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2 ESO Units from 1 to 4

Read the following text.
The original Olympic Games took place at Olympia in Ancient Greece in 776 BC. They
included arts competitions as well as athletics, boxing, wrestling and chariot racing.
The first modern games took place in Athens in 1896, and continue to take place every
four years in different countries of the world. The Olympic flag, with its five rings,
represents the five continents of the world.
The Olympics are the traditional "world championships" of athletics, but there are
many other sports competitions- swimming, rowing, gymnastics and others. At each
Olympics, the Olympic committee includes new sports, making each Olympics more
exciting than the last. The winter Olympics are for sports such as skating and skiing.
They take place two years after each Olympic Games.
Competitors in the events win medals: a gold medal for first place, silver for second
and bronze for third. The very best athletes from all over the world compete in the
The Paralympics are for people who have got physical disabilities. Some of the
competitors are blind or deaf and many of them compete in wheelchairs. The
Paralympics take place after the Olympic Games.

Read the text again and answer the questions.
1.Where and when did the first Olympic games take place?

2.What do the five rings in the Olympic flag represent? 3.What are the winter
Olympic Games?

3. What are the winter Olympic Games?

4. What are the Paralympics?

Write the past tense of these verbs.
a) take
b) make
c) win
d) be

Write the opposite.

a) First
b) Best

Complete these sentences .

A deaf person is a person who _____________________________________.
A blind person is a person who ____________________________________.
Choose one of the following ideas to write a composition of about 50 words.
1. Your favourite sport.
2. Do you like watching The Olympic Games on T.V. (Why/ Why not?)

4. Present Simple or Continuous? Choose the correct alternative(s) in the sentences 1-8
1 Today she s spending/spends time with her grandmother.
2 They usually are going/go to the gym on Sundays.
3 We re having/have a barbecue later on. Do you want to come? 4 No, she cant answer the phone,
she has/is having a shower.
5 I always have/am having a coffee before I m leaving/leave for work in the morning. 6 They
sometimes fly/are flying to Sweden, but usually they are going/go by boat.
7 Where are you? I m sitting/sit outside in the sunshine!
8 He always brings/is bringing a monolingual dictionary to his English class.

5.- Complete the sentences with the verbs in brackets into the correct tense Past Simple
or Past Continuous.
1.- It _____________ (snow) when I _________ (leave) home this morning.
2.- It was a sunny afternoon and people __________ (sit) on the grass in the park. Then suddenly it
__________ (start) to rain.
3.- A: I tried to explain my problem to her. B: ____________________ (she/listen)?
4.- My brother ______________ (talk) on the phone when I arrived, but when he ____________
(see) me, he ___________ (finish) the call. Perhaps he thought that I ____________ (listen) to his
5.- I nearly had an accident today. A car ____________ (come) towards me, but I moved quickly
out of the way and fortunately nothing ____________ (happen).
6.- A: Which hotel ______________ (you/stay) in when you lost your passport?
B: I dont remember. I ____________ (visit) many places during my European tour and I
____________ (stay) in many different hotels.
7.- I ____________ (move) to Hastings in 1999. I ____________ (live) there when I met them.
8.- ________________(many people / wait) for the 9:15 bus last night?
9.- I ______________ (dance) with my girlfriend when the disc jockey played our favorite song.
10.- I ____________ (study) grammar when I ___________ (fall) asleep.

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