Chaturvedi 2012

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2012 Fourth International Conference on Computational Intelligence and Communication Networks

Implementation of Different Non-Recursive FIR Band-

pass Filters using Fractional Fourier Transform
Somesh Chaturvedi*, Mahendra Kumar%, Girish Parmar# and Pankaj Shukla+
Department of Electronics Engineering, UCE, Rajasthan Technical University, Kota 324 022 (India)

provides maximum side lobe decreases and tuning in

Abstract This paper Proposed Implementation of dBs. The parameter  (Bessels coefficient) of Kaiser
Nonrecursive Finite Impulse Response (FIR) filter window we can achieve different type of windows like
with the help of Kaiser window and Fractional Rectangular, Bartlett, Hanning, Hamming, Blackman
Fourier Transform (FRFT). The window shape window. By combining Kaiser window with FRFT we
parameter is tuned for the transition band by can get the better results than the normal Fourier
considering linear phase FRFT FIR filter. FRFT of transform cases. The organization of the paper is as
Kaiser Window is taken and convolved with the follows:
response function for tuning purposes of the The section II deals with Fractional Fourier transform,
transition band which makes effective transition section III deals with design of windows using Kaiser,
band. This proposed method includes the change of section IV deals with implementation of tuning procedure
parameters of Kaiser window by which other using convolution. Section V deals with simulation and
windows like Rectangle, Bartlett, Hamming Blackman results and section VI deals with the conclusion.
and Hanning windows are generated by using FRFT.
The merit of using FRFT in FIR filter design is that
the impulse response need not be recomputed to II. FRACTIONAL FOURIER TRANSFORM
improve filter sharpening and thus online The FRFT belongs to the class of timefrequency
improvement in the frequency response can be representations that have been extensively used by the
obtained. signal processing community. In all the timefrequency
Index TermsFourier Transform, Fractional Fourier representations, one normally uses a plane with two
transform, Kaiser window, FIR filter. orthogonal axes corresponding to time and frequency. If
consider a signal x(t) to be represented along the time
axis and its ordinary Fourier transform X(f) to be
I. INTRODUCTION represented along the frequency axis, then the Fourier
Now-a-days Fractional Fourier transform has been widely transform operator (denoted by F) can be visualized as a
used as tool in signal processing [1], quantum mechanics change in representation of the signal corresponding to a
and quantum optics [2-5], pattern recognisation [6] and counter clockwise rotation of the axis by an angle /2.
study of time frequency distribution [7]. As the This is consistent with some of the observed properties of
mathematics reveals that the generation of the Fourier the Fourier transform. For example, two successive
transform is the fractional Fourier transform [FRFT], rotations of the signal through /2 will result in an
which are explained in [2,4]. The FRFT can be inversion of the time axis. Moreover, four successive
interpreted as the rotation of angle  in the time rotations will leave the signal unaltered since a rotation
frequency plane. The basic properties of FRFT as, when through 2 of the signal should leave the signal unaltered.
rotation angle  = /2 corresponds to the classical Fourier The FRFT is a linear operator that corresponds to the
transform,  = 0 corresponds an Identity operator and rotation of the signal through an angle which is not a
when we apply FRFT on a signal, the signal decomposes multiple of /2, i.e. it is there presentation of the signal
into chirps i.e., complex exponentials with linearly along the axis u making an angle  with the time axis.
varying instantaneous frequencies.
Since FIR filter of linear phase, inherent stability, i). Definition
negligible quantization noise and can be efficiently
implanted in multi-rate digital signal processing The FRFT is defined with the help of the
applications, so it is used frequently in many areas of transformation kernel K as [5-6] :
signal processing then the infinite impulse response (IIR)
filters. In general FIR filters can be derived with the help
of windows, sampling and optimal polynomials [8-9].
The design of filters with Fourier transform provides the (t u ) if is a multiple of 2
greatest mismatch occurring as the edges of the transition
band. The ringing occurs at the edges because of the K (t , u ) = (t + u ) if + is a multiple of 2
finite series Fourier transform cannot produce the sharp
edges at the transition band. 1 j cot if is not a multiple of
So suitable windows are to be taken to produce an 2
effective transition band. Kaiser window function

978-0-7695-4850-0/12 $26.00 2012 IEEE 343

DOI 10.1109/CICN.2012.131
(1) of the ordinary Fourier transform 4 times and therefore
also acts as the identity operator, i.e. Fo = F/2 = I:
Another useful form of writing the square root factor
preceding the transformation kernel; K can be obtained
by using [9] : (b) Fourier transform operator. F/2 is the Fourier
transform operator. The FRFT of order = /2 gives the
Fourier transform of the input signal.
1 j cot je j
= (2)
2 2 sin
(c) Successive applications of FRFT. Successive
The FRFT is defined using this kernel as FRFT of applications of FRFT are equivalent to a single transform
order  of x (t) denoted by : whose order is equal to the sum of the individual orders.
F(F)= F+

X (u ) = x(t ) K (t, u)dt

(3) (d) Inverse. The FRFT of order -  is the inverse of the
FRFT of order a since F-(F)= F- = Fo= I:

1 j cot j ( u cot / 2)
x(t )e j ( t cot / 2) jut cos ec ( ) dt ;
2 2

e iv). Applications of FRFT


X (u ) = if is not a multipleof The FRFT, being just an extension of the classical
x(t ) Fourier transform, can be used effectively in all situations
; if is a multiple of 2
where the Fourier transform is presently being used.
x( t ) ; if + is multiple of 2 Some gains can be expected in most of these applications
because of the additional degree of freedom (angle of
(4) rotation) that the FRFT provides us with.

ii). Computation of the FRFT

The FRFT of a signal x(t) can be computed by the III. DESIGN OF WINDOWS USING KAISER
following steps : WINDOW

1. product by a chirp-chirps are functions whose In a Kaiser window, the side lobe level can be controlled
frequency is linearly increasing with time. with respect to the main lobe peak by varying a parameter
2. a Fourier transform with its argument scaled by  .The width of the main lobe can be varied by adjusting
cosec(). the length of the filter. The Kaiser window function is
3. another product by a chirp. given by:
4. a product by a complex constant. I0 ( ) N 1
, for n
It is also found that the FRFT of a signal x(t) exists k (n) = I 0 ( ) 2 (5)
under the same conditions in which its Fourier transform 0,
exists. In order to discuss the various properties of the otherwise
FRFT, it would be ideal to denote the FRFT in an Where  is an independent variable determined by
operator notation. Kaiser. The parameter  is expressed by:
2n 2
= 1 (6)
N 1
iii). Properties of the FRFT The modified Bessel function of the first kind, I 0 ( x) ,
can be computed from its power series expansion given
Let, F denote the operator corresponding to the FRFT by:
of angle; . Under this notation, some of the important 2
1 x k
properties of the FRFT[7-9] operator are listed below : I 0 ( x) = 1 + (7)
k ! 2
k =1

( 0.25 x ) + ( 0.25 x )
(a) Identity operator. Fo is the identity operator. The 2 2 2 3
FRFT of order  = 0 is the input signal itself. The FRFT 0.25 x 2
= 1+ + + ......... (8)
(1!) ( 3!)
2 2
of order = 2 corresponds to the successive application (2!)2

The actual pass band ripple ( Ap ) and minimum stop response, if required, filter frequency response can be
sharpened by changing the FRFT order.
band attenuation ( As ) is given by:
Ap = 20 log10 dB (9) Results for method of tuning using Kaiser for different
1 p window value shown in fig: 1-6.
As = 20 log10 s dB (10)
1) Rectangular window (=0)
The transition bandwidth is:

F = f s f p (11)

The different values of  emulates the different window

functions which is expressed in table-1
 Window Function
0 Rectangular
1.33 Bartlett
3.86 Hanning
4.86 Hamming
7.04 Blackman
3 Kaiser

In this paper an attempt has been done for evalued all

windows using FRFT on Kaiser window. Fig.1 Frequency response of Kaiser window for =0 at different values
The modified impulse response is computed using: of 

N 1 2) Bartlett window (=1.33)

h(n) = wk (n)hd (n). for n (12)
The main lobe width, the peak side lobe level can be
varied by varying the parameters  and N. The side lobe
peak can be varied by varying the parameter . The
window shape parameter provides a convenient
continuous control over the fundamental window trade-
off between side-lobe level and main-lobe width. Larger
the value  provides lower side-lobe levels, but at the
price of a wider main lobe. Widening the main lobe
reduces frequency resolution when the window is used
for spectrum analysis.



An FIR digital filter operation is a linear convolution of

Fig.2 Frequency response of Kaiser window for =1.33 at different
the finite duration impulse response with the input signal values of 
sequence x (n) . The filtering operation in the frequency 3) Hanning window (=3.86)
domain is done using the FFT/IFFT algorithms [11].
Impulse response, h(n) for Kaiser window [12]. FIR
h(n) = wk (n)hd (n) where hd (n) are
filter is given by
the desired or ideal impulse response, and wk ( n) , the
Kaiser window sequence.
In this scheme, in place of impulse response coefficients,
window function coefficients wk ( n) are computed
corresponding to the initial filtering requirements. FFT of
wk (n) is then obtained by taking FRFT order = 1,
and is circularly convolved with the desired frequency

Fig.5 Frequency response of Kaiser window for =7.04 at different
values of 

Fig.3 Frequency response of Kaiser window for =3.86 at different

values of 
6) Kaiser w indow (=3)
4) Hamming window (=4.86)

Fig.6 Frequency response of Kaiser window for =3 at

Fig.4 Frequency response of Kaiser window for =4.86 at different
values of  different values of 

5) Blackman window (=7.04)
In this paper we implemented FRFT Rectangular
,Bartlett, Hanning, Hamming and Blackman window


from FRFT Kaiser window as the parameter  changed
for different values =0,1.33,3.86,4.86,7.04 and 3.
FIR filters should have less transition region and less
ripples in the pass and stop band. This can be achieved by
reducing the main lobe width and side lobe level. From
this work we can get the optimal FIR filters by using
FRFT, As  decreases from 1 to 0.1 main lobe width
decreases .So we can reduces the transition region.
In the conventional method of filter design, if the
transition band of an existing filter is to be sharpened a
filter redesign involving re-computation of impulse
response coefficients is required or we can cascade mere
filters in series. In this work, variability in the transition
band characteristics has been achieved by designing the
filter by convolving the FRFT of window function. This
approach does not require a redesign involving the
computation of impulse response coefficients as
decreasing the FRFT angle is observed to be analogous to
increasing the filter order. Computational burden can thus
be reduced by this method as sharp transitions are
obtained on line by simply reducing the FRFT order.


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