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On-the-Job-Training (OJT) provides a unique way for students to obtain

experience outside his classrooms. It is one curriculum requirements for all college

students. This program requires a student to finish and complete 240 hours of training, by

using all the knowledge and by applying all the skills and concepts he learned on his

course that he pursue.

Significance of the On-the-Job Training

On-the-Job-Training (OJT) is significant for the benefits of the students,

professionals and to the faculty member. It allows students to have a large and wide scope

of learning. Classroom experience alone is not sufficient to cope up with the ever

growing career competition. To survive, hands-on experience on dealing with real-world

problems for direct concern is essential. OJT provides a unique way for students to obtain

this kind of practical experience. It is also a stepping stone for the students to become a

professional employee and to be able to compete with the others. It may provide a good

foundation for them to develop their personality to become an effective and productive

employee in the future. This study will serve as motivation to college students to study

harder in pursuing their dreams.

Objectives of the On-the-Job-Training

The trainee must know the working environment inside an organization. He must

know how to deal with the people inside the organization; he must know how to respect

and to treat his supervisor or his co-workers. He must acquire additional knowledge,

skills and techniques that will be useful on his work. Also he must know how to apply all

the knowledge he have in a rightful way.

Time and Place of On-the-Job Training

The trainee started his training in April 12, 2016 and completed in June 1, 2016,

he is assigned to follow their office hour which is Monday to Friday, eight hours a day,

8am to 5pm duty. He conducted his training at Bureau of Internal RevenueRevenue

District Office No. 54B located at Dulong Bayan Habay, Bacoor City, Cavite. He was

assigned on the assessment section under Mrs. Editha Dela Rea, secretary of the Revenue

District Officer (RDO).



During Spanish Era or the 17th and 18th centuries the Chief Royal Accountant

whose function were similar to Commissioner of Internal Revenue was Contador de

Resultas. During these times, taxes that were collected from the inhabitants varied from

tribute or head tax of one gold maiz annually; tax on value of jewelries and gold trinkets;

indirect taxes on tobacco, wine, cockpits, burlas and powder.

During early American regime the country was rule by American military

governors. In 1902, the first civil government was establishing under William H. Taft.

Though, it was only during the term of Luke E. Wright on second civil governor that

Bureau of Internal Revenue (BIR) was created through the passage of Reorganization Act

No. 1189 dated July 2, 1904. On August 1, 1904, the BIR was formally organized and

made operational under the Secretary of Finance. During the term of Collector Holting,

the Bureau had its first reorganization on January 1, 1913 with the creation of eight (8)

divisions, namely: 1) Accounting, 2) Cash, 3) Clerical, 4) Inspection, 5) Law, 6) Real

Estate, 7) License and 8) Records. Collections by the Real Estate and License Divisions

were confined to revenue accruing to the City of Manila. In 1937, the Secretary of

Finance promulgated Regulation No. 95, reorganizing the Provincial Inspection Districts

and maintaining in each province an Internal Revenue Office supervised by a Provincial

At the outbreak of World War II, under the Japanese regime (1942-1945), the

Bureau was combined with the Customs Office and was headed by a Director of Customs

and Internal Revenue.


On July 4, 1946, when the Philippines gained its independence from the United

States, the Bureau was eventually re-established separately. Revenue Regulations No. V-2

dated October 23, 1947 divided the country into 31 inspection units, each of which was

under a Provincial Revenue Agent (except in certain special units which were headed by

a City Revenue Agent or supervisors for distilleries and tobacco factories).

The second major reorganization of the Bureau took place on January 1, 1951

through the passage of Executive Order No. 392. The third major reorganization of the

Bureau took effect on March 1, 1954 through Revenue Memorandum Order (RMO) No.

41. In January 1957, the position title of the head of the Bureau was changed from

Collector to Commissioner. The last Collector and the first Commissioner of the BIR was

Jose Aranas.
To strictly enforce the payment of taxes and to further discourage tax evasion, RA

No. 233 or the Rewards Law was passed on June 19, 1959 whereby informers were

rewarded the 25% equivalent of the revenue collected from the tax evader. In 1964,

the Philippines was re-divided anew into 15 regions and 72 inspection districts. The

Tobacco Inspection Board and Accountable Forms Committee were also created directly

under the Office of the Commissioner. The appointment of Misael Vera as Commissioner

in 1965 led the Bureau to a "new direction" in tax administration. The most notable

programs implemented were the "Blue Master Program" and the "Voluntary Tax

Compliance Program".
The proclamation of Martial Law on September 21, 1972 marked the advent of

the New Society and ushered in a new approach in the developmental efforts of the

government. Several tax amnesty decrees issued by the President were promulgated to

enable erring taxpayers to start anew. Organization-wise, the Bureau had also undergone

several changes during the Martial Law period (1972-1980).

In 1976, under Commissioner Efren Plana's administration, the Bureau's National

Office transferred from the Finance Building in Manila to its own 12-storey building in

Quezon City, which was inaugurated on June 3, 1977. It was also in the same year that

President Marcos promulgated the National Internal Revenue Code of 1977, which

updated the 1934 Tax Code.

After the People's Revolution in February 1986, a renewed thrust towards an

effective tax administration was pursued by the Bureau. "Operation: WalangLagay" was

launched to promote the efficient and honest collection of taxes.

On January 30, 1987, the Bureau was reorganized under the administration of

Commissioner Bienvenido Tan, Jr. pursuant to Executive Order (EO) No. 127. With the

advent of the value-added tax (VAT) in 1988, a massive campaign program aimed to

promote and encourage compliance with the requirements of the VAT was launched. The

adoption of the VAT system was one of the structural reforms provided for in the 1986

Tax Reform Program, which was designed to simplify tax administration and make the

tax system more equitable. It was also in 1988 that the Revenue Information Systems

Services Inc. (RISSI) was abolished and transferred back to the BIR by virtue of a

Memorandum Order from the Office of the President dated May 24, 1988. This transfer

had implications on the delivery of the computerization requirements of the Bureau in

relation to its functions of tax assessment and collection.

The entry of Commissioner Jose Ong in 1989 saw the advent of the "Tax

Administration Program" which is the embodiment of the Bureau's mission to improve

tax collection and simplify tax administration. The Program contained several tax reform

and enhancement measures, which included the use of the Taxpayer Identification

Number (TIN) and the adoption of the New Payment Control System and Simplified Net

Income Taxation Scheme.

The year 1993 marked the entry into the Bureau of its first lady Commissioner,

Liwayway Vinzons-Chato. In order to attain the Bureau's vision of transformation, a

comprehensive and integrated program known as the ACTS or Action-Centered

Transformation Program was undertaken to realign and direct the entire organization

towards the fulfillment of its vision and mission.

With the advent of President Estrada's administration, a Deputy Commissioner of

the BIR, Beethoven Rualo, was appointed as Commissioner of Internal Revenue. Under

his leadership, priority reform measures were undertaken to enhance voluntary

compliance and improve the Bureau's productivity. One of the most significant reform

measures was the implementation of the Economic Recovery Assistance Payment

(ERAP) Program, which granted immunity from audit and investigation to taxpayers who

have paid 20% more than the tax paid in 1997 for income tax, VAT and/or percentage

In order to encourage and educate consumers/taxpayers to demand sales invoices

and receipts, the raffle promo "Huminging Resibo, Manalong Libo-Libo" was

institutionalized in 1999. Following the momentous events of EDSA II in January 2001,

newly-installed President Gloria Macapagal-Arroyo appointed a former Deputy

Commissioner, Atty. Ren G. Baez, as the new Commissioner of Internal Revenue.

Following the highly-acclaimed inauguration of President Benigno C. Aquino III

on June 30, 2010, a former BIR Deputy Commissioner, Atty. Kim S. Jacinto-Henares,

was appointed as the new Commissioner of Internal Revenue. During her first few

months in the BIR, Commissioner Henares focused on the filing of tax evasion cases

under the RATE Program, in compliance with the SONA pronouncements of President


Figure 1. Logo of Bureau of Internal Revenue (BIR)


The Bureau of Internal Revenue is an institution of service excellence, a partner

in nation-building, manned by globally competitive professionals with integrity and



The Bureau of Internal Revenue is committed to collect taxes for nation-building

through excellent, efficient and transparent service, just and fair enforcement of tax laws,

uplifting the life of every Filipino.


To achieve ecology by producing and protecting and properly managing

the environment;

To ensure peace and order by strengthening responsible functionaries;

To ensure transparent and efficient governance by being morally upright,

just, and responsive to the needs of its constituents and community.

Core Values

God Fearing accountability, innovativeness, integrity, competencies,

transparency and patriotism.


"Service Excellence with Integrity and Professionalism"

Organizational Structure

Figure 2. Organizational structure of Bureau of Internal Revenue-RDO No. 54B

Function and Responsibilities of the Management

The Revenue District Officer (RDO) is to supervise and responsible in monitoring

district office. It also reviews all the dockets such as application for Tax Clearance

Certificates and Certificates Authorizing Registration (CARs) for income tax, capital

gains tax, withholding tax, value-added tax, estate tax and donors tax transactions. She

approves all the papers to have a CAR and so that she can sign it.

Assessment Section is in-charge in preparing list of taxpayers recommended for

audit based on audit program prescribed by number, conducting field audit investigation

of tax cases, conducting factual verification of requests for reconsideration or

reinvestigation of protested cases within its jurisdiction. It is also responsible in

conducting verification of tax returns and documents of government agencies and


instrumentalities, private entities, individuals and selected taxpayers availing of tax

exemptions and incentives and in preparing and submitting reports of investigation

together with the corresponding dockets of taxpayers to reviewing office of the Regional


This section processes application for Tax Clearance Certificates and Certificates

Authorizing Registration (CARs) for income tax, capital gains tax, withholding tax,

value-added tax, documentary stamp tax, estate tax and donors tax transactions. It also

includes applications for Contractors Final Payment Release Certificate within its

jurisdiction for the approval and signature of authorized official, availment of tax

subsidies under existing rules and regulations, applications and requests for confirmation

of tax exemption and forwards report to Legal Division for appropriate action. It ensures

the applications or use of computerized accounting system and point of sale/cash register

machines for approval of authorized official and audits, all claims for tax credit/refund,

except those processed by the Legal Division. It prepares tax credit certificate and

recommendation, for refund for approval of authorized official. It evaluates protest letters

sent by taxpayers and prepares reply for approval or disapproval of authorized official or

refers to the Legal Division for action.

Furthermore, assessment section processes claim for tax credit and refund on

erroneously collected internal revenue taxes arising from the application of tax treaty

provisions including requests for exemption. It conducts investigation before effecting

retirement of business of taxpayers who filed Notice of Dissolution, Affidavit of

Permanent Closure, Death of Taxpayer or those who ceased operations. This section also

conducts ocular inspection for the determination of zonal value of real property and

evaluates and processes applications for abatement/cancellation of internal revenue tax


Collection Section is in charge in monitoring and supervising the collection of all

internal revenue taxes within the jurisdiction of the RDO. It evaluates acts and

recommends on taxpayers request for compromise and payment on installment basis. It

encodes all payments, deposit slips and dishonored checks received from RCOs and

issuing discrepancy notice to RCOs for compliance to collection and deposit

requirements. It searches and ascertains the whereabouts of delinquent taxpayers/stop-

filers falling under the districts jurisdiction. It conducts ocular inspection of taxpayers

premises, processes requests for installment payment of tax liabilities and maintains

installment plan. It enforces collection of dishonored checks and accounts receivable or

delinquent accounts.

Taxpayer Support Section (TSS) is in-charge in delivering fast, efficient and

courteous frontline service to the taxpayers, provides assistance to taxpayers in the

district such as answering of queries, distributing forms and information materials such as

primers, posters, streamers, circulars, instruction booklets. It is responsible in preparing

and filing of tax returns, undertakes tax information dissemination and education

campaign in coordination with the Assessment Section and other appropriate offices.

It takes charge in receiving all kinds of applications and requests for registration,

permit, certificate, information updates and TIN together with all required attachments

and all formal inquiries and documents from taxpayers. It is also in-charge in processing

application for taxpayer record update, modification of taxpayers information, authority

to print receipts and invoices, registration of books of accounts, application to use loose-

leaf sales receipts and invoices and other registration requirements. It also conducts

cancellation of registration, transfer of registration and generates corresponding

certificates and notices, processes and generates Tax Clearance Certificates and

Certificates Authorizing Registration for transfer of properties.

Administrative Section is in-charge in receiving records and referring all

communications to other units in the district office, disseminates all memorandum orders,

circulars and regulations. It maintains and preserves all useful records and files of the

district. It takes charge of the requisition and distribution of accountable and non-

accountable forms and other office supplies and the management and safekeeping of

forfeited properties acquired assets within the RDOs jurisdiction. It processes and issues

tax exemption certificates required for availment of scholarship program of schools,

universities and colleges and maintain the districts facilities. It also takes charge in the

preparation of Disbursement Vouchers for payment of expenses related to office

operations. Administrative Section undertakes the preparation of materials to be used in

seminars, dialogues and symposia to be undertaken by the district. It attends to all

personnel matters of the district and performs other functions as may be assigned.

The parties shall mutually agree for the training of the student-trainee concerned

for a total of 240 hours per student during regular working days. The inclusive training

period started from April 2016 to June 2016.

The institution shall not be held liable to the student-trainees for any fortuitous

events consequences that may arise during the course of their training when such event

happened outside their official time of work.


The institution shall closely supervise the trainees in undertaking their approved

plan of work activities. The coordinator shall visit the trainees at least once a month for

the whole duration of the training. The student-trainees shall be obliged onto abide the

policies, rules, and regulations and the like of the company or institution.


Department Function

Collection Section is in charge in monitoring and supervising the collection of all

internal revenue taxes within the jurisdiction of the revenue district office and also

evaluates, acts and recommends on taxpayers request for compromise and payment on

installment basis.

This section is responsible in keeping and maintaining history cards (BIR Form

No. 2706), records all actions taken on each docket or case, analyzes dockets with

delinquent accounts and to determine the most effective means of collecting such

delinquencies. It issues notice of delinquency to taxpayers with pending tax liabilities;

coordinates with pertinent government offices in gathering information on assets or

properties of taxpayers with delinquent accounts; supervises all revenue collection

officers (RCOs) assigned in the different cities or municipalities under the districts

jurisdiction; monitors cash and forms accountabilities of RCOs and acts on any

discrepancies in RCOs reports.

In addition, this section is assigned to encode all payments, deposit slips and

dishonored checks received from RCOs. It issues discrepancy notice to RCOs for

compliance to collection and deposit requirements. It searches and ascertains the

whereabouts of delinquent taxpayers/stop-filers falling under the districts jurisdiction;

conducts ocular inspection of taxpayers premises, processes requests for installment

payment of tax liabilities and maintains installment plan. It enforces collection of

dishonored checks and accounts receivable or delinquent accounts.


Collection section coordinates with government agencies, National Bureau of

Investigation (NBI), Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC), Land Transportation

Office (LTO), Register of Deeds, Bureau of Immigration and Deportation, Intelligence

offices, police agencies and others in gathering information of taxpayers with pending tax

liabilities and dishonored check cases in enforcing their tax lien. It also recommends the

lifting/cancellation of the Warrants of Distraint and Levy and/or Garnishment and Notice

of Tax Lien to taxpayers within its jurisdiction, Serves and executes writs of execution

issued by the Court of Tax Appeals and other courts and submits corresponding report of

the action taken thereon to the Legal Division. It prepares and maintains an up-to-date

record of district collection reports required by regional and national offices.

Collection Section Structure

Collection Chief Officer

Collection Staff Collection Staff Collection Staff Collection Staff

Figure 3.Organizational structure of Collection Section


The trainee conducted his training at Counter 8, the only collection counter in

BIR-RDO No. 54B Bacoor City, Cavite where he was tasked in receiving Bank

Transmittal, Income Tax Returns (ITR), selling of documentary stamps, receiving

monthly, quarterly returns and collection of other documents of taxpayers necessary to be



The Bureau of Internal Revenue, RDO No. 54B Bacoor City, Cavite has the

following equipments: Acer and Lenovo Desktop Computers running under Windows 7

Ultimate and powered by Intel Core i5 and each uses Microsoft 2013. Others are

Lexmark Printers, Facsimile Machine, Photocopier Machine, Biometric, MRCOS with

portable thermal printer, typerwriter, WI-FI Modem, router, repeater, and landline


Working Policies and Procedures

The trainees must come early especially on Mondays to attend the flag ceremony.

They have been told about observing courteousness and greet the employees inside and

outside of the office whether in what section they belong to. They are required to wear

school uniform every Monday and any organizational shirts of the school for Tuesday up

to Thursday, and the trainees are permitted to wear normal t-shirts or polo on Friday.

Trainees are required to always wear closed shoes, I.Ds and nameplate inside the office

during the training hours. When other sections need assistance, trainees must always find

their way to help them even if they are not their supervisors and be sure to let their own

supervisor know. They should be polite and patient when they conduct transactions. If the

trainees cannot handle the situation, they must consult to the supervisor about the

concerns of the taxpayer. They should not make unnecessary noise especially on busy

areas in the office. They may take an over-time only if necessary and should let the

Administrative staff know.



Task Performed

Every Monday, the trainee was obliged to attend the flag ceremony to be lead by a

prayer song then Philippine national anthem, panunumpa sa watawat, BIR theme song,

and statement of the mission, vision, and core values. After the flag ceremony, there is a

regular activity of the government institution and participated by all employees, the

Thought of the Day program which was set by the administrative staff as their

motivational program for the entire BIR RDO-54B employees. The trainee also regularly

reported to Mrs. Elma Theresa S. Gauna, the chief administrative officer/OJT

coordinator, Ms. Leilani Atienza and Ms. Michelle Deblois, administrative staffs, and to

his supervisor, Mrs.Editha A. Dela Rea the revenue collection officer. The trainee must

log in two log books, one at the main door and to the administrations OJT log book. On

the first week, the trainee was oriented by Ms. Michelle Deblois about the rules and

regulations inside the office, the dos and donts such as wearing proper clothes, wearing

of accessories, using electronic devices, politely greeting all employees as well as the

taxpayers and assisting them if needed, reporting to the respective supervisors and

administrative staff at exactly 8 oclock in the morning and lastly, always attending the

opening flag ceremony every Monday, and wearing ID all the time inside the facility. The

trainee also oriented by his supervisor, Mrs. Editha A. Dela Rea about the trainees tasks

such as checking Batch Control Sheet or BCS, receiving, sorting, and segregating Income

Tax Returns or ITR, forwarding it to the Chief Collection Officer, encoding of no-

payment and with-payment returns, and selling documentary stamps. In times wherein

there is no retrieval of tax returns from the banks, the trainee was once asked to assist and

help at the Assessment Office to attend the tax payers follow-ups on their CAR release

and Collection Office to inquire on the Integrated Tax System or ITS if there is any

unuploaded payments from the banks.

Specific Activities Assigned

Day 1 (April 12, 2016)

The trainee is mostly too observed about the task given to other OJT trainees for

him to be well oriented while the co-trainer explains what are dos and donts on every

task that might be given to him. The trainee noticed that one computer on the frontline is

not working so he decided to fix it and he just noticed that they are some cables that are

not well attached and the power turns back on that computer and it works so well.

Day 2 (April 13, 2016)

The trainee together with his co-trainees reported to Ms. Michelle Deblois for the

orientation and was assigned to their respective supervisors. He was assigned to Mrs.

Editha A. Dela Rea, who took him to sorting the tax returns from different banks in the

province of Cavite. Also Mrs. Dela Rea informed that the trainee must attend on flag

ceremony every Monday. After their orientation together with trainees co-trainees they

were assigned to their respective supervisor.


Day 3 (April 14, 2016)

The trainee was ordered to replace those old numbers ID by editing and printing

new version of IDs and putting it with new ID case and ID holder. Those number ID is

use to organize and determine those who comes first by giving them this Number IDs.

Day 4 (April 19, 2016)

The trainees have observed that the Unclaimed IDs are unorganized therefore he

made an ID organizer in which the IDs are organized alphabetically so it would be easier

to find a specific ID of a customer when they are ready to claim it.

Day 5 (April 20, 2016)

The trainee started to finish the last batch of replacement of IDs. The trainee

supervisor came and gave the trainee a task find the pending dockets on the cabinet. Then

the trainee proceeded in encoding the received documents and preparing for transmittal.

He receives some phone calls from taxpayers asking for the status of their documents.

Day 6 (April 21, 2016)

The trainee was assigned in Frontline in counter no. 8, answering inquiries of

some customers while selling Documentary stamps to those who need it as a one of their

requirement in filing application forms. Also the trainee is assisting those customers who

are lost in their procedures and put in the right place those who incorrectly fall in the

wrong line.

Day 7 (April 25, 2016)

The trainee was transferred to Mam Gigi to be in replaced of other OJT students

who are absent on that day just for temporary. The trainee was just borrowed by Mam

Gigi and he was ordered to encode some names of her clients together with their TIN for

it to be organizing properly and will be easy to search.

Day 8 (April 26, 2016)

The trainee has returned to Admins office and work on organizing and separating

BCS sheets of Landbank of the Philippines. The trainee was appointed to answer phone

calls on simple update and some simple queries about the process. The trainee receives

fax mail from the taxpayer and give it do the registration section, that mail is the

information about the taxpayer for the transfer of tax.

Day 9 (April 27, 2016)

The trainee was assigned to supply room to list the quantity of every office

supplies left and put every office supplies being supplied to their respective places. Also

he was assigned to do a task requested by other employees to encode a list of her clients

that day together with clients basic in formations about their business/es.

Day 10 (April 29, 2016)

On the10th day, same place, the trainee was assigned to organize the entire

employees private folder and removes the unnecessary things inside the supply room.

Also he organized the new batch of transmittals.


Day 11 (May 2, 2016)

The trainee was assigned to stock room to organize every Registered Businesses

receipts. His supervisor also assigned him to sort the documents that were already done

by the revenue officer so that it can be forward to Revenue District Officer (RDO). The

trainee was able to finish his task after lunch break. In the afternoon, his supervisor asked

him to forward it to the office of the RDO.

Day 12 (May 3, 2016)

The trainee was assigned on CAR section, in charge of answering calls, listing

registered and finished files of a customer and releasing of customers paper if it is

already approved. He had also arranged the files received that day according to their

registration date.

Day 13 (May 4, 2016)

The trainee was assigned to collection office to double check the count of every

money and lists the quantity of every different paper money. He also assisted taxpayers

regarding to their inquiries and concerns on what is the status of their documents. He

answers lots of phone calls on that day and check if the clients processing of BIR paper/s

is/are done.

Day 14 (May 5, 2016)

On his 14th day of his training, the trainee has encoded the account number of

every customer who owns businesses and classifies them if they have paid taxes on time

or not. The trainee didnt stop until the flow of customers on the line is not yet finish.

Day 15 (May 6, 2016)

The trainee has organized every BCS (Batch Control Sheets) of Union Bank,

which is the most unarranged BCS. The trainee was assigned in his working place to

check the TIN and encode the dockets that he receives that day. Before the training hours

end, he arranged his working place, ready for tomorrow.

Day 16 (May 10, 2016)

From yesterdays task, after finishing all the BCS of every bank the trainee

arranged it by their BCS number and bank branches. The trainee listed the BCS and

prepared it to be delivered to Sir Tom who handles backed up copies of BCS tomorrow.

Day 17 (May 11, 2016)

Later that day, the trainee delivered all the BCS from every bank to Sir Tom and

ordered the trainee to double check all the BCS if nothing is lost, same as what the trainee

is doing on Admin section while organizing BCSs.

Day 18 (May 12, 2016)

The trainee was borrowed by Mam Racy (Counter 1 Front liner) to encode all of

the clients information paper that has already passed through her. The trainee encoded

every Mam Racys client name, TIN, address, the name of their business/es, and the date

when the clients business is already registered.

Day 19 (May 13, 2016)

The trainee did the same thing as what did he did yesterday. Encoding all the

basic information of its client required in registration of their business. In the afternoon

after finishing the encoding of Mam Racys orders, the trainee assisted the other section

and other staff and trainees because he finished his task and he was given rest by his


Day 20 (May 16, 2016)

The trainee reported first to his supervisor and then to the admin section. He

prepared all equipments needed in printing of transmittal such as papers, staple, paper

clips and paper clamps. The trainee encoded the dockets that he received that day.

Day 21 (May 17, 2016)

The trainee was assigned in checking of TIN of taxpayers and he print the

transmittal of the dockets for the report on ONETT section. They bring down the dockets

on ARDO and he encodes the dockets that received that day.

Day 22 (May 18, 2016)

The trainee was assigned to encode the dockets that receive today and he finishes

it early. In afternoon he follows up only a claim stub in ONETT section he assists only a

taxpayer for follow up. After finishing his task early he sits on the counter 8 assisting

customers while selling documentary stamps.

Day 23 (May 19, 2016)

On this day, his supervisor assigned him to sort the files received from January

2016 to February 2016. He was able to finish his task after lunch break. In the afternoon,

his supervisor gave him a new task he encoded the dockets receive today and he printed a

transmittal for the dockets.


Day 24 (May 20, 2016)

The trainee was assigned to encode the dockets that receive today and he finishes

it early. In afternoon he follows up only a claim stub in ONETT section he assists only a

taxpayer for follow up. He also assists other trainees on organizing transmittals after his

task on ONETT section.

Day 25 (May 23, 2016)

The trainee was assigned to counter 10. He was on frontline assisting other

employees to look on some clients papers which are a little bit hard to find because they

are actually hundreds of papers beside them and they need assist to make the transaction

of every client as quick as possible.

Day 26 (May 24, 2016)

On that day on Counter 10 again, the employee said that he needs the trainee for

one more week at least because he has a lot of task to do including the papers which must

be submitted immediately to the RDO. One of the employee teaches the trainee about the

task which is given to employee sitting in counter 10. The trainee was watching and

practicing about the task which will be given to him for his last week.

Day 27 (May 25, 2016)

The trainee starts working on counter 10. He was assigned to know the TIN

information of every client who need it and write it down on paper. The trainee also

assisted other employees regarding with the TIN ID requirements of their clients.

Day 28 (May 26, 2016)

The trainee was assigned to verify the TIN numbers of thousands of employees

from big companies in PEZA Rosario. He was ordered to recognize who have TIN ID

and who have not and listed on a paper so that those who have no TIN ID can comply

because it is required for them as a proof that they are paying their taxes which is their


Day 29 (May 27, 2016)

The trainee still works on verifying the TIN information of employees from Big

companies of PEZA Rosario. The trainee was also assigned to assist some clients who

have lost their ID and forgot their TIN, so the trainee would be the one to search for their

TIN information and write it down for their client.

Day 30 (June 1, 2016)

The trainee finished his work on verification on PEZA employees on counter 10

leaving him the task of assisting the verification of TIN of every client that need it. The

trainee also assisted the other trainees on their task.

Day 31 (June 2, 2016)

On the last day of the trainee in his OJT, the trainee sang on admin section to get

the completion certificate of On the Job Training and he took picture to the other staff and

other employees. The trainee goes to his supervisor and he get the evaluation form and he

say thank you to his supervisor.


Observed Strengths and Weaknesses in the Training Area

It must be essential for the trainee to conduct observation and understand the

nature of work performed before or during his training.

The trainee observed that the place was monitored by the CCTV so that they can

easily monitor in what are happening inside the whole facilities. On the ground level

there are monitor that shows the place for which CCTV is located so taxpayer could

know already if there are many people upstairs. Also inside the office of RDO there are

monitors so they can know what her employees are doing. Trainee observes that the

institution has set of regulations necessary to guide the employees and taxpayers. The

mission, vision, objectives and the core values make them motivated on their work.

When it comes to foods especially on the breakfast and on snack time on the

afternoon, they usually prepare food for all of the personnel of BIR.

The trainee observed some of the equipments such as the speaker and computers

are malfunctioning due to under maintenance. The area of the workplace is not enough to

accommodate all employees and clients. Also sometimes there is no supply that the

employee needed.


On-the-Job-Training is one curriculum for the trainee to experience the working

environment today. It is for the benefit of the trainee to develop existing skills and

acquire new ones to become competitive for employment in the future.

The trainee experienced some difficulties in the training area such as handling

difficult situations and to cope up to the challenges inside the Institution.



The trainee have learned a lot in the company that he chose to work unto in so

many terms specially in knowing the right taxes such as the Documentary Stamp Tax,

Estate Tax, Income tax and so on, even the different tax exemptions that I ignored during

school days. His Chief administrative officers usually guide and teach the trainee in some

operations in the Bureau, such as the papers to be transferred in the regional office.

The trainee was assigned in different task and place and encountered different types of

problem and solved it not only by his own but with the help of his co-trainee, co-worker

and most especially his supervisor.



Tanael, James Anthony (June 2015): Narrative report of on-the-job training experience
at Bureau of Internal Revenue RDO No. 54b Bacoor City, Cavite.

Bureau of Internal Revenue (2005): BIR History. Retrieved

Bureau of Internal Revenue RDO No. 54B, Administrative Section (June 05, 2015)


Appendix 1
Curriculum Vitae

Appendix Figure 1. A scan of the resume of the trainee


Appendix 2
Recommendation Letter

Appendix Figure 2. A scan of recommendation letter


Memorandum of Agreement

Appendix Figure 3. A scan of memorandum of agreement


Appendix Figure 3. Continued


Appendix 4
Location Map

Appendix Figure 4. Location map of Bureau of Internal Revenue-RDO No. 54B.


Appendix 5
Accomplished Evaluation Form

Appendix Figure 5. A scan of accomplished evaluation form


Appendix Figure 5. Continued


Appendix Figure 5. Continued


Appendix Figure 5. Continued


Appendix Figure 5. Continued


Appendix 6
Certificate of Completion

Appendix Figure 6. A scan of certificate of completion


Appendix 7
Daily Time Record



Appendix Figure 7. A scan of daily time record of the trainee


Appendix Figure 7. Continued


Appendix 8

Appendix Figure 8. The BIR Building

Appendix Figure 8. Collection Section


Appendix 9
English Critic Certification

Republic of the Philippines

Pulo, Dalahican, Cavite City
Tel. (046) 431-35-70; (046) 431-35-80


To whom it may concern:

This is to certify that the narrative report of Medrick D. Santillan entitled,

Narrative Report of On-the-Job Training Experience at Bureau of Internal Revenue

RDO No. 54B Bacoor City, Cavite has been read and edited by the English Critic and it

is now ready for final reproduction.


English Critic

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