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Sports Bring Out the Best in People (Proposition)

Possible definitions of “sports”:

Physical activity that is governed by a set of rules orcustoms and often engaged in competitively.
An active pastime; recreation
An athletic activity requiring skill or physical prowess andoften of a competitive nature, as racing, baseball, tennis,g
olf, bowling, wrestling, boxing, hunting, fishing, etc.

Possible definitions of “the best”:

Excelling in what people do (i.e. performing their best in sports)

Showcasing good qualities (sportsmanship, perseverance, etc)

 Sports do bring out the best in people. Sports will help them to become fitter and make them feel
more confident. Many are sure of themselves as they do sports often and keep their body healthy.
By staying healthy, people can do so much more with all their best.
 Many parents send their children for sports as it builds up their positive self-esteem.

A positive self-esteem is key to psychological well-being. Children who have a positive self-esteem are
better able to cope with wins and losses in sports and life.
These enhanced coping skills can translate into lifetime benefits such as:
* Reduced anxiety.
* A more optimistic outlook on life.
* Fewer interpersonal problems.
* Less chance of conforming to social pressure.
* A better body image.
* Being less likely to engage in risky behaviours, such as drug use.

These benefits of sports in children can bring out the best in them, as they will believe in their abilities and
continue to excel in whatever they do as they grow up.

 Fans look up on their favorite athletes as role models and inspirational figures- motivated to work
as hard to be like their athletes.
 Sports give opportunities for those who are passionate to show their talents and do their best.
 Sports, e.g. marathon, train people’s perseverance and endurance and help them realize their own
 Competitions are motivations for the athletes to work hard and practice good qualities, such as
determination, patience and perseverance.
 Athletes, who participate in the Olympics especially, are given the chance to make their country
proud- bring out the best in themselves.
Sports Bring Out the Best in People

1. Sportsmanship (rebuttal: rude to the referees, beat them up, etc etc)
2. Perseverance – cross-country, will power, determination (not everyone takes drugs!) (rebuttals:
example of athlete who persevered? Kim Yu Na had injury, still competed)


1. Acc to international Olympic committee: “create peace between each country”- actually split
them up because of the competitiveness.
2. Casual sports: mentality to win at all cost (even at school level)
3. Government pays the athletes money for any prizes that they win: the athletes are motivated by
money and pride rather than interest.
4. If all athletes were all motivated to compete for their passion, why is there a need to test for
drug content? (rebuttal: not everyone takes drugs) (rebuttal by opp: influenced by other people
who already take drugs)
5. Fans’ madness over their idol athletes caused deaths
6. Whenever spectators watch sport competitions, their reactions may be violence or anger.
7. Competitive and rivalry among fans : anger, violence, riots
8. Casual sports: if one exercises much when young, the person’s health may be affected (injuries
etc cause after effect) in the future.

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