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ANNEXURE ( Audit Period from 01.04.2015 to 31.03.


1. Check report issued with Tax + CF Collection, Late remittance

CF/Tax Late by
CF Fixed Collection
S.No. C/R.No. Vehicle No Fixed No. of
on Date Date
Rs. days
1 83102 KL26B9197 29.2.16 1.3.16 1
2 83129 KL02U6359 1.3.16 2.3.16 1
3 117855 KL25D9332 31.7.15 1.8.15 1
3. Short Collection

Check Balance
Vehicle CF
S.No C/R.No. Report
No. Collecte to be Remarks
Date Fixed
d Rs. collected
1 83019 26.2.15 KL07BE7 30 10 20 Ser.Charge
2 83040 27.2.16 KL02AQ7 1000 0 1000 CF
4. a ) Check Report Forwarded to other offices,despatch details not found

S.No. Check Report No. Check Report Date Vehicle No. No.

1 117074 24.06.15 TN47 AE7607 2887

117120 27.06.15 TN51 L 7214 2933
117173 30.06.15 TN72 AC9841 2986
117991 07.08.15 TN76 Y 9402 3806
137027 08.08.15 TN39 AZ6665 3842
137033 08.08.15 TN64 D 9190 3848
137124 12.08.15 TN58 S 2460 3939
137534 31.08.15 TN68 7188 4352
137659 06.09.15 TN79 A 3054 4448
137698 08.09.15 TN67 AA0223 4487
150596 14.09.15 TN79 5967 4635
150700 19.09.15 TN69 AK9749 4740
150711 19.09.15 TN09 BV1905 4751
150738 20.09.15 TN57 W 8628 4778
150746 21.09.15 TN52 F 7826 4786
150821 24.09.15 TN55 AF4388 4861
150882 26.09.15 TN76 L 8248 4921
150905 27.09.15 KL02 T 0665 4944
241845 08.10.15 TN76 H 9402 5134
261471 12.10.15 TN67 AR 5851 5210
456068 25.10.15 TN76 K 3051 5458
456069 25.10.15 TN76 E 5838 5459
456350 12.11.15 TN76 S 5096 5739
456678 01.12.15 KA19AA5758 entries found in "Proposed / Blank Colu
456729 04.12.15 AP26TT5949 entries found in "Proposed / Blank Colu
456739 04.12.15 TN45AQ0288 entries found in "Proposed / Blank Colu
456744 04.12.15 TN31BV8960 entries found in "Proposed / Blank Colu
456788 07.12.15 TN25T3728 entries found in "Proposed / Blank Colu
456789 07.12.15 TN74AC0137 entries found in "Proposed / Blank Colu
456807 07.12.15 Not available details not available in the Distribution & Desp
456811 07.12.15 TN05W9419 entries found in "Proposed / Blank Colu
456890 11.12.15 TN50A7009 entries found in "Proposed / Blank Colu
456915 13.12.15 TN34F2007 entries found in "Proposed / Blank Colu
461130 22.12.15 KA02AE5749 entries found in "Proposed / Blank Colu
461340 02.01.16 TN76Q9015 entries found in "Proposed / Blank Colu
463004 08.01.16 KL02AF8800 entries found in "Proposed / Blank Colu
463445 21.01.16 TN32AD8937 entries found in "Proposed / Blank Colu
57136 27.01.16 TN59Y4464 entries found in "Proposed / Blank Colu
57249 31.01.16 TN75A7922 entries found in "Proposed / Blank Colu
57277 01.02.16 KL05AH9080 entries found in "Proposed / Blank Colu
57525 07.02.16 TN79 2217 entries found in "Proposed / Blank Colu
57683 16.02.16 TN21AU8777 entries found in "Proposed / Blank Colu
83086 28.02.16 TN57 J 2576 entries found in "Proposed / Blank Colu
83104 28.02.16 Not available entries found in "Proposed / Blank Colu
729366 10.05.16 AP03TA7779 entries found in "Proposed / Blank Colu
1097149 16.06.16 Not available
1097150 16.06.16 Not available
1097236 21.06.16 TN76AZ7270 entries found in "Proposed / Blank Colu
1097961 24.07.16 TN69AM2982 entries found in "Proposed / Blank Colu
2322493 30.07.16 TN65 J0619 entries found in "Proposed / Blank Colu
1189040 26.08.16 Not available entry record as "Not issued CR"
945539 20.12.16 Not available entry record as "requested to collect OB

r offices but all the items are could been not confirmed. Whether There all the things are Check Report (or) not

4. a ) Check Report Forwarded to other offices, the details were found in the Despatch Register from september 2015 has been given in

S.No. Check Report No. Check Report Date Vehicle No. No.

117226 02.07.15 KL 04 L 1275 3039

117244 03.07.15 KL02E6730
117267 04.07.15 KL 02 D 5898
117302 06.07.15 KL04 D 1195
117308 06.07.15 KL16 A 7531
117308 10.07.15 KL02 T 1863
117443 13.07.15 KL 02 Y 5733
117570 18.07.15 KL 02 V 8994
117441 26.07.15 KL 02 AA 1787
117664 22.07.15 KL 04 S 3825
117553 17.07.15 KL 08 AA 4047
117493 15.07.15 KL 02 R 1366
117365 10.07.15 KL 25 0349
117233 02.07.15 KL21 A 3347
117842 31.07.15 KL03 N 4404
241835 07.10.15 KL33 C 2442
117751 26.07.15
117503 16.07.15 TN20 AT 4446
456739 04.12.15 TN45 AQ 0288
117468 15.07.15 TN69 M 9486
117558 18.07.15 TN40 A 7320
117289 05.07.15 TN38 AB 3058
57198 29.01.16 TN52 E 5693
57476 07.02.16 TN09 BM 7726
57481 07.02.16 TN45 F 3577
57525 07.02.16 TN79 2217
57626 14.02.16 TN79 A 2652
1097236 21.06.16 TN76 AZ 7270
45677 10.12.15 TN54D7499 6268

456877 11.12.15 TN54D 7499 6268

Welfare Tax (1% of Tax) collection in day to day transaction and the drawn Demand Draft has been sent to The Secy.TN Man
(Where the details were found in Main cash book and Welfare Tax (1% Tax) file found along with Cash book, But this sendin

Office Name : Check Post, Puliarai

DD sending office letter No. Postal

Sl.No. Postal Amount
and Date
Period of 1% Tax Acknowledegme Charged
Collection nt No. and Date Rs.
1 Dt:11.4.15 24.03.15 to 6.4.15 A RT604045715 I 25-
2 Dt:28.4.15 7.4.15 to 19.4.15 A RT324180150IN25-
3 Dt:10.5.15 20.4.15 to 28.4.15 &A RT324187073 I 25- Dt:22.5..15 8.5.15 to 18.5.15 A RT668193552 I 25- Dt:9.6.15 19.5.15 TO 7.6.15 A RT324191869 I 25- Dt:1.7.15 8.6.15 TO 25.6.15 A RT640082551IN30- Dt:25.7.15 26.6.15 TO 5.7.15 &A RT642571433IN25- Dt:12.8.15 17.7.15 TO 26.7.15 A RT756195704 I 25- Dt:1.9.15 4.8.15 TO 6.8.15 & A RT652863263 I 25- Dt:6.10.15 27.8.15 TO 28.9.15 NIL NIL Dt:22.10.15 29.9.15 TO 18.10.15A RT655757476 I 25- Dt:16.11.15 19.10.15 TO 12.11. A RT642587362 I 25- Dt:11.12.15 13.11.15 TO 9.12.15A RT650431375 I 25- Dt:18.1.16 23.12.15 TO 12.01.1A RT650426985 I 25- Dt:11.2.16 13.01.16 TO 19.01.1A RT650427549 I 25- Dt:11.3.16 05.02.16 TO 16.2.16A RT650428368 I 25- Dt:19.4.16 11.3.16 TO 27.3.16,NIL NIL Dt:18.5.16 15.4.16 TO 24.4.16,A RT683071763 I 25- Dt:17.6.16 13.5.16 TO 23.5.16,A RT650428822 I 25- Dt:16.7.16 13.6.16 TO 23.6.16 A RT650429791 I 25- Dt:10.8.16 11.7.16 TO 24.7.16 A RT698830465 I 25- Dt:6.9.16 8.8.16 TO 22.8.16 &A RT709599186 I 25- Dt:1.10.16 6.9.16 TO 18.9.16 &NIL NIL Dt:25.10.16 30.9.16 TO 12.10.16A RT774940146 I 25- Dt:15.11.16 24.10.16 TO 3.11.16NIL NIL Dt:15.12.16 11.11.16 TO 13.12. A RT780110620 I 25- Dt:1.2.17 NIL A RT794028415 I 25- Dt:15.2.17 6.1.17 TO 15.2.17 &A RT798686488 I 25- Dt:23.3.17 NIL NIL NIL
h details not found DR DETAILS

Remarks ( Details were found

in Distribution Register
Which has been given to Spl.
entries found in "Proposed / Blank Column"
entries found in "Proposed / Blank Column"
entries found in "Proposed / Blank Column"
entries found in "Proposed / Blank Column"
entries found in "Proposed / Blank Column"
entries found in "Proposed / Blank Column"
entries found in "Proposed / Blank Column"
entries found in "Proposed / Blank Column"
Verified with despath register. The details found
Verified with despath register. The details found
Verified with despath register. The details found
entries found in "Proposed / Blank Column"
entries found in "Proposed / Blank Column"
Verified with despath register. The details found
entries found in "Proposed / Blank Column"
entries found in "Proposed / Blank Column"
entries found in "Proposed / Blank Column"
entries found in "Proposed / Blank Column"
entries found in "Proposed / Blank Column"
entries found in "Proposed / Blank Column"
entries found in "Proposed / Blank Column"
entries found in "Proposed / Blank Column"
entries found in "Proposed / Blank Column"
entries found in "Proposed / Blank Column"
entries found in "Proposed / Blank Column"
entries found in "Proposed / Blank Column"
entries found in "Proposed / Blank Column"
entries found in "Proposed / Blank Column"
entries found in "Proposed / Blank Column"
tails not available in the Distribution & Despatch register
entries found in "Proposed / Blank Column"
entries found in "Proposed / Blank Column"
entries found in "Proposed / Blank Column"
entries found in "Proposed / Blank Column"
entries found in "Proposed / Blank Column"
entries found in "Proposed / Blank Column"
entries found in "Proposed / Blank Column"
entries found in "Proposed / Blank Column"
entries found in "Proposed / Blank Column"
entries found in "Proposed / Blank Column"
entries found in "Proposed / Blank Column"
entries found in "Proposed / Blank Column"
entries found in "Proposed / Blank Column"
entries found in "Proposed / Blank Column"
entries found in "Proposed / Blank Column"
entry record as "cancelled"
entry record as "cancelled"
entries found in "Proposed / Blank Column"
entries found in "Proposed / Blank Column"
entries found in "Proposed / Blank Column"
entry record as "Not issued CR"
entry record as "requested to collect OB tax

Check Report (or) not

ister from september 2015 has been given into audit

Remarks (Entries were found

in Despatch Register and the
other details were noted in
Distribution Register)
n the Register. Hence the CR was not despatched and collection of CF / Tax was not collected

mand Draft has been sent to The Secy.TN Manual Workers Social Security Welfare Board, Chennai-34
found along with Cash book, But this sending DD details also not cover under the Despatch Register)

Name of the Bank (Which DD.No.

the DD Drawn and Date Amount Rs.
SBI,SENGOTTAI 1675434/18305-
SBI,SENGOTTAI 167702/206615-
SBI,TRAVANGORE,SENGOTTAI 167823/29.4985- & 4915-
SBI,SENGOTTAI 647053/27.5255- &8270-
SBI,SENGOTTAI 647263/18.6050& 5235-
SBI,TRAVANGORE,SENGOTTAI 846247/6.76775- &6510-
SBI,TRAVANGORE,SENGOTTAI 647487/27.8170-6150-
SBI,PULIARAI 84620/17. 7780- &6640
SBI,PULIARAI 846286/8.97850-,9930& 5805
SBI,PULIARAI 846306/8. 6680- & 7060-
SBI,PULIARAI 846314/26.6725-5420- & 8475-
SBI,PULIARAI 846325 /--8490-& 12100-
SBI,PULIARAI 846339/2310910-& 18515-
SBI,PULIARAI 846349/20.8195-&12070-
SBI,PULIARAI 846361/17.1047-,11395-,10825-&7690-
SBI,PULIARAI 846384/2816265-,10320,12405-
SBI,PULIARAI 846397/2510205-,12275-,7850-
SBI,PULIARAI 846415/2410635-,11775-,10520-
SBI,PULIARAI 846500/2412415-,15885-
SBI,PULIARAI 846472/2513770-,13170-
SBI,PULIARAI 846511/2214640-,12995-
SBI,PULIARAI 846523/1912625-&10920-
SBI,PULIARAI 846540/1312805-&10425-
SBI,PULIARAI 846561/4. 11560-&5940-
SBI,PULIARAI 846570/238750-&16530-
SBI,PULIARAI 846597/-- 21962-&15435-
SBI,PULIARAI 846556/15.11100-&13465-
SBI,PULIARAI 846608/2211795-
4. Check Report Forwarded to other of
S.No. Check Re
Report Forwarded to other offices,despatch details not found
Check ReVehicle No.
5. Omni Bus - Difference of Tax

Check Balance
Date of Vehicle OB Tax Collecti
S.No Report to be
Check No. demand on
No. collected

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