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Installing SpectraPro Package

CD (Standard) Contents

1. Install SystemChecker

Read instruction and run SystemCheckerSetup.exe (For Windows 7/8, right-

click and select Run as Administrator).

2. Install Protection Key Drivers

Run HASPUserSetup.exe (For Windows 7/8, right-click and select Run as

Insert the HASP Protection key. In few seconds the Key must lit.

3. Install SpectraPro

Run Setup.exe (For Windows 7/8, right-click and select Run as

Accept the default location (C:\SpectraPro) or change it, but install the
SpectraPro always in a root of any available HDD (e.g. D:\SpectraPro).
After installing, click on desktop icon and run once. Ignore message
regarding HASP Key, just open the application in DEMO mode and exit.

4. Install SpectraPro Service Pack.

Run SetupSP17.exe. (For Windows 7/8, right-click and select Run as


5. (Optional). If HASP Protection key is not recognize in SpectraPro, install

HaspKeyDiag from HASP UPGRADE KIT folder.

Read SpectraPro HSP USB KEY GUIDE.

Run Setup.exe. (For Windows 7/8, right-click and select Run as


Run HaspKeyDiag to detect the problem.

If still you have problem, send a screen-shot to VMI.


For SpectraPro databases create a folder in the root of any HDD and declare
it to be shared, with full read/write permission.
Create your own databases in this folder.
Make weekly a regular back-up.

Contact Details
For any problem regarding this application, feel free to contact our support team at:
To know more about us, visit the following website:

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