IBA 2007 KAR Parting Four Attachments Outline0

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IBA Studies Online

Course: Parting from the Four Attachments

Author: Manjushri/Sachen Kunga Nyingpo

Teacher: Khenchen Appey Rinpoche

Location: IBA, 2007

audio track time topics covered

00:00-10:20 Prayers
10:20-44:30 Introduction to the teachings

1 Teachings on Refuge

44:30-1:21:09 The nature of taking refuge, the causes for taking refuge, the objects of refuge
1:21:09-1:36:49 The manner of taking refuge
00:00-04:12 Prayers
04:12-19:11 Qualities of the Buddha

2 19:11-24:43 Qualities of the Dharma

24:43-45:35 Qualities of the Sangha

45:35-48:20 Distinguishing qualities

1| IBA Studies Online, 2007, Khenchen Appey Rinpoche, Parting from the Four Attachments
48:20-1:19:01 Vows and training associated to having taking refuge in the Three Jewels

1:19:01-1:25:50 The benefits of having taken refuge

1:25:50-1:42:47 On the three yanas and the five paths

00:00-06:25 Introduction to the teachings on Parting from the Four Attachments

06:25-14:49 Overview of the teachings

14:49-26:42 Corresponding teachings by Atisha

26:42-33:41 Related daily recitations
First line: If you have attachment to this life, you are not an genuine Dharma
33:41-53:16 The eight worldly concerns

53:16-1:14:02 The difficulty of obtaining a precious human life

1:14:02-1:35:56 Death and impermanence

1:35:56-1:36:17 Concluding prayers

00:00-02:39 Introduction

02:39-05:01 Karma, cause and result: what is karma?

05:01-32:56 What are unwholesome deeds?

4 32:56-49:30 The results of unwholesome deeds

49:30-54:01 Purifying unwholesome deeds

54:01-1:05:50 What is wholesome?

1:05:50-1:11:01 Experiencing the result of actions

2| IBA Studies Online, 2007, Khenchen Appey Rinpoche, Parting from the Four Attachments
1:11:01-1:14:51 Transforming neutral actions

1:14:51-1:41:18 Engaging in the Dharma out of attachment to this life

1:41:18-1:42:22 Concluding prayers

00:00-04:14 Prayers
04:14-07:10 The importance of the right view
Second line: If you have attachment to samsara, you do not have renunciation.

07:10-11:08 Introduction
5 11:08-33:40 A general presentation of the faults of samsara
Presentation of the specific sufferings of samsara: hell realms (33:40-56:00), hungry ghosts
33:40-1:22:36 (56:00-1:03:00), animals (1:03:00-1:07:55), humans (1:07:55-1:16:48), devas (1:16:48-
1:22:36-1:32:52 The benefits of reflecting on the sufferings of samsara

1:32:52-1:34:48 Prayers
00:00-04:05 Prayers

04:05-07:42 How to impart and receive Dharma teachings

07:43-24:19 On the causes of samsara: the defilements
6 24:19-38:50 On the eight types of consciousness

38:50-57:21 The twelve links of dependent arising

57:21-1:05:48 The four Noble Truths and the wheel of life

1:05:48-1:12:32 The faults of the defilements

3| IBA Studies Online, 2007, Khenchen Appey Rinpoche, Parting from the Four Attachments
Third line: If you have attachment to your personal benefit, you have no bodhicitta.

1:12:32-1:19:11 Introduction

1:19:11-1:27:09 On loving kindness and its benefits

1:27:09-1:43:20 How to cultivate of loving kindness

00:00-04:25 Prayers

04:25-27:58 How to cultivate loving kindness (continued)

27:58-34:46 On compassion and its benefits
34:46-55:23 How to cultivate compassion

55:23-1:09:22 On bodhicitta (the mind of enlightenment) and its benefits

1:09:22-1:16:26 The bodhicitta vow

1:16:26-1:24:24 Gradual training in bodhicitta, overcoming discouragement

1:24:24-1:27:57 Precepts of trainees of middling capacity

1:27:57-1:31:00 Precepts of the mind of enlightenment of aspiration and application

1:31:00-1:34:16 Equalizing self and others

00:00-03:07 Prayers
03:07-18:34 On exchanging self with others

8 18:34-37:53 How to exchange self with others

37:53-46:05 The benefits of exchanging self with others

46:05-57:35 On the faults of being selfish and the benefits of being altruistic

4| IBA Studies Online, 2007, Khenchen Appey Rinpoche, Parting from the Four Attachments
57:35-59:07 On the six perfections (paramitas): Introduction

59:07-1:24:47 On generosity

1:24:47-1:27:08 Four special qualities of the perfections

1:27:08-1:31:02 Seven attachments to be abandoned

1:31:02-1:35:28 How each perfection contains the other five

1:35:28-1:37:00 The benefits of the perfections

1:37:00-1:58:29 Prayers
00:00-03:19 Prayers
Fourth Line: If clinging arises, it is not the view.

03:19-17:26 On the perfection of meditation

17:26-27:21 Prerequisites necessary to accomplish meditative concentration

27:21-31:28 Preliminaries for the practice of calm abiding

31:28-37:06 The objects of concentration
37:06-46:06 The posture and benefits of meditation

46:06-52:57 Nine methods of abiding: the first method, placing the mind
52:57-1:18:33 Five faults and eight antidotes

1:18:33-1:28:44 The remaining eight methods of abiding

1:28:44-1:33:37 On concentration and wisdom

1:33:37-1:53:48 Prayers

5| IBA Studies Online, 2007, Khenchen Appey Rinpoche, Parting from the Four Attachments
00:00-04:14 Prayers

04:14-09:44 Gradual cultivation of meditative concentration

09:44-21:31 On the perfection of wisdom

21:31-25:28 How to cultivate wisdom

25:28-28:44 The dangers of misunderstanding the teachings on emptiness

28:44-34:54 Selflessness and the two truths

34:54-37:54 The meaning of self and selflessness
37:54-45:30 Examining the self of the person
45:30-53:36 Joining insight and meditative concentration
53:36-1:04:25 Selflessness of the person and the five aggregates

1:04:25-1:20:26 Examining the self of phenomena

1:20:26-1:28:01 On the stages of insight into ultimate reality

1:28:01-1:42:45 The particular manner of cultivating superior insight according to this tradition

1:42:45-1:54:45 Concluding words and words of advice to Tibetan monastics (in Tibetan)

1:54:45-2:07:03 Concluding prayers

2:07:03-2:08:55 Khenchen Appey Rinpoche's transmission lineage for these teachings

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