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2-1-Product Development


Abdulaziz M. El-Tamimi
Activities of product development

Identifying an opportunity or demand for a new

Creating the technical specifications for the new-
product idea
Developing the production process to produce the new
Fabricating the new product
Distributing the new product
Sequential Approach to product development


Market Design Manufacturing

Analysis Analysis Analysis

Series of Engineering
Integrated Approach to product development


Market Design Manufacturing

Analysis Analysis Analysis

Analyzing, process planning.

Ergonomics, reliability,
manufacturability, assembly,
testing, Costing,
Generic Product Development

A set of ongoing activities that an organization must

perform to conceive, manufacture, and sell a product
Are the result of a multidisciplinary effort that
includes marketing, research, engineering design,
quality assurance, manufacturing, and a whole chain
of suppliers
Comprises all strategic planning, capital investments,
and management decisions
Generic Product Development Process

Concept System-Level Detail Testing and Production

Development Design Design Refinement Ram-Up


0. Planning (Phase zero): cooperate strategy including assessment of

technology developments and market objectives. The output is the project mission
statement, which specifies the target market for the product, business goals, key
assumptions, and constraints.
1. Concept Development [Front-Ends}: The needs of the target market [customer
needs and specification] are identified, alternative product concepts are generated
and evaluated, and one or more concepts are selected for further development and
2. System-level Design: define product architecture and its components. The output
usually includes a geometric layout of the product, a functional specification of each
of the products subsystems, and a preliminary process flow diagram for the final
assembly process.
Generic Product Development Process

Concept System-Level Detail Testing and Production

Development Design Design Refinement Ram-Up


3. Detail Design: Complete specification of the geometry, materials, and tolerances of

all of the unique parts in the product and the identification of all of the standard
parts to be purchased from suppliers. A process plan is established and tooling is
designed for each part to be fabricated within the production system. The output is
the control document of the product, including the assembly of the product.
4. Testing and Refinement: Construction and evaluation of multiple preproduction
versions of the product. [Alpha prototypes & Beta prototypes ].
5. Production Ramp-up: The product is made using the intended production system
to train work force and to work out any remaining problems in the process.
The tasks and responsibilities for each phase

Marketing Function
Concept System-Level Testing and Production
Planning Detail Design
Development Design Refinement Ramp-Up

Articulate Collect Develop plan Develop Develop Place early
market customer for product marketing plan. promotion and production
opportunity. needs. options and launch with key
extended materials. customers.
Define market Identify lead
product family.
segments. users. Facilitate field
The tasks and responsibilities for each phase

Design Function
Concept System-Level Testing and Production
Planning Detail Design
Development Design Refinement Ramp-Up

Consider Investigate Generate Define part Reliability testing. Evaluate
product feasibility of alternative geometry. early
Life testing.
platform and product product production
architecture. concepts. architectures. Performance output.
Assess new Develop Define major
technologies. industrial sub-systems Obtain
design and interfaces. regulatory
concepts. Complete approvals.
industrial design
Build and test industrial Implement
experimental design. design changes.
The tasks and responsibilities for each phase

Manufacturing Function
Concept System-Level Testing and Production
Planning Detail Design
Development Design Refinement Ramp-Up

Identify Estimate Identify Define piece- Facilitate supplier Begin
production manufacturing suppliers for part ramp-up. operation of
constraints. cost. key production entire
Refine fabrication
components. processes. production
Set supply Assess and assembly
chain strategy. production Perform Design processes.
feasibility. make-buy tooling.
Train work force.
Define quality
Refine quality
Define final assurance
assembly processes.
of long-lead
The tasks and responsibilities for each phase

Other Function
Concept System-Level Testing and Production
Planning Detail Design
Development Design Refinement Ramp-Up

Other Functions
Research: Finance: Finance: Sales: Develop
Demonstrate Facilitate facilitate sales plan.
available economic make-buy
technologies. analysis. analysis.

Finance: Legal: Service:Identif

Provide Investigate y service
planning goals. patent issues. issues.

Allocate project
Concept Development: The Front-End Process

Identifying customer needs Setting final specifications

Establishing target Project planning
specifications Economic analysis
Concept generation Benchmarking of
Concept selection competitive products
Concept testing Modeling and prototyping
How can product development be specified?

1) Technology vs Market Driven:

a) Technology driven products are those that arise out of a new technology
or scientific discovery which are of a small fraction of new products.
Air travel (due to the invention of airplanes)
Light bulb (due to development of electricity and vacuum sealed bulbs)
cell phone (due to development of communication )
b) Market driven products are the majority of product designs (where, the
designer identifies customer needs for a product, and systematically
develops a product satisfying such needs), this involves modification of
an existing product. Examples
PC Laptop computer;
Electronic diary PDA
How can product development be specified?

2) Revolutionary vs. Evolutionary:

a) Revolutionary products are generated by new technology. they may be
technological breakthroughs, market driven, or, often both. Examples
Semiconductor transistors (first developed by William Shockley et al in AT&T
Bell Labs, USA).
4-stroke internal combustion engine (by Nikolaus Otto in 1876, and still used in
almost all modern automobiles)

b) Evolutionary products are developed from an existing design to

improve some aspect(s). Product improvement is done by using ideas
based on: (Human factors; Using New Materials; Using New Manufacturing
Techniques; New Design; Mass customization; Using New Clever Packaging;
etc.). Most modern products have been developed this way. Examples
Microsoft Internet Explorer (copied and improved from Netscape)
Pilot ball-point pens (for an interesting historical note of Ball-point pens; see
book by Mike Baxter, Product Design, Chapman and Hall )
Adapting the Generic Product Development Process

Summary of variants of generic development process.

Generic Technology Platform Process
(Market Pull) Push Products Intensive

Description The firm begins with The firm begins The firm assumes Characteristics of New products
a market opportunity, with a new that the new the product are are slight
then finds technology, then product will be built highly constrained variations of
appropriate finds an around an by the production existing
technologies to appropriate established process. configurations.
meet customer market. technological sub-
needs. system.
Distinctions Planning phase Concept Both process and Similarity of
with respect involves matching development product must be projects allows
technology and assumes a developed together for a highly
to generic
market. Concept technology platform. from the very structured
process development beginning, or an development
assumes a given existing production process.
technology. process must be
specified from the
Examples Most sporting goods, Gore-Tex rainwear, Consumer Snack foods, Switches,
furniture, tools. Tyvek envelopes. electronics, cereal, chemicals, motors,
computers, printers. semiconductors. batteries,
Adapting the Generic Product Development Process

Summary of variants of generic development process.

High-Risk Quick-build
Complex Systems
Products products

Description Technical or market Rabid modeling and System must be

uncertainties create prototyping enables decomposed into several
high risks of failure many design-build- subsystems and many
test cycles components
Distinctions with Risk are identified Detail design and Subsystems and
respect to early and tracked testing phases are components are
throughout the repeated a number of developed by many
generic process
process-Analysis times until the teams working in parallel,
and testing activities product is completed followed by system
take place as early or time/budget run integration and validation
as possible outs
Examples Pharmaceuticals, Software, cellular Airplanes, jet engines,
space systems phones automobiles
Product Development Process Flows

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