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affirmative negative question

I I am working. I am not working. Am I working?

you You are jumping. You are not jumping. Are you jumping?

he He is dreaming. He is not dreaming. Is he dreaming?

she She is sleeping. She is not sleeping. Is she sleeping?

it It is snowing. It is not snowing. Is it snowing?

we We are singing. We are not singing. Are we singing?

you You are fighting. You are not fighting. Are you fighting?

they They are reading. They are not reading. Are they reading?

Use the words below to make sentences in present progressive.

1. I / to read a book - I am reading a book.

2. it / to rain - It is raining.
3. he / to repair his bike - He is repairing his bike.
4. they / to watch a film - They are watching a film.
5. the cat /to sleep on the chair - The cat is sleeping on the chair.
6. Jane and Emily / to do their homework - Jane and Emily are doing their homework.

7. Bill / to wait at the bus stop - Bill is waiting at the bus stop.
8. we / to listen to the radio - We are listening to the radio.
9. the children / to play a game - The children are playing a game.
10. Laura / to walk the dog - Laura is walking the dog.

Write questions with the words below.

1. Peter / to go / to the cinema - Is Peter going to the cinema?

2. they / to play / a game - Are they playing a game?
3. she / to listen /to the radio - Is she listening to the radio?
4. I / to dream - Am I dreaming?
5. they / to pack / their bags - Are they packing their bags?
6. you / to do / the washing-up - Are you doing the washing-up?
7. we / to talk / too fast - Are we talking too fast?
8. they / to clean / the windows - Are they cleaning the windows?
9. she / to watch / the news - Is she watching the news?
10. you / to pull / my leg - Are you pulling my leg?

Exercise on questions with interrogative particles

Ask for the information in the bold part of the sentence.

1. Ashley is going to a restaurant. - Where is Ashley going?

2. Gareth is reading the paper. - Who is reading the paper?
3. Stacey is playing in the garden. - Where is Stacey playing?
4. She is wearing a red dress. - Who is wearing a red dress?
5. Britney is doing her homework. - What is Britney doing?
6. Mandy is leaving at nine. - When is Mandy leaving?
7. Joe is repairing his bike. - What is Joe repairing?
8. Amanda is going out with Dan. - Who is going out with Dan?
9. They are meeting at two o'clock. - When are they meeting?
10. Sandy is looking for Phil. - What is Sandy doing? As you must ask for a whole
phrase ('is looking for Phil'), you need to use doing instead of 'looking for'.
sucesos que estn teniendo lugar ahora mismo (now)
Look! James is taking a picture of another tourist.
planes predeterminados o citas que ya se han concertado para un futuro
He is meeting his friend Brad tonight.
acciones que suceden solo de forma temporal
James is travelling around Australia.
Brad is working there as a tour guide over the summer.
sucesos que se estn produciendo actualmente, aunque no en este mismo
He is staying at a youth hostel.
situaciones que estn evolucionando, cambiando
The town is becoming more and more popular because of its beautiful
Se utiliza el verbo auxiliar be y el verbo principal en gerundio, es decir, aadiendo
la terminacin -ing al infinitivo.
afirmativa negativa interrogativa
I I am speaking I am not speaking Am I speaking?
he, she, it he is speaking he is not speaking Is he speaking?
you, we, they you are speaking you are not speaking Are you speaking?
Gerundios: excepciones
Cuando el infinitivo acaba en e, esta se elimina (aunque en el caso de ee,
oe o ye no hay cambios).
come coming
agree agreeing
En palabras con una vocal de pronunciacin corta antes de la consonante
final, se dobla la consonante final (excepto si termina en w, y o x, que no se
sit sitting
(pero: mix mixing)
En ingls britnico la l final tras una vocal se dobla siempre (no as en ingls
travel travelling (ingls britnico), traveling (ingls estadounidense)
Al final de la palabra se remplaza ie por y.
lie lying
Formas abreviadas
En el ingls, y principalmente en la lengua hablada, se unen los pronombres a
ciertos verbos, otorgndoles un matiz ms natural.
Forma completa Forma abreviada Ejemplo

am (not) m (not) Im (not) (nicht: I amnt)

are re youre

are not re not/ arent were not/we arent

is s hes

is not s not/ isnt shes not/she isnt


La forma abreviada de are slo se puede utilizar junto a pronombres y no junto a

otro tipo de palabras.


Theyre travelling around Australia.

(aber nicht: The touristsre travelling around Australia.)

at the moment
now, just now, right now

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