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Oceanic Mass Transport by Mesoscale

sent work, the outmost closed PV con-
tours on isopycnals are used as the cri-
terion to determine the boundary of

Eddies fluid trapped by eddies.

Regarding the second challenge of
capturing the three-dimensional struc-
tures of mesoscale eddies, our recent
Zhengguang Zhang,1 Wei Wang,1* Bo Qiu2 study has demonstrated that they can be
Physical Oceanography Lab, Qingdao Collaborative Innovation Center of Marine Science and Technology, reconstructed by combining the high-
Ocean University of China, Qingdao, P. R. China. 2Department of Oceanography, University of Hawaii at resolution satellite altimeter data and
Manoa, Honolulu, HI, USA concurrent Argo profiling float temper-
*Corresponding author. Physical Oceanography Lab, 5 Yushan Road, Qingdao 266003, P. R. China. E- ature/salinity data (14). Once the three-
mail: dimensional potential density (density
hereafter) field is reconstructed from
Oceanic transports of heat, salt, and fresh water, dissolved CO2 and other tracers the altimeter sea surface height (SSH)
regulate global climate change and distribution of natural marine resources. While measurements, we are able to evaluate
the time-mean ocean circulation transports fluid as a conveyor belt, fluid parcels the eddy-perturbed PV field and finally
can also be trapped and transported discretely by migrating mesoscale eddies. By quantify the fluid volume trapped by
combining available satellite altimetry and Argo profiling float data, we show that the moving eddies (15). To verify our

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the eddy-induced zonal mass transport can reach a total meridionally integrated method of reconstructing the eddy den-
value up to 30-40 Sv (1 Sv = 106 m3 s1), and it occurs mainly in subtropical regions sity field, we use independent mooring
where the background flows are weak. This transport is comparable in magnitude observations from different regions of
with that of the large-scale, wind- and thermohaline-driven circulation. the world oceans: the Labrador Sea, the
Arabian Sea and the Kuroshio Exten-
sion (Fig. 1). The reconstructed eddy
Heat and material transports in oceans play a dominant role in regulating density structures are found to compare favorably with the mooring re-
Earths climate and in controlling the oceanic absorption of greenhouse sults for both the warm- and cold-core eddies. The relative errors of the
gases responsible for the global warming. Large-scale wind- and ther- reconstructed density displacement are estimated to be 20% of the vari-
mohaline-driven ocean circulation has traditionally been regarded to ance (15), an uncertainty level acceptable for estimating the fluid volume
constitute the major part of the oceanic transport, and its spatio-temporal trapped by mesoscale eddies.
variations to have profound climate and biogeochemical impacts. How- For illustration, three isopycnal surfaces of an observed warm-core
ever, by tracking water masses (1) and radiocarbons (2), observational eddy in the subtropical North Pacific are presented in Fig. 2A. The iso-
studies have revealed that the large-scale circulation alone cannot ex- pycnal surfaces of this warm-core eddy exhibit a concave shape. The
plain the oceanic transports. Since the detection of their ubiquitous pres- upper isopycnal surface outcrops at the sea-surface and envelops a bulk
ence in the oceans more than three decades ago, oceanic mesoscale of warm water. All PV contours on this isopycnal are closed and the
eddies with length scales of O(50-300 km) have been recognized as key boundary of the trapped water coincides with the outcrop line. On the
contributors in transporting heat, dissolved carbon, and other biogeo- middle isopycnal of the eddy (at ~500 m depth), the PV contours near
chemical tracers (36). the eddy core are closed whereas those outside the eddy core are open; in
Unlike the large-scale circulation that transports fluid and their prop- this case, the eddy only traps the fluid within the outermost closed PV
erties continuously, mesoscale eddies can trap fluid parcels within the contour. As the eddy perturbation decays with depth, the area enclosed
eddy core and transport them discretely (7, 8). Our theoretical under- by the closed PV contours diminished on denser isopycnals, and the
standing of the processes involving mesoscale eddies remains, however, eddy loses its ability to trap water in these deep layers. The outmost
incomplete. For example, many existing studies have treated transport by closed PV contour on each isopycnal forms a three-dimensional conic
eddies as a simple diffusion process that tends to obscure the redistribu- surface (the transparent black surface in Fig. 2A), and it is this surface
tion processes of dynamical and biogeochemical tracers (9). In addition that delineates the boundary of the trapped fluid by this warm-core eddy.
to the theoretical understanding, it is equally important to quantify the For comparison, a cold-core eddy detected in the same geographical
eddy-induced fluid volume transport based on available observational region is presented in Fig. 2B, and the fluid trapped by this cold-core
data. There exist, however, two major challenges for such quantification: eddy exhibits a somewhat different vertical enveloping shape.
First, there is no widely accepted criterion that defines the volume of From the sequential SSH maps from the satellite altimeter measure-
fluid trapped by an eddy and, secondly, accurate vertical structures of the ments, we evaluate the propagation speed of individual eddies by adopt-
mesoscale eddies are often observationally inaccessible. ing a Lagrangian tracking method (16, 17). With the eddy propagation
In defining the fluid trapped by eddies, all existing criteria are kine- speed and its volume of trapped fluid at hand, the eddy-induced mass
matic in nature; they are inherently descriptive and depend on the choice transport is readily quantifiable (15). Figure 3A shows the global distri-
of reference frame (68, 10). From a dynamical point of view, move- bution of the eddy-induced zonal transport based on the altimeter SSH
ment of a rotating fluid can be depicted by a dynamically conserved data of 19922010. A remarkable feature is that the regions of large
quantity: potential vorticity (PV), its tendency to spin. PV contours have westward eddy transport are located in all latitude bands between 20 to
long been used to identify the trajectory of fluid particles in the ocean 40. Also noteworthy is that an enhanced eddy-induced eastward
(11), and fluid tends to be trapped within the closed PV contours (12). A transport occurs along the Antarctic Circumpolar Current (ACC) path
classical demonstration of this constraint is the Taylor Column in the south of 40S. When integrated over the entire latitude range from 80S
homogeneous fluid rotating tank experiment (13). For an adiabatic strati- to 80N, the total zonal eddy-induced transports add up to 3040 Sv
fied ocean, fluid motion is constrained on isopycnal surfaces. If a PV westward and 510 Sv eastward (see Fig. 3B). The global distribution of
contour on an isopycnal is closed due to eddy perturbations, the fluid eddy-induced meridional transport is shown in Fig. 4A. Geographically,
trapped inside this closed contour will move with the eddy. In the pre- the meridional eddy transport has a poleward tendency within the tropi-

/ / 26 June 2014 / Page 1 / 10.1126/science.1252418

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doi:10.1357/002224089785076389 ACKNOWLEDGMENTS
4. D. B. Chelton, P. Gaube, M. G. Schlax, J. J. Early, R. M. Samelson, The We thank the reviewers for their constructive and detailed comments. This
influence of nonlinear mesoscale eddies on near-surface oceanic chlorophyll. research was supported by the National Basic Research Priorities Program of
Science 334, 328332 (2011). Medline doi:10.1126/science.1208897 China through grant 2013CB430303, the National Natural Science
5. D. J. McGillicuddy Jr., L. A. Anderson, N. R. Bates, T. Bibby, K. O. Buesseler, Foundation of China under grant 41276014, and the National Global Change
C. A. Carlson, C. S. Davis, C. Ewart, P. G. Falkowski, S. A. Goldthwait, D. Major Research Project of China through grant 2013CB956201. The sources
A. Hansell, W. J. Jenkins, R. Johnson, V. K. Kosnyrev, J. R. Ledwell, Q. P. of the data used in this paper are contained in the supplementary materials.

/ / 26 June 2014 / Page 2 / 10.1126/science.1252418

Supplementary Materials
Materials and Methods
Figs. S1 to S4

19 February 2014; accepted 16 June 2014

Published online 26 June 2014; 10.1126/science.1252418

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Fig. 1. Comparison between observed and reconstructed eddy density fields. (A)
Potential density section across a warm-core eddy at 60.6N, 52.4W in the Labrador
Sea on 11-Oct-2008. Horizontal ordinate is the distance to the eddy center, and
vertical ordinate is depth. Colored shades denote the reconstructed density field, with
3 3 3
white curves represent the isopycnal 27.65 kg m , 27.70 kg m and 27.75 kg m .
The corresponding isopycnal surfaces from the mooring observations are presented
by black curves (25). (B) Potential density section across a cold-core eddy at 15.5N
61.5E in the Arabian Sea on 30-Nov-1994. White and black contours denote the
3 3 3
isopycnal 24.5 kg m , 25.5 kg m and 26.0 kg m . (C) Comparison of the
reconstructed isopycnal displacement with the observations at the eddy centers. Blue
points represent the 27.7 kg m isopycnal displacement of 12 eddies observed in the
Labrador Sea. Black squares represent the 26.0 kg m isopycnal displacement of
three eddies observed in the Arabian Sea. Red triangles represent the 27.4 kg m
isopycnal displacement of two eddies observed in the Kuroshio Extension (15).

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Fig. 2. Three-dimensional structures of trapped fluid by mesoscale eddies and
potential vorticity (PV) distributions on representative isopycnals. (A) PV contours on
three isopycnal surfaces of a warm-core eddy identified by the altimetry data at
30.1N, 150.1E in the subtropical North Pacific on May-25-2005. Sea level anomaly
at the eddy center is 12 cm. The shape and depth of isopycnals are represented by
the three-dimensional surfaces. The potential density of the upper, middle and lower
3 3 3
isopycnals is 23.35 kg m , 26.59 kg m and 27.48 kg m , respectively. PV
distribution on the isopycnal is depicted by colored contours. The transparent black
surface, defined by the outmost closed PV contours, signifies the boundary of
trapped fluid by this warm-core eddy. (B) Same as (A) except for a cold-core eddy
identified by the altimetry data at 30.7N, 151.0E in the subtropical North Pacific on
May-25-2005. Sea level anomaly at the eddy center is -14 cm. The depicted
3 3 3
isopycnal surfaces are 23.99 kg m , 26.75 kg m and 27.56 kg m , respectively.

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Fig. 3. Global distribution of the zonal transport of trapped fluid by mesoscale eddies.
(A) Eddy-induced zonal transport through meridional cross-section per degree of
latitude. Based on the statistical average of eddy propagation speed and trapped fluid
volume (15). (B) Distribuion of the total meridionally-integrated zonal transport induced
by eddies as a function of longitude. The solid blue/red curves represent the
westward/eastward tranports computed by integrating the westward transport in (A)
from 80S to 80N. The dash blue/red curves represent integrated total tranport
north/south of 40S, respectively.

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Fig. 4. Global distribution of the meridional transport of trapped fluid by mesoscale
eddies. (A) Eddy-induced meridional transport through zonal cross-section per degree
of longitude. (B) Distribuion of the total zonal-integrated meridional transport induced
by eddies as a function of latitude.

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