hills of South Dakota. (also in Nebraska)
The landforms have variety of colours and are spectacular examples of rock erosion
Basalt = a fine-grained black or dark grey igneous (Rom: vulcanic) rock
Bay = a broad curved indentation in a coastline made by the sea
Biogas = a gas (CHo produced by decaying organic waste) which can be used as a source of energy
Birth rate = the number of live births per 1000 people per year,
Blustery = very windy
Break of bulk = the unloading of cargoes from ships to land by using cranes etc
BulkY = having great size
By'pass = road passing around town or its centre to provide an alternative rouie for through traffic
Caldera = a volcanic crater formed by blowing the top off of a crater
Calving = birth of calves. Also used for blocks of ice falling off the end of a glacier into the sea.
Canyon = deeP valley with very steep sides, often with a stream flowing in the bottom
Cargo = goods carried by ship, aircraft or motor vehicle
Census = an official process of counting a country's population and finding out about the people
Ceramics = the making of pots, pipes, tiles by shaping pieces of clay and baking them until they are hard
Chalk = soft, white, friable, fine-grained limestone (Rom: creta)
Channel = a wide or narrow waterway separating two land areas or linking two seas
Chinook = warm, dry wi$ similar to the fohn which blows down the eastern side of the Rocky Mts.
Chippitts = megalopolis or urban conurbation stretching from Chicago to Pittsburg
Clay = finetextured sedimentary rock (Rom: argila)
Gliff = high, steep or perpendicular face of rock e.g. along sea coast (Rom: falezd)
' Coal seam a band of coal between
= other rocks
Coal'fired power station = a thermal power station in which coal is burnt to produce electricity
Coastline = the edge of the land
coke = a light black substance produced from coal and burnt to provide heat
Commonwealth (British) = an organisation of 54 independent states most of which were once part of the
British Empire
Continental Divide = main water parting in a continent
Contour farming = farming practice of cutting furrows across a hill slope, following the contours of land
rather than ploughing up and down the slope
Conurbation = a large built-up area with a high population density where several towns and cities have
joined up
Counter'urbanisation = the movement of people and employment away from large cities to smaller
settlements in rural areas
Death rate = the number of deaths per 1000 people per year.
Deforestation = permanent removal of forest and its undergrowth (Rom: defrigare)
Densely populated area = an area with many people in it.
Density of population = the number of people living in a given area usually in a square kilometre
Dependency ratio = the ratio between people of working age/economically active ige (15 - 64) and
non-working ageinon-economically active age (children under 15 and people over 64;
Distributary = branch of a river that flows away from the main stream in a delta (Rom: bra!de delta)
Distribution of population = the way in which people are spread out across a qertain area



Dome = an upfolded mass of rock

Domestic waste = household waste and waste drainage water
Down, downs, downland = an open expense of gently undulating elevated land, usually made of chalk
(Rom; zona colinard)
Drain (to) = to make water flow awaY
Drainage = the ability of water to flow away
Drift = slow movement of surface waters in the ocean under the influence of prevailing winds (Rom: curent
de suprafa[d)
Drizzle = light form of rain consisting of very small droplets (Rom: burni!d)
Drought = prolonged, continuous period of dry weather (Rom: secetd)
Dry-farming = farming practice that involves special treatment of the land to overcome shortage of water
Dust Bowl = semi-arid tract of land from which the top soil, exposed through careless ploughing has been
removed by the wind
Earthquake = shaking of the ground caused by deep-seated fault movement (Rom: cutremur)
Emigration = moving out of an area (about people)
Enterprise zone = a poor area in Britain in which the government tries to encourage new businesses by
offering financial support
Equable = a climate which lacks great extremes (even and regular) (Rom: uniform)
Escarpment = a steep slope or scarp on one side of a hill with a gentle slope on the other (Rom: povarnig)
Estuary = the funnel-shaped mouth of a river where tidal effects can be seen
I Ethnic group = a group of people with common characteristics related to race, nationality, language,
; r'eligion or culture
Fault (geology) = fracture or break in a series of rocks along which there has been vertical or lateral
movement (Rom:falie )
I pertiliser substance containing one or chemical compounds to improve the yield of crops
Fiord = a narrow inlet of the sea formed by glacial erosion,
,I Firth = Scottish for fiord
plood an overflowing of water from a river or the sea (Rom: inunda[ie)
Fodder = any food for livestock as cattle, sheep, and horses (Rom: nutre!)
, Fold(ed\ mountains = mountain resu\t\ngirom the to\drng of the ea(h (Rom: mun$ de \ncretue\
Ford = a place in a river where the water is not deep and can be crossed on foot (Rom: vad)
, Forestry = an industry in which trees are cut down
Fossil fuel = a traditional, conventional form of energy, such as oil, coal or gas produced by the slow
decay of plants or animals
I f reight = goods carried by a vessel or vehicle
Fringe = the part farthest from the centre, edge (Rom: zona preordgeneasca)
Fringed = bordered by
Gale = very strong winds (Rom: vijelie)
Gentrification = the process by which a street or area formerly lived by poor people is changed by people
with more money who move into and live there
Geothermal energy = renewable resource of energy using the heat inside the Earth's crust to produce
steam and generate energy
Glacier = a mass of ice moving down a valley, glacial adj
Gorge = a'rocky-walled, steep-sided, deep, narrow valley (Rom: chei)
Gravel = loose, water-worn sediment in which small rounded stones predominate (Rom: pietrig)
Hail = a small piece of ice falling from cumulonimbus clouds (Rom: grindina)
Hamlet = a small settlement with a few houses and no facilities. (Rom: cdtun)


f"r- ;:;,'

strip of land beside motonrvavrorvehicres

[ll:rf3|i!f,::;ri3:" to reave road in case oremersency
Headquarters = the main central
office of a company where the
decisions are made
tiles torminb t L o',,oarv ora n.rJ
i:lliff: ilJ.1..'J#T.:;;ll* rn,,, g,ro viul
a continuous oii* of considerabte thickness and covering a large
't;ff:i,= "tt area (Rom: carotd
lgneous = of deep volcanic origin
lmmigration = moving.into.n ir.,
(about peopre)especiary a
lndentation = irregurarity of coasttine country
(iom: larm danterat, crestat)
lndustriar dischaige = industriar
warte ieteased into the atmosphere
or water
lntet = A prace wheie the sea p.d;;io the rand. tnor, nirj de mare)
tnsurate (to) = 1s cover somethins
lsle = svnonvm for island but
so* ;;r;;;iil;;;;,il
il ;.ttins out
rrt., .rrrro"i'r!4i ;il'ffi:, names (tste of Man) or in poetry
Lambing = birth rlll,T!. *licr,r
,srJfv occurs in the spring
Landfill = act of burying waste
under the soir, prace where the
Landmass = a very-lar6 e areaof waste is buried
.ontin.ntrl dyrt 110r, ,rprrfrp
Lane of road = a slngte stiip-;;.;; de uscat)
fr;ingte tine or tHom: bandd de
tlillJli]r= the removaroimine'ati r'r, it. circutafie)

'riirr;;i]lll,r, and dissorvins
iHor,a se scurse, a
sheltered side, the side opposite
to that against which the wind
btows (Rom: versant
Life expectancy = 16t average
number of years a person born
Limestone = a sedimentary [ct in a country is expected to
maoe ,p mainry of carciurncarbonate (Rom: carcar)
Littering = refuse, paper wrapping
Loch = rake in scoirand; tougtr'in
etc teit oerrino
iri.r.,. 6or. scottish ,rri*]nr.t,
Lumbering = fellinq and sar'iing are cailed rochs
Manufacturing Beit name given
oitro.,. uro removrng iil;; th. area (Rom: exproatarea remnurui)
= to the area located iouilr or
steel making, coalmining, .rgr..iing
in tf.,. fg;C.njrry
"' irre
' Great Lakes an important cenhe for
Manure = animal dung used toitertitisirig
the soif lffi,ijr.grO
Microclimate = the climate ,f ,
,rriirrla e,g. garoen, district
Migration = the movement of people
eiirrer wittrin a country or between
Millstone grit = a hard, coarse-A;i;r;;;" countries
sandstone (Rom: varietate
Monoculture = cultivation in *r'.,i.[ de gresie)
r-Jr['t crop prodominates and is pranted
successivery on the same
unenclosed land,
'ff:,ffiirJ:llilffi senerallv elevated, with acid peaty soit (not
sood pasture) often
Motonrvay (Br'E) road specially
= constructed for fast, direct motor
Naturalefficiencv traffic (Rom: autostradS)
cnanoe'ifiilffirn rate acloroing to ihe
organic farming'= agriculture"p;ffiffithout difference between birth and
death rate
the r;;;ir"rf,ilial chemical fertirisers
0utput = the amount or a proouc.J or pesticides
Outskirts = the outer,area1
rir, ,'ilr,or factory
a town iRr;, periferie)
Peak = the more or ress point.o summit of a mountain (Rom:
Peat = a deposit of dead veget.dr. v6rf)
Pesticide = chemicar substJnce
,rit.ionry partiarrt ;;il;Jed (Rom: turbd)
,r.olo tirirn,mar, oi irr.ct, lgr!.0
t,u1ffi'#1111;r$;i!!,?f;Hl as harmfur to crops
,". or rand wrricn is"rairry naianJ 0,,,0 on on. or more

PIaya = a flat basin in an arid land which may become covered with water periodically (a salt lake
forms there)
Pony trekking = leisure time activity in which people ride ponies
Population pyramid = the age-sex composition of a population shown as a pyramid graph
Prairie = extensive area of extensive grassland occurring in mid-latitudes in North America (French for
Precipice = a dangerously steep slope of a high rock, mountain, cliff (Rom: pripastie)
Push.pull factors = physical and/or human factors that attract or drive people from/ towards an area
Quarry = a place from which stone, sand, etc. are dug out (Rom: cariera)
Rain shadow = an area with a relatively low rainfall occurring on the lee side of hill or mountain (Rom:
effect orografic)
Renewable resource of energy = an alternative, non-polluting resource of energy such as solar energy
or water power which can be used over and over again
Reservoir = an lake used to store water, usually an artificial lake. (Rom: lac de acumulare)
Retailing = the sale of goods in shops to customers (Rom: vdnzare cu amdnuntul)
Ria = a drowned river valley in a hilly landscape
Ribbon lake = long, thin lakes of glacial origin
Ridge = long, narrow hill, such as the top of a range of mountains. crest (Rom: creastd)
Rift valley = a long, flat-floored valley with steep sides, where a faulted block has dropped down between
two faults
Ring road = road encircling a built-up area or town, often used as a by-pass (Rom: gosea de centura)
Ro'ro (roll'on roll-off) = facilities which allow lorries with containers to drive straight onto ships and drive
off at the end of the voyage
Rugged = having a rough, uneven surface (Rom: colturos)
Rust Belt = name given to the decaying industrial area located south of the Great Lakes and names after
the derelict, rusting buildings ,
Sandstone = a sedimentary rock made up of coarse quartz grains Rom: varietate de gresie
Scarpland = a region of steep slopes, escarpments
sewage = the waste material and water carried in sewers (Rom: ape reziduale)
Sewer = artificial passage or a large pipe underground for carrying away sewage (Rom: sistem de
Shallow = not deep (about water)
Shower = a brief fall of rain, hail, sleet or snow (Rom: aversa)
Silt = fine padicles, carried or deposited by water (Rom: aluviuni)
Sleeping policeman = bumps built in the road to slow down traffic at in residential or other sensitive areas
Sleet = precipitation consisting of snow and rain mixed (Rom: lapovila)
Slums = a city area with poor living conditions (Rom: mahala)
Smog = a mixture of smoke and fog
Solar collectors = glass-covered panels attracting sun light into a small machine that transforms it into
sparsely populated area = an area with a few people distributed over it.
Strait = a narrow watenruay linking two larger bodies of water or separating two land areas (Rom: strAmtoare)
Strath = broad mountain valley in Scotland
Sustainable development = a way of improving people's life without wasting resources or harming the
Sw3mp = wet, spongy land saturated with water most of the time and its associated vegetation
(Rom: mlagtind)


system of troughs and ridges a system of erongated

= vaileys and crests
Tarn = small, circular lake found in a graciarcirque
[nom irc d.,irc glaciar)
Tidal energy = a form of energy prod-uced by the power
oitn. tii.,
Tide = the periodic rise and tatt oi tne sea czused
by the puil exerteo on the Earth by the sun
Till= materials, such as rock and clay carried ano olposi[J and the Moon
uvic. nom: morend)
Trade'wind = constant wind which blows from the tropical
high pressure belts towards the Equatorial low
Trench/hough = long, narrow vailey between two mountain
Ilrlt road =importanl main road (ilom: drum nafional)
U shaped valley = a glaciated valley, which in
.roir-r..tion has the shape of U. Glacial hough is
commonly used
warehouse = a large buirding for storing goods that
are to be sord
Waste = residues, refuse, gaibage, littei iubbish
disposal = removaiof industrial or domestic wastes
watershed = the high ground which forms the dividing
line between two river vqerr
basinsre (Rom:
\I \r cumpina
- apelor)
wind power = a form of energy using turbine generators to produce electricity
windward = the side of a mo.untain dtc. againit wnicrr
n. *ino nrows (Rom: versant expus)
Yield = result, output, product, amount of


Bunce, Vincent(editor) (1997): Geography for GCSE, Addison Wesley Longman Ltd.;

Crickner, Robin and Hildebrand William: The United Sfafes, Holt, Rineheart and Winston of Canada, Montreal, 1g72

Flint Corrin & David (1989): Brlflsh /ssues in Geography, Collins Educational;

Gallagher Rosemdrie, Parish Richard, Williamson Janet (2000, 2001,2002)'. Geog. 1, 2, 3 - Geography for key

sfage 3, Oxford University Press;

Glencoe: World Geography, California, 1989

Hatier: Geographie du C/asse Terminale, Paris, 1983

Dr. Mittleman, Earl N.: An Outline of American Geography, United States lnformationAgency

Punnet, Neil & Webber, Peter (198a): The British /s/es, Basil Blackwell Ltd.;

Prevot, V.: Geographie du monde contemporaine, Belin, Paris, 1966

Seath, Jonathan, Sheerin, Susan, White, Gillian(1991): Spotlight on Britain,2nd.edition, Oxford University Press;

Tolson, A.R. and Johnstone, M.E : A Geography of Britain,Oxford University Press

Waugh, David (1984): North and South America, Thomas Nelson & Sons Ltd.

Waugh, David(1990): The British /s/es, 2nd edition, Thomas Nelson & Sons Ltd.

Waugh, David; Bushell, Tony (1991): The British /s/es- Question Book, Thomas Nelson & Sons Ltd.

Waugh, David; Bushell, Tony (1991 , 1992, 1993). Key Geography 1 , 2 ,3 - Foundations, Connections,lnteraction,

Stanley Thornes Ltd(publisher);

Zelley, Milbrey (1988): Geography of the United Sfafes, AGS American Guidance Service, lnc.

Tomkins, S. George; Hills, Theo;Weir, R.;Thomas(1991): ARegionalGeography of North Amerca, Gage

Educational Publishing Limited,.

** PHILIP'S GEOGRAPHY DICTIONARY(1995): Reed lnternational Books Ltd.

The Penguin Dictionary of Geography,2'o edition(1998), Penguin Books byAudrey N.CLARK
Philip's Foundation Aflas, ('1989): Heinemann -Philip Atlases, Heinemann Educational
Rand Mc. Nally Classroom Atlas, ('1990), Rand Mc. Nally.Co.
The Oxford Schoo/Aflas(1997), Oxford University Press

s I

Geoprofiles is an integrated programme for

bnguage learning for
r secondary students.
General geographical a linked with
geogrdphy of Great Britain and of the

,l( sy//abus is a work for the

of y-related edge and sk
skr//s and language aspecfu.
*e Rars\ng sfudenfs'awar{ness of en
--r----'-\-.''----' attitude developed throu
textboak. \\
ik Ihe sfu{e nts are encouraged to compat
aspecfs of ttlp geography of Great Britain ar
that of the UNed Sfafes with aspbcts of the

geography of \omania.
Tie iexiobot<\p cludes' a g/ossarlo f relevS
terrninology. )\i-/ /

I ---* \ .'/'/
I ',

-' .

.-..9-. -. -: ,. '

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