Sec2 ProWork YOG Report

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Catholic High School

Secondary 2 Project Work

Youth Olympic Games Report

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Group Members: Chaw Wei Yew,
Kenneth Lim, Lim Wei Yang, Malcom Lim, Heng Yu Jie

<Contents Page>
• Page 1:Tittle Page
• Page 2:Contents Page
• Page 3:Introduction/Report Content & Objectives
• Page 4:Background Research on Youth Olympics
• Page 5:Survey Results & Data Analysis
• Page 6:Statistics Chart on Survey
• Page 7:Survey Sample
• Page 8:Solution, Conclusion & Group Reflection
• Page 9:Problems Encountered & Limitations
• Page10:Resources
• Page11:End of Report
<Introduction/Report Content>

For our Project work discussions, we took a long period of time to choose our
research topic. Our Group constantly chose different research topics but finally
decided to go with the Youth Olympics, since Singapore, our homeland is the host
city for the first ever 2010 Summer Youth Olympic Games. We found the topic
interesting and instinctively chose the topic.

Problems: Our Group felt that not only our fellow classmates new little about the
2010 Singapore Youth Olympic Games, but also our fellow schoolmates, lacked the
basic knowledge about the Youth Olympic Games as well as the enthusiasm for the
Youth Olympic Games.

For example we conducted a recent survey as near to the Youth Olympic Games as
possible to see whether anyone in our class, the sports class, would know a little bit
about the games. The survey consisted of 7 easy questions that were related to the
Youth Olympic Games.

This whole report is basically about what our group did to let our fellow schoolmates
know about the Youth Olympics. Our Research on the 2010 Singapore Youth
Olympic Games took a long period of time to collect a large amount of interesting
facts, data and information about the games. We researched on things like who
created the Youth Olympics and where would different sports events take place.

In order to collect data, we also created a survey, which consisted of questions based
on the research we did on the Youth Olympics in Singapore. We did so to find out if
our theories about our schoolmates not knowing much about the games, or not even
showing the slightest bit of interest in the games was true or not. After collecting the
data, we put up posters, around the school’s gates, about the coming Youth Olympic
Games to counter our problem, students lacking basic knowledge and enthusiasm
about the 2010 Singapore Youth Olympic Games, despite the games being hosted in
our very own country. This report also consists of the actual survey given to the
students as well as a data analysis on the survey results and also a group conclusion
and reflection about how we tried to solve the problem.
< Background Research Singapore Youth Olympics

The 2010 Summer Youth Olympic Games also known as the (YOG), is being held in
Singapore with an estimated amount of 3500 atheletes and 875 officials are to
participate at the games. The idea of the creation, of a Youth version of the Olympics
was first introduced during the year 2001 by the International Olympic Council’s or
(IOC)’s President, Jacques Rogge. He mentioned that this Youth version of the
Olympics would feature atheletes from the age of 14 to the age of 18.The creation of
the Youth Olympics was announced during the hundred and nineteenth (IOC) meeting
on 6 July 2007.

Later, different host cities were being chosen by the (IOC) and some of the candidates
were like Singapore, Athens, Bangkok, Moscow, and Turin. Finally, on 21 February
2008, Singapore was declared host of the first ever Youth Olympic Games in 2010 by
the president of the (IOC), Jacques Rogge in Lausanne, Switzerland, winning with a
total of 53 votes.

Singapore would be hosting a total of 26 different sports events in different locations

like the Bishan Sports Complex and the Singapore Sports School. Training facilities
will also be provided for the atheletes like our very own school, Catholic High. The
Youth Olympic atheletes would also be staying at the Fairmont hotel.

A medal design competition was even created, for the best design to be selected for
the 2010 Summer Singapore Youth Olympic Games Prize Medal. From November
2009 to December 2009, almost 100 entries were received, from 34 countries. Then
votes for the best medal design were casted online and the voting ended on 22 January
2010. Also, the organising committee launched an international logo design
competition on 29 July 2008 through 29 August 2008 through the official 2010
Singapore Youth Olympic Games website, requiring that the logo incorporates the
three themes of the Singapore identity, the Olympic ideals, and a youthful spirit.
<Survey Results & Data Analysis>

As mentioned earlier, our group conducted a survey as near to 2010 Singapore Youth
Olympic Games as possible to test if our fellow classmates knew basic knowledge
about the up coming games. The survey consisted of 7 easy questions that were
related to the Youth Olympic Games. Being the sports class, and the Youth Olympic
Games being such a prestigious international sports competition, our group thought
that our classmates would be able to answer all the questions correctly, being
interested with sports and major sports events, as well as the 7 questions being very
easy and requiring only basic general knowledge attainable from newspaper articles,
sports magazines, the news and the internet. Unfortunately, the average score of the
class was about 4 correctly answered questions upon 7. This meant that our fellow
classmates as well as random schoolmates lacked the basic knowledge about the
Youth Olympic Games and was most likely due to two major factors. Firstly, the
students either are uninterested or resent the idea of the first ever Youth Olympics
being held in Singapore. Or Secondly, the promotion of the 2010 Singapore Youth
Olympic Games is poor.

Our group decided to do another survey on the random residents staying near or
around Bishan and the residents staying near Marine Parade, Siglap road, and lastly
Fidelio Street. This time we asked the residents how they felt about the promotion of
the up coming 2010 Singapore Youth Olympic Games and to what extent were they
affected by the games. In about two weeks time, the group collected the final results
and calculated the respective pecentiges. We asked 50 random residents how they felt.
Did they feel that the promotion of the 2010 Singapore Youth Olympic Games was
Poor, Adequate or Good. About 50% of the residents thought that the promotion was
Poor, about 30% of the residents thought that the promotions was Adequate and
lastly, only about 20% of the residents thought that the promotions were Good.

This means that not only is the games unpopular among locals, but also lacked good
methods on giving a good effect on the world and the media. We also came to a
conclusion, majority of the remarks given by different residents were negative
remarks and opinions on how to improve the promotion of the games. We also
noticed that instead of praising and saying positive remarks about the Youth Olympic
Games and how it was promoted, many of the residents found that advertisements,
posters and news about the games were not that interesting or attracting enough to
draw their attention. In conclusion, we found that despite some residents saying the
promotion of the games was god, they also thought that there was still room for
improvement We then proceeded to how we would promote the 2010 Singapore
Youth Olympic Games and how should we present ourselves when promoting the
2010 Singapore Youth Olympic Games.
<Statistics chart from Surveys>
Categories Percentage Positive Negative
(%) Remark Remark
Poor 50% 0 people 25 people
Adequate 30% 6 people 9 people
Good 20% 7 people 3 people
<Solution, Conclusion and Group Reflection>

Solution: Our group decided we needed to become hands on with the promotion of
the Youth Olympic Games, but first we needed a motto to follow by. So our group
came up with this, pretending that everybody we met was a sponge and needed lots of
water to be absorbed, the more information and knowledge a person absorbed the
better. Firstly, we focused on advertising the Youth Olympic Games and how we
should attract more people into getting interested with it. The group brainstormed and
came up with a long, but effective solution. Placing flyers about the Youth Olympic
Games in mailboxes of the residents staying at Siglap, and near Kembangan MRT
station. We also stood outside the MRT stations at Bishan and Kembangan to hand
out flyers and free posters and Youth Olympic Badges to the people travelling in and
out of the station. We also had a contest to test each random person’s knowledge
about the games and gave away free Youth Olympic pens for those who could answer
most of the questions correctly.

Our group’s second step in our Youth Olympic Games promotion plan was to
organise a talk about the Youth Olympics and it’s origins. We then started to think of
places where we could speak in public. We also thought about the audience who
would listen and benefit the most from our group’s presentation on the 2010
Singapore Youth Olympic games. We decided to target Youths, since the upcoming
Youth Olympics is an event organized for Youth atheletes. It took our group several
weeks for us to find the perfect location were we could present to the Youths. Finally
after much searching, we found that we could rent a small assembly hall for about 100
people in a church. We also chose the Youth audiences from members of the Youth
Community at the church. We finally gave the speech and presented to the Youths.
Having a lot of practice, our group managed to get about 100 over Youths to be aware
of the Youth Olympic Games in less than forty-five minutes.

Conclusion and Group Reflection: In conclusion, our solution to solve our group’s
problem was an overall success and we managed to spread a little spark of excitement
and as well as the true Olympic spirit and values to the Youths who attended the
presentation. We also managed to spread a bit of knowledge and facts about the 2010
Singapore Youth Olympic Games to people we see on the streets and hopefully
helped them better understand the great significance and effect this major
international sporting event has on Singapore, the world and the Youths in this world
with hopes, ambitions and dreams that are waiting to be fulfilled. We also hope that
our efforts would also lead Youths in the church to watch the Youth Olympics and get
inspired by the Youth atheletes that have trained their hardest. Our group would also
hope that the Youths would also have the “never say never” attitude not only towards
their passion, but also to their daily lives.
<Problems Encountered and

Problem and Limitation 1: While conducting surveys, many of the students did not
put in 100% of their effort and did not answer the questions in the survey properly.
Some of the students even used the surveys to fold paper airplanes and crushed them
up to throw at other students. The flyers we gave out were also put to waste. A lot of
Youths who took our flyers used them for leisure and started crushing them and
throwing them at passing commuters at the MRT station. We also were limited as we
had only a small supply of paper to be used to print out the surveys as well as to be
given out as flyers. Every sheet of paper counted and was used to it’s fullest potential.

Problem and Limitation 2: We did not have enough man-power, hence it took us more
time to give out the flyers and promote the Youth Olympic Games to every passing
person that was interested. In conclusion, if we had more group members we would
be able to promote the Youth Olympics to a far greater extent.

Problem and Limitations 3: Time was also not on our side. During the holidays, we
had Co-Curricular activities, Holiday homework and Training to attend to. Being busy
and unable to dedicate enough time to the project, our promotion of the Youth
Olympic Games plan was not used to the fullest extent, and our group lacked time to
promote the games to the maximum extent.

Problems and Limitations 4: People who usually travel using the MRT public
transport are most likely busy going to work or on their way to do something. Rarely
on weekdays would people allow us to stop them and let us hand them flyers about
the Youth Olympic Games to them. Further more, it was even more unlikely that a
person would allow us to explain in detail what the Youth Olympics was about and
allow our group to promote the games in detail.


Data Resources:
Survey 1 (7 questions on
(YOG)): 20 classmates
Survey 2 (Promotion of (YOG)
effectiveness):50 Residents
Group 2 Project Work
2010: Promotion of
Youth Olympic Games

<End of report>

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