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University of Alberta, Edmonton: Effects of connection geometry on block shear failure of welded lap plate connections “Although block shear failure has predominantly been considered a po- tential failure mode for bolted steel connections, several recent exp imental programs have revealed that block shear can also govern the design of certain arrangements of welded connections. The mechanics of block sheur failure in welded connections are known to be different from the bolted case, although published research on the subject is limited,” scientists writing in the Journal of Constructional Steel Re- search report. “A nonlinear finite element model has been developed to study the capacity of concentrically loaded welded lap plate connections that fail in block shear. The accuracy of the model was verified by comparing analytical results to those from physical tests, A parametric study was then completed to quantify the effects of connection geometry and weld arrangement,” wrote S.A. Oosterhof and colleagues, University of Alberta. The researchers concluded: “The results of the study are used to deseribe the behaviour of welded lap plate connections failing in block shear and to evaluate the performance of block shear design equations for capacity prediction of welded connections with a variety of geome- tries.” Oosterhof and colleagues published their study in the Journal of Constructional Steel Research (Effects of connection geometry on block shear failure of welded lap plate connections. Journal of Construc- tional Steel Research, 2011;67(3):525-532). Additional information can be obtained by contacting R.G. Driver, University of Alberta, Dept. of Civil & Environmental Engineering, Edmonton, AB T6G 2W2, Canada. The publisher of the Journal of Constructional Steel Research can be contacted at: Elsevier Science Ltd., the Boulevard, Langford Lane, Kidlington, Oxford OX5 1GB, Oxon, England. (2011 MAR 23)

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