Einstein Was An Idiot

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Humanity is going to require

a substantially new way of thinking
if it is to survive.
Albert Einstein

Albert Einstein was an idiot!

He may have been able to formulate
abstract equations, but he was a retarded mind
when talking about the future of humanity.

He should have looked over his blackboard

to see that everything is for the best
in the best of possible worlds.

The distribution of wealth in America gives a clear idea of

where the power resides.


1% owns

1% (+4%) own

Own 38,1%

40% own 0,25

That distribution glorifies the financial geniuses who

manage to own America. They ridicule the government of
he people, by the people, for the people and the stupid
whoever who proclaimed it

Despite such a beautiful distribution of wealth, America,

example of the most of everything, is also the most in debts.

You do not seem to realize, my dear Albert, that to be in

debts is the most positive proof of a good economy. To be
in debt means that others estimate you so much as terrific
business people that they wish you are going to borrow
more. The most debts you have, the richer you look.
Individuals cannot do that. They would end up in jail.
Governments can, especially when they are supported by
the strongest army in the world which would deter any
idea to be asked for money back.
n 4


Military 54% BUDGET Citizens 46%

South Korea + India

+ Japan + German
+ UK + France = AMERICA
+South Arabia
+Russia + China

Our army must grow as we are the main defenders of

peace. If we get broke in the process, we will borrow a
little more money and raise some taxes. So what? Its your

The world spends joyously every year in weapons

enough money to give a DAILY stick of BUTTER to
every human being on Earth. It could render all of
them intelligent! Forget it! That would be a disaster!

Manufacturing armaments is the most productive

money sector. If there was only one sector left, it would be
that sector. Permanent menace of war allows leaders to
keep a grip on people by making them understand that war
may be the way to clean up the too-much-of humanity. If
they dont want to be on that cleaned part, intelligent
people should invest as much as they can in the
armaments sector.
Peace mongers should pass a period of detoxification in
a special camp to become normal again by making heroes
out of leaders expending their armies. 6.000 years of wars
and fanfares have created military traditions that have to
be rigorously preserved if we want to survive.
About 30,000 children die daily from malnutrition or


If man does find the solution for world peace it will
be the most revolutionary reversal of his record we
have ever known.
General George C. Marshall

All the contradictions afflicting humanity are human-made

and can be solvable by synthesis between the two terms of
the supposed contradictions. All the contradictions but
one: War and Peace, War is the triumph of bad versus
In any case, the developed nations will never be able to
sustain crazy expenses for armies and enormous needs for
billions of stomachs coming soon, except if they consider
war as a means to eliminate the too many stomachs. Such
a solution is absolutely unacceptable by any individual with
a minimum of moral sense.

Peace is not for free. It is a moral and material reality that

has to be well conceived, well accepted, and well worked
for. It has to be clearly conceived and executed. Based on
the Dialectic of the Arts, NOPENNY offers a Program for the
construction of a world at Peace dealing with the realities
of today and tomorrow.

The world at peace will have to solve more than soon two
main problems: 1) Available resources of an already abused
and polluted planet. 2) Artificial Intelligence and Robots
that are going to transform daily human activities.

In order to manage a decent life in society, a new form of

government has to be created.

The government is made of two parts:

Government Science
Board Research ---- Survey


BOARD. In order to maintain real democracy, NOPENNY

closes an outdated moment of history by replacing any
President, Dictator, or else, and their fights for ideas more
personal and political than philosophical by a Board of
Ministers of equal rank, women and men. Their meetings
are public and televised, so that nobody can ignore what
they do. No secret files, no lobbying.
The members of the Board are elected for three years,
and cannot be elected more than twice. Instead of a
government of politicians, the government is a government
of knowledgeable people who act as a business board, not
as a technocracy. The members of that Board do not make
decisions by majority vs. minority, but by reaching syn-
theses. The board implements those syntheses. Numbers
of positions:
4 Education 2 Energy 2 Industry / Big and small
enterprises 2 Agriculture / Food 2 Finances 2 Judiciary
1 Arts/ Monuments 1 International Relations.
The final choice of the candidates elected by their peers
in every branch is finalized by a vote of the whole
electorate. All candidates are provided with the same
capabilities of campaign advertising funded by the
Government. No private funding.


SCIENCE. Scientists constitute a World Community. With

the support of the Executive, they have periodic reunions

of their delegates to make syntheses of what is and what

could be. They present their conclusions to the executive
to help it to make logical moves. Following the Arts
Dialectic, science must not be an object of competition but
always an object of collaboration to realize positive
If Sciences are basically Research, scientists must also
constitute Mobile Teams to estimate with precision the
resources of the planet, their repartition, and their usage.
At the example of the government, the works of science
are made public.
Science has only a Consultative power with the role to
to help the Board to make logical moves.


The future is already here with Artificial Intelligence and

Robots. They can be considered under two contradictory
aspects. Pessimistic: they will deprive labor of its means of
subsistence. Optimistic: they will liberate humans of part of
their labor to give them time to cultivate their own intel-
lectual or realistic garden.
There is no contradiction between the two as the two
are true. The only problem is to comfort the pessimist and
to support the dreams of the optimist.
It is precisely where Artificial Intelligence and Robots
can replace human labor and provide humans with the
possibility of a better life. The better life is a government
problem. It can be achieved by two means:
1) The ownership of AI and Robots cannot be in the
hands of the few who can afford them placing auto-
matically the bulk of the population to their beck and will,
like it happened with the owners of the first locomotive
enslaving the workers of the Industrial Revolution..
Corporations must be subjected to three measures:
a) Corporations have to be located in any of the
countries of ownership and all accounts have to be
b) Member(s) of the government have the power of

participatory democracy in any business enterprise of

the concerned countries.
c) Top salaries are limited.
2) Citizens with no possibility to find work are entitled
to an Unemployment Check at the condition to give a
definite number of hours devoted to Governmental or
Social Services. Old age persons with limited income are
entitled to an Old Age Pension with eventual voluntary
work to Social Services.
As defined in the following detailed NOPENNY Program,
all citizens have for life the possibility to practice sports of
their choice or to participate in all Arts manifestations.


A World Community, not a World Government because

a World Government can be overthrown.
All nations preserve their ethnic personality. Periodic
reunion of nations to review what has been done, has
to be done, and how to do it.
A Special Council of 20 delegates chosen for three years
among qualified representatives from all nations advises in
case of emergency. Formal rule: no opposition is admitted
if not accompanied by a positive proposition.


FREE EDUCATION. Education is what conditions the whole

life of the individual and an imperative to achieve
democracy. Free education at all levels is the primary duty
of government. The students education must be made of:
1 CLASSIC. Grammar, literature, mathematics. No
more than four hours of teaching a day and no more than
one hour of home work a day. History, geography, botanic,
pollution, and more can be taught with the help of movies.
2 ARTS. Exposure participation to all living arts in-
cluding orchestras, movies, theater, cooking, etc.
3 SPORTS. According to location and predilection,

practice of sport such as tennis, golf, horse riding, sailing,

gliding, etc. Free practice of artistic and sportive activities is
accessible for life to their participants.

ENVIRONMENT / ENERGY. Ban on all destructions of the

environment. Removal of polluting sources, including
reducing the enormous flocks of cows. Systematic devel-
opment of clean energy with strict reduction of coal and
diesel energies.
Development of public transportation while reducing
the use of automobiles, and of planes which are great
polluters and users of energy to transport a small number
of people.
Reduction of long-range transportation of goods that
could be produced locally.
LIMITED resources. Scientific establishment of a balance
between real needs of nations and natural resources.
2 AGRICULTURE. Sustained development in all coun-
tries of agricultural techniques with elimination of all toxic
fertilizers and GMOs. Revival of local productions.
3 INDUSTRY / BUSINESS. Adaptation to AI and
Robotic Revolution with life and employment conse-
Cooperation between industrial enterprises eliminates
wasteful competition. Goods are made to last and be
repairable. Limited value is added on produced goods.
Support to small enterprises gives life back to small towns
and recreates local jobs while preserving originality.

REFERENDUMS. Periodic or exceptional referendums are

conducted at national level. Direct Democracy obliges the
citizens to follow closely and participate actively in the life
of the country and the world. Being at the same time its
own representative and senator, the citizen takes direct
responsibility for the future. Referendums are not a vote.
They are a way to inform the board of the judgment of the
citizens about the work of their board.

JUDGES. The results of referendums are submitted to a

group of four judges elected among their peers in a
Supreme Court. The judges synthesize the answers and
report them to the Operational Board with their own
comments and suggestions. In case of total disagreement
between the citizenry and the Board the Supreme Court
has the power to dissolve the Boa and ask for new
elections. The Judges are elected for three year, with no
more than two consecutive mandates.

NOPENNY is the peaceful party of all those, whatever their

religion or creeds, who want to create a livable world for all
and for the coming generations. This would demonstrate
that, after all,

was not a total

NOPENNY Party of the Have-nots

No membership No fundraising but give

your hand to form a Round around the World.
Give it to nopennyopera@gmail.com or facebook
If you want an electronic or printed copy of
ask for it at nopennyopera@gmail.com

Statue of Liberty 2054 or tomorrow Peace Race --

Have-nots Round the World by PEB
Laughing men by J. Pouzet
Young miner by

Bicephalous (after Donkey and Elephant

by Th. Nast, 1874-78 ) Neanderthalensis
Buttocks by M. Mockers

Composed and written by Michel Mockers

MAD GOOSE productions

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