Celebrity Attitude Scale

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This survey purpose is to know your opinion about famous people. The opinion you would give
will be remain a secret. Theres no right or wrong answer so feel free to answer as you like it. For
the purpose of the survey, we define celebrity as famous people in your circle (or could be the
one that has passed away in your life) and the one that you adore much.

Who is your favorite celebrity? _______________ (please pick one as described before)

If your favorite celebrity are unknown to us, please circle one or more explanation below to explain
in what category does your favorite celebrity is known:

Actor Writer Artist Medical Model Music News Politics Religion Royal Family
TV/Radio Talkshow Science Sports Others (explain) _____

Use this scale to answer the question below:

5 = Strongly Agree; 4 = Agree; 3 = Doubful; 2 = Disagree; 1 = Very Disagree

1. If I met my Favorite Celebrity, he/she would know that Im his/her big fan
2. One of the reason I still adore my favorite celebrity is because he/she helps me for a
moment to forget my problems in life
3. My Favorite celebrity is perfect in everything
4. I have a special relationship with my favorite celebrity that I could not describe with words
5. To know about my favorite celebrity is to love him/her
6. If something bad happens to my favorite celebrity, I feel that it happens to me too
7. If my favorite celebrity failed or lose something, I felt like that its my failure
8. My favorite celebritys success is my success
9. I think that my favorite celebrity is my soulmate
10. If my favorite celebrity dies, I felt like dying too
11. If someone was to give me a thousand dollars to do what Id like to do, Id use it to buy
private things (like napkins or paper plate) that my favorite celebrity has used
12. If good things were to happen to my favorite celebrity, I felt that it happens to me too
13. Im obsessed with my favorite celebritys personal life
14. I have a photo or souvenir of my favorite celebrity which I kept at the same place
15. I love to talk to the person who also adores my favorite celebrity
16. Following the news about my favorite celebrity is an entertaining hobby
17. Its a fun time to be with the people that also likes my favorite celebrity
18. I enjoy the moments when I read, watch, or hear about my favorite celebrity because its
the best moments
19. Learning the life stories of my favorite celebrity is fun
20. I love to see and listen about my favorite celebrity when being with many people
21. Me and my friend love to discuss what is my favorite celebrity doing
22. I would likely to give my life away to save my favorite celebritys life
23. If Im lucky enough to meet my favorite celebrity and he/she asked me to do some illegal
things, I would probably do it
24. If I entered my favorite celebritys house without permission, he would be pleased to see
25. I often think about my favorite celebrity even when I dont want it
26. I often encouraged to learn my favorite celebritys personal habit
27. My favorite celebrity would save me when I need help
28. My favorite celebrity and I have a special code so that we could communicate secretly (like
by TV or special words through the radio)
29. If my favorite celebrity was accused for doing a crime, it would be most likely a false
30. If my favorite celebrity supports a legal drugs but has a dangerous effect to make people
feel better, I would likely try that drug
31. News about my favorite celebrity is a thing that entertains me from the harshness of life
32. If my favorite celebrity found me sitting in his/her car, maybe he/she would be sad or
33. Itd be very fun if I and my favorite celebrity were to be trapped in a same room for a few
34. If my favorite celebrity sees me in a restaurant, he/she would ask me to sit down and talk

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