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Vi Editor commands:

Esc Command mode.

i Insert mode beginning at current cursor position.
I Insert mode beginning of line.
A Begin writing at end of line.
R Overwrite mode.
r Replace single character.
x Delete single character.
cw Change current word beginning at cursor.
cW Change current word ignoring special characters.
o open line below curser (insert mode).
O open line above curser (insert mode).
:q quit.
:w write changes to file.
:wq write changes and quit.
:x write changes and quit.
ZZ write changes and quit.
:q! quit, lose changes.
:wq! write changes and quit (use when file is write protected).
dd delete current line.
5dd delete next 5 lines.
dw delete word beginning at cursor.
dW delete word beginning at cursor ignoring special characters.
u undo last command.
U undo changes on current line.
D Delete from cursor to end of line.
yy "Yank" current line into buffer.
5yy "Yank" five lines into buffer.
p "Put" buffer onto line below cursor.
P "Put" buffer onto line above cursor.
:1 Go to line 1.
:5 Go to line 5.
5G Go to line 5.
G Go to end of document.
H Go to top of current page.
0 Go to beginning of line.
^G (Cntrl g) Show current line number.
$ Go to end of line.
w Go to next word.
W Go to next word ignoring special characters.
/abc Search for lines with string "abc"
/^abc Search for lines that begin with "abc"
:%s/abc/DEF/ Substitute letters "abc" with "DEF"
:%s/abc/DEF/g Global substitution. i.e. multiple occurrences on a line.
:1,5s/abc/DEF/ Substitute letters "abc" with "DEF" lines 1 thru 5 only.
:6,.s/abc/DEF/ Substitute letters "abc" with "DEF" line 6 thru current line.
:6,$s/abc/DEF/ Substitute letters "abc" with "DEF" line 6 thru end of file.
:%g/abc/d Delete all lines containing characters "abc".
:%v/abc/d Delete all lines except those containing the characters "abc".
:set Set various options.
:!command Execute a command from the shell

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