NB-CPR All-17-158 - New Citations in OJEU - August 2017

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GNB-CPR Group of Notified Bodies for the NB-CPR/All-17/158

Construction Products Regulation (EU) Issued: 18 August 2017

All No. 305/2011 Information

New citations of harmonised standards in OJEU

On 11 August 2017, the below new harmonised standards or new versions of harmonised standards were
cited in the Official Journal of the European Union (OJEU) No. 2017/C 267/04 See direct link.

Transition period SG/SH

Standard Number Title
EN 998-1:2016 Specification for mortar for masonry Part 1: 11.08.207 11.08.2018 SG02
Rendering and plastering mortar
EN 998-2:2016 Specification for mortar for masonry Part 2: 11.08.207 11.08.2018 SG02
Masonry mortar
EN 15681-2:2017 Glass in Building Basic alumino silicate 11.08.207 11.08.2018 SG09
glass products Part 2: Product standard

A restriction has been introduced for the standard EN 15681-2:2017, Glass in Building Basic alumino
silicate glass products Part 2: Product standard: The third sentence of Clause is excluded from the
scope of the reference published.).

During the transition, both the old and the new versions of the standards are applicable as harmonised
standards. After the transition period only the new versions can be applied.

Errors in the Official Journal

For the standards EN 998-1:2016 and EN 998-2:2016, the Official Journal erroneously indicates 31 August
2018. No end of the coexistence period is indicated.
The information about the transition period indicated in the above table is found in the NANDO database.
The Commission has indicated that the information found on NANDO is correct. Hence, Notified Bodies are
kindly requested to disregard the erroneous information in the Official Journal and anticipate its correction.


The notification scopes of notified bodies are no longer automatically updated when harmonised standard are
amended and/or new versions are cited.

Each notified body will need to apply with its notifying authority to have the new versions included in
their scope of notification!

After the end of the transition period, bodies which have not obtained notification for the new versions will no
longer be notified bodies for the harmonised standards in question.

GNB-CPR TechSec - Tech-Sec@dti.dk

Anders Elbek

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